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Guidance Summary and Assessment of the

Chang'e-3 Powered Descent and Landing

Article in Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets · November 2015

DOI: 10.2514/1.A33208


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3 authors, including:

Shuang Li Xiuqiang Jiang

Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronau… Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronau…


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Vol. 53, No. 2, March-April 2016

Guidance Summary and Assessment of the Chang’e-3

Powered Descent and Landing

Shuang Li,∗ Xiuqiang Jiang,† and Ting Tao‡

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, People’s Republic of China
DOI: 10.2514/1.A33208
On 14 December 2013, Chang’e-3 successfully touched down on the surface of the moon, setting off its roaming
exploration activities. Before this significant step, years of design, development, and testing of the Chang’e-3 powered
descent and landing guidance, navigation, and control system were conducted to prepare for the most challenging
robotic spacecraft landing endeavor attempted on the moon to date. In this paper, the mission and system design of
Chang’e-3 are first described. Then, the guidance algorithms of powered descent and soft landing are summarized
and assessed in detail. The powered descent and landing guidance technologies developed for Chang’e-3, including
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autonomous hazard detection and avoidance, lay the critical foundation for future lunar pinpoint soft-landing

I. Introduction injection of the CZ-3B launch vehicle and the accurate execution of
the first two midcourse corrections. On 2 December at 15:50, the first
T HE Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP) is one of the
major projects of the National Medium- and Long-Term
Program for Science and Technology Development. The CLEP has
midcourse correction was executed by use of the 8 × 150 N thrusters
under the command of Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC).
On 3 December at 16:20, the second midcourse correction was
been divided into three main operational phases: lunar orbiting, soft
implemented using the 7500 N variable-thrust main engine. After that,
landing, and sample return. As the first Chinese lunar probe,
both the 150 N thrusters and the newly developed 7500 N variable-
Chang’e-1 was launched into the Earth–moon transfer orbit in
thrust main engine were accurately calibrated onboard to prepare for
October 2007 and successfully completed the prescribed 16-month
subsequent near-moon braking, deorbit and powered descent
orbiting exploration mission. Initially built as the backup spacecraft operations. As the main thruster designed for Chang’e-3 Earth–moon
of Chang’e-1, Chang’e-2 was launched on 1 October 2010 and orbit transfer and powered descent, the variable-thrust main engine has
achieved more fruitful exploration outcomes than her predecessor, a large variable range of thrust from 1500 to 7500 N [2,3]. On
Chang’e-1. Chang’e-2 accomplished all scheduled lunar exploration 6 December at 17:53, Chang’e-3 was captured by the moon through
goals, which mainly included circumlunar flight exploration, close- one near-moon braking using the 7500 N variable-thrust engine. The
range predetection of the potential landing zone, and some key spacecraft accurately entered a 100 × 100 km circumlunar orbit. Four
technical validation testing for Chang’e-3. After that, a series of days later, on 10 December at 21:24, the deorbit braking maneuver
extended tasks were successfully conducted, of which the targeting to using the 8 × 150 N thrusters successfully targeted Chang’e-3 to a
the L2 Lagrange point of Sun–Earth and the flyby of Asteroid 4179 100 × 15 km elliptical orbit, which occurred on the back of the moon.
Toutatis were the highlights [1,2]. Chang’e-3, China’s first lunar After another four days, on 14 December at 20:59:52, the lander
surface exploration mission using both a lander and a rover, is initiated the powered descent from an altitude of ∼15 km above the
considered a critical step in the CLEP project, because its mission lunar surface, for which both the variable-thrust main engine and the
objective is to achieve pinpoint soft landing and roaming exploration 150 N thrusters were used. By means of accurate autonomous
on celestial bodies beyond the Earth. operation of the guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) system,
On 2 December 2013 at 01:30 Beijing Time (BJT), Chang’e-3 was Chang’e-3 completed the powered descent braking, attitude ad-
launched into space with the gross weight of 3780 kg by a Long justment, and hazard avoidance according to the prescribed flight
March III B (CZ-3B) launch vehicle from the Xichang Satellite procedure and made a precise, safe soft landing [3,4]. Finally, on
Launch Center. Chang’e-3 separated from the launch vehicle 1138 s 14 December at 21:11:17, Chang’e-3 successfully touched down at
after the lift-off and accurately entered into the prescribed Earth– 19.51256°W and 44.11884°N in the east of Sinus Iridum, with a
moon transfer orbit with the perigee of 210.3 km, the apogee of landing error of approximately 89 m from the landing site preselected
369,109.2 km, and the orbital inclination of 28.5 deg [2,3]. To and uploaded 10 min before the beginning of powered descent, and
eliminate Earth–moon transfer orbit deviations, three midcourse commenced its lunar surface exploration activities [3,4]. The complete
corrections were scheduled for 14, 38, and 88 h after separation. The flight profile of Chang’e-3 is depicted in Fig. 1 [2,3].
third midcourse correction was cancelled because the requirements One of the huge challenges of the Chang’e-3 mission comes from
of near-moon braking and subsequent orbit control had been the powered descent and soft landing on the surface of the moon
completely met, which was attributed to the high-accuracy orbit when compared with Chang’e-1 and Chang’e-2 missions. Therefore,
the successful execution of a powered descent from about 15 km to
Received 17 November 2014; revision received 16 November 2015;
about 3 m above the lunar surface was the key of the entire flight
accepted for publication 17 November 2015; published online 22 February mission. The powered descent phase lasted about 720 s, in which a
2016. Copyright © 2015 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and complex sequence of events (active braking, attitude adjustments,
Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Copies of this paper may be made for and autonomous hazard avoidance) enabled the most complex
personal and internal use, on condition that the copier pay the per-copy fee to the robotic spacecraft landing endeavor attempted on the moon to date. It
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). All requests for copying and permission to should be pointed out that Chang’e-3 is not only the first robotic
reprint should be submitted to CCC at; employ the ISSN spacecraft that adopted autonomous hazard detection and avoidance
0022-4650 (print) or 1533-6794 (online) to initiate your request. technology, but also is the spacecraft that achieved the highest
*Professor, Space New Technology Laboratory, Department of landing precision on the moon to date. The landing errors of all past
Astronautics Engineering, College of Astronautics;
(Corresponding Author).
successful lunar landing missions are summarized in the Table 1

Ph.D. Candidate, Space New Technology Laboratory, Department of [5–18].
Astronautics Engineering, College of Astronautics; In this paper, the mission and system design of Chang’e-3 are
‡ briefly introduced, and the guidance algorithms of powered descent
Master Candidate, Space New Technology Laboratory, Department of
Astronautics Engineering, College of Astronautics; and soft landing are summarized. The rest of this paper is structured
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Fig. 1 Flight profile of Chang’e-3 mission.

