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Welcome to Day 3

Cost & Quality, Resources, Communications & Stakeholders Martin Whyte Med
GL&D Facilitator
Table Activity
Please reflect on the last two days?
Table Exercise
You have 5 minutes to discuss and work with
you new table partners.

Summarize & share your key learning’s from

the past two days

Which of the PM tools/areas did you find

useful? What typical project behaviours did
you recognize

Is there anything on your mind that you

would like to have covered today?

Select a spokesperson to report out.

PMI Quick Test:
SCORE Q Your Project Questions
?/20 1 Is there a clearly defined written project statement /goal? Project Charter (Approved)

?/20 2 Is there a final, definitive detailed list of jobs where every job has been broken down to the
1-5 day level of detail?

?/10 3 Does the project have somebody who day by day, shepherds all the jobs forward?

?/10 4 Are there people to do all the jobs identified in 2? Do those people have enough time
available to devote to the project?
?/5 5 Is there contingency in the plan?
?/5 6 Has an up-to-date risk analysis been done and are the jobs to reduce those risks part of
the project plan?
?/10 7 How much does the project manager vary their management style with the
circumstances, micro-managing where necessary & hands off in other situations?
?/10 8 Is the project tracked on a regular basis? Never = 0: Daily = 10
?/10 9 Is there weekly meaningful status reporting?

Total Add up your score ?/100

Top 10 Reasons for Project Failure

• The goal of the project isn’t defined properly

• Changes are not controlled
• The project isn’t planned properly
• The project isn’t led properly
• Resources were not planned
• Project has no contingency
• Expectations are not managed
• Progress is not monitored or controlled properly
• Project reporting is inadequate or non-existent
• When project gets into trouble, people believe: work harder, extend the deadline, add more
Which are the same as NUI?
Module 7

Cost Management

Estimating and them managing the cost of resources in a project

Focus for this section:

• Define the four project management processes in the project schedule management
knowledge area

• Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the six processes in project
schedule management

• Solve simple network diagrams problems and perform basic scheduling calculations

• Identify considerations for agile/adaptive environments in project schedule

Project Cost Management
The knowledge area has 4 processes which are Plan Cost Management, Estimate Costs, Determine
Budget and Control Costs

Project cost management
Assessing and controlling project costs.
Provides guidelines on how costs will be managed throughout the

1. Plan Cost Management

2. Estimate Costs
3. Determine Budget
4. Control Costs.

Main Output:
Cost Management Plan
Plan cost management ITTOS

Inputs Outputs
Tools & Techniques

1. Expert 1. Cost Management

1. Project
Judgement Plan
Management Plan
2. Project Charter 2. Analytical
3. EEFs
3. Meetings.
4. OPAs.
Cost management
Estimate Costs ITTOS

Inputs Tools and Techniques Outputs

1. Expert Judgement
1. Cost Management Plan 1. Activity Cost
2. Analogous Estimating Estimates
2. Human Resource
Management Plan 3. Parametric Estimating 2. Basis of Estimates

3. Scope Baseline 3. Project Documents

4. Bottom-Up Estimating
4. Project Schedule 5. Three-Point Estimating

5. Risk Register 6. Reserve Analysis

6. EEFs 7. Cost of Quality

7. OPAs. 8. Project Management Software

9. Vendor Bid Analysis

10. Group Decision-Making

Project Cost Management
The knowledge area has 4 processes which are Plan Cost Management, Estimate Costs, Determine
Budget and Control Costs

Tools & Techniques Estimating (top-down estimating)

Uses historical information from previous similar projects and expert judgement to estimate
durations for the current project.

Uses three estimates for durations:

1. M = most likely
2. P = pessimistic
3. O = optimistic

Triangular Distribution: expected duration = O+M+P/3

Beta Distribution : Expected Duration = O+4(M)+P/6.
Basis of estimates

Aggregating the estimated costs of activities or work packages to establish the

authorized cost baseline

• Basis of the estimate

• Assumptions made
• Known basis of estimates constraints
• Range of estimates
• Confidence level of final estimate.

Main Outputs:
• Cost Baseline
• Project Funding Requirements.
Determine budget ITTOs

Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

1. Cost Management
1. Cost Aggregation 1. Cost Baseline
2. Reserve Analysis 2. Project Funding
2. Scope Baseline
3. Expert Judgement
3. Activity Cost
3. Project Documents
Estimates 4. Historical
4. Basis of Estimates
4. .
5. Funding Limit
5. Project Schedule
6. Resource Calendars
7. Risk Register
8. Agreements
9. OPAs.
Earned value management (Evm)

Planned Value (PV): authorized budget assigned to the work

Earned Value (EV): measure of work performed in terms of the budget authorized for

that work

Actual Cost (AC): the cost of the work performed for a specified period

Budget at Completion (BAC): the sum of all budgets for the work to be performed

(total planned value for the project).

