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Sleep and Breathing


Smoking and sleep apnea duration mediated the sex difference

in daytime sleepiness in OSA patients
Xingjian Wang 1 & Wenyang Li 1 & Jiawei Zhou 1 & Zhijing Wei 1 & Xiaomeng Li 1 &
Jiahuan Xu 2 & Fang Zhang 1 & Wei Wang 1

Received: 16 February 2020 / Revised: 23 April 2020 / Accepted: 15 May 2020

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

Purpose Daytime sleepiness is a common symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and is more common in men, but the
underlying mechanism remains unclear. The aim of this study was to assess whether or not sex differences in daytime sleepiness
persisted after controlling for age and OSA severity and to explore the factors contributing to daytime sleepiness in patients with
Methods A total of 104 pairs of patients with OSA, matched by age and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), were enrolled in this
retrospective study. Demographic data were collected; daytime sleepiness was measured by the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS);
and polysomnography (PSG) was performed on each participant. These measurements were compared between sexes, and the
factors affecting daytime sleepiness were explored with correlation and multivariate linear regression analyses.
Results Men had significantly higher ESS scores (p = 0.021) than women. Regarding demographics, BMI, neck/height ratio, and
proportion of habitual smoking and alcohol intake were significantly higher in men. Regarding PSG findings, men had more
rapid eye movement sleep, a longer mean apnea-hypopnea duration, and a longer mean apnea duration (MAD). Regression
analysis showed that two sex-associated variables, habitual smoking (β = 0.189, p = 0.006) and MAD (β = 0.154, p = 0.024), had
the strongest association with ESS scores. Further analysis revealed that MAD was significantly influenced by apnea index (β =
0.306, p < 0.001) and sex (β = − 0.193, p = 0.003).
Conclusion The sex difference in daytime sleepiness persists in patients with OSA, even after matching AHI and age. The
difference is mediated by sex-specific smoking habits and sex differences in apnea duration.

Keywords Obstructive sleep apnea . Daytime sleepiness . Sex . Mean apnea duration

Introduction sleepiness is one of the most common complaints related to

OSA, with considerable impacts on social function, working
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep-related breathing performance, and driving safety [2]. The underlying mecha-
disorder characterized by recurrent collapse of the upper air- nisms of daytime sleepiness in OSA patients may be associ-
way during sleep, intermittent nocturnal hypoxia, and sleep ated with fragmented sleep architecture, repetitive arousal,
fragmentation [1]. In addition to nocturnal manifestations and intermittent hypoxia during sleep [3]. However, the asso-
such as apnea and snoring, OSA is also associated with sub- ciation between daytime sleepiness and the apnea-hypopnea
stantial daytime symptoms and clinical consequences, which index (AHI), the primary measurement of OSA severity, was
negatively influence the quality of life of patients [2]. Daytime not matched in some studies [4, 5], and the predictive effects
of nocturnal hypoxemia parameters were also controversial [4,
6]. Recently, the clinical significance of parameters of respi-
* Wei Wang ratory event duration has drawn increasing attention in the context of OSA evaluation [7, 8]; Zhan et al. [9] further re-
ported that the mean apnea-hypopnea duration (MAHD) pos-
Institute of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, The First itively correlated with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)
Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China
score, one of the widely applied daytime sleepiness measure-
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Zhejiang Hospital, ments. Nevertheless, the relationship between other specific
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Sleep Breath

