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CLOZE TEST Tibet ___(1)___ up images of a mystic land.

Snow-capped mountain peaks pierce the

blue sky and fierce chilly winds sweep the rolling grasslands. Maroon-robed Buddhist monks pray in
remote monasteries and ___(2)___ horsemen pound the rugged earth. People in this high plateau
perform punishing rituals like prostrating hundreds of miles in tattered clothes on pilgrimage. Spirits,
spells and flying apparitions are part of the Tibetan world. In short, Tibet remains an exotica. Such
images are largely the result of books by Western travellers and explorers in the last century, which
helped in keeping the mystique alive. And when the Communist rulers took over Tibet in the 1950s
and began ___(3)___ Chinese language and culture on the people, Tibet's own history started to
___(4)___ in the background. Thus, the only books available in English to Tsering Wangmo Dhompa
as a young girl growing up in India and Nepal as a refugee ___(5)___ those written by Westerners,
and so she came to view the country as a forbidden land, a place where fantasy and fable
collaborated against a dramatic backdrop of mountains, black magic and people with strange
customs and appearances.

1. (a) makes (b) conjures (c) puts (d) toil.

2. (a) sturdy (b) wobbly (c) handsome (d) herculean.

3. (a) implementing (b) evading (c) imposing (d) experimenting.

4. (a) amplify (b) stretch (c) die (d) recede.

5. (a) are (b) have been (c) was (d) were.

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