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Climacteric Sedevacantism............................................................................................... 3
Fatima Apparition ............................................................................................................. 27
Cult; Exultation of Lucifer ................................................................................................ 49
Mary The Idol , ................................................................................................................. 76
John Paul II’s ‘Crossing the Threshold of Hope:’ .......................................................... 101

Ratzinger the Agnostic Philosopher………………………..…………………….…115

John XXIII : Vatican II Council-a Serpent of the Paradise is in the Church…. .118

Who is the new leader of Vatican II sect under the name of ‘Pope Francis ?‘….. .119

R E F U T I N GA New Age Demonism; ZEITGEIST…. ………………………….124

Climacteric Sedevacantism

Omnes Viae Romam Ducunt

“I was converted from Atheism to the Christian holy faith in 1986, Armenia, USSR,
after which I was looking for true profession and worship , double checking for myself
all presented options, which I could find in libraries and among populace.
At this time my religious teachers were old matrons, grand moms , mainly the survivors
of the Grand Armenian Genocide, somehow escaped from death .
Antaram Mom, who was about 99 years-old when I met her, was dying in her bed
blind and disabled. She had escaped from Western Armenia (currently occupied by
Turks ); “About a year we were running away day and night , stepping on dead bodies ,
hiding under the ruins and under rotten bodies, until we arrived in Greece-” she told
her story.
-How do we know there is God ? - I asked her.
-Look at the face of the human and you will see the rational soul of God imprinted on
it,- she answered.
-What is the church of Christ? - I continued to learn my first catechism from Antaram
Mom. 1
-It is the church based on the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ ,- she answered.
-How many apostolic churches there are?- I asked.
-One,- she answered.
-Who is the leader and the supervisor of that church?
-The pope of Rome,- she confirmed,- and all evil, which the mankind suffers now,
comes from him. “

From the Author

Rational Soul; The faith in God is inside us , as a genius seed, which we

oath to cultivate and bring it up, for we are a rational soul created by God,

At that in God’s damned atheist country, USSR, we did not have source of information; even though
there were operating churches in the country, the priests were forbidden to teach or to spread religion
under the strict supervision of the KGB).

capable of restoring our dulled memory and senses, reason and
understanding, once enjoying the direct connection with Creator, now –
plunged in dire oblivion and suffering from amnesia.
In order to restore our image of God , our former supernatural subsistence,
we need to entrust exclusively the instructions from God Himself, which are
called divine revelations; incarnation of God, I A.D., and the teaching of
God through his church based on chosen prentices- twelve apostles.
The church of God was defined and established right after the resurrection of
Jesus Christ and His Ascension , as a hierarchy of ; imperium (political
authority), sacerdotium (ecclesiastical authority), and studium (intellectual
The apostles had created the hierarchical organization of the church ,
endowing the successors of St. Peter with the same power, 2 promised by
The apostolic church of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate God, God the Son or the
Logos (Word), has a mission to save the entire mankind from damnation,
eternal Hell, a place , where there is no God , the Holy Spirit, and the
Logos, reason . It is a place of eternal chaos and suffering – as a
consequence of sin , that is- the corruption of human nature in men.
The Church defines that the human nature is good , and it can be restored
to its former glory through the Seven Sacraments of the Church, which are
mysteries –a divine operation performed by apostles , through the divine
power handed down by Christ, by the Holy Spirit breathed by Christ upon
apostles 3, passed to the next generation by the sacerdotal ordination ; laying
on of hands and breathing the Spirit in the same way.
Being rational creatures, with capacity to understand God , who is hidden in
material world, yet manifested in our hearts and rational by Jesus Christ –
makes us capable to reach His perfect Image , and it is our sacred
obligation to examine our faith and profession by not copying and repeating
mechanically which is presented, but adopting and appropriating the
orthodox (i.e correct and saving) profession with a power of our rational
soul .
Religion is a practice of elders . It means the religious practice requires
maturity and wisdom, which comes with time and experience. That
patriarchal religion we call Traditional.

Matthew 16:18
1.‘And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit” John 20:22, ) 2. ‘And they were
all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them
utterance.…” Acts 2:4

The apostolic church of Christ is based on ; 1. Holy Scripter , 2.
Ecclesiastical Tradition – both presented by elders, patriarchs- fathers of the
The title of the ‘father,’ ‘doctor,’ ‘saint’ is given to those who, by the power
of their divine rational and faith, had established the orthodox teaching ,
confirmed by the ecumenical councils ; the ecclesiastical body of the holy
bishops from throughout the world.
We don’t worship their names, accepting to their authority without
questioning – we are demanded to examine all formulas and practices of
faith, which we inherited , exercising the virtue of our free will, granted and
respected by our Creator.

Hierarchy; From the beginning the church of the apostles was organized,
it was hierarchical , assuming the specific functions and assigning them –
from top to bottom. The architecture of the ecclesiastical hierarchy is

presented in this chart;

All organized units – from individual families to society and business

enterprises - are constructed in a hierarchical model, because only this model
can ensure regulations, law, and order versus chaos, unlawfulness, and
spontaneous evolution.
Every ecclesiastical order takes a sacred oath to obey the office above itself
in the hierarchical chart , and the head of the hierarchy –the pope, obeys
Christ , by safeguarding the faith and maintaining the apostolic tradition.
By the end of the I A.D. all roads led to Rome, where St. Peter was working,
preaching, ordaining, and forming the nucleolus of the church - sealing it
with his martyrdom.
In 325 A.D. the first ecumenical major council at Nicaea had broadened the
successors’ of St. Peter , Pop’s jurisdictional power (plenitudo potestatis)

between metropolitans, establishing the apostolic leading chairs in
Alexandria (Egypt) , Antioch (modern Antakya, Turkey), and later on, after
the city of Constantine the Great was built in 324 to 360 A.D. - in
Constantinople, declaring that “ ‘if anyone is made bishop without the
consent of the metropolitan, this great synod determines that such a one shall
not be a bishop.”4
Not only . The First Council of Constantinople, 381 A.D., declared the
patriarch of Constantinople the First after Pope ;
“Canon 3.Because it is new Rome, the bishop of Constantinople is to enjoy
the privileges of honour after the bishop of Rome.”

In the Council of Chalcedon, 451 A.D, already there were theological

conflicts between Antioch and Alexandria , which the council resolved by
adopting the Pope Leo I ‘s formula presented , as "Peter, has spoken
through the mouth of Leo!"

First Schism; Armenian Church was the first to show a left-handed

childishness by confusing all theological notions, not understanding the
Greek word “hypostatical union,” essential, substantial union of Christ’s two
natures (consequently two wills) with Father, confusing it with a union,
mixture of Christ’s divine and human natures.
“Rather did two different natures come together to form a unity, and from
both arose one Christ, one Son. It was not as though the distinctness of the
natures was destroyed by the union ,“ teaches St. Cyril of Alexandria in
his Second letter to Nestorius5, which was read in the Council Of Ephesus -
431 A.D.

“Rather do we claim that the Word in an unspeakable, inconceivable manner

united to himself hypostatically flesh enlivened by a rational soul, and so
became man and was called son of man, not by God's will alone or good
pleasure, nor by the assumption of a person alone. Rather did two different
natures come together to form a unity, and from both arose one Christ,
one Son. It was not as though the distinctness of the natures was
destroyed by the union, but divinity and humanity together made perfect
for us one Lord and one Christ, together marvellously and mysteriously
combining to form a unity…do not adore the man along with the Word, so

The Council Of Nicaea - 325 A.D.
Declared by the council of Ephesus , presented also in Nicaea and Chalcedon as a dogma

as to avoid any appearance of division by using the word "with". But we
adore him as one and the same, because the body is not other than the Word,
and takes its seat with him beside the Father, again not as though there were
two sons seated together but only one, united with his own flesh. If,
however, we reject the hypostatic union as being either impossible or
too unlovely for the Word, we fall into the fallacy of speaking of two

In the Council of Chalcedon the bishops had condemned the heresies of

Arius and Nestorius elaborating the teaching of St. Cyril as is, just
explaining it in more explicit and plain formula; Christ has two natures ;
divine and human, which are indivisible and unmixed, and they are in
essential union with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
And if we deviate from this definition, as the heresies presented at that time,
we might say that the natures of Christ are united in one- as divine, therefore
Christ just appeared as a human, in the same way when God appeared in
burning bush6 . Therefore Christ could not die, for God is immortal.
This heresy denies the redemption mystery of Christ as a Sacrifice, which is
the essence and center of the Catholic apostolic worship. Not only- it leads
to insanity ; if the human nature of Christ is absorbed in His divine nature,
therefore He should have had one will, one desire, which was divine , and
therefore Christ was exempt from all human frailties; he could have lived
without eating , with no needs of the human flesh, and He existed in the
same [body] and soul before He was born- as he was [after He was born]-
for He is the same “today, yesterday tomorrow.” 7

‘It is just as wicked to say that the only-begotten Son of God was of two
natures before the incarnation as it is abominable to claim that there was a
single nature in him after the Word was made flesh”8

Pope Leo I not only condemned the madness of monophysitism ( united

nature of Christ) and monothelitism (single divine will of Christ) , he also
excommunicated Armenian heretics from the universal church, putting a
curse upon them ;

“It is opposed to those who attempt to tear apart the mystery of the economy into a
duality of sons; and

Exodus 3:1-4:17
Hebrews 13:8
Chalcedon , The letter of Pope Leo, 451

 it expels from the assembly of the priests those who dare to say that the divinity of
the Only-begotten is possible, and
 it stands opposed to those who imagine a mixture or confusion between the two
natures of Christ; and
 it expels those who have the mad idea that the servant-form he took from us is of
a heavenly or some other kind of being; and it anathematises those who concoct
two natures of the Lord before the union but imagine a single one after the

It is remarkable that Armenian heretics continued to insist in their heresies,

causing a big schism inside, splitting the Armenian Chair, which after the
first Patriarch St. Gregory Lousavorich, who had received the jurisdiction
from Pope Sylvester I and his predecessors , IV- V A.D., was trusted the
ecclesiastical hegemony in Caucasus ; from early 607 A.D , during the local
council of Dvin, all patriarchal chairs of Georgia , Aterpatkan (modern
Azerbaijan), and Western Armenia , which were in communion with
Armenian Mother Chair – Echmiadzin, had left the union. 10
Later on the monophisite Armenian heretics formed their scholastic branch
led by Grigor Tatevazi, a Sunik School, meanwhile the Chalecedonian
Armenians established the Cilician School and a patriarchal chair led by
most eminent saints and doctors, like St. Gregory Narekazi, St. Nerses
Shnorhali, St. Nerses Lambronazi.
The Catholic Church during the holy crusades had created the Armenian
Kingdom of Cilicia, anointing the king and a patriarch. The culture and
economy were flourishing in the kingdom fore hundred years.
In later historical developments with Muslim conquest, the monophsite
Armenians joined the Islamic tribes and launched wars against the kingdom,
destroying and plundering Armenian pro-Chalcedonian towns and villages
together with Arabs and Turks.
In 1375 Cilician Armenian capital Sis fell to Mamluks and Armenian
heretics : “According to the historian Jean Dardel, the (Armenian
monophisite) patriarch and his supporters preferring the temporal
domination of a Muslim to the spiritual supremacy of the pope.” 11
The more shocking fact is that after the collapse of the atheist USSR, the
first thing the KGB clergy had done was the revival of all former heretical
teachings, provoking hatred toward Pope Leo I and the Council of
Chalcedon, which they iterate and dogmatize in seminaries and schools,
twisting the history, forging the documents, quoting from heretical and
The Council Of Chalcedon - 451 A.D. on 8 October
M. Ormanian , “Ազգապատում», Tome I
through “Armenian , the Survival of a Nation”, Christopher J. Walker, St’Martin’s Press,1980, page 34

pagan-superstitious Gregor Tatevazi’s works , without even studying the
orthodox teaching of Catholic doctors in dept.
Enough to say that the dogma of Chalcedon was confirmed and reconfirmed
in following universal councils; in the Second (553 A.D ) and Third Council
Of Constantinople , 680-681 A.D, turning into an infallible dogma also the
two wills of Christ presented by St. Athanasius, and later by St. John
Damascene , “The Golden-Mouth” Syrian monk , as Armenians called him.

“And we proclaim equally two natural volitions or wills in him and two natural
principles of action which undergo no division, no change, no partition, no confusion, in
accordance with the teaching of the holy fathers. And the two natural wills not in
opposition, as the impious heretics said, far from it, but his human will following, and not
resisting or struggling, rather in fact subject to his divine and all powerful will. For the
will of the flesh had to be moved, and yet to be subjected to the divine will, according to
the most wise Athanasius. I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the
will of the Father who sent me, calling his own will that of his flesh, since his flesh too
became his own.”
“9.If anyone says that Christ is to be worshipped in his two natures, and by that wishes to
introduce two adorations, a separate one for God the Word and another for the man; or if
anyone, so as to remove the human flesh or to mix up the divinity and the humanity,
monstrously invents one nature or substance brought together from the two, and so
worships Christ, but not by a single adoration God the Word in human flesh along with
his human flesh, as has been the tradition of the church from the beginning: let him be

There is a common perception that Armenians were annihilated by Turks,

because they were punished by God for their heresy and betrayal .
Yes, and no.
The wolf is hunting more easily after the weak and lame sheep.
The perfection of faith is parallel to the understanding of God.
The understanding of God comes only from infallible dogmas.
The spiritual and physical power of the society dwells in sanctity and
orthodox worship.
The same way the Eastern Byzantine Church fell in 1453, when
Constantinople was captured and destroyed by Turks.
The same way the Roman Catholic Church was dissolved into a neo-pagan
social structure after Vatican II Council, 1961.

The Third Council Of Constantinople - 680-681 A.D
The Second Council Of Constantinople - 553 A.D

The first schismatic and heretical sect was in Armenia, stabbing in the back
of the Catholic Church, and ever since the theology had become an
individual matter for Armenian priests and bishops. Meanwhile the clergy of
good will followed the fathers of the church in fear and precaution , as it
had happened when they went to Council of Florence, restoring the union of
Christendom and the received grace, 1431-1445 A.D, later on working also
with Pope Leo XIII, until the apocalyptic Grand Armenian Genocide and the
total annihilation of Christian Armenia befell. A horror of all time !

But that was just a beginning.

In 9th century the patriarch of Constantinople, Photius, was spreading
heresies , saying that human has two souls, and provoking rebellion against
Rome . The matter was taken to the fourth Council of Constantinople, 869-

“6 .It appears that Photius, after the sentences and condemnations most justly pronounced
against him by the most holy pope Nicholas for his criminal usurpation of the church of
Constantinople, in addition to his other evil deeds, found some men of wicked and
sycophantic character from the squares and streets of the city and proposed and
designated them as vicars of the three most holy patriarchal sees in the east. He formed
with these a church of evil-doers and a fraudulent council and set in motion accusations
and charges entailing deposition against the most blessed pope Nicholas and repeatedly,
impudently and boldly issued anathemas against him and all those in communion with
him. The records of all these things have been seen by us, records which were cobbled
together by him with evil intent and lying words, and all of which have been burnt during
this very synod. Therefore, to safeguard church order, we anathematize first and
foremost the above-mentioned Photius for the reason given; next everyone who
henceforth acts deceitfully and fraudulently and falsifies the word of truth and goes
through the motions of having false vicars or composes books full of deceptions and
explains them in favour of his own designs. “14

The council excommunicated the patriarch, however it also validated the

lower rank clergy with promises to elevate all true priests and bishops , who
keep the loyalty to one church and its head- the pope, by not repeating the
evil heresies and schism, which was being spread under the name of
orthodoxy .

“13 . The divine word says, The worker is worthy of his pay . For this reason we too
decree and proclaim that the clerics of the great church [of Constantinople], who
have served in the lower orders, may rise to the higher grades and, if they have
shown themselves worthy, may deservedly enjoy higher dignities.”

4th Council of Constantinople, 869-870

The conflicts between Catholic West and Byzantine East continued to
deepen, and it was rather a social political issue and more connected with
earthly power, land ownership, trading zones, money circulation, than a
In 1215 pope invited the Fourth Lateran Council , which affirmed the
supremacy of the pope, unity of the church15;

“Renewing the ancient privileges of the patriarchal sees, we decree, with the approval of
this sacred universal synod, that after the Roman church, which through the Lord's
disposition has a primacy of ordinary power over all other churches inasmuch as it is the
mother and mistress of all Christ's faithful, the church of Constantinople shall have the
first place, the church of Alexandria the second place, the church of Antioch the third
place, and the church of Jerusalem the fourth place, each maintaining its own rank. Thus
after their pontiffs have received from the Roman pontiff the pallium, which is the sign of
the fullness of the pontifical office, and have taken an oath of fidelity and obedience to
him they may lawfully confer the pallium on their own suffragans, receiving from them
for themselves canonical profession and for the Roman church the promise of obedience.
They may have a standard of the Lord's cross carried before them anywhere except in the
city of Rome or wherever there is present the supreme pontiff or his legate wearing the
insignia of the apostolic dignity. In all the provinces subject to their jurisdiction let appeal
be made to them, when it is necessary, except for appeals made to the apostolic see, to
which all must humbly defer.”

By the end of 13th century the Tartars, later Turks were devastating the
Eastern Christian lands, which made the Byzantine patriarchs to think about
reunion with Rome , for joint military resistance against Turks.
The Greek delegation arrived to Florence for reconciliation in 1431, for the
council ( Basle-Ferrara-Florence, 1431-1445 A.D), and they signed a formal
document of union.
The civil Latin and Greek authorities and populations were already bloody
enemies for more than 300 years.
The attack on Catholic quarters in Constantinople was not forgotten ; in
1070s, during which the patriarch himself desecrated the Catholic and
Armenian churches, for they used unleavened bread for the Eucharist not
leavened, as it is being done in the Greek church. They killed thousands and
exiling Latin population. In response to, the crusaders looted
Constantinople, 1204, when they started their raids toward East .
Even after Turks killed and raped Greeks when capturing Constantinople,
destroying all churches and turning the cathedral of Hagia Sophia into a

4th Lateran Council, 1215

mosque, the Greek patriarch Sylvester Syropoulos still was thinking that it
was the best for “orthodoxy ,“ for they don’t have to obey the pope.
The personal ambitions and the lust for earthly power were self-destructive
not only for those who were anointed by the popes of Rome to present the
high hierarchy of the Catholic apostolic church, but also soon even the
common population of Europe launched a mutiny against the rules of the
church, hating and pointing out the human vices of clergy and popes.
By the end of 15th century, with Protestant revolutions, the loyal subjects of
the pope in Europe were declining, the European Catholic Kingdom divided
and disjointed.
Heretics- Manicheans , crypto -Jews, non-Catholic elements could penetrate
the church and destroyed it from inside.
The Trent Council was invited to clean up the church from the alien
influences , excommunicating and anathematizing heretics, Protestant
The more Catholic hierarchy was collapsing , the more the pope’s voice was
deafened, in which the church issued more and more decrees to consolidate
pope’s personal power and the responsibilities of clerics, now, after social
revolutions in Europe, based solely on their good conscious.
It is remarkable that the heresies , the deviation from the dogmatic teaching
of the church, presented the most danger for the church. That is why from
the early councils church passed canon laws defining and confirming what is
the heresy, and how the church should fight them.

When the apostle teaches to obey authorities,16 for they are from God, he
meant obeying the law, which every lawful government should provide for
society .

The Infallible Legislative Codes of Faith and Worship

of the Universal Councils
In the Second Council of Nicaea , 787 A.D, we read;

“To summarize, we declare that we defend free from any innovations all the

Romans 13

 written and
 unwritten
ecclesiastical traditions that have been entrusted to us.
Therefore all those who dare to think or teach anything different, or who
follow the accursed heretics in rejecting ecclesiastical traditions, or who
devise innovations, or who spurn anything entrusted to the church (whether
it be the gospel or the figure of the cross or any example of representational
art or any martyr's holy relic), or who fabricate perverted and evil prejudices
against cherishing any of the lawful traditions of the catholic church, or who
secularize the sacred objects and saintly monasteries, we order that they
be suspended if they are bishops or clerics, and excommunicated if they
are monks or lay people.”

Deacons can not give the Eucharist ; “Canon 18 . It has come to the
attention of this holy and great synod that in some places and cities deacons
give communion to presbyters, although neither canon nor custom allows
this, namely that those who have no authority to offer should give the body
of Christ to those who do offer.”
Nicaea - 325 A.D.

Civil powers can not interfere to assign a cleric; “Canon 12 The

apostolic and conciliar canons clearly forbid the nomination and
consecration of bishops which have come about as a result of the power and
intrigues of the civil authorities. Therefore we declare and proclaim, in full
agreement with them, that if any bishop has received his consecration
through the manipulation and constraint of such persons, he should be
deposed absolutely as one who has desired and consented to have the gift of
God not from the will of God and ecclesiastical law and decree, but from “

4th Council of Constantinople A.D.( 869-870)

Catholics can not receive or accept heretics; “ Cathars, others the

Patarenes, others the Publicani, and others by different names, has grown so
strong that they no longer practice their wickedness in secret, as others do,
but proclaim their error publicly and draw the simple and weak to join them,
we declare that they and their defenders and those who receive them are
under anathema, and we forbid under pain of anathema that anyone should
keep or support them in their houses or lands or should trade with them.”

Third Lateran Council (1179 A.D)

Starting from Council of Constance, 1414-1418, with condemnation of early
protestant elements , like Wyclif's books; ‘Dialogus’ and ‘Trialogus,’ where
he presents the blueprints of Protestantism, declaring ,” The Roman church
is Satan's synagogue” – the council also ordered determined that popes
should take a sacred oath before his coronation, otherwise he can not be

The Sacred Profession of the Pope;

“Since the Roman pontiff exercises such great power among mortals, it is right that he be
bound all the more by the incontrovertible bonds of the faith and by the rites that are to be
observed regarding the church's sacraments. We therefore decree and ordain, in order that
the fullness of the faith may shine in a future Roman pontiff with singular splendour from
the earliest moments of his becoming pope, that henceforth whoever is to be elected
Roman pontiff shall make the following confession and profession in public, in front of
his electors, before his election is published.

