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Coronavirus Covid-19

Fact Not Fear

Covid-19 The Marshall Scam

* Reminder *

As a citizen of a free country it is your

right and duty to question your
government’s actions
Slide 1 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

During World War II the western allies destroyed

Germany from the air while the Russians devastated
the once mighty German armies until finally on
June 6th 1944, Western armies once more marched
on Western European soil, heading for Berlin.

Slide 2 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

By agreement between the senior leaders,

Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, the western
and Russian armies would meet in Berlin,
whoever got their first, and together we would
look down on Hitler’s corpse and the corpse
of Germany.

Slide 3 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

By agreement between the senior leaders,

Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, the western
and Russian armies would meet in Berlin,
whoever got their first, and together we would
look down on Hitler’s corpse and the corpse
of Germany.

Slide 4 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Germany was devastated, Berlin no more than rubble.

The cost of rebuilding Germany would be astronomical.
Germany was hardly in a position to ‘get a loan’.
It’s people had food only courtesy of the victorious
allies’ generosity, and it was meagre food at that.
To rebuild Germany? It was unthinkable, for Germans,
but it would have to be done.

Slide 5 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

After World War I, it was decided to humiliate Germany

and ensure it could never rise again. The Allies imposed
financial penalties so absurd that Germany, financially
collapsing, had hyper-inflation, a Mark – equivalent to
a dollar essentially, became worthless. Wheelbarrows
of millions of Marks would not buy a loaf of bread.
Then came Hitler

Slide 6 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Adolf Hitler took a deprived and angry people, and

gave them back their pride. He gave them a vision,
and after the treatment by the Allies, eventually
all Germans were proud again, until Berlin lay
flattened and devastated, as it never had been
in World War I

Slide 7 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Wisely determined not to repeat that mistake, the

Allies did not ‘punish’ Germany further. They very
kindly gave senior N***s jobs in the US Space Program
(Operation Paperclip). Job creation that no doubt
was massively appreciated by those fortunate enough
to get them.

Slide 8 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

But it wasn’t enough not to punish Germany.

Some wise heads realised that, distasteful as
it might seem, the West would have to finance
the rebuilding of Germany.

The Marshall Plan was conceived and implemented,

costing the US (one assumes) a huge amount, but
leading to a democratic and sanitised Germany.
Slide 9 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

What I want you to recognise is the following:

a) it costs a huge amount to restore a devastated nation
b) someone with a huge amount of money is required

Slide 10 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

In the Marshall Plan, the premise was simple

a) Hitler rose to power
b) He went to war and we stopped him
c) Stopping him required devastating Germany
d) Leaving Germany devastated is not a good idea
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the US, will provide that money
g) Some as loans, most as grants
Slide 11 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now fast forward to 2020 and the Virus Meme (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it
c) Stopping it requires massive intervention
d) Requiring devastated economies and medicines
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 12 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now fast forward to 2020 and the Virus Meme (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it
c) Stopping it requires massive intervention
d) Requiring devastated economies and medicines
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 13 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now fast forward to 2020 and the Virus Meme (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it
c) Stopping it requires massive intervention
d) Requiring devastated economies and medicines
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 14 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now fast forward to 2020 and the Virus Meme (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it
c) Stopping it requires massive intervention
d) Requiring devastated economies and medicines
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 15 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now fast forward to 2020 and the Virus Meme (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it
c) Stopping it requires massive intervention
d) Requiring devastated economies and medicines
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 16 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now fast forward to 2020 and the Virus Meme (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it
c) Stopping it requires massive intervention
d) Requiring devastated economies and medicines
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 17 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now fast forward to 2020 and the Virus Meme (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it
c) Stopping it requires massive intervention
d) Requiring devastated economies and medicines
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 18 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

The ONLY fact in the entire official Virus Meme 2020

is that the virus likely did indeed originate in China.
That’s it. Everything else is fiction.
If you haven’t figured that out by now, go start watching
our videos. Start with the first one and keep watching.
You can’t have anything better to do, in the UK at least.
You’re stuck at home, on lockdown.
Slide 19 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now we come to the Marshall Scam (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) “It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it”
c) Stopping it requires massive intervention
d) Requiring devastated economies and medicines
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 20 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now we come to the Marshall Scam (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) “It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it”
c) “Stopping it requires massive intervention”
d) Requiring devastated economies and medicines
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 21 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now we come to the Marshall Scam (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) “It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it”
c) “Stopping it requires massive intervention”
d) Requiring devastated economies and medicines
e) Large sums of money will be required to be spent
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 22 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now we come to the Marshall Scam (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) “It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it”
c) “Stopping it requires massive intervention”
d) “Requiring devastated economies and medicines”
e) “Large sums of money will be required to be spent”
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 23 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now we come to the Marshall Scam (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) “It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it”
c) “Stopping it requires massive intervention”
d) “Requiring devastated economies and medicines”
e) “Large sums of money will be required to be spent”
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 24 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Now we come to the Marshall Scam (UK)

a) The virus rose in China
b) “It’s devastating the world and we need to stop it”
c) “Stopping it requires massive intervention”
d) “Requiring devastated economies and medicines”
e) “Large sums of money will be required to be spent”
f) We, the UK, do not have that money
g) We need a loan or a grant
Slide 25 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

The media, even the financial media, as far as I’m aware,

haven’t even begun to talk about the cost of ‘rebuilding’.
It’s too early!
We’re still at war!
Plenty of time to discuss the minutiae when we’re done

Slide 26 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Except that what to do AFTER the war was discussed very

early (read Eisenhower’s autobiography, yeah, that
Eisenhower: warning against the military-industrial complex.
Having led us to victory, maybe he was on to something.)


acceptable. No fudge. No armistice. I suggest the peoples
of the UK, US and Canada remember that.
Slide 27 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

So no, it’s not too early to state the obvious, that we

are faithfully following the Marshall Plan scenario, with
just a couple of minor tweaks:
a) the virus is not an existential threat
b) it did not require any such actions (Knut Wittkowski)
c) indeed they were counter-productive (ditto)
d) Why prolong the negative effects of riding out the virus?
e) and then we went to virus war on a lie - WMD
Slide 28 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

The virus is real, but bravo

Sweden and now Brazil,
and South Korea, who’s
done with the virus at 5
times better rates than even
Hubei. Absurdly minor cases
and deaths.

Slide 29 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Whereas we in the US, UK

and Canada seem
determined to have the
worst possible experience
of the virus.

Slide 30 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

There is only one person who

benefits from having
the worst possible experience
of the virus, and that’s the
person that loans
us the massively bigger sum
that will be required to
restore and recover our nation.

Slide 31 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

I’ve just submitted to my first

coerced medical procedure.
I could not buy food, drink or
petrol without being sanitised.
Jews will remember that excuse
with some poignany, I have
no doubt.

Slide 32 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Thank you for listening or watching.

I’m Andrew Mather, a 60 y/o Brit,
mathematician, financier, technologist,
husband, biker, pilot, healer, whatever.
A bunch of stuff. Take care.
Slide 33 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather
Coronavirus Covid-19
Fact Not Fear

Feel free to get in touch.
Either should get to me.
Slide 34 11/04/2020 Email: Facebook: Andrew Mather

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