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Reg.No.:[ | | TT TT Question Paper Code : 86033 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY/MARCH 2013. Elective ‘Technology Management DBA 1735 — KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2007/2009) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks 10. 11. Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) List any three external pressures on an organization. List any four domains of knowledge management. What is organizational knowledge? List any three sources for knowledge in organization. What is protocol analysis? What is electronic brainstorming? Define community of practice Define organizational memory. What is the function of filtering tools? List any two vital objectives of knowledge audit. PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) (a) Explain in detail the various areas of research in knowledge management. Or (b) List and briefly explain the various characteristics of knowledge ‘economy. 13. 14, 15. (a) () (a) (b): (a) (b) @) (b) Write a note on () Knowledge sourcing. @) (ii) Knowledge diffusion. ® Or Write an essay about tacit and explicit knowledge. Also highlight the approaches adopted to tackle explicit knowledge. What is a learning organization? Explain the characteristics of a learning organization with examples. Or Explain the various means of codification of knowledge. Briefly explain the strategies adopted by the organization in enhancing knowledge culture. Or Choose three organizational culture elements and consider how these might be different in a manufacturing community and knowledge community? What are some best practices in the management of the useful lifecycle of knowledge content? Or Discuss the pros and cons of technologies used in the knowledge-sharing and dissemination phase. 2 86033 Reg. No.: Question Paper Code : 75533 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2012. Elective ‘Technology Management DBA 1735 — KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2007/2009) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks s © PS eFrAea iL Answer ALL questions. PART A— (10 x 2= 20 marks) What are the organizational motives in managing knowledge? What is ‘knowledge base’? Distinguish between ‘information’ and ‘knowledge’. What is diffusion? What is collaborative filtering and name some of it tools? Distinguish between decision table and decision tree. Define community of practice. Write a note on organizational memory. What is knowledge audit? Who is a chief learning officer (CLO)? PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) (a) List down and explain various drivers of knowledge economy. What are the potentials attributes that India has to declare her as a knowledge economy? (6+ 8=16) Or (b) Explain why organizations should treat knowledge as their strategic asset. (16) 12, 13, 14. 15. @ (a) b) (a) (b) @ O) What is ‘tacit knowledge"? What are the interventions required to collect and utilize Tacit knowledge in an organization? (4+ 12= 16) Or Discuss the detailed attributes of knowledge with examples. (16) Knowledge management infrastructure is a prerequisite to knowledge sharing’ —Do you agree? If yes or no, substantiate your answer. (16) Or What are the contents of a knowledge repository? Define the procedure to design a knowledge repository. (8+8= 16) “Knowledge culture interventions should be centrally driven’, Discuss this statement. (16) Or How do you develop and nurture Communities of Practice in an organization? Explain. (16) What are the various knowledge capturing, creation and dissemination tools? Briefly explain them. (16) Or What are the different classifications of KM career? Explain each one of them briefly. (16) 2 15533 Reg. No. l [lee Taare Question Paper Code : 85533 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2012. Elective DBA 1735 — KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2007/2009) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1. What is knowledge cycle? 2. What are expert systems? 3. List any two examples for explicit knowledge systems. 4. List any three attributes to be followed while knowledge sourcing process 5. Define protocol analysis. 6. What is a knowledge map? 7. Define the term organizational memory. 8. _ List any three knowledge culture enablers for an IT organization. 9. What are the objectives of K-audit? 10. Define data mining. PART B— (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11 (@) Explain in detail the various domains for knowledge management. Or (©) With illustrations, explain in detail the various drivers of knowledge economy, 12. 13. 14, 15. (a) (b) (a) (b) (@) (a) ) In detail explain the process of knowledge abstraction, conversion and diffusion. Or With examples list down the various attributes of knowledge and support systems in an organization of your choice Use an example of your choice to illustrate the conditions under which you would be willing to build a KM system based on single expert. Justify your decision. Or Explain in detail the various learning disciplines propounded by Peter Senge Explain in detail the procedure to develop and sustain knowledge culture in organizations. Or Explain in detail the key enablers and major obstacles to effective knowledge sharing that can be attributed to the overall organizational culture. Deseribe the pros and cons of major technologies used in the knowledge acquisition and application phase. Or “Measuring knowledge management is not simple’ — Do you agree with this statement? If not, what are the approaches needed to measure KM? 2 85533 Reg.No.:({ | | | Question Paper Code: 95533 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2011, Elective DBA 1735 — KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2007/2009) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1, What motivates organizations to implement methods of managing knowledge? List the main phases involved in knowledge transformation. 3. List any three key characteristics of organizational knowledge. 4, Compare the properties of tacit and explicit knowledge. 5. _ Explain knowledge-based agents as a knowledge codification technique. 6. What is a knowledge repository? 7.- What are the knowledge culture enablers that contribute to the creation of an effective and positive knowledge community? ist the possible ways in developing organizational memory. 