as follows. Section II introduces the Chang’e-3 mission objectives so on. Based on the previously mentioned considerations, an
and technical challenges. The development of Chang’e-3 powered allowable landing area (shown in Fig. 2) was finalized in the Sinus
descent and landing GNC is depicted at length in Sec. III. In Sec. IV, Iridum, which is the relatively flat region between latitude 42.6° ∼
the guidance scheme and detailed guidance algorithms used by 45.6°N and longitude 18.2° ∼ 34.6°W [3]. Before the beginning of
Chang’e-3 are described, and the corresponding simulation results powered descent, a landing site was selected and confirmed by the
are analyzed and assessed. Finally, conclusions are given in Sec. V. ground control center based on the Chang’e-3 orbit and uploaded to
Chang’e-3 10 min before the beginning of powered descent.
As China’s first lunar landing exploration mission, Chang’e-3
II. Mission Objectives and Technical Challenges encountered many technical challenges in the initial mission design
The engineering goal of Chang’e-3 was to achieve lunar pinpoint phase. The main challenges came from the following aspects [2]:
soft landing and roaming exploration. The major scientific goals were 1) Uncertainties of the lunar surface environment: Uncertainties
to survey the lunar topography and geological structure, investigate mainly affect the design boundary conditions of Chang’e-3 and the
the substance compositions and available resources, and perform environmental simulation method for ground test verification.
astronomical observation on the surface of the moon. The entire flight Moreover, lunar surface uncertainty is a key factor impacting success
process of this mission was divided into five subphases: launch, of the entire landing mission. The more complex the terrain is, the
Earth–moon transfer, circumlunar, powered descent, and surface more difficult it is to achieve a successful soft landing.
operation, as shown in Fig. 1 [2,3]. During the initial design of 2) Powered descent braking only by the propulsion system:
Chang’e-3 mission, a series of constraints were taken into account to Because there is no atmosphere to be used for aerobraking, the
determine an appropriate landing site, which includes the scientific deceleration process of powered descent only relies on the main
value, terrain, lighting conditions, telemetry track and command propulsion system onboard Chang’e-3. To achieve the engineering
(TT&C), launch-window constraints, initial orbit of powered goal of soft-landing spacecraft on the surface of the moon, a new main
descent, regression of circumlunar orbit plane and lunar rotation, and engine with the capability of variable thrust and a large enough
velocity increment (Δv) must be provided, which inevitably results in
a series of challenges in developing new propulsion systems and
Table 1 Landing error summary of all successful lunar reducing the dry mass of Chang’e-3 [19].
landing missions
3) Autonomous GNC of powered descent and soft landing:
Launch date Because the flight state of Chang’e-3 is changing rapidly and TT&C
Missions Manned or not ( Landing error delay cannot be ignored during the powered descent and landing,
Apollo 11 Manned 1969.07.16 ∼6.6 km real-time remote control is inappropriate during the powered descent
Apollo 12 Manned 1969.11.14 ∼160 m and landing phase. Therefore, the onboard GNC system must have
Apollo 14 Manned 1971.01.31 ∼340 m the capability of autonomously steering the lander to the prescribed
Apollo 15 Manned 1971.07.26 ∼550 m landing site and achieving pinpoint soft landing without any ground
Apollo 16 Manned 1972.04.16 ∼280 m support [20].
Apollo 17 Manned 1972.12.07 ∼400 m 4) Buffer system for landing impact load: A soft-landing buffer
Surveyor 1 Unmanned 1966.05.30 ∼18.96 km
system must be capable of absorbing the landing impact load. At the
Surveyor 3 Unmanned 1967.04.17 ∼2.76 km
Surveyor 5 Unmanned 1967.09.08 A few km same time, the landing stability and the launch volume constraint
Surveyor 6 Unmanned 1967.11.07 should be considered in the specific design of the landing buffer
Surveyor 7 Unmanned 1968.01.07 mechanism [21].
Luna 9 Unmanned 1966.01.31 A few km to tens of km 5) Thermal control system on the surface of the moon: Thermal
Luna 13 Unmanned 1966.12.21 control is essential to the entire landing process and surface
Luna 16 Unmanned 1970.09.12 operation. Chang’e-3 faces a survival challenge in the lunar ex-
Luna 17 Unmanned 1970.11.10 treme temperatures, ranging from 120 to −180°C. The thermal
Luna 20 Unmanned 1972.02.14 control system must be able to keep the probe’s internal temperature
Luna 21 Unmanned 1973.01.08
between −20 and 55°C [22]. Furthermore, exterior equipment is
Luna 24 Unmanned 1976.08.09
Chang’e -3 Unmanned 2013.12.02 ∼89 m also required to be able to survive in the severe temperature

Fig. 2 Allowable landing area for Chang’e-3.

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The main requirements for the powered descent and landing GNC which included gyroscope, accelerometer, sun sensor, star sensor, laser
system can be summarized as follows [2–4,20]: 1) The lander must range sensor, microwave range sensor, microwave velocity sensor,
have the capability to autonomously perform the powered descent optical imaging sensor, laser three-dimensional imaging sensor,
and landing operations with the landing error no larger than 6 km. gamma shutdown sensor, image processing computer, and high-
2) The lander must have a relatively complete hazard detection and performance GNC computer. At the same time, innovative guidance
avoidance capability and be able to achieve a highly reliable safe navigation strategies and flight software were also developed for the
landing. 3) The onboard GNC system must autonomously command powered descent and landing [2,4,20]. All these developments and
the variable-thrust engine and thrusters to work cooperatively and to improvements enabled Chang’e-3 to have the capability of completely
ensure an accurate safe landing with minimum fuel consumption. autonomous powered descent and precise landing guidance.
4) Attitude, velocity, and angular rate errors should meet the
predesigned performance specifications. Vertical and horizontal
velocity at landing should be less than 3.8 and 1 m∕s, respectively; III. Chang’e-3 Powered Descent and Landing
triaxial attitude errors and angular rate should be less than 4 deg and Guidance, Navigation, and Control Overview
1 deg ∕s, respectively. A. Development and Improvement of Chang’e-3 Powered Descent
To meet the mission objectives and requirements mentioned and Landing Guidance
previously, many innovative designs were conducted for Chang’e-3 The Chang’e-3 mission was approved in March 2008 and
mission: 1) To ensure safe landing, both two-dimensional (2-D) optical scheduled to be launched in December 2012. The initial soft-landing
gray-image-based coarse hazard avoidance and three-dimensional powered descent scheme is shown in Fig. 4 [25–27]. In the initial
(3-D) laser-elevation-image-based precise hazard avoidance were used design, the entire soft-landing process was intentionally divided into
to execute a relay hazard-avoidance mode [3,4]. 2) A 7500 N variable- six subphases: main braking phase, attitude adjusting phase, vertical
thrust main engine was newly developed to meet the requirement of descent phase, hover and hazard-avoidance phase, slow descent
powered descent braking. To ensure enough maneuver capability, phase, and free-fall phase. The first five subphases are also known as
Chang’e-3 was equipped with 16 × 150 N and 12 × 10 N thrusters the powered descent and controlled landing [25–29]. Based on the
[19,23]. 3) To satisfy the constraint of lander dry mass (maximum newly developed variable-thrust engine, the guidance and control
1220 kg), innovative materials and lightweight structure were adopted process was designed as follows. In the main braking phase, the main
in the component unit design, and a highly integrated design was engine works at the maximum constant throttle state. To satisfy the
applied to the GNC hardware [3]. The main configuration and major constraint of fuel optimization, a polynomial guidance law was
elements are depicted in Fig. 3 [2–4]. 4) To eliminate systematic errors initially adopted to control the attitude of the lander and to track the
as much as possible, some key units, such as the inertial measurement expected velocity direction until arriving at the altitude of 2 km above
unit (IMU) and all thrusters, were accurately calibrated onboard the lunar surface. During this period of time, the angle between the
[19,24]. 5) Many components were integrated into the GNC system, vertical axis of the lander and the normal direction of the lunar surface

Fig. 3 Major elements of Chang’e-3.

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Fig. 4 Initial scheme of Chang’e-3 powered descent and landing.