Classroom Question?

At your table, consider the following questions?

Table Exercise
How do you cost your projects?
What inputs are required?
Who needs to be involved?
How do you propose to manage ad control your
project costs?

Select a spokesperson to report out.

Coffee Break 10:30 – 10:45
15 Minutes
Module 8


Knowledge area dedicated to principles, practices and procedures affecting quality

Focus for this section:

Project Quality Management

Understand the three project management processes in the project quality

management knowledge area

Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the three quality
management processes

Understand the reasons for and approaches to adapting quality

management in different project environments

Identify quality tools and approaches for continuous improvement

Project Quality Management
Different organisation work on different maturity levels of quality. TQM. PDCA.

Project Quality Management
Different organisation work on different maturity levels of quality. TQM. PDCA.

Quality Management Processes

1. Plan Quality Management

2. Perform Quality Assurance
3. Control Quality.

Plan quality management ITTOS

Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs

1. Project Management 1. Cost-Benefit Analysis 1. Quality

Plan Management Plan
2. Cost of Quality
2. Stakeholder Register 2. Process
3. Seven Basis Quality
Improvement Plan
3. Risk Register Tools
3. Quality Metrics
4. Requirements 4. Benchmarking
Documentation 4. Quality Checklists
5. Design of Experiments
5. EEFs 5. Project Documents
6. Statistical Sampling
7. Additional Quality
Planning Tools
8. Meetings.
Project control

A change to the original requirements (Baseline)

You have a right (and duty !) to control changes

Always minimize scope creep

The project should be flexible enough to

accommodate necessary changes

Change should be controlled by a formal change

control process

Core team review and make recommendations on a

change request

Project Sponsor accepts/rejects a change request

where the change impacts time and/or budget
Go Live/pre launch

Team reviews all tasks completed

Test your deliverables

Training where applicable

Communicate to stakeholders that project is ready

to go live

Stakeholder signoff
Project Close:

Verify that deliverables meet specifications

Notify all stakeholders of project completion

Finalize documentation and hand-offs

Obtain formal sign-off of acceptance from


Facilitate Post Mortem & document lessons


Disband project team

Post Mortem/Project Review

Get all Project Team and Stakeholder together to


What went well?

What could have been improved?

Lessons learned

Document all results in Close Out report

Publish results and follow up to Project Team

and Stakeholders

Record Key Learning’s (SharePoint)

Table Activity
Please reflect over the past 3 days?
Table Exercise

You have 10 minutes to discuss and work

with you new table partners.

Which of these tools or techniques could be

use within NUI?

What problems do you foresee with their


What suggestions/advice would you offer

NUI to ensure PM success

Be ready to present your findings

Pairs Exercise!
Typical Exam Questions:
Q: Describe the Plan Scope Management process?
Q: What is the Scope Management Plan?
Q: What is the requirements management plan?
Q: Describe the Collect Requirement process.
Q: What is a Focus group?
Q: What are facilitated workshops?
Q: What is a requirements trackability matrix?
Q: Describe the Define Scope process.
Q: What is the work breakdown structure (WBS).
Q: What is a WBS dictionary?
Back in 1 hour
Module 9

Project Resource

Area dedicated to the concepts of developing an effective team

Focus for this section:

Define the six project management processes in the project resource management
knowledge area

Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the six processes in project
resource management

Identify key concepts and trends in project resource management, including tailoring
and special considerations for agile/adaptive environments

Identify techniques for developing a team, managing conflict, and resolving resource-
related problems

Understand the components of a resource management plan and data representation

techniques for managing project resources

Resource Management

Concepts of developing an effective team and dealing with team and other Human Resource
Resource Management
This Knowledge Area is dedicated to the concepts of developing an effective team and dealing with
team and other Human Resource challenges and issues faced in a project environment.
Kinds of Resources
Identifying quality requirements and how we will manage and ensure compliance.
HR Management Plan
HR plan contain, in details, as to how and by when would the project staff be assigned, managed
and eventually released.
Resource Management Plan contains, in details, as to how and by when would the project staff
would be assigned, managed and eventually released

Attributes of a good Project Manager

• Always delivers on time and on plan; applies this expectation to him-

/herself as well as to others
• Develops a clear plan and can organise himself/herself and others
• Shows clear ability to lead others and give direction
• Has the ability to create, build, develop and manage a team
• Can see the answer to problems not just the problem
• Has mastered the skills of delivering clear messages, is easy to
understand and can communicate at all levels.
• Has the ability to work under and deliver to continual deadline
• Has high motivation and energy levels and can motivate others
Create Key Messages
Classroom Question?

