Design of Ultra-Compact Low Power All-Optical Mach-Zehnder Modulator by Means of Dispersion Engineered Slow Light Regime in Photonic Crystal

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Design of Ultra-Compact Low Power All-Optical Mach-Zehnder Modulator by

means of Dispersion Engineered Slow Light regime in Photonic Crystal

Article  in  Applied Optics · May 2012

DOI: 10.1364/AO.51.002687 · Source: PubMed


25 307

3 authors:

Sara Bakhshi Mohammad Kazem Moravvej-Farshi

University of Central Florida Tarbiat Modares University


Majid Ebnali-Heidari
Shahrekord University


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Design of Ultra-Compact Low Power All-Optical Modulator by means of Dispersion
Engineered Slow Light regime in Photonic Crystal Mach-Zehnder
Sara Bakhshi1, Mohammad Kazem Moravvej Farshi1*, and Majid Ebnali-Heidari2

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Advanced Device Simulation Lab, Tarbiat Modares University,
PO Box 14115-194, Tehran, 1411713116 Iran.

Faculty of Engineering, University of Shahrekord, Shahrekord 8818634141, Iran

Corresponding author:


We present the design procedure for an ultra-compact low power all-optical modulator based on

dispersion engineered slow-light regime in photonic crystal Mach-Zehnder interferometer (PhC-

MZI), selectively infiltrated by nonlinear optical fluids. The dispersionless slow-light regime

enhancing the nonlinearities enabled a 22-µm long PhC-MZI to operate as a modulator with an

input power as low as 3 mW/µm. Simulations reveal that the switching threshold can be

controlled by varying the optofluidic infiltration.

OCIS Codes: 230-4110 (Modulators), 230-5298 (Photonic Crystals), 350-4238 (Nanophotonics

and Photonic Crystals)

1. Introduction

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in slow light in photonic crystals (PhC) [1],

both for realizing compact optical functions and more generally for nonlinear photonics [1-8].

Indeed, nonlinear optical effects, typically relying on light-matter interaction, are expected to be

enhanced in the slow light regime, where the light propagates more slowly through the material.

The slower the light propagates in a medium, the less is the power or the shorter is the physical

length required for the nonlinear effects to appear. In a Mach-Zehnder interferometer designed

for working in a slow light regime, due to the increased changes in wavevector (δk), the slow

PhC modes enable much more compact tuneable architectures [5,8].

It is a well-known fact that switching occurs when the optical path difference equals one half of a

wavelength (δL=λ/2n), or the phase difference equals δϕ=π. Hence, the change in the refractive

index required for switching, over a length L, equals δn=λ/2L. According to the perturbation

theory, the induced shift in the optical frequency of a mode within the photonic band gap at a

given k equals δω(k)/ω=−σ(δn/n), with σ specifying the fraction of the total energy of the mode

stored in a region where δn is induced. Hence, the smaller the group velocity (vG=dω/dk) the

larger the corresponding induced phase shift δϕ=Lδk ≈ Lδω/(dω/dk)=−Lωσδn/(nvG). Therefore,

in order to satisfy the phase difference needed for switching to occur we must have:

L 1  n   vG 
  
 2   n   c  (1)

Equation (1) shows the size of the device scales linearly with the group velocity. In a different

context, if a planar PhC is fabricated from a non-linear medium, significant enhancement of

optical nonlinearity will be expected due to enhancement of the effective interaction length

between the slow optical field and the nonlinear medium [2]. In that case, ultrafast all-optical

switching with low optical-power operation becomes possible [7,9,10].

Nonetheless, the slow light regime is usually accompanied by high group velocity dispersion

(GVD).This effect typically distorts an optical pulse, compromising the benefit of the slow light

[8]. To overcome this shortcoming, it is desirable to realize slow-light structures tailored to

possess dispersionless properties. To date, a few successful approaches have been devised to

achieve dispersionless slow light regimes. For instance, by slightly modifying the PhC

waveguide geometry [11-15], filling a row of PhC air-holes by dielectric rods on both sides of

the line defect [16], or selectively infiltrating the PhC air-holes with optical fluids [17,18]

dispersion engineered slow light has been achieved. The possibility of managing the modal

dispersion in PhC waveguides combined with the achievement of low group velocities appears to

be highly attractive for optimizing phase matched nonlinear processes, like all-optical switching

based on MZI [19].

