Pythagorean Theorem

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Grade: Year 8

Subject: Math

Teacher: Mr.Ayrton

Theme: Pythagorean theory

Source of Research:

Title: Proofs of the pythagorean theorem

Pythagoras was a philosopher and mathematician originally from Greece. Is very

difficult to know his real biography because many people created legends about him,
but he was a great man that contributed very much to the society. Pifagor Samossky
was born on the island of Samos. His father was a normal mason but his mother
came from a noble family. According to a tale the birth of Pythagoras was predicted
by a woman called Pythia, according to her prediction he would bring many benefits
and kindness to humanity, and he really made all this things.

Pythagoras passed many time in Egypt meet with the well known egyptian sages.
He learned many things with them like medicine, philosofy and math. To make his
theory he was inspired by the beatiful pyramids. The modern historians believe that
Pythagoras dont prove his theory. They think that he just transmited his knowledge
to his followers that improved and concluded the calculations. Many people make the
calculations and this is why we have many ways to prove the theorem.

Theorem is a statement that has been proved and is true, Pythagoras was the man
that created (Or just took the credits of it) this theorem. This theorem describe the
geometric relationship between the 3 sides of a right triangle. For you to understand
this theorem you have to know about angles, triangles, square roots and exponents,
and you have to know basic algebra like simple equations and variables.

This theorem is basically for a right triangle leg A and B squared is equal the
hypotenuse, or in other words 𝑎 2 + 𝑏2 = 𝑐 2 .

The first way to prove this theorem that i will talk about is Euclid´s way proof. This
way to prove is bassically the sum of the square of the smallest part of the triangle
that is called cathetus is equal the square of the hypotenuse.

His way to prove is like a triangle named A, B and C have 2 types f sides the
cathetus and the hypotenuse, side  is the 90° angle and the cathetus is side AB,
but the hypotenuse is the side BC. To you prove this theorem you have to square all
the sides, A times A, B times B and C times C. And the result of the sum of the
squared side of AB have to give the squared side of BC, or in easier way 𝑎 2 + 𝑏2 =
𝑐2 .

2 way to prove

Consider you have one triangle with a 90° angle, called hypotenuse. The triangle
name is a, b and c.
Then you copy this triangle four times, and then organize his copies making a
square. Like this

In this figure we have 2 squares (The square of the hypotenuse and the square of
the cathetus), when we name is easier to understand.

When we see the image is easier to understand that we have 2 squares, the white
part is one and the green part is other. Or in other words one is side c, in the center
of the figure and the other is a+b, that encompasses all the figure.

The name of this square in the middle is 𝑐 2

If we take the side a+b or the four identical copies, just side c will be left.

Throught rotation and translation we will make two rectangles, and we will
positionate them like in the next image, forming two separated squares.
And then we will have square a+b again, but in another way. Then like we can see
on this picture we have square b (The biggest one) and square a.

If we take the four identic copies of the triangle from the square with side a+b will
just be left the yellow square with the area 𝑎 2 and the brown square with area 𝑏2 .
And this two squares are equal square 𝑐 2 .

So by this method we prove that the sum of the squares of the cathetus is equal to
the square of the hypotenuse.


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