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android - Linux 4.14.

180-perf+ arm

[Info] Can't find config.json, creating one now!

[Info] Can't find authCredentials.json, creating one now!
[Info] Server is running @ localhost:1730
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Settings updated
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Update Available
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Update Available
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Connection language set to: en
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Update Available
[Info] Not logged in
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Connection language set to: en
[Info] Not logged in
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] Added to Queue 112148462
[Info] Added to Queue 10917764
[Info] Added to Queue 316470287
[Info] Added to Queue 298574132
[Info] Added to Queue 292725172
[Info] Added to Queue 292725192
[Info] Added to Queue 292725562
[Info] Added to Queue 183844702
[Info] Added to Queue 58260232
[Info] Added to Queue 212854402
[Info] Added to Queue 212852742
[Info] Added to Queue 337707697
[Info] Added to Queue 331715317
[Info] Added to Queue 303651027
[Info] Added to Queue 160775692
[Info] Added to Queue 46410402
[Info] Added to Queue 44963621
[Info] Added to Queue 326916147
[Info] Added to Queue 292724852
[Info] Added to Queue 292725132
[Info] Added to Queue 268788392
[Info] Added to Queue 173050602
[Info] Added to Queue 171292662
[Info] Added to Queue 112148462
[Info] Added to Queue 255797162
[Info] Added to Queue 90277542
[Info] Added to Queue 85655072
[Info] Added to Queue 81007252
[Info] Added to Queue 74773662
[Info] Added to Queue 73426292
[Info] Added to Queue 72421062
[Info] Added to Queue 71329032
[Info] Added to Queue 68049402
[Info] Added to Queue 63733952
[Info] Registered track: 760518212:3 | shrimp - this body means nothing to me
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Getting total disc number
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Connection language set to: en
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Update Available
[Info] Not logged in
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - this body means nothing to me.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Cover downloaded!
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Registered album: 292725172:3 | shrimp - chromatography
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - far
[Info] [shrimp - far] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Persian Gulf
[Info] [shrimp - Persian Gulf] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Floating
[Info] [shrimp - Floating] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - far] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
chromatography/01 - far.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Persian Gulf] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - chromatography/02 - Persian Gulf.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Floating] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - chromatography/03 - Floating.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Persian Gulf] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - far] Cover downloaded!
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] [shrimp - far] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - far] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - donut
[Info] [shrimp - donut] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Floating] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Persian Gulf] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Persian Gulf] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - unstable
[Info] [shrimp - unstable] Getting BPM
[Info] Connection language set to: en
[Info] [shrimp - Floating] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Floating] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - zero
[Info] [shrimp - zero] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - donut] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
chromatography/04 - donut.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - donut] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - unstable] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - chromatography/05 - unstable.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - unstable] Cover already downloaded
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Update Available
[Info] [shrimp - zero] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
chromatography/06 - zero.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - zero] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - unstable] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - unstable] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - de de
[Info] [shrimp - de de] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - donut] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - donut] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - line
[Info] [shrimp - line] Getting BPM
[Info] Not logged in
[Info] [shrimp - zero] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - zero] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - hidden fact
[Info] [shrimp - hidden fact] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - de de] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
chromatography/07 - de de.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - de de] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - line] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
chromatography/08 - line.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - line] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - hidden fact] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - chromatography/09 - hidden fact.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - hidden fact] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - line] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - de de] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - line] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - unsustainable
[Info] [shrimp - unsustainable] Getting BPM
[Error] [shrimp - de de] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - revealed fact
[Info] [shrimp - revealed fact] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - hidden fact] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - hidden fact] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - boring
[Info] [shrimp - boring] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - revealed fact] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - chromatography/11 - revealed fact.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - revealed fact] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - unsustainable] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - chromatography/10 - unsustainable.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - unsustainable] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - unsustainable] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - unsustainable] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - smoke
[Info] [shrimp - smoke] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - boring] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- chromatography/12 - boring.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - boring] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - smoke] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
chromatography/13 - smoke.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - smoke] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - boring] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - boring] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - end and continue
[Info] [shrimp - end and continue] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - smoke] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - smoke] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - end and continue] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - chromatography/14 - end and continue.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - end and continue] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - revealed fact] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - revealed fact] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] [shrimp - end and continue] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - end and continue] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: chromatography
[Info] Registered album: 58260232:3 | shrimp - Attack Anxiety
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - No Air, Nowhere
[Info] [shrimp - No Air, Nowhere] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Maybe
[Info] [shrimp - Maybe] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Wantchu
[Info] [shrimp - Wantchu] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Maybe] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Attack Anxiety/02 - Maybe.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - No Air, Nowhere] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Attack Anxiety/01 - No Air, Nowhere.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Wantchu] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Attack Anxiety/03 - Wantchu.mp3