In the name of the holy and undivided Trinity, Father and Son and holy
Spirit. Amen. In the year of our Lord's nativity one thousand etc., I, N.,
elected pope, with both heart and mouth confess and profess to almighty
God, whose church I undertake with his assistance to govern, and to blessed
Peter, prince of the apostles, that as long as I am in this fragile life I will
firmly believe and hold the catholic faith, according to the traditions of the
apostles, of the general councils and of other holy fathers, especially of
the eight holy universal councils-namely the first at Nicaea, the second at
Constantinople, the third at Ephesus, the fourth at Chalcedon, the fifth and
sixth at Constantinople, the seventh at Nicaea and the eighth at
Constantinople--as well as of the general councils at the Lateran, Lyons
and Vienne, and I will preserve this faith unchanged to the last dot and will
confirm, defend and preach it to the point of death and the shedding of my
blood, and likewise I will follow and observe in every way the rite handed
down of the ecclesiastical sacraments of the catholic church. This my
profession and confession, written at my orders by a notary of the holy
Roman church, I have signed below with my own hand. I sincerely offer it
on this altar N. to you, almighty God, with a pure mind and a devout
conscience, in the presence of the following. “

Eugene IV Papal Bull17;

Cantate Domino .

Jewish god is dead; “Besides it anathematizes the madness of the

Manichaeans, who have established two first principles, one of the
visible, and another of the invisible; and they have said that there is
one God of the New Testament, another God of the Old
It firmly believes, professes, and teaches that no one
conceived of man and woman was ever freed of the
domination of the Devil, except through the merit of the mediator
between God and men, our Lord Jesus Christ;”

Baptism of children should not be delayed; “Regarding children,

indeed, because of danger of death, which can often take place, when no help can
be brought to them by another remedy than through the sacrament of baptism,
through which they are snatched from the domination of the Devil and adopted
among the sons of God, it advises that holy baptism ought not to be deferred for
forty or eighty days, or any time according to the observance of certain people,
but it should be conferred as soon as it can be done conveniently, but so ,that,
when danger of death is imminent, they be baptized in the form of the Church,
early without delay, even by a layman or woman, if a priest should be lacking, just
as is contained more fully in the decree of the Armenians.”

Vatican I infallibly declares ;

In 1870 Pope Pius IX invited Vatican I Council, which had a purpose to

warn the Catholic world about new versions of modern agnostic
philosophies, modern tendencies to turn agnosticism into a science through
secular humanism, naturalism, rationalism, pantheism, materialism,
evolution, social doctrines, etc.
The council confirmed dogmatically that the church should be kept stable
and holy based on the scripture and the holy tradition, in the boundaries of
ordinary and universal magisterium .18
The council also consolidated the pope’s power, giving him unlimited
privileges, as a primary jurisdiction holder, granted by Christ to Peter,
calling all into a hierarchical subordination, declaring the pope infallibly, as

Basle-Ferrara-Florence, 1431-1445 A.D.
Vatican Council I, “On Faith”, 8

he is assisted by the divine Redeemer Himself, when he speaks ex-cathedra
on faith and morals, having also absolute power on every church, to
discipline and govern. Also the council is making the obedience to pope an
obligation under the penalty of excommunication. These were absolutized
dogmatic clauses, not known in Catholic church before ;
(“Therefore, such definitions of the Roman pontiff are of themselves, and
not by the consent of the church, irreformable. “ (Chapter 4. “On the
infallible teaching authority of the Roman pontiff”, Vatican I))

“9. Hence all faithful Christians are forbidden to defend as the

legitimate conclusions of science those opinions which are known to be
contrary to the doctrine of faith.19

14. Hence, too, that meaning of the sacred dogmas is ever to be

maintained which has once been declared by holy mother church, and
there must never be any abandonment of this sense under the pretext or
in the name of a more profound understanding.”

“7. Therefore we define that every assertion contrary to the truth of

enlightened faith (dogmas) is totally false”
4. If anyone does not receive as sacred and canonical the complete books of
sacred scripture with all their parts, as the holy council of Trent listed them,
or denies that they were divinely inspired :
let him be anathema.”20

Vatican I Council Dogmatized the Obedience to Pope;

1. So, then, if anyone says that 1. this power of his is not ordinary and
immediate both over all and each of the churches and over all and
each of the pastors and faithful: let him be anathema.21

Vatican I infallibly declares about the primacy of the successor of St.Peter

ad unity of the Church , putting anathema on those who teach a ‘new

Vatican Council I, “On Faith and Reason,”9
Vatican Council I, “On Revelation”
“Chapter 3. On the power and character of the primacy of the Roman pontiff,” 9

“For the holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they
might, by his revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by his
assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the
revelation or deposit of faith transmitted by the apostles. Indeed, their
apostolic teaching was embraced by all the venerable fathers and reverenced
and followed by all the holy orthodox doctors, for they knew very well that
this see of St. Peter always remains unblemished by any error, in accordance
with the divine promise of our Lord and Saviour to the prince of his
disciples: I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail; and when you
have turned again, strengthen your brethren.22”

“No One Can Judge the Pope”- declares Pope Paul IV ex-catherda.23

We presented here the infallible and eternal canon laws of the

Holy Roman Catholic Church from the Universal Councils,
which are divine revelations, and we present a judgment over the
Vatican Second Council popes, starting from1958 , according to
these dogmatic teaching, and it will not be our judgment, but the
judgment of Jesus Christ and the holy apostles .


SESSION 4 : 18 July 1870, ‘First dogmatic constitution on the church of Christ,’6, Vatican I

Trent Council, 1559, “Ex Apostolic Officio”

Or The Devil’s Bravado

If the pope was given an absolute power by God to exercise over the church
and over the faithful, likewise he should be responsible by God for all
failures and dangerous U- turns taken in the Universal Apostolic Church ,
especially in our time, unless these dangerous paths are declared and
anathematized for the salvation of our souls, as we hear the priests declaring
in good conscious in every holy liturgy . “Lavabo inter innocents manus
meas”24 - and as it is declared by our Lord, which is a basis of the infallible
authority of pope;

“Jesus called the Twelve and said, "Anyone who wants to be first must be
the very last, and the servant of all."25

“Servant to all” not as a channel of flattery to please the masses and profane
fictitious humanitarianism, but as a good shepherd, who lays his life to
protect the herd from wolves, a good pastor entering through the door
(apostolic teaching) , and not from the window – heresies and rehabilitated
Today we live a time, when a trusted priest might direct you to mortal sins,
condemning your soul, entangling it in a demonic web.
Today we have to be protected from false pastors, ordained priests in all
Catholic Orthodox denominations, the imposters of the devil, who are after
our souls to kill, doing just the contrary, what their divine vocation and
callings are.
Today we all have to study and to be fluent in a science of theology, or else
– we will be snatched by demons ; and that pitfall is prepared for all of you
in everywhere , for the barking dogs, real orthodox priests and bishops, who
care about Catholic, Universal Body of Christ, the Seamless Robe of Christ,
who are supposed to guard the herd, are dead.
Today the church and the imposter priest might use the Church mysteries not
as a salutary divine imperative, but as a conductive devices to please your
senses and abate your conscious.
Today the Church no longer belongs to Christ, it belongs to private
individuals as their private assets – with no regard of divine teaching or
formulated laws.

“I wash my hands in innocence”- from the canon of Latin Mass.
Mark 9:35

And if today the sacred faith and fear of God are no longer bear-leaders of
churchmen – then the conclusion is, that we deal with a new triumph of the
rebelled angel, Lucifer, now claiming on St. Peter’s Chair, and having it for
now, for this period. And that period will be long, for God has a purpose to
recognize His real enemies, and since that time he waits for ” his enemies to
be made his footstool.”26
Today, in order to protect the holy Chair of St. Peter , repeating the hope-
inspiring words of our Lord, that the gates of hell will not prevail against
the church,27 every Catholic should acknowledge the lethal crisis of the
Church, declaring it to be in a Climacteric Sede Vacante 28 state. And by
doing so – we save the Holy Church of Christ from the assigned popes
(appointed by the worldly powers not only alien to the holiness of the
Roman Catholic Church, but also ferociously hostile to it) – the popes, who
never speak Catholic, never act Catholic, never teach Catholic from the Seat
of St. Peter in “ex-cathedra” – teaching the true doctrines on morals and
faith, instead the pontifical guidance and power is fully and slavishly
granted to the ecumenical Vatican II Council, in which case that
“ecumenism” means not the adjustment of errors and declaring-condemning
the heresies of modern time, but the rehabilitation of all occult practices of
false religions, merging them with apostolic faith , toward creating a one
world neo-Babylonian religion.
This is a new doctrine and a new teaching , condemned and anathematized
by major true ecumenical councils of the Universal Church; from Nichea to
Vatican I, as we presented exact canon laws in the previous chapter.

Vatican II annihilates the infallible teaching of Vatican I and received faith ,

defining; "The Council further declares that the right to religious freedom
has its foundation in the very dignity of the human person... This right to
religious freedom is to be recognized in the constitutional law whereby
society is governed. Thus it is to become a civil right." (Declaration on
Religious Liberty Dignitatis Humanae)
Vatican II promotes a neo-pagan union with false demonic cults, “"In
certain circumstances, such as in prayer services 'for unity' and during
oecumenical gatherings, it is allowable, indeed desirable, that Catholics
should join in prayer with their separated brethren. Such prayers in common

Hebrews 10:13
Matthew 16:18
“Empty Chair” in Latin

are certainly a very effective means of petitioning for the grace of unity, and
they are a genuine expression of the ties which still bind Catholics to their
separated brethren." (Decree on Oecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio,
paragraph 8).

Falsum Papam . John XXIII ;

Denial of condemnation of errors/heresies for the sake of false secular
peace ;
By his initiatives the Vatican II was invited and it was he who set the
standards of reforming the church, by depriving it from apostolic mystery
and grace.

‘The Church has always opposed these errors. Frequently she has
condemned them with the greatest severity. Nowadays however, the Spouse
of Christ prefers to make use of the medicine of mercy rather than that of
severity. ‘29

“9. Finally, with regard to the whole human family, which starred
engagements hazards uncertain, angry, anxious, continually hold the next
Council will afford an excellent opportunity for all, and to improve the
articles in the peace plans and objectives.”30

John XXIII was a leader of a New Liturgical Movement, inviting the

commission composed of freemasons and protestants, which gradually
transformed the sacred worship received from apostles, aiming to turn it into
a Protestant socials, as we see it today accomplished.
They transformed the Roman Missal starting from 1962, fabricating a lie,
that it is an “expanded “ version of Pius V’s liturgy, 1570, canonized in
The beatification and canonization of this Falsum Papam was not a divine
revelation, but a written scenario long before he was dead, and the writer
was no one but the devil itself.

Opening Speech to the Vatican II Council, Pope John XXIII, October 11, 1962

Heresies of this false pope; syncretism, universal salvation, religious
liberalism, eradication of apostolic liturgy and dogmas. The author of
nefarious Novus Ordo mass in early form.

Falsum Papam . Paul VI ;

By his own will Paul VI denied and mocked the canonic coronation as a
pontiff , rejecting his pontifical monarchic office, acting as a sugar-daddy for
worldly powers and false religious leaders.
He issued ex-cathedra false teaching about Jews being saved and chosen by
old covenant, the followers of a pagan Muhammad- as Abraham’s

16. Finally, those who have not yet received the Gospel are related in
various ways to the people of God. In the first place we must recall the
people to whom the testament and the promises were given and from whom
Christ was born according to the flesh. On account of their fathers this
people remains most dear to God, for God does not repent of the gifts He
makes nor of the calls He issues. But the plan of salvation also includes
those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there
are the Mohammedans, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along
with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge
Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not
know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved
by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through
the dictates of conscience .”31

In 1970 Paul VI promulgated a new version of sacrilagous mass- nefarious

Novus Ordo- making it mandatory , as an “extraordinary form of the Roman
Rite,” where the perfect seculirazition and abolishment of divine text/form
received by apostles was obliterated. It is a direct violation of the previous
infallible laws of the Universal Councils from pre-ecumenical time to
Vatican I.

ON NOVEMBER 21, 1964

Paul VI altered the Roman Rite’s essential form and text, even though the
Universal Councils strictly forbid to do so, as we posted the canon laws in
previous chapter. Therefore , the new form with altered text and intention is
deprived from divine salutary grace.
Not only this Falsum Papam did not repent for this crime, but also he
continued to deceive people, that in a new sacrilegious mass, conducted with
pop dances and songs, shows-performance, and all kind of derisions- that in
all these blasphemous circuses the transubstantiation is occurring, and the
Eucharist is continuing to be present.

35. All of us realize that there is more than one way in which Christ is present in His

By worshiping unconsecrated bread and wine the large Catholic population

gradually lost their faith and massively plunged into mortal sin, violating the
I Commandment and mortifying the Holy Spirit received by the grace of a
baptismal pool.
The devastating effects of a false Catholic Council and false popes were
released in press in its horrifying statistics as a global sex-crime;

 Number of presbyters who have committed sex crimes: approximately

 Number of bishops who have committed sex crimes: 22
 Percentage of bishops and presbyters who are sex criminals:
approximately one in ten
 Number of Child Victims (according to sociologist Fr. Andrew
Greeley): 280,000
 Number of Currently Sitting Bishops Involved in the Cover-up: two in
three .
 Number of parishes Housing Criminal Presbyters: two in three , etc.

Heresies of this false pope; syncretism, universal salvation, religious

liberalism, eradication of apostolic liturgy and dogmas. He is guilty for
crimes against humanity and God, for favoring murderous world leaders,
pedophile clergy, for persecuting God’s saints, who are loyal to the Holy
Roman Catholic Church; SSPX, CMRI, other individuals. The author of
nefarious Novus Ordo mass .


Falsum Papam . John Paul II
From 1986 this false pope invited the sacrilegious monolithic prayers with
all forms of false religious sects and occults, calling it “World day of Prayer
of Peace.”
By the initiatives of this false pope from 2001 the Catholics were led to pray
in mosques, synagogues, pagan temples , previously punishable by
excommunication, and this pope showed by his own example performing a
public apostasy .
In 1989 he participated in the Lutheran service, Norway, which was
infallibly condemned and anathematized by the Universal Church, and by
this act he lifted the excommunication of Martin Luther pronounced ex-
cathedra by previous true popes. He delivered his sacrilegious political laic
speech , as following;

“The Catholic bishops at the Second Vatican Council warned that: “Our era
needs such wisdom more than bygone ages if the discoveries made by man
are to be further humanized. For the future of the world stands in peril unless
wiser people are forthcoming” (Gaudium et Spes). Today in this cathedral, I
give thanks to God for the grace of the ecumenical movement which we
have experienced in our time. “33

This false pope is a great architect of the New Liturgical Movement and a
new inventor of a nefarious Novus Ordo mass .
This false pope is a great architect of the Charismatic demonic occult
movement, after which the false apparitions and sin dominated in the world.
We admit all his documents and actions to be religious AIDS carriers.
The beatification and canonization of this false pope is an utter heresy and
blasphemy, a cataclysmic dangerous event for the security and peace of
mankind, for this false character will deceive many, escorting them to hell.

Heresies of this false pope; syncretism, universal salvation, religious

liberalism, eradication of apostolic liturgy and dogmas, elevating Virgin
Mary into godess as co-redemtrix . He is guilty for crimes against humanity
and God, for favoring murderous world leaders, pedophile clergy, for
persecuting God’s saints, who are loyal to the Holy Roman Catholic Church;
SSPX, CMRI, and many other individuals. The author of nefarious Novus
Ordo mass.


Falsum Papam ; Benedict XVI
This is a false pope operating in shadows, flip-flaps, as a real fox in God’s
garden, who cankers the trunks of the tree, eating up the life-channel roots,
sucking up the life-giving juices. He was a canonizing machine , who had
eternalized the memory of many heretics and occult mediums. He speaks the
way no one can understand anything – just creating the image of the
sophisticated thinker. His decrees were kept mainly in secret.
Here is one, in which he is after the Last Mohicans of the Roman Catholic
Church, SSPX, presenting an ultimatum form, imposing on men of God the
nefarious Novus Ordo mass.

Oath Written By Benedict XVI for SSPX versus the Oath Against
Modernism of St. Pius X

“I. We promise to be always faithful to the Catholic Church and to the Roman Pontiff, the
Supreme Pastor, Vicar of Christ, Successor of Peter, and head of the body of bishops.
II. We declare that we accept the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church in the
substance of Faith and Morals, adhering to each doctrinal affirmation in the required
degree, according to the doctrine contained in No. 25 of the dogmatic
constitution Lumen Gentium of the Second Vatican Council.
III. 1. We declare that we accept the doctrine regarding the Roman Pontiff and regarding
the college of bishops, with the pope as its head, which is taught by the dogmatic
constitution Pastor Aeternus of Vatican I and by the Dogmatic [Sic] Constitution
Lumen Gentium of Vatican II, the chapter De constitutione hierarchica Ecclesiae et in
specie de episcopatu, explained and interpreted by the nota explicativa praevia in this
same chapter.
2. We recognize the authority of the Magisterium to which alone is given the task of
authentically interpreting the word of God, in written form or handed down in fidelity to
Tradition, recalling that "the Holy Ghost was not promised to the successors of Peter in
order for them to make known, through revelation, a new doctrine, but so that with His
assistance they may keep in a holy and expressly faithful manner the revelation
transmitted by the Apostles, that is to say, the Faith."
3. Tradition is the living transmission of revelation "usque ad nos" and the Church in
its doctrine, in its life and in its liturgy perpetuates and transmits to all generations what
this is and what she believes. Tradition progresses in the Church with the assistance of
the Holy Ghost, not as a contrary novelty, but through a better understanding of the
Deposit of the Faith.
4. The entire tradition of Catholic Faith must be the criterion and guide in understanding
the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, which, in turn, enlightens -- in other words
deepens and subsequently makes explicit -- certain aspects of the life and doctrine of the
Church implicitly present within itself or not yet conceptually formulated.
5. The affirmations of the Second Vatican Council and of the later Pontifical Magisterium
relating to the relationship between the Church and the non-Catholic Christian
confessions, as well as the social duty of religion and the right to religious liberty, whose

formulation is with difficulty reconcilable with prior doctrinal affirmations from the
Magisterium, must be understood in the light of the whole, uninterrupted Tradition, in a
manner coherent with the truths previously taught by the Magisterium of the Church,
without accepting any interpretation of these affirmations whatsoever that would expose
Catholic doctrine to opposition or rupture with Tradition and with this Magisterium.
6. That is why it is legitimate to promote through legitimate discussion the study and
theological explanations of the expressions and formulations of Vatican II and of the
Magisterium which followed it, in the case where they don't appear reconcilable with the
previous Magisterium of the Church.
7. We declare that we recognize the validity of the sacrifice of the Mass [sic] and the
Sacraments [sic] celebrated with the intention to do what the Church does according
to the rites indicated in the typical editions of the Roman Missal and the
Sacramentary Rituals legitimately promulgated by Popes Paul VI and John-Paul II.
8. In following the guidelines laid out above (III.5), as well as Canon 21 of the Code of
Canon Law, we promise to respect the common discipline of the Church and the
ecclesiastical laws, especially those which are contained in the Code of Canon Law
promulgated by John-Paul II (1983) and in the Code of Canon Law of the Oriental
Churches promulgated by the same pontiff (1990), without prejudice to the discipline
of the Society of Saint Pius X, by a special law.”

Heresies of this false pope; syncretism, universal salvation, religious

liberalism, eradication of apostolic liturgy and dogmas. Pedophilia damage
control. He is guilty for crimes against humanity and God, for favoring
murderous world leaders, pedophile clergy, for persecuting God’s saints,
who are loyal to the Holy Roman Catholic Church; SSPX, CMRI, and other

Falsum Papam; Francis

A pretended philanthropist, who refuses to present the Church’s essential
function in its Seven Sacramental Mysteries; rather following his
predecessors, Jorge Mario Bergoglio sees the human salvation in-
1. social justice ,
2. secular humanism ,
3. in the person of the pope.

‘We begin the Year of Faith and paradoxically proposed image Pope is the gate, a gate
that must be crossed in order to find what we both needed. The Church, through the voice
and heart of Pastor Benedict invites us to cross the threshold, to step inside and free
decision: encourage us to enter a new life.’34

‘Letter of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, for the Year of Faith’
Buenos Aires, October 1, 2012

The New Church of Rome, presented by Bergoglio, is standing on two
1. The moral theology of John Paul II expressed in ‘Crossing the Threshold
of the Faith ‘ and
2. The integration of the whole society into an utopian communist single
entity, which is based on abstract notion of love and peace , meanwhile
abundantly using the Lord’s Name as a sugar-coat to this neo-socialist
ideology .

This Vatican II typical godfather keeps excluding the dogmatic foundation

of the church, moreover, he openly states his hatred to it ,

“ Rounding the act of faith is, trust in the power of the Holy Spirit present in the Church
and that is also reflected in the signs of the times, is to accompany the constant
movement of life and history without falling into defeatism paralyzing that the past was
better, it is urgent to think back, bring back, re-create, amassing life with "the new leaven
of justice and holiness." (1 Cor 5:8)’ 35

False pope Francis has no teaching, but to consolidate the abominations and
heresies of Vatican II previous false popes, one by one granting all of these
political activivists the title of ‘saint.’

By the power of the infallible canon laws, defined by the Roman

Catholic Church, these false popes would have been burned alive
if the real legislative, civil, and punitive bodies were still working,
as it was in Golden Ages of the Roman Catholic Kingdom,
medieval times. And that would have been the salutary charitable
act shown to them, serving them an eternal salvation, as it is
written by the apostle;
“Hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh,
so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord. “36

the same place, “Letter of Cardinal J….”
1 Corinthians 5:5


The Universal Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is in

Climacteric Sedevacantism ,
or else-
it ceased to exist.
Deus Vetat!

Fatima Apparition
Turned Into a Trap Of Deception

C hristian faith is supernatural, and it is based on
resurrected Jesus Christ, who appeared to his disciples after His
resurrection. That apparition of Christ , resurrected from death in
body, was witnessed by apostles and thousand of other witnesses in
Ascension Day, when Jesus Christ released His last message and
was lifted up to Heaven.
Our faith in Christ is based solely on this event.
The resurrection of Christ had been witnessed in following centuries
as well, e.g. , when St. Paul met him on the road of Damascus,37 to
these days, recorded or not recorded, and these apparitions always
have a private character; it is given to individuals, and it was
subjected to a scrutiny from the Church, when it was demonstrated
as public.
Apparitions, the supernatural encounters with divine, incorporeal
world, are recorded throughout centuries, and discussed by the
Church fathers.
The true apparitions always produce a ‘good’ fruit, advancing the
person in holiness and faith.
Meanwhile the false apparitions create confusion, inordinate
deprivation of rational, into a cultic obsession , advancing the person
in superstition- with absence of will .
True apparitions are singular, to deliver an important message (for
the person) , and they have tangible proof of a supernatural
character, when they are addressed to the public (e.g the Sacred
Image of Turin, or the Icon of Blessed Mother of Guadalupe , or
Miraculous Medal of 1830, which saved millions of people from
plague , etc).
False apparitions are repetitious, with no vital message or tangible
proof, and they are not directed to conduce a sanctity, but have a
sinister purposes to deceive .
After the true apparition, private or public, usually the demonic deceit
follows, and only those can distinguish the nature of repetitive
apparitions, who have mystical experience and utmost precaution ( to

Acts 9:1-9

keep vigils , to fast on bread and water, etc. ). In such cases usually,
the saints demanded the proof for authentication and refused to trust
When Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
scripture says that she was troubled in her heart38 . Some church
fathers even admitted that Mary couple times chased away the vision
she saw, as Samuel, who reacted to the third call. 39
The true apparitions never are in conflict with church’s dogmatic
teaching, meanwhile false demonic apparitions tend to establish a
new cult.

