Financial Implications of Internationalisation

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Financial Implications of internationalisation

Intangibles- Crypto???, Patent, Goodwill, Knowhow,

Accounts payable- buy something, pay later, for example to suppliers

Accrued expenses- expenses that have to be paid short-time

Operational costs- they are not related to the product, or the costs related to

If COGS is higher, then company is more about manufacturing( like Koremans) – make cogs high,
opex lower

Kroeze Brightspace

If OpEx is higher, then company focuses on reselling

3 ways for a company to get money

1. Debt/ loans
2. Equity
3. Working capital- credit line for a certain sum of money

DSO- days sales outstanding

Inventory turnover

Assets= Liabilities+ Stockholder’s equity

Goodwill- from stakeholders of the company, reputation

Koremans could benefit from using machines for peeling, peeling robots

Business consultant- can they be sued for giving wrong advice?

 If he violates contact
 If he breaches confindentiality, uses illegal information, works for another company
 If he is not qualified

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