will gradually decrease under the joint action of thrust and lunar mission was postponed to the end of 2013. In addition, the fuel
gravity. At an altitude of about 2 km, the proportional–integral– consumption of the initial powered descent scheme was not optimal
differential (PID) control mode will be triggered to perform quick and still needed to be improved. Especially during the hovering and
attitude adjustments, and then the angle between the vertical axis of obstacle avoidance phase, it is necessary for the lander to identify
the lander and the normal direction of the surface will be further smaller obstacles and search for the nearest safe landing site in a
reduced to zero. Subsequently, the lander with a vertical attitude relatively large image, which leads to a larger amount of calculation,
drops from the altitude of 2 km to 100 m above the lunar surface, lower success rate of obstacle recognition, and longer hovering time.
during which the constraints of fuel optimization and the zero At the same time, only horizontal maneuvering is implemented
terminal velocity should be satisfied simultaneously. Then, the lander during the hazard-avoidance phase, and the altitude remains un-
will hover at an altitude of 100 m above the surface of the moon, changed using antithrust of the main engine, which further increases
image the landing area below the lander, identify the potential the fuel consumption. Both theoretical analysis and experiment
hazards of the terrain, and select an eligible safe landing site. After testing show that 2-D gray-image-based hazard detection and
that, the lander will be directed to the waypoint above the safe landing
avoidance scheme is more suitable for detecting larger obstacles in a
site by PID guidance, which is a horizontal hazard-avoidance
larger range, but it is difficult to identify smaller ones. To ensure the
maneuver. Finally, the lander will begin vertical slow descent from
success of the soft-landing mission, one had to strengthen the lander’s
the altitude of about 100 m to about 4 m; both the terminal velocity
and attitude angles should be controlled to zero. At the altitude of 4 m capability of autonomous hazard detection and avoidance while
above the safe landing site, the main engine will be shut down, and reducing the fuel consumption. Finally, a new coarse–precise-relay
then the lander will freely fall and touch down on the lunar surface. hazard detection and avoidance scheme was proposed to replace the
The shutdown signal of the main engine comes from the triggering of old one. In this new scheme, the gray-image-based coarse obstacle
the gamma sensor, which makes the onboard autonomous GNC detection and avoidance is first performed in a relatively large flight
system automatically switch to the noncontrol mode. range, and then the 3-D digital-elevation-map-based precise obstacle
After the initial scheme design, the powered descent and soft- detection and avoidance is adopted in a relatively small range [4].
landing guidance algorithms were validated by strict ground To efficiently reduce the fuel consumption, the lander only performs
simulation and testing, as shown in Fig. 5 [30]. Unfortunately, the transient hovering during the precise avoidance imaging. Horizontal
2-D gray-image-based hazard detection and avoidance scheme failed maneuvering and vertical descent are carried out simultaneously in
in the first-round ground testing, which resulted in redesigning the other subphases of hazard detection and avoidance, which proved the
obstacle detection and avoidance scheme. Therefore, the Chang’e-3 best and successful choice for Chang’e-3 flight mission.

Fig. 5 Hazard detection and avoidance testing on ground.


B. Chang’e-3 Powered Descent and Landing Guidance, Navigation, lander, with total mass of 2822 kg [3]. The main task of this phase was
and Control Modes deceleration. The lander’s velocity was reduced from ∼1.7 km∕s to
China’s Chang’e-3 is the first spacecraft after Apollo’s mission to ∼70 m∕s, and the altitude was reduced from ∼15 to ∼3 km above the
implement the lunar soft-landing mission. The engineering goals of lunar surface. At the same time, the pitch angle of the lander dropped
Apollo were a safe landing on the surface of the moon and returning from ∼85 to ∼65 deg under the joint function of thrust and lunar
to the Earth. Both autonomous guidance (known as the P mode) and gravity. About 316 s after the beginning of the powered descent,
man-in-the-loop guidance were employed in the Apollo landing the landing camera mounted at the bottom of the lander turned on and
missions [31]. However, Chang’e-3 was required to automatically started monitoring the landing process by taking 12 pictures per
achieve the fuel-minimum powered descent and a pinpoint soft second. IMU-based autonomous navigation was adopted, along with
landing. Both China’s Chang’e-3 and NASA’s Mars Science velocimeter and ranging measurements. At an altitude of ∼8 km, the
Laboratory (MSL)/Curiosity recently succeeded in performing soft laser ranging sensor and microwave ranging sensor measurements
landings beyond the Earth [32]. Compared to the 20 km landing were introduced to correct the bias and drift of IMU and to obtain
requirement of MSL/Curiosity, Chang’e-3 necessitates higher high-precision navigation information [3,20]. When the lander
landing precision (6 km) and autonomous hazard detection and dropped to an altitude of ∼4 km, the microwave velocimeter was
avoidance capability. To achieve the pinpoint lunar soft landing used to further improve the accuracy of the velocity information. It
autonomously and simplify the GNC system design, the complete should be stressed that the microwave velocimeter sensor was very
powered descent and landing process of the Chang’e-3 is critical to the success of landing mission, and the probability of
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intentionally divided into seven subphases according to the different success sharply dropped to only about 10% if it did not work
guidance and control modes, which are shown in Fig. 6 [2]. correctly. Because most of the fuel onboard the lander was consumed
Chang’e-3 prepared for powered descent and soft-landing during this phase, the factor of fuel consumption must be taken into
operations about 10 min before the beginning of the powered descent. account in the guidance design. An adaptive explicit guidance law
In the landing preparation stage, BACC uploaded the ignition time was adopted for the entire primary deceleration phase because the
(14 December 2013 at 20:59:52 BJT), the initial states (position original polynomial guidance was not optimal.
19.0464°W, 28.9989°N, altitude 14.884 km, velocity 1695.7 m∕s), To seamlessly connect the terminal state of the primary
the terminal landing states (position 19.509°W, 44.12°N, altitude deceleration phase to the initial state of the approaching phase, the
2 m, velocity 0 m∕s, limit angle of 14 deg between the vertical axis of quick attitude adjusting phase was added intentionally. About
the lunar lander and the direction of gravity), and the target attitude 487 s after the beginning of the powered descent (i.e., at 21:08:07),
before ignition (pitch angle, 85 deg; yaw angle, 0 deg; roll angle, the onboard GNC system automatically switched to the quick attitude
0 deg) to the lander [3]. After that, Chang’e-3 completed a series of adjusting mode. The main engine worked in controllable thrust mode
actions according to the commands preloaded from the ground from then on, and its thrust magnitude was designed to be almost
control center, which includes switching from the sun-oriented mode equal to the lunar gravity of the lander. During this phase, the pitch
to the landing preparation mode, folding the two solar panels, and angle of the lander was quickly adjusted from ∼65 to ∼9 deg, while
directing the main engine nozzle forward. The following guidance both the yaw angle and roll angle were kept at 0 deg. The attitude
and control operations of the powered descent and landing phase angle errors and angular rate errors were required to be less than 1 deg
were completely autonomously fulfilled by the onboard GNC and 0.5 deg ∕s, respectively. During this period of time, the velocity
system. increase along the vertical direction due to lunar gravitational
Chang’e-3 began the primary deceleration (the first subphase of acceleration was avoided, and the lander descended from ∼3 to
powered descent) at 20:59:52, when the 7500 N main engine ignited ∼2.4 km above the lunar surface [3,20]. At the same time, the
and worked with a constant thrust. At that moment, the primary horizontal velocity was gradually reduced to ∼50 m∕s. According to
deceleration mode was triggered by the GNC system onboard the the uniform transition requirement of the main engine thrust and

Fig. 6 Schematic of Chang’e-3 powered descent and landing.