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] [shrimp - Maybe] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Maybe] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Maybe] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - I'll Be Fine
[Info] [shrimp - I'll Be Fine] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - No Air, Nowhere] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Wantchu] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - I'll Be Fine] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Attack Anxiety/04 - I'll Be Fine.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - I'll Be Fine] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - No Air, Nowhere] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - No Air, Nowhere] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Far Away
[Info] [shrimp - Far Away] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Wantchu] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Wantchu] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Attack Anxiety
[Info] [shrimp - Attack Anxiety] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - I'll Be Fine] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - I'll Be Fine] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - World Watching
[Info] [shrimp - World Watching] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Far Away] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Attack Anxiety/05 - Far Away.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Far Away] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - World Watching] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Attack Anxiety/07 - World Watching.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - World Watching] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Far Away] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Far Away] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Smile
[Info] [shrimp - Smile] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Attack Anxiety] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Attack Anxiety/06 - Attack Anxiety.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Attack Anxiety] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - World Watching] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - World Watching] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - U Suck
[Info] [shrimp - U Suck] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Attack Anxiety] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Smile] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Attack Anxiety/08 - Smile.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Smile] Cover already downloaded
[Error] [shrimp - Attack Anxiety] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Better Than Nothing
[Info] [shrimp - Better Than Nothing] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - U Suck] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Attack Anxiety/09 - U Suck.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - U Suck] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Smile] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Smile] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Extraterrestrial Pack
[Info] [shrimp - Extraterrestrial Pack] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Better Than Nothing] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Attack Anxiety/10 - Better Than Nothing.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Better Than Nothing] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - U Suck] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - U Suck] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Otherside
[Info] [shrimp - Otherside] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Extraterrestrial Pack] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - Attack Anxiety/11 - Extraterrestrial
[Info] [shrimp - Extraterrestrial Pack] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Better Than Nothing] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Better Than Nothing] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Otherside] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Attack Anxiety/12 - Otherside.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Otherside] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Extraterrestrial Pack] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Extraterrestrial Pack] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Otherside] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Otherside] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Album finished downloading: Attack Anxiety
[Info] Registered album: 212854402:3 | shrimp - Oxa
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Oxa
[Info] [shrimp - Oxa] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Brando
[Info] [shrimp - Brando] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Zyklop
[Info] [shrimp - Zyklop] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Brando] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Oxa/02 - Brando.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Zyklop] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Oxa/03 - Zyklop.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Oxa] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Oxa/01 - Oxa.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Brando] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Brando] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Brando] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Nur
[Info] [shrimp - Nur] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Oxa] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Zyklop] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Nur] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Oxa/04 - Nur.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Nur] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Oxa] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Zyklop] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Oxa] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Rest
[Info] [shrimp - Rest] Getting BPM
[Error] [shrimp - Zyklop] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Manfred
[Info] [shrimp - Manfred] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Nur] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Nur] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Illy
[Info] [shrimp - Illy] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Manfred] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Oxa/06 - Manfred.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Manfred] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Rest] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Oxa/05 - Rest.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Rest] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Illy] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Oxa/07 - Illy.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Illy] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Manfred] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Manfred] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Sumo
[Info] [shrimp - Sumo] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Illy] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Illy] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Smells Like Fun
[Info] [shrimp - Smells Like Fun] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Rest] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Rest] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Then She Laughed
[Info] [shrimp - Then She Laughed] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Sumo] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Oxa/08 - Sumo.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Sumo] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Smells Like Fun] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Oxa/09 - Smells Like Fun.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Smells Like Fun] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Then She Laughed] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Oxa/10 - Then She Laughed.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Then She Laughed] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Sumo] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Sumo] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Smells Like Fun] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Then She Laughed] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Smells Like Fun] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Error] [shrimp - Then She Laughed] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: Oxa
[Info] Registered album: 212852742:3 | shrimp - Cocktail
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Bazillus
[Info] [shrimp - Bazillus] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Dump
[Info] [shrimp - Dump] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - F.K.