At your table, consider the following questions?

1. What are the behaviors you have observed in

outstanding Teams?

Select a spokesperson to report out.

High Performance Teams

• Know why the team is important

• Contribute meaningfully
• Are individually valued
• Feel a part of something bigger than
• Display a high levels of trust
• Total integration/participation of the team
• Look forward to opportunities to collaborate
• Practice courageous accountability
• Communications is vital
• Owner Mindset
How do we build a high performance team?
PM Leadership Principles

Create clarity
Synthesize the complex
Ensure shared understanding
Define a course of action

Generate energy
Inspire optimism, creativity, and growth
Create an environment where everyone does their best work
Build organizations that are stronger tomorrow than today

Deliver success
Drive innovation that people love
Be boundary-less in seeking solutions
Tenaciously pursue the right outcomes
Team Building Activities:
Module 10


Area dedicated to the concepts of communicating within a team

Focus for this section:
Understand the three project management processes in the project communication
management knowledge area

Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the three project
communication management processes

Identify key concepts and approaches in project communication management, including

tailoring and special considerations for agile/adaptive environments

Recognize the dimensions of communication and components of a communications

management plan

Identify communications skills and methods for project communication management

Focus for this section:
Communication is the process of transferring information from one person to another / from one place
to another in such a way that the intended meaning is not lost.
Project Communications Management
This Knowledge Area has 3 processes and they are Plan Communications Management, Manage
Communications, and Monitor Communications.

Importance of Project Communications:

3 types of formal meetings in the project


Stakeholder Committee meetings

Progress / Guidance / Decisions
Weekly Status Report
Gate Review meetings
Specific form of Steering Committee meeting
Status update
Go / No Go to next phase
Project Team meetings
Weekly basis
Weekly Status Report
Project Meetings

Ensure common view of project status

Flag up progress (or lack of) to senior
Raise profile of project
Get help

Weekly Status Report
Weekly Team Meetings
Sponsor 1:1 Meetings
Stakeholder/Steering Committee Meetings
Communication Plan

Elements of a
Communication Plan:
• Message recipients
• Message type
• Key message points
• Delivery mechanism
• Message sender
• Cadence

TIP: Look for areas to increase stakeholder engagement through

better communications
High Performance Team Communications

What is your communication style?

Your Communication Style



Systematic Pace Pace Expedient


What is your communication style?
Project Communications Management
Once "Stakeholder Identification" is done and the stakeholders have been prioritized the
communication planning can be done to understand who needs what kind of information in what
format in what frequency and what would be the mode of information exchange.
Pairs Exercise!
Typical Exam Questions:
Q: Describe the Identify Stakeholder Process
Q: What is the Stakeholder Register?
Q: Describe the Plan Stakeholder Engagement process.
Q: Describe the Monitor Stakeholder Engagement process
Q: What are the PMI Code of Ethics four fundamental values?
Q: What is a communication requirement analysis?
Q: Describe the Plan Communication Management process.
Q: What is the Communications Management plan?
Q: What are the communication methods?.
Q: What is the Power/Interest grid?
Module 11

Project Risk

Managing the risks within your project

Focus for this section:
Understand the seven project management processes in the project risk
management knowledge area

Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in project risk

Identify the key documents in project risk management

Perform simple risk calculations

Recognize when and how to adjust risk based on the project environment

Risk Management
Like everything else in Project Management, a bit of planning is done before anything else.
This one focuses on planning for the stakeholders to be involved in risk management, laying down
of the tolerances and the thresholds, templates, and matrices to be used in risk management,
sources for identifying risks and so on. This has to start as early in the project as possible.

Risk Management Template
Like everything else in Project Management, a bit of planning is done before anything

Managing your Resources

▪ Allocation of resources
▪ Workload balance
▪ Contracting
▪ Equipment availability
▪ Documentation
▪ Skills & Competencies
▪ Training
Module 12


Dedicated to the project outsourcing either in total or in parts

Focus for this section:
Understand the three processes in the project procurement management knowledge

Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the three project
procurement processes

Identify key concepts and tailoring considerations for project procurement

management, including trends and emerging practices

Identify various types of contracts, agreements, and source selection method

Procurement Management
An area dedicated to the project outsourcing either in total or in parts

Procurement Management
There are 3 processes in this Knowledge Area and each of them has certain Procurement work
associated to it which would do you a lot of good to remember them. The following illustration
shows "What Happens in which process".

