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Submitted as a drama script by:

Jane Dwi Yana
7th Semester (Weekend Class)
There are two children who have been friends since childhood, named
Gita and Dwi. They have always been together, but since Gita's father
had to change jobs, the two of them were separated. At one point they
accidentally meet again without realizing it.


Main Characters
Gita :
A beautiful 17 year old girl, kind, sincere, and an honest child. He is a smart student
at school, and a diligent girl.

Dwi :
A good and sincere girl, she is an honest child and often helps people. a girl who has
high ideals and is enterprising.

Gita : (was cleaning up the paper that fell because of the wind)
Dwi : (because seeing pity, Dwi helped) here let me help.
Gita : Oh yes thank you. (without looking at Dwi and immediately leaving Dwi in
a hurry)
Dwi : Hey wait a minute!
Gita : (while approaching Dwi) Yes, what's wrong?
Dwi : I think I know you. Are you Gita?
Gita : Yes. You..?
Dwi : interrupt Gita) Dwi. Your friend in elementary school. We sat together in
elementary school. Do you remember?
Gita : Oh yeah, I definitely remember that. It's time to forget. Oh yeah I forgot I
was in a hurry. I go first, Dwi. (while leaving Dwi)
Dwi : hey wait a minute. Ask for your cellphone number, please?
Gita : eeemmm… I forgot. You just follow my twitter at @gitamay, okay!
Dwi : ok. Follback, I'll mention you later.
Gita : yes. (while continuing to leave Dwi).
A few days later, Gita and Dwi accidentally met again in the school canteen.

Dwi : uh Gita, see you again. Are you studying here now?
Gita : yes. I now study here. I didn't think we were in the same school again.
Dwi : yes, I don't think so. Oh yeah, which class are you in now?
Gita : I'm now in class ipa7, wi. You?
Dwi : I'm in IPA1 class.
Gita : oh yes Dwi do you want to play at my house after school later?
Dwi : thanks Gita. I want it. Does that mean we'll go home together?
Gita : yes. After the bell, we'll make an appointment at the gate, okay?
Dwi : OK

Then the doorbell rang. Gita and Dwi went to their respective classes. After class
was over and the bell rang, Gita and Dwi met at the school gate and went home
together to Gita's house. Arriving at Gita's house.

Gita : Come on in Dwi.

Dwi : yes thanks git. Assalamualaikum.
Gita : wa'alaikumsalam. Hey, let's go straight to my room, shall we?
Dwi : come on. Oh yeah, by the way, your house is still a mess. Why?
Gita : I just moved wi.
Dwi : Oh yes yes.

Then they both went to Gita's room. When in Gita's room, the two of them talked.
Since they were both in 12th grade, they talked about where they would go to
college after graduating from high school.

Dwi : By the way, where do you want to study?

Gita : I want to study at UGM.
Dwi : What major are you taking, Git?
Gita : civil. Do you want to be an architect hehehe... hmmm but...
Dwi : but you why?
Gita : but I'm weak in physics, Wi.
Dwi : duh, don't be sad, it's okay. If you study harder, you can do it. Keep trying
Gita. Don't give up. Pursue your dreams. Eits but don't forget that if you've
tried, we also have to keep praying to Allah.
Gita : Yes, thanks for the input, I'm sure I'll study harder.
Dwi : well that's it.
Gita : Where do you want to study, Wi?
Dwi : I don't know yet. Where do you think? What's the major?
Gita : I think it's better if you just follow your heart. Of course, according to your
talents and interests as well.
Dwi : yes git. But the problem is I don't know where my talent is.
Gita : Yes, in my opinion, your talent should ask other people's opinion about
your talent. For example, to friends, to teachers, to parents, for sure. Then if
you are still confused, I suggest you to ask Allah for guidance. Yes, by
praying istikhara.
Dwi : Wow, thank you, Git, for your opinions and suggestions. I will try to
follow your advice. Oh yeah, it's late. I'm home yeah. Thanks Gita.
Then Dwi came home from Gita's house. And after the conversation at Gita's
house, the two of them became even more active in studying. And finally Dwi has
found out his talent and interest to continue his education.
Time goes on. It doesn't feel like they both have passed the exam and they also
want to continue their education to the college they want. Because they study hard
and pray, they are finally accepted at the college they want.

-The End-

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