duration markers (such as the mean apnea duration and the treatment such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
mean hypopnea duration) and daytime sleepiness remains therapy, oral appliance therapy, or surgical modification of the
unclear. upper airway was received. In the 759 eligible participants
Sex differences in the prevalence, severity, and manifesta- (634 males and 125 females), the males and the females were
tions of OSA have also received a large amount of interest. In matched for both age (within ± 2 years) and AHI (within ± 1 if
the general population, a male predominance in sleep-related 5 ≤ AHI < 15, within ± 2 if 15 ≤ AHI < 30, and within ± 3 if
breathing disorders has been widely reported [10, 11]. In the AHI ≥ 30). During the procedure, 530 males and 21 females
clinical population, male patients usually have a younger were excluded because an age- and AHI-matched partner was
mean age and a higher prevalence of severe OSA (AHI ≥ not available, and 104 males and 104 females were ultimately
30) [12, 13]. Even within the moderate (15 ≤ AHI < 30) and included in the cohort. The flow chart is shown in Fig. 1. All
severe OSA groups, the apnea duration and nocturnal periph- the participants received detailed information about the re-
eral oxygen saturation (SpO2) desaturation area in the males search, and written informed consent was obtained. Ethics
were found to be longer and larger than those in females, approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the
respectively [14]. The occurrence of daytime sleepiness is also First Hospital of China Medical University, and the study
different between male and female patients with OSA. complied with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki
Although there were some exceptions [15], accumulating (1964).
studies have reported that male patients with OSA were more
likely to experience daytime sleepiness [16–20]. This differ- Collection of demographic data
ence was attributed by some authors to distinct perceptions of
the symptom [16, 17]. However, the influences of OSA sever- The height, weight, neck circumference, and waist circumfer-
ity or age differences between sexes as well as the contribu- ence of each participant were measured by a clinician on the
tions of other sex-specific polysomnography (PSG) features night of the examination. The neck/height ratio (NHtR) and
and lifestyle habits may also play an important role, which waist/height ratio (WHtR) were calculated to minimize the
deserves further research. The aim of this study was to assess body-size differences between sexes. Clinical data were ob-
whether the sex difference in daytime sleepiness still existed tained from a self-reported questionnaire completed by the
in individuals with the same age and OSA severity and to participant and his/her sleep partner with information on com-
identify the major factors contributing to daytime sleepiness plaints, sleeping habits, comorbidities, medications, smoking
in OSA patients. habits, and alcohol intake history. Habitual smokers referred
to those who smoked two or more packs of cigarettes weekly
for at least 3 years [23], and habitual alcohol consumption was
Methods defined as an estimated weekly alcohol intake of more than
50 g in the past 3 years [24].
Participant selection
Daytime sleepiness evaluation
Participants suspected of having OSA according to nocturnal
snoring, sleep apnea, or daytime sleepiness reported by them- The subjective daytime sleepiness level was evaluated by ESS
selves or their bed partners were referred to the sleep center of scores. According to the procedure used in other studies [20,
the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, the 25], the participants were asked to complete a Chinese version
First Hospital of China Medical University (Shenyang, China) of the ESS questionnaire on the night of examination with the
from January 2018 to June 2019. Of the 1408 participants who guidance of an experienced sleep specialist. The ESS ques-
received PSG examination, 946 participants were older than tionnaire consisted of eight questions about the probability of
16 years old and diagnosed with OSA with an AHI ≥ 5 events/ sleeping or dozing under various situations in ordinary life
h [21]. Among them, 187 participants were excluded due to [26]. Each question received a score from 0 (never doze) to
one or more of the following reasons: (1) the medical record 3 (high probability of dozing), and the total score ranged from
was incomplete or invalid; (2) the participants had potential 0 to 24.
comorbidities influencing daytime sleepiness [22] or respira-
tory function such as malignancy, chronic organ failure, cere- PSG measurement
brovascular diseases, neurological or psychiatric disorders,
asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; (3) other Continuous PSG for at least 7 h during the night was per-
sleep conditions such as narcolepsy or restless leg syndrome formed on all the patients in the sleep center with the PSG
were found; (4) the patient had a drug abuse history or used device Alice 5 (Philips, Netherlands) or SOMNOscreen™
sedatives or alcohol during the night of examination; (5) the plus (SOMNOmedics, German). The monitoring data for
total sleep time (TST) was less than 180 min; and (6) OSA analysis included the signals of EEG (4 channels: C3/A2,
Sleep Breath