Procurement Management
There are 3 processes in this Knowledge Area and each of them has certain Procurement work
associated to it which would do you a lot of good to remember them. The following illustration
shows "What Happens in which process".

Module 13

Project Stakeholder

The difference between a successful or unsuccessful project

Focus for this section:

Understand the four project management processes in the project

stakeholder management knowledge area

Identify the Input, tools, techniques and outputs defined in the four
project stakeholder management processes

Recognize key stakeholders roles and needs

Identify the key concepts and benefits of stakeholder management

Stakeholder management
The fact remains that Project Management is more about dealing with people however not everyone is as
important to the project as others and this differentiation makes a big difference in a project managers
overall effort and success.
Stakeholder management
This process is by far the most important process of this Knowledge Area and if done improperly the
results from the down-line processes would not be good either.
Interpersonal And Team Skills
Collection of skills and techniques that help build bridges and relationships with people around you.
Stakeholder Analysis
Human resource Management Processes

Used to determine human resource needs of the project

1.Plan Human Resource Management

2.Acquire project team
3.Develop project team
4.Manage project team.
Human resource Management Influence
Directions Of Influence: This means the direction in which the Project Manager
would have to "Influence" the different groups of stakeholder.
Identify stakeholders ITTOs

Inputs Outputs
Tools & Techniques
1. Project Management 1. Organization 1. Human Resource
Plan charts and Management Plan
2. Activity Resource
2. Networking
3. EEFs
3. Organizational
4. OPAs.
4. Expert Judgement
5. Meetings.
Human resource management plan

Organization charts and position descriptions

Text Oriented.
Improves knowledge access to human resources.
Organizational theory
Provides information regarding the way in which people, teams,
and organizational units behave.
Human resource management plan

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Organization Charts
Staffing Management Plan:
• Staff Acquisition
• Resource Calendars
• Staff Release Plan
• Training Plan
• Recognition & Rewards Plan
• Compliance
• Safety.
Outputs 1: Stakeholder Management Plan
Keeping the stakeholders happy, informed, and involved throughout the project.

Desired and current engagement levels of key stakeholders

Scope and impact of change to stakeholders
Stakeholder communication requirements
Language, format, content and level of detail of information to be distributed
Reasons for information distribution and potential impact
Timeframe and frequency of information distribution
Method for updating and refining the plan.
Inputs 1: Stakeholder Management Plan

Provides guidance on how stakeholders can best be involved in the project.

Provides guidance on managing stakeholder expectations.

Personal Reflection

Think about what we covered over the past 3 days.

1. Identify the top 2 key learnings for you

2. What is the one thing that you will change

going forward?

3. How will you measure if its working for you?


PMBOKE Guide, Sixth Edition

PROJECT INTEGRATION PLAN 7 Project Charter Project Management Plan Manage Project Execution Monitor & Close Project or Phase
Manage Project Knowledge Control Project Work
Perform Integration Change
PROJECT SCOPE PLAN 6 Plan Scope Management Validate Scope
Collect Requirements Control Scope
Define Scope
Create WBS
PROJECT SCHEDULE PLAN 6 Plan Schedule Management Control Sequence
Define Activities
Sequence Activities
Estimate Activities
Develop Schedule
PROJECT COSTS PLAN 4 Plan Cost Management Control Costs
Estimate Costs
Determine Budget
PROJECT QUALITY PLAN 3 Plan Quality Management Manage Quality Control Quality
PROJECT RESOURCE PLAN 6 Plan Resource Management Acquire Resources Control Resources
Estimate Activity resource Develop Team
Manage Team
PROJECT COMMUNICATIONS PLAN 3 Control Resources Manage Communications Monitor Communications

PROJECT RISKS PLAN 7 Plan Risk Management Implement Risk Responses Monitor Risks
Identify Risks
Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
Plan Risk Responses

PROJECT PROCUREMENT PLAN 3 Plan Procurement Management Conduct Procurement Control Procurement

PROJECT STAKEHOLDER PLAN 4 Identify Stakeholders Plan Stakeholder Engagement Manage Stakeholder Monitor Stakeholder
Engagement Engagement
Resources for Exam Success

Thank you & every best wish in your future for the exam and the world of PMP Martin Whyte Med
Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) GL&D Facilitator

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