F atima apparition is considered to be an authentic apparition,

which produced a miracle, witnessed by many thousands at the time;
a vision of dancing sun and the holy family, passing through the sky.
This vision, which does not have any theological significance, or
produced any tangible proof, can’t also contribute our spiritual
growth- for it is infertile spiritually.
So we will not discuss about the alleged miracle, which took place at
the village of Fatima, 1917, for the history recorded many cases,
when a community witnessed the same miracle, for specific purpose
(e.g. the apparition of Virgin Mary during the World War 2 at Kursk
July 4 - July 20, 1943, etc.).40
The Fatima apparition is considered to be prophetic, meaning it
contains a message, which will reveal the future, not the past.

Luke 1:29
“ A third time the LORD called, "Samuel!" And Samuel got up and went to Eli and
said, "Here I am; you called me." Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy.”
1 Samuel 3:8
Or- the Paschal fire lighted in Jerusalem , seen by many thousands, which Russian
Orthodox claims to be the proof of authentication , as if the Russian Orthodox Churc is
the only true religion, for the candles burn only when their priest is present. This kind of
dogmatization of miracles lead to estrangement of faith from the orthodox true teaching.

Lucia dos Santos in 1915 allegedly saw an angel, about which she
told later, together with apparitions reveled to herself, also to
Francisco Marto and Jacinta Francisco in 1917, May 13 to October
There were six alleged apparition of Blessed Virgin , during which our
Lady had delivered prophetic messages related to the Bolshevik
Revolution, which took place right away, October, 1917. In which
case , the occurring events pronounced by our Lady could not be
considered as “prophetic.”

The first time, when Sister Lucy recorded the apparition, was August
31 and December 8, 1941, depicting the Russian Bolshevik
Revolution of 1917 and about the light appeared in the sky41,
January 25, 1938, a massive aurora borealis, described, and a
great war, 1941, which already had happened and was
progressing at the time -
all retroactively depicted as a parts of a ‘secret’ message .
Again- prophesies are for future events exclusively, not- telling stories
about past or occurring events.
In 1943 Lucia Santos allegedly wrote the rest of the prophesies , the
III part of the ‘secret,’ and handed it to the local bishop of Leiria with a
warning that the envelop, with the letter enclosed, should not be
opened until 1960.
From 1921 Lucia Santos entered into monastery and was forbidden
to meet or to speak to anyone. She was visited by Paul VI, John Paul
II, etc., and as if she had a direct-line connection with Virgin Mary,
passing Her messages to these popes, passing also the alleged
vision of Jacinta Marto, about the ‘suffering pope in white robe ’ , a
‘prophecy,’ which came true in May 13 42, 1981, an assassination
attempt against John Paul II by Mahmet Agha, who later declared
that he was trained to shoot the pope by the Vatican top officials,
Vatican Secretary Cardinal Agostino Casarolli .
Mehmet Ali Agca says , 'the Vatican government' had ordered the hit,'
reported on March 31, 2005, “La Repubblica,” by the PressTV, 2010,
and the Turkish national television :
Turkish militant Mehmet Ali Agca, who in 1981 tried to kill the pope, has claimed that he
had "help from the Vatican".
"night illuminated by a strange light in the sky"
May 13, the day of the first alleged apparition of Blessed Virgin Mary, 1917, Fatima.

Agca told newspaper La Repubblica in an interview published on Thursday that without
the support of certain priests and cardinals, he would not have been able to shoot Pope
John Paul II twice.
"The devil is also behind the walls of the Vatican," said Agca, who was pardoned in Italy
in 2000 but jailed in Turkey on his return over a killing prior to the papal assassination
"The Vatican bears responsibility for the attack on the Pope," Agca was quoted as saying.
"Without the help of some priests and cardinals I could not have done it."

Beautiful, enchanting stories under the title of “The Memories” of

Sister Lucy was published in 1981, I part, and II part allegedly written
in 1989-1993. Another part was declared and published in 2001 by
Lucia Santos allegedly died February 15, 2005 .
Fatima alleged secret’s III part was released by John Paul II and
caused controversies .
Pope Pius XII showed his respect and trust to the apparition as
authentic, and consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
as he was told in message, 1952, which was declared invalid,
allegedly by Lucia Santos. Meanwhile, Cardinal Bertone many times
delivered interviews, that the consecration had happened , as Sister
Lucy told him personally.

At this point every Catholic, who would approach to this

topic, will find himself in a demonic roller coaster.

The Demonic Roller Coaster of Fatima Apparition

T o understand what is truly behind the Fatima apparition, an event

of strict personal and vague character, we have to analyze the
current situation of the Roman Catholic Church, a church about which
no one anymore uses the particle “Roman.”
After ignominious Vatican II Council and the total perversion of
Roman Rite , the destruction of churches and their reconstruction in
the spirit of pagan temples, the obliteration of Traditional teaching
and worship , the community of faithful was split into;
1. Modern Catholics, who enjoy the new sect as it is, celebrating
sin and perversion with their leaders in abominable party-

2. Conservatives , who like to see their personal liberty respected
and a secularized Catholic faith normalized , however in order
to keep the flavor of the former church they are prone to keep
some Traditional elements.
3. Quasi- Traditionalists, who have an appearance of a Traditional
Church, yet accept the formal popes as legitimate, always
progressing toward modernism- as they are constrained to do.
4. Sedevacantist Traditionalists , who are out of this Babylonian
new church , trying to survive as Roman Catholic, never being
capable to make order out of this chaos.

If there is a trustworthy message from Heaven, in which all faithful

would put their hearts and trust, mind and belief, then it would be
easy to use that message to direct people toward desired direction
– unified and controlled .
The Fatima apparition exactly is that implement , which can be
used to affect the hearts and to govern the minds, by;

1. Using the communism as an evil hegemonic power, which John

Paul II, the champion of the new church, pretended to uproot,
exactly as it was in Blessed Virgin Mary’s message at Fatima.
Not only- the great rescuer was a martyr as well, according to
the vision of Jacinta Marto.

2. All evil of the world comes from Russia43, for it is from there the
communist “errors” has been diffused throughout the world and
also corrupted the Roman Catholic Church. According to this
version, the popes have no responsibility for the destruction of
the church, but rather- the infiltrated “KGB agents.” To be
disengaged from this evil our Lady asked in Fatima to
‘consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. ‘
This ‘consecration’ business will be led on and on- as much as
the new architects of a new church need to keep people as a
hostage of a New Vatican, as long as it is possible.
Also, par excellence, Fatima is a huge profit machine , a
pilgrimage revenue, sponsors’ payment, a business enterprise
to make all happy- the winners of the profit, and those who are
Bolshevism/communism was not created in Russia, it was imported from England and its author was
Karl Marx , and the revolutionary terrorists were financed by England and Germany to kill the Russian
imperial family and to stop the territorial advancement of Russia, 1898- 1916

deceived and kept “Catholic”- for by habits this population
needs to be called “Catholic,” which is formal part of their
identity , and no matter, if it is not substantial part anymore.

3. Dreaded by Sedevacantist movement, which might turn

extensive , resulting the mass protest and requisition of the
abdication of the pseudo popes- the leaders and their networks,
working on Vatican finances, promote the public theologians
and speakers with authorities and fame, who would mislead
people, to make fog to cover up the holiness and true teaching
of the church – instead giving the catholic population the Esau’s
“bowel of stew” – for the complete satisfaction of the lust the
modern people have toward sin, abomination, and heresies.

As the birthright of Jews was sold and exchanged with Golden

Calf, the same way these brides of harlotry - the Aquarian Age44
New Catholics – having eradicated from their memories the holy
church and worship, a holy life and strict commandments- enjoy
their regeneration in no-religion, in no-morals- caught in a spiritual
leprosy, which gradually disfigures the face of Christianity, to the
horror to all.

Fatima ministers’ first commitment is to keep messages of our

Lady ticking with modern time clock , and by doing so they
enthrone the demonic infiltrators – Vatican II popes, keeping them
as legitimate vicars of Christ and successors of St. Peter.
They deceive population by saying ;

1. It is a dogmatic teaching that the Seat of St. Peter can not be

vacant and the papacy is perpetual.
In fact- there is no such dogma , and they pathetically misinterpret the
statement defined in Vatican I Council.
Vatican Council I, Session IV, states that St. Peter, the first pope, has
“perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal Church.” It
does not mean, however, that St. Peter’s successors will be perpetual
with no interregnum periods, which never happened, or a sound logic

Aquarian Movement is a modern time spirituality of the world, which unifies Lucifer with Christ-
together with all cults and religions as One Religion of the world.

could ever suggest it . It means the pope always has a primacy as a

2. The new church sympathizes the traditional form of worship, and it

strives to keep traditional morals .
This is a deception too, because the real mission of church leaders is to
fight for the sanctity of the church and the community to the martyrdom,
discarding the heresies and false religions, instead they invite them in,
excommunication the priests and bishops who try to enshrine the
received faith and worship.

W e do not try to disaffirm the Fatima apparition, which took place in

Portugal, 1917 .
In fact- we don’t know what had happened there; what was the real message,
who is this Lucia Santos after 1940s, who was a main character of this show-
now rejecting the consecration of Russia happened , now-accepting it, now
hinting about great apostasy, which will take place in the church after 1960s,
as many Fatimist apologists say, now- esteeming new popes as ‘holy.’
Those who saw first the Orthodox liturgy, like myself, then were introduced
later to the Catholic abominable party-masses, have nothing reserved for this
new church but repugnance and horror- but how could this alleged saintly
nun, coming out from her seclusion after half a century and seeing all this
abomination, admire it?
We affirm that Fatima apparition was private, and if there was a message
for the entire church, it never had been proved to be a divine revelation at
least for us, for those who are the living proofs of the Fatima message
antithesis ; for all premises of the message are false ;

1. “Russian error” does not exist ; today Russia is more Christian

country than any country in the world . The Blessed Virgin Mary
could not have said – “Russia will spread its error throughout the
world .” Or if she said, she would have said, “Russian people will go
through a terrible martyrdom.”

We believe that this message is a fabrication , and the Mother, whom we

know and love, our dear Mother, always gave the people of the USSR

more grace and blessing than anyone else- for the nation of Russia went
through a most profound sufferings and pain no nation ever had gone

2. The factual state of the modern time Catholic Church is defunct;

it is drained from its blood. Its pumping heart- the apostolic
liturgy- is dead. Its thinking brain- dogmatic teaching- electrified
and killed, and what we see now is a crawling ghost of the
Roman Catholic Church sealed with dreadful ugly faces of John
XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict VI, Francis , etc, etc. in a
long queue to be ‘canonized.’

No one will cut off the tree upon which he sits . No one will bite a
hand, which feeds him; this is a moral code of the world, which is
a sustaining pillar also for the new abominable Catholic church,
which is no longer apostolic or orthodox – and if you strain yourself
and pay a close attention, you will listen clearly to the yielding
and soft hissing of the Old Serpent, comfortably sitting on that

The Fatima Shrine ; an abominable cult of unknown pagan

Our Mother- Virgin Mary, is NOT HERE

Fatima Apparition; used as political
rhetorics and a revenue generator .

Fatima Apparition; uniting all feminine pagan godess with our

Lady Virgin Queen , as they unite Lucifer, Buddha Islamic
Mahdi, etc. with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Fatima; A Tool of the Demon To Validate Freemasonic Pseudo-Popes
Fatima; A Tool of the Demon To Validate Freemasonic Pseudo-Popes

Fatima Turned into a Tool of the Devil to Validate
Freemasonic Pseudo-popes and Their Political Glabalist

The apparition at Fatima village in Portugal had been confirmed as valid

by the popes of that time and by the large population, who reacted to the
event and had passed the news from mouth to mouth.
It is doubtless that the apparition truly happened in 1917, and that Blessed
Virgin Mary really had appeared to three children and passed a most
important message of all time, which is perhaps greater in its nature and
content after the message of the apostolic heralds’ first evangelization.
Our Mother came to announce us about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ,
and about all biblical eschatological events, which unfolds in the end time,
just now- exactly as they were presented in the holy scripture . And it is
about “desolation of abomination in the holy place”- Vatican II and a new
Luciferian hierarchy of Rome, to accomplish the mystical number of the
Beast; 666- 6 (Islam) 6 (Judaism) 6 (Catholicism)45- united as One World
Spirit without religion, sanctity, and sanctuaries.
We believe that the message was recorded by children’s parents immediately
and handed over to the church authorities, as a normal course of events
would suggest .
We believe that all original documents were controlled by the Vatican,
considering the seriousness of the content – and they were kept in strict
secret , until 1940s, when they witnessed in terror and in dismay how the
Blessed Virgin Mary’s every word becomes a real.
We believe that the message of our Lady never was presented in its original
composition, and - that all writings, transcripts of visions, had been
fabricated and distorted for a special purpose; to make it to serve the
validation of imposter Crypto-Jewish Vatican II popes , to use it for political
purposes to demonize Russia, 46 and, through the new invented prayers,
described to the Mother of God and to the Angel, dissolve the power of
canonical prayers- deflecting Catholic masses and plunging them into

Islam combines all pagan sects. Judaism combines all naturalistic agnostic social, scientific doctrines,
including atheism and demonism. New Catholicism includes the entire Christian civilization devoid of
substance – infallible dogmas and morals.
Being an Orthodox country, Russia throughout centuries used to be a real superpower, restricting the
colonial appetite of GB/USA/NATO- so Russia in every century builds its military and ideological power
to come out as a conqueror .

paganism and superstition, completely eradicating orthodoxy and a memory
of it.
We will never go to the details how and when the Vatican II incarnate
demons started their hanky-panky Fatima mission- planning ahead their
mystifications and realizing them step by step- exploiting the trust of the
Catholic community, defacing it treacherously.
We care about the hostage Catholics, who are in the sticky web of these
humbugs, presenting themselves as popes, cardinals, bishops, priests – and
all of them are sick perverted villains, leeches, who suck the blood of the
Church , spitting on the Face of Christ, crucifying Him anew, blaspheming
the Holy Mother- trampling upon all holiness, as a brute beasts, as demons
We care about these holy Catholic generation, who has nothing in this
world, but our Lord and His Glory in Latin worship, who is suffering in
deep nostalgia toward the fatherland, Heaven, and the mother-Church,
which is kidnapped and given to prostitution.
We care, for our Mother is being insulted by our naivety, demanding from
every and each of us to open our eyes and ears – to turn them to our holy
fathers of the church, because we are God’s heir and our house is built on
the stable Rock,47 and not on the sliding sand.

Fatima Prayers ; DANGER!

We have to understand, that all prayers, messages, ideologies , expressions,
which do not correspond with the dogmatic infallible teaching of the
Church- should be rejected and discarded.
We will now review the message and prayers attributed to Fatima Apparition
presented by Vatican II storytellers .

(A message presented by Vatican II Heretics, as if it was told by the Blessed

Virgin Mary) -
"You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God
wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.”

This statement is in direct contradiction with the dogma of “No salvation

outside the church.”

St. Peter

With all her merits the Blessed Virgin Mary has no power on her own to
redeem sinners, and there is no other way to save one’s soul but through the
baptism, true confession/contrition, and the Holy Eucharist. To obtain grace
one should get a baptism in the Name of The Father and the Son and the
Holy Ghost. To keep the grace of a baptismal pool- one should be an active
member of the Catholic Apostolic Church.
Therefore , we assume that the initial and true message of the Mother of God
was like following; “To save them, the Militant Church should go and
baptize all nations.48”
Therefore, this statement, presented as if it was told by the Holy Virgin-
is a hoax. It is a heresy.

(A message presented by Vatican II Heretics, as if it was told by the Blessed

Virgin Mary) -
“ If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be
peace. The war is going to end: but if people do not cease offending God, a
worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a
night illuminated by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given
you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of
war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. To
prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my
Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First

In this statement we are sure our Lady warned about WW1, which was
concurrent, about WW2, which was a prophesy, including the celestial
phenomenon , which took place later, 1938.
We don’t know anything how Pope Benedict XV, (1914-1922 ), who was a
pope at the time, reacted to the Fatima Apparition, and we assume that he
should have known about this significant event, which was a popular topic in
Europe . The fact is that Pope Benedict XV ignored the apparition.
So did his follower, Pope Pius XI (1922 -1939), in whose name there is no
official recognition of Fatima Apparition recorded, but only this doubtful
confirmation from self-appointed Fatima experts;

“ On October 1, 1930 the Sacred Penitentiary under Pius XI granted a

partial indulgence to those who individually visited the Shrine and prayed

Matthew 28:19

for the intentions of the Holy Father, and a plenary indulgence once a month
to those who went there in a group. These indulgences granted in Rome
came just in time to prepare minds to receive with entire confidence the
soon-to-be-announced Episcopal approval, which the Holy See had thus
discreetly supported.

With the knowledge and consent of Pope Pius XI, on October 13, 1930
Bishop da Silva of Leiria (the diocese in which Fatima is contained)
announced the results of the official inquiry of Fatima in a pastoral letter on
the apparitions. This official approval contained these important paragraphs:

In virtue of considerations made known, and others which for reason of

brevity we omit; humbly invoking the Divine Spirit and placing ourselves
under the protection of the most Holy Virgin, and after hearing the opinions
of our Rev. Advisors in this diocese, we hereby: –

1. Declare worthy of belief, the visions of the shepherd children in

the Cova da Iria, parish of Fatima, in this diocese, from the 13th
May to 13th October, 1917.
2. Permit officially the cult of Our Lady of Fatima.

Pope Pius XII, whose Episcopal consecration took place on May 13, 1917,
the date of Our Lady’s first apparition at Fatima, did many things to help
encourage devotion to Our Lady of Fatima. He was known as "the Pope of
Fatima". He said, "The time for doubting Fatima has passed, the time for
action is now." When the Pilgrim Virgin statue was touring Italy, and
miracles were being worked wherever it went, Pius XII stated in amazement:
"We can hardly believe our eyes."49

“Permit officially the cult of Our Lady of Fatima-” this statement is an

obvious blasphemy, for the orthodox Christianity never uses expression
‘cult- ‘ i.e ‘worship,’ for anything else but for divinity. We worship only
Body, Blood of our Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity- ONE GOD-
and nothing else . We venerate (respect) saints and Blessed Virgin Mary,
together with objects, which mystically are related to them (e.g icons blessed
by priests, altar objects, vestments, etc).

The message, presented in Blessed Virgin Mary’s name, has illogical

premises ; God will use wars to ‘punish’ world for its crimes (which

‘crimes?’ The correct word is “sins”), and it can be stopped, if Russia is
consecrated to the Immaculate Heart; why “Russia?” What Russia has to do
with the ‘crimes’ of the world? Why would our Lady blame on Russia for ,
let us use the correct spiritual term - the sins of the world?
And saying “God punishes the world” is not Christian notion either. God
never punishes, we punish ourselves, God allows that the decay , destruction
to happen- and we bring that destruction upon ourselves , not God.

If we use a vocabulary, which Blessed Virgin Mary used previously, e.g. at

La Sallete, the real message would be like following ;

“ Lucifer together with a large number of demons and priests, who serve
them, together with these who declared themselves to be vicars of my Son,
will preach a false Christ, denying the existence of Heaven and the Last
Judgment of my Son, which is about to happen, so the Antichrist is born
already and it will rule the church of my Son from Vatican, turning it into a
Luciferian global organization. This organization will sacrifice the mankind,
killing millions as an offering , and the first victim will be Russia.”

(A message presented by Vatican II Heretics, as if it was told by the Blessed

Virgin Mary) -
“If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be
peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars
and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father
will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my
Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to
me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the

The script writer of Vatican II did not have enough history classes to know
that Russia was converted back in 867 A.D. through Saints Cyril and
Methodius .
Our Lady knows that, and the Russian ecclesiastical culture- St.
Chrysostom’s canonized liturgy and worship, the powerful iconographical
art, the special devotion to Virgin Mother, Theotokos- was spread
throughout the world exactly from Russia.
If the Vatican II script writer meant the Bolshevik Revolution and Atheism
to be a Russian “error-” in this case also it is shown an illiteracy of a great
deal ; neither Bolshevism, nor Atheism are of Russian origin . Bolshevism
was formed on Karl Marx’s socialist philosophy promoted in GB, and it was

utilized as a social principle based on French Utopians’ and freemasonic
anarchists’ theories , it was turned into a civil war through International
Congresses, taking place in Germany, which paid 8 million in cash to Lenin
and its anarchists. Using this money they recruited convicted bandits, arming
them, attacking, terrorizing, and killing millions- all who were not with
them, including all land-owner peasants, aristocracy , and royal family. Then
the loot of natural resources started – Russian gold, precious metals, coal,
wood, oil, etc. were exchanged with agricultural and industrial technology,
imported from abroad, until expropriation was accomplished, and the gang
of Stalin had shut down the outgoing stream of Russian natural wealth ;
Lenin was killed and the county’s borders were closed.
And if WW1 was used by International Communism to annihilate Russian
imperial hegemony , the WW2 was used to obliterate Russia out of the
earth’s surface.

“Russia will be converted to Catholicism of Vatican” – In fact the script

writers of Vatican meant this, for their Judeo-Masonic agenda was to bring
all religions under the control of freemasonic new Vatican, as we see it in
Assisi prayer meetings and in all undertakings of Vatican II and World
Council of Churches (WCC); two heads of the same Beast.