Fig. 1 The flow chart of patient

selection. PSG
polysomnography, AHI apnea-
hypopnea index, TST total sleep
time, OSA obstructive sleep
apnea, COPD chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, RLS restless
leg syndrome

C4/A1; O1/A2, O2/A1), EOG (2 channels), chin-EMG, leg- AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated
EMG, and ECG recorded by leads; oronasal airflow informa- Events (Version 2.5).
tion from a nasal pressure detector and oral thermistor; chest
and abdominal wall movements measured by piezoelectric Statistical analysis
sensors; peripheral oxygen saturation detected by a fingertip
photoelectric sensor; snoring recorded by microphone; and The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was performed to evaluate
body position information from a position sensor. All the whether the demographic parameters, PSG findings, and
PSG results were evaluated by experienced sleep specialists ESS scores obeyed a normal distribution. The normally and
for the identification of respiratory events, according to the abnormally distributed continuous variables are presented as
Sleep Breath

the mean ± standard deviation (SD) and the median (interquar- scores, and PSG findings between both sexes are shown in
tile range), respectively. The dichotomous results are shown Tables 1 and 2. Regarding demographics, male patients were
as numbers (percentages). To compare the differences in con- found to have a significantly higher body mass index (BMI)
tinuous variables between male and female groups, the inde- (27.7 vs. 25.7, p = 0.003), a higher NHtR (0.25 vs 0.23,
pendent Student’s t test for data with a normal distribution or p < 0.001), and a higher proportion of habitual smoking
the Mann–Whitney nonparametric test for data with an abnor- (33.7% vs. 5.8%, p < 0.001) and alcohol intake (21.1% vs.
mal distribution was applied. The differences in dichotomous 1.9%, p < 0.001). In terms of daytime sleepiness, males had
categorical variables between sexes were assessed by the chi- significantly higher ESS scores than females (11.0 vs. 9.0, p =
square test. The correlations of ESS sores with the continuous 0.021). PSG monitoring indicated that males had a significant-
or dichotomous demographic and PSG parameters were eval- ly higher percentage of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep
uated by Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation analyses, re- (11.5% vs. 7.6%, p = 0.018), longer MAHD (23.4 vs. 20.9,
spectively. The variables with statistical significance were p = 0.003), and longer mean apnea duration (MAD) (22.0 vs.
subsequently involved in the stepwise multivariate linear re- 18.0, p < 0.001).
gression analysis. In these analyses, sex was represented as 0
(male) or 1 (female), habitual smoking and habitual alcohol Major factors contributing to ESS scores
intake were represented as 0 (no) or 1 (yes), and the comor-
bidity of hypertension or diabetes mellitus was represented as The association of the demographic or PSG parameters with
0 (without) or 1 (with). With a similar method, the potential the ESS scores was examined. In the correlation analysis, sex
contributions of the variables related to the PSG parameter (r = − 0.16, p = 0.021), habitual smoking (r = 0.204, p =
that was involved in the regression model for explaining 0.003), AHI (r = 0.162, p = 0.019), apnea index (AI) (r =
ESS scores were further explored by correlation analyses 0.154, p = 0.026), MAD (r = 0.169, p = 0.015), and ODI
and stepwise multivariate linear regression in sequence. All (r = 0.142, p = 0.040) were found to significantly correlate
statistical calculations were completed by SPSS (Version with the ESS scores (Table 3). To determine the major factors
23.0, IBM Corp., USA). P < 0.05 (two-tailed) was considered that contributed to the ESS scores, these variables with statis-
statistically significant. tical significance were further involved in the stepwise multi-
variate linear regression analysis, and only habitual smoking
(β = 0.189, p = 0.006) and MAD (β = 0.154, p = 0.024) were
Results significant variables in the final regression model (Table 4).

