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HOL0010.1177/0959683620981689The HoloceneRindel et al.

Research Paper

The Holocene

The distribution of the guanaco (Lama

2021, Vol. 31(4) 644­–657
© The Author(s) 2020
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guanicoe) in Patagonia during Late

DOI: 10.1177/0959683620981689

Pleistocene–Holocene and its importance

for prehistoric human diet

Diego D Rindel,1,2 Bruno F Moscardi3

and S Ivan Perez2,3

The great importance of the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) for the subsistence of the human populations of Patagonia during the Holocene has been demonstrated
in numerous studies. This species is considered as the main prey of the hunter-gatherer groups of the Patagonian interior, indicating the existence of a
strong ecological relationship of predator-prey type. Despite the importance of this ungulate for prehistoric human populations, its spatial distribution
throughout the Holocene has not been systematically explored, assuming that it was ubiquitously distributed in almost all of Patagonia. In this work, the
spatial distribution of the guanaco in Patagonia during different periods of the final Pleistocene and Holocene is explored using zooarchaeological and
paleontological evidence together with species distribution models and paleoclimatic reconstructions. Likewise, the spatial variation in the importance of
this species for the diet of human populations is assessed. The results show that there were large differences in the distribution of guanaco in Patagonia
over time. In general terms, this camelid suffered a constant contraction in range since the Late Pleistocene period to the present. There is an Andean
range and peri-cordilleran core of population distribution that remains observable during all this time. Human subsistence was strongly influenced by this
pattern of distribution. The differences in the guanaco distribution described in this work are important not only for archaeological and paleontological
problems, but also for the current conservation of guanacos.

human subsistence, Lama guanicoe guanicoe, paleoclimatic data, paleontological information, species distribution models, zooarchaeological evidence

Received 21 August 2020; revised manuscript accepted 22 November 2020

Introduction 2008, 2013). The northern subspecies L. guanicoe cacsilensis,

ranging from central Peru to central Chile, and L. guanicoe gua-
After the megafaunal extinctions during the Pleistocene–Holo-
nicoe, distributed mainly in Patagonia, with small populations in
cene transition, which included the prehistoric horse (Hippidion
Cuyo and Pampa (Marín et al., 2008, 2013). Currently, the distri-
saldiasi) and the ground sloth (Mylodon darwini; Metcalf et al.,
bution of this last subspecies is not homogenous within Patago-
2016; Villavicencio et al., 2016), the main surviving species in the
nia, being more abundant in the Santa Cruz province of Argentina
Patagonian plateau was the guanaco (Lama guanicoe; Borrero,
due to bioclimatic conditions and anthropogenic factors (e.g.,
2009; Metcalf et al., 2016; Villavicencio et al., 2016). Phyloge-
human settlements; Gavuzzo et al., 2015; Oliva et al., 2019; Tra-
netically, the guanaco is related to the Old World camels (order
vaini et al., 2015).
Artiodactyla, family Camelidae, tribes Lamini and Camelini
respectively), whose ancestors probably diversified in central
North America approximately 16 million years ago (Heintzman
et al., 2015; Wheeler, 2012). Posteriorly, three million years ago, 1
Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano
the extinct Hemiauchenia crossed the Isthmus of Panama, colo- (INAPL), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
nizing South America and giving origin to the genera Lama and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Vicugna. Within these genera, later diversification gave rise to the (CONICET), Argentina
guanaco, the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna), the llama (Lama glama) División Antropología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo
(FCNyM), Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina
and the alpaca (Lama pacos), which form the group of extant
South American camelids (Wheeler, 1995, 2012). The guanaco Corresponding authors:
and the vicuña are wild species, while the llama and the alpaca are S Ivan Perez, División Antropología, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y
domestic species, products of the artificial selection of certain Museo (FCNyM), Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), 122 y 60,
traits carried out by diverse human populations between 6000 and La Plata 1900, Argentina.
3500 years ago in different regions of the Andean area (Wheeler, Email:
2012; Yacobaccio and Vilá, 2013). Among these species, the gua-
Diego D Rindel, Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento
naco, with a body size ranging from 90 to 140 kg (Franklin, 2011), Latinoamericano (INAPL), 3 de febrero 1370, Ciudad Autónoma de
is the most widely distributed of the South American camelids Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires C1426BJN, Argentina.
and is currently differentiated into two subspecies (Marín et al., Email:
Rindel et al. 645