[Info] [shrimp - F.K.] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Dump] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Cocktail/02 - Dump.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Bazillus] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Cocktail/01 - Bazillus.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - F.K.] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Cocktail/03 - F.K.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Dump] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Dump] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Dump] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Dingleberries
[Info] [shrimp - Dingleberries] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - F.K.] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Bazillus] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Dingleberries] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Cocktail/04 - Dingleberries.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Dingleberries] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - F.K.] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - F.K.] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Notorious
[Info] [shrimp - Notorious] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Bazillus] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Bazillus] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Thea & Olga
[Info] [shrimp - Thea & Olga] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Dingleberries] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Dingleberries] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Octavia
[Info] [shrimp - Octavia] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Notorious] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Cocktail/05 - Notorious.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Notorious] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Thea & Olga] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Cocktail/06 - Thea & Olga.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Thea & Olga] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Notorious] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Notorious] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Pornofossi
[Info] [shrimp - Pornofossi] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Octavia] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Cocktail/07 - Octavia.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Octavia] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Thea & Olga] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Thea & Olga] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Mungo
[Info] [shrimp - Mungo] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Pornofossi] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Cocktail/08 - Pornofossi.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Pornofossi] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Octavia] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Mungo] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Cocktail/09 - Mungo.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Mungo] Cover already downloaded
[Error] [shrimp - Octavia] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Hektor
[Info] [shrimp - Hektor] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Pornofossi] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Pornofossi] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Beavis
[Info] [shrimp - Beavis] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Mungo] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Mungo] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Fartface
[Info] [shrimp - Fartface] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Hektor] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Cocktail/10 - Hektor.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Hektor] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Beavis] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Cocktail/11 - Beavis.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Beavis] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Hektor] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Fartface] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Cocktail/12 - Fartface.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Fartface] Cover already downloaded
[Error] [shrimp - Hektor] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Beavis] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Beavis] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Fartface] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Fartface] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: Cocktail
[Info] Registered album: 337707697:3 | shrimp - rejected and accepted
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Babylon
[Info] [shrimp - Babylon] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - unclear sight
[Info] [shrimp - unclear sight] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - intercept
[Info] [shrimp - intercept] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Babylon] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- rejected and accepted/01 - Babylon.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - unclear sight] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - rejected and accepted/02 - unclear sight.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - intercept] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - rejected and accepted/03 - intercept.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Babylon] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - unclear sight] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - unclear sight] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - unclear sight] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Babylon (accepted ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - Babylon (accepted ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Babylon] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Babylon] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - unclear sight (accepted ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - unclear sight (accepted ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - intercept] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - intercept] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - intercept] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - intercept (accepted ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - intercept (accepted ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Babylon (accepted ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - rejected and accepted/04 - Babylon
(accepted ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Babylon (accepted ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - unclear sight (accepted ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - rejected and accepted/05 - unclear sight
(accepted ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - unclear sight (accepted ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - unclear sight (accepted ver.)] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Babylon (accepted ver.)] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - intercept (accepted ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - rejected and accepted/06 - intercept
(accepted ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - intercept (accepted ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Error] [shrimp - unclear sight (accepted ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Error] [shrimp - Babylon (accepted ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication needed to
get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - intercept (accepted ver.)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - intercept (accepted ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication needed to
get download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: rejected and accepted
[Info] Registered album: 46410402:3 | shrimp - The Shrimp Tape
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Ready to Go
[Info] [shrimp - Ready to Go] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Dancing in the Rain
[Info] [shrimp - Dancing in the Rain] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Tanlines
[Info] [shrimp - Tanlines] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Ready to Go] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - The Shrimp Tape/01 - Ready to Go.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Dancing in the Rain] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - The Shrimp Tape/02 - Dancing in the Rain.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Tanlines] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - The Shrimp Tape/03 - Tanlines.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Dancing in the Rain] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Tanlines] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Ready to Go] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Tanlines] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Tanlines] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Back Door
[Info] [shrimp - Back Door] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Ready to Go] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Ready to Go] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - I Tried
[Info] [shrimp - I Tried] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Dancing in the Rain] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Dancing in the Rain] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Back Door] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - The Shrimp Tape/04 - Back Door.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Back Door] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - I Tried] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- The Shrimp Tape/05 - I Tried.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - I Tried] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - I Tried] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - I Tried] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Back Door] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Back Door] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Album finished downloading: The Shrimp Tape
[Info] Registered album: 292725562:3 | shrimp - No. 1
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Mercury
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Venus
[Info] [shrimp - Venus] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Earth
[Info] [shrimp - Earth] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Earth] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
No. 1/03 - Earth.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Venus] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
No. 1/02 - Venus.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- No. 1/01 - Mercury.mp3
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] [shrimp - Earth] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Venus] Cover downloaded!