“To consecrate Russia” -

Catholic meaning of 'consecration' refers to divine office (bishop), to Holy
Eucharist . To 'consecrate' Russia or world to the Immaculate Heart is a
blueprint of the false devotion of Divine Mercy, which assumes the
universal salvation extra- ecclesia, outside the church. It is obvious that
starting from 1950s the Vatican was intended to eliminate the Militant
Church- active preaching, monastic/ascetic life, strong morals- and instead
of proclaiming Christ as a Savior, they just 'consecrate' them via false

The real massage of our Lady most likely was like following;
“If the Militant Church of my Son fights against Luciferians, who had
infiltrated my Son’s Church, the wars will be stopped and Russia will be
spared , if not my Son’s church will turn into a political puppet
organization, controlled by dark forces from hell and from the world,
sacrificing mankind in body and soul to the devil. In the end, Archangel
Michael will smother by his breath this Beast – wiping it out from the
surface of earth, and then Heaven and Hell will be visible to all to see the
glory of my Son and the defeat of His enemies. “

S capular, initially being a monastic habit, after Fatima Apparition’s
staged presentation, turned into a charm object. Vatican II demon posessed
script writers edit, twist and corrupt all athentic messages and devotions
passed to us through the church.
Today every Catholic is victimized and cut off from a true worship- Catholic
communities divided and antagonistic, negationg each other , dying slowly
in contradiction and hatred.

The FALSE prayers written by Antichrist popes and

attributed to the Fatima’s Mother of God.
1.“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all
souls to Heaven50, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Amen.”

The correct and canonical prayer is; “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins,
direct us to holiness by purifying our minds and hearts, lead all, who bear
Your Holy Name and Spirit to Heaven in orthodoxy, especially those who
are on the road of perdition, also- we ask for the holy souls in Purgatory.”

2. “My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon for all
those that do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.”

The correct and canonical prayer is; “My God, I believe, I adore, I hope
and I love Thee! I beg for a conversion of all those, who do not believe, do
not adore, do not hope, and do not love Thee.”

3.“O Jesus, it is for the love of You, in reparation for the offences committed
against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and for the conversion of poor

Universal Salvation heresy

The correct and canonical prayer is; “O Jesus , I renew my baptismal vow
to hate the devil and its deeds , and serve Your will not only in words, but
also in actions- through the intersession of all saints and Blessed Virgin

3.“By your pure and Immaculate Conception, O Mary51, obtain the

conversion of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world!”

The correct and canonical prayer is; “By your powerful intersession, O
world to convert all good-will people, uniting all Christians in your divine
Son’s Holy, Catholic Apostolic Church.”

What happened in 1917 , Fatima , Portugal,

May 13?
Most possible scenario , or perhaps- the TRUE and REAL STORY is;

1.Three children saw our Lady, who warned them about terrible events and
the martyrdom of Russian nation, following by World War II, fallowing by
the total martyrdom of the Roman Catholic Church, 1960s.

2. Our Lady told children IMMEDIATELY to pass the message to the local
bishop , who should IMMEDIATELY contact the pope to pray for Russia
and to offer Russia to Blessed Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Heart , keeping
vigils day and night during the next six months, for the agony of the Russian
Christendom was approaching (the Bolshevik Revolution, which took place
October 7, 1917).

3.Children immediately contacted the bishop, and were arrested ; soon a

written messages also was confiscated by the masonic government of
Portugal . Vatican was silent at this time.
Our Lady asked all to come Cova Da Iria location, where she revealed a
vision of Heaven to all to see, including the bishops.
The news was spreading and soon it turned into a national event.
To stop the popularization of the message , which was provoking a great
panic - the destruction of the church, the bloody events anticipated – they
No true Catholic ever would dishonor Mother of God showing this familiarity by calling her “Mary.”

(secret intelligence ), after 1920s, had killed Jacinta and Francesco , and
kept in arrest Lucia Santos, whom they most likely killed later too in strict
secrecy, as they did it to all true Roman Catholics, including many
traditional cardinals, bishops, priests, and Pope Pius XII himself- to start
the global deformation of the Roman Catholic Church with no one on
their ways .

-The real voice of our Lady at Fatima was shut down .

-Children were killed, and Fatima village was turned into a commercial
enterprise , the message –into a foundation of new heresies. It was in the
hands of enemies of the church, which they manipulated and presented in
deformed way .

-A new, forged message was about Russia being an international terrorist

country with communist global network, destroying churches and
endangering the security of the world - meanwhile we see a different picture;
fascism financed by USA/GB, NATO raging a terror of local wars
throughout of the world, international Jewish bankers enslaving mankind
and annihilating the apostolic worship through trained imposters, who are in
all religious denominations, especially – in apostolic churches.
In this context the Crypto-Jewish kabalistic imposter popes of Vatican II
were presented as a key personnel, who would stop the global apocalypses
and save the mankind by the ‘consecration’ of Russia to the Immaculate
Heart of Virgin Mary; this is a pure hysteria and paranoia fixed in dogmatic
level- pure nonsense and insanity .
It is greatly offensive to Russian Orthodox nation, and to the Mother of
God, who can mediate, but not redeem.

-Fatima turned into a circus with imposter Lucy and her books, which real
Lucy never wrote , or released- about her paranoid and hysterical messages,
which never did exist as such.

That is how the devil works, and we know his signature, for we are true heirs
of our Lord and King Jesus Christ , the true owners of our Father’s House,
as it was witnessed by God Himself-

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.52 “

John 10:27

Modern Catholic Church Turned into a
Cult; Exultation of Lucifer

“Nam mysterium jam operatur iniquitatis: tantum ut qui tenet nunc, teneat,
donec de medio fiat”
II.Thes. 2:7

It has been more than half a century the whole world listens in horror how
during the Holy Week , Saturday Easter Vigil, Lucifer’s name is exulted
together with Christ ‘s.
The service is transmitted from St. Peter’s basilica, Rome, throughout the
whole world every year .
The Catholic theologians call it “etymological usage of common word
‘lucifer ‘”,which simply means ‘fire bearer’ in Latin, and it is a verbatim
quote from St. Jerome’s translation of Bible to Vulgate Latin.
In this article we will refute this asseveration , and prove that there were
various sects inside the Roman Catholic Church for centuries practicing
Luciferianism, an agnostic occult, which, after the Double Reformations,
was established in the Roman Catholic Church as an Universal Belief , as a
new Credo of the New Vatican, which is no longer Roman Catholic.
But first we have to understand the term “Double Reformations.”
The Roman Catholic Church had gone through two major reformation eras ;
1. Protestant, which occurred outside the Roman Catholic Church,
2. Communist , Political , which occurred inside the Roman Catholic
Church by the Vatican Council II (from 1961 to current ).

These reformations present 1. Theistic Luciferianism (religious) 2.Atheistic
Luciefianism (socialism ) .

Theistic Luciferianism ;
is a combination of two wings of the satanic cult- right hand and left hand
(spiritual and secular). According which a man can obtain God by
supernatural contact (using the words of the Bible ), meanwhile practicing
own will and freedom (by eliminating the notion of sin, which is considered
to be a pure traditional formation ) .
According to this Protestant theology, God is a written word , with its first
attribute to be merciful , therefore sin does not exist , together with
punishment, if Christ is being personalized –accepted as a personal Savior .
In fact, these Protestant reformers and their followers did not care about
Bible or God’s words. In fact they created their new perceptions only to
oppose the dogmas of the Holy Roman Catholic Church , which presented
the apostolic religion based on Ten Commandments and the Seven
Sacraments - being the only source of the redeeming Grace.
The roots of this Luciferian cult existed inside the Roman Catholic Church
long before Martin Luther’s reformation . From early medieval ages the
Gnosticism was present in many forms; Druids, Culdees, Goths, Manicheans
, Albigenesians , and finally pontifical knights , who , starting from 14th
century lost the orthodoxy of apostolic faith and practiced esoteric occult –
astrology with monastic asceticism, in pursuit of ‘secret’ knowledge ,
supernatural empowerment, and control.

“As we now know, some of the chief architects of the Reformation - Martin
Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Johannes Reuchlin, Jan Amos Kozmensky -
belonged to occult societies.”

Malachi Martin
The Keys of this Blood

Atheistic Luciferianism ;
is apparantly based on denial of God’s existance , seeing the engine of the
human progress in the intellectual power of a man , substituting the idea of
perfect existance (Heaven) with earthy utopian paradise (Communism ) .
This concept is the same Luciferian rebelion against God, in which case
Lucifer is inpersonated as a super being human above God, through secular
humanism .

Remarcable what in his speech at UN Assembey , 1960, October, the leader
of USSR Nikita Khrushev said ;

“We live on the earth not by the mercy of God, but by the power of
the intelligence of the great Soviet nations ”
Nikita Khrushev , UN Assembly , October, 1960

In Soviet Communist XX Congress, 1956, he promised that earthly paradise,

Communism, to accomplish by 1980; each Soviet citizen would work as he
could, and would consume as he likes 53 - instead, the USSR ceased to exist
by the end of 1980s.
Not only the Communist paradise was a fiction, its premises also were lies
and deceptions when presenting unreserved love toward fellow ‘comrades’ ;
In 1962 mass protest in South Russia, Novocherkask , against deficit and
high prices on products ; Khrushev ordered to shoot and kill protesters ,
arresting thousands. That was a next addition to the hundred millions killed
in social revolutions for ” freedom, equality, fraternity.”
Atheistic Luciferian leaders used to be a secret members of occult sects, who
believed in God and Devil, as we read in Karl Marx’s poem “Oulanem;”

The hellish vapours rise and fill the brain,

Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed.
See this sword?
The prince of darkness
Sold it to me.
For me he beats the time and gives the signs.
Ever more boldly I play the dance of death.

In the beginning of 20th century the Communist manipulation of ‘charity,’

human-ism and human, as an alpha and omega, as a Robin Hood spirit, was
already above the standards set by God , spreading its hot air in every
social domain, literature , Art, culture.

“An artist must discover the way to convince his public of the full truth of
his lies.”

“I came to communism as one comes to a fountain…. My adherence to

communism is the logical consequence of my entire life and work.”

“According to work, according to demands”- the cornerstone of the


Communist ideology


Its final destination was the Vatican City; Vatican II Reformation is the
combination of these two; Theistic and Atheistic Luciferianism .

Vatican Secret Archives Sealed

Unfortunately no scholar is able to research how the agnostic occult powers

were penetrated the Roman Catholic Church, for the archives of authentic
manuscripts always were closed to researchers and kept in secret. Moreover,
the original manuscripts could be corrupted and altered after the social
revolutions took place, ending the social kingdom of papacy. Or, even may
be long before that, with the invention of printing press, end of 15th century ,
when the copies of Bible and Roman Missals were issued in hundreds of
forms and versions , which would be physically impossible to supervise and
Based on scarce sources it is very difficult to understand what had happened
, unless we follow our logic and Christian instinct , by following first the
development of events, which resulted with the evolution and regeneration
of the apostolic coded worship and teaching.
Today, after we all shocked by the Lucifer exultation prayer coming from
Vatican, we go back to trace Lucifer’s presence in a historical church of
Latin Rite.
From the collection of acts recorded in documents called Gesta Treverorum
(Deeds of the Treveri), Archbishopric of Trier, Germany, 12th century , we
know that there were agnostic sects inside the Roman Catholic Church
worshiping Lucifer as deity, and that Pope Gregory IX (1145-1241)
launched debates and persecution against them, arresting, and even
executing them.

Exultet Prayer found in all Roman Missals published on internet , or

printed by press from 15th AD to 21st ;

“Domine…Flammas eius lucifer matutinus inveniat:

ille, Inquam, lucifer, qui nescit occasum,

Christ Filius tuus qui,
regression ab inferis,
humano generi Serenus illuxit,
et et vivit regnat in Saecula saeculorum .”

(TRANSLATION; '"O Lord….May lucifer (morning star) find its (candles’) flames,
that lucifer (morning star) who knows no setting, your son Christ,
who, once he returned from hell, shone serenely upon the human race,
and lives and rules unto perpetuity.")

Our argument is based on our conviction only and it has no solid

demonstration of supporting facts;
We say;
1. the Exultet prayer in Latin, used by the Roman Catholic Church is an
invocation of Lucifer, Satan, being used also for Christ , and this
invocation has devastating universal effects, a loss of Christian faith
and orthodoxy.

Counter argument is – In that prayer ‘lucifer’ is used as a common

name meaning ‘light bearer ‘ and it is not Satan’s name . In Latin
Vulgate it is used by St. Jerome as a common noun for ‘Day Star’ ;
a. Job 11:17)
‘Et quasi meridianus fulgor consurget tibi ad vesperam; et cum te consumptum putaveris,
orieris ut lucifer.’
b. 2 Peter 1:19)
‘Et habemus firmiorem propheticum sermonem: cui benefacitis attendentes quasi
lucernae lucenti in caliginoso donec dies elucescat, et lucifer oriatur in cordibus
c. Job 38:32, )
‘Numquid producis luciferum in tempore suo, et vesperum super filios terrae
consurgere facis?’
In all these passages of Latin Vulgate translation St. Jerome used the
word ‘lucifer’ as a common name, meaning ‘light carrier’, ‘morning
star,’ ‘day star,’ etc.

We say;
2. Lucifer is not a common name but a proper name of the Satan, known
long before Christ’s Birth, used as is ; fallen Angel’s name. And
Lucifer is used as a proper name of the Satan in Isaiah (14:12) by St.
Jerome , and St. Jerome could not have used the same noun to denote

the Devil and Jesus Christ, as we see in the in Revelation (Rev-22:16),
wherein he uses “Stella Matitunas” for the Angel’s sent by Christ.
And St. Jerome knew very well that Lucifer is exclusively devils’
name used among Latin speakers at his time.
St. Jerome knew that Lucifer is a proper name of Satan, as we read it in his
letter sent to Pope Damasus;
“ In the West the Sun of righteousness Malachi 4:2 is even now rising; in the
East, Lucifer, who fell from heaven, Luke 10:18, has once more set his
throne above the stars ( Isaiah 14:12). ‘

‘Lucifer fell, Lucifer who used to rise at dawn; Isaiah 14:12 and he who was
bred up in a paradise of delight had the well-earned sentence passed upon
him, Though thou exalt yourself as the eagle, and though thou set your nest
among the stars, thence will I bring you down, says the Lord. Obadiah 4 For
he had said in his heart, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I
will be like the Most High. Isaiah 14:13-14 Wherefore God says every day
to the angels, as they descend the ladder that Jacob saw in his dream,
Genesis 28:12 ‘

St . Jerome
Letter 15, To Pope Damasus

Hebrew expression in Isaiah 14:12, “Heyelel.” ( “bright son of the

morning/dawn,” “bright morning star,” “glowing morning star,” “shining
one, son of the dawn.”) was translated to “Phosphorus” (the Greek word for
Venus as the morning star) in the Septuagint (Old Testament ) , and then
translated into “Lucifer” in the Vulgate (from the Greek Septuagint). Both
three names are related solely to Satan, fallen angel.
We provide evidence ;

Lucifer was the Name of Satan from Ancient Times;

Ovid, Metamorphoses 4. 627 BC:

"Until Lucifer (the morning star) hould wake Aurora [Eos the dawn], and
Aurora call forth the chariot of the day [of Helios the sun]."

Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 42 BC
("The fourth star is that of Venus [Aphrodite], Luciferus [Hesperus] by name
. . . In many tales it is recorded that it is called Hesperus, too. It seems to be

the largest of all stars . . . It is visible both at dawn and sunset, and so
properly has been called both Lucifer [Eosphorus] and Hesperus."

Cicero, De Natura Deorum , 19 BC

"If Luna [Selene the moon] is a goddess, then Lucifer (the Morning Star)
also and the rest of the Wandering Stars (Stellae Errantes) will have to be
counted gods as well."
Cicero, De Natura Deorum ;"The star of Venus, called in Greek Phosphoros
(the light-bringer) and in Latin Lucifer when it precedes the sun, but when it
follows it Hesperos."

Plato , 428 BC, Timaeus:

‘First, there was the moon in the orbit nearest the earth, and next the sun, in
the second orbit above the earth; then came the morning star and the star
sacred to Hermes, moving in orbits which have an equal swiftness with the
sun, but in an opposite direction; and this is the reason why the sun and
Hermes and Lucifer overtake and are overtaken by each other.’

Lucifer in Latin was used as a proper name for fallen angel, Satan, for the
Serpent of Paradise, in pagan ancient mythologies, presented also later by
the Greek theologian Origen (II AD) in his theological 50-volume works
Hexapla .
St Jerome when translated the Bible from old Latin, Greek and Hebrew , he
used the Bible translations of Origen from Greek to old Latin, Vetus into a
Latin speaking language at the time, Vulgate. And when St. Jerome used
Latin word ‘lucifer,’ he knew also that is commonly known name for Satan,
two hundred years after Origen .
Tertullian and others of the early fathers of the church also presented
Lucifer correlated to Satan, so the effect and association of the name
‘Lucifer’ are connected with Satan , and it was established some time prior
to the end of the second century.

"But the angels also wonder at the peace which is to be brought about
on account of Jesus on the earth, that seat of war, on which Lucifer, star
of the morning, fell from heaven, to be warred against and destroyed by
Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John,
Book I, chapter 13, A.D. 231

The same way St. Augustine uses Lucifer as a name of the Satan , and St.
Jerome when translating Bible from old Latin to Vulgate, knew well that
Lucifer was a given name to Satan.
Io levai li occhi e credetti vedere
Lucifero com'io l'avea lasciato,
e vidili le gambe in sù tenere.

(Dante, Inferno , References to Lucifer as Satan

(31:142-43), (34:88-89))

Most wide spread Luciferian agnostic cult was Manichaeism, founded in 216
AD, following by medieval satanic occult; Cateri, Albigeses, Bogamils,
Cathari , etc.
They worshiped Lucifer as Christ , and the Catholic Church fought against
their influence, persecuting and exiling them .
Fourteen men and women, in 1336, were burned by the Inquisition at
Magdelburg for their heretical beliefs about Lucifer. In 1386, a Prenzlau
priest accused his whole congregation of believing Lucifer was God, or the
brother of God. It is said that some sect members desecrated Eucharistic
wafers in the presence of a figure of Lucifer.

Armenian Ancient Text ;

We can use other ancient sources, like the Holy Bible’s ancient Armenian
translation from Greek original (V AD) to compare it with Latin Vulgate.

“Thy pride is brought down to Hell…How art thou fallen from Heaven, Lucifer, who
didst rise in the morning ..” Isaias , XIV: 11-12‘
(Quomodo cecidisti de caelo, Lucifer, qui mane oriebaris? corruisti in terram, qui
vulnerabas gentes?).

Here in Classic Armenian the equivalent of ‘Lucifer’ is

՛Արուսեակ՛(arouseak) denoting the bright morning star Venus- in
Greek- Ἔρως “(Eros). In Armenian- Արուս (Arous) .
In classic Armenian when depicting Luciefer in Isaias 14, is used Arous-
Eros, when it denotes Christ (mainly His wisdom, words, prophecies ) it is
used “Stella” (Աստղ), or ՛Արեգակն’(areagakn), Sun, meaning the source
of light, translated as a ‘Source ‘ of ‘Light-creation.’
Արեգակն’(areagakn, Sun), is a complex word with morphemes;
1. Ակն ՛-

աբյուր, (source)
2. ՛Ար՛--
արարչագործություն (creation)
3. ՛եգ՛-՛եղ՛-լինել բայից (“to be” verb)

Ար-եգ-ակն – a Creative Source.

In all Armenian canticles the when there is a symbolical comparison with

Christ , they use this word (Creator of Light, Արեգակն).

«Արեգական արդար առ իս լույս ծագեավ» (“The Sun of Justice had

enlightened me with rays “)
St. Nershes Shnorhali (XII AD)

When in the Holy Scripture Christ is compared with Star or Sun

(Արեգական , կամ՝ Աստղ) , it is used the word equivalent to ‘Stella” or
“Sun” not the words equivalent to Lucifer (which is “Eros-Aros-
Արուսեակ” in classic Armenian) : So the Armenian holy translators by
the leadership of St. Mesrop Mashtoz distinguished and assigned different
expressions to present the fallen angel and Christ.
In Latin Vulgate St. Jerome used the same word ‘lucifer’ in indicated palces.

Rev-22:16 <sicut et ego accepi a Patre meo et dabo illi stellam matutinam
qui habet aurem audiat quid Spiritus dicat ecclesiis>
In Armenian ancient text it is ‘Աստղ պայծառ առաւօտին՛ , again used as
'Stella'(Latin), “Astrum” (Greek).
It is remarkable though that in 2 Peter 19, in Armenian text the Lucifer
version is used as well , to be true to original Greek (phosporus ) ;
՝...մինչև տիվն լուսավերեսցէ և արուսեակն (arouseakn, Eros-Lucifer)
ծագեսցե ի սրտս ձեր.»

Moreover , unlike Latin version, which had been adopted as Satan’s

name throughout centuries, ‘Arous’ (Eros- Lucifer) is adopted by
Armenians as a female nice proper name.

Considering the evolution of the Latin language, which was supposed to
be fixed , unchanged , as a scriptural and liturgical language, the name
Lucifer had turned into a proper name of Satan, also culturally being
altered in its practice , and being used solely for Satan’s invocation - and
therefore it should be taken out from Roman Liturgical services.

Counter argument is;

The word ‘lucifer’(light bearer) is a common noun and used also as a proper
name , as Lucifer Calaritanus (370 or 371 AD), who was a bishop of
Cagliari in Sardinia, and who ordained St. Jerome, the translator of the Bible
and doctor of the Roman Catholic Church. No one is allowed to censor his
translations. It only symbolically denotes the devil.

We say;
The Catholic Holy Scripture and liturgies are for people’s sanctity and
inspiration. By keeping Lucifer’s name in liturgical texts you scandalize
people putting them in shock. And that very fact was the issue even at the
time of St. Jerome’s, about which St. Augustine warned him in his letters.
And from the letters of St . Augustine sent to St. Jerome , we see that St.
Augustine expresses his concerns , as it was not overlooked by other bishops
as well at the time, about some mistakes in the translations of St. Jerome’s
Bible Vulgate:

“A certain bishop, one of our brethren, having introduced in the church over
which he presides the reading of your version, came upon a word in the book
of the prophet Jonah, of which you have given a very different rendering
from that which had been of old familiar to the senses and memory of all the
worshippers, and had been chanted for so many generations in the church.
Thereupon arose such a tumult in the congregation, especially among the
Greeks, correcting what had been read, and denouncing the translation as
false, that the bishop was compelled to ask the testimony of the Jewish
residents (it was in the town of Oea). These, whether from ignorance or from
spite, answered that the words in the Hebrew manuscripts were correctly
rendered in the Greek version, and in the Latin one taken from it. What
further need I say? The man was compelled to correct your version in that
passage as if it had been falsely translated, as he desired not to be left
without a congregation -- a calamity which he narrowly escaped. From this
case we also are led to think that you may be occasionally mistaken. You
will also observe how great must have been the difficulty if this had

occurred in those writings which cannot be explained by comparing the
testimony of languages now in use.”