The archaeological studies show that L. guanicoe guanicoe The aim of this work is to estimate the distribution of the
was the most important prey for prehistoric human populations main prey of Patagonian hunter-gatherers, the guanaco, for dif-
of the Patagonian inland during the Holocene (Borrero, 2009; ferent periods between the end of the Late Pleistocene and the
Mengoni Goñalons, 1999; Miotti and Salemme, 1999; Moscardi present time. Because the hunter-gatherers groups in Patagonia
et al., 2020). Particularly, the archaeological assemblages from during the Holocene were small and mobile (Borrero, 1994–
this region are mainly composed of guanaco bones that display 1995; Miotti and Salemme, 1999), we assume that the ancient
abundant evidences of human consumption (e.g. cut marks, guanaco distribution was mainly related to bioclimatic variables,
burned bones; Borrero, 2009; Mengoni Goñalons, 1999; Mos- independently of human settlement. We expect that the guanaco
cardi et al., 2020). Moreover, archaeological and molecular data was ubiquitously distributed in almost all Patagonia during the
for Patagonia indicate that after the Early Holocene both prehis- Holocene, with two moments of significant contraction: (a) after
toric human and guanaco populations grow rapidly, suggesting the Late Pleistocene, associated to the large geographical and cli-
the existence of a strong predator-prey ecological relationship mate changes of Pleistocene–Holocene transition, and (b)
(Moscardi et al., 2020; Perez et al., 2016, 2017). The zooarchae- between Late Holocene and present times, mainly post 1800 AD,
ological evidence also shows that hunter-gatherers increased related with the introduction of domestic livestock and the estab-
their guanaco consumption after Middle Holocene (Bernal et al., lishment of modern cities and towns, among other anthropogenic
2018; Moscardi et al., 2020; Perez et al., 2016). Despite the factors. To explore these expectations, we use species distribu-
importance of this camelid for prehistoric human populations tion models together with archaeological and paleontological
(Borrero, 2009; Moscardi et al., 2020), its spatial distribution occurrence records and paleo-bioclimatic models for the Late
during the Holocene has not been systematically explored. Sev- Pleistocene and the main time periods or stages for the Holocene
eral archaeological works assume that the guanaco was ubiqui- (Cohen et al., 2020; Walker et al., 2018). Species distribution is
tously distributed during the Holocene in almost all of Patagonia, modeled using a maximum entropy approach (maxent; Phillips
postulating higher abundance values than in the present (Men- et al., 2006, 2017), which uses environmental layers or biocli-
goni Goñalons, 1999; Miotti and Salemme, 1999; Perez et al., matic raster files and geo-referenced occurrence records to esti-
2016; Rindel, 2009), but probably displaying lower density val- mate a model that predicts the suitability conditions for the
ues in North Patagonia (Borrero, 1981, 2008; Prates, 2008). The species presence in each raster pixel (Hijmans et al., 2017). We
greater abundance of this species in prehistoric times finds employ this approach because is widely used in paleoecology
empirical support in mitochondrial DNA data that indicate an (e.g., Politis et al., 2011; Varela and Fariña, 2016; Villavicencio
exponential growth of guanaco populations throughout the Holo- et al., 2019) and is considered one of the most effective methods
cene, with an important decline towards historical times (Mos- for species distribution modeling with presence-only data (Elith
cardi et al., 2020; see also Perrig et al., 2019). Likewise, historical et al., 2010; Espinosa et al., 2018; Phillips et al., 2006; Politis
records suggest a considerable reduction in guanaco populations et al., 2011). Additionally, we explore the spatial variation in the
in recent centuries due to human hunting and other anthropo- importance of guanaco for human diet in Patagonia during the
genic factors (Baldi et al., 2016; de Lamo, 2011). Overall, since end of the Late Pleistocene and the main time periods of the
the guanaco suffered changes in its abundance and because its Holocene. The obtained results are used for discussing the impact
presence is biased by human settlements (Gavuzzo et al., 2015), of paleo-distribution of guanaco in prehistoric hunter-gatherers
the current spatial distribution is not representative of the ancient diet, as well as their implications for the sustainable management
dispersion. and conservation of the species.
The spatial distribution of the guanaco during the Holocene
can be explored using archaeological and paleontological locali- Methods
ties. Although this spatial distribution can be directly studied
recording the localities where it was observed, the obtained maps Guanaco occurrence data and bioclimatic layers
will probably be incomplete due to incomplete sampling and The guanaco distribution in the Late Pleistocene and three Holo-
taphonomic effects. In this context, species distribution models cene periods was explored using an initial dataset of geographic
(SDMs) have become a powerful modeling approach to estimate coordinates for 694 occurrence records compiled from archaeo-
maps of the potential distribution of a species (Elith and Leath- logical and paleontological literature (Supplemental Table S1).
wick, 2009). These models relate the species occurrence (or pres- For all occurrence records included, we searched for radiocarbon
ence/absence) at specific locations to the main environmental or dates and calibrated them using SHCal13 curve and rcarbon
bioclimatic conditions at those locations, using classical statisti- package for R software 3.4.3 (R-Development Core Team, 2019)
cal methods (e.g. GLM) or machine-learning algorithms (Elith When radiocarbon dates were not available, reliable relative dates
and Leathwick, 2009; Hao et al., 2019). With the resulting model, given by the authors, based on contextual and/or stratigraphic
we can predict the spatial and temporal changes in species distri- information (e.g., ceramic, European artifacts, extinct mega-
bution using the widely available bioclimatic layers (e.g., World- fauna), were taken into account. When an occurrence record did
Clim2; Fick et al., 2017). Although both data types, bioclimatic meet these requirements it was included in the time periodifica-
layers and occurrence records, are important to estimate the tion (see below), otherwise, we excluded it from the dataset. We
model, the final predicted distribution is made by projecting the also checked for very close sites in the same period, occupying
model onto the bioclimatic layers (Elith and Leathwick, 2009). almost the same spatial location (~1 km), and deleted them to
This approach has been extensively applied in ecology, biogeog- avoid redundant records. Likewise, some archaeological and
raphy and conservation biology for studying the distribution of paleontological sites with unreliable dates and stratigraphic and/
extant species (Elith and Leathwick, 2009; Hao et al., 2019), and or taphonomic problems (e.g., Pali Aike) were not included in the
more recently in paleontology (e.g., Varela and Fariña, 2016; Vil- initial dataset. After sifting the database using these criteria, we
lavicencio et al., 2019). However, beyond its potential utility for obtained a total of 327 presence and 60 absence data (Supplemen-
the study of the distribution of species in the past and the growing tal Table S2a and S2b). The dataset of the prehistoric guanaco
availability of detailed paleo-bioclimatic reconstruction (Brown occurrence was divided in four time periods, according with
et al., 2018; Fordham et al., 2017), species distribution models available paleoclimatic reconstructions (;
have not been widely employed in archaeology to estimate the Brown et al., 2018): Late Pleistocene (14.7–11.7 ka; N = 23),
distribution of main human prey (for an exception see Politis Early Holocene (11.7–8.3 ka; N = 26), Middle Holocene (8.3–
et al., 2011). 4.2 ka; N = 51) and Late Holocene (4.2–0.3 ka; N = 227). The
646 The Holocene 31(4)

