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INFINITIVUL LUNG/INFINITIVUL CU “TO”: to do, to go, to cry, to

sing, to run, etc.
PREZENT (to) do (to) be doing being
Se refera la prezent sau viitor done Se refera la prezent sau done
Jane wants to meet her friends tomorrow. Ann loves walking on the grass.
PREZENT (to) be doing
CONTINUU Se refera la o actiune care are loc acum.
She must be sleeping at the moment.
PERFECT (to) have done (to) have having done having
- pentru a arata ca actiunea infinitivului a been - pentru a arata ca been done
avut loc inaintea actiunii verbului. done actiunea gerunziului a
avut loc inaintea actiunii
He claims to have worked here before. He denied having lied to James.
PERFECT (to) have been doing
CONTINUU Se foloseste pentru a pune accent pe durata actiunii
infinitivului care a avut loc inainte de actiunea exprimata
de verbul principal.
He seems to have been studying for the test all night.

INFINITIVU - Dupa verbele modale (can, could, should, must, may, might, etc.). You can leave now if you
L FARA want.
“TO”/ - Dupa had better/would rather: I'd rather not go out tonight. I'd better stay at home.
INFINITIVU - Dupa make / let / see / hear / feel + complement: They made him pay for the damage.
L SCURT DAR la pasiv - be made / be heard / be seen + to infinitive: He was made to pay for the
- Know si help sunt urmate de un infinitive lung sau de un infinitive scurt: I've never known
him (to) be so mean. Could you help me (to) fix the car? DAR la pasiv - be known, be helped
+ to infinitive: She was known to have worked as a teacher.
- Dupa auxiliarele DO si WILL: I don’t like pizza. She will come next week.
INFINITIVU - Pentru a exprima scopul: He went to university to become a lawyer. (in order to become)
L CU “TO”/ - Dupa anumite verbe (in special verbe ale gandirii sau verbe introductive) ca: agree,
INFINITIVU appear, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, forget, hate, help, hope, intend, learn,
L LUNG manage, mean, plan, promise, refuse, remember, tend, try, want, etc.: He refused to pay
the bill.
- Dupa anumite verbe urmate de complement: advise, allow, ask, enable, encourage,
expect, force, get, invite, order, persuade, remind, teach, tell, warn, etc.:
She reminded me to turn the lights out. He encouraged his friends to vote for him
- Dupa anumite adjective care descriu sentimente/emotii (able, anxious, clever,
disappointed, difficult, due, eager, easy, foolish, happy, hard, glad, impossible, keen,
kind, likely, nice, pleased, possible, prepared, proud, ready, right, sad, silly, surprised,
sorry, unable, unhappy, unlikely, unwiling, willing, wrong etc.): She was happy to win
the prize.
- Dupa would like/would love/would prefer/would enjoy etc. pentru a exprima o
preferinta anume: I would like to see the manager
- Dupa anumite substantive: What a surprise to see him there!
- Dupa too + adjectiv/ adjectiv + enough/ enough + substantiv: He's too young to have
his own car. He's clever enough to do the crossword. He's got enough money to live on.
- Cu it + be + adjective (+ of + substantive/pronume): It was generous of him to offer
- Cu so + adjective + as: Would you be so kind as to help me move the sofa?
- Cu only pentru a exprima un rezultat nesatisfacator: She came in only to find Bob had left.
- Dupa be + the first/second, etc. / next / last / best, etc.: He was the last to come to work.
- In expresia - for + noun / pronoun + to infinitive: For him to be so rude was unforgivable.
- In expresii ca: to tell you the truth, to begin with, to be honest, etc. To be honest, I don't
like him.
GERUNZIUL - Ca substantiv: Reading novels is what I like most.
V+ing - Dupa anumite verbe ca: admit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, delay,
deny, discuss, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, go (for activities), imagine,
involve, keep (= continue), mention, mind, miss, object to, postpone, practise, prevent,
quit, recall, recollect, report, resent, resist, risk, save, stand, suggest, tolerate,
understand, etc.: They discussed selling the company.
- Dupa dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love, prefer to express general preference. She likes
painting. (in general).
- Dupa I'm busy, it's no use, it's (no) good, it's (not) worth, what's the use of, can't help,
there's no point (in), can't stand, have difficulty (in), in addition to, as well as, have
trouble, have a hard/difficult time: He can't stand being treated like a slave. He had
difficulty in finding his way back.
- Dupa spend / waste (time, money, etc.). He spends his free writing stories.
- Dupa prepozitii: He left the house without saying goodbye.
- Dupa look forward to, be / get used to, be / get accustomed to, object to, admit (to), etc.:
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Verbe care se folosesc cu infinitivul si cu gerunziul fara diferenta de sens:

