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Project Management Templates

Project Phase
Project Phase Objective Template Name Brief Description

The Business Case details the financial costs and

Business Case
benefits that will arise from completing the project.
The objective of this
phase is to establish the

reasons as to why the A project charter is a document that formally authorizes


project needs to be a project. It should include:


completed. Approval to • The business need that the project is/was taken to
. In

go ahead with the Project Charter

it i a

project then needs to be • A solution approach or a product/service description


obtained from the


appropriate parties.
The Stakeholder Analysis helps identify project
Stake Holder Analysis stakeholders upfront, what their perceptions are and
how they will be managed throughout the project.
Gate 1
The objective of this A communication plan addresses who receives what
phase is to ; information, how, and when. It establishes the
- plan the activities Communication Plan expectations for what documents and work products
necessary to complete a the stakeholders can expect to receive and when they
project and estimate can expect to receive them.
durations for those tasks
A risk management plan helps to identify potential risks
- plan

that would affect a projects' costs, timeframe or quality.

communication to all

Risks are identified and logged at the start and


parties within a project Risk Plan

frequently throughout the project. This document

identifies actions that can be used to mitigate risk and

plan how to control risks

increase project success.

- have an

approved project plan Using the tasks identified by the WBS, the project plan
that will be used to defines the dates, milestones, activities and
monitor and control the deliverables that will drive the project. It defines who is
Project Schedule
project as it progresses. responsible for doing what, and by when. The project
plan enables the Project Manager to monitor and
control progress and costs as the work proceeds.

Gate 2

A Change Request is any change that impacts a


The objective of this


project's cost, scope, quality, timeframe or resources.


phase is to carry out the Any change of deliverables requires the appropriate

Change Request (where applicable)

tasks of the project approval and submission of this document to the

identified in phase 2, approver. All approved Change Requests lead to an


update changes where update of the Project Charter and Business Case.
ut e

needed, and ready the


project for
A Project status report is created to keep key

Project Status Report stakeholders of the project up-to-date on project

progress on a periodical basis.


Gate 3
Ph epar

The objective of this

as at i

phase is to prepare the

e 4 on

full roll out of the project.

NO Standard Template

The output of the project


is ready for


Gate 4
The objective of this
Ph ose

phase is to launch the Filling in this template is a great way to promote


project bringing it to a continuous improvement across all projects. It gives


close. Documenting Lessons Learned project members a chance to freely discuss the good

lessons learned is key to and bad aspects of a project so that good practices are
r oj

improving project repeated and bad practices are eliminated.


management skills.
Project Management Project Name Project Nbr Last Update

Project Charter

Project Summary

Project Description

Project Start Date Project Leader (+ Tel) Project Sponsor (+ Tel)

Estimated Completion Date Target Customer(s) or Groups

Statement of need for project

Business opportunity/ unmet need description

How the need/opportunity was determined

Anticipated benefits

Consequences of not proceeding with this project


Project Scope - Major Deliverables

NOT in Project Scope

Risks that could affect project outcomes

Stakeholders : Decision/ progress of the project and follow-up

Stakeholders & department/function

Name Role Responsibilities Tel

Project Team: Active participation in the project

Team Members
Name Role Responsibilities Tel Time %

Support Required
Name Role Responsibilities Tel Time %

Other Key Information

Factors critical to project success

Criteria for measuring project success

Key Assumptions

NUI Vision Alignment

Project Management Project Name Project Nbr Last Update

Business Case

Project Description

Note: Examples of Hard Costs, soft costs, etc. can be found at the end.