9. What are the four major focus perspectives of a Balanced Score Card? 10, Explain the job of a Knowledge Management analyst. PART B— (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11, (a) (@_ List the four technical domains and the tools that are used to help institutions share, distribute, capture and create knowledge better. (8) (ii) What are the characteristics of a knowledge economy? 8) Or 12, 13. 14, 15. ) ) ) (a) ) (a) @) () Knowledge management draws upon a vast number of diverse disciplines. What are they? (8) (ii) Brief the main key information technologies used in Knowledge Management programs. ® Elaborate in detail the phases involved in organizational knowledge creation. (16) Or Knowledge is increasingly being viewed as a commodity or an intellectual asset. Explain the attributes of knowledge that are radically different from those of other valuable commodities. (16) Knowledge capture is a process by which the experts’ thoughts and experiences are captured. Illustrate the various knowledge capture techniques adopted by organizations. (16) Or Knowledge Management infrastructure is a pre-requisite to knowledge sharing. Explain the components of Knowledge Management architecture in managing the knowledge core of the organization. (16) Explain the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management and how does culture contribute to organizational innovation and success. ae) Or ‘What is the role of leadership in developing Communities of Practice and also explain how Communities of Practice are nurtured in organizations. (16) Discuss the bell curve pattern and the measures appropriate for measuring Knowledge Management in each stage of Knowledge Management life cycle, a6) Or Elaborate the knowledge need analysis and the strategic K-gap analysis that helps an organization to develop its future strategy. (16) 2 95533 Reg. No.: I Ol Question Paper Code : 85533 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2011. Elective DBA 1735 — KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2007) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks 10. Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2= 20 marks) What are the leveraging assets considered in the intellectual asset management? Define the three general design approaches to the knowledge management infrastructure. What are the knowledge attributes that are used for knowledge transfer? Define tacit knowledge with some examples. What are the basic assumptions in personal versus organizational knowledge management approaches? What are the five learning cycles of a learning organi: ion? Define the cognitive dimension of social capital in communities. What are the four classes of corporate culture defined by Goffee and Jones taxonomy? What are the objectives of a knowledge audit? List the essential job roles of a CKO. iL 12, 13. 4. 15, @) ) (a) ) @ ) (@) &) @ ) PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) Elaborate on the eight key business drivers for knowledge management in the new knowledge economy. Or Discuss in detail the matrix proposed by Hall and Andriani for determining the strategic K-spot with a neat diagram. Bring out a detailed study on the model of knowledge acquisition. Or Elaborate on the steps involved in acquiring knowledge. Distinguish between database and knowledge base and also explain the process in which knowledge is stored. Or Define in detail the steps involved in transforming an organization through leadership. Define Community of Practice in a common context. Or In your own view, discuss in detail why sharing knowledge is important in the knowledge culture in organizations. ‘Compare and contrast the various KM measurement approaches in terms of process and implementation. Or Discuss in detail the implementation of Knowledge Management System with a case study. 2 85533 Reg. No. Question Paper Code: GG 1533 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2010. Elective DBA 1735 — KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2007) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks 10. Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10x 2= 20 marks) Comment on the statement -“The wise see knowledge and action as one” (Bhagvad Gita). What is ‘expanding strategy’ for knowledge management? Give examples. What are knowledge-enabled and knowledge-based products? Give examples. Distinguish Tacit knowledge from Explicit knowledge. Distinguish social networks and semantic web with examples. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Lotus Notes as a collaboration tool? What are key differences of between web 2.0 and web 3.0? How KM system development different from traditional systems? ‘What are the techniques used for codifying the knowledge? What are the essential job roles of a CKO? iL 12. 13. 14. 15. (a) (b) (a) © @) &) @ ) @ ) PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) What are the stages of strategic knowledge management in organizations? What are the specific activities that are carried out in each stage? Give suitable examples. Or Do you think KM in today’s organization has emerged to be a ‘pot of gold’ or an act chasing rainbow? Justify. Does organizational culture play an important role in knowledge sharing? What are the essential features of effective culture for knowledge sharing and collaboration? Or What are the essential features of “Ba”? How is Ba related to Nonaka’s SECI model for knowledge sharing? Give suitable examples. How does community of practice differ from formal workgroups, project teams and informal networks in terms of its purpose, who belongs to, what holds people together and how long does it lost? Or What are the layers of Portals for knowledge sharing? What are the basic tools that are provided through portals? What are the features of interface layer in KM architecture? What are the aspects to be considered while designing an interface layer of a KMS for a set new faculty of a large technical university? Or What are the essential characteristics of knowledge Developers (KD)? Do you think KDs can make or break the overall success of KMS? Justify. Compare and contrast the KM measurement approaches Balanced Score Card, Tabin’s Q and Inclusive valuation methodology in terms of focus, process and implementability. Or What it knowledge Audit (KA)? What are the primary objectives of KA? Who should normally participate in KA in large organizations? 2 GG 1533 Reg. No. M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2009. Fourth Semester — Elective DBA 1735 — KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2007) ‘Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1. Define knowledge. 