- begin, continue, intend, start + to infinitive/-ing form She began crying/to cry.
Nu pot fi folosite doua forme de –ing in aceeasi propozitie. The days are beginning to get shorter
- advise, allow, encourage, permit, recommend + to-infinitiv He advised us to leave early. (complement)
cand sunt la forma pasiva sau sunt urmate de un complement. We were advised to leave early. (pasiv)
- advise, allow, encourage, permit, recommend + – ing cand We advise leaving early. (niciun complement)
nu sunt urmate de un complement.
- need, require, want are followed + to-infinitiv, – ing, You need to polish your shoes. Your shoes need
infinitive pasiv polishing. Your shoes need to be polished.

Verbe care se folosesc cu infinitivul si cu gerunziul cu sens diferit:

To-infinitiv - ing
- forget + to infinitive (= forget to do sth. – a uita sa - forget + -ing form (= forget a past event – a uita un
faci ceva): I'm sorry, I forgot to lock the car. eveniment trecut)
We'll never forget visiting Paris.
- remember + to infinitive (= remember to do sth – - remember + -ing form (= recall a past event – a-ti
a-si aminti sa faca ceva): Remember to read the aminti un eveniment trecut): I don't remember
instructions. meeting AI before.
- mean + to infinitive (= intend to – a intentiona sa): - mean + -ing form (= involve – a se implca in):
He means to move to Newcastle. Working harder means getting more money.
- go on + to infinitive (= finish doing sth and start - go on + -ing form (= continue – a continua): She
doing sth else – a continua ceva dupa ce altceva a went on watching TV.
fost terminat): After finishing her BA, she went on to get
a master's degree.
regret + to infinitive (= be sorry to do sth – a regret regret + -ing form (= have second thoughts about sth
ceva ce urmeaza sa se intample): I regret to tell you already done – a regret ceva ce s-a intamplat deja):
that you have failed. He regrets telling lies when he was young.
would prefer + to infinitive (specific preference – o prefer + -ing form (in general – o preferinta
preferinta specifica): I'd prefer to have an early night generala): I prefer reading a book to watching TV.
prefer + to infinitive + (rather) than + infinitive
without to: I prefer to read a book (rather) than
watch TV.
try + to infinitive (= do one's best; attempt – a-si da try + -ing form (= do sth as an experiment – a
silinta/a incerca): She tried hard to cope with her new experimenta): Try adding some more sauce to your
job. pasta.
want + to infinitive (= wish – a-si dori): I want to find want + -ing form (= sth needs to be done – a fi
a better job. necesar): Your dress wants cleaning.

stop + to infinitive (= pause temporarily – a face o stop + -ing form (= finish – a inceta): Stop talking to
pauza): He stopped to buy some milk on his way home. each other, please!
be sorry + to infinitive (= regret – a regreta): I'm be sorry for + -ing form (= apologise for an earlier
sorry to hear he has been injured. action – a-si cere scuze pentru): I'm sorry for
misunderstanding/having misunderstood what you
hate + to infinitive (= feel sorry that you have to ask, hate + -ing form (= feel sorry for what one is doing):
interrupt, etc.): I hate to interrupt, but I must talk to I hate making you feel uncomfortable.
be afraid + to infinitive (= the subject feels anxious be afraid of + -ing form (= the subject is afraid that
about doing sth): I'm afraid to drive over the old bridge. what is described by the -ing form may happen): She
is afraid of breaking her leg if she jumps over the wall.

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