dataset of current occurrence of the Patagonian guanaco (N = 250) occurrence; Supplemental Tables S2 and S3) to predict the poten-
was generated based on data available in the Global Biodiversity tial distribution of the species. Comparatively, we also explore the
Information Facility dataset (; gbif code: 0052951- potential for distribution of all archaeological sites using presence
200221144449610; Supplemental Table S3). All replicated data data (i.e., locations of sites) obtained from Perez et al. (2016). We
points in the on-line database were deleted. The final sample size compared distribution models for guanaco and all archaeological
for each period is within the range of other studies exploring the sites, as well as among periods, using the I similarity index for
paleo-distribution of species (e.g., Varela and Fariña, 2016; Varela niche overlapping (Warren et al., 2008). This statistic is based on
et al., 2010; Villavicencio et al., 2019). the Hellinger distance and varies between 0 (no overlap) and 1
For the species distribution modeling we used high-resolution (total overlap).
spatial climate data obtained from paleoclimate simulations The performance of each distribution model was evaluated
(Brown et al., 2018; Fordham et al., 2017). Specifically, we con- using the AUC statistic (i.e., area under the receiver operating
sider as predictor the 19 standard bioclimatic variables available characteristic [ROC] curve; Elith and Leathwick, 2009), which
in PaleoClim for the intervals: 14.7–12.9 ka (Bolling-Allerod), measure the explicative or discrimination power of the model,
11.7–8.3 ka (Greenlandian), 8.3–4.2 ka (Northgrippian) and 4.2– using 80% of sample to train and the remaining 20%, together
0.3 ka (Meghalayan;; Brown et al., 2018; with 1,000 random points as background data, to test the model,
Fordham et al., 2017). These paleoclimate simulations were gen- considering 5 random k-folds or replicates for cross-validation. In
erated using general circulations models in atmosphere and other words, the AUC statistic allows for evaluating the capacity
oceans, as well as considering shape of terrestrial landmasses, of our species distribution models to separate the presences from
CO2/N2O/CH4 levels and orbital parameters for a given time the absence of the species (Jiménez-Valverde, 2014). In a ROC
period (Brown et al., 2018; Fordham et al., 2017). Specifically, curve, sensitivity or true positive rate (TPR; the probability that
the paleoclimate simulations for the time period explored in this the species is present) is plotted against commission or false posi-
work come from the climate model available in PaleoView tive rate (FPR), which is equal to 1 - TNR (specificity or true
(Fordham et al., 2017) downscaled to a spatial resolution of negative rate, the probability that the species is absent). The mid-
2.5 arc-minutes (~5 km;; Brown et al., 2018). dle or diagonal line in this graph, where the AUC value is 0.5,
The current species distribution was estimated using the same 19 represent models with discrimination values no better than the
standard bioclimatic variables available in WorldClim2, which ones obtained by chance. The AUC range between 0 and 1, where
result from averaging the climate conditions for the years 1970– values close to 1 show high discrimination power and a value
2000 (; Fick et al., 2017). All current cli- below 0.5 indicates that the model is worse than chance (Jiménez-
matic variables were obtained with a spatial resolution of Valverde, 2014). Because AUC has showed some limitations in
30 arc-seconds (~1 km). practical applications (Allouche et al., 2006), the model perfor-
mance was also evaluated using maximum TSS (TPR+TNR-1;
that is, the threshold at which the sum of the true positive rate
Spatial distribution modeling of guanaco [TPR: sensitivity] and true negative rate [TNR: specificity] is
Species distribution models have become the most widely used highest; Allouche et al., 2006; Somodi et al., 2017). For the spe-
modeling approach in quantitative ecology for projecting in the cies distribution models, we used the default arguments available
space the potential for species distribution (Elith and Leathwick, in the maxent function of Dismo that are relevant to model fitting.
2009). These methods relate the species occurrence at specific The obtained prediction values or potential distribution surfaces
locations to the prevailing bioclimatic conditions – described in were saved as raster file and plotted in QGIS 3.14 “Pi” (QGIS-
spatial layers – at each location, and the resulting model is pro- Development Core Team, 2020) using a discrete interpolation.
jected in the entire geographical space covered by the bioclimatic
variables. In this work, the spatial distribution of guanaco was
explored by using a maximum entropy distribution modeling Spatial and temporal variation in archaeological
approach based on presence-only data (Phillips et al., 2006, guanaco exploitation
2017), as implemented in maxent function of the package Dismo Whereas presence data and maxent algorithm only inform on the
for the R software 3.4.3 (Hijmans et al., 2017; R-Development values of potential distribution of the guanaco in Patagonia for
Core Team, 2019). Maxent is a method proposed for making esti- different periods and, therefore, about its potential availability for
mations and predictions from incomplete data (Phillips et al., human populations, the spatial variation in the economic impor-
2006). In this sense, it is noteworthy that maximum entropy tance of this species can be explored with other proxies. In this
method is considered the best option for species distribution mod- regard, we compiled a dataset of 276 sites/assemblages corre-
eling when we used presence-only data (Elith et al., 2010; Espi- sponding to all the major areas of Patagonia and southeast Pampa.
nosa et al., 2018; Phillips et al., 2006; Pliscoff and Fuentes-Castillo, All sites/assemblages included in the database have geographic
2011; Politis et al., 2011). So, it is especially well suited for pale- coordinates, radiocarbon dates or reliable contextual chronologi-
ontological and archaeological studies, which typically depends cal information (especially in the case of the last period consid-
on few presence data. The result of the maxent function in Dismo ered, with numerous assemblages corresponding to historical
is a potential for distribution value ranging from 0 to 1, indicating moments). All sites included in the archaeological sample show
the minimum and maximum potential for the species distribution. evidence of processing (cut marks, percussion marks and/or
Particularly, maxent estimates a potential for distribution by burned bones). From these, we collect the guanaco NISP (NISPg;
exploring a probability distribution close to the uniform, the max- Lyman, 2008) for each assemblage/sites included in the dataset,
imum entropy distribution, considering constraints that represent as well as the total NISP of potential human prey. For the total
our incomplete knowledge about the potential distribution (Phil- NISP estimation we use specimens determined at least at genera
lips et al., 2006). This method uses information on the potential level, excluding species that clearly are of taphonomic origin
distribution of a species based on bioclimatic variables, or other (e.g., small rodents, unless they show human processing marks),
environmental variables, and the constraints are the expected as well as dasipodid plates (when the original authors make this
value of each variable where the species occurred, that is, its distinction) and fragmented rhea’s eggs. We use these measures
empirical average (Phillips et al., 2006). In our case, we use bio- (Supplemental Table S4) to evaluate the differential frequency of
climatic variables from WorldClim2 and PaleoClim, represented guanaco remains in archaeological sites in the different regions of
as raster files, and presence-only data (i.e., locations with recorded Patagonia. We used NISP because it is the most frequently
Rindel et al. 647

