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A Research Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of Science Technology Engineering and


Burauen Comprehensive National High School – Senior High School

In Partial of Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course Subject

Practical Research

Ernesto Abenoja

Mark Jethro Afable

Cholo Del Pilar

Angelica Maye Duquiatan

Rodjade Gaspay

JUNE 2022

The research proposal entitled; “Assessing the Time Management

Skills of Grade 11- Becquerel Students During Distance Learning.” Prepared
and submitted by Ernesto Abenoja, Mark Jethro Afable, Cholo Del Pilar,
Angelica Maye Duquiatan, Rodjade Gaspay. In partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the course subject Practical Research 1 has been examined
and is recommended for acceptance and approval for the defense.


Research Adviser

Approved by the committee on oral defense with a grade of passed/failed on

June 2022




Member Member



Accepted in in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course subject

Practical Research 1 in Senior High School- Science Technology Engineering
and Mathematics


HT 1/ Grade 11 Coordinator Principal II/ASP


School Principal IV


The research proposal entitled; “Assessing the Time Management Skill

of Grade 11- Becquerel Students During Distance Learning”. Prepared and
submitted by Ernesto Abenoja, Mark Jethro Afable, Cholo Del Pilar, Angelica
Duquiatan, Rodjade Gaspay. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Strand Science Technology and Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is
hereby accepted.


Research Adviser

Approved by the committee on oral defense with a grade of passed/failed on

June 2022




Member Member



Accepted in in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course subject

Practical Research 1 in Senior High School- Science Technology Engineering
and Mathematics


HT 1/ Grade 11 Coordinator Principal II/ASP


School Principal IV


Foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our

advisor, Teacher Mitze Posion Quiñones, for the continuous support of our
study and research, for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense
knowledge. Her guidance helped us in all the time of research and writing of
this study. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for
our research study.

Besides our advisor, we would like to thank Mrs. Eleanor E. Cagara,

Principal of Burauen Comprehensive National Highschool for her ongoing
support for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics of our

Our sincere thanks also goes to our classmates for assisting us

through the course of our research.

We thank our beloved parents for their deep consideration for the
finances and undying support throughout the making of the research study.
As well as their words of encouragement to all those nights and days we’ve
spent making the research study.

Finally, we would like to thank God the Almighty for the strength,
guidance, and wisdom that he gave us each day in the making of this
research. With his, capability, we were able to successfully finish our
research with minimum difficulty.



TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………… i

APPROVAL SHEET…………………………………………………………………….. ii

ACCEPTANCE SHEET………………………………………………………………… iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………………….. iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………v-vi

ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………………. vii

Background of the Study…………………………………….. 2
Statement of the Problem……………………………………. 10
Theoretical Framework……………………………………….. 10
Conceptual Framework………………………………………. 12
Scope and Delimitation………………………………………. 14
Significance of the Study…………………………………….. 15
Related Literature (local)…………………………………….. 16
Related Literature (foreign)…………………………………. 17
Related Studies(local)………………………………………… 19
Related Studies(foreign)……………………………………… 21
Research Method………………………………………………. 24
Research Design……………………………………………….. 24
Participants of the Study……………………………………. 25
Instrument of the Study…………………………………….. 25
Sampling Procedure………………………………………….. 26
Data Analysis Procedure……………………………………. 27

BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………….. 28
APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………... 30

Survey Questionnaire (A)…………………………………………….. 30

Scheme of the Framework of the Study (B)………………………. 32
Letter of Request (C)…………………………………………………… 33
CURRICULUM VITAE…………………………………………………………..37

Time is an important aspect of our life. Every single thing that we do
consumes time. So,

it is very important to plan the most important tasks rather than the
unimportant ones. As the people say “time is gold”, thus, we should spend
our time wisely.
In this pandemic, students learn through modular distance learning.
This new learning method greatly affects the time management skills of the
students. Thus, leading to some students submitting their modules late.
Other students can’t even comply their module due to some factors that can
affect their time management.
The purpose of this study is to know the time management skills of
students in modular distance learning. Hence, this study is employed the
qualitative research design specifically utilizes the case study research
explored the time management skills of 11-Becquerel students in modular
distance learning.

The process in conducting the study starts by gathering 12

participants from 11-Becquerel that are willing to answer the questions from
the survey questionnaires. Next, the researchers will proceed to distribute
the survey questionnaires to the respondents that will participate in the
study. Then, the respondents will answer the questionnaires based on their
opinions and experiences. Finally, the researchers will collect each of the
questionnaires from the respondents.