[Info] Connection language set to: en
[Info] [shrimp - Earth] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Earth] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Mars
[Info] [shrimp - Mars] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Venus] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Venus] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Ceres
[Info] [shrimp - Ceres] Getting BPM
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Update Available
[Info] Not logged in
[Info] [shrimp - Ceres] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
No. 1/05 - Ceres.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Ceres] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Mars] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
No. 1/04 - Mars.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Mars] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Mars] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Mars] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Jupiter
[Info] [shrimp - Jupiter] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Ceres] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Mercury] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Saturn
[Info] [shrimp - Saturn] Getting BPM
[Error] [shrimp - Ceres] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Uranus
[Info] [shrimp - Uranus] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Jupiter] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- No. 1/06 - Jupiter.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Jupiter] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Saturn] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- No. 1/07 - Saturn.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Saturn] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Uranus] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- No. 1/08 - Uranus.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Uranus] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Uranus] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Saturn] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Uranus] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Neptune
[Info] [shrimp - Neptune] Getting BPM
[Error] [shrimp - Saturn] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Pluto
[Info] [shrimp - Pluto] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Jupiter] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Jupiter] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Haumea
[Info] [shrimp - Haumea] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Neptune] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- No. 1/09 - Neptune.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Neptune] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Pluto] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
No. 1/10 - Pluto.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Pluto] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Haumea] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- No. 1/11 - Haumea.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Haumea] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Neptune] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Neptune] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Makemake
[Info] [shrimp - Makemake] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Pluto] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Haumea] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Pluto] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Error] [shrimp - Haumea] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Makemake] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - No. 1/12 - Makemake.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Makemake] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Makemake] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Makemake] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: No. 1
[Info] Registered album: 298574132:3 | shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Mercury (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Venus (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Venus (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Earth (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Earth (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/01 -
Mercury (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Earth (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/03 -
Earth (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Venus (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/02 -
Venus (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury (communication mix version)] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Venus (communication mix version)] Cover downloaded!
