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TO COMMUTE – to travel regularly between your place of work and your home

FREELANCE – self-employed and hired to work for different companies on particular


DERIVE from – come from

BILINGUAL – a person who can speak two languages equally well

MILEAGE - the amount of advantage or use that you can get from a particular event or situation

ABBREVIATION – a short form of a word

ESP – English for Specific Purposes

CORONATION - a ceremony at which a crown is formally placed on the head of a new king or queen
and they officially become king or queen

DIGNITY - a calm and serious manner of giving respect

TRIBUTE - an act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your love or respect

PERFORM - to do something, such as a piece of work, task or duty

EDUCATE – to teach somebody

MEMORABLE – worth remebering or easy to remeber

FULL-TIME - for all the hours of a week during which people normally work or study, rather than just
for a part of it

TRADITION - a belief, custom or way of doing something that has existed for a long time among a
particular group of people

REGISTER – level of formality

LINGUA FRANCA - a shared language of communication used between people whose main
languages are different

POULTRY - chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese, kept for their meat or eggs

RED MEAT – meat that is dark brown in colour when it has been cooked

PORK – meat from a pig

MUTTON – meat from a sheep

VEAL – meat from a young cow

VENISON – meat from a deer

VEGETERIAN – a person who does not eat meat

A VEGAN – a person who does not eat any food derived from animals

FATTENING – a food likely to make you fat

FROZEN – kept at a very low temperature in order to preserve it

to DEFROST – to make food warmer so that it is no longer frozen

TINNED FOOD – preserved in a can

TASTY – having a strong or pleasant taste ≠ TASTELESS

RECIPE - a set of instructions that tells you how to cook something and the ingredients

MINSED MEAT – meat cut into very small pieces

VOLUNTEER – a person who freely offers to undertake a task

DISTRUPTING – interrupt by causing a disturbance

SUGGESTED – put forward for concideration

IN GENERAL - mainly

to be MENTALLY ALERT – watchful and prompt to meet danger or emergency

ACCORDING – depending on whatever

NUTRITIONIST – a person who is an expert in nutrition

ENDURANCE – a sporting event that takes over a long distance or otherwise demands great
physical stamina

EXPERT – a person with special knowledge

SCIENCE - knowledge about the structure and behaviour of the natural and physical world

to PRODUCE – make or manufacture from components or raw materials

DIGEST – think about something so that you fully understand it

GRADUALLY – step by step

to be EFFICIENT – achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort

THOROUGHLY - completely

DIABETES – a medical condition in which the body cannot produce enough insulin to control the
amount of sugar in the blood

ACID - a chemical, usually a liquid, that contains hydrogen and has a pH of less than seven

OBESITY – being fat in a way that is not healthy

AFFORDABLE – cheap enough that people can buy it

IDEALLY - perfectly

STAMINA – the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort

ARTICULATION – the expression of an idea

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