St. Augustine , Bishop of Hippo

We say;
There are other sanctified ancient versions of Exultet prayer , written by
Pope Gregory Great and preserved ancient rolls up to our days, as;
1. Salerno Rolls ,(1181 AD)
Vere quia dignum et iustum est invisibilem Deum omnipotentem Patrem,
Filiumque unigenitum Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum... ("It is truly
right and fitting [to praise] the invisible God, the Almighty father, and His
only-begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.")
Haec nox est in qua primum patres nostros, filios Israel, educens de
Aegypto, Rubrum mare sicco vestigio transire fecisti ("This is the night on
which you led our fathers, the children of Israel, out of Egypt, bringing them
dry-shod through the Red Sea.")
Christus ab inferis victor ascendit ("Christ rose victorious from the

O vere beata et mirabilis apis, cuius nec sexum masculi violant, foetus non
quassant, nec filii destruunt castitatem. Sicut sancta concepit virgo Maria
peperit et virgo permansit. ("O truly blessed and wondrous bee, whose sex
the males do not dishonor, the bearing of offspring does not violate them,
nor do (the bearing of) children destroy their chastity. Just as the holy virgin
Mary conceived and bore a child and yet remained a virgin.")

2. Exultet Roll (1087 AD )

Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing, choirs of angels!

Exult, all creation around God's throne
Jesus Christ, our king, is risen!
Sound the trumpet of Salvation!
Rejoice, O earth, in shining splendor,
radiant in the brightness of your king!
Christ has conquered! Glory fills you!
Darkness vanishes forever!
Rejoice, O Mother Church! Exult in glory!
The risen Savior shines upon you.

Let this place resound with joy,
echoing the mighty song of all God's people!

(Another Translation version)

Exult, let them exult, the hosts of heaven,
exult, the Angel ministers of God exult,
let the trumpet of salvation
sound our mighty King’s triumph!

Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her,

ablaze with light from her eternal King,
let all corners of the earth be glad,
knowing an end to gloom and darkness.

Rejoice, let Mother Church also rejoice,

arrayed with the lightning of his glory,
let this holy building shake with joy,
filled with the mighty voices of the peoples
O love, O charity beyond all telling,
to ransom a slave you gave away your Son!

O happy fault
that earned so great, so glorious a Redeemer
On this, your night of grace, O holy Father,
accept this candle, a solemn offering,
the work of bees and of your servants’ hands.

Why the Catholic Church does not use these holy versions, especially that
the Exultet Luciefrian version is unique in its composition , and judging that
the same version for centuries was used in Lutheran churches, one can guess
its true evil origin.

Furthermore, this text of Luciferian Exulted is not found in any other Latin
Rite , or Eastern Rite, or Armenian Rite.
Here is the Armenian Exultet, written in XII AD;

And this is the Exultet of Armenian Church; the same ;
(Rejoice) ; Easter Vigil Prayer of the Armenian Church
Canonized by Great Catholicos St. Nerses Shnorhali (XII AD),
Cilician Chair ,
Cilician Armenian Catholic Orthodox Kingdom

Today the Bridegroom immortal and heavenly

has resurrected from death.
Rejoice , o Bride terrestrial , the Holy Church ;
Bless with a voice of exaltation the Lord of the Zion!

Today the indescribable Light of Light has enlightened

your offspring , o enlightened Jerusalem,
for your Light has been resurrected, O Christ!
Bless with a voice of exaltation the Lord of the Zion!

Today the darkness of ignorance was melted away

Under the Triple Light of your divinity ,
and the light of wisdom shone upon you
with the resurrected Christ from death-
Bless with a voice of exaltation the Lord of the Zion!

(original text)
Այսօր յարեաւ ի մեռելոց
Փեսայն անմահ եւ երկնաւոր.
Քեզ աւետիք խնդութեան հարսն ի յերկրէ եկեղեցի.
Օրհնեա՛յ ի ձայն ցնծութեան զԱստուծ քո Սիովն:

Այսօր անճառ լոյսն ի լուսոյ

Լուսաւորեաց զմանկունս քո,
Լուսավորեայ Երուսաղեմ,
Քանզի յարեաւ լոյս քո Քրիստոս.
Օրհնեա՛յ ի ձայն ցնծութեան զԱստուծ քո Սիովն:

Այսօր խաւարն անգիտության

Հալածեցաւ երրեակ լուսովն.
Եւ քեզ ծագեաց լոյս գիտութեան
Յարուցեալն ի մեռելոց Քրիստոս.
Օրհնեա՛յ ի ձայն ցնծութեան զԱստուծ քո Սիովն:

And this is the Latin Roman Exultet used in 14th century :

Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing, choirs of angels!

Exult, all creation around God's throne
Jesus Christ, our king, is risen!
Sound the trumpet of Salvation!
Rejoice, O earth, in shining splendor,
radiant in the brightness of your king!
Christ has conquered! Glory fills you!
Darkness vanishes forever!

Rejoice, O Mother Church! Exult in glory!

The risen Savior shines upon you.
Let this place resound with joy,
echoing the mighty song of all God's people!

And finally the holy Exultet prayer written by St. Pope V


We say; Why these holy prayers are not used in the Roman Catholic
Church, and instead they use a diabolical invocation, which is an agnostic
addition and is not/ can not be in holy orthodox liturgy ?


Counter argument is;
During centuries they used different version of Exultet in the Roman
Catholic Church, and there is nothing wrong with this version; it does not
mean to invoke the Satan , and ‘lucifer’is not Stan’s name.

We say;
If this sinister prayer does not mean to invoke the devil, Satan, Lucifer, how
come the Roman Catholic Church is hijacked by agnostic heretics, plunging
in crimes of all sorts; pedophilia, mafia murders, clown-party-masses,
charismatic satanic possession, false apparitions, etc. ?

“Yes, it’s true. Lucifer is enthroned in the Catholic Church.”

Dr. Malachi Martin

“The devil in the Catholic Church is so protected now that he is like an

animal protected by the government; put on a game preserve that outlaws
anyone, especially hunters, from trying to capture or kill it. The devil within
the Church today is actually protected by certain Church authorities from
the official devil-hunter in the Church — the exorcist. So much so that the
exorcist today is forbidden to attack the devil. The devil is so protected that
the one who is the hunter, the exorcist, is forbidden to do his job.”
Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo,
Fatima 2000 International Congress on World Peace, Rome

“I know of your firm belief in the Supreme Being, the Great Architect of the
Universe, and of the holy writings appropriate to the religion of your
members, and I salute you for your loyalty to these ancient values.”,
Cardinal Cooke, Addressing the assembly of Freemasons, 1980

“From some fissure the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.” -
June 29, 1972 by Pope Paul VI

All editions of Roman Missals, printed in our century have an

IMPRIMATUR of Cardinal Spellmen .
Who is Cardinal Spellman? According to Signorile, the Catholic Church
pressured Cooney's publisher, Times Books, to reduce the four pages
discussing Spellman's sexuality to a single paragraph. Both Signorile and
John Loughery cite a story suggesting that Spellman was sexually active and
carrying on a relationship with a male member of the chorus in the

Broadway revue One Touch of Venus. Monsignor Eugene V. Clark,
Spellman's personal secretary of 15 years, later denied the allegations,
calling them "utterly ridiculous and preposterous".
A biographer of J. Edgar Hoover, Curt Gentry, says that Hoover's files had
"numerous allegations that Spellman was a very active homosexual".

Beginning in the late seventeenth century, France and neighbouring areas

saw a flurry of independent missals published by bishops influenced by
Jansenism and Gallicanism.
Luciferianism was a common practice in secret , especially after French
revolution, which infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church by Jesuits , finally
taking over it through Vatican II.
Premeditated destruction of the apostolic holiness of the Roman Catholic
Church and conspiracy led by evil agents of the devil?

We say- YES.

Lucifer is translated as ;
As “Luci”(light) “Fere” (to bring), and it is used as in the liturgical texts
and scriptures as a complex noun , exactly as the proper name. Otherwise
they might have used the form “Lux fere,” or “portare la luce, etc.
And, which is most likely , it means
“Luci” (light) and “FERA” (beast, Sea Monster );

about which the Holy Scripture has an exact reference ;

‘And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven
heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous
Revelation 13:1

Therefore, Lucifer could not mean the Holy Name of our Lord Jesus
Christ .
The Exultet Luciferian version is an ancient LUTHERAN addition to the
Roman Missal, which took place just after the invention of the printing
press, starting from late Middle Ages and controlled to these days by the
agnostic infiltrators .

All copies of the Roman Missals presented by the new agnostic masonic
Vatican, including the medieval ones , are altered and corrupted , with a
special purpose of presenting their agnostic version of catholic church, their
dualistic theosophical god of a New Aquarian Age , which is the
combination of Lucifer and Christ.
As we read it in official Catholic Encyclopedia ; “Lucifer is referring to
Satan and …to Christ himself .” 55

And we call it ;
“Desolation of Abomination in the Holy Place “(Matthew 24:15).

( )


Here is the Statue in Austria, called "St. Michael The Archangel and Lucifer " by the
Catholic Church.

“Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of
Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its
splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!”
Albert Pike , Luciferian Satanist

Pagan practices in the Roman Catholic Church, turned into a real devil
worship over the centuries;
All Hallow’s Eve - is a celebration of the “Day of the Dead-” Druidic Feast
of Samhain, Walpurgisnacht night of devils’ invocation , coinciding with
the Vigil of All-Saints’ Day.

“We live on the earth not by the mercy of god, but by the power of the
intelligence of the great Soviet nations ”
Nikita Khrushev , UN Assembly , October, 1960

The Debate Between the Author and

Fr. Paul Kramer ,
Catholic Theologian, Author
Paul Kramer ; In the traditional editions of the Roman Missal Christ is
not explicitly named as the Morning Star, but the Morning Star is
identified with Him in the Exultet. In ancient Catholic art and in the
writings of the ancient Fathers the term 'Lucifer' or 'Lucifer matutinus' is
applied to Christ because the scriptural image of the morning star (i.e. the
sun as it rises in the morning) is a prophetic image of Christ: "in sole
posuit tabernaculum suum et ipse tamquam sponsus procedens de
thalamo suo exultavit ut gigans ad currendam viam" (Ps. 18:6); and "ante
luciferum genui te". In the early centuries the term 'lucifer' was not
employed as a name for Satan but was attributed to Christ, the "Novus
Lucifer". There is nothing 'luciferian' about the term in the ancient
Christian usage. Lucifer was understood to be the name of an angel
before he fell, but after the fall he wascreferred to as 'Satan'. It was only
many centuries later that the name "Lucifer" came to be applied to the
devil. There is nothing luciferian in following the ancient Latin usage

which applies the term 'lucifer' to Chtist -- an accepted and ancient
ecclesiastical usage of the Latin language, in its original context which
long predated the midieval Anglo-Saxon attribution of the term 'Lucifer'
as an epithet for the devil. Latin already became a dead language before
the word 'lucifer' received its diabolical connotation in other languages.
Those four Bible verses that you cite, Anna, illustrate perfectly the proper
meaning of 'lucifer' in ancient Latin Catholic usage. This is the text of St.
Jerome that you want to change! In this same manner as St. Jerome uses
it, is exactly as the term is used in the Exultet - according to the same
sense and meaning as St. Jerome and the other ancient Fathers used it.
The signification of the Latin words, like all dead languages, remains
fixed and never changes: therefore, it is totally erroneous and absurd to
construe a new meaning for a word in a dead language that remains
forever fixed. There is no need to change the Latin words. There is only a
need for people to understand Latin correctly.

The Author; Father Kramer, Lucifer denotes Satan after St. Jerome
used it as ‘fallen angel;’ Isaiah 14:12
The European Christian culture adopted this proper name for Satan;
Dante, Inferno , 34
References to Lucifer as Satan
(31:142-43), (34:88-89).
Io levai li occhi e credetti vedere
Lucifero com'io l'avea lasciato,
e vidili le gambe in sù tenere.
In the Bible when using ‘lucifer’ they meant a fallen angel, as we see in
Job, how he was reminding us the harmony of creation before the fall of
‘Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if
thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou
knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the
foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When
the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
(Job 38:4-7)’
<erroneous and absurd to construe a new meaning for a word in a dead
language that remains forever fixed> I agree Latin is supposed to be
fixed, I STRONGLY disagree that it has not been altered by the agnostics
working in the church. That is why it should be revised . The proof that
there is a radical disorientation in the Roman Church is its downfall
through Vatican II.

Paul Kramer; It is impossible that the gnostics could have altered the
texts. They could not possibly have entered all the churches and homes
and changed the texts in all the widely diffused codices everywhere
through the Latin Patriarchate. The claim is absurd on its face.

The Author; The claim is as logical as it can be. I am a writer myself,

and I won't use the expression 'fallen angel' once depicted a satan for
anything else but Satan. The proof that the FIXED TEXT of St. Jerome
has been altered and corrupted is; 1. that we don't see this in original
Hebrew, Greek , or Armenian ancient texts. We need the ancient
manuscript of St. Jerome to compare it with the printed editions . Like I
said- Latin ecclesiastical printed business was led by Jesuits , who were
banned later by the pope, and then- under the pressure of Napoleon the
order was authorized again, after 1820s ; by this political pressure the
Commission of Inquisition of the Vatican was abolished as well. 2.
Vatican II, itself is the rotten essence of Luciferianism . 3. Another proof-
how logical is it to say, that ‘we wait until LUCIFER RISES in our hearts
‘(2 Peter 1:19) ?

Paul Kramer; There are enough ancient codices extant that demonstrate
plainly that the Ecclesiastical Latin Vulgate text has not been corrupted.
They could not be altered without permanent evidence of alteration in the
The context of the verse is the analogy of transition from the darkness of
night, lit by the lanterns of the prophetic word, to light of day, thus:
"attendentes quasi lucernae lucenti in caliginoso loco donec dies
elucescat, et lucifer (Gr. phosphoros) orietur in cordibus vestris" -- which
translates litteraly into English: "to attend, as to a light that shineth in a
dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts".
Thus, the Vulgate text is correctly translated into Latin.
Note that the Latin translation is precise : the Greek text does not use the
word "helios" but "phosphoros"; hence, St. Jerome does not translate
'phosphoros' as "sol",i.e. "sun", but "lucifer", i.e. "day star". To translate
the Latin word as it is used in the verse into English as "Lucifer" is
utterly unintelligible and manifestly incorrect.
St. Jerome's Latin use of the word 'lucifer' is an exact litteral equivalent
of the Greek word used by St. Peter, 'phosphoros'. A more precise
translation is not possible. St. Jerome not only read Greek, he also wrote
in Greek. The etymology of both the Latin 'lucifer' and the Greek

'phosphoros' is identical: "bearer of light". You can't get a more exact and
correct translation than that.

The Author; In Latin <lucifer> is being used as a common noun, yet it has
been known as a name of celestial body, star and deity;
Cicero wrote: Stella Veneris, quae Φωσφόρος Graece, Latine dicitur Lucifer,
cum antegreditur solem, cum subsequitur autem Hesperos;
(The star of Venus, called Φωσφόρος in Greek and Lucifer in Latin when it
precedes, Hesperos when it follows the sun – De Natura Deorum 2, 20, 53).
Looks like in ancient time it Venus , Φωσφόρος, Lucifer, was for Morning
Star, turned into deity too, however , it has also been used as Satan, as a
former seraphim , one who was fallen from heaven.
‘Accordingly Tertullian ("Contra Marrionem," v. 11, 17), Origen ("Ezekiel
Opera," iii. 356), and others, identify Lucifer with Satan, who also is
represented as being "cast down from heaven" (Rev. xii. 7, 10; comp. Luke
x. 18).’
This is a very confused issue, unanswered for me, and, I think, it would take
a serious scientific laborious effort of long years to clear this up.
By the way there are many manuscript copies of Latin Vulgate ; Codex
Bobbiensis Codex Vercellensis, Codex Colbertinus, Codex Bezae, Codex
Cantabridgiensis, also known as Codex Bezae, Codex Palatinus, Codex
Brixianus, etc. etc. How do we know which une is more accurate unless we
use our common sanse?
One thing is sure;
-We have a <lucifer> noun from ancient time used as a name of ; 1. star , 2.
and Satan.
-We have couple passages in the Scripture conflicting each other , when the
same noun is used as; 1. a star and 2. as Satan.
Especially in our time, when Lucifer exclusively presents Satan , culturally
adopted as such, and the invocation of it has a tremendous spiritual
destructive effect, for it really confirms the spirit of darkness among us- that
is why we should REJECT the word itself, disregarding its etymology.
In all Rites / Byzantne, Armenian Ancient, Latin ancient /Exultet is the
same as this ; Barberini Exultet Roll, 1087 AD.
Conspiracy ? Yes.

Paul Kramer; The words of the Exultet are addressed to God, the Father of
Our Lord Jesus Christ; Christ who is that daystar who knows no setting. It
does not say Christ is the son of Lucifer. That is grammatically impossible:
"ille inquam , lucifer, qui nescit occasum, Christus Filius tuus, . . ." - "that

daystar which knows no setting, Christ your Son"

The Author; Here is the official EXACT translation , Father;

May this flame be found still burning
by the Morning Star/ light-bearer/:
the one Morning Star/light bearer/ which never sets,…

Paul Kramer ; Litterally: "I say that daystar who (or which) knows no
setting, Christ thy Son" - «ille inquam lucifer qui nescit occasum, Christus
Filius tuus».

The Author; Father, May be it would be very just EASY to CORRECT it,
like it should be; "May the LIGHT of the Holy Spirit shines with no setting .
O Heavenly Father, your Son Christ , who came back...." Now that is

Paul Kramer ; The "ille" is in the third person, and "ille" is the
demonstrative pronoun modifier of "lucifer", so it is impossible for the hymn
to be addressed to the "lucifer", i.e. the "daystar". To be addressed to the
"lucifer" the words would have to be in the second person. If understood
grammatically and theologically, the hymn is perfectly Catholic.

The Author; To pray to Lucifer as 'Morning Star' is to pray Judas Iscariot

as apostle
Lucifer /light-bearing, from luc-, lux light + -fer -ferous / - Fire Bearer IS
NOT STELLA matutínus. It never translates as Morning Star, but by the
satanists only. Lucifer is a word for fallen morning star.
Vatican II freemasonic popes are members of Aquarian Age Community,
and they use the thesis the theosophical society insists upon them . That
Lucifeian prayer is INTENTIONALLY included as they are told. We see
Luciferian Trust inside the Church as Agni Yoga, Medjugorie false
apparitions, Opus Dei occult, Charismatic seances and trances.

Paul Kramer ;The hymn is not addressed to the "lucifer", who is referred to
in the third person, but to God the Father. The "lucifer" referred to in the
hymn is Christ, just as the "lucifer" St. Peter writes of in St. Jerome's
Vulgate is Christ: "donec dies illucescat et lucifer oriatur in cordibus vestris"
(2 Pet. 1:19).
The Author ; Luciferian Trust or WE –SHOULD-TRUST master mason
Master Koot Hoomi in (catholic church shaman-priest );

Paul Kramer; The Latin "lucifer" of St. Jerome's translation is an exact
equivalent of «phosphoros» ("lightbearer"), the word used by St. Peter to
refer to Christ.

The Author ;’ phosphorus’ erupted in your hearts- is in Greek.

If this is true then, which the new Aquarium movement teaches, presenting
Phosphorus (Greek Φωσφόρος Phōsphoros), Hesperus , Lucifer as a god of
Aquarian age, which is Christ , Ishtar , Lucifer . Is it?
‘Cecidit (or lapsus) stella matutínus’
should be for fallen angel in Latin for this Exultet (or Isaias , XIV: 11-12) ,
and ‘STELLA Matutinas’ for Christ !
This is how it should be.
This is how grammatically and logically it would be correct.

Paul Kramer -The Council of Trent infallibly defined that the Latin Vulgate
Bible is free from doctrinal error. The Vulgate uses the term "lucifer" and
applies it to Jesus Christ. St. Peter wrote in Greek. For just over two
centuries the language of the Church was Greek; which was then supplanted
by Latin in the West. St. Peter applies the term "phosphoros" (lightbearer) to
Jesus Christ. God is the principal author of Sacred Sctipture; so it is, in fact,
God the Holy Ghost who applies the term "lightbearer" to Jesus Christ. St.
Jerome translated the term "lightbearer", (in Greek "phosphoros") as
"lucifer" in Latin. The entire manuscript history attests to the fact that the
text of this passage is authentic and uncorrupted. It is a heresy to claim that
the Scripture entrusted by God to the Church to be preserved could have
been corrupted -- as if God is not almighty in his provident governance of
the world. So the parish in insane thought that the devil's minions could have
corrupted that inerrant source of divine revelation, the Sacred Scriptures.
That is heresy.

The Author; Fr. Kramer,

Your explanation of the passage St. Peter, 2, 19, is conflicting the Catholic
interpretation of the Holy Scripture .
The Haydock Bible explains; it is our FAITH which will be like a day , and
the prophesy of the apostles like a light of the morning star, which will
illuminate our hearts .
1 Peter, 19 is NOT about our Lord Jesus Christ. (Haydock , Catholic
Treasures, 1991, page 1615)
And here is the Catholic INTERPRETATION of LUCIFER ;

“The King of Babylon, symbolically the devil .” (Haydock , Catholic
Treasures, 1991, Dictionary page 69).
The Roman Catholic Church officially accepts that Lucifer is a proper name
of the Satan. However, no one cares to correct the invocation of Lucifer in
Easter Saturday Vigil prayer , Exultet, or at least , to translate it into a
modern Italian, or English , in order do not cause a large-scale scandal by
removing that abominable name.
Vatican II modern reformers had obliterated all Latin holy prayers , liturgies,
rites, destroying also high stone altars of ancient churches ,
but accidentally they kept this occult, vague prayer as is?

“ For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also “ (Matthew

The Idol ,
Or More Blasphemies From the Modern
Catholic Church

B lessed Virgin Mary,

T he Mother of God,
She is one step down from the Creator , for she is a creature,
She is one step up from the Creator, for she is a Mother of Christ56 .
She is in God, yet- God was in her.
She is a human with all her human faculties,
Yet she is extraordinary, above human faculties – holy and glorious.57

She is ever-virgin 58 and most- pure; 59 Immaculate Conception,60

She is a Queen of Heaven 61.