Optofluidics is an emerging branch which is the offspring of optics and microfluidics

[20-23]. Air-hole photonic crystal structures intrinsically have void, into which optical fluids can

be injected. Hence, these PhCs attract great attention to take advantages of highly tuneable

properties of the optical liquids [22,23]. Recently developed microfluidic technologies allow

accurate control of liquid on small spatial scale, offering the potential for implementing

integrated micro-/nano-photonic devices [24-25]. Another advantage of this issue is the ability to

reconfigure the circuits by simply replacing one fluid with another or changing the pattern of the

infiltrated area [24-26]. In addition, one of the key superiority of microfluids is their much higher

effective δn/n ratio in comparison with that of conventional photonic devices that are limited to

the exploitation of weak nonlinearities on the order of 10−3 [23,27-28]. Optofluidics not only

provides a solution that enables both localized control and high refractive index modulation, but

also can perform as a tool for tuning the optical properties [ 29,30].

In this paper, we demonstrated that by means of selective optofluidic infiltration a very short

low-dispersion slow light PhC waveguide can be achieved. Employing this technique, we have

simply attained a flat band slow light area in a broad range of wavelengths. By implementing

such slow light waveguides in a MZI structure we have designed an ultra-compact modulator.

This has been made possible by means of large variations in the refractive index (δn), resulted

from incorporating the high nonlinear coefficients of optical fluids into a slow light structure.

Eventually, by employing selective optofluidic infiltration to enhance the bend efficiency, as

reported in [30], we have enhanced the transmission and the bandwidth of designed modulator.

Here, we use 2D finite difference time domain (FDTD) and plane wave expansion (PWE)

method to simulate the proposed structure. For numerical results to resemble those of a 220-nm

thick 3D practical membrane, we employ the effective index method. The PhC platform, used in

this simulation, is assumed to have a triangular lattice of constant a=420 nm created by devising

air-holes of radii r=0.3a in a Si substrate, resulting in an effective index of neff=2.8.

2. Dispersion engineered PhC waveguide

As pointed out in Section 1, we use selective optofluidic infiltration as a tool to engineer the

dispersion in PhC waveguides as proposed by Ebnali et al [17]. They have already demonstrated

that in W09 waveguide (W09W) with a 90% width made on a similar PhC platform, infiltrated

waveguide demonstrates a higher group index and hence a lower group velocity in comparison to

uninfiltrated one.

To give a brief overview of the slow light regime in a selectively infiltrated PhC W09W,

we start with the structure illustrated in Fig. 1, and assume that two rows of the air-holes

depicted by blue (dark) color on each side of the line-defect are selectively infiltrated by an

optical fluid of specific refractive index nf. Then, we have calculated the wavelength dependence

of the group indices (ng) and the corresponding GVDs (β2) for the even fundamental modes of

W09Ws selectively infiltrated with optical fluids of refractive indices nf=1.75 from Series M and

1.85, 1.9 and 1.95 from Series H of Cargille liquids [30]. These liquids, according to [23, 32-36]

can possess nonlinear Kerr parameters of about two orders of magnitudes larger than that of Si

(1.2×10-13 esu). Figure 2 compares the numerical data of three samples with nf=1.75, 1.85 and

1.95, as an example. Details of the group indices and the corresponding GVDs, center

wavelengths of the flat band (λc), band widths (∆λ), and the group index-bandwidth products

(ng×∆λ/λc) for all cases are given in Table 1.

As seen from Table 1, by an increase in the fluid index of refraction the group index and the

corresponding GVD decrease, while the bandwidth increases and experiences a red shift.

3. Modulator Design

Our aim in this section is to take the advantage of the dispersion engineered slow light regime,

developed by the procedure described in Section 2, to design a compact PhC based Mach-

Zehnder modulators (MZM). In designing the desired modulator, length of the MZM arms and

the optical fluids used in infiltrations play the key roles in providing the required phase shift for

the modulator switching performance. Inclusion of the nonlinear effect of the optical fluids in

this design results in a device with shorter arms, less input power needed for operation of the

modulator, with less power dissipation through it. In fact the first two are caused by the enhanced

interaction of the slow light with the nonlinear material and the latter is due to the dispersion