landing attitude, the guidance law was designed based on linear major task of this phase was to eliminate the horizontal velocity and
variation of the magnitude and direction of thrust, and the related align the attitude of the lander with the normal direction of the
guidance parameters were set according to the terminal states of surface without changing the current horizontal position. Because
the primary deceleration phase and the initial states of the the moon dust provoked by the thruster would inevitably affect the
approaching phase. external measurements from an altitude of ∼20 m above the
About 503 s after the beginning of the powered descent, the surface, the laser ranging sensor, microwave ranging sensor, and
GNC system started working in the approaching descent mode. The velocimeter sensor were shut down in this mode, and only the IMU
major mission of this phase was to perform coarse hazard detection was adopted to provide the position, velocity, and attitude
avoidance, in which the lander descended from ∼2.4 km to ∼100 m information. The lander descended at the constant velocity of 2 m∕s
above the lunar surface. The aims of coarse avoidance were to from ∼30 to ∼2 m above the lunar surface during this period of time.
exclude extremely dangerous large-scale obstacles and to provide When it reached the altitude of 2.88 m above the surface of the
potential safe landing regions for the following precise avoidance. moon, the gamma sensor gave a shutdown signal. Then, engine and
The operation of coarse avoidance greatly reduced the risk that thrusters were turned off. If the gamma sensor did not work
obstacles identified by subsequent fine avoidance were too hard to normally, backup measures were in place. The shutdown signal of
avoid when the lander was very close to the lunar surface, and it engine and thrusters could also be produced according to the degree
effectively improved the overall probability of safe landing. of saturation of the accelerometer, the foot touchdown signal, and a
According to the requirements of coarse avoidance, the line-of-sight preset off time. After that, the GNC system switched to the
of the imaging sensor was intentionally offset 40 deg in order to uncontrolled mode (685 s after the start of the powered descent),
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ensure the 30 deg field of view of the optics imaging sensor was and the lander freely fell from the altitude of ∼2 m and touched
directed toward the landing area. In addition, 40 deg offset can down on the surface. The vertical and horizontal velocities were
effectively make the imaging sensor free of the effect of main engine required to be less than 3.8 and 1 m∕s, respectively, and triaxial
plume and result in an optical range-of-imaging sensor that is as short attitude angle and angular velocity were required to be less than
as possible. Meanwhile, the nominal pitch angle of the approaching 4 deg and 1 deg ∕s, respectively [20].
descent phase was set to 9 deg to further ensure that the preselected On 14 December 2013 at 21:11:19 BJT, Chang’e-3 safely landed at
landing area was in the field of view of the optics imaging sensor. The 19.51256°W, 44.11884°N; the elevation of the landing site is
gray images of the lunar surface were obtained by the imaging sensor, 2615.451 m below sea level. Both the actual landing site and the
and then large obstacles, such as craters and stones larger than 1 m, preselected landing site are depicted in the digital orthoimage map
were detected by the image-processing computer. Taking optimal shown in Fig. 7, which was generated from Chang’e-3 descent
fuel consumption into account, the onboard GNC automatically camera images [17]. The entire flight of powered descent and landing
selected the nearest safe landing site as the target point to perform the lasted 687 s, and the total flight range was 456.704 km. Remote radio
subsequent obstacle avoidance guidance. The new landing site was telemetry and image matching showed that the landing error of
approximately 80 m from the original landing site. To ensure the Chang’e-3 was less than 100 m with respect to the original landing
landing site was in the field of view of imaging sensor during the site selected before powered descent, and autonomous obstacle
approaching phase, the lander adopted a 45 deg angle dropping avoidance error was less than 1.5 m with respect to the new safe
trajectory and gradually approached the reselected landing site. The landing site. Although the position errors relative to the selected safe
lander was directly targeted to the terminal point of coarse avoidance landing sites were less than 1.5 m, the inertial navigation errors were
and finally reached the altitude of ∼100 m above the reselected on the order of 100 m or more. The triaxial landing velocities were
landing zone [20]. Because the lander had a relatively large velocity −1.969, −0.016, and 0.033 m∕s respectively, and the triaxial attitude
during the coarse hazard avoidance, the onboard GNC system must angles (roll, pitch, and yaw) were −1.225, 1.501, and 1.479 deg,
have the capability of fast imaging and online computing. The final respectively. The solar elevation angle at landing was 24.4 deg
velocity and attitude adjusting was accomplished at the altitude of [3,4,18].
∼100 m above the landing site, both triaxial velocities and attitude The elevation map obtained by the 3-D laser imaging sensor
angles relative to the lunar surface became zero. In addition, the showed that there were some 1 to ∼2 m craters in the northwest,
lander returned images taken by the landing camera at a rate of one north, and southeast of the landing site, and there were also some 0.2
per five second from then on.
About 628 s after the beginning of the powered descent, the
onboard GNC system transitioned to the hovering mode. The lander
hovered at about 100 m above the lunar surface while maintaining
the zero velocity and attitude. Attitude stabilization was achieved by
the 10 N attitude thrusters. The first task of this phase was to use the
measurement of the laser imaging sensor to construct the high-
precision 3-D imaging of the 50 × 50 m2 area under the lander. Next,
the onboard GNC system detected craters larger than 20 cm and
slopes steeper than 8 deg (10 m baseline) and determined the nearest
safe landing site. Finally, the relative position information of the
selected safe landing site at the imaging moment can be easily
obtained [4].
About 644 s after the beginning of the powered descent phase,
the GNC system started working in the hazard-avoidance mode. The
main task of this phase was to perform precise hazard avoidance. The
lander descended from ∼100 to ∼30 m above the lunar surface
during this period of time. The precise hazard avoidance moved the
landing site approximately 10 m further to the northeast. To ensure
the accuracy of obstacle avoidance and the optimality of fuel
consumption, several 150 N thrusters were used to execute the
horizontal avoidance maneuvers according to the position
information of the preselected safe landing site. At the same time,
the lander descended with the vertical velocity of 1.5 m∕s until it
reached an altitude of ∼30 m above the safe landing site.
About 666 s after the start of the powered descent, the GNC
system transitioned to the constant low-velocity descent mode. The Fig. 7 Digital orthoimage map of Chang’e-3 landing area.

to ∼0.5 m holes and stones in the southwest, south, and east of the
landing area. Chang’e-3 autonomously chose the relatively flat
middle zone as the safe landing site, which was approximately 4.8 m
away from the subsatellite point along the northeast direction, as
shown in Fig. 8 [4,17]. As observed in Fig. 9 [2,3], there were no large
obstacles in the 20 × 20 m2 area centering on the landing site. Both
the height of stones and the depth of the craters were less than 20 cm,
and the slope was less than 2 deg, which completely satisfied the
expected safety requirements of the lunar soft landing [3,4].

C. Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Configuration and

Chang’e-3 was equipped with a large number of sensors and
actuators in order to ensure the success of the pinpoint lunar landing
mission. The detailed GNC system configuration and function are
depicted in Fig. 10 [4,20], and the attitude control mode and Fig. 9 Chang’e-3 safely landed on the surface of moon (imaged by Yutu
algorithms adopted by Chang’e-3 are shown in Fig. 11 [4,20,33]. rover panorama camera).
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1. Navigation and Hazard Detection Sensors related position information then could be obtained according to the
Six types of sensors were employed by Chang’e-3. attitude measurement information.
1) Sun sensors: The sun sensors were adopted to support the sun 5) Velocimeter: Microwave velocimeter was adopted to measure
orientation operation and for attitude measurement relative to the sun. the velocity of the lander along its line-of-sight direction during the
2) Star sensors: The star sensors were used for global attitude powered descent and landing. The other related velocity information
measurement relative to the inertial space. could be obtained according to the measurement information.
3) Inertial measurement unit (IMU): As one of the major 6) Imaging sensors: Imaging sensors included an optical imaging
measurement elements during the powered descent and landing, IMU sensor and a laser imaging sensor. The optical imaging sensor was
was adopted for attitude and orbit measurement. There were six used to obtain the gray images of the lunar surface for coarse hazard
single-degree-of-freedom rate-integrating gyroscopes, which were avoidance. The laser imaging sensor was adopted to obtain the 3-D
used for measuring the triaxial attitude angular velocity of Chang’e-3 digital elevation map (topographic map) of the lunar surface for
in the inertial reference space. Any three of them could complete the precise hazard avoidance.
attitude measurement independently. Four accelerometers were
equipped to measure the nongravitational acceleration of the lander. 2. Actuators
The gauging axes of three accelerometers were parallel to the three Two types of actuators were employed by Chang’e-3.
principal axes of inertia of the lander, respectively. Another 1) Variable thrust main engine: A new variable-thrust engine, with
accelerometer was equipped slantingly. the range of thrust from 1500 to 7500 N, was developed in order to
4) Ranging sensors: Ranging sensors included a laser ranging implement braking, deceleration, and hovering for the powered
sensor and a microwave ranging sensor. They were used to measure descent process and hazard maneuver. The specific impulse of this
the distance between the lander and the lunar surface along their line- liquid bipropellant thruster is 3028 N · s∕kg (i.e., 309 s), and the
of-sight direction during the powered descent and landing. The accuracy of thrust regulation is 6.25 N [19,23].
2) Attitude thrusters: Bipropellant attitude thrusters were equipped
with two different magnitudes of 12 × 10 N and 16 × 150 N. The
10 N thrusters were used for attitude maneuvers, and the 150 N
thrusters were employed for midcourse correction in the Earth–moon
transfer and for horizontal maneuvers in the hazard avoidance.