Comparisons of demographic data, ESS scores, and Major factors contributing to MAD
PSG findings between sexes
Since MAD was the PSG parameter that remained in the re-
A total of 104 pairs of age- and AHI-matched male and female gression model to explain ESS scores, we further explored the
patients were included in this study. The characteristics of the potential factors affecting this parameter. The sleep parame-
study sample and the comparisons of demographic data, ESS ters (TST and REM of TST) and frequency parameters of

Table 1 The comparison of

demographic data and ESS scores Whole population Males (n = 104) Females Pa
between male and female patients (n = 208) (n = 104)
with OSA
Age (year) 54.0 (44.0–59.0) 54.0 (43.3–58.8) 54.0 (44.3–59.8) 0.646
BMI (kg/m2) 26.4 (24.2–29.3) 27.7 (25.1–29.4) 25.7 (23.4–28.7) 0.003
NHtR 0.24 (0.22–0.25) 0.25 (0.23–0.26) 0.23 (0.22–0.25) < 0.001
WHtR 0.59 (0.56–0.63) 0.59 (0.56–0.64) 0.60 (0.55–0.63) 0.984
Habitual smoking, n (%) 41 (19.7%) 35 (33.7%) 6 (5.8%) < 0.001
Habitual alcohol intake n (%) 24 (11.5%) 22 (21.1%) 2 (1.9%) < 0.001
ESS Scores 10.0 (5.0–15.0) 11.0 (6.0–16.8) 9.0 (5.0–13.0) 0.021
Hypertension, n (%) 55 (26.4%) 33 (31.7%) 22 (21.2%) 0.115
Diabetes, n (%) 20 (9.6%) 7 (6.7%) 13 (12.5%) 0.239

Results are presented as mean ± SD, median (25–75% percentiles), or n (%)

BMI body mass index, NHtR neck/height ratio, WHtR waist/height ratio, ESS Epworth sleepiness scale
Differences between males and females
Sleep Breath

Table 2 The comparison of PSG

findings between male and female Whole population (n = 208) Males (n = 104) Females (n = 104) Males/Females
patients with OSA P value

TST (min) 427.7 ± 93.1 422.8 ± 90.7 432.6 ± 95.6 0.321

REM of TST (%) 9.1 (5.6–11.4) 11.5 (5.9–17.9) 7.6 (5.0–14.0) 0.018
AHI (events/h) 26.1 (11.8–44.0) 26.4 (12.1–44.6) 25.7 (11.6–43.6) 0.906
AI (events/h) 11.1 (3.6–22.2) 11.1 (3.2–24.3) 10.9 (3.8–22.2) 0.789
HI (events/h) 9.5 (4.1–19.7) 9.3 (4.4–17.1) 10.1 (4.0–20.3) 0.811
MAHD (min) 21.7 (18.2–25.9) 23.4 (19.3–27.3) 20.9 (17.7–24.7) 0.003
MAD (min) 19.8 (16.5–24.8) 22.0 (17.7–26.7) 18.0 (15.6–22.9) < 0.001
MHD (min) 21.9 (17.7–26.2) 22.5 (18.3–28.0) 21.4 (16.7–24.9) 0.061
Mean SpO2 (%) 95.0 (93.5–96.0) 95.0 (93.6–96.0) 95.2 (93.4–96.6) 0.192
Nadir SpO2 (%) 84.0 (73.0, 88.0) 84.5 (73.3, 88.0) 82.8 (72.3, 88.8) 0.504
SIT90 of TST (%) 2.5 (0.1–12.1) 2.8 (0.13–11.6) 2.0 (0.13–13.3) 0.827
ODI (events/h) 23.1 (7.5–46.8) 23.9 (6.7–46.8) 21.6 (7.7–47.3) 0.900

Results are presented as mean ± SD, median (25–75% percentiles), or n (%)

