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Kirinyaga University

Group 2 Assignment
Bsc. Human Resources Management
Counselling Skills
Year 4 Sem 1


1.Awadh Issa BE101/G/6874/19

2.Alphonce Maundu BE101/G/6708/19

3.Philis Ndema BE101/G/6506/19 -Group Leader

4.Geofrey Ochieng BE101/G/5785/18

5.Bornface Onduso BE101/G/5353/18


Employee Counselling is the discussion between a counsellor and an employee who is at that time seen
as a client , aimed at making the employee feel better and comfortable about self and thus be better
equipped to deal with daily life problems and work situations.

Employee Counselling helps employees in understanding what is the actual problem that is causing
them discomfort and assist them tackle the problem in future.Hence employee counselling consists and
can be of many types depending on the counselor ,the client and the nature of the problem at hand
being tackled to help the employee get a resolution on how to solve that problem.
The types of employee counselling in an organization include the following:

1.Directive counselling

This is a type of employee counselling which is a process of listening to an employee's problem by the
counsellor who then decides with the employee what should be done and then tells and motivates the
employee to do it.

Directive counselling mostly centres on the counsellor.It mostly does the function of advice, reasoning
and communication between the client and the counsellor.The counsellor, after hearing the problems of
the employee decides what should be done by the employee in order to have resolved the problems.

2. Non-directive counselling

This type of employee counselling is the process of skillfully listening to the emotional problems of an
employee by the counsellor who then understand him/her and determine the course of action to be
adopted inorder to resolve the problem. Non-directive counselling focuses on the counselee ie the
employee and hence it's called 'client centered' counselling.

Professional counsellors usually adopt this method of counselling.It has its unique advantages as it has
ability to cause the employee's reorientation of the problem. The non-directive counsellor deals with
respect to the employee and he helps him as best to resolve his own problems and facilities the
employee to reach his goal. The employee is permitted to have maximum freedom in determining the
course of the counselling process.

3. Participative counselling

This type of employee counselling has cooperative exchange of ideas to help solve the problem of the
employee by applying different knowledge, skills, perceptives and values to the problem in an attempt
to get a resolution.

This process also helps the employee to confront his/her own faults. So, this is a form of counselling that
merges the elements of both directive and non-directive counselling. The counsellor first listens to the
employee's problem and then they both decide on the best way and means to resolve the problem

4. Cooperative counselling
Another type of employee counselling that is the process with which both the counsellor and the client
mutually cooperate to solve the problems of the client.It centres on both the counsellor and the
employee equally.

Cooperative counselling is defined as the mutual discussion of an employee's emotional problems to set
up conditions and plans of action that will resolve the problem and hence cooperative counselling is
considered more suitable to managerial attitude.

5. Desensitization counselling

Desensitization means making not responsive to stimuli/affective changes in the environment one is
situated. Here an employee is shocked in a particular situation, where he/she gives himself/herself no
chance for the situation to recur.

type of employee counselling can be used to overcome avoidance reactions so as to improve emotional
weak spots.If an employee is shocked in a particular situation,he can only be brought back to that
situation only if he is convinced through desensitization that the shock won't take place further.A
counsellor can make use of desensitization in such cases.

6. Catharsis Counselling

Catharsis is a Greek word meaning clear of emotional tension and it's an emotional discharge through
which one can achieve a state of moral or spiritual renewal or where the employee achieves a state of
liberation from anxiety and stress.

This discharge of emotional tension can be done by the counsellor talking the employee out or by
relieving of the painful experience which affected them and this enables the employee to resolve the
problem after relieving it.

7.Insight Counselling

Insight means to get deeper into an employee's past and bring to light past experiences and current
unconscious thoughts and behaviors of the employee, that are believed to be the cause of the current
problems. Insight counselling helps employees to understand how events in the past are negatively
influencing the current thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

Insight counselling can be quite empowering for employees as it identifies the source of their problems
for instance the reasons for low self-esteem,insecurity, depression, anxiety and help resolve these issues
for the employee.
8. Developing new patterns Counselling

This type of employee counselling becomes very often necessary when all the other types and methods
of employee counselling to deal with employee problems become or remain ineffective. Inorder to
develop new and more satsifying emotional reactions,the employee needs to expose himself/herself to
situation where he can experience positive feelings.

The counsellor may motivate these employees to put themselves into such situations, so that their self-
confidence may increase. Every counsellor must concentrate his/her full attention on two aspects, use
assessment tools and utilize counselling skills in order to find a resolution to the problems of the


Kottler, J. A. (Ed.) (2001)

Counselors finding their way

West, J. D.; Osborn, C. J.; & Bubenzer, D. L. (Eds.) (2003).

Leaders and legacies: Contributions to the profession of counseling.

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