We should love her, but not worship,

We should honor and venerate her, but not turn her into a cult,
We should ask her by doing the will of her Son –
Being holy like her- or we will lapse and wander in a blind alley.

Dogmatic clause , Ephesus, 431 A.D
Dogmatic clause, II Council of Constantinople, 553. A.D.
Dogmatic clause, V Council of Constantinople, 553, A.D

Dogmatic clause, VII Council of Nicaea, 787 A.D
Dogmatic clause by Pope Pius IX, 1854
Dogmatic clause , Ephesus, 431 A.D

I n the XX century only there were about four hundred cases of Marian
apparitions; Mary trampling on the trees, standing on altars, Mary climbing
the cupolas of the churches, Mary on the walls, in the sky, in the hamburger,
weeping statues, Mary prattling endless messages normally through
deranged women – all are of uncertain origin, most likely - all are
delusional, very often- demonic , all are rather mental breaks, turning the
Catholic religion into a vending machine, into a wheel of fortune.
It is time to stop this madness by refusing all Marian apparitions of our time
– all apparitions of any origin, especially when there is no orthodox
investigative commission to verify the nature of apparitions, and the New
Vatican can not be trusted.
The true vocation of a Christian consists in following the path, which leads
to holiness and grace of the Church by inner concentration, in true contrition
and confession of sins, meanwhile the repetitious hocus-pocus visions,
messages are distractive and have a sole purpose to mislead people and
entangle them in demonic nets.

The Theotokos (Mother of God), Panagia (most-pure), Aeiparthenos (ever-

virgin), the Immaculate Conception , the Queen of Heaven , we all venerate
calling her Blessed Virgin Mary .

Is Blessed Virgin Mary a Mediatrix?
The answer is – “Yes” and “No.”
The scripture and the Universal councils conform that there is but one
mediator between men and God, and it is the Son of God, our Lord Jesus

“For there is one Lord Jesus Christ, according to the scriptures.

Even though he is called "the apostle and high priest of our confession", as
offering to the God and Father the confession of faith we make to him and
through him to the God and Father and also to the holy Spirit, again we say
that he is the natural and only-begotten Son of God and we shall not assign
to another man apart from him the name and reality of priesthood. For he
became the "mediator between God and humanity" and the establisher of
peace between them, offering himself for an odour of sweetness to the God
and Father-”62 for according to Scripture, there is only “one mediator
between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5).

However, our Lord told us, “ You may ask me for anything in my name,
and I will do it.63”
Blessed Virgin Mary is an advocate of her Son, before she is a mediator of
men, and all she does is bringing us closer to her Son and helping us to
fulfill God’s will by subduing our own will to God- only after that she does
for us according to our requests, with the power of Christ.
The angel called her “Full of grace64” –that is because she had but one will
with God.65 So must we do too, looking first for the Kingdom of God, and
then all we ask- will be given to us as well.66

Is Blessed Virgin Mary a Co-Redemptrix?

We have an apostolic teaching of the Church, that the salvation is possible
only through the sacraments of the Church, and that Jesus Christ is a

Third letter of Cyril to Nestorius, The Council Of Ephesus - 431 A.D.

John 14:14
Luke 1:28
Luke 1:38
Luke 12:31

Redeemer, a Sacrifice for the atonement of our sins- 67 as the only acceptable
sacrifice to God.68
Blessed Virgin Mary , together with all holy martyrs and confessors, is a
partaker of the sufferings of Christ, not a redeemer, and she herself was
redeemed by Christ in the moment of her conception in St. Anne’s womb.

The cult of Mary, as a co-redemptrix, is a new Vatican heresy, from which

they have developed a doctrine of ‘consecration’ to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary and a Divine Marcy false devotion, which are in fact substituting the
sacraments of the Church- a short cut to salvation through a new doctrinal
wish-wash, a deceptive and delusional belief , a cult, which led to a New
Charismatic Movement, 1980s, turning the modern Roman Catholic Church
into a sinister apocrypha .

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far
from me.” 69
Anyone who prays, meanwhile being in mortal sin without true contrition
of heart, prays to the devil, but not to Christ.
Anyone who rejects the basic dogmatic teaching of the Church, like the
divine justice and judgment, the existence of Hell and Heaven, the power of
the Seven Sacraments of apostolic institution –and instead relies on infinite
piety of God- such one is condemned already .

Rosary is another devotion to Mary, which is misused by the modern

Catholics and turned into a tool of demonic invocation.
Enough to say- every demonic séance of Medjugorje apparition, or Bayside,
or MDM, etc. they start with Rosary group prayers, after which the devil in
Mary’s appearance shows up , or very often- they just lie. And the people,
who are curious of signs, rather eager to please God, react to these hoaxes
and soon get the filthy and deceptive spirits of the demonic apparition, as
our Lord already declared such , “"A wicked and adulterous generation asks
for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.’ 70

Romans 5:6-10
Hebrews 10:12
Matthew 15:8
Matthew 12:39.”Jonah’s sign” is God’s message of penance passed to Nineveh .

The result is devastating, as we see now in a total degradation of the modern
Roman Catholic Church.
How it is possible that the sacramental prayers and devotions might turn into
channels of filthy spirits? And why is that that these demonic powers work
particularly using Mary’s devotion?
And the only answer is, because for these Catholics Mary is an idol, but not
a figure connecting them to the sufferings of Golgotha , joy of Bethlehem,
and glory of the Mount of Olives-to the mysteries of Rosary, for their hearts
are empty from Christ, for their prayers do not ensure the inner
transformation toward a new person, their faith is not like the Ladder of
Jacob 71
-ascending, perfecting itself, their faith- as a mustard seed , growing into a
largest tree, upon which the angels could rest [in the form of birds] .72
Our belief in false apparitions is a ticked to hell, as the apostle says, “ Do
not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God,
because many false prophets have gone out into the world. “73
That is why we have to censor every prayer, no matter how innocent it might
look like, every message, no matter how reasonable it might sound – or
better- we should reject in all every devotion and prayer, which is not
taught by the Traditional Church and is not in missals published before
Vatican II . Especially, we should reject all prayers and devotions
promoted by the New Vatican, after 1960s, or else – the demonic
possessive spirit of the neo-pagan Vatican will degrade our faith and kill
our souls in a slow motion.
We should learn do not trust the New Vatican theologians and
ideologists -double checking all what they say and present , asking
God for special grace to preserve our orthodox faith.
Let us dedicate one Credo a day to this purpose, and the following ancient
self- exorcism prayer, which we present to your attention, and which was
used in all rites-Western and Eastern- until the modern era put it into

In The Name of The Father and the Son and The Holy Ghost ;

We renounce ;
The Satan and all his deceptions ,
All his illusions,
All his councils ,
Genesis 28:11-19
Luke 13:19
1 John 4:1

All his ways,
All his evil wills,
All his evil angels,
All his evil employees,
All his evil will exploiters,
All his evil power –
We renounce by renouncing .

(To repeat there times facing the West, with arms down, palms open .)
Then turn to the East and recite Nicene Credo hands on the chest , in form of triangle

(In Latin:
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti;

Hoc negare,
Et Satan decipiat,
Omnes ejus fallacias,
Et omnes servi illius consilia,
Et omnes vias eius,
Omnes, ejus malum voluntarium,
Omnes illius mali,
Et omnes qui mala magna,
Et omnes servi illius mala voluntas exploiters,
Omne malum suum, in virtute -
Abdicamus deponendo.)

A Renunciation of Satan
In Jesus' name, I renounce you, Lucifer, Satan, a Spirit of the occult
and divination74. I renounce you in false apparitions , in false messages,
in false miracles. I renounce your works of zodiac signs, witchcraft,
clairvoyance, horoscopes, reincarnation, fortune-telling, hypnosis, yoga,
transcendental meditation, mind-control, ouija boards, superstitions,
and all other occult practices. May my Lord Jesus Christ delivers me
from all this.
In Jesus' name, I renounce you, Satan, and your works of
unforgiveness, jealousy, anger, resentment, bitterness, vengeance, and
violence. I renounce any sickness and pain you are causing. May my
Lord Jesus Christ delivers me from all this.

(1 Sm 28:7-8; Dt 18:9-12; Acts 16:16)

In Jesus' name, I renounce you, spirit of fear, 75 worry, anxiety, and
timidity. I renounce the fear of death. 76
In Jesus' name, I renounce you, spirit of pride77. I renounce your works
of secular humanism, sensuality, psychology , in pleasure-seeking ego,
intellectual pride, the scientific researches confliction the Divine
Revelation of the Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. I renounce
UFOs, extra-terrestrial beings; I consider them to be from the legions of
the satan. May my Lord Jesus Christ delivers me from all this.
In Jesus' name, I renounce you, spirits of infirmity, suicide, despair, and
depression 78 .
In Jesus' name, I renounce you, spirit of bondage .79 I renounce all your
works of addiction and compulsion: especially smoking, alcoholism,
gambling, overeating, and masturbation. I renounce addictions to
caffeine, nicotine, salt, and sugar. I renounce TV-slavery and addictions
to prescription and over-the-counter drugs. May my Lord Jesus Christ
delivers me from all this.
In Jesus' name, I renounce you, spirit of harlotry and sexual lust80. I
break the bonds from sexual relations outside of marriage .81 I renounce
you, evil spirits which have entered through homosexual relations. I
renounce unnatural sexual relations and pornography of any kind. I
renounce the works you are doing through artificial birth control,
abortion. I renounce the romantic love and infatuation. May my Lord
Jesus Christ delivers me from all this.
In Jesus' name, I renounce you, spirit of listlessness and apathy82. I
renounce laziness, procrastination, idle talk, and time-wasting.
In Jesus' name, I renounce you, spirits of lying, confusion, and dizziness
.83 I renounce all your empty promises of greed. I will not lust for money

(2 Tm 1:7),
(Heb 2:15).
(Prv 16:18)
Lk 13:11).
(Rm 8:15).
(Hos 4:12)
(1 Cor 6:15).
(Is 61:3)
(2 Chr 18:22; Is 19:14).

and I will not work for perishable goods. 84 May my Lord Jesus Christ
delivers me from all this.
In Jesus' name, I renounce you, deaf and mute spirit .85 I renounce your
works of spiritual paralysis, its effects ; hardness of my heart,
insensitivity toward others, self-indulgences , self-excuses, blaming on
others instead of seeing evil in myself. May my Lord Jesus Christ
delivers me from all this.
In Jesus' name, I renounce you, all evil spirits. I renounce all your
works and all your empty promises. In Jesus' name, with the power of
His Crucifix, I cast you out, never to return. Satan, I disarm you 86and
take back what you have stolen from God and from us. 87I destroy your
strongholds, demolish your lies, bring down your proud pretensions,
and make every thought subject to Jesus Christ .88 Satan, I destroy all
your works 89. I make all these commands in Jesus' Name. 90 Amen.

T here are prayers of a lip service, a hypocritical performance, and there

is a true love of Christ, which transforms our hearts making us holy.
The holy generation of Jesus Christ has a pure heart, and only pure hearts
can see God,91 and our God is not in any place, in that vision, or in this
apparition- but He is inside us. 92
“If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema.”

1 Corinthians 16:22

(Jn 6:27).
(Mk 9:25-26).
(Lk 11:22)
(Jn 10:10; Lk 11:22).
( 2 Cor 10:4-5).
(1 Jn 3:8).
(Mk 16:17).
Matthew 5:8
Luke 17:21

"According to your faith let it be done to you"
Matthew 9:29

“Without holiness no one will see the Lord.”

Hebrews 12:14

Mocking our Lord Jesus Christ by the neo-pagan Vatican,

Worshiping Idols ;

Father Michael Tegeder's regular Transubstantiation of the Blessed Earthen Rock

Ceremony done as a part of the Roman Catholic Mass of all time that is done on a regular
basis in Minneapolis Minnesota as part of the Native American Pagan Esoteric Mass
Ceremony to Honor Holy Mother Earth.93


Sabbatical Program of Rome; deriding and mocking the Scripture and Christ, the holy
vocation of the priest ,94 exactly as Jews did when killed Christ

Worshipping the Idol and Offering the

World to it


John Paul meditating on occult Kabalah- Tarot.
The bottom two books are arguably the 2-volume set of “Die Grossen Arcana des Tarot,” which is the 1983
German edition of the French original and out of which sections were taken and published in English as
“Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey into Christian Hermeticism.”

The book was anonymously written by the Catholic writer and ex-Anthroposophist
Valentin Tomberg and was published in 1972 just before he died. The eminent
esotericism scholar Antoine Faivre states that in terms of content and reception it has to

be positioned among the foremost books in Western esotericism published in the 20th
century. (Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism, 112)

Demolition of the Church of St. Jacob , France

Palamarian occult sedevacantist sect contacts with the satan.

Lucifer Telescope; The Vatican Observatory Research Group (VORG)

operates the 1.8m Alice P. Lennon Telescope with its Thomas J. Bannan
Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced

Technology Telescope (VATT), at the Mount Graham International
Observatory (MGIO) in southeastern Arizona where sky conditions are
among the best in the world and certainly the Continental United States.
Looking to contact ‘extra-terrestrials.”

Cardinal Schönborn celebrates Youth Mass; he writes a wish and attaches

to the bloon during the ‘mass95’


The worship of fire in Vatican

Bonfire is not a sacramental in the Church; the new church promotes the
Luciferian fire worship in the process of the paganization of the


Mocking the Sacramental of the Crucifix ; new art design and music are
forbidden in the Church, for they do not present the divine majesty and
glory of our Lord

Demonic ‘Eucharistic’ effect from Novus Ordo faux church.

The Demonic effect of Mary The Idol Invocation;

Universal Shrine of Mary the Idol

The Devil scrabbles from the other world in Garabandal

The Idol Mary

Demonic Light Effects Of Mary the


Invoking the Devil Named “Mary”
Using Rosary

Demonic Hoax of Piety by the Idol

Monument to the Rosary used by neo-pagans with Fatima Idol

Charismatic Demonic séance of the

Novus Ordo sect

Demonic Hoax ; a script
presented as it is written by Jesus Christ.

The witch honored as a saint by neo-pagan popes

Praying to Demons in Mosque

Praying Islamic Beads (33X3 format invoking the Devil called “Allah”)

Mocking The Altar of the Holy Roman Catholic Church

Honoring a popular Soviet Witch (Extrasense)
Juna Davitashvili

John Paul II’s ‘Crossing the Threshold of Hope:’
Analysis of the Book

The Truth is Axiomatic

Every member of the Holy Roman Catholic Church has a
responsibility in God to be a confessor of the only true Faith
and Church, which as St. Augustine said is an absolute
authority; ‘ I would not believe the holy Gospels if it were not
for the authority of the Holy Catholic Church.”
With the authority of Holy Roman Catholic Church above
everything, as an authentic authority of Himself, our Lord Jesus
Christ, the saint doctor indicates the divine power of the
Catholic Faith. This is what is the ’Alpha and Omega’ of our
journey - beginning and the end.
Let us to see how the pretended vicar approaches to this
dogmatic, I. e. axiomatic truth i.
He right way puts the phrase ’Do not afraid’ as un umbrella for
doubts and confusion in faith, for the truth in creed and for
himself as a ‘guarantor. ’ And then the ‘pope of surprises’
makes a final delivery, ’ Do not afraid of men! Men is always
the same’- imperfect (page 6).
What a pitiful give up -theory for a man who is an Image of
Christ, and the Church which step-to-step brings that man to
perfection, here depicted as rudimentary organ!
Our childish ’vicar’ with IQ negative, then continues to narrate
the St. Peter‘ s greatness as a ’mystery,’ for he could see Christ
as such by the inspiration of God only, which anyone- ’a man
can do all,’ he did, and ’concerning names’ the ‘Vicar of Christ‘
“…should be considered within the entire context of the
Gospel‘(page 12).
The ‘pope of surprises’ here outsmarting all his predecessors,
makes a bold declaration and ‘crosses the threshold’ without
hopes; ‘The Pope is not the only one who holds this title. With
regards to the Church entrusted to him, each Bishop is Vicarius
Christi’ (page 13). The following paragraph is even more
miserable attempt to make up the mortal blow on the Head of
the Church.

He presents a new system of a Church hierarchy, Alzheimer-
izing it permanently by giving the Pope ‘ a name’ as of a Vicar
for Roman Catholic Church, meanwhile the other bishops can
act in a same power for their churches, for the authority of the
vicar in this context is reduced to its ‘dignity’ equally applying
to all bishops, priests, and lay people.
That is not the definition and substance of the Roman Catholic
Church, as we know it as a continuation of Moses’ Chair, a
supreme Lawyer of God who was the one who delivered the
divine law to mankind. Now, God Himself replaced Moses by
St. Peter, giving the Key of the Heaven opened by the
redemptive power of crucifixion our Lord Jesus Christ. That
Key has one meaning only; to submit men’s will to divine will.

Let us see what our Lord meant when He turned the Key of
Heaven to St. Peter (Matt 16:18-20). Here are the true Vicars of
the Roman Catholic Church speaking;

"The supreme teacher in the Church is the Roman Pontiff. Union of minds,
therefore, requires... complete submission and obedience of will to the
Church and to the Roman Pontiff, as to God Himself."
Leo VIII, «On the Chief Duties of Christians as Citizens», Encyclical letter,

"God separates those whom the Roman Pontiff, who exercises the functions,
not of mere man, but of the true God...dissolves, not by human but rather by
divine authority."
Decretals of Gregory IX», Book 1, Chapter 7.3

"This is our last lesson to you: receive it, engrave it in your minds, all of
you: by God's commandment salvation is to be found nowhere but in the
Church; the strong and effective instrument of salvation is none other than
the Roman Pontificate."
(Pope Leo XIII, Allocution for the 25th anniversary of his election, February
20, 1903; Papal Teachings: The Church, Benedictine Monks of Solesmes, St.
Paul Editions, Boston, 1962, page 653).

"Furthermore, in this one Church of Christ no man can be or remain who

does not accept, recognize and obey the authority and supremacy of Peter
and his legitimate successors."

(Pope Pius XI, Encyclical, Mortalium animos, January 6, 1928, The Papal
Encyclicals, Claudia Carlen, I.H.M., McGrath Publishing Co., 1981, pp.
317, 318).

Is this ‘vicar’ scared of the anti-Catholic media? Of low-law-immoral

worldly governments and evil- will men? Scared of men to confirm what our
Lord declared and established and what the Church teaches for centuries?
Every further paragraph of this book is a ‘theological’ disastrous
miscarriage. Every action of this appointee -vicar is an open declaration of
war to Jesus Christ and to the divine infallible truth reveal by Roman
Catholic Church.
There is no doubt that we are dealing with imposter, an outsider who has one
only goal; ruthlessly to destroy the absolute values replacing them with
relative syllogism.
All he needs is the assemble of frogs, cwacking and clapping him as an actor
who failed in everything but being a ‘pope’ by-demand, successfully making
his way to top of his ‘career. ’ That assemble is provided by the secular
societies which have media and television always ’entertaining’ people,
making them ready to confront any voice which dares to make them to think,
challenging them to review all in other light that the day provides.
As this ’pope’ sees the name of Vicar as a concept ’in a context of the
Gospel,‘ same way we have to see his philosophical theories in a context of
World Council Church documents, which in fact are extended versions of
Vatican II formulations, and the loose footnotes of its vicars’ teaching.

John Paul II; A Vicar of WCC

The Protestant nucleus of the WCCii produced also a new definition for each
sacrament of the Church in community celebrating spirit;

THE MEANING OF BAPTISM; ‘a liberation into a new humanity in which

barriers of division whether of sex or race or social status are transcended ‘
II. THE MEANING OF THE EUCHARIST; ‘thanks- giving to the Father,
memorial of Christ, invocation of the Spirit, communion of the faithful, meal
of the Kingdom.
Better do not open further this can of worms, more exact this queen-termite
(WCC) which breeds worms day and night as much as needed to bring down
the edifice of the human ethics, morality, and cognitive heritage of God. All
it proposes is unification of ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ ( a union, which can not have

a substance), and covering it up with ‘love’-in-words only, as a lip service to
mankind. In fact, being a New Babylon’s architecture, this demonic
institution has an intention to replace the true nature of God as all-goodness
with dualistic agnostic god of good and evil, to replace all-merciful Eye of
God with freemasonic all-seeing evil eye of Lucifer, the Lord of the World.
As a political social system this institution also has formed a new neo-
Communistic movement called Zeitgeist, a Spirit of the World, promising
sensual paradise to mankind, if tributes paid to its masters. Again- it is just a
lip service to mankind, as we saw its primitive form back in USSR, a system
which was built on atheism and humanitarian slogans, a system once created
as an ideal, gradually turned into a dire reality, accumulating an infectious
puss inside, which burst up and spread now over all places, as our Lady of
Fatima depicts, causing billions of human death and complete obliteration of
sanctified life . And what Her message about converting Russia to Her
Immaculate Heart can mean than She wants the Orthodox Eastern Church to
accept the dogmatic teaching of the Holy Roman Catholic Church in full?
And unless Her command is satisfied , the Eastern Orthodox Church will
remain imperfect, and those who teach the wrong or imperfect theology,
will be damned. The sanctifying process of ordinary flock will be impossible
but through extreme suffering and purgatory.
Which we witness in present and past, through the centuries.

John Paul II; Prayer as ‘a Cosmic Function ‘

…and as such, prayers to whom? To the fallen demons who master the
cosmos? No wonder the demonic apparitions like UFOs and ‘Extra-
Terrestrials’ are indoctrinated in Vatican II with firm intention to join them
to the ‘family of mankind.’ Should we go ahead and call this counterfeit
establishment a Satanic Church. We better open our eyes and do it as soon
as possible in order to make a room for those ‘little flock,’ a remnant , for
those who came out from this New Babylon to work for the Lord ‘separating
wheat from chaff.’

Again the trained and paid assemble of frogs protest , saying; ‘You are
taking the words out of context.’ Of course, the real criminals always ensure
an alibi leaving it behind. Same way this headquarter and its vicars use two
edged sword of the devil to kill our Lord, ensuring ambiguous for each
apocryphal statement , always presenting two paragraphs; one sounding
good and canonical and another sounding bold as a surprise, which has a
potential of a bomb ready to explode igniting a Caesarian fire on Rome .

The documents of Vatican II and its vicars are encrypted this way, and
these encrypted documents are created in a clownish gesture which is
typical only to the devil ; no one can understand them, or read, for they are
endless ‘loops’ of sentences, and also, they are written in cold-blood, which
is typical to a murderer; if you understand them, you will see your own death
sentence, and hate them, as all mankind hates and ridicules these
counterfeit Catholics.