In this study, the researchers are expecting that the results will
mostly have students stressed and pressured with the new learning method
due to the fact that it is quite hard to get accustomed to this new learning
system and to add it up with some factors that can hinder their time to
answer their modules such as household chores, addiction to gadgets, and



Background of the Study

Throughout the history, there has been great emphasis on the effective and
efficient management of time, which has also been considered the key to success.
Time management has also been defined as a form of self-management with a clear
emphasis on time in understanding what activities to do; how to do them
efficiently; in what time it should be done and when is the correct time to that

Time management plays a vital role in improving student’s academic

performance and achievements. Each student should have time management
ability which includes setting goals & priorities, using time management
mechanism and being organized in using time. Time management is possible
through self-motivation, performance, ability, and motivation. These are the few
activities performed by today’s students, which act as a barrier between them and
their academic performance. Due to miss management of time they gap behind.
This study will help to analyze the positive or negative impact of time management
on academic performance of students. It will also help to make some decision about
changes we would like to make to use our time more effectively. There is no one
right way to manage our time, however, it is important to get to know ourselves so
we can make good decisions about how to use our time.

As the Pandemic surge across the globe the government created a way to
continue the program for education amidst the strict implementation of Covid
health protocols. Students nowadays experience a difficulty to manage their time
on performing household task and school works at the same time. Due to the fact
that the students are in their homes because of the health protocols and they are
obliged to maintain the cleanliness of their homes and perform other tasks. This
led to disruption of the students to perform their academic tasks. The students
need to improve their time management skills in order to adapt the new normal
learning system.

The researchers choose this topic because time management during a forced-
distance-learning was particularly interesting since students were practicing it
independently at home without teacher’s direct supervision. Therefore, students
depended solely on their discipline in managing their learning time at home to
conduct distance learning. If this time management aspect is not taken into a
serious consideration during distance learning, its negative impact on learning
outcomes is inevitable. The students can make improvements on their academic
performance if they have a good time management skill.

Time management is crucial for students especially during this pandemic.

Problems such as lack of learning materials, distraction on digital devices and
emergencies emerge which leads to the disruption of time management. The
researcher aims to determine how these factors affect the time management of the
students. The results of this will help to formulate advices in order to counter these

The pandemic had caused a lot of problems in our community especially to

the workers and students. The strict implementation of health protocols also
hinders the students to be productive and time efficient. The researchers want to
identify the different reasons how the covid-19 pandemic affect the time
management of the students. The results of this will be helpful to assess the time
management skills of XI- Becquerel during distance learning.

The new normal learning system has advantages and disadvantages. The
distance learning is helpful to those students who live far from the schools. It can
be a disadvantage because the guidance of the teachers will be limited. Students
must acquire knowledge on how to manage their time properly. The researchers
aim to acquire knowledge on what other factors we must consider in managing our
time during distance learning.

In this study, the researchers aim to assess the time management skills of
XI-Becquerel during distance learning as the government implement strict covid
health protocols. This study will focus if the students have a way on managing
their time properly in order to create a better time management skill especially to
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students of 11-
Becquerel. By assessing the capabilities of 11- Becquerel Students we will be able
to identify what measures should be apply in order for the students to be more
time efficient and more productive. The study will give ideas to the researchers
whether a student has a good time management skill which can be to his/her
fellow students. This study can be also applied to parents and teachers in order for
the learners to cope in the new normal environment as the different household
activities and social restrictions hinders the learners to be time efficient and

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to assess the time management skills of XI-Becquerel students
during distance learning.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. How the problems such as lack of learning materials, distraction on digital

devices and emergencies affect the time management of the students?

2. How did the pandemic affect the time management of the students?

3. What other factors you need to consider in managing your time during distance

Theoretical Framework

This study based on existentialism philosophy. This philosophy is learner

centered which gives direction to students regarding their study. Learners are self-
responsible of their academics because they just seek guidance from teachers but
take decisions and manage all activates themselves. This study depends upon
Pickle Jar Theory which is the most relevant and modern theory of time
management. Mulder (2017) gave the idea that time, like a pickle jar, is limited.
Our life is the jar and what is in it, the volume or space is limited. Every day,
everyone fills out time with important, less important, and unimportant activities.

Another theory related to this study is Alpen Theory, Prof. Lothar J. Seiwert
(2015) developed this theory which leads to a method called ALPEN. This method is

about creating a plan for the day in order to increasing perfomance while
significantly reducing stress.

Lastly, the Mind Map Theory (Panayotova et al., 2015) can be considered
related to this study due to the fact that mind mapping is a form of presenting
information in a way that minimizes the amount of time and resources it takes to
search, analyze and, ultimately, understand it. Presentations, design sketches,
concepts, list of projects, and their prioritization, even a simple list of tasks or
things to do – mind maps can be used with all of those to great effect, as long as
you stick to the main principle of simplicity.

People have numerous needs in lives, for example, academics, work burden,
and family obligations. The important thing is that how a person manages all
responsibilities and tackle problems on time. It is most vital for students to manage
time and do all tasks related to studies. Effective utilization of time determines the
success of students at each level not just in regular system as well as distance
learning institutions. In distance education, students must manage all things
timely in order to lessen their stress in school activities.