Table 1.  AUC and TSS statistics for the maxent model of the studied periods. The mean and deviation values for these statistics were
calculated on five replicates.

Periods AUC Mean-AUC Deviation-AUC TSS Mean-TSS Deviation-TSS

Late Pleistocene 0.9850 0.9629 0.0247 0.5222 0.2981 0.2063

Early Holocene 0.9942 0.9637 0.0081 0.7565 0.2876 0.1754
Middle Holocene 0.9767 0.9699 0.0088 0.4602 0.2339 0.0973
Late Holocene 0.9819 0.9784 0.0019 0.2517 0.1921 0.0414
Current 0.9877 0.9883 0.0038 0.0150 0.0889 0.0681

published zooarchaeological data in Patagonia. However, it is distribution is the period with the most different behavior. A
important to consider that because NISP considers each fragment Kruskal-Wallis test confirms these differences, mainly for the
bone as a unit, this measurement is sensitive to fragmentation pat- temperature seasonality and precipitation of the wettest month.
terns by human processing or taphonomic processes (Grayson, The maximum predicted potential distribution is observed in
1984; Lyman, 2008). Alternative measurements, such as the Min- the Late Pleistocene. The core of potential distribution for this
imal Number of Individuals (MNI), which is robust to the effect period occurs along the Andean range and its eastern slopes,
of these factors, were not used because they are not widely avail- including large portions of inland Patagonia, especially the
able in the literature. Deseado Massif and neighboring areas. The predicted values of
We describe the spatial and temporal variation in the con- potential distribution are intermediate for Pampa and Tierra del
sumption of guanaco for prehistoric hunter-gatherers by Fuego, being low for the rest of Patagonia (Figure 1). In the Early
directly plotting the guanaco NISP divided by the total NISP of Holocene there is a notable retraction in the predicted distribution
potential human prey (prop-NISPg) values, as well as the abso- of the guanaco, mainly in the Patagonian inland (Figure 1). From
lute values of NISPg, using a color gradient on the map of north to south, there are continuous high values of potential distri-
current Patagonia. The location of each point represents the bution along the Andean range and eastern slopes, from south
geographical coordinates of the archaeological site from which Mendoza to Tierra del Fuego. The high predicted potential in the
the NISP values were obtained. For sites including several Deseado Massif and neighboring areas is spatially more restricted,
components or assemblages, in order to avoid biases in the but continues to spread to the Atlantic coast. Areas with intermedi-
exploration of the spatial differences in the contribution of ate values of potential distribution are observed across northern
guanaco to human diet along Late Pleistocene–Holocene, Patagonia and southeast Pampa. There is also high predicted
we calculated the median for relative and absolute values. Due potential distribution in the Atlantic coast of the current province
to the large differences in the absolute NISPg values along of Chubut (Figure 1). In the Middle Holocene there is again a
the region, we smoothed the variable using a log10-transfor- retraction in the predicted distribution of the guanaco in the Pata-
mation. The spatial variation in the NISP of guanaco was gonian inland and a high potential distribution along the Andean
graphed using QGIS 3.14 “Pi” (QGIS-Development Core range and eastern slopes (Figure 1). An expansion of the high
Team, 2020). potential distribution values is also observed in northeast Patago-
nia and southeast Pampa with respect to previous periods. In the
Results rest of Patagonia there are predominantly low potential distribu-
tion values, but with patches of intermediate potential values in the
Guanaco potential distribution Deseado Massif and some regions of the coast. Finally, in the Late
The predictive capacity of maxent is high for all models, with Holocene, the Andean range and eastern slopes remains as a sector
values of AUC higher than 0.95, but with TSS showing lower with high predicted potential distribution of guanacos, but the val-
values for the most recent periods (Table 1). The potential distri- ues are moderate in some places (Figure 1). Likewise, compared to
butions for the four prehistoric periods and current time studied the previous period, the trend towards high potential values
here are presented in the Figures 1 and 2. In these maps, grey increased in the Atlantic coast, including the southeast Pampa.
represents areas close to 0 potential of finding guanacos and The current potential distribution of guanaco populations is
strong red represents areas with high potential. Dramatic presented in Figure 2, indicating a further contraction compared
changes in guanaco distribution over time are observed. These to the distribution of the species in the prehistoric periods. Sup-
distribution patterns are not identical to the distribution and den- plemental Figure S4 presents a UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group
sity of all archaeological sites, such as it is observed in Supple- Method with Arithmetic mean) cluster analysis of I similarity,
mental Figures S1 and S2. The I similarity values between clearly showing that the current distribution of guanaco is the
guanaco and all sites distributions vary between 0.92 and 0.96 most different among all estimated distribution maps. High pre-
(Late Holocene = 0.952; Middle Holocene = 0.927; Early Holo- dicted values of potential distribution are observed in the south-
cene = 0.962; Late Pleistocene = 0.938). The main differences ernmost extreme of continental Patagonia, northern Tierra del
are observed for Central Chile and the Atlantic coast; where Fuego, Atlantic coastal sectors of Chubut province and isolated
there is a high density of archaeological sites for several periods, patches in northern Neuquén and southern Mendoza provinces.
but not guanaco records. The relative contribution of the biocli- Intermediate values of potential distribution are observed in the
matic variables to the final maxent model is presented in Supple- central portion of Tierra del Fuego and in some coastal and inte-
mental Table S5. The mean temperature of coldest quarter rior areas of the southern tip of Santa Cruz province. Low values
(Bio_11) is a main bioclimatic variable for all models; with tem- of potential distribution are found in the central portion of conti-
perature seasonality (Bio_4) being important for the two ancient nental Patagonia and in the southeast of Pampa (Figure 2).
periods, the precipitation of coldest quarter (Bio_19) for the
Middle Holocene, isothermality (Bio_3) for Late Holocene and
the precipitation of wettest month (Bio_13) for the current Spatial and temporal variation in guanaco
distribution. When we plotted the values of these variables exploitation
for the geographical coordinates of the sites for the different The spatial variation in the relative consumption of guanaco along
periods (Supplemental Figure S3), we observed that the current the Late Pleistocene–Holocene is graphed in Figure 3 and the
648 The Holocene 31(4)