Apotheosis of the Man ; a new system of Homosocialism.


Every anointed king/queen, who does not live for own country but for
own emotional and personal life, was eventually destined to doom (Mary
Nicolas II, etc.). For it was their first obligation to serve country and faith
putting all personal interests below it?

Every human who does not live for God, putting the self-recognition process
and search for God above everything, also in the end faces ruins.
Every Catholic who does not live mortgaging own life for the salvation of
others, eventually is deprived from the faith, losing own soul, for “unless a
kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.
But if it dies, it produces many seeds.’ (John 12:24).
And if the Vicar of Christ does not defend the Mother Holy Roman Catholic
Church, its infallible teaching from the wolves, he cannot be a Shepherd
‘entering through the door,’ but a ‘thief entering through the ‘window.’
If this ‘vicar’ instead of presenting Christ pretends to be a Christ, a God,
delivering a new teaching by blocking all ways of salvation, which the
Mother Church previously produced, a true and sure salvation ways
confirmed by million of martyrs, confessors, doctors, cultural heritage- this
pretended Christ can not be other than antichrist.
This Antichrist does not afraid of God or condemnation by the Mother of
Church, when he declares, ‘Man is the priest of all creation’ (page 16),
directly violating the Holy Trinity Dogma of Three Person in a single nature,
divinity of Christ equal to His humanity in hypostatic (substantial-
individual existence) union with Father and Holy Ghost. In this UNION He
are a perfect man and God. We don’t worship His two natures separately,
and if we do, we are guilty of heresy finding ourselves under anathema, as
Nestorius worshipping manhood of God, as Arius, worshipping godhood of
God, Son as a ‘creation’.

"Christ had a real body of the same nature of ours, a true rational soul, and,
together with these, perfect Deity." Thomas Aquinas, Quinque viae, Summa

Man worship and Homosexual Hierarchy of a neo- Universal Church

The whole Christian world is occupied with its intraocular disastrous

‘planck ‘(the homosexual- possession ) to take it off before it can see
anything, as a blind leading the blind, and it is intrinsic with dogmatic
deviation of Vatican II .
It is a direct consequence of emphasis of ‘man, man, man’ instead of God,
God, God.’ Who can do anything. God can do anything? Man can do
anything- is the answer.
Now a man empowered and elevated to God in Man-Christ’s Persona, is
described by John Paul II, as redeemed , fully restored as Christ’s Image in
his theory of ‘universal salvation.’ This universal salvation ‘embraces the
life of every man’(page 58). The suffering of individuals have an
accumulative effect bringing a perfection of mystery of Cross, assuring
universal salvation to all. This polymorphous nature of ‘self’ through social
mysticism creates a man himself as a ‘fruit’ of mankind’s journey –
mankind as Christ, mankind is Christ.
This is the esoteric philosophy of modern age , which we see shaped in all
domains (Orphic identity and poetic invention, Rainer Maria Rilke,
Literature, Nitche, Theosophy, Astrology , Zeitgeist, etc ).
‘And it will be: Like people, like priests. I will punish both of them for their
ways and repay them for their deeds.’ Hosea 4:9
The path of sanctification of the individual- this is the center of the Christian
life and Church; the definition of sin, the definition of evil, the definition of
penance, which does not exist in esoteric theology of a new Arius in Christ-
John Paul ii.

Collective Salvation Theory through Soteriology

Can God ‘justify Himself’ because of the evil of the world? (Page 60).
Here the old man tries to answer the question brought in the culture and
literature by the movement called existentialism deeply rooted in a
philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard, which presents the essence of human
existence as an endless cycle of meaninglessness freeing the individual from

‘institutionalized’ teaching of God, plunging human into own ‘freedom’ of
madness- into complete nihilism and denial of God.
Putting Lord’s Crucifixion in this context, the ‘vicar’ explains that this
gesture of Christ’s self-sacrifice is ‘a proof of God’s solidarity with man in
his suffering .’
There! God has been crucified to show His sympathy to man, which means
God shares some ‘responsibility’ for the evil committed by man. The logical
conclusion of such a blasphemous confirmation is that Christ redeemed His
own fault and Crucifixion was nothing but ‘Served well!’- The same
exclamation we hear from the mob in the Pontius Pilate’s Court.
Why this ‘vicar,’ who is supposed to present Christ, refuses to teach here
what the truth is and what Holy Roman Catholic Church teaches, with its
existence serving the purpose; the sanctification of a man?
Men is created by God as a perfect Image of God, which means he has a
power of a reason to understand good and bad and make a choice.
The angels, who are perfect creations, do not have that choice and despite
their perfect nature, they are put below the sanctified Man, who chose God’s
will over own. The Redemption mystery is nothing but recreation of a man ,
who is given now second chance to reject own will accepting God’s, as God
rejects own absolute will accepting human (in form and nature). Once
created with free will, now, after the Incarnation, that feature is not taken
from a man; he can choose to recreate himself according to his fallen nature
(carnal-animal) or recreate himself according to his elevated nature
(spiritual-divine). Remember, God creation is ‘certified ‘, which means God
created ‘sorts,’ ’species’, ’creatures’ each according to its kind; material,
non-material .
Of course this is a human perception, and in fact, there can not be fixed
separating lines between, for what is material (the human body) can be
elevated by God to immaterial (spiritual ).
The whole essence of the rebellious angels and men (with appointed
‘vicars’ like John Paul II ) against God, consists in hatred against God who is
saintly , spiritual; the bad angels wanted that title as absolute privilege
reserved to themselves controlling and shifting the harmony of creation, and
after the creation of a man, who was inspired by the same idea of self-
absolutization, we see mankind led to the same direction; it presents an
ultimatum to God to be accepted as is (corporal, sensual , not spiritual -
The regeneration of man as ‘an adopted son,’ can be done only by refusing
own human nature accepting the divine, in a union of Christ’s Persona.
Here we have two kingdoms ; God’s true, and fallen angels’ counterfeit .

The Holy Roman Catholic Church is a true Kingdom of God on earth
making possible that transition for mankind. The Seven Sacraments of the
Church are an institutionalized ‘detention’ place, a furnace , where we
perfect our senses, making our gold purified –unmixed. If mankind rejects
this court with its ‘yoke sweet, ’for God is with us under the same statute
coping through, then it will face an upcoming Court, the Last Judgment; the
time of Mercy and Amnesty will be replaced with the time of Justice and
That is what Vatican II came to annihilate; the idea of ‘Court,’ ’ Justice,
’’Punishment. ’In this context the ‘sympathy’ to suffering of mankind is
interpreted as ‘sympathy’ to a sinful nature of a man, who in the end will
evolve himself as Christ in a metamorphosis , by the natural law of
evolution .
Instead of using the Catholic term Redemption (freeing men from sin), John
Paul II uses the term “Soteriological”(salvation as a religious concept and
collective work toward in syncretism), giving to the suffering a new meaning
– not as a consequence of sin, but as a universal mission of deification of a
man, be it done under the cross of Christ (as Christians do) or on the empty
tomb of Christ (as Jews do, waiting for Christ) (page 68).

Freeing Conscious From its Source; from the Jesus Christ’s Person
In the worship of pre-Vatican II Stations of Cross, we pray every time , ‘It
were not Jews, who killed Christ, but my sins,’ ‘It were not Romans, who
scourged and tortured Christ, but my sins,’ etc. seeing the sin, and its roots
in us, as an ultimate evil, having the definition of sin as a lack of conscious
in God. The ultimate evil is when incapable living for others, we make our
ego and own corporal interests as a doctrine of the life, we ‘canonize’ what
brings the senses and sensuality as idols. That is why in primitive pagan
religions each sin was deified as a deity, providing a 'contact' with it, as a
source of the empowerment of that ego; worshipping Aphrodite(the devil of
fornication), Zeus ( the devil of the power), Dionysus ( the devil of alcoholic
’joy’), Hermes (the devil of the cheaters and the thieves.) etc.

Only the Law given to Moses by God (Ten Commandments) takes the
mankind to its source , to God, and the fulfillment of that law is Jesus Christ
, which makes us not only obey the law (by fearing it), but to love that law ,
by making it into our substance in the Person of Jesus Christ.

And when throughout a history the humanity spoke and acted in its need of
having God, it identified that need as one god (so-called monotheism ), or as

many gods (polytheism) . In this case Islam as a monotheist worship is the
same as polytheist, for under its form of one god, it is a worship of the Devil,
one in essence presented as a Black Stone( Ka ‘bah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia).
Islam is a political system based on the intellectual imaginary ‘god’ of its
creator, which had one sole purpose only- to oppose Christianity and take
over the wealth of the Christian Kingdom. In fact it is a most demonic false
religion, which is centered not even on Koran , but on the additions to it
(Haddith Qudsi, Shari law, etc.), for the central teaching of Koran is its
‘alpha and omega’ concludes in; ‘Obey your Imam!”

Growing up in USSR, in a town of a mixed population, I have seen Islamic

prayers and processions, which started with a spreading of ashes and a
ceremonial curse upon four corners of the Christian world, following the
self- beating procession, pouring the blood and ecstasy . They had also the
nights of torches , a ceremony of fire worship with invocation ( a repetitive
call for empowerment ).

If Islam is a socio-cultural system of unconditional submission of all to its

masters , the Eastern religions, Buddhism , Hinduism (and all their forms),
are a passive form of meditation in austral nature [for fathers (Buddhas)
turning into a worshipful idols in a course of history for children. The
Worship of Ancestors ]. Through the devotional practices including bowing,
offerings, pilgrimage, and chanting , the Buddha makes his journey to the
Land of Buddha, uniting himself to the austral spirits , which can convert
him in a metamorphosis into animals, objects, or , the highest form- to be
united with supreme Buddha in ‘nirvana’ self-observation in emptiness.
Again- in complete absence of notion of the sin.

This pure demonic worship requires a strong disciplinary code and will,
which is considered as a very attractive phenomenon for Western
adventurers , who see it as an exotic entertainment .

But how this ‘vicar’ of Christ sees it?

Has St. Peter spoken through John Paul II, when he says, ’ Like Christianity
Buddhism is a religion of salvation (page 85), ‘ even though they are
opposed to each other?

Has St. Peter spoken through John Paul II, when he says, “ The religiosity of
Muslims deserves respect’ (page 93)?

Has St. Peter spoken through John Paul II, when he says, “Catholics and
Jews praying to the same god‘ (page 96)? And which 'god ' is that - a
Christian living God, Jesus Christ, who came to make us to understand the
roots of the evil- the sin (self-love, fornication, impurity, gluttony, avarice ,
murder, deceit, etc) sanctifying us through His Grace (through the Roman
Catholic Church) or is it the Jewish 'expected' god to come, with its earthly
kingdom to make Jews as masters of "goyims ?”

Has St. Peter spoken through John Paul II, when he says, “To save means to
liberate from radical, ultimate evil’ (page 70), which is the death. This
ultimate evil is not a sin , as Christ teaches (a sin, which is the cause of death
) but it is the death itself (the death, which is only the consequence of the

And now we got rid of this evil (the death) through Christ’s Death by the
magic of this aggiornamento (adjusting the teaching of Christ), as this
‘vicar’ ex-cathedra declares the humanity of Jesus Christ (for He is
‘updatable’ ) vs. the divinity of own-self, John Paul II as a megalomaniac,
presenting himself as god, putting himself above God.

Now we are stepping into a Buddha’s land of magic by this special-of -the-
day, delivered as a Yoga position, turning us not into a snake , or tree, or
austral light, but to Himself -Jesus Christ. All we have to do is to ‘work’
with Dalai Lama to ’infuse’ Buddhism to the West in joined prayers in
Catholic Churches : Assisi (page 85).

There! An ultimate blasphemy, which had not been detected in any religion,

The Man on the Throne of God.

The destruction of the Roman Catholic Church and its replacement by the
counterfeit church is accomplished by phases .

First phase, 1960s, Vatican II Council, when they 'protestantized' it by

abolishing the consecration rite, level-down church altars, and eliminated the
sacrificial worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Second phase, 1980s, Assisi Spirit, when they turned the God’s worship into
a pagan orgies of the devil worship with joint prayers of demonic religions.

The Third phase is coming up, 2011, May 1, when they will ‘beatify’ John
Paul II, the Patriarch of the neo-pagan One World Religion , after which they
will pay all tributes to Lucifer for the coronation of Antichrist , the Lord of
the World - which will be presented in Image of the united Jesus
Christ(mercy!) [arrived II time], Islamic expected Imam Mahdi, deity Amida
Buddha, pagan Zeus, etc.
We will see women priests in the ‘Catholic’ churches, we will see ritualized
abortions ( under the pretext of ‘humanitarian charity'), pagan rituals of
'national origin' in Orthodox churches, marriages in polygamy or
homosexuality, we will see the definition of crime absent in a civil life and
criminals amnestied, we will see god-like powers leading religious, political-
cultural life, insisting us to worship them, offering our body and soul,
virginity to be 'blessed' by them for utilization in ritualized abomination…
Humanity will lose its Image, once reestablished in Jesus Christ, turning the
earth into promised land for the demons and turning it into the exile for
humanity. The hybrid souls will emerge ; man-animals(man united to
animals, performing all kind of subversions), man-gods (man united to
demons, performing all magic, power), the counterfeit human will be
produced, which will have no any instinct or nature of human- soul, feelings,
What was the dream of this mythological Chronos eating own children, John
Paul II , in his ’legacy ’ as a ’pope of surprise?’

The New Teaching of ‘Anthropological Eschatology’ by John Paul II

‘It must admitted that this eschatological vision was only faintly presented in
traditional preaching.’ (page 182).
It is presented now as’ full ‘in its profound ‘anthropological ‘ and ‘cosmic’
sense reducing Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory dogmas , presenting these three
destinations of the soul not as a place , but as an inner state, which in its
final move will be united to Christ’s immortality. New ’heaven and earth’
will be created as evolution process, a mankind in its destination formed as
Christ Himself , as a collective Form.
Here is the basis of this utter heresy defined as a teaching of a neo-
theosophist vision;

‘First of all eschatology is not what will take place in the future, something
happening only after earthly life is finished . Eschatology has already begun

with the coming of Christ. The ultimate eschatological event was His
redemptive Death and his Resurrection. For everyone , life beyond death is
connected with the affirmation ; “I believe in the resurrection of the body.’
(page 185)

Then talking about Hell, he indicates that Church has never made any
pronouncement in this regard. ‘ The silence of the church is, therefore, the
only appropriate position for Christian faith’ (page 185).

This is a premeditated perversion of the articles of the Faith taught by the

Holy Roman Catholic Church, the infallible dogmatic teaching of the
existence of Heaven , Hell, and Purgatory, the Final Judgment, when every
soul will be rewarded and punished according to its deeds.
Not only - saying that Roman Catholic Church does not define who is going
to be in Hell, is a shameless charlatanism and demonic plot against the
Church, for the ’ Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus " (Outside the Church there
is no salvation) clause was presented by Himself our Lord ( Matthew 16:18),
by all Councils of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and it is in dogmatic
encyclicals of popes and doctors as an axiomatic, infallible teaching.

185. Who is punished in hell? Those are punished in hell who

die in mortal sin; they are deprived of the vision of God and
suffer dreadful torments, especially that of fire, for all eternity.(
Baltimore Catechisms).

‘Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor
effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards,
nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some
of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. “(1
Corinthians 6 ).

Here we now have a ‘ pope’ who himself does not know who is going to hell
and can not teach the sure way to Heaven intentionally keeping all mankind
in ‘invincible ignorance ,‘ calling the conversion process of the people to
the true teaching of salvation , the mission of Catholic heroes who spread the
Light of Christ as ‘ proselytism ‘ (page 115).
The new method of evangelization in a demonic diplomacy of John Paul II
consists in 1. ‘pilgrimages’ and 2. ‘popular pity ‘ (page 116).

Bringing as a witness the “Dark Night of the Soul” by St. John of The
Cross, he perverts the teaching of the saint who describes the stages of the
purification of souls from sensuality, their advancement in perfection- here
we see this ’pope’ using the great mystic’s teaching to abolish the Purgatory
as a dogma , depicting it as a purging process of the senses in this life, for
‘God makes man pass through such interior purgatory of his sensual and
spiritual nature in order to bring him into union with himself ‘(page 187).
Again- Heaven, Hell, Purgatory are not the occurrences with final Judgment
as eternal statute and place, but as relative notions, verbal descriptions
ending up ‘happy ever after,’ as Christ- a happy mankind deified .
This we call pushing people from behind to the eternal hell without blinking
the eye, as a cold-blooded spiritual murder of mankind in self-damnation, as
would Karl Marx write;

"How so! I plunge, plunge without fail

My blood-black sabre into your soul.
That art God neither wants nor wists,
It leaps to the brain from Hell’s black mists.
"Till heart’s bewitched, till senses reel:
With Satan I have struck my deal.
He chalks the signs, beats time for me,
I play the death march fast and free.
"I must play dark, I must play light,
Till bowstrings break my heart outright.‘ (THE FIDDLER)

John Paul II is a new Karl Marx of the Roman Catholic Church, who, using
his vision of hell from his own soul and experience , erects accordingly the
edifice of a new church-of -a-global-organization , formulating a new theory
, where nothing is certain as a Faith, revealed by God as infallible truth,
where everything is obscured in doubts and verbal smoke, with final dare-
devil call; “Do not be afraid!”
All his books with Vatican II documents should be condemned and burned,
before its despaired and void spirit catches mankind as institutionalized
teaching , culture, mentality-as a spiritual cataclysm, as it was the case with
Karl Marx, who was the founding father of economic cataclysm and final
destruction of mankind‘s social life.

Here we see John Paul II and all his followers under the eternal Anathema of
the Holy Roman Catholic Church, which is the Judgment of God for all time

-Canon 7. If anyone says that it is not in man’s power to make his way evil,
but that the works that are evil as well those that are good God produces, not
permissively only but also proprie et per se, so that the treason of Judas is no
less His own proper work than the vocation of St. Paul, let him be anathema.
(Trent, VI Session) .
Canon 21.If anyone says Christ Jesus was given by God to men as a
redeemer in whom to trust, and not also as a legislator whom to obey, let
him be anathema (Trent, VI Session) .
Canon 7 .If anyone says that the sacrament of penance is not required by
divine law for the remission of sins to confess each and all mortal sins which
are recalled after a due and diligent examination, also secret ones and those
that are violated of the two last commandments of the Decalogue , also the
circumstances that change the nature of a sin… let him be anathema (Trent,
XIV Session) .
The edition used is Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1994

The Presidents of the World Council of Churches
 Mr. John Taroanui Doom, Maohi Protestant Church (French
 Rev. Dr Simon Dossou, Protestant Methodist Church of Benin
 Rev. Dr Soritua Nababan, Protestant Christian Batak Church
 Rev. Dr Ofelia Ortega, Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba
 Patriarch Abune Paulos, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
 Rev. Dr Bernice Powell Jackson, United Church of Christ (USA)
 Dr Mary Tanner, Church of England
The edition used is Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1994

The Presidents of the World Council of Churches
 Mr. John Taroanui Doom, Maohi Protestant Church (French Polynesia)
 Rev. Dr Simon Dossou, Protestant Methodist Church of Benin
 Rev. Dr Soritua Nababan, Protestant Christian Batak Church (Indonesia)
 Rev. Dr Ofelia Ortega, Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba
 Patriarch Abune Paulos, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
 Rev. Dr Bernice Powell Jackson, United Church of Christ (USA)
 Dr Mary Tanner, Church of England

Ratzinger the Agnostic Philosopher

‘Interreligious Dialogue ’
by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger


To understand where the current Catholicity is heading, we oath to read and

understand the theological philosophy of Benedict XVI-Ratzinger.
It is not an easy task to present the mind of this very ambiguous and foggy
philosophy , which has no purpose to deliver a clear-cut instruction as a
pontifical document from one who is a General, Leader , instead we see here
terms and notions never used before in Christian theology and teaching.
Instead of a word ‘theological’ we read the term ‘theistic, ‘ which rather
describes a belief in a personal god excluding the Absolute character of a
true God.
Instead of ‘occult’ we read the term ‘ mystical religion’ with ‘apophatic
Instead of Orthodoxy(i.e. correct worship) we read a term ‘orthopraxy ‘
(i.e. politically correct activity).

‘Interreligious Dialogue and Jewish-Christian Relations’

by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is scandalous work of an anti Christian
person, who tries to create a false consensus between true apostolic worship
of a true God and the abominable worship of false deities, Islam and
He carefully calculates all cards to put them on the gambling table , and no
matter what is the outcome of this game, this ‘pope’ always finds himself to
be a loser and outside the game.
According to this false philosophy the union of religions is possible when
we understand that ‘the future belongs to mystical –apophatic religion,
i.e. unification of personal inner model of deity of each individual
vs.'despotism' of infallible formulas ( that is -the dogmatic teaching of the
Catholic Church) .

The denial of Church dogmas ;‘The concrete religion in which Christians

live their faith must be unceasingly purified by the truth. This is a truth

that shows itself in faith and that at the same time newly reveals its mystery
and its infinity in dialogue.”
In this regard the faith of Jews he unites with this of the faith of Christians ,
for we both are waiting for Messiah’s coming , Christians for the second
coming of Christ, Jews for first .
Ratzinger puts God’s reality and Christ’s historical Incarnation fact above
time constraints, in a kind of hypothetical existence-dimension turning the
Christ into something, which can be observed as a future event. This is a
new heresy, which was not known before in a Church history.

‘In him (Christ) , time and eternity exist together, and the infinite gulf
between God and man is bridged. For Christ is the one who came to us
without therefore ceasing to be with the Father; he is present in the
believing community, and yet at the same time is still the one who is coming.
The Church too awaits the Messiah.’

Perhaps the apostle has given already a name for such; Anti -Christ;
‘ Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a
man is the antichrist--he denies the Father and the Son. 1 John 2:22

Ratzinger also radically transforms the function of the Militant Church in

his search to reconcile Islam , Judaism, Buddhism , and Christianity, and he
does all he can also to reconcile the Devil with God choosing do not use the
truth to contradict the falsehood ; “I think, is that mission and dialogue
must no longer be antitheses, but must penetrate each other.”