3. Onboard Computers
Chang’e-3 was equipped with two onboard computers. One was
used for GNC computing, and the other was used for image
1) Image-processing computer: The image data from the two
imaging sensors were handled by the image processing computer,
which was used to detect hazard and determine an appropriate
landing site. According to the navigation data from the GNC system,
the image processing computer output the relative position data of the
selected landing site to the GNC computer for subsequent hazard-
avoidance operation, and so the image-processing computer played a
very important role in hazard detection and avoidance.
2) GNC computer: All the data from the image-processing
computer, sensors, and actuators were input to the GNC computer to
perform GNC calculations. Based on the position, velocity, and
attitude information of the lander relative to the selected landing site,
the GNC computer produced the control signals to actuators
according to different guidance and control modes.

IV. Guidance Scheme and Performance Analysis

To achieve the engineering goal of Chang’e-3 landing mission, a
Fig. 8 Terrain of Chang’e-3 landing site (imaged by lunar large number of new powered descent operations and GNC modes
reconnaissance orbiter camera). were developed, as shown in Figs. 6 and 10 [2,4,20]. The primary

Inertial Attitude Thrusters Command
Computer Attitude Control

Attitude Command

Main Thrust Command

Navigation Algorithm Guidance Law

Target Position

Image Processing Computer

( Obstacle Detection &
Position & Attitude Safe Landing Site Selection )
for Imaging
Gray Image
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Digital Elevation Map

Attitude, Acceleration,
Velocity, Range Optical Imaging Sensor
Measurements Laser 3-D Imaging Sensor

Navigation Sensors
Dynamic Model & Terrain Model Actuators
( IMU, Ranging Sensors,
for Lunar Soft Landing ( Main Engine & Thrusters )
Velocimeter, etc. )

Fig. 10 Schematic of Chang’e-3 GNC configuration and function.

Guidance the LTAEG guidance was almost the same as that of the optimal
Command Pulse width guidance. Therefore, it can be considered as a suboptimal guidance
PID/PD law from the viewpoint of fuel consumption. Within each iterative
guidance cycle, the terminal-state variables of the primary
deceleration phase were predicted by the GNC computer according
Sensors Thrusters to the dynamics model and current-state variables of the lander, and
then the direction of thrusters was automatically adjusted according
to the deviation between the predicted terminal-state variables of the
Chang'e-3 Lander primary deceleration phase and the nominal initial-state variables of
the approaching phase. This required several iterations until the
External predicted states equaled the nominal state. The iterative convergence
Disturbance time was typically less than 0.1 s.
Fig. 11 Schematic of Chang’e-3 attitude control. LTAEG guidance is mainly composed of three parts: linear tangent
guidance, parameter adaptation, and target position and velocity
adaptation. The detailed LTAEG guidance law is depicted in Fig. 12
guidance requirements for the pinpoint lunar soft landing can be [4,20,35]. Here, λC is the command thrust direction, λR is the
summarized as autonomy and fuel optimization. The properties of reference thrust direction, λ_ is the rate of change of the actual thrust
robustness and precision are also desired in the guidance design. direction, k · k denotes the L2-norm or Euclidean norm, F∕m
Because the entire powered descent and landing process of Chang’e- stands for the thrust-to-weight ratio, gm is the gravity acceleration of
3 was deliberately divided into seven subphases according to the the moon, and kr and kv are the adaptive parameters of the desired
detailed flight operations, multiple guidance laws and control modes position and velocity, respectively.
were required. Three main guidance laws were developed in the The linear tangent guidance law generates a nearly linear attitude
Chang’e-3 landing mission, which included an adaptive explicit command that is conducive to the realization of attitude control.
guidance law based on linear tangent guidance, a modified However, it also has the inherent defects of the predictor–corrector
polynomial guidance law, and a classical PID guidance law. In methods. It needs a highly precise system model to predict the
addition, the target landing point selection and hazard avoidance also terminal-state variables of the lander. There are many parameters that
relied upon the appropriate guidance and control algorithms [4,20]. cannot be accurately determined in advance, such as engine thrust,
In the following sections, the detailed guidance algorithms adopted in specific impulse, and thrust-to-weight ratio, which inevitably
the Chang’e-3 powered descent and landing phase are described, and degrades the accuracy of the dynamics model. To better accom-
the corresponding guidance performances are assessed by computer modate the requirements of the lunar pinpoint landing, the traditional
simulation. linear tangent guidance law was modified in the Chang’e-3 landing
mission. The parameters with uncertainties mentioned previously
were estimated online by the least-squares method according to the
A. Adaptive Explicit Guidance for Primary Deceleration Phase
acceleration measurements, which greatly improved the robustness
Because most of the onboard fuel is consumed during the primary and adaptability of the linear tangent guidance to the uncertainties in
deceleration, the issue of fuel optimization must be taken into account the mass consumption and engine parameters [4,20]. The guidance
in the guidance design of the primary deceleration phase. Linear- process of the primary deceleration phase is reconstructed using the
tangent-based adaptive explicit guidance (LTAEG) was developed nominal parameters of Chang’e-3 powered descent listed in Table 2
for Chang’e-3 landing mission, which is based on linear tangent [3,20], and the corresponding simulation results are shown in
guidance [34]. Ground testing indicated that the fuel consumption of Figs. 13a–13f. It should be pointed out that simulated sensor data and
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Fig. 12 LTAEG guidance law.

navigation algorithms were not included in the following guidance horizontal velocity, as shown in Fig. 13c, is decreased from
simulations. ∼1.7 km∕s at the perilune to almost 70 m∕s at the end of the primary
Figure 13 depicts the simulation curves of the key guidance deceleration phase. The terminal altitude, shown in Fig. 13a, is 3 km
parameters during the primary deceleration phase of Chang’e-3. It above the surface in accordance with nominal altitude. The change of
can be seen from Figs. 13a and 13b that both the altitude and vertical thrust direction angle from 85 to 65 deg in Fig. 13d is also the same as
velocity of the lander first increase and then decrease in the initial the nominal value. Though there are certain deviations, both the
phase of primary deceleration. The reason lies in the fact that the terminal vertical velocity and the terminal horizontal velocity are
optimal thrust direction angle of the lander at the perilune is about very close to their nominal values, which can be seen in Table 3.
85 deg, according to the LTAEG guidance, not the normal value of
90 deg. In this case, engine thrust produces a lift component along the B. Linear Guidance for Quick Adjusting Phase
vertical direction, which results in the phenomenon of flight altitude According to the mission requirements of Chang’e-3 powered
and vertical velocity of the lander first increasing and then decreasing descent and landing, the approaching phase starts at the altitude of
in the initial phase when the orbital velocity is still large. As shown in 2.4 km with the thrust direction angle of about 9 deg [20]. At the same
Fig. 13e, the mass of the lander gradually decreases with continuous time, main engine thrust is required to decrease from 3000 N to
fuel consumption. At the same time, the 7500 N main engine has been accommodate the subsequent low acceleration and velocity flight.
working under the constant thrust state during the primary Therefore, there are huge state differences between the terminal state
deceleration phase. Therefore, the magnitude of corresponding of the primary deceleration phase and the initial state of the
braking acceleration, as shown in Fig. 13f, gradually increases from approaching phase. As mentioned previously, the quick adjusting
2.658 to 4.642 m∕s2 . Under the command of the guidance and phase is included to make the state of the lander smoothly transition
control system, the thrust direction angle of the lander gradually from the terminal state of the primary deceleration phase to the initial
decreases in accordance with a nearly linear mode, which is clearly state of the approaching phase. To make the engine thrust and attitude
depicted in Fig. 13d. With the increasing of thrust acceleration and of the lander uniformly transfer and easy for engineering
decreasing of thrust direction angle, the vertical component of thrust implementation, a linear guidance law was developed to steer the
increases and the horizontal component remains unchanged, which thrust magnitude and direction [20]. The thrust magnitude and thrust
makes the descent velocity of the lander decrease slowly until it direction angle are designed to change linearly, and the guidance
reaches the maximum value of 57 m∕s. At the same time, the parameters are jointly determined by the terminal state of the primary
deceleration phase and the initial state of the approaching phase.
The linear guidance law developed for the quick adjusting phase
Table 2 Initial parameters of Chang’e-3 can be expressed as follows [35]:
powered descent
λR  t − tR λ_ C
Parameters Nominal value λC  (1)
Position Longitude 19.0464°W kλR  t − tR λ_ C k
Latitude 28.9989°N
Height 14,884 km
Triaxial velocity Tangential velocity 1695.7 m∕s aC  afd  a_ C · t − tR  (2)
Lateral velocity 0 m∕s
Vertical velocity 0 m∕s in which λC is the command thrust direction, aC is the command
Attitude angle Pitch angle 85 deg acceleration magnitude, λR is the reference thrust direction, t denotes
Yaw angle 0 deg the guidance time, tR stands for the reference guidance time, λ_ C is the
Roll angle 0 deg
Mass 2822 kg
rate of change of the command thrust direction, afd is the terminal
Specific impulse 309 s acceleration magnitude of primary deceleration phase, and a_ C is the
rate of change of the command acceleration magnitude.