Figure 1.  Guanaco potential distribution for the studied periods of Late Pleistocene–Holocene.

absolute values in Supplemental Figure S5. The NISP values indi- frequency of sites with evidence of human exploitation (Figure
cate a high use of this species only in southern Patagonia (Deseado 4), the regions with relatively higher consumption are the same as
Massif, Santa Cruz) at Late Pleistocene, with lower values in in the previous period (Figure 3 and Supplemental Figure S5). It
Última Esperanza (Chile), the Andean range in North Patagonia is noteworthy that the level of guanaco consumption in the Atlan-
(Río Negro province) and southeast Pampa. Towards the Early tic coast is low or absent in all periods, which contrasts to the
Holocene, a high consumption of guanaco is observed in southern evidence obtained in the interior of Patagonia, especially in its
Patagonia (Deseado Massif) and the Andean range in North Pata- southernmost portion. In this regard, low evidence of consump-
gonia (Río Negro and Neuquén [south portion] provinces). Lower tion appears on Río Negro (Figures 3 and Supplemental Figure
frequencies of human exploitation are observed in other regions S5) and Chubut coasts (Supplemental Figure S5) in the Late
of Patagonia, such as North Neuquén and South Mendoza, Pampa Holocene, but it is comparatively low or moderate.
and Tierra del Fuego. In the Middle Holocene, high evidence of In Figure 5 the spatial distribution of zooarchaeological
consumption is observed in the same regions as in the previous assemblages without the presence of guanaco is displayed. This
period, but with an increase in guanaco consumption in southern figure shows the archaeological sites where there is no guanaco
Tierra del Fuego and southeast Pampa. A continuous increase in and could represent the limits of the region with preponderance of
the quantity of sites with evidence of guanaco consumption is guanaco and how it changed over time. For the Late Pleistocene
observed globally for Patagonia from the Late Pleistocene to the there are zooarchaeological assemblages without guanaco in the
Late Holocene, being considerably higher in the last period (Fig- southern portion of continental Patagonia and in southeast Pampa.
ures 3 and 4). In the Late Holocene, with the highest relative In the Early Holocene, all recorded sites present guanaco. By
Rindel et al. 649