[Info] Checking for country
[Info] [shrimp - Earth (communication mix version)] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Venus (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Venus (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Mars (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Mars (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Earth (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Earth (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Ceres (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Ceres (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Mars (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/04 - Mars
(communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Mars (communication mix version)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Ceres (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/05 -
Ceres (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Ceres (communication mix version)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Mars (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Mars (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Jupiter (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Jupiter (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Ceres (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Ceres (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Saturn (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Saturn (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Jupiter (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/06 -
Jupiter (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Jupiter (communication mix version)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Saturn (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/07 -
Saturn (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Saturn (communication mix version)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Jupiter (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Jupiter (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Uranus (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Uranus (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Saturn (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Saturn (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Neptune (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Neptune (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Uranus (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/08 -
Uranus (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Uranus (communication mix version)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Neptune (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/09 -
Neptune (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Neptune (communication mix version)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Neptune (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Neptune (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Pluto (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Pluto (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Uranus (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Uranus (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Haumea (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Haumea (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Pluto (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/10 -
Pluto (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Pluto (communication mix version)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Haumea (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/11 -
Haumea (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Haumea (communication mix version)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Haumea (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Haumea (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Makemake (communication mix version)
[Info] [shrimp - Makemake (communication mix version)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Pluto (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Pluto (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Makemake (communication mix version)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - No. 1 (communication mix version)/12 -
Makemake (communication mix version).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Makemake (communication mix version)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Makemake (communication mix version)] Starting the download
[Error] [shrimp - Makemake (communication mix version)] Error: Error:
Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury (communication mix version)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Mercury (communication mix version)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: No. 1 (communication mix version)
[Info] Registered track: 1070682332:3 | shrimp - fear of failure / scared of
[Info] [shrimp - fear of failure / scared of success] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - fear of failure / scared of success] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - fear of failure / scared of success] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - fear of failure / scared of success] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - fear of failure _ scared of success.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - fear of failure / scared of success] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - fear of failure / scared of success] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - fear of failure / scared of success] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Registered album: 292725192:3 | shrimp - Past and Future
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Past and Future
[Info] [shrimp - Past and Future] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Past
[Info] [shrimp - Past] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - 16xx
[Info] [shrimp - 16xx] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - 16xx] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Past and Future/03 - 16xx.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Past] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Past and Future/02 - Past.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Past and Future] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Past and Future/01 - Past and Future.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - 16xx] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - 16xx] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - 16xx] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - 17xx
[Info] [shrimp - 17xx] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Past and Future] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Past] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - 17xx] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Past and Future/04 - 17xx.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - 17xx] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Past] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Past and Future] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Past] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - 18xx
[Info] [shrimp - 18xx] Getting BPM
[Error] [shrimp - Past and Future] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - 19xx
[Info] [shrimp - 19xx] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - 17xx] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - 19xx] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Past and Future/06 - 19xx.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - 19xx] Cover already downloaded
[Error] [shrimp - 17xx] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - 20xx
[Info] [shrimp - 20xx] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - 18xx] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Past and Future/05 - 18xx.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - 18xx] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - 19xx] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - 19xx] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Future 1
[Info] [shrimp - Future 1] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - 20xx] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Past and Future/07 - 20xx.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - 20xx] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - 18xx] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - 18xx] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Future A
[Info] [shrimp - Future A] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Future 1] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Past and Future/08 - Future 1.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Future 1] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - 20xx] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Future A] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Past and Future/09 - Future A.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Future A] Cover already downloaded
[Error] [shrimp - 20xx] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Future A] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Future A] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Future 1] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Future 1] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: Past and Future