2019 Budget
Hard Costs (Incremental Expenses) FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
line item #1 €0
line item #2 €0
line item #3 €0
line item #4 €0
line item #5 €0

Total Incremental Hard Cost €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget
Soft Costs (IR Employee Time) FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
line item #1 €0
line item #2 €0
line item #3 €0
line item #4 €0
line item #5 €0

Total Soft Cost €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

Soft Savings (Productivity/Cost 2019 Budget FY 2019

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
line item #1 €0
line item #2 €0
line item #3 €0
line item #4 €0
line item #5 €0
Total Soft Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

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2019 Budget
Hard Savings FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
line item #1 €0
line item #2 €0
line item #3 €0
line item #4 €0
line item #5 €0
Total Hard Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget
Net Hard Savings FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Incremental Hard Costs €0 €0 €0 €0 €0
Total Hard Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0
Total Net Hard Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget
Net Soft Savings FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Incremental Soft Costs €0 €0 €0 €0 €0
Total Soft Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0
Total Net Soft Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget
FY 2019
Total Benefits (Costs) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
€0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget (Hours)

Soft Costs (Hours) FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
line item #1 0
line item #2 0
line item #3 0
Total Soft Cost 0 0 0 0 0

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Examples of Hard Costs/Savings and Soft Costs/Savings

Examples of Hard Costs are:

1.Travel and entertainment costs
2. An external service provider's costs (i.e a consultant or external training provider)
3. External purchases - i.e. software package or hardware

Example of Soft Costs are:

1. NUI employee's time
2. Internal training

Examples of Soft Saving are:

1. Reduction in need for working capital
2. Increased employee satisfaction
3. Increased customer satisfaction
4. Conformation to changes in the law
5. Avoidance of need to increase capacity

Examples of Hard Savings may be:

1. The elimination of contractor services
2. Reduction in unit cost of operations
3. Reduction in unit cost of production
4. Reduction in transaction cost
5. Reduction in overhead cost
6. Reduction in transportation cost
7. Reduction in manpower
8. Increased throughput, resulting in increased sales or revenue

Soft Costs (Hours)

Please fill this section out in terms of forecasted required employee hours and then actual employee hours worked.

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Project Management Project Name Last Update

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholders' Position on the Initiative

-2 +1
Strongly -1 Moderately 0 Moderately +2 Strongly Reasons for Current
Key Stakeholder Against Against Neutral Supportive Supportive Position Actions to be taken
Communication Plan Template*
Creation Date/Date Last
Project Name: Project Leader
Communication Description Expectations Result Distribution Method Frequency of Audience
Item Distribution
Change as appropriate
for the project
Project Management Project Name Project Nbr Date Last Updated

Risk Plan
Project Leader (+ Tel)

What is a Risk Plan and why would you develop one? (Click on this bar for more information)
Please check instructions (see below Risk Plan) before filling in the Risk Plan

Cost of
Risk I.D. Description of Risk & Identify Consequences Likelihood Seriousness Grade Change Triggers** Mitigation Actions Risk Owner Mitigation
Guide to filling in Risk Plan
1 Create an ID for each new risk created i.e. start with (1.1)
2 Describe the Risk and it's consequences at a high level
Use the following chart to provide a rating for the Likelihood and Seriousness of each risk and fill in the appropriate letter in the
'Likelihood' and 'Seriousness' Columns in the Risk Plan.

Rating for Likelihood and Seriousness of each risk

L Rated as Low
M Rated as Medium
H Rated as High
E Rated as Extreme (used for seriousness only)
NA Not Assessed

4 When the ratings of seriousness and likelihood are agreed upon, then use them, in conjunction with the next chart, to get an overall

Low Medium High Extreme

Low E D C A
Medium D C B A
High C B A A

An example of using this matrix is: if the likelihood of a risk occurring is low and the seriousness if it did occur was low then it would get an E rating.
This rating is then placed in the 'Grade' Column in the Risk Plan.
6 Each time the Risk Plan is reviewed you may need to adjust the grade of each risk. This can be done in the 'Change Column'
7 Depending on the risk 'Grade' the following actions are recommended:

Recommended actions for grades of risk

Grade Risk mitigation actions
A* Mitigation actions to reduce the likelihood and seriousness to be identified and implemented as soon as the project commences.
B Mitigation actions to reduce the likelihood and seriousness to be identified and appropriate actions implemented during project execution.
C Mitigation actions to reduce the likelihood and seriousness to be identified and costed for possible action if funds permit.
D To be noted - no action is needed unless grading increases over time.
E To be noted - no action is needed unless grading increases over time.

8 Depending on the action needed, fill out the Mitigation Action that will take place
9 Fill in the person responsible for taking action on the risk and estimated costs associated with mitigating the risk
10 Review according to a set time frame.

