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Before discussing whether Trifles is an immoral drama, we

need to define the concept of morality. Some people say that the

principle of morality is freedom, and they define freedom as neither

oppressing nor being oppressed by others. This is half true and half

incorrect. Generally speaking, happiness and joy also have diversity.

Treating different people, since happiness cannot be generalized, the

corresponding morality cannot be generalized. You can't force the

same people to follow different morals, and you can't force different

people to follow the same morals.

Since the maxim of morality is freedom, the purpose of

morality is the pursuit of happiness. Well I don't think Trifles is an

immoral drama. For Mrs. Wright, her marriage was unhappy, and the

only joy in the whole family was her canary. So when the only

canary that could bring her a little joy was murdered by her husband,

Mrs. Wright clearly realized that she was deeply restrained by the

patriarchal culture. Watching a canary whose neck is ruthlessly

twisted, she listens to her repressed inner voice and seeks the

possibility of transcending established gender norms. In the end, the

dissatisfaction with the gender politics in traditional culture was

shouted out in the way of violence. The ultimate violence of Mrs.

Wright's husband-killing not only means that she betrayed her

husband, but also shows that she has subverted the traditional value

standards of the entire male society. It is a blatant challenge to

defend women's independence and calls on society to reallocate

resources in public space and private space to achieve equality in

gender relations and social recognition of women's status.

In Susan Glasper's writings, people see the real world that

belongs to women. The suffering and grief suffered by women in the

real world can be deeply felt. At the same time, I also saw brave

rebels who acted as patriarchal culture. They tried their best to find
and realize themselves in the siege of society, and they were no

longer silent. Although the road is bumpy, it still cannot stop

women's firm footsteps. This is not immoral, it is the efforts of

women in the old society to pursue a happy life, we can only say that

Mrs. Wright's behavior is unlawful, but we cannot accuse a woman

who has been oppressed in marriage for a long time to rise up

against her fate.

We should all be outraged. "When things are not equal, they

scream" -- whenever our rights are violated and deprived, we should

all feel angry, and we should try our best to fight for ourselves.

Therefore, Trifles is not an immoral drama, and the pursuit of

equality is something that every woman should work hard for all her

life. As early as that era, Susan reminded everyone of the importance

of pursuing equality and personal happiness.

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