Conceptual Framework


Assessing the Time Profile of XI-Becquerel  Assessed

Management Skill of Students knowledge
XI-Becquerel A. Name
about the
Students During the B. Age
chosen topic,
Distance Learning C. Gender
help to spread
D. Interview
E. Administrating the
when it comes
to Time
F. Tabulation of
Students’ responses
 Will help to
improve the
management of
 Increases the
productivity of
the students

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 describes the Conceptual framework of the study wherein the

Input, Process, and Output plays a major role in assessing the time management
skill of XI-Becquerel students during distance learning. Input contains the profile
of the students such us name, age, gender and the general purpose of the study or

On the other side, the process being used is through conducting an
interview, questionnaire, and the response of the chosen respondents in 11-
Becquerel. The output is the result of the study.

We, the researcher wants the students to have an enough knowledge in

terms of this study which can help to increases the focus and improves the
productivity of the time management of the students. Also, through this study the
students will prioritize how to divide their time between specific activities.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to assess the time management skills of the XI- Becquerel
students during the modular distance learning. This study focuses to assess the
time management skills of the XI- Becquerel students during the new normal
learning system amidst the surge of the pandemic. The participants included in
this study are the students of XI- Becquerel of the Burauen Comprehensive
National High School (BCNHS). The researcher will conduct the study in classroom
of XI- Becquerel of the Burauen Comprehensive National High School (BCNHS). The
researchers deemed that the Burauen Comprehensive National High School
(BCNHS) is fit as a research locale for this study because it is a school that has a
new normal distance learning system. The researchers will pick 10 participants
from the class of XI- Becquerel. From the 10 participants, 5 males and 5 females
will be picked. The researchers will only choose 10 participants because the total
number of the students in XI- Becquerel are only 35. In this numbers, 10 is
enough to get a satisfying data for the study. The researcher will use a convenience
sampling method in which the researchers will be choosing participants that are
available and would accept to be a participant in this study. The researchers use
the convenience sampling method because it easy to use and currently the
students are busy because the last deadline for the school year 2021-2022 is near.
The researchers will gather the data using a survey questionnaire (open ended) and
it will be conducted in the classroom of XI- Becquerel during non-class hours. This
study will be conducted in the academic year of 2021-2022. After conducting the
data gathering, the researchers will analyze the data and the researchers expect to
determine the time management skill of the XI- Becquerel students during distance

Significance of the Study

This research is made to provide crucial information and knowledge

regarding the chosen topic entitled Assessing the Time Management Skill of 11-
Becquerel Students During Distance Learning. The result of this study will be
beneficial to the following:

Students. The direct beneficiaries of this research are the students where the
findings of the study will help the students to gain more knowledge about
managing their time which can be useful for the students' hectic schedule during
distance learning.

Parents. The result of these findings will enable the parents to guide their children
regarding time management that the children will need to acquire in order to more
productive and time


Teachers. Through this study, teachers won't have to worry about late submission
of modules. The findings from this study will help the students to improve their
time management skills and they will be able to cope with their deadlines which
will reduce the stress of the teachers.

Future Researchers. The study will serve as a baseline or guideline for future

Definition of Terms

Time Management- in this study time management refers to the use of techniques
such as 'to-do' lists or. deliberately planning activities, or to participate in training
with the purpose of learning how to master and use such a technique (Lakein,

Distance Learning- in this study distance learning is also called distance

education, e-learning, and online learning, form of education in which the main
elements include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction

and the use of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-
student communication.

Pandemic- in this study pandemic refers to as a disease outbreak that spans

several countries and affects a large number of people. Pandemics are most often
caused by viruses, like Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which can easily
spread from person to person.

Protocols- in this study protocol refers to a healthcare setting, a protocol also

called a medical guideline, is a set of instructions which describe a process to be
followed to investigate a particular method which should be followed to control a
certain disease.

Assessing- in this study assessing refers to determining the importance or value of

something. It also refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that other people
use to evaluate, measure the readiness, learning progress, skills acquisition.

BCNHS- in this study Burauen Comprehensive National High School serves as the
locale of the study.



This chapter concentrates on the discussion of literature and studies that are
related to the study in order to systematically answer the particular problems
posed for investigation. Specifically, the review of related literature and studies
both local and foreign were explained in this chapter.

Related Literature:

A. Local

Time waits for no one. The smart thing for one to do is to be ready with
things to do for any time available. It means making one's time productive. Truth
is, there is enough time for everything. The problem is people don't usually identify
the right thing to do at the right time. They inundate themselves with all kinds of
tasks to do all at the same time (Rufino Rios, 2015). Time management is crucial to
everyone, especially to the workers and students. In order to be more productive
and time efficient an individual must have a proper time management skill.