guanaco populations, probable following a trajectory that was not

constrained by human predation (Moscardi et al., 2020).
Although the distribution of guanaco changed over time, there
is a core of population that remains from Late Pleistocene to the
present time in the Andean range and eastern slopes. All of these
areas have been characterized by presenting rich grasslands,
which varied in extension after Late Pleistocene (McCulloch
et al., 2000), and/or by being close to rich seasonal pastures (Oliva
et al., 2001). Because the potential distribution for Andes range
and nearby areas remains unchanged throughout the different
periods, this region could be of particular relevance for guanaco
dynamics in the past. In the present time, this area has high pri-
mary productivity (Oliva et al., 2001), and probably the produc-
tivity was even higher during the late Pleistocene and Early
Holocene (Cione et al. 2009; McCulloch et al., 2000; Tonni and
Carlini, 2008; Villavicencio et al., 2016), explaining the high val-
ues of potential distribution of guanacos. Although the guanaco
does not have an extreme dependence on water –since it is not an
obligate drinker (Rick and Moore, 2001; Yacobaccio et al., 2017)
and there are even anecdotal reports that it can drink salty water
(Darwin, 1845; Gerken et al., 2019)–, the high potential for distri-
bution in the Andean range also could be related to larger water
availability in this area or to indirect water supply on the pastures
that the animals consume. Outside this area, some steppe environ-
ments present variable but generally high potential for guanaco
distribution, such as the Deseado Massif. However, in the other
sectors of Patagonia, especially in its northern portion, there are
Figure 2.  Current guanaco potential distribution in the study area. always low potential values. The southeast Pampa and Patagonian
The outlier points observed in North Patagonia and South Pampa Atlantic coast present a variable distribution, with periods with
correspond to isolated small guanaco groups inhabiting Protected high potential values, especially in the Late Holocene, and peri-
Natural Areas, which clearly are outside the current optimal ods with a low potential distribution for guanaco.
conditions for the distribution of the species. The results of species distribution models can be influenced
by biases and uncertainties associated with problems in data sur-
vey, such as poor taxonomic identification, inaccurate recording
Middle Holocene, zooarchaeological assemblages without gua-
of the geographical coordinates of the locations and the existence
naco are observed on the coast of southern Tierra del Fuego and
of a long-time from the original observation or record (Meyer
Chubut, as well as in some sites of the Andean range, mainly in
et al., 2016; Tessarolo et al., 2014). In our study, we avoid these
North Patagonia. This distribution is similar to that of the Late
problems by using records coming from identifications realized
Holocene, but in this last period the assemblages without guanaco
by professional archaeologists in well excavated and accurately
are registered in the Atlantic coast in Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz
dated archaeological sites; almost all studied or re-studied in the
and Buenos Aires provinces. The relative changes in the fre-
last two decades (Supplemental Table S2). However, the coverage
quency of sites without evidence of guanaco consumption
of our survey design could be biased by the distribution of archae-
throughout the Late Pleistocene–Holocene are similar to those
ological sites, our main source for presence data of guanaco in the
observed in sites with presence of this species (Figure 4).
past. Notwithstanding, it is remarkable that our results suggest
that the distribution pattern of guanaco for different periods are
Discussion not directly related to the distribution and density of archaeologi-
cal sites, such as it is observed in Supplemental Figures S1 and
Guanaco distribution during Late Pleistocene– S2. Although the I similarity indexes showed high values between
Holocene the distribution of both types of data, the distribution maps
Our results show important changes in the distribution of gua- inferred from all archaeological sites from Patagonia displayed a
naco, and its consequent availability for human populations in wider distribution. The distribution of guanaco and all archaeo-
Patagonia over time, including the Pampa region as the northeast logical sites mainly differ in the Atlantic coast and Central Chile,
limit. The widely accepted idea that the guanaco could be homo- where all archaeological sites displayed high values of potential
geneously distributed in Patagonia during the Holocene (Garrido distribution (Supplemental Figure S1) and higher density values
et al., 1981; Moscardi et al., 2020; Raedeke, 1979; Rindel, 2009; (Supplemental Figure S2). This pattern of distribution differs
among others), should be discarded. This species did not show a from that estimated for guanaco in different periods (Figure 1),
continuous distribution in any period and suffered a continuous suggesting that our paleo-distribution estimations are robust and
range contraction since the Late Pleistocene period to the present do not depend directly on the distribution of archaeological sites.
time (Figure 1 and Supplemental Figure S4). Additionally, at the
same time that the guanaco underwent a decrease in its potential
distribution, the Patagonian territory experienced a large surface Andes range distribution and seasonality
area reduction, from the largest surface area in Late Pleistocene The high potential distribution in the Andes range and nearby
– which was around twice the current territory – to the current areas throughout the different periods has several implications
surface area, established after ca. 8000 years BP (Cione et al., for guanaco and human population dynamics. In the present
2009; Porter et al., 1984). Additionally, all of these changes in time, the areas closest to the Andes range are subject to intense
available surface area and distribution during the Holocene seasonality, and are practically uninhabitable during the winter
occurred in a context of exponential demographic growth of months (Pallo, 2012; Rindel, 2009). This has consequences on
650 The Holocene 31(4)

Figure 3.  Archaeological relative guanaco samples (prop-NISP) calculated as NISPg/total-NISP per period in the study area using quantiles for
distributing the values.

Figure 4.  Relative frequency of sites with and without guanaco throughout Late Pleistocene–Holocene. Consider that the total of sites with
guanaco is 327 and without guanaco 60.
Rindel et al. 651

during the Late Holocene (Belardi et al., 2013; Dellepiane, 2019;

Goñi, 2000, 2010, Goñi et al., 2000–2002; Gradín, 1976, 1996;
Rindel, 2009). Although there are fewer systematic studies, the
evidence for the Tromen Massif in North Neuquén also suggests
logistically organized guanaco hunting systems (Rughini et al.,
2020). These practices were maintained until historical times in
Patagonia. In this sense, several ethnohistorical sources refer to
patterns of seasonal use of the Andean range and peri-cordilleran
high plateaux, particularly mentioning that practice in a hunting-
gathering context (Coan, 2006; Moreno, 1969; Musters, 1964;
Prichard, 2003; among others). From a discussion of historical
sources, Crivelli Montero (2017) points out a similar exploitation
in northwestern Patagonia, which remains to this date in the area
in a pastoral context. Conversely, certain historical sources
account for the inhospitable, waterless and resourceless character
of some areas of the Patagonian interior, especially in the northern
portion of the study area (Claraz, 1988; Musters, 1964).

