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Student #-1601820370


Center #-16018





Topic 2

Objectives 3

Acknowledgements 4

Background of Business 5

Methodology 6

Appendix 7-8

Presentation and Analysis of data 9-11

Evaluation 12

Recommendations for the Business 13-14

Conclusion 15

Bibliography 16


An Investigation of the Motivational Strategies used by BITE ME BISTRO to maintain

productivity amongst their employees during the time period of January 1 st - 31 st 2020.


1) To assess how well the company motivates their employees during the time period of

January 1 st – 31 st 2020.

2) To uncover what monetary and non-monetary strategies are used and to assess how well

these strategies work.

3) Make recommendations on how they can improve their motivational strategies.


The successful completion of this study would not have been possible without the

assistance and cooperation of my family, who has provided me with information as well as

motivation to complete this assignment.

I'm also grateful to the staff at Bite Me Bistro for assisting me with the questionnaires. As

well as the managers who helped me from the beginning to the end of the project by devoting

time away from their own jobs to assist me. They aided me in better understanding the topic of

Workplace Motivation. I appreciate the managers explaining how things work within the

company. Finally, I'd like to thank my Business teacher Mrs Motiram for providing me with the

information I needed to complete this assignment.

Motivation is about the ways a business can encourage staff to give their best. Motivated

staff care about the success of the business and work better. A motivated workforce results in

● increased output caused by the extra effort from workers

● improved quality as staff take greater pride in their work

● A higher level of staff retention - workers are keen to stay with the firm and also

reluctant to take unnecessary days off work.

I'm interested in this topic because I want to be the owner of my own brand in the future.

My business will be similar to Bite Me Bistro, owing to my passion for cooking and food. Hence

why I chose the company to conduct research on this topic. This will serve as a stepping stone

for me to develop my expertise.

Bite Me Bisto is a local restaurant located in Curepe and St.James. During the research,

the owner of this establishment and the date the establishment opened has been anonymous.

However, the Bite Me Bisto Facebook page was launched on August 8th 2017. They have a total

of twenty (20) employees on the compound (including the manager).

They serve American (Traditional) breakfast, burgers and drinks among other food items.

They also offer to dine in and take away services.

This SBA will serve as a research project to apply the required information I have learnt

during my time in class. Also, I will be able to help this business assess the problem, and offer a

solution to it.


To investigate this topic, I have chosen to assemble an online questionnaire consisting of

six (6) questions for the manager and employees. Three (3) questions each for the manager and

employees. Nineteen (19) employees and the manager on shift will be questioned. This

questionnaire will take place on January 12th 2022 using the platform google docs. Answers will

be shown graphically. This will aid in the process of putting together my collected information

for the survey.

The questionnaire as a tool for collecting the data has some advantages:

● It does not require any identification.

● This is accessible to anyone since it’s an online survey.

● It is adhering to the COVID-19 protocols.

I would also interview some employees, to give suggestions “As to how your manager

can improve their motivational strategies?”


Some limitations of this questionnaire are:

● Some may not participate in this activity.

● Employees may not answer honestly due to the fact they may have personal biases

against the manager.

● Some will not respond within the time period.

The primary sources used were questionnaires. The secondary sources used were the internet and



Good day my name is Jorai Jacob and I am a student of El Dorado West

Secondary School. All responses will be confidential and will only be used
for the purpose of my internal assessment. Please tick the box which you
think is best for your answer. I am sincerely thankful for your cooperation.

1. Do you use motivational strategies to motivate your employees?

● Yes ⌧

● No ⌧

2. What are some of the motivational strategies you use to motivate your employees?

● Trust ⌧

● Reward System ⌧

● Career Advancement ⌧

● Create a safe place to share positive feedback ⌧

● All of the above ⌧

3. Do you think these strategies you stated above work for your employees?

● Yes ⌧

● No ⌧

4. Have you ever been a part of an unmotivated team?

● Yes ⌧

● No ⌧

5. What part/role does your manager play in your motivation at work?

● They include incentives ⌧

● Barely around during working hours⌧

● Gives achievements after finished tasks⌧

6. If you find yourself being repetitive during work, how do you motivate yourself to continue

and complete your tasks?