Now, consider a MZM whose waveguides are of W09W type. A 2D schematic

representation of this MZM is illustrated in Fig. 3. Then, we assume the dispersion engineered

slow light regime in the lower arm is provided by selectively infiltrating the two rows on both

sides of the W09W with an optical fluid of refractive index nfL=1.85. However, the dispersion

engineered slow light regime throughout the remaining W09Ws making the MZM is assumed to

be provided by selectively infiltrating the two rows on both sides of the W09Ws with an optical

fluid of refractive index nfU=1.95 having a relatively smaller GVD, in comparison with that of

nfL=1.85. We have also assumed the Kerr coefficient for the liquid infiltrated into the lower arm

air-holes be about n2~2×10-11 esu, and that of the upper arm be at least an order of magnitude

smaller. Hence, the lower arm plays the role of the phase shifter for this modulator. The resultant

phase shift provided by an arm of length L is given by

   k  k    L
a (2)

where k and k' are the normalized wave vectors of the phase shifter arm in linear and nonlinear

regimes, respectively. In order to evaluate the minimum length for the phase shifter arm that can

provide the minimum phase shift of δϕ=π required for the switching action, we have calculated

the normalized frequency of the even fundamental mode of the W09W selectively infiltrated

with nfL=1.85, versus the normalized wave vector in the absence and presence of the nonlinear

effect, as illustrated by the solid and dashed lines in Fig. 4, respectively. This figure is obtained

by PWE method while the even fundamental mode in presence of nonlinear effect is plotted by

applying the calculated effective refractive index in this regime. Assuming the center wavelength

of 1550 nm one can easily find the minimum length of L= 52a, for a=420 nm.

Now, varying the powers of two CW input signals with center wavelengths of λc=1550

and 1580 nm, we simulate the output powers from the aforementioned selectively infiltrated

MZM. Figure 5 illustrates the numerical results for variation of output powers versus inputs.

Note that λ= 1550 falls outside both slow light regimes, while λ=1580 is almost an optimum

wavelength. Not only it falls within the flat bands of the both dispersion engineered slow light

regimes, but also it is the wavelength for which the difference in the group indices of the two

regimes is near the maximum. Defining the modulation windows between the two inputs for

which the outputs are 10% and 90% of the maximum output, one can see that the window for the

signal whose center wavelength falls within the flattened portion of the dispersion engineered

slow light regimes is about 3.96 times narrower than that of the signal whose center wavelength

is outside the range of the slow light regimes. Comparison of Fig. 5(a) with 5(b) also shows that

the input power required for the modulation to take place for the former signal is more than three

times smaller than that of the latter signal.

Then, in order to examine the dependence of the switching behavior on the linear

refractive index of the optical fluids infiltrated into the air-holes of the phase shifter arm, we kept

the optical fluid infiltrated into the air-holes of the upper arm as before and simulated the

switching behavior for three more optical fluids with nfL=1.75, 1.8, and 1.9 all with the same

Kerr coefficient n2=2×10−11 esu. In practice, one should follow [18] to empty and refill the

selected air-holes. Using similar input signals as before with center wavelengths given in Table 1

for various nfL, we calculate the normalized output powers as a function of the input power and

compared them with the results given in Fig. 5(b). The comparison is illustrated in Fig. 6. This

figure shows that, the modulation for nfL=1.75 takes place for an input power less than 3mW/µm

in a window as narrow as 0.4 mW/µm. In comparison, Vlasov et al [37] experimentally

demonstrated a thermo-optically tuned Mach–Zehnder modulator of length 250 µm can modulate

the band-edge slow light of c/300 (with limited bandwidth and tunability) on the time scale of

order of 100 ns utilizing 2mW electric power. Whereas, Gu et al. [38] reported operation of p-i-

n-diode-embedded PhC-MZI modulators fabricated on Si-on-Insulator platforms. They have

used a 30 GHz photodetector to detect the output optical intensities of the modulator at

maximum bit rate of 2 Mbits/s. This was achieved by of injecting 7.1 mA static current into an

80-µm long interaction region using square wave electric signals having peak-to-peak amplitudes

of 3V. We should reiterate that the proposed structure in this paper is an all-optical modulator

operating in a slow light regime of group velocity ~c/16.6 with nearly zero dispersion that is

flattened over a bandwidth of ~10 nm. Details of the required input powers for the modulation in

all cases shown in Fig. 6 and the corresponding modulation windows are summarized in Table 2.

A bottleneck in operation of a MZM, such as the one is shown in Fig. 3, is its 60°

junctions and bends. Such bends can reduce the bandwidth and the output power of the MZM.

We have already demonstrated elsewhere that by selective optofluidic infiltration how efficiency

of a 60° W1W-bend can be optimized [30]. Numerical results presented, so far, do not include

such optimization. Repeating the same approach as described by [30], one can easily show that

the radius of the air-hole and the index of the optical fluid infiltrated into it to act as the point

defect in an optimized 60° W09W-bend (with the given geometry) are rd=120 nm and nfd=1.9.