[Info] Registered album: 44963621:3 | shrimp - Shrimp's Greatest Hits
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Fym
[Info] [shrimp - Fym] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Smd
[Info] [shrimp - Smd] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - It'll Happen
[Info] [shrimp - It'll Happen] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - It'll Happen] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Shrimp's Greatest Hits/03 - It'll Happen.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Smd] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Shrimp's Greatest Hits/02 - Smd.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Fym] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Shrimp's Greatest Hits/01 - Fym.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - It'll Happen] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Smd] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Fym] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Smd] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Smd] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Without You
[Info] [shrimp - Without You] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Fym] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - It'll Happen] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Fym] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Asleep
[Info] [shrimp - Asleep] Getting BPM
[Error] [shrimp - It'll Happen] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] [shrimp - Asleep] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Shrimp's Greatest Hits/05 - Asleep.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Asleep] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Without You] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Shrimp's Greatest Hits/04 - Without You.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Without You] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Without You] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Without You] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] [shrimp - Asleep] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Asleep] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: Shrimp's Greatest Hits
[Info] Registered track: 1643618762:3 | shrimp - Beautiful Morning
[Info] [shrimp - Beautiful Morning] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - Beautiful Morning] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - Beautiful Morning] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Beautiful Morning] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Beautiful Morning.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Beautiful Morning] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Beautiful Morning] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Beautiful Morning] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Registered track: 1643619422:3 | shrimp - Blue Aquarium
[Info] [shrimp - Blue Aquarium] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - Blue Aquarium] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - Blue Aquarium] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Blue Aquarium] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Blue Aquarium.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Blue Aquarium] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Blue Aquarium] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Blue Aquarium] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Registered album: 316470287:3 | shrimp - chromatography (communication mix
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - far (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - far (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Persian Gulf (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - Persian Gulf (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Floating (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - Floating (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Persian Gulf (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/02
- Persian Gulf (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Floating (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/03
- Floating (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Persian Gulf (communication mix ver.)] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Persian Gulf (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download
[Error] [shrimp - Persian Gulf (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error:
Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - donut (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - donut (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Floating (communication mix ver.)] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - donut (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/04
- donut (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - donut (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Floating (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Floating (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - unstable (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - unstable (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - donut (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - donut (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - zero (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - zero (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - unstable (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/05
- unstable (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - unstable (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - zero (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/06
- zero (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - zero (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - unstable (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - unstable (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - de de (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - de de (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - de de (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/07
- de de (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - de de (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - de de (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - de de (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - line (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - line (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - line (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/08
- line (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - line (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - line (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - line (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - hidden fact (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - hidden fact (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - hidden fact (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/09
- hidden fact (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - hidden fact (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - hidden fact (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download
[Error] [shrimp - hidden fact (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error:
Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - unsustainable (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - unsustainable (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - zero (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - zero (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - revealed fact (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - revealed fact (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - unsustainable (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/10
- unsustainable (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - unsustainable (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - revealed fact (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/11
- revealed fact (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - revealed fact (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - unsustainable (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download
[Error] [shrimp - unsustainable (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error:
Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - boring (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - boring (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - revealed fact (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download
[Error] [shrimp - revealed fact (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error:
Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - smoke (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - smoke (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - boring (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/12
- boring (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - boring (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - boring (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - boring (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - end and continue (communication mix ver.)
[Info] [shrimp - end and continue (communication mix ver.)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - smoke (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/13