Impact of guanaco on hunter-gatherer distribution

and diet
The geographical distribution and seasonal movement of guanaco
Figure 5.  Sites without evidence of guanaco consumption
populations, together with previously described demographic
(Supplemental Table S2b). changes (Moscardi et al., 2020), have probably impacted in
human population distributions and subsistence during the Late
Pleistocene–Holocene (Miotti and Salemme, 1999; Moscardi
several aspects of the socio-ecology of guanaco, such as diet, et al., 2020; Perez et al., 2016). Our results show that several areas
patterns of use of space and social organization (Puig and Videla with low potential distribution of guanacos also present little evi-
1995, 2000; Raedeke, 1978). Specifically, some groups of guana- dence of human presence in Patagonia, such as it was observed
cos are migratory and others sedentary, usually having the last from the spatial density of calibrated radiocarbon dates (Supple-
ones very small ranges of action and high territoriality (Burgi, mental Figure S2; Perez et al., 2016) and suggested by the I simi-
2017). The most documented current populations that carry out larity results. This agreement is especially evident in several
migratory movements are placed in Torres del Paine (southern sectors of the inland Patagonia, which has lower values of poten-
Chile; Ortega and Franklin, 1995), Cuncumén and Chillepin tial distribution of guanaco and lower frequencies of human occu-
(northern Chile; Contreras et al., 2006) and La Payunia (Men- pation than neighboring areas (Figure 1, Supplemental Figures S1
doza-Neuquén, Argentina; Bolgeri, 2016). Some migratory and S2; Perez et al., 2016).
movements are large (like in La Payunia, 85 km on average) Also, our results show a high agreement between the areas
while others are shorter (12 km in Torres del Paine), including with high potential distribution and high consumption of gua-
altitudinal mobility (as in Cuncumén and Chillepin, from 1000 to naco, as it was observed from the absolute and relative NISP for
4000 m.a.s.l). These movements probably were larger in the past guanaco, a proxy of human consumption. Some areas, such as the
(Claraz, 1988; Moreno, 1969; Musters, 1964; discussed by Bol- Deseado Massif and the Andes range in South Patagonia and
geri, 2016). The topographic complexity of a region seems to be neighboring zones, have high values of potential distribution and
one of the intervening factors in the movements; when there are high NISP of guanaco from the end of Late Pleistocene to Late
important altitudinal differences in reduced areas, migrations are Holocene. The archaeological record in these regions is character-
less extensive, while movements are greater in more homoge- ized by a heavy dependence on guanaco (Dellepiane, 2019; De
neous areas. In this sense, the movements seem to be mainly gov- Nigris, 2004; De Nigris and Catá, 2005; Rindel, 2009; Rindel and
erned by the seasonal availability of food (Baldi et al., 2016; Bourlot, 2014). The same result is observed for northwest Patago-
Contreras et al., 2006; Ortega and Franklin, 1995). The observed nia (northern Neuquén and southern Mendoza) during the Late
mobility patterns in different populations of guanacos could have Holocene (Cordero, 2007; Durán, 2000; Fernández, 2008; Neme
several consequences for the ecology and evolution of the spe- et al., 1999; Otaola et al., 2012). Towards the Middle and Late
cies. In this sense, it has been observed in African ungulate spe- Holocene the importance of guanaco is also registered in south-
cies such as wildebeest and in North American bison, pronghorn east Pampa, where the archaeological sites show a diet strongly
and elk that, in the absence of effective controls by predators, orientated to the consumption of this species (Álvarez, 2014;
migrations are presented as a way of maintaining high population Álvarez and Salemme, 2015; Bonomo and Massigoge, 2004;
densities that would not be possible in sedentary populations Martínez et al., 2005; Messineo et al., 2013; Scheifler, 2019). For
(Milner-Gulland et al., 2011). this region, it is interesting to note that the fluctuations in the
However, it is not clear if the migratory groups observed in potential availability of guanaco are consistent with trends in the
guanacos could be a relatively recent phenomenon, product of zooarchaeological record, where a generalized strategy in
density-dependent processes of the guanaco populations, or if it resource consumption is detected during the Late Pleistocene,
was present in the prehistoric populations. Some archaeological Early Holocene and the first part of the Middle Holocene, while
works have strongly supported this last conclusion for northwest in the second part of the Middle Holocene and during Late Holo-
(Hajduk and Lezcano, 2007) and southern Patagonia (Goñi, cene, the diet heavily focuses on guanaco consumption (Álvarez,
2010). This is the case, for example, of the establishment of logis- 2014; Gutiérrez and Martínez, 2008; Scheifler, 2019). The south-
tically organized guanaco hunting systems in Santa Cruz on the east Pampa could be a limit of the distribution of guanaco, as can
Pampa del Asador, Guitarra, Strobel, Cardiel Chico, San Adolfo, be seen in the advances and contractions in the guanaco potential
and Lake Buenos Aires plateaux, with occupations that begin in distribution throughout the Holocene (Politis et al., 2011). It is
the Middle Holocene and reach their maximum development important to note, however, that low values of potential for
652 The Holocene 31(4)

Figure 6.  Guanaco potential distribution for Late Holocene and the current time, together with the terrestrial ecoregions of the
Southernmost South America (WWF’s ecoregions, see; Olson and Dinerstein, 2002).