* Action plans to deal with any risks in category 'A' must be built into the project schedule.

**Triggers: This is the last point in time at which you can enact your contingency plan before your project schedule will be affected.
Project Schedule Print Date: 11/06/2022; 18:52:08

Project Management Project Name Project Nbr Date Last Updated

Project Schedule

Project Leader (+ Tel) Project Sponsor (+ Tel)

Planned Scheduled Actual

Phase Duration Start Finish Finish Status
Activity Description Responsibility (Days) Date Date Date Note 11/6/2022
1.1 Project Charter
1.1.1 Draw up project charter Example 1
1.1.2 Submit Charter for approval
<1.1.3 Task> Day 1 Workshop 3 27/05/19 19/06/19 SHOULD BE DONE
<1.1.4 Task> Workshop Evaluation 25 25/05/19 30/05/19 SHOULD BE DONE
1.2 Business Case Pre Work 15 01/05/19 13/06/19 SHOULD BE DONE
1.2.1 Complete Business Case Template PPT 21 15/04/19 23/05/19 SHOULD BE DONE
ks 1.2.2 Submit BC for approval Day 2 Workshop 3 14/05/19 19/05/19 19/05/19 DONE
1.2.3 Communicate BC to project team Extras 20 13/05/19 30/05/19 SHOULD BE DONE
<1.2.4 Task> Day 3 Workshop 3 15/05/19 19/06/19 SHOULD BE DONE
<1.2.5 Task> Exercises 10 18/04/19 07/05/19 07/05/19 DONE
1.3 Stakeholder Analysis Workshop 3 3 28/05/209 30/05/19 NOT START
1.3.1 Complete Stakeholder Analysis Template Day 2 example 1 14/05/19 16/05/19 SHOULD BE DONE
<1.3.2 Task>
<1.3.3 Task>

Gate 1
Completed Project Charter
Completed Business Case
Completed Stakeholder Analysis
Phase 2 milestones and deliverables identified
Steering Committee approval to move to next phase
- Preparation
<Deliverable 4>

Elle 15 14/05/19 16/05/19 SHOULD BE DONE

10 15/05/19 SHOULD BE DONE

2.1 Completed Scope Document Elle 15 14/05/19 16/05/19 SHOULD BE DONE
<2.1.1 Task>
<2.1.2 Task> Elle 15 14/05/19 16/05/19 SHOULD BE DONE
2.2 Communication Plan
<1.2.1 Task>
2.3 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

2.4 Risk Management Plan

Gate 2
Completed Scope Document
Completed Communication Plan
Completed Work Breakdown Structure
Completed Risk Management Plan
Phase 3 milestones and deliverables identified
Steering Committee approval to move to next phase
- Execution & Control

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Project Schedule Print Date: 11/06/2022; 18:52:08

Project Management Project Name Project Nbr Date Last Updated

Project Schedule

Project Leader (+ Tel) Project Sponsor (+ Tel)

Planned Scheduled Actual

Phase Duration Start Finish Finish Status
Activity Description Responsibility (Days) Date Date Date Note 11/6/2022
This section is where activities and tasks identified
through the Work Breakdown Structure should be
input to create a project plan that will help control
project progress in the Execution and Control
<3.1 Activity>
<3.1.1 Task>
<3.1.2 Task>
<3.1.3 Task>
<3.1.4 Task>
<3.2 Activity>
<3.2.1 Task>
<3.2.2 Task>
<3.2.3 Task>

<3.3 Activity>
<3.3.1 Task>
<3.3.2 Task>
<3.3.3 Task>

<3.4 Activity>
<3.4.1 Task>
<3.4.2 Task>

<3.5 Activity>
<3.5.1 Task>

<3.6 Activity>

<3.7 Activity>

Gate 3
Project Plan successfully executed and ready for
Phase 4 milestones and deliverables identified
Steering Committee approval to move to next phase
- Launch Preparation

12 of 17 624247836.xls
Project Schedule Print Date: 11/06/2022; 18:52:08

Project Management Project Name Project Nbr Date Last Updated

Project Schedule

Project Leader (+ Tel) Project Sponsor (+ Tel)

