Meeting Minutes 1

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Minutes of the Group 6 Meeting.

Time: 26 October 2022/ 12:08 pm

Opening: The first meeting of Group 6 was conducted on 26 October 2022 via zoom call.
Attendee’s list:
Noorah Muhammad
Shahzaib Ali
Adani Mushtaq
Zeeshan Malik
• Introduction of the members
• Discussed the group's roles and responsibilities, rules, and regulations.
• Briefly discussed 4 points about leadership. Everyone shared their opinions and thoughts
about it.
We briefly introduced ourselves to each other and talked about our interests and plans. After that,
we discussed how we are going to work as a team, and the rules and regulations every member
should abide by.
• Don’t be absent
• Don’t be late for the class
• Don’t miss a quiz.
Next, we discussed 4 points about Leaders and the Leadership and everyone shared their
thoughts/opinions about the case.
• What is more important for a leader, his education/qualification or his experience in
being a leader (political or organizational)? (12:13 – 12:18)
Shahzaib: Education qualification is the most important quality a leader should possess to
lead/influence his followers.
Noorah: A leader should be honest and trustworthy; he should be straightforward and should
never lie to his followers.
Zeeshan: An effective leader should be experienced, as experience equips a person with the
necessary skills to navigate/direct the organization toward a hurdle-less path.
Adani: A leader should be educated as well as experienced.
• Whether a leader should have gratitude for his followers for following him or he should
have an attitude that people expect from a person with power and authority? (12:19 –
Zeeshan: if a leader doesn’t have gratitude for his followers, then he exhibits legitimate
leadership, which is not considered a suitable quality for a leader.
Shahzaib: If a leader has an attitude or a feeling of superiority over his followers, then he is
wrong and is not an exemplary leader. He should give credit and be thankful to his followers for
letting him lead and direct them.
Noorah: A leader should be grateful for his followers and not exhibit an attitude of superiority so
that people follow him by choice and not because they have to.
Adani: A leader should be grateful for his followers.
• Are the leaders we see today really what a leader is or should be? Is there something
necessary for a leader that they are missing or lacking? (12:24 – 12:28)
Shahzaib: The leaders nowadays lack the quality of honesty. They claim to do a lot of things and
make slogans out of that but their actions don’t match their words.
Zeeshan: The quality of honesty and building trust with the nation is lacking in our leaders.
Adani: If the leader’s words don’t match his actions, then the followers will lose their trust.
Noorah: The leaders nowadays lack honesty. They claim to do big but their actions don’t reflect
their words. This trick might help them gain followers for the time being but eventually, people
will stop supporting the one who exploits their beliefs.
• Is the leadership we are taught the same as the one we see in the leaders today? (12:29 –
Shahzaib: The skills and qualities we are taught from the very beginning, are not the qualities
we see in our leaders today. Leaders nowadays work for their benefit and not for the betterment
of their nation.
Zeeshan: Whatever we are taught today, is very different from what we see in our outside world,
especially, in our leaders.
Noorah: Whatever we see in our political leaders today, doesn’t match the leadership qualities
we were taught from the start. I have observed that the leaders of the present time use coherent
leadership to force their orders on their followers and it is not perceived as an illicit act.
Adani: We don’t see emergent leadership these days. Leaders today are exhibiting assigned
leadership, legitimate and coherent leadership. Which, by the way, is not perceived as a praise-
worthy method/technique.
End time of the Meeting: 12:40 pm
Submitted By: Noorah Muhammad.

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