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PSY- 261: Learning & Behavior Change

Spring, 2008

Instructor: Dr. Regis Magyar Phone: (407) 644-8046

When: Wednesday, 6:45 - 9:25 PM Email:
Where: Busch Center, Rm. 129

Required text: Learning & Behavior: Active Learning Edition ( 5th ), by Paul Chance

Overview: Objectives and Goals

This course is an introduction to the theory and principles of learning and behavior. In this class, you will
learn about the causes of behavior and how it is measured, developed, controlled and modified. You will
also learn the theory and applied principles of Respondent and Operant conditioning, including Cognitive /
Social learning, and the basic procedures of reinforcement, punishment, stimulus control, extinction, and
functional assessment, etc. that are used to establish, maintain and modify both desirable and
undesirable behavior in animals and humans
There is much background material to cover so a large portion of the course will be in lecture format.
However, we will also have small homework assignments and conduct an in-class learning lab in which
you will work in a small group to conduct an actual learning experiment. I will post my PowerPoint slides
on Foxlink, and these class notes as well as the study questions & quizzes at the end of each chapter
should be used as your primary study guides for the quizzes and final exam. They reflect what you
should learn in the course. If you learn the study questions, you will do well in this course.

Attendance Policy
Class attendance is imperative. Please arrive on time and turn cell phones, beepers, etc. off during class.
You are allowed one excused absence. Subsequent absences will result in a 5-point grade
penalty. Be sure that you DO NOT MISS THE IN-CLASS LEARNING LAB (04-16-08)!
In the past, students who miss my classes do not usually do well, and should consider withdrawal.

Exams & Homework

There will be three in-class quizzes, and three homework assignments. In addition, students will be
divided into small groups and will conduct an in-class learning lab experiment . Results of the study will
be presented by the groups in class, and a final report will be written and turned in by each student
The final examination for this course will be cumulative and will cover all material reviewed in the course.

Academic Honesty Policy

Students are required to conform to the new Rollins Honor Code policy. Students shall add to all papers,
quizzes, tests, and reports the following handwritten pledge followed by their signature. “On my honor, I
have not given, nor received, nor witnessed any unauthorized assistance on this work.”
Electronically submitted works should also contain the pledge. These rules will be reviewed and outlined
during the first day of our class.

Grade Evaluation
Quizes: 25 pts. x 3 = 75 points A: 270 - 300
Homework: 25 pts. x 3 = 75 B: 240 - 269
Final Exam = 100 C: 210 - 239
Class Lab Proj. = 50_____ D: 180 – 209
Total points = 300 points F: < 180
PSY 261 Dr. Magyar
Syllabus 1
Course Syllabus: Spring 2008

Week 1: 01-16-08: Welcome & Introduction to Course

ƒ Ch. 1: Introduction: Learning to Change
ƒ How to access class notes and resources on Foxlink

Week 2: 01-23-08:
ƒ Ch.2: The Study of Learning and Behavior
ƒ Distribute Homework #1 due 01-30-08

Week 3: 01-30-08
ƒ Ch.3: Pavlovian Conditioning

Week 4: 02-06-08
ƒ Ch.4: Pavlovian Applications
ƒ Distribute Homework # 2 due 02-13-08

Week 5: 02-13-08: Quiz # 1: covers Ch. 1- 4

ƒ Ch.5: Operant Reinforcement

Week 6: 02-20-08
ƒ Ch.5 – Ch.6: Operant Reinforcement & Punishment

Week 7: 02-27-08
ƒ Ch.6 – Ch.7: Punishment & Operant Applications

Week 8: 03-05-08
ƒ Ch.10: Schedules of Reinforcement
ƒ Distribute Homework # 3 due 03-19-08

Week 9: 03-12-08: Spring Break (No Class)

Week 10: 03-19-08: Quiz # 2: Covers Ch. 5-7, & 10

ƒ Ch.9: Generalization, Discrimination, & Stimulus Control

Week 11: 03-26-08

ƒ Ch.8: Vicarious Learning

Week 12: 04-02-08

ƒ Ch.11: Forgetting

Week 13: 04-9-08

ƒ Ch.12: The limits of Learning

Week 14: 04-16-08: Quiz # 3: Covers Ch. 8 - 9 & 11-12

ƒ Learning Laboratory: Conduct experiment & collect data in class

Week 15: 04-23-08

ƒ Course summary
ƒ Presentation of class Lab Projects
ƒ Review of material & quizzes for final

Week 16: 04-30-08: (End of term)

ƒ Final Exam & hand in Final Project Report
PSY 261 Dr. Magyar
Syllabus 2

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