16000 10

14000 0

12000 -10

Vertical Velocity [m/s]

Height [m]

10000 -20

8000 -30

6000 -40

4000 -50

2000 -60
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time [s] Time [s]
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a) Altitude b) Vertical velocity

1800 85


1400 80

Thrust Angle (Pitch) [deg]

Horizontal Velocity [m/s]





0 65
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time [s] Time [s]
c) Horizontal velocity d) Thrust direction angle

3000 5

Thrust Acceleration [m/s2]


Mass [kg]




1600 2.5
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time [s] Time [s]
e) Mass f) Thrust acceleration
Fig. 13 Guidance curves of primary deceleration phase.

The guidance parameters λR and λ_ C are defined as follows:

λR  afd (3) Table 3 Nominal terminal values and actual flight

data of Chang’e-3 primary deceleration

aia − afd Parameters Nominal value Flight data

λ_ C  (4)
ΔtC Terminal altitude 3 km 3 km
Thrust direction angle 65 deg 65 deg
Terminal vertical velocity 50 m∕s 46.7 m∕s
in which aia is the desired initial acceleration direction of the Terminal horizontal velocity 70 m∕s 74.8 m∕s
approaching phase, which was planned on the ground and uploaded

to the lander before launch; afd is the terminal acceleration direction velocity, attitude, and thrust are fairly gentle and smooth, which lays a
of the primary deceleration phase; and ΔtC denotes the quick good foundation for the subsequent hazard-avoidance operations.
adjusting time, which is closely related to the angular velocity of The linear guidance algorithm is simple and reliable, though it is
attitude maneuver and the separation angle between aia and afd . not optimal or suboptimal from the viewpoint of the fuel
The guidance process of the quick adjusting phase is consumption.
reconstructed, and the corresponding simulation results are shown
in Figs. 14a–14f. It can be observed from Fig. 14, both the thrust C. Coarse Avoidance Guidance for Approaching Phase
magnitude and thrust direction angle of the lander are targeted to the The aim of the approaching phase is to perform the coarse hazard
expected value in a linear manner. At the same time, both the altitude avoidance at the minimum cost of fuel consumption. It can be divided
and velocity of the lander also decrease gradually to the initial state into two subphases, hazard detection (including target landing point
of approaching phase. The whole transition process of altitude, selection) and a coarse hazard-avoidance maneuver.

3000 -36

2900 -38
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Vertical Velocity [m/s]

2800 -40
Height [m]

2700 -42

2600 -44

2500 -46

2400 -48
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time [s] Time [s]
a) Altitude b) Vertical velocity

75 7500

Horizontal Velocity [m/s]

Thrust [N]

60 5500

55 5000


40 3000
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time [s] Time [s]
c) Horizontal velocity d) Thrust magnitude

70 1610

Thrust Angle [deg]

Mass [kg]

40 1590

30 1585


0 1565
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time [s] Time [s]
e) Thrust direction angle f) Mass
Fig. 14 Guidance curves of quick adjusting phase.

1. Gray-Image-Based Hazard Detection or false detection will appear, especially when lighting conditions are
Various optical image sensors, such as charge coupled device not ideal.
(CCD) and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), are
widely applied in the aerospace industry due to their obvious 2. Spiral-Search-Based Target Landing Point Selecting
advantage of small size and low power consumption. Imaging- The entire landing area was divided into hazardous zones and safe
sensor-based hazard detection belongs to the passive hazard zones according to the obstacle distribution map obtained by the
detection method, which is very simple and feasible under certain image-based hazard detection algorithm addressed in Sec. IV.C.1.
lighting conditions. Because the texture and color of the lunar surface After that, Chang’e-3 adopted a spiral search strategy to find the
is relatively simple, the shape, size, and location distribution of nearest safe landing site, in which the spiral search was conducted
obstacles can be easily determined using the relatively simple centering on the preselected landing site. As depicted in Fig. 16, the
edge detection principle when the lander state at imaging is basic process of this search strategy can be described as follows
known in advance. In fact, the image-based hazard detection [4,20,25,38,39]:
approach is only suitable for identifying larger obstacles in a wide Step 1: Determine the necessary minimum zone to achieve a safe
range, when the field of view of sensor and size of the obstacles are landing. The minimum safe landing zone is set with the size of
considered. the lander and control deviation taken into account.
The hazard detection algorithm adopted by Chang’e-3 involves the Step 2: Perform the spiral search. The spiral search is performed
following five steps [4,36,37]: 1) image histogram analysis; 2) K- outward centering on the preselected landing site, as shown in
means clustering-based image thresholding (K means clustering is a
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Fig. 16a. This search is performed spirally outward until the

famous and efficient partition clustering algorithm, K denotes the stopping condition defined in step 3 is met. If there is no safe
needed cluster number); 3) obstacle recognition according to brighter landing zone completely satisfying the requirements of step 3,
and darker textures; 4) obstacle distribution and edge detection; and the zone with optimal index is selected as the safe landing zone
5) edge closing of the hazardous area. Computer simulation of coarse according to the weighted hazard distribution and safe radius.
hazard identification is implemented according to the gray image Step 3: Select a safe landing site. The safe landing site is selected
obtained by Chang’e-3 optical landing camera [4], and the according to the risk coefficient of each small zone identified in
corresponding results are shown in Fig. 15. Ground testing shows that step 2. Many factors are considered in the coefficient calculation
the grey image-based hazard detection method depends heavily upon process, which include the distribution and density of obstacles
the illumination condition. The detection rate of the typical obstacles and the maximum tolerance of the lander. If the risk coefficient
on the lunar surface, such as big crater and stones, is significantly exceeds the preset threshold, it indicates that the current zone is
high in the case of good lighting conditions and appropriate sun not suitable for safe landing, then the search returns to step 2 and
elevation angle. On the contrary, the phenomena of missing detection continues with subsequent searching. Otherwise, the current

Fig. 15 Gray-image-based coarse hazard detection. (Note: Fig. 15a is captured from [4,20,35].)

zone is selected as a safe landing area, and the coordinate of the of view, thrust magnitude, descent height, and approaching time were
regional center is considered as the target landing point. considered in the approaching guidance design, and then the thrust
Computer simulation results of the safe landing point selection direction angle was eventually selected as 9 deg to satisfy the imaging
using the spiral search strategy are shown in Fig. 16b. The gray image requirements. As Chang’e-3 adopted the 45 deg descent trajectory,
obtained by the optical landing camera of Chang’e-3 is used in this the total acceleration exerted on the lander must be opposite the
simulation. The coordinate of the center of the safe landing zone velocity vector [35,39]. Therefore, the magnitude of thrust
determined here will be utilized for the following coarse obstacle acceleration aF and the magnitude of lunar gravity acceleration gm
avoidance guidance. should satisfy the following relationship [4]:

3. Modified Polynomial Guidance for Coarse Avoidance

The polynomial guidance first developed for the Apollo mission is aF  (5)
a robust and suboptimal guidance law. Only current- and target-state cos α − tan β sin α
variables of the lander are utilized in the guidance calculation, which
is quite simple and qualified for hazard-avoidance guidance after a
target landing point is determined. However, there exists undesired in which α is the thrust direction angle, defined as the separation
singularity of guidance time, altitude, and velocity in the classic angle between the direction of thrust and the direction op-
polynomial guidance [25,40,41]. In Apollo landing guidance, posite of lunar gravity acceleration, and β is the separation angle
between the velocity direction of the lander and the horizontal
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tolerance protection was only conducted for guidance time.

