Ass 1

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Civil Engineering Program

Faculty of Engineering and Materials Science

German University in Cairo


Assignment 1

Due in Tutorials on Week 4 (17th to 23th October 2022)

- This Assignment will be started during the tutorials (Week 3: 10th Oct. to 16th Oct. 2022).
- This Assignment can be turned in during the tutorials, if completed.
- If not completed, it should be completed and submitted in the tutorial of next week (Week 4:
17th to 23th October 2022).

- The use of AutoCAD software is allowed and highly encouraged.

- Hand drawn Assignments should be neat, clean and clear.

- Any form of plagiarism (copying) will receive ZERO!

- No late submission will be allowed!

Question 1:
The figure attached shows the Architectural plan of a residential building. The building is to be
constructed using a skeleton type construction with slabs, beams and columns as structural
elements only.
It is required to establish the statistical system and the distribution of beams and columns for
building and draw its preliminary structural plan.

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