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Guía de continuidad educativa


Estudiantes año de bachillerato

Semana 9
1 Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje año de bachillerato

Unidad 3. Customs around the World Week 9

Content Customs/traditions, landmarks, cultural advice
3.6 Uses appropriate expressions and structures to give advice and express prohibition and
Achievement 3.11 Writes information about country’s historical events in chronological order.
indicators 3.12 Writes brochures and flyers containing general and specific information on a country’s
tourist attractions, festivity and local/regional foods.

• Completa las oraciones de la actividad 1.3 Practice utilizando correctamente had better
or had better not.
• Utiliza correctamente must y must not (mustn’t) en los casos planteados en la actividad

Orientación sobre el uso de la guía

Esta guía te dará las orientaciones para que construyas tu aprendizaje de manera autónoma. Resuelve paso a
paso lo solicitado y recuerda que no es necesario imprimir el documento, únicamente debes leer las orienta-
ciones y trabajar en tu cuaderno de clases.

1. Activities | Actividades
1.1 Activation
Observa las siguientes imágenes de lugares famosos alrededor del mundo. Usando el banco de palabras
que se te proporciona, identifica el nombre correcto para cada uno de los lugares y escríbelo en el espacio

The Statue of Liberty,

The Great Wall, China The Tower of Pisa, Italy The Eiffel Tower, France
The Pyramids of Giza, Saint Basil's Cathedral,
Big Ben, England Mount Fuji, Japan
Egypt Russia

The Eifel tower,

The tower of Pisa,

The Statue of Liberty The Pyramids of Giza,

USA. Egypt.
2 Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje año de bachillerato

Saint Basil´s cathedral, The great wall,

Russia. China

Mount Fuji, Japa. Big Ben, England.

1.2 Presentation
A continuación, estudiarás conceptos básicos acerca de la estructura gramatical en el uso de had better y
(subject + HAD BETTER + verb + complement)

Had better is similar to should, but it’s used for more urgent advice with negative consequences if you
don’t follow it.

Example: You had better quit smoking or you’ll die.

Had better is always followed by a verb in the infinitive without ‹to›:

Example: You had better BE on time. (You must or should be on time.)

Had better is ALWAYS formed from the auxiliary verb ‘have’ in the past simple.

(‘has better’ or ‘will have better’ do not exist!)

The short form of HAD BETTER is: (Subject + ‘D BETTER)

(subject + HAD BETTER NOT + verb + complement)
Example: He’d better not come. 
Meaning: It would be a bad idea for him to come.
More examples on using HAD BETTER:
I had (or I’d) better sleep now. 
Meaning: It would be a good idea for me to sleep now.
You’d better discuss this issue with Bruno. 
Meaning: You should discuss this issue with Bruno.
We’d better leave before the police come. 
Meaning: Let’s leave before the police come.
3 Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje año de bachillerato

(For prohibitions or obligations)
(subject + MUST + verb + complement)

Affirmative (+) form

Must comes first in the verb phrase (after the subject and before another verb):
She must pay for the taxes.
Students must study for the exam.
Must can’t be used with another modal verb.
We must be quiet in the library.
Not: We have to must be quiet in the library. / We must have to be quiet in the library.

Negative (−) form

(subject + MUST NOT + verb + complement)

The negative form of must is mustn’t. We don’t use don’t/doesn’t/didn’t with must:

Ramon mustn’t drink alcohol before driving.
Karla mustn’t tell lies to her parents.
We can use the full form must not in formal contexts or when we want to emphasize something:
You must not leave any garbage.

1.3 Practice
Completa el siguiente ejercicio, que te permitirá comprender mejor el uso de la estructura presentada en el
apartado anterior.

Instruction: Fill in the blanks using had better or had better not depending on the context in the sentence.
People had better not throw garbage in the rivers. It is against the law.
had better
You _______________ stop smoking. It is bad for your health.
had better not work so hard. He could get sick.
Tell your brother, he _______________
had better
You _____________ sleep 8 hours at least. Otherwise, you’ll get exhausted!
had better not eat between meals if you do not want to gain weight.
You ______________
had better brush your teeth after every meal if you do not want to have any cavity in your teeth.
You _________
4 Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje año de bachillerato

1.4 Production
A continuación, se te presenta una serie de imágenes que representan acciones factibles de hacer y otras no

Instruction: Look at the pictures and write sentences using: You must… or You must not… as studied in this

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


1. You must eat healthy food.

You must not smoke anymore.
You must not take pictures.
You must be quiet here.
You must do exercise.
You must recycle the trash.
You must not eat fast food.
You must keep clean the planet.
5 Inglés Guía de autoaprendizaje año de bachillerato

2. Links | Enlaces
Te compartimos los siguientes enlaces donde podrás indagar más información (opcional) respecto al uso de
had better y must.


3. Evaluation | Evaluación
Completa las oraciones de la actividad 1.3 Practice utilizando correctamente had better or had better not.
(50 %)
Utiliza correctamente must y must not (mustn’t) en los casos planteados en la actividad 1.4. (50 %)

4. Self-assessment | Autoevaluación
Cuando nos autoevaluamos, conocemos nuestras fortalezas y nuestras áreas de mejora. A continuación,
harás un ejercicio de reflexión sobre tu desempeño en las actividades de esta guía de autoaprendizaje.

Completa la siguiente tabla de acuerdo con tus avances.

Necesito Aún no lo
Criterio Lo hago
trabajar más hago
Identifico lugares emblemáticos de países alrededor del
mundo e investigo más sobre ellos.
Completo la actividad 1.3 Practice utilizando correctamente
had better or had better not.
Utilizo correctamente must y mustn’t (must not) en los
casos planteados en la actividad 1.4.

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