These point defects are depicted by the dark green circles located at the bends of the MZM

shown in Fig. 3. Figure 7 compares the normalized input (dots) with the output powers of three

different MZMs versus time. MZM1 (dotted-dashes) shows the results obtained from an

uninfiltrated W09W-MZM (with no dispersion engineering) and ordinary bends, MZM2 (dashes)

illustrates the numerical results from the output of a dispersion engineered W09W-MZM

(nfU=1.95 and nfL=1.85) with ordinary bends, and MZM3 (solid line) shows the numerical results

from the output of a dispersion engineered W09W-MZM with optimized 60° bends. This figure

shows on the average an improvement of ~ 15% is achieved with the bend optimization. A

careful inspection reveals all three outputs start stabilizing at about t=40 ps. At this time we have

turned off the input signal and watched for the outputs reach to zero after about 20 ps. This

switching speed is due to the enhancement of the nonlinear Kerr effect by the dispersion

engineered slow light regime within the lower arm of the PhC-MZI.

4. Conclusion

The design of an ultra-compact low power photonic crystal Mach-Zehnder optical modulator has

been described. The dispersion engineered slow light regime achieved by selective optofluidic

infiltration of the PhC-MZI enhances the nonlinearities in the infiltrated waveguide and hence

reduces the switching threshold in a Mach-Zehnder of given length.


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Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a PhC W09W with selectively infiltrated air-holes (blue).

35 30

30 25

25 20

 2(10-21 m-1-s2)
20 15

15 10

10 5
nf=1.75 nf=1.75

5 nf=1.85 nf=1.85 0
nf=1.95 nf=1.95

1540 1550 1560 1570 1580 1590 1600 1610

 (nm)

Fig 2. Wavelength dependence of the group indices, ng, (lines) and GVDs, β2, (symbols) of the
fundamental modes of the selectively infiltrated W09W of Fig 1, for optical fluids of nf=1.75,
1.85, 1.95.

Fig 3. Schematic representation of a dispersion engineered PhC base Mach-Zehnder modulator
(MZM) with optimized 60° bends. All waveguides are assumed to be W09 type. The fluids
infiltrated into the holes of the upper arm (yellow), the lower arm (light green), and four bends
(dark green) are assumed to have the refractive indices nfU =1.95, nfL=1.85 and nfd=1.9
respectively. The dark green rectangles on both sides of the MZM indicate ….

Fig 4. Propagating modes of W09W of Fig 1 when the refractive index of the infiltrated liquid is
1. 85 for linear (solid line) and nonlinear (diamonds) regime.



Fig 5. Normalized output intensity versus the input power for a dispersion engineered MZM
operating at center wavelength of (a) 1550 nm and (b) 1580 nm.


Normalized Output Intensity


0.4 nfL=1.9


1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
Input Power (mW/m)

Fig. 6. Normalized output intensity versus the input power for dispersion engineered MZM
operating in various slow light regimes.

Output: MZM3
0.8 Output: MZM2
Normialized Intensity

Output: MZM1

 =1580 nm



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (ps)

Fig 7. Time responses of three MZMs, whose arms are made of W09W. Dots show the input,
dotted-dashes, dashes and solid line show the output for uninfiltrated MZM with conventional
60° bends, dispersion engineered MZM with conventional 60° bends, and dispersion engineered
MZM with optimized 60° bends.

Table 1. Details of the group indices and the corresponding GVDs, center wavelengths of the

flat band (λc), band widths (∆λ), and the group index-bandwidth products (ng×∆λ/λc) for all cases

nfL ng β2(10−21 m−1-s2)
λc(nm) ∆λ(nm) ng×∆λ/λc
1.75 19.53 3.368 1563 8 0.099
1.80 17.98 1.139 1568 12 0.1376
1.85 16.6 −0.666 1573 16 0.168
190 15.37 −2.097 1578 20 0.1948
1.95 14.15 −2.055 1585 24 0.214

Table 2. Details of the required input powers for the modulation in all cases shown in Fig. 8 and

the corresponding modulation windows.

nfL ng λc(nm) PIN(mW/µm) ∆P(mW/µm) ∆P/PIN(%)

1.75 19.53 1563 3 0.4 13.33
1.80 17.98 1568 6.2 1.6 25.81
1.85 16.6 1573 11 5.4 49.09
190 15.37 1578 18 9.8 54.44


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