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Grade 10—BIO50A

Questions Per Topic—Term 3 (AY 20-21)

Additional Practice and Review:
• Pearson textbook section review questions, end of chapter questions and online resources


Ø Subtopic 5.3 The Excretory System

1. Correctly identify the major organs based on their function within the excretory system.
Organ Function in the Excretory System
skin Removes excess water, salts and a small amount if urea in sweat
liver Converts dangerous nitrogen-based wastes into less toxic urea
lungs Remove excess carbon dioxide, which is the waste product from cellular respiration
kidnes Remove excess water, urea and metabolic wastes from the blood

2. Which of the following structures is the site of blood filtration and urine production?
A. Bladder
B. Nephron
C. Ureter
D. Urethra

3. Correctly identify the name of each step described in the blood filtration process and place the steps in the
correct order by placing the correct number next to each step.
Step # Name Description
3 Urine excretion Filtrate gathers in collecting tubes

1 Blood flows into the nephron and through the glomerulus to remove
the filtrate which then flows into the tubules
Reabsorption Water and other substances pass from the filtrate in the tubules to the
2 blood through capillary walls

4. Select all that apply. Explain how the kidneys would maintain homeostasis after you have eaten a meal
high in salt and sugar.
A. The kidneys will excrete the excess salt and sugar into the urine
B. The kidneys will filter less salt and sugar through the glomerulus
C. The kidneys will return more salt and sugar to your blood during reabsorption
D. The kidneys will return less salt and sugar to your blood during reabsorption
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Ø Subtopic 5.4 The Nervous System

1. a) Identify the parts of the neuron.

A. Dendrite
B. Cell Body
C. Axon
D. Myelin sheath

b) Circle and label the nucleus and the axon terminal.

2. The ___________ nervous system generates commands to the muscles and links the brain to the rest of
the body while the __________ nervous system contains nerves and cells that gather information and
transmit impulses to muscles and glands.
A. central autonomic
B. central peripheral
C. peripheral central
D. peripheral autonomic

3. Correctly identify the name of each type of neuron based on its function.
Type of Neuron Function
Sensory neuron Carries impulses from organs like the eyes and ears to the central nervous system
Motor neuron Carries impulses from the central nervous system to muscles and glands
Interneuron Processes information and sends commands to other neurons

4. Select all that apply. Which of the below statements correctly describes the state of a resting neuron?
A. The cell is positive on the outside due to a greater concentration of sodium (Na+) outside and the
diffusion of potassium (K+) out of the cell
B. Gated potassium (K+) channels open to allow K+ ions to flow into the cell to restore the resting
C. Sodium (Na+) ions flow into the cell, causing the inside of the cell to become positive in relation
to the outside of the cell, which becomes negative
D. The cell is positive on the outside due to a greater concentration of potassium (K+) on the outside

5. Use a √ to correctly identify whether each activity is controlled by the autonomic nervous system or
the somatic nervous system.
Activity Autonomic Somatic
Waving hello .
Moving your toes .
Increased heart rate .
Stimulation of sweat glands .
Rapid response of a reflex .
Quickly moving away from pain .
Movement of skeletal muscles .
Increased blood flow to skeletal muscles .
Responsible for our “fight or flight” response .
Responsible for our “rest and digest” response .
Contains the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions .
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Ø Subtopic 5.5 The Skeletal System

1. Select all that apply. Identify the functions of the skeletal system.
A. Storage of hormones
B. Formation of blood cells
C. Storage of minerals like calcium
D. Protects internal organs and gives the body shape
E. Provides a system of levers for movement and strength

2. Select all that apply. Identify the examples of slightly moveable joints.
A. The joint at the elbow
B. The joints between vertebrae
C. The joint between the two bones of the lower leg
D. The joint that allows you to shake your head to say no and yes

3. Select all that apply. Identify the examples of freely moveable joints.
A. The joints at the wrist
B. The joints at the ankle
C. The joint between vertebrae
D. The joint that allows you to shake your head to say no and yes

4. Using the image of a typical bone and name each structure and identify its function.

Structure Name Function

Haversian canal Tubes inside the bone that nerves and blood vessels travel through
Periosteum Tough outer layer of bone

C Yellow bone marrow Soft bone tissue inside the bone that stores fat

D Compact bone Contains a network of tubes for nerves and blood vessels to travel through

E Spongy Bone Supports a lot of force and red bone marrow is found here

Growth plate Dividing cartilage cells found here; increase the size of bone
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5. Use a √ to correctly identify whether the below bones are part of the axial or appendicular skeleton.
Bones Appendicular Skeleton Axial Skeleton
Ribs .
Legs .
Skull .
Arms .
Pelvis .
Shoulder .
Backbone .

Ø Subtopic 5.6 The Muscular System

1. Name the type of muscle tissue shown and briefly explain its function.
Muscle Tissue Type Function

Cardiac Controls pumping of the heart

Smooth Usually for involuntary movements and found within

the walls of organs like the stomach, blood vessels and

For voluntary movements


2. Correctly label the filaments Y and Z in the image of a muscle contraction below. Describe each
filament as thick or thin.

Y: Actin - -thin

Z: Myosin - thick

3. Select all that apply. Which of the below are accurate steps within the sliding filament mechanism
of muscle contractions?
A. Cross bridges change their shape
B. Cross bridges maintain their shape
C. Muscle fibers contract and shorten
D. Actin and myosin filaments form cross bridges
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4. Movement is created by skeletal muscles pulling on ________ which then pull on bones.
A. joints
B. levers
C. tendons
D. ligaments

Ø Subtopic 5.7 The Integumentary System

Ø Subtopic 5.8 The Cardiovascular/Circulatory System
Ø Subtopic 5.9 The Respiratory System

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