Moreover, (Jesse Francis Rebustillo, 2021) stipulates that improving time

management is a core skill for anyone wishing to work efficiently and establish
good habits. Implementing time management action plans will help reduce stress
and enhance productivity. With proper time management students will be able to
cope with their deadlines and finish their tasks on time. With this, the students
can avoid stress and their teachers will also cope with the deadline for the
submission of the grades of the students.

Students also raised concerns about the negative effects of distance learning
on their mental health, with 30 percent reporting mental and emotional stress,
anxiety, depression, and panic attacks (kaithreen Cruz, 2021). The lack of time
management during distance learning can cause a lot of effects to students. Due to
this the students becomes less productive which affects their academic
performance. The time management skills of students must improve as the new
learning system is being as implemented amid the Covid- 19 pandemic. In order to
maintain a satisfying result in academic performance, students must make a better
plan on how use their time efficiently. Based on the 3 literature, time management
is very important for us in order to acquire a better performance in our academic

B. Foreign

Time management is about how you organize and plan the time you spend
on specific activities. On the surface of things, it seems that time management
should be easy and straightforward—something that just happens. In practice,
time management is a skill that takes effort to develop. (Thuy Lam, 2015). This
study focuses on assessing the time management skills of 11- Becquerel in order to
come up with a better way of managing time. Which is important to acquire better
results in academic tasks.

Moreover, (R. L Adams, 2017) stated that the truth is that time is the greatest
equalizer in life. No matter who you are, your age, income, gender, race or religion,
you have the same amount of time as the next person. Whether you're filthy rich or
dirt poor, your time is the same. It's not about how much time you have. It's about
how effectively you manage your time. With proper management of time, we can be
very productive and very efficient. We can finish our tasks on time and we can use
the remaining time on things that we want to do. Time has an equal value for
everyone. It is that having a good time management differs us because having a
good time management is a factor that could make us successful.

I have become increasingly alarmed at how much time students and

youngsters waste and how they seem incapable of setting daily, weekly and yearly
priorities and managing them successfully. Digital tools can greatly help people
manage their time effectively and efficiently, but they are also, unfortunately, the
main cause for this timewasting phenomenon. (Nidhal Guessoum, 2019). As
entertainment technology improve, the addiction to it also increase which is not
good for people especially to the students. Digital tools hinder the students to finish
their academic task on time that lead for students to have a poor performance.

Scheduling plays a crucial role in time management. An effective task and

time allotment will greatly improve your time management. As mentioned by
Chapman, Rupured, Price, Carfley, & Clews (2020), having an effective schedule
includes knowing the things that must be done within the allotted time frame. The

challenging tasks must be planned when a lot of energy is stored, and the most
prioritized activities must be done first. Schedule small tasks for the most basic
activities, such as drafting an email or taking notes. Creating schedule can be used
as a technique in maintaining a good time management skill. With this technique,
we can track easily our time and activities to be perform.

Time management is about how you organize and plan the time you spend
on specific activities. Time management is very useful and important to every
people in the world. It is the best and easiest way to be productive and time
efficient. As the world changes, the people also change in order to adapt in which
where the time management comes. With the proper the proper time management
they will be able to easily track their time and they will be able to know on how to
use it on their daily activities. It is also important to know our limits on how to use
our time and where to use it. Digital devices and entertainment technologies can
also affect our time management.

Related Studies:

A. Local

Students must have a proper time management to get better results in their
academic tasks. (Emerson D. Peteros, Juvelyn T. Cañabano, 2021) stated that
students must concentrate on their studies to improve their grades. They cannot,
however, devote all their time to studies because they must support themselves.

The learning styles, study habits, and academic accomplishment of students

enrolled in applied science courses at one campus of a public higher education
institution in the Philippines were investigated in this study of (Magulod, 2019). A
total of 75 respondents were purposively sampled for the study, which used a
descriptive correlational research design. The researchers used Reid's Perceptual
Learning Style Preference Questionnaire, Gilbert Wrenn of Stanford University
Press as their measurement in time management.

The learning styles and study habits is also important in time management.
With these, the students will be more productive and time efficient.

Academic performance is an important component of the complex of

elements that determine success of student achievement. It also plays an important
part in education, primarily as a tangible instrument for teaching. Observe and
evaluate the student's learning process. The primary goal of this research of (Tus,
2020) was to find out about the students' study attitudes, habits, and academic
achievement. The research Senior high school students from a Catholic school in
Bulacan, Philippines, were polled and conducted a survey. There is a total of 130
people in the sample and SSHA questionnaire as their measurement in time

This study is somehow similar to the study of (Magulod, 2019) which shows
the effects of having a good learning styles and study habits.