- smoke (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - smoke (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - end and continue (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/14
- end and continue (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - end and continue (communication mix ver.)] Cover already
[Info] [shrimp - smoke (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - smoke (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - far (communication mix ver.)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - chromatography (communication mix ver.)/01
- far (communication mix ver.).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - far (communication mix ver.)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - end and continue (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download
[Error] [shrimp - end and continue (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error:
Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - far (communication mix ver.)] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - far (communication mix ver.)] Error: Error: Authentication needed
to get download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: chromatography (communication mix ver.)
[Info] Registered track: 1079316212:3 | Bahama John - Nite Lite
[Info] [Bahama John - Nite Lite] Getting album info
[Info] [Bahama John - Nite Lite] Getting total disc number
[Info] [Bahama John - Nite Lite] Getting BPM
[Info] [Bahama John - Nite Lite] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/Bahama John - Nite Lite.mp3
[Info] [Bahama John - Nite Lite] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [Bahama John - Nite Lite] Starting the download process
[Error] [Bahama John - Nite Lite] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Registered track: 1535282922:3 | shrimp - Flexin'
[Info] [shrimp - Flexin'] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - Flexin'] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - Flexin'] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Flexin'] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Flexin'.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Flexin'] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Flexin'] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Flexin'] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Registered track: 526519372:3 | shrimp - I Don't Wanna Do Anything Anymore,
I'm Scared
[Info] [shrimp - I Don't Wanna Do Anything Anymore, I'm Scared] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - I Don't Wanna Do Anything Anymore, I'm Scared] Getting total disc
[Info] [shrimp - I Don't Wanna Do Anything Anymore, I'm Scared] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - I Don't Wanna Do Anything Anymore, I'm Scared] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - I Don't Wanna Do Anything Anymore, I'm
[Info] [shrimp - I Don't Wanna Do Anything Anymore, I'm Scared] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - I Don't Wanna Do Anything Anymore, I'm Scared] Starting the
download process
[Error] [shrimp - I Don't Wanna Do Anything Anymore, I'm Scared] Error: Error:
Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Registered track: 760518212:3 | shrimp - this body means nothing to me
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - this body means nothing to me.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - this body means nothing to me] Error: Error: Authentication
needed to get download URL
[Info] Registered album: 183844702:3 | shrimp - Reptilian Will
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Desiccate
[Info] [shrimp - Desiccate] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Mercury
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Jiggle
[Info] [shrimp - Jiggle] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Reptilian Will/02 - Mercury.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Desiccate] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Reptilian Will/01 - Desiccate.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Jiggle] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Reptilian Will/03 - Jiggle.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Jiggle] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Jiggle] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Jiggle] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Wash
[Info] [shrimp - Wash] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Desiccate] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Wash] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Reptilian Will/04 - Wash.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Wash] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Mercury] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Mercury] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Foot in the Face Phenomenon
[Info] [shrimp - Foot in the Face Phenomenon] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Wash] Starting the download process
[Info] [shrimp - Desiccate] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Wash] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Reptilian Will
[Info] [shrimp - Reptilian Will] Getting BPM
[Error] [shrimp - Desiccate] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Semantic Satiation
[Info] [shrimp - Semantic Satiation] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Foot in the Face Phenomenon] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - Reptilian Will/05 - Foot in the Face
[Info] [shrimp - Foot in the Face Phenomenon] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Semantic Satiation] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Reptilian Will/07 - Semantic Satiation.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Semantic Satiation] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Reptilian Will] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Reptilian Will/06 - Reptilian Will.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Reptilian Will] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Foot in the Face Phenomenon] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Foot in the Face Phenomenon] Error: Error: Authentication needed
to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Reptilian Will] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Reptilian Will] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Semantic Satiation] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Semantic Satiation] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: Reptilian Will
[Info] Registered album: 331715317:3 | shrimp - Geometry
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - palace in the sea
[Info] [shrimp - palace in the sea] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - dozed off
[Info] [shrimp - dozed off] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Galaxy
[Info] [shrimp - Galaxy] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - dozed off] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Geometry/02 - dozed off.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - palace in the sea] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Geometry/01 - palace in the sea.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Galaxy] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Geometry/03 - Galaxy.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - dozed off] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - dozed off] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - dozed off] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Rest
[Info] [shrimp - Rest] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Galaxy] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - palace in the sea] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Rest] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
Geometry/04 - Rest.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Rest] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Galaxy] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Galaxy] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Hexadecimal
[Info] [shrimp - Hexadecimal] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - palace in the sea] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - palace in the sea] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Rest] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Rest] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Hexadecimal] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Geometry/05 - Hexadecimal.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Hexadecimal] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - Hexadecimal] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Hexadecimal] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Album finished downloading: Geometry
[Info] Registered album: 303651027:3 | shrimp - fantastisches Spiel
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - fantastisches Spiel
[Info] [shrimp - fantastisches Spiel] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - 11:35
[Info] [shrimp - 11:35] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Photon
[Info] [shrimp - Photon] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - fantastisches Spiel] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - fantastisches Spiel/01 - fantastisches Spiel.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Photon] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- fantastisches Spiel/03 - Photon.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - 11:35] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