● Goals ⌧

● Money ⌧

● Modify the order of tasks? ⌧

1. Do you use motivational strategies to motivate your employees?

● Yes ✓

● No

2. What are some of the motivational strategies you use to motivate your employees?

● Trust

● Reward System ✓

● Career Advancement

● Create a safe place to share positive feedback

● All of the above

3. Do you think these strategies you stated above work for your employees?

● Yes ✓

● No

4. Have you ever been a part of an unmotivated team?

Figure 1:Pie chart showing the number of employees who voted yes and no.

MEDIAN: 26.3+73.7÷2
MODE: All values appeared just once
MEAN: 26.3+73.7÷2
ANALYSIS: This pie chart depicts the number of employees who have worked on an

unmotivated team. 73.7 percent of employees voted against it, while 26.3 percent voted in favour

of it.

5. What part/role does your manager play in your motivation at work?


A. They include financial incentives 19

B. Barely around during working hours 0

C.Gives achievements after finished tasks 0

Figure 2: Table showing total tally of employees votes.

MODE: All values appeared just once
MEAN: 19+0+0÷2
ANALYSIS: This table depicts the manager's role in their employees' motivation at work.

Option A, "They include incentives," was chosen by 100 percent of the employees.

6. If you find yourself being repetitive during work, how do you motivate yourself to continue

and complete your tasks?

Figure 3: Bar graph Showing the employees’ responses.

MODE: All values appeared just once
MEAN: 10+1+8÷2
ANALYSIS: This diagram depicts how Bite Me Bistro employees motivate themselves to keep

working during repetitive tasks. 42 percent of employees are motivated by their goals, 53 percent

by money, and the remaining 5 percent by modifying the task order.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology that consists of a

five-tier model of human needs, which is frequently depicted as hierarchical levels within a

pyramid. Lower-level needs must be met before individuals can attend to higher-level needs. The

needs are listed in ascending order: physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, and

self-actualization. This five-stage model is divided into two parts: deficiency needs and growth

needs. The first four levels are commonly referred to as deficiency needs, while the top level is

referred to as growth or being needs. These factors will aid in determining how well the manager

efficiently motivated their employees. However, Maslow’s Hierarchy has some criticisms:

● Not every employee has the same requirements.

● Our perspectives on what is important at work will differ.

● It is unlikely that the majority of employees will reach the top of the needs


Based on the survey results, this organization may come to the conclusion that this

manager at this establishment is using the Reward system. This system consists of incentives

such as bonuses and raises in pay. The reward system has its advantages, but according to

Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a person's safety and psychological needs are very important and

can play a significant role in an employee's work attitude. This can slow down productivity and

even cause an employee to quit his/her job. The manager has to know how to meet every

employee's needs effectively. Even though the manager used the reward system, they did not

motivate every employee. Some employees felt demotivated to do tasks, but some on the other

hand used their own personal motivational strategies. Not every employee is motivated by

money, some employees may need to be motivated on a personal level.

Based on my evaluation, I am able to make recommendations to the business manager.

Employees may not require a pay increase as much as they do personal recognition from their

manager. Here are some ideas for providing personal support to your employees:

1. Thank employees one on one, in writing, or both for doing a good job. Do it frequently

and sincerely.

2. Involve employees in decision-making, particularly those that directly affect them.

3. Encourage employees to take pride in their work and their working environment.

4. Establish a partnership with each employee, allowing them to grow and learn new skills.

Show them how you can assist them in meeting their goals while also meeting the goals

of the organization.

5. Celebrate the accomplishments of the company, the department, and the individuals who

work in it. Make time for team-building meetings and activities.

These factors can effectively increase employee motivation and sustain the employee's

efforts. Employees who are motivated to work will generally give their all to the tasks that are

assigned to them. This can increase the output of the business, allowing it to gain more

customers and, as a result, profit.

● Employees' Responses:

“As to how your manager can improve their motivational strategies?”

1. Make an effort to foster an open, trusting, and enjoyable work environment.

2. Employees should be recognized, rewarded, and promoted based on their performance.

3. Provide constructive criticism to the employees.

4. Be willing to meet with employees and listen to their concerns. Allow them as much time

as they require or desire.

It is important to get feedback from your employees since they are vital to the business.

Creating a trusting relationship built on respect helps communication to be easier.

Finally, I've discussed the Bite Me Bistro company's strengths and weaknesses. Some

employees may have felt demotivated at work as a result of the manager's failure to effectively

sustain employee efforts. The majority of the motivational strategies used were financial

incentives, which can be sufficient to get an employee to do the job, but their efforts will be





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