(Marpa, 2014) carried out research about the correlation among the time
management, study habits and academic performance of the math major students.
The respondents of this study were 52 mathematics major students of Philippine
Normal University Negros Occidental

Branch, which were surveyed using the "How well do you Manage you Time?'
developed by Markenzie This study concluded that the level of time
management of the math major students was average and likewise their academic
achievement was also average but they establish a good study habit. Results also
show that there a significant correlation between math major students time
management and study habits likewise with study habits and academic
achievement in mathematics. This result infers that time management is related to
study habits and study habits are related to academic achievement in
mathematics. Good study habits play a vital in having a good time management

(Jamie Rosada, Giovannie Bernales, 2020) Investigated the impact of time

management in the academic performance of the performing arts senior high
school students at the Bestlink College of the Philippines. The result of this study
showed a weighted mean of 3.84 for male respondents and 3.93 for female
respondents, both of which strongly agreed that time management affects the
attendance of selected Grade 12 students, Male and female respondents strongly
agreed that time management affects in terms of the project deadline, with 3.67 for
male respondents and 3.76 for female respondents. In terms of priorities, male and
female respondents strongly agreed that time management has an effect in terms of
this variable, with male respondents obtaining 3.70 and female respondents
obtaining 3.51. The total weighted mean for male respondents was 3.73, and
female respondents obtained the weighted mean of 3.73, which were verbally
interpreted as strongly agree. Based on the results their study, the following
guidelines were drawn in terms of attendance: always be on time, prepare early as
you can, set time an alarm clock to avoid being late, and stop doing outdoor
activities. In terms of the project deadline, the researchers recommended that
students should pass all their projects and paper works before the deadline to
avoid cramming, make a checklist for every day to achieve and finish all tasks, and
finish their projects during their free time. In terms of priorities, the researchers
recommended that students should set aside unimportant things, list their
important tasks to avoid cramming, and categorize their duties to manage their
time well. This study shows the importance of having a proper technique in
managing time. With the proper use of time management techniques, we can easily
finish our tasks in our home and school. In order to be more time efficient, we
should make plan on what to do on our home and school. With this we can do first
the things that are the most important activities and do the non-important
activities after we finish the most important activities.

B. Foreign

Time management is very important and it may actually affect individual's

overall performance and achievements. Students nowadays always commented that
they do not have enough time to complete all the tasks assigned to them. In
addition, a university environment's flexibility and freedom can derail students who
have not mastered time management skills (Razali, 2018).

For students to better manage their curriculum and achieve learning

objectives, time management behaviors or skills are argued to improve the positive
academic output. (Alyami, Abdulwahed, Azhar, Binsaddik, & Bafaraj, 2021) studied
the impact of time management on the academic performance of students among
the diagnostic radiology technology students at KAU. For this study, 152 students
were targeted among which 142 completed the questionnaire, making the response
rate of 93.4%. Among 142 participants, 75 (52.8%) were females and 52 (36.6%)
were in the 2018 batch. Majority of the students i.e., 107 (75.4%) had GPA between

4.5 - 5 in 2020. Whereas 37.3% agreed or strongly agreed that they manage their
time. Here, 69.2% students with 4.5 - 5 GPA strongly agreed that they meet their
deadline (p value = 0.005) and 36.7% students with 4 - 4.5 GPA strongly believed
that their academic performance decreased due to mis planning (p value = 0.005).
Around 71 (66.3%) students with 4.5 - 5 GPA agreed or strongly agreed to make to
do list or calendar (p value 0.047). In conclusion, according to student’s perception,
preplanning their studies had been beneficial for their academic performance.
However, less than of the students agreed that they manage their time.

In Kenya, Oyuga, Raburu, and Aloka (2016) investigated the link between
time management and academic achievement among orphaned secondary school
students. The study's sample included 300 orphans in secondary school and seven
principals. Students' questionnaires, document analysis, and an interview guide for
head teachers were used as the research instruments for this study. The Pearson
Product-Moment correlation coefficient (r =906) calculated revealed a strong
positive relationship between time management and academic achievement among
orphaned secondary school students. Orphans and the Ministry of Education in
general should understand orphans' plight and provide them with improved
services, such as trained counselors who can provide orphaned children with
appropriate counseling services.

Cyril (2015) investigated the relationship between time management and

academic achievement in higher secondary students in Natham Taluk. The
population for this study is

180 students, comprising a sample of 63 students from Peniel Higher Secondary

School in Natham, Dindigul District. According to the findings of this study, there
is a correlation between time management and academic achievement among
higher secondary students, based on the results of the correlation analysis.