distribution should not necessarily be understood as insufficient et al., 2011; Scartascini, 2014, 2017). Although the use of coastal
for human needs. In fact, our results indicate that in areas with resources is well established in all sectors towards 2500 years BP,
low estimated potential for distribution of guanaco (for example the main frequency of use on the north Patagonian and Pampa
in northern Patagonia) this animal is present in some archaeologi- coast occurs between 4900 and 2200 years BP, on the Chubut
cal sites. However, it is also evident from previous discussion that coast between 1000-400 years BP and an increase in the use of
in areas of low potential for distribution of guanaco, alternative marine resources on the Santa Cruz coast only occurs in the last
resources were exploited in a larger frequency (e.g., Borrero, 1000 years BP (Moreno et al., 2011; Scartascini, 2014, 2017; Zilio
1981; Prates, 2008). et al., 2014). In this sense, this variability in the appearance and
In this context, there is also a good fit between the zooarchaeo- development of coastal occupations was probably related to the
logical assemblages or sites that did not register the presence of discontinuous potential distribution of the guanaco on the coast
guanaco and our paleo-distribution results. These sites show a from the Middle Holocene onwards (Figure 1 and Supplemental
peripheral distribution with respect to the areas with high poten- Figure S1).
tial for guanaco distribution. Particularly, in the forest areas of
both slopes of the Andes range of Santa Cruz, Chubut and Río
Negro, as well as those of the Chilean Patagonia, which do not Implications for current guanaco distribution
show high consumption of guanaco, the prehistoric groups sub- Finally, it is important to highlight the relevance of our results not
sisted on the basis of the exploitation of huemul, pudu, foxes, only for archaeological and paleontological problems, but also for
birds, and other small prey (Adán et al., 2001; Fernández et al., the sustainable management and conservation of guanacos in the
2015, 2019; Fuentes and Mena Larraín, 2010; among others). On present times. We must remark that the core of high potential dis-
the other hand, in the northern sectors of Patagonia there is an tribution that remained almost invariant over time in the Andean
early use of lesser fauna: mollusks, fish, birds, deer, dasipodids, range and eastern slopes is no longer maintained in the current
and rodents have been part of the human diet since the early times distribution of guanaco populations. This situation generates iso-
of occupation of the area (Berón, 2004; Mange, 2019; Martínez lated patches of guanaco populations in the north (Figure 6), such
et al., 2014; Prates, 2008; Rindel et al., in press; Stoessel and as has been discussed previously by Gavuzzo et al. (2015), Tra-
Alcaráz, 2017). On the coast it can be observed that both the pres- vaini et al. (2015) and Oliva et al. (2019). Several factors could
ence of guanaco and its frequency of consumption are discontinu- have generated the differences between the current and past gua-
ous. Here the relatively early use of marine resources such as naco distributions (Supplemental Figure S4), shaping the largest
marine mammals, fish and mollusks made human occupation restriction in the former. The main explored bioclimatic variables
possible. The exploration of coastal resources begins in different have shown similar ranges of variation, but differences in median
parts of Pampa (7600 BP; Bonomo et al., 2013), continental Pata- values, between the current distribution and the past ones (Sup-
gonia (7200 BP; Gómez Otero, 2006; Favier Dubois and Scartas- plemental Figure S3). In this context, for 10,000 years the gua-
cini, 2012; Zubimendi et al., 2015) and Tierra del Fuego (6500 naco was almost the only species occupying the large herbivore
BP; Zangrando, 2009) during the Middle Holocene. This period is niche of Patagonia (Hernández et al. 2019). This has probably
characterized by a low potential distribution of guanaco along the made the animal a poor competitor (Baldi et al., 2004; Raedeke,
coast, but a relatively high density of archaeological sites (Sup- 1982; but see Iranzo et al., 2013), which is reflected in the current
plemental Figure S2). However, the frequency of marine resources inverse relationship between the guanaco and domestic fauna
is variable along space and time in the Atlantic coast (Moreno density, especially ovine livestock (Baldi et al., 2004; Marino
Rindel et al. 653

et al., in press; Pedrana et al., 2010). Moreover, the current pres- Álvarez MC and Salemme MC (2015) Tendencias en la subsisten-
sure of human activities, which is partly related to the human cia en el Holoceno tardío en la región pampeana Argentina: el
settlements (i.e. cities and towns), produces subsequent fragmen- caso del sitio La Toma (partido de Coronel Pringles provin-
tation of habitats of these isolated northern populations, as cur- cia de buenos aires). Relaciones de la Sociedad Argentina de
rently occurs with the guanaco populations of Auca Mahuida and Antropología 40(1): 123–148.
La Payunia (Novaro et al., 2007; Rivas et al., 2015). In this sense, Baldi R, Pelliza-Sbriller A, Elston D et al. (2004) High potential
the distribution and densities surveyed by current transects of for competition between guanacos and sheep in Patagonia.
guanaco populations addresses not only the preference of certain Journal of Wildlife Management 68: 924–938.
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this species (Gavuzzo et al., 2015; Marino et al., in press; Oliva Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T11186A18540211.
et al., 2019; Travaini et al., 2015). It is evident that a suitable DOI:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T11186A18540
conservation strategy for this species must contemplate these 211.en.
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Conclusion Zangrando F, Barberena R et al. (eds) Tendencias teórico-
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species distribution models, we have observed along the late gonia. San Rafael: Museo de Historia Natural de San Rafael,
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in the present time. These differences in guanaco distribution dur- persistence and demography in Patagonia (southern South
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Acknowledgements sis, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina.
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Arqueología Pampeana: Perspectivas Teóricas Metodológi-
Funding cas Analíticas y Casos de Estudio. Olavarría: Facultad de
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support Ciencias Sociales (UNCPBA), pp.93–111.
for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Bonomo M, Scabuzzo C and Leon DC (2013) Cronología y dieta
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