Matthew 10:34. "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not
come to bring peace but a sword.35 "For I have come to 'set a man against
his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her

Do we deal with a confiteri, a brave champion of the faith, who would

proclaim our Lord Christ the King’s Love and Sacrifice to the world, as a
loving father wishing all to repent in the Name of the Holy Trinity and to be
saved , by performing big miracles and healings, as our saintly father
apostle St. Peter had done?
Or we deal with one who turns tail and runs like a rabbit, with his tail

"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him
before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will
disown him before my Father in heaven.
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come
to bring peace, but a sword.” Matthew 10:34

‘Interreligious Dialogue andJewish-Christian Relations’

by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

The glorious Latin Masses;

Ambrosian Rite Mass
Dominican Rite Mass
Tridentine Rite Mass

John XXIII : Vatican II Council-a Serpent of the Paradise is in
the Church

‘You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman.
Genesis 3:4

Who was the anti-pope - Pope John XXIII, who started Vatican II heretical
He gave a blue print of ecumenical unification of all religions and the
reformation of the Latin Rite, compromising the apostolic teaching and
inherited orthodoxy worship.
Did he know how badly it will end up?
He like a master mason put a solid foundation for a new edifice which
will not be recognized as a Roman Catholic Church in less than 20 years
following the council.
Here is John XXIII speaking to the world, as he declares in euphoria a new
gospel to all;

‘The Church has always opposed these errors. Frequently she has
condemned them with the greatest severity. Nowadays however, the Spouse
of Christ prefers to make use of the medicine of mercy rather than that of
severity. ‘Opening Speech to the
Vatican II Council, Pope John XXIII, October 11, 1962
“9. Finally, with regard to the whole human family, which starred
engagements hazards uncertain, angry, anxious, continually hold the next
Council will afford an excellent opportunity for all, and to improve the
articles in the peace plans and objectives.”

“ improve the articles in the peace plan”- It is obvious that before
making this declaration he was well aware what was planned for the total
destruction of the Roman Catholic Church .

"For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you
will be like God, knowing good and evil." Genesis 3:5

Who is the new leader of Vatican II sect under the name of
‘Pope Francis ?‘

A pretended philanthropist, who refuses to present the Church’s essential

function in its Seven Sacramental Mysteries; rather following his
predecessors, Jorge Mario Bergoglio sees the human salvation in-
1. social justice ,
2. secular humanism ,
3. in the person of the pope.

‘We begin the Year of Faith and paradoxically proposed image Pope is the
gate, a gate that must be crossed in order to find what we both needed.
The Church, through the voice and heart of Pastor Benedict invites us to
cross the threshold, to step inside and free decision: encourage us to enter
a new life.’(1)

The New Church of Rome, presented by Bergoglio, is standing on two

1. The moral theology of John Paul II expressed in ‘Crossing the Threshold
of the Faith ‘ and
2. The integration of the whole society into an utopian communist single
entity, which is based on abstract notion of love and peace , meanwhile
abundantly using the Lord’s Name as sugar-coat to this neo-socialist
ideology .

This Vatican II typical godfather keeps excluding the dogmatic foundation

of the church, moreover, he openly states his hatred to it ,

“ Rounding the act of faith is, trust in the power of the Holy Spirit present
in the Church and that is also reflected in the signs of the times, is to
accompany the constant movement of life and history without falling into
defeatism paralyzing that the past was better, it is urgent to think back,
bring back, re-create, amassing life with "the new leaven of justice and
holiness." (1 Cor 5:8)’ (2)

(1)(2)- ‘Letter of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos
Aires, for the Year of Faith’ Buenos Aires, October 1, 2012

‘Among the strongest experiences of recent decades is to find the doors

locked. The growing insecurity was wearing slowly to lock doors, put media
monitoring, security cameras, distrust the stranger who knocks at our door.
However, there are still some people who are open doors. The closed door is
symbolic of this today. It's more than just a sociological fact, is an
existential reality which marks a lifestyle, a way to stand up to reality,
against the other, facing the future. The closed door of my house, which is
the place of my privacy, my dreams, my hopes and my sufferings and joys,
is closed to the other. And it's not just my house material, is also the site of
my life, my heart

We begin the Year of Faith and paradoxically proposed image Pope is the
gate, a gate that must be crossed in order to find what we both needed. The
Church, through the voice and heart of Pastor Benedict invites us to cross
the threshold, to step inside and free decision: encourage us to enter a new

‘Rounding the act of faith is, trust in the power of the Holy Spirit present in
the Church and that is also reflected in the signs of the times, is to
accompany the constant movement of life and history without falling into
defeatism paralyzing that the past was better, it is urgent to think back, bring
back, re-create, amassing life with "the new leaven of justice and holiness."
(1 Cor 5:8)’

Letter of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, for

the Year of Faith
Buenos Aires, October 1, 2012

Heresies and Diabolical Disorientation of the
Lumen Fidei ,

The first encyclical of pseudo- Pope Francis.

I5 July 2013

“They traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There
they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus, “Acts 13:6.

1. The faith is being presented as a rational queries of human, not as a

process of penance for personal sins, as it is presented in Ezekiel 36:26 , “ I
will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from
you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”

Lumien Fidei; ‘The young Nietzsche encouraged his sister Elisabeth to take
risks, to tread "new paths… with all the uncertainty of one who must find his
own way", adding that "this is where humanity’s paths part: if you want
peace of soul and happiness, then believe, but if you want to be a follower of
truth, then seek".

2. The Faith in Christ promoted as a “primacy” in the pagan pantheon of

Vatican II, which covers up the demonic origins of false religions , accepting
all as equal- as a resume of human rationality.

Lumien Fidei; ‘This is itself a clear indication that Vatican II was a Council
on faith, inasmuch as it asked us to restore the primacy of God in Christ to
the centre of our lives, both as a Church and as individuals’

3.Israel is depicted as a model of God’s people , which continues its rational

empiric ways to seek for God, meanwhile presenting God’s works of love
for Jews, which are indirect implementation of Christ.
This heresy destroys the foundation of faith validating the Antichrist itself
as Chrst, for, “ I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge
Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such
person is the deceiver and the antichrist.” 2 John 1:7

Lumien Fidei; ‘If Israel continued to recall God’s great acts of love, which
formed the core of its confession of faith and broadened its gaze in faith, the
life of Jesus now appears as the locus(place) of God’s definitive
intervention, the supreme manifestation of his love for us.’

4. Describing the ‘ecclesial existence’ of mankind in which the heresy of

universal salvation is confirmed; the mankind history is a history per se
toward advancement of faith in Christ as one body.
The document does not indicate means through which faith is sustained ; as
Communism had its utopia to create a fair world for all, the same way the
Vatican II antichrists teach the human brotherhood in utopian love,
attributed to Christ-humanity.
The Seven Sacraments of the Holy Roman Apostolic Church are completely
eliminated and not taught as an institution toward human perfection, as the
only grandeur for approaching God, for;
1. "He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not
believe will be condemned." Mark 16:16 – There is no salvation
without the Sacrament of Baptism.
Bergoglio refutes the necessity of Baptism as a ritualistic Sacrament in direct
application; ‘Some might think that baptism is merely a way of symbolizing
the confession of faith, a pedagogical tool for those who require images and
signs, while in itself ultimately unnecessary.’

2. “ I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.’ Luke
13:3- There is no salvation without the Sacrament of Penance and

3. "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and
drink his blood, you have no life in you” John 6:53- There is no salvation
without the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist.

Bergoglio presents an abominable thesis of the Holy Eucharist, not the true
meaning of It as a redemptive host, the Sacrifice of Calvary for the
remission of our sins, but as a universal figure if utopian love;
‘In the Eucharist we learn to see the heights and depths of reality. The bread
and wine are changed into the body and blood of Christ, who becomes
present in his passover to the Father: this movement draws us, body and
soul, into the movement of all creation towards its fulfilment in God.’

The pseudo- popes do not know even their basic Catholic catechism , let
alone to have God’s inspiration and revelations as Vicar of Christ to lead
the mankind.
Ratzinger –Bergoglio are a hoax, a false prophet, who according to the same
Jewish tradition, which they hold in great esteem, should be stoned to death (
Deuteronomy 18:20).

Lumien Fidei; ‘Faith becomes operative in the Christian on the basis of the
gift received, the love which attracts our hearts to Christ (cf. Gal 5:6), and
enables us to become part of the Church’s great pilgrimage through history
until the end of the world.’;
This is the central teaching of the Antichrist sitting in the Vatican city,
spreading its abomination throughout the world, usurping God’s Name and
eliminating the Way of Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, the redemptive grace
of Savior.

Vatican II- pseudo-popes with their network as a “Roman Catholic Church”-

are a great dissembler, to replace the true Church of Christ with a fictitious
ideology , which does not stand on the foundations of faith;
Ephesians 2:20, the New Testament apostles and prophets were
foundational: “And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and
prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.”

A New Age Demonism; ZEITGEIST
Or a New Age of Aquarius

“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they
put a man whom they call Christ, in place of the sun, and pay him the same
adoration which was originally paid to the sun...”

Thomas Paine

Z eitgeist (definition)-
a neo-pagan Judeo-agnostic Masonic cult,
neo-Marxist socio-political scientific Venus Project,
which fabricates a pagan ‘Christianity,’
Neo-Communistic Soviet Global World Empire without God and morals
defined by the Creator ,
a world based on secular humanism, on a false shallow sensual carnal love
criteria and tolerance , pleasures , promising earthly paradise of corporal
comfort and utilities.
It is founded on Utopist Socialism , and its concepts are built on lies and
manipulations- using all form of modern science.

Zeitgeist- the Spirit of the World, or


After collapse of the USSR, 1990s, the Western Christian civilization took a
U turn from its Christian identity and values, and started to build a new
world, which political leaders call “New World Order.”
Zeitgeist is a neo-pagan agnostic, neo-freemasonic socio-political-
spiritual, cultural movement, which targets religions, politics, art, music,
architecture, it is a neo-Theosophical society, which main goal is to

dissolve Jesus Christ’s Person, to destroy the foundation of Christian
civilization- to uproot all which is inspired by Jesus Christ Personally .
In its core, this neo-paganism is a revived Marxist Atheism , identifying
the Creator with material universe as ‘energy,’ ‘astral occult origin;’ in
essence it is a Demonism .
From ancient time even the pagan nations knew about upcoming event of
God’s Incarnation, and they inserted many details of Christ’s birth in
their pagan worships.
It is a neo-pagan Judaic Cabalism - Zeitgeist -which is a myth, a neo-
communist utopia, not the historical birth of the Savior of the mankind,
Jesus Christ, as they try to prove.
The Age of Aquarius, which is a cosmic representation of diabolical
Zeitgeist , fully covered in Christian ecclesiology as Eschatological Age.
The victory over this modern deception is composed as a Nicene Creed,
with its 12 articles, which guarantee the mankind to reach its ultimate
goal – the reunion with a Creator of living and dead – ultimately
restoring the human as a Perfect Image of God.

The Age of Aquarius is a new Babylonian Tower, with its


Venus Project; ‘global resource based’ socio-economic plan,

anticipating a total control over the earth energy, population,
information, food, and religion.
It makes its popularity and control through hunger-reducing, rights of
minorities, and other UN programs , which has an operating engine, a
Vatican II humanitarian world religion cult and tolerance of sin (with its
main speaker pseudo-Pope Francis ) .
New Vatican Project;
Venus , Lucifer’s worship instead of Jesus Christ .
We hear today’s main teaching of Bergoglio-Francis about poor
suffering from poverty, sick from loneliness, meanwhile- all religious
cults united in peace and harmony.

Catholic Church no longer teaches moral values, promoting sublime
culture and true worship of God. Instead it offers ‘nice’ parties and
pleasing flatteries to all.
Pseudo-Pope Francis is astrologically fits the criteria to be the main
speaker-sorcerer of the Age of Aquarium- hitting the last nail on the
coffin of the Roman Catholic Church; sin is a central teaching of this
new church for common, the rape and human sacrifices in black masses
are the privilege of master slave owner-popes.
Democratic governments ; in fact it is the World Bank and its capital
flowing from one country to another to finance secret political projects,
liberal movements, civil wars, clashes. The formal governments of countries
just execute the decision made by hidden zeitgeist masters.

The New Age of Aquarium has its religion, which is based on Zodiac
sorcery and atheism , pantheism and materialism – personified as Christ.
The large propaganda through the Carnegie foundation and other Judeo-
Kabalistic organizations is being spread throughout the world , using for its
channels the pagan beliefs and habits of local tribes, according to each
nation. The Christian countries are special targets ; they provide for these
countries free TV networks, internet services, transmitting pornography,
violence, and demonism 24/7. Gay clubs and parades are emphasized

ZEITGEIST SAYS; Jesus Christ never existed.

Zeitgeist ideologists, Egyptologist Dr. Jan Assman, Dr. Badrya Serry, etc.
bring proofs that in ancient Egypt there was a practice of a worship of sun,
Osisris, : Plutarch, ancient Latin writer Macrobius, describe the Horus
Child’s birthday during the winter solstice . This, according to these neo-
atheists, makes the person of Christ to be a tale , connected to these myths.

Psalms 72:11, "May all kings fall down before him".

Long before Jesus Christ, a Son of God and Savior of mankind was born, the
whole pagan nations knew about this coming event, inserting it in their

From Christian mystic literature, e.g revelations of Venerable Anne
Catherine Emmerich, we know that from ancient time the prophesies, that
Son of God, a Savior of mankind, will be born, was widely known among
nations, and in many countries they expected a Child born of Virgin Mother
, even having His birthday celebration .
This affirms also the fact mentioned in Gospel , three Magi, also referred to
Wise Men or Kings, Matthew 2:1–12, who knew about the birth of the
Savior, and came to pay to Him their respects.
Montezuma, Aztec King, saw in the vision the birth of a Savior too, and
knew about Christ’s coming, long before the Spaniards visited the
American continent .
Pagan Emperor Constantine saw a vision of Christ and was converted .
Other Pagan Testimonies of Jesus Christ Born in Body;

Aeschylus in Prometheus 600 B.C.

“Look not for any end, moreover to this curse until God appears to accept
upon His head the pangs of thy own sins vicarious”

Virgil, Fourth Eclogue, 20 B.C.

‘Now the virgin is returning
A new human race is descending
from the heights of heaven
The birth of a child, with whom
the iron age of humanity will
end and the golden age begin’

Chinese Annals of the Celestial Empire

“In the 24th Year of Tchao-Wang of the dynasty of the Tcheou on the 8th
day of the 4th moon, a light appeared in the South West which illumined the
Kings Palace. The monarch struck by its splendour, interrogated the sages.
They showed him books in which this prodigy signified the appearance of
the great Saint of the West who’s religion was to be introduced into their

Plato and Socrates Both spoke of the Logos and of the Universal Wise Man
“yet to come.”


‘After recounting the sayings of the ancient oracles and the Sibyls about a
“King whom we must recognize to be saved” asked in expectation “To what
man and to what period of time do these predictions point?”

C hrist, Jesus of Nazareth , a Saviour of the world, Son of God, was

born in body , and there are many historians who confirm this fact;

Thallus the Samaritan 52 A.D.

Cornelius Tacitus 53-112 A.D.
Suetonius 69-120 A.D.
Pliny the Younger c 61-113 A.D.
Flavius Josephus, Jewish Historian 93-94 A.D
Lucian of Samosata c120-180 A.D.
Justin Martyr 150 A.D.
Jewish Talmud 12th Century A.D.
“On the eve of the Passover, Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the
execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, 'He is going forth to be
stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy. Any
one who can say anything in his favor, let him come forward and plead on
his behalf. But since nothing was brought forward in his favor, he was
hanged on the eve of the Passove. Do you suppose that he was one for whom
a defence could be made? Was he not a Mesith (enticer), concerning whom
Scripture says, Neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him
(Deut. 13:9)? With Yeshu however it was different, for he was connected
with the government (or royalty, i.e., influential). Our Rabbis taught: Yeshu
had five disciples, Matthai, Nakai, Nezer, Buni, and Todah” Sanhedrin 43a.

ZEITGEIST SAYS; 12 apostles never existed.

‘Horus is thus firmly associated with 12 -star-gods, who, in conducting the
sun god through his passage, can be deemed his ―protectors, ―assistantsǁ
or ―helpers; they present the 12 apostles of Christ .’

ANSWERING; In numerology number 12 has important properties, known

also to ancient magicians ; it depicts the Holy Trinity in four corners of the
world in format of 3X4

 The twelve apostles of the Jesus Christ: Simon whom he called also Peter, Andrew,
James and John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James son of Alphaeus,
Simon called the Zealot, Jude son of James, and Judas Iscariot, replaced after the
Ascension by Matthias. (Lk 6,12-16; Mt 10,2-4; Mk 3,16-19; Act 1,13)
 A woman suffered haemorrhage since twelve years she was cured by Jesus. (Lk
 In the Revelation: the twelve gates of the celestial City (Rv 21,12); the twelve kinds
of precious stone of the celestial City (Rv 21,19-20); the twelve stars of the crown that
wears the woman (Rv 12,2); the trees of life, which bear twelve crops of fruit in a year,
one in each month (Rv 22,2).
 The twelve "minor" prophets of the Old Testament: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah,
Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.
 The twelve son of Ishmael. (Gn 25,13-16 and 16,20)
 The twelve great priests of Chronicles.
 The twelve stones of the altar of the alliance. (Ex 24,4)
 The twelve names engraved on the pectoral. (Ex 28,21)
 The twelve loaves of permanent offering on the golden table. (Lv 24,5)
 The twelve branches to confirm the choice of Aaron. (Nb 17,21)
 The twelve explorers sent in Canaan. (Dt 1,23)
 The twelve stones chosen by the twelve men in the Jordan to make a monument. (Jos
 The twelve administrators of Solomon for all Israel. (1 K 4,7)
 The twelve oxen of the bronze Sea. (1 K 7,25)
 The twelve strips made with the cloak of Ahijah. (1 K 11,30)
 The twelve stones of the altar of Elijah. (1 K 18,31)
 The sacrifices of the twelve animals. (Nb 7,87 and 29,17)
 The three series of twelve silver bowls offered for the dedication of the altar. (Nb
 The twelve curses proclaimed by Moses to all men of Israel. (Dt 27,15-26)
 The twelve springs of Elim. (Ex 15,27)
 The twelve tributes of Israel: Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh,
Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin. (Rv 7,5-8)
 The twelve years required for the young Israelis to be admitted as "son of the law".
 The twelve precious stones which were on the pectoral of the great Priest Aaron,
brother of Moses.
 The twelve son of Jacob. (Gn 46,8-25)
12 Number in Pagan World;
. The twelve animals of the Chinese horoscope: the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Cat, the
Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Goat, the Monkey, the Cock, the Dog and the Pig.

 The twelve lunar years in the Chinese lunar calendar forming the complete cycle
which lasts sixty years.
 There are twelve principal divinities in the Greek mythology.
 The twelve names of the Sun in Sanskrit, which are pronounced such as the mantras.
 In the Japanese cosmology, the Creator is sat on twelve sacred cushions.
 There would be twelve Universe and the earth would belong the twelfth. And in this
twelfth Universe, there would be twelve different solar systems.
 The twelve petals of the Anahata Chakra located in the area of the heart and the
twelve petals of the corolla of the Sahasrara Chakra located a the top of the head,

ZEITGEIST SAYS: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is being

celebrated as “Ester,” which is the godess Ishtar’s ancient imitation.
“Easter” is just an English word ii, used for the feast of Jesus Christ’s
Resurrection , most likely because of “East” particle, which is the
cardinal direction , were Jesus Christ was taken to, or where from we
expect His Second Coming. In all other languages we use word
Antichrist ZEITGEIST:
Denying Jesus Christ Has Come in the Flesh

The human civilization is a center of the universe, according to the

Aristotelian teaching supported by the Roman Catholic Church – which
means we are assigned a role in the universe to present the power of the
Creator through Jesus Christ Incarnated. The thesis is to be redeemed by
Christ to be able to face the Creator again. The antithesis is proposed by
Zeitgeist, which is to replace Jesus Christ with anti-Christ .
Here is how the Holy Scripture defines the anti-Christ;

1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall
come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us,
they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made
manifest that they were not all of us.

1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that
denieth the Father and the Son.

1 John 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father:

1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1 John 4:2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus
Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not
of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and
even now already is it in the world.

2 John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus
Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

2 John 1:8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but
that we receive a full reward.

2 John 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not
God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

2 John 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into
your house, neither bid him God speed:

2 John 1:11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

According to the scripture the Antichrist is whoever denies ;

1. Christ was born in flesh, I AD,
2. Christ is equal to Father and Holy Spirit, and He is God.
3. God is the origin of good only.
4. The doctrine of Christ, which is in Seven Sacraments of apostolic
Today we see the Antichrist tending to global denomination in politics and
religion – turning the spirit of the world into coded program in every
individual’s brain;
1. Contemporary person no longer knows the definition of ‘sin’ and
‘virtue’- these words are not even in the society’s vocabulary

2. The society adjusts itself to accept any form of moral deformation-
from natural to unnatural , and they develop sciences to substantiate
the human vice, insuring a defective mind and uncontrolled
sensuality, which result a mass madness and insanity.

The creation of a parahuman – human with no soul- a mythical Centaurs,

a half-man-half-animal, or a cyborg , a half-man-half-machine- is almost

The NEXUS of the New Aquarian Age;

NEXUS is a core, nucleus , hidden center , where the supernatural

(destructive) power is created, invoked, and implemented . It is a Dark Hole;
anything goes in never comes out.
It has two sources and entry channels ; 1. parapolitics -hidden political
entity, which has a basement of the Vatican City as a new age
‘enlightenment-’ Charisma,ii which is an universal spiritual hierarchy, using
the authority of the pope .
2. deep politics , rooted politics with tree and branches .
The last one has three operative wings ; 1. Synchronizing all social spheres ,
bringing a mass unconsciousness, 2. Through psychedelic drugs
psilocybina, through carnal deviants turned into demonic possession,
through addictive games, food, fitness- any human function turned maniacal
-obsessive. 3. A Shadow of Deep Politics, in fact the natural reflection of

Deep Politics, which insures antagonistic forces, development in chaos and
destruction , which prototype is a Jewish factor (Semitism and anti-
Semitism), Holocaust as a cause and consequence ; this should work close-
circular, ongoing and evaluating; the human sacrifices in wars, mass
murder, global disasters, euthanasia, abortion, gay marriage, etc.

The New Age Cold-Blooded Killer Culture

Deprived Heart and Soul

“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”

Russian Communist politician & revolutionary (1870 – 1924)

Imagine there is no heaven..

No hell below us..
Above us only sky..
Imagine there's no countries
Nothing to kill or die for..
And no religion, too..
John Lennon

Bioengineers at Harvard University have created the first examples of cyborg tissue:
Neurons, heart cells, muscle, and blood vessels that are interwoven by nanowires and

John Lennon Peace Monument

Catholic Church; Venus Project

The degenerated face and soul of the modern man


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