Al-Zoubi (2016) studied the impact of time management art on academic

achievement among high school students in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
The researchers gathered 2000 high school students who were surveyed using the
Time Structure Questionnaire (TSQ). The findings of the study concluded that there
was a medium degree of static and medium degree of dynamic significance at the
level of time management according to the high school students in Irbid City. The
presence of a statistically significant relationship between time management ability
and academic achievement among high school students revealed that there was a
statistical significance at the level (0.05) of this relationship regarding the gender
variable running on behalf of females, with no differences according to studying
hours. The study shows that female and male are not equal in terms of time
management skills. The researchers realize that this study will help to predict the
outcome of their study it is because of the population of the XI- Becquerel.

The time management is very important as it affects individual’s overall

performance. Time management techniques is a very useful way for students. It
helps them to use their time more efficiently. The good study habit is also a helpful
way to be more productive and to be more time efficient. Being a skilled individual
in managing is not equal on the gender, race, or religion we have. But it is also
noted that females are much better in managing their time because males are
easily attracted or addicted to distractions such as digital device.


This chapter describes and discussed how the researchers will gather the
necessary data and information that will be use in the entire study. It will describe
who will be the respondents and focus of this research. This also shows the
procedure of data collection and instruments used; and also, the research method,
research design, participants of the study, sampling procedure, instrument of the
study, and data analysis procedure are discussed in this chapter.

I. Research Method

This research study will use the qualitative research method. Qualitative
research is viewed as an inquiry or being characterized by collecting data in a
natural setting where the researcher acts as the key instrument. It relies on data
obtained by the researcher from first-hand observation, interviews, questionnaires,
focus groups, participant-observation, and recordings. Qualitative research, by
definition, does not rely on numerical measurements, and depends instead on
research that produces descriptive data (Creswell, 1998). Banister et al. (1994)
defines qualitative research as: “an interpretative study of a specified issue or
problem in which the researcher is central to the sense that is made up”.
Qualitative Research method is used in this study, since the researcher is
interested to find answer based on the respondent’s opinion and their experiences
about Assessing the Time Management Skill of 11 Becquerel students during the
distance learning using the open-ended survey questionnaires.

II. Research Design

Research design is the conceptual structure within which research is

conducted and includes the collection and analysis of data which are relevant to
the research. It is a plan showing the approach and strategy of investigation chosen
to obtain valid and reliable data that achieved the research objectives and
answered questions. The researcher employed a case study design because the
case study design places emphasis on a full contextual analysis of a fewer events or
conditions and their interrelation. Case study research is more of a qualitative
method of research where there is an in-depth study of an individual or a group of
individuals. Kothari (2004) has explained case study as complete and careful
observation form of a qualitative analysis of a social unit that place more emphasis

on the full analysis of a limited number of events or conditions and their
interrelations. This study therefore used case study research

design since it places emphasis on a full contextual analysis of a fewer events such
as the time management of the students during the distance learning. The reason
why we choose this design because it generates in-depth understanding of a
complex issue in real-life and it provides detailed (rich qualitative) information.
Also, this is the design that is appropriate for the problem that we are investigating
for. By using this particular design, we would be able to achieve the results that we
are aiming for in our research.

III. Participants of the Study

The target participants in this study is the 11- Becquerel students in

Burauen Comprehensive National High School. With the use of non- probability
sampling, the researchers will choose 10 participants from the class of 11-
Becquerel in which 5 are males and 5 are females with ages ranging from 16- 18.
These 10 participants will represent the whole class of 11- Becquerel. The
participants that will be chosen are the students that experience the distance
learning system since the study focuses on the time management skill of students
during distance learning.

IV. Instruments of the Study

Ary (2010) stated that the most common research instruments used in
qualitative research are observation, interview, and document analysis. In this
study, the instrument that the researcher used in collecting and gathering the data
is the open-ended survey questionnaires. Open-ended questions are questions that
cannot be answered with a simple 'yes' or 'no', and instead require the respondent
to elaborate on their points. It helps you see things from a customer's perspective
as you get feedback in their own words instead of stock answers (Dosetto, 2021).
Open-ended questions are free-form survey question that allow participants to
answer in open text format so that they can answer based on their complete
knowledge, feeling, and understanding. It means that the response to this question
is not limited to a set of options. In order to obtain the data required for the study
the researchers made a survey-questionnaires formulated through getting the

possible questions from the issues or problems identified in this study. The
researchers made a 6-item open-ended survey questionnaire to seek answer based
on the respondent’s opinion and their experiences about Assessing the Time
Management Skill of 11 Becquerel students during the Distance Learning.


With the validation process, the researchers asked the guide and assistance
of their research teacher to check if the questions formulated are appropriate and
relevant. The formulated questions are also presented to some research experts in
Burauen Comprehensive

National High School. The critiques and validation acquired from the research
experts will be considered in the final copy of the questionnaires.