Planned Scheduled Actual

Phase Duration Start Finish Finish Status
Activity Description Responsibility (Days) Date Date Date Note 11/6/2022
<4.1 Activity>
<4.1.1 Task>
<4.1.2 Task>
<4.1.3 Task>
<4.1.4 Task>
<4.2 Activity>
<4.2.1 Task>

Gate 4
Project launch activities successfully completed

Phase 5 milestones and deliverables identified

Steering Committee approval to move to next phase
- Project Close

5.1 Project Close activities
<5.1.1 Task>
<5.1.2 Task>
<5.1.3 Task>
<5.1.4 Task>
5.2 Lessons Learned
<5.2.1 Task>

13 of 17 624247836.xls
Project Management Project Name Project Nbr Date CR is Created

Change Request

Change Requested by: Change Request to be approved by:

Change Information

Description of Change

Reason For Change

Effect on Deliverables (please include a list of any affected deliverables), including any Expected Business Results or Expected Customer Benefits

Effect on Schedule (including Estimated Completion Date for this change)

Effect on Project Cost

Hours $/€ (please specify)
Item Description
Reduction Increase Reduction Increase
Total Net Change

Effect of NOT approving this change

Please indicate status Approver's Signature

Rejected Date Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Reason(s) for Rejection of Change Request (if applicable)

Project Management Project Name Project Nbr Report Completion Date

Project Status Report

Project Information

Project Reporting Period Project Leader (+ Tel) Project Sponsor (+ Tel)

Date From:
Date To:

Project Status
Reason(s) For Chosen Status

Project Milestones
Milestones Planned End Actual End High Level Deliverables

Risks and Issues

Outstanding from Last Period Closed this Period New this Period Current Outstanding
Quantity of Risks/Issues

Summary of Outstanding issues/risks

Issue/Risk Detail Counter Action to be taken

Major tasks and activities planned for the next period Owner

Other concerns / comments

1 2

B ud get Spe nt & Commi tmen t

1 2


B ud get Spe nt & Commi tmen t

Budget Actual Results

Hard Costs (Incremental 2019 Budget 2019 Actuals

FY 2019 FY 2019
Expenses) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
line item #1 €0 €0
line item #2 €0 €0
line item #3 €0 €0
line item #4 €0 €0
line item #5 €0 €0

Total Incremental Hard Cost €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget 2019 Actuals

Soft Costs (NUI Employee Time) FY 2019 FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
line item #1 €0 €0
line item #2 €0 €0
line item #3 €0 €0
line item #4 €0 €0
line item #5 €0 €0

Total Soft Cost €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

Soft Savings (Productivity/Cost 2019 Budget 2019 Actuals

FY 2019 FY 2019
Avoidance) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
line item #1 €0 €0
line item #2 €0 €0
line item #3 €0 €0
line item #4 €0 €0
line item #5 €0 €0
€0 €0

Total Soft Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget 2019 Actuals

Hard Savings FY 2019 FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
line item #1 €0 €0
line item #2 €0 €0
line item #3 €0 €0
line item #4 €0 €0
line item #5 €0 €0
€0 €0

Total Hard Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget 2019 Actuals

Net Hard Savings FY 2019 FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Incremental Hard Costs €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0
Total Hard Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0
Total Net Hard Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget 2019 Actuals

Net Soft Savings FY 2007 FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Incremental Soft Costs €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0
Total Soft Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0
Total Net Soft Savings €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget 2019 Actuals

FY 2019 FY 2019
Total Benefits (Costs) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
€0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

2019 Budget (Hours) 2019 Actuals (Hours)

Soft Costs (Hours) FY 2019 FY 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
line item #1 0 0
line item #2 0 0
line item #3 0 0
Total Soft Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Project Management Project Name Project Nbr
Lessons Learned Log

Lessons Learned Log

What lessons should we apply to future projects?
What Worked Well For This Project?
# Process Phase Lesson Learned

What Should Be Done Differently in next projects?

# Process Phase Lesson Learned

How can we ensure the same good practices are continued and the bad ones are eliminated?
# Process Phase Lesson Learned

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