Therefore, a modified fourth-order polynomial guidance was direction.
Then, the radial and downrange components of the command
developed for Chang’e-3 landing mission, which is completely free
acceleration can be easily obtained as follows:
of singularity. In Chang’e-3 landing guidance, tolerance protection
was conducted for guidance time, altitude, and velocity in order to
avoid the undesired singularity [20]. The validation of modified
polynomial guidance was confirmed by Chang’e-3 flight mission. ax  aF cos α − gm (6)
One goal of coarse avoidance is to control the terminal velocity of
the lander close to 0 m∕s with minimum fuel consumption; another
goal is imaging and coarse hazard avoidance. The constraints of field az  −aF sin α (7)

Planned Landing Site


Starting Area

Target Area

Fig. 16 Search strategy and result: a) schematic of spiral search strategy, and b) safe landing area selection results of coarse avoidance. (Note: the left
figure in Fig. 16b is the searching result based on hazard distribution map. For more visualized, the right figure in Fig. 16b depicts the result in grey image.)

According to the mission planning, the radial and downrange always kept at 9 deg to satisfy the various constraints mentioned
acceleration need to remain constant during this period of time. previously.
Therefore, the descent height and flight range, respectively, can be
obtained as follows: D. Proportional–Integral–Differential Guidance and Hazard Detec-
tion Strategy for Hovering Phase
1. Proportional–Integral–Differential Guidance Strategy for Hover-
v2xf − v2x0 ing Phase
sx  (8)
2ax Chang’e-3 lander hovered no more than 10 s once the coarse
hazard avoidance was completed. The main task of the hovering
phase is to use the 3-D imaging sensor to obtain high-precision 3-D
v2zf − v2z0 topography and autonomously select a safe landing site [4,20,42,43].
sz  (9)
2az Because the initial height is considered as the guidance target of the
hovering phase, the variable-thrust engine is controlled to offset the
effect of the lander gravity and keep the height of the lander
in which vxf and vzf are the terminal radial and downrange velocities unchanged. To maintain a stable hovering state and facilitate accurate
of approaching phase, respectively, and vx0 and vz0 are the initial imaging, the horizontal velocity of the lander should be cancelled.
radial and downrange velocities of the approaching phase, Meanwhile, the thrust attitude angle gradually reduces from 9 to
respectively. Therefore, the reference guidance time of approaching
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0 deg as planned, and the position deviation caused by the attitude

phase can be obtained by maneuver must be corrected. The position-keeping control is
required when the laser imaging begins.
vxf − vx0 Classical proportional–integral–differential/proportional–differ-
Ta  (10)
ax ential (PID/PD) guidance algorithms are adopted during hovering
and subsequent phases in which the inner-loop control is combined
with the outer-loop control. Outer-loop control involves the main
As mentioned previously, the designed guidance acceleration engine and attitude maneuvers, and inner-loop control is achieved
remains unchanged during the approaching phase. Therefore, the jerk using the horizontal thrusters. Chang’e-3 succeeded in applying the
should be zero. The constraint equation of the time to go tgo can be PID/PD guidance and control laws to the hovering, precise
simplified as [4,35] avoidance, and constant low-velocity phases.
The precise avoidance process of Chang’e-3 is performed
atGz t2go − 3vtGz  vGz tgo  4rtGz − rGz   0 (11) following the coarse hazard avoidance and is limited to a 50 × 50 m2
area of lunar terrain centered on the current subsatellite point. Craters
larger than 0.2 m and slopes steeper than 8 deg are identified and
in which rtGz , vtGz , and atGz are the target downrange position, avoided. Because the hazard detection and safe landing site selecting
velocity, and acceleration, respectively, and rGz and vGz are the are the prerequisite for hazard avoidance, laser 3-D elevation-map-
downrange position and velocity, respectively. based hazard detection and safe landing site selection is first
The detailed analytical expression of the time to go can be directly introduced in the following Sec. IV.D.2. The PID guidance for
obtained by solving the quadratic equation defined in Eq. (11). The hovering and hazard avoidance is left for Sec. IV.E.
command acceleration can be formulated as
2. Three-Dimensional Elevation-Map-Based Hazard Detection and Safe
r −r v  vG Landing Site Selecting
acG  12 tG 2 G − 6 tG  atG (12) Laser radar is a kind of active hazard detection sensor, which can
tgo tgo
obtain the high-precision 3-D elevation data of the landing area. The
hazard detection and safe landing site selection algorithm adopted by
in which rtG , vtG , and atG are the target position, velocity, and Chang’e-3 includes the following four steps [4,25,38,42–44]:
acceleration, respectively, which were derived according to the 1) construct the 3-D elevation model according to the measured
constraints mentioned previously, and rG and vG are the actual values of laser radar; 2) determine the reference level plane;
position and velocity, respectively, which are derived from the 3) compute the hazard cost map of the landing area; and 4) apply the
navigation system. spiral search method to locate the safe landing area, as stated in
In each guidance loop, the expected time to go can be obtained Sec. IV.C.2. The step of constructing the reference level plane is very
by subtracting the guidance time from the reference guidance time. important and is the cornerstone of subsequent obstacle detection.
The expected height and velocity can be computed according to the Least-squares fitting is adopted to construct the reference level plane
reference guidance parameters. The expected time to go, height, and in the Chang’e-3 landing mission.
velocity are compared with the time to go from the modified Because the elevation data of Chang’e-3 is not available, a
polynomial guidance and the height and velocity from the navigation simulated model of digital elevation is built up according to the
system. If the difference between them is smaller than the prescribed approximate correspondence between the elevation difference and
threshold, the approaching guidance is terminated, and the hovering the image gray value of the landing zone. The gray image obtained by
guidance is triggered. the landing camera onboard Chang’e-3 is shown in Fig. 18a, and the
Computer simulation of the modified polynomial guidance is corresponding simulated elevation map of landing area is depicted in
performed for coarse avoidance, and the corresponding results are Fig. 18b. Because the fitting of the reference level plane is the key of
shown in Fig. 17. It is easy to observe from Fig. 17 that the modified 3-D elevation-map-based hazard detection, it must be completed
polynomial guidance works well, and a high guidance precision can first. The reference level plane obtained by the least-squares method
be obtained at the cost of suboptimal fuel consumption. Figures 17a– is shown in Fig. 18c. Then, we can easily obtain the 3-D hazard
17c show that the altitude of the lander gradually decreases from elevation map and hazard cost map of potential landing areas
2.4 km to 100 m, and the terminal velocities are controlled to the order according to the reference level plane, which are depicted in Figs. 18d
of several centimeters per second, which completely meet the and 18e, respectively. Next, the spiral search method described in
expected requirements of engineering. It should be pointed out that Sec. IV.C.2 is adopted to find a safe landing site from the hazard cost
the adjustment of thrust direction angle is quickly accomplished once map. A potential safe landing area is selected by comprehensively
a new safe landing area is selected at the beginning of the coarse considering fuel consumption and lander maneuver capability, which
hazard-avoidance phase. After that, the thrust direction angle is is shown in Fig. 18f. The final selected landing site is taken as the

2500 0


Vertical Velocity [m/s]

Height [m]


1000 -25


0 -40
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time [s] Time [s]
a) Altitude b) Vertical velocity
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50 10

Horizontal Velocity [m/s]


Thrust Angle [deg]


20 9



-10 8
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time [s] Time [s]
c) Horizontal velocity d) Thrust direction angle
1580 3050


Thrust [N]
Mass [kg]




1440 2800
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time [s] Time [s]
e) Mass f) Thrust
Fig. 17 Modified polynomial guidance curves of coarse avoidance phase.