2. Why is it mentioned that knowledge management is a strategic asset? 3. Using an example, highlight what is tacit knowledge? 4, What are knowledge attributes? 5. What is the purpose of organizational learning? 6. State the phases in Knowledge management cycle. 7, What is knowledge culture? 8. List the various knowledge culture enablers. 9. What are the major types of Knowledge management roles that exist in organizations today? 10. List the critical issues facing the successful implementation of Knowledge management applications. 1. 12, 13. 14, (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) (i) Distinguish between technology and knowledge management. (8) (ii) Explain the knowledge management matrix. (8) Or Using an industry case, explain how Knowledge management strategy can be advantageously used in today’s IT scenario. Why is it difficult to directly codify tacit knowledge? What are the pitfalls that one could encounter in capturing tacit knowledge? How would you address these pitfalls? Or Enumerate the major approaches in capturing knowledge using examples. What sort of criteria would help you decide which one to use in a given organization? What are the key components that should be addressed by an organizational knowledge management architecture? Why are these components critical for organizational knowledge application? (i) Discuss why counting the number of hits to a knowledge repository would not be the best measure of knowledge application within an organization? @) (a) Define knowledge connectivity managoment and discuss its strategic implications for knowledge capture and codification. (8) How would you go about assessing the cultural readiness of an organization with respect to planned Knowledge management interventions? Or How would you forge a bridge between the largely tacit cultural knowledge of an organization and the largely explicit organizational memory system that should serve to preserve the knowledge? 2 Z 1583 15. (a) (b) Discuss the pros and cons of the major technologies used in various stages of Knowledge management cycle. Or Write short notes on : () Knowledge Audit. (ii) Knowledge management metrics. (8) (8) Z 1533 Rog. Now:[ | LL 1633} MBA. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2009, Bective DBA 175 — KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2007) ‘Time :"Throe boors ‘Maximum 100 markee Answer ALL questions, PART A— (10 «2 20 marks) 1. Define Knowledge Management ‘What do you understand by the word knowledge management matrix! 3. Distinguish botwoon cit’ and explicit knowledge. 4, What js moant by organiaational knowledge? 5. Whabiea knowlodgerepositon? 6. What ia knowledge map? 7. Whhotdo you men by knowledge sharing culture? 8 Write a note on organizational memery 9. What are the objectives of K-audit? 10, What aro the responsibilities ofa CKO? Par B= (64 4 50 mavks) 11, (8) Compare ‘Industrial Economy’ sith ‘Knowledge Boonomy’. Analyze tho chances of India becoming world's loading knowledge esonamy. (+8216) or (©) Explain the various key technologies needed for the KM programs. (16) 2, 1s. @ » & @ oy @ © ‘What are the sources of organizational knowledge? Explain the different ‘phase of orgnnational knowledge creation. +8=16) or Discuss the dotailed attributes of knowledge with examples. as) ‘what are the main characteristics of @ learning organiéstion? Rxplein rreiive learning disciplines propounded by Peter Senge. (B+8= 16) or tet out the contents of a knowledge repository. Define the procedure to dosign a knowledge repository (G4 8=10) What ae the various knowledge culture onsblers? Explain them, (26) 1 Or How do you davelop and nurture a Communities of Practice in an ceganizntion? as) ive your detailed analysis of Bolanced Scorecard Manngument System. Ge or What are the dutios end skills required forthe positions of: (i) Kearchitect ii) Kestratogist (5 Kengineer and ie) Kemanager? ede eeae 2 11.1633 Reg. No.: Question Paper Code : YY 1533 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2010. Elective DBA 1735 — KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2007) ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A— (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1. Define knowledge and knowledge management. What are location attributes of knowledge? Give examples. What is FASB method for measuring ROI of KM? What is mind mapping? Distinguish Data mining from OLAP with examples. What are water coolers in Knowledge sharing? Distinguish social networks and semantic web with examples. How does Folksonomy differ from subject indexing? SPA ww What is repertory grid? When do you use it as a technique to capture knowledge? 10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Lotus Notes as a collaboration tool? PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) 11. (a) What are the stages of strategic knowledge management in organizations? What aro the specific activities that are carried out in each stage? Give suitable examples. Or (b) Do you think KM in today’s organization has emerged to be a ‘pot of gold’ or an act chasing rainbow? Justify. 12, 13. 14. 16. (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) Does organizational culture play an important role in knowledge sharing? What are the essential features of effective culture for knowledge sharing and collaboration? Discuss. Or How does community of practice differ from formal workgroups, project, teams and informal networks in terms of its purpose, who belongs to, what holds people together and how long does it lost? Distinguish KM system life cyele from traditional system life eycle on the basis of users, key roles, stages, outcomes ete. Or What are the layers of Portals for knowledge sharing? What are the basic tools that are provided through Portals? What are the features of interface layer in KM architecture? What are the aspects to be considered while designing an interface layer of a KMS for a set new faculty of a large technical University? Or What are the essential characteristics of Knowledge Developers (KD)? Do you think KDs can make or break the overalll success of KMS? Justify. ‘What are the key assets of an organization (inputs and processes) that contribute to organizational capability for achieving higher levels of performance? Or Compare and contrast the KM measurement approaches BSC, Tabin’s Q and inclusive valuation methodology in terms of focus, process and implementability. 2 YY 1533

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