The open- ended survey questionnaires was administered among the participants
of the study which are the 11- Becquerel students of Burauen Comprehensive
National High School. The researchers gave clear and brief instructions before
distributing the open-ended survey questionnaires. And the same steps of giving
questionnaires to the student participants were followed all throughout the survey
process. The outcomes of the open-ended survey questions were organized to seek
answer on assessing the time management skills of 11-Becquerel students during
the distance learning.

V. Sampling Procedure

Sampling Procedure Convenience Sampling will be utilized in this research.

Convenience sampling (also called accidental sampling or grab sampling) is a
method of non-probability sampling. In convenience sampling, the researchers will
choose their sample from population members who are conveniently available to
participate in the study. The researchers chose this sampling method since it is the
easiest compared to other sampling methods. With the current situation we are in
right now where limited students are only allowed to go to school, this sampling
method is the most suitable one since it doesn’t require a random selection of
participants based on any set of criteria (like demographic factors) — instead,
researchers can subjectively select people at random, who are happy to be
approached and become part of the research. The process in conducting the study
using this sampling method starts by gathering 12 participants from 11-Becquerel
that are willing to answer the questions from the survey questionnaires. Then, the
researchers will proceed to distribute the survey questionnaires to the respondents
that will participate in the study. Finally, the participants will answer the
questionnaires based on their opinions and experiences.

VI. Data Analysis Procedure

Before the conduct of the study based on the action research, the student's
researchers sought permission from the school principal concerned through formal
letter noted by their adviser about the conduct of the action research study. When
the permission was given the researchers conducted first an orientation to the
1participants in order to provide the participants background on the purpose of the
research study before administering the test. After the orientation, all the teacher’s
participants were given the copies of the survey questionnaire to answer the
following questions. Then, the participants will answer the questions in the
questionnaire. Finally, after the participants answered the questions, the
researchers will collect each questionnaire from the participants.


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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Burauen Comprehensive National High School
Senior High School
Burauen, Leyte

A Survey for the research

Assessing the Time Management Skills of Grade 11- Becquerel during

Distance Learning


Name (optional):______________________________________________________

Grade & Section: ____________________ Age:_______ Sex:______________

Note: This survey questionnaires is intended to be used for research

purposes only. Your identity will be kept in high confidentiality in the
presentation of results.

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the new normal

learning system?
2. How did you manage your time during the distance learning?
3. What do you think hinders you to be more productive and efficient?
4. How much time do you spend each day on an average distance
5. How stressful is distance learning for you during the COVID-19
6. Why is time management crucial for students, especially during this

1 31




Assessing the Time Profile of XI-Becquerel  Assessed knowledge

Management Skill of XI- Students about the chosen
Becquerel Students G. Name
topic, help to spread
During the Distance H. Age
awareness when it
Learning I. Gender
comes to Time
J. Interview
K. Administrating the
 Will help to improve
the time management
L. Tabulation of
of XI-Becquerel
Students responses
 Increases the
productivity of the

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Leyte
Senior High School Department
Burauen, Leyte
Letter of Approval
June 2022
Dear Ma’am,
Greetings of Peace!
In partial fulfillment of our requirements for our subject Practical
Research I, we the grade 11- Becquerel students would like to ask
permission to conduct a research entitled “Assessing the Time
Management Skills of Grade 11- Becquerel Students During Distance
The survey would last at least 10-15 minutes and would be collected a
time convenient to the schedule of the students (non-class hours).
Participant in this survey is voluntary not mandatory. Rest assured that the
data we will gather will remain absolutely confidential and to be used in
academic purpose only.
We believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish the
requirement as compliance for our subject and to develop out well-being. We
hope for your positive response on this humble matter.
Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Respectfully yours,
Ernesto M. Abenoja

Mark Jethro C. Afable

Cholo O. Del Pilar

Angelica Maye C. Duquiatan

Rodjade Gaspay

Noted by:
Research Adviser
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Leyte
Senior High School Department
Burauen, Leyte

Letter of Request
June 2022
Dear Participants,
Good Day!
We, the Senior High School students of 11-Becquerel is currently
having a research entitled “Assessing the Time Management Skills of
Grade 11- Becquerel Students During Distance Learning”.
In connection with this, we would like to ask permission to be part of
our research as a participant. Your participation will be a big help for the
success of our study. Rest assured that all data gathered of information
from you will be kept in the highest level of confidentiality and will be very
much appreciated.
We hope that a favorable response will be given to this request. Thank
you and more power!