guidance target for the horizontal avoidance maneuver in the precise and divided into two simultaneous processes, horizontal avoidance
avoidance phase. guidance and vertical velocity control. The starting point of PID
guidance is the initial hovering point, and the terminal target point is
E. Proportional–Integral–Differential Guidance for Precise Hazard given by the imaging processing computer.
Avoidance The precise hazard-avoidance guidance algorithm adopted by
During precise hazard avoidance, the lander was targeted to a height Chang’e-3 can be formulated as follows [4,35]:
of 30 m above the landing site with the terminal horizontal velocity of
0 m∕s according to the relative position information of the safe landing acmd  cI rt − r  cP vt − v  cD at − a  gm (13)
site derived in the hovering phase [4,20]. Because the process of
precise avoidance is a combination of horizontal avoidance maneuvers in which cP , cI , and cD are the PID guidance coefficients, rt , vt , and
and low-velocity descent, the guidance algorithms can be decoupled at are the target position, velocity, and acceleration, respectively. The
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a) Gray image from landing camera onboard Chang'e-3 b) Simulated elevation map of the landing area

c) Fitting the reference level plane d) Hazard elevation map based on the reference level plane
50 50
0.2 0.2
45 45
0 0
40 40
-0.2 Target Area -0.2
35 35
-0.4 -0.4
30 30
-0.6 -0.6


25 25
-0.8 -0.8
20 20
-1 -1
Starting Area
15 15
-1.2 -1.2
10 10
-1.4 -1.4

5 -1.6
5 -1.6

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
X(m) X(m)
e) Hazard cost map f) Safe landing area selecting
Fig. 18 Three-dimensional elevation-map-based precise hazard detection and safe landing site selecting. (Note: Fig. 18a is captured from Refs. [4,20,35].)

target height, velocity, and acceleration are functions of time, which the vertical velocity control, position, velocity, and acceleration are
were planned on the ground and uploaded to the lander before the controlled to track the planned target trajectories. However, only
powered descent and landing began. The target horizontal position velocity and acceleration are controlled during the horizontal
comes from the autonomous obstacle detection and avoidance, avoidance guidance in order to eliminate the horizontal velocity as
and r, v, and a are the actual position, velocity, and acceleration, quickly as possible and to reduce the unsafe landing factors.
respectively, that are input from the navigation system. gm denotes The hazard-avoidance trajectories are depicted in Figs. 19a and 19b,
the lunar gravity acceleration. Though vertical velocity control and and the corresponding triaxial velocities and control accelerations are
horizontal avoidance guidance adopt the same guidance algorithm in shown in Fig. 19c. It can be concluded from Figs. 19a and 19b that the
Eq. (13), they have different guidance goals and coefficients. During lander can autonomously complete the precise hazard-avoidance

contour line 0.2
45 starting point
target point
horizontal movement -0.2
-0.4 100


20 60
15 40 25
10 20 30
5 26 35
-1.6 27
0 29 X(m)
0 10 20 30 40 50 30 40
X(m) Y(m)
a) Projection of the precise hazard avoidance trajectory in hazard b) 3-D trajectory of precise hazard avoidance
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cost map

X-axis Acceleration(m/s2)
1 0.4
X-axis Velocity(m/s)

Vx Ax
0.8 0.3
0.6 0.2
0.4 0.1

0.2 0
0 -0.1
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time(s) Time(s)
Y-axis Acceleration(m/s 2)

0.5 0.2
Y-axis Velocity(m/s)

Vy Ay
0.4 0.15

0.3 0.1
0.2 0.05

0.1 0

0 -0.05
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time(s) Time(s)
Z-axis Acceleration(m/s 2)

0 1
Z-axis Velocity(m/s)

Vz Az

-4 -2

-5 -3
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time(s) Time(s)
c) Triaxial velocity and acceleration curves for precise avoidance
Fig. 19 Guidance curves of precise hazard-avoidance phase.

maneuver and arrive at the target position above the preselected safe the vertical attitude. Considering the propellant consumption and
landing site. When the horizontal hazard-avoidance maneuver is navigation position drift, the descent velocity of the lander is set to be
finished, the lander just reaches the height of 30 m above the safe less than −2 m∕s until the off signal of the gamma sensor is triggered
landing site. At that time, the terminal horizontal velocity is only a few at the height of 2.88 m [3,4,20]. The PD guidance adopted by the
centimeters per second, and the vertical velocity just meets the constant low-velocity descent is derived from the PID guidance
expected magnitude of 1.5 m∕s. The guidance goal of this phase is utilized in the hazard-avoidance phase. The terminal parameters of
achieved. At the same time, the triaxial control accelerations required precise hazard avoidance are inherited as the initial parameters in the
are within the scope of the thrusters. As mentioned previously, the simulation, and the corresponding results are shown in Fig. 20.
simulated elevation map is utilized because actual flight elevation data It can be observed from Figs. 20a and 20b that the terminal
were unavailable, which leads to about 3 m deviation of the selected horizontal position of constant low-velocity descent can be steered to
safe landing site compared with the actual flight results. The PID the target position in the presence of the initial horizontal velocity of
guidance developed for precise hazard avoidance is also suitable for 2 cm∕s. The lander is finally targeted to the height of 2.862 m, which
hovering and constant low-velocity descent. is only 1.8 cm lower than the predetermined height. The 3-D
trajectory of precise hazard avoidance and constant low-velocity
F. Proportional–Differential Guidance for Constant Low-Velocity descent shown in Fig. 20b is almost identical to the actual flight
Descent Phase trajectory of Chang’e-3 [45]. It can be seen from Fig. 20c that the
To ensure the precision of the terminal attitude and velocity at horizontal velocities of the lander are controlled to the level of
landing, the constant low-velocity descent phase, from 30 to 2.88 m, centimeters per second, and the terminal vertical velocity is
is specially designed to perform final adjusting before landing. The −0.55 m∕s. Triaxial velocity deviations of the lander are less than the
guidance goal is to maintain the horizontal position and stability of expected values. In addition, the corresponding triaxial control






30 35
25 30
Y(m) 20 25
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a) Constant low-velocity descent trajectory b) 3-D trajectory of precise hazard avoidance and constant
low-velocity descent
0.15 0.01

X-axis Acceleration(m/s 2)
X-axis Velocity(m/s)

0.1 0

0.05 -0.01

0 -0.02
-0.05 -0.03
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time(s) Time(s)
x 10
Y-axis Acceleration(m/s 2)

0.04 5
Y-axis Velocity(m/s)

-0.02 -15
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time(s) Time(s)

0 0.5
Z-axis Acceleration(m/s 2)
Z-axis Velocity(m/s)

-3 -1.5
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time(s) Time(s)

c) Triaxial velocity and acceleration of the constant low-velocity descent

Fig. 20 Guidance curves of low-velocity descent phase.

accelerations are close to 0, and the required triaxial accelerations are developed for Chang’e-3. Though both explicit guidance and
also in the scope of Chang’e-3 thruster. Therefore, the slow uniform- polynomial guidance are the classical landing guidance algorithms,
velocity descent can be approximately achieved using the classic PD they are significantly modified to meet the special requirements of
guidance law. Chang’e-3 powered descent and landing mission.
The guidance schemes, guidance goals, time sequence, and In the premission assessment phase, the landing error of Chang’e-3
descent height of the Chang’e-3 powered descent and landing are is believed to come from the following three aspects. First, the
summarized in Table 4. Because quick adjusting, hovering, and position deviation caused by the obstacle avoidance maneuver should
hazard avoidance have never been involved in previous landing be taken into account. Second, the dynamical uncertainty and model
missions, the linear guidance and PID guidance are uniquely simplification will adversely affect the guidance performance and

Table 4 Guidance summary of Chang’e-3 powered descent and landing

Subphases Goals Guidance schemes Time sequence, s Descent height
Primary deceleration Deceleration Adaptive explicit guidance 0 15-3 km
Quick adjusting Seamless transition Linear guidance 487 3-2.4 km
Approaching Coarse hazard detection avoidance Modified polynomial guidance 503 2.4-100 m
Hovering Three-dimensional imaging PID guidance 628 100 m
Hazard avoidance Precise hazard detection avoidance PID guidance 644 100-30 m
Constant low-velocity descent Horizontal-velocity removal and attitude keeping PD guidance 666 30-2 m

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