fantastisches Spiel/02 - 11_35.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - fantastisches Spiel] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Photon] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - 11:35] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Photon] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Photon] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - a pleasant day
[Info] [shrimp - a pleasant day] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - fantastisches Spiel] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - fantastisches Spiel] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] [shrimp - 11:35] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - 11:35] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - a pleasant day] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - fantastisches Spiel/04 - a pleasant day.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - a pleasant day] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - a pleasant day] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - a pleasant day] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: fantastisches Spiel
[Info] Registered track: 1789237907:3 | shrimp - into the deep
[Info] [shrimp - into the deep] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - into the deep] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - into the deep] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - into the deep] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - into the deep.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - into the deep] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - into the deep] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - into the deep] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Registered track: 563618152:3 | shrimp - MIA
[Info] [shrimp - MIA] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - MIA] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - MIA] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - MIA] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
[Info] [shrimp - MIA] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - MIA] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - MIA] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Registered track: 544795642:3 | shrimp - Talk2Me
[Info] [shrimp - Talk2Me] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - Talk2Me] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - Talk2Me] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Talk2Me] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp
- Talk2Me.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Talk2Me] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Talk2Me] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Talk2Me] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Registered album: 160775692:3 | shrimp - Thanks for Dancing
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Thanks for Dancing
[Info] [shrimp - Thanks for Dancing] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Seagulls
[Info] [shrimp - Seagulls] Getting BPM
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - Welcome Aboard
[Info] [shrimp - Welcome Aboard] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Thanks for Dancing] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Thanks for Dancing/01 - Thanks for Dancing.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Seagulls] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Thanks for Dancing/02 - Seagulls.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Welcome Aboard] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Thanks for Dancing/03 - Welcome Aboard.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Welcome Aboard] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Thanks for Dancing] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Seagulls] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Welcome Aboard] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Welcome Aboard] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Now downloading: shrimp - What Am I to Do? (feat. Samara Jane)
[Info] [shrimp - What Am I to Do? (feat. Samara Jane)] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Seagulls] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Seagulls] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - What Am I to Do? (feat. Samara Jane)] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - Thanks for Dancing/04 - What Am I to Do_
(feat. Samara Jane).mp3
[Info] [shrimp - What Am I to Do? (feat. Samara Jane)] Cover already downloaded
[Info] [shrimp - What Am I to Do? (feat. Samara Jane)] Starting the download
[Error] [shrimp - What Am I to Do? (feat. Samara Jane)] Error: Error:
Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] [shrimp - Thanks for Dancing] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Thanks for Dancing] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Album finished downloading: Thanks for Dancing
[Info] Registered track: 556263122:3 | shrimp - Wipe My Face With Blood
[Info] [shrimp - Wipe My Face With Blood] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - Wipe My Face With Blood] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - Wipe My Face With Blood] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Wipe My Face With Blood] Downloading file to
/sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp - Wipe My Face With Blood.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Wipe My Face With Blood] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Wipe My Face With Blood] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Wipe My Face With Blood] Error: Error: Authentication needed to
get download URL
[Info] Registered track: 550761512:3 | shrimp - Hypothermia
[Info] [shrimp - Hypothermia] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - Hypothermia] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - Hypothermia] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Hypothermia] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Hypothermia.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Hypothermia] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Hypothermia] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Hypothermia] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Registered track: 623938502:3 | shrimp - sewed shut
[Info] [shrimp - sewed shut] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - sewed shut] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - sewed shut] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - sewed shut] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - sewed shut.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - sewed shut] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - sewed shut] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - sewed shut] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Registered track: 648251142:3 | shrimp - doll
[Info] [shrimp - doll] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - doll] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - doll] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - doll] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/shrimp -
[Info] [shrimp - doll] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - doll] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - doll] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Registered track: 1481852542:3 | Nqp - Lỡ Yêu
[Info] [Nqp - Lỡ Yêu] Getting album info
[Info] [Nqp - Lỡ Yêu] Getting total disc number
[Info] [Nqp - Lỡ Yêu] Getting BPM
[Info] [Nqp - Lỡ Yêu] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader Music/Nqp - Lỡ
[Info] [Nqp - Lỡ Yêu] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [Nqp - Lỡ Yêu] Starting the download process
[Error] [Nqp - Lỡ Yêu] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download URL
[Info] Registered track: 500845982:3 | shrimp - Laying in the Dirt
[Info] [shrimp - Laying in the Dirt] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - Laying in the Dirt] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - Laying in the Dirt] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - Laying in the Dirt] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - Laying in the Dirt.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - Laying in the Dirt] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - Laying in the Dirt] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - Laying in the Dirt] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get
download URL
[Info] Registered track: 599926802:3 | shrimp - who cares
[Info] [shrimp - who cares] Getting album info
[Info] [shrimp - who cares] Getting total disc number
[Info] [shrimp - who cares] Getting BPM
[Info] [shrimp - who cares] Downloading file to /sdcard/Music/Deezloader
Music/shrimp - who cares.mp3
[Info] [shrimp - who cares] Cover downloaded!
[Info] [shrimp - who cares] Starting the download process
[Error] [shrimp - who cares] Error: Error: Authentication needed to get download
[Info] Connection received!
[Info] Connection language set to: en
[Info] Checking for updates
[Info] Update Available
[Info] Not logged in
[Info] Checking for country

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