Respectfully yours,
Ernesto M. Abenoja

Mark Jethro C. Afable

Cholo O. Del Pilar

Angelica Maye C. Duquiatan

Rodjade Gaspay


Research Adviser

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Leyte
Senior High School Department
Burauen, Leyte

Letter for Tool Validation

Jenett Dagohoy
Master Teacher I
Burauen Comprehensive National High School
Burauen, Leyte
June 2022
Dear Ma`am,
Good Day!
We, the Senior High School Students of Burauen Comprehensive
National High School are currently working on the research entitled:
“Assessing the Time Management Skills of Grade 11- Becquerel
Students During Distance Learning”.A written test questionnaire as
instrument will be used in the said research. In view with this, the
researcher would like your expertise to validate the Attached self-made
questionnaire to qualify for conduction. We would like to ask for your help
in validating the said instrument before administering it to the participants
of this study.
We are looking forward that our request would merit your positive
response. Your positive response will be highly appreciated.
Thank You and more power!

Respectfully yours,
Ernesto M. Abenoja
Mark Jethro C. Afable
Cholo O. Del Pilar
Angelica Maye C. Duquiatan
Rodjade Gaspay
Validated by:
Master Teacher

Noted by:
Research Adviser 35
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Leyte
Senior High School Department
Burauen, Leyte

Letter of Approval

Victoria B. Subaran
Principal II/ASP
Burauen Comprehensive National High School
Burauen, Leyte
June 2022
Dear Ma`am,
Good Day!
In partial fulfillment of our research requirements for our subject
Practical research 1. We, the grade 11 students of section Becquerel would
like to ask permission to conduct a research study entitled “Assessing the
Time Management Skills of Grade 11- Becquerel Students During
Distance Learning”.In connection with this, we would like to ask your good
office to allow us to conduct our research study in your vicinity. Rest
assured that the data we will gather will remain absolutely confidential and
to be used in academic Purpose only.
We believe that you are one with us in our enthusiasm to finish the
requirement as compliance for our subject and to develop our well- being.
We hope of your positive response of this humble matter. Your approval to
conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Respectfully yours,
Ernesto M. Abenoja
Mark Jethro C. Afable
Cholo O. Del Pilar
Angelica Maye C. Duquiatan
Rodjade Gaspay

Validated by:
Master Teacher

Noted by:
Research Adviser

Name : Ernesto M. Abenoja

Age : 17 Years old
Address : Brgy. Maghubas Burauen, Leyte
Date of Birth : September 27, 2004
Mother : Helen M. Abenoja
Father : Ernesto Abenoja Sr.

Educational Background
Elementary : Burauen North Elementary School

Secondary : Burauen Comprehensive National High School

Sto. Nino Street Burauen Leyte
(2017- 2021)

Senior : Burauen Comprehensive National High School-

Senior High School
Sto. Nino Street Burauen, Leyte
(2022- present)


Name : Mark Jethro C. Afable

Age : 17 Years old
Address : Brgy. Buri Burauen, Leyte
Date of Birth : October 9, 2004
Mother : Eleanor Afable
Father : Edgardo Afable

Educational Background
Elementary : Buri Elementary School

Brgy. Buri Burauen, Leyte

Secondary : Burauen Comprehensive National High School

Sto. Nino St. Burauen Leyte
(2017- 2021)

Senior : Burauen Comprehensive National High School-

Senior High School
Sto. Nino St. Burauen, Leyte
(2022- present)


Name : Cholo John O. Del Pilar

Age : 17 Years old
Address : Aguadas st. Burauen, Leyte
Date of Birth : May 21, 2005
Mother : Richel Odal
Father : Herbert G. Del Pilar

Educational Background
Elementary : Burauen North Central School

Sta. Ana St. Pob. Dist. 1, Burauen, Leyte


Secondary : Burauen Comorehensive Nationa High School

Sto. Nino St. Burauen Leyte
(2017- 2021)

Senior : Burauen Comorehensive Nationa High School-

Senior High School
Sto. Nino St. Burauen, Leyte
(2022- present)


Name : Angelica Maye C. Duquiatan

Age : 17 Years old
Address : Brgy. Jurao Julita, Leyte
Date of Birth : May 02, 2005
Mother : Arlene B. Culas
Father : Antonio A. Duquiatan

Educational Background
Elementary : Balante Elementary School

Brgy. Balante Julita, Leyte

Alegria Elementary School


Secondary : Burauen Comprehensive National High School

Sto. Nino st. Burauen Leyte
(2017- 2021)

Senior : Burauen Comprehensive National High School-

Senior High School
Sto. Nino st. Burauen, Leyte
(2022- present)


Name : Rodjade A. Gaspay

Age : 18 Years old
Address : Brgy. Maabab Burauen. Leyte
Date of Birth : June 03, 2004
Mother : Victoria A. Gaspay
Father : Rodrigo B. Gaspay

Educational Background
Elementary : Maabab elementary School

Brgy. Maabab Burauen. Leyte

Burabod Elementary School


Secondary : Burauen Comprehensive National High School

Sto. Nino st. Burauen Leyte
(2017- 2021)

Senior : Burauen Comprehensive National High School-

Senior High School
Sto. Nino st. Burauen, Leyte
(2022- present)

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