TST total sleep time, REM rapid eye movement, AHI apnea-hypopnea index, AI apnea index, HI hypopnea index,
MAHD mean apnea-hypopnea duration, MAD mean apnea duration, MHD mean hypopnea duration, SpO2
peripheral oxygen saturation, SIT90 saturation impair time below 90%, ODI oxygen desaturation index
* Differences between Males and Females

respiratory events (AHI, AI, and HI) in PSG results and all contribute to (instead of being influenced by) MAD.
demographic data were considered potential factors that may Therefore, we examined the association of only these param-
eters with MAD. In the correlation analysis, sex (r = − 0.273,
p < 0.001), habitual alcohol intake (r = 0.148, p = 0.033), hy-
Table 3 The correlation of demographic and PSG parameters with ESS
pertension (r = 0.136, p = 0.049), total sleep time (TST) (r =
scores 0.192, p = 0.005), AHI (r = 0.428, p < 0.001), and AI (r =
0.504, p < 0.001) were found to significantly correlate with
r P value
MAD (Table 5). After regression analysis, only AI (β =
Demographic parameter 0.306, p < 0.001) and sex (β = − 0.193, p = 0.003) were sig-
Sex − 0.160 0.021 nificant in the final model (Table 4).
Age − 0.049 0.483
BMI 0.111 0.109
NHtR − 0.087 0.212
WHtR − 0.040 0.562
Habitual smoking 0.204 0.003 Discussion
Habitual alcohol intake 0.112 0.107
Hypertension 0.047 0.498 In patients with OSA, sex differences have been widely ad-
Diabetes 0.030 0.671
PSG parameter dressed. However, whether the difference still exists in indi-
TST − 0.006 0.932 viduals with the same OSA severity and its link with demo-
REM of TST 0.125 0.073 graphic or sleep-breathing parameters remains unclear. This
AHI 0.162 0.019
AI 0.154 0.026 study confirmed that the sleepiness level was different be-
HI 0.070 0.315 tween the AHI- and age-matched patients with OSA in both
MAHD 0.124 0.075 sexes. For the first time, we revealed that the difference in
MAD 0.169 0.015
MHD 0.132 0.057
sleepiness level was mediated by the sex-specific smoking
Mean SpO2 − 0.135 0.052 habit and the sex differences in apnea duration. Our results
Nadir SpO2 − 0.080 0.251 suggest the potential value of respiration duration parameters
SIT90 of TST 0.124 0.075
ODI 0.142 0.040
and lifestyle habit data in the evaluation of OSA and the pre-
diction of related clinical consequences.
BMI body mass index, NHtR neck/height ratio, WHtR waist/height ratio, Regarding demographic measurements, male patients with
TST total sleep time‚ REM rapid eye movement, AHI apnea-hypopnea OSA had higher BMI and NHtR than females with the same
index, AI apnea index, HI hypopnea index, MAHD mean apnea-hypopnea
duration, MAD mean apnea duration, MHD mean hypopnea duration,
age and AHI level. Several studies in North America and
SpO2 peripheral oxygen saturation, SIT90 saturation impair time below Europe [27, 28] have reported that male patients with OSA
90%, ODI oxygen desaturation index had a lower BMI than females, while Zhang et al. [20] found
Sleep Breath

Table 4 The final models of stepwise multivariate linear regression for Similar to our results, the male predominance of daytime
ESS score and MAD
sleepiness in OSA patients was also found in many previous
B Standard error β P studies [13, 16–20]. However, it is difficult to compare our
results with most of the previous results because the male and
Dependent variable: ESS score female patients were matched by age and AHI in our research
Independent variable and were usually randomly selected in the previous studies. In
Constant 7.014 1.333 – < 0.001 a similar case-matched study in Japan [19], a significant dif-
Habitual smoking 2.955 1.063 0.189 0.006 ference in ESS scores was only observed between the age- and
MAD 0.136 0.06 0.154 0.024 BMI-matched groups (male 10.3 ± 5.6 vs. female 9.2 ± 5.6,
Dependent variable: MAD p < 0.01) but not between the age- and AHI-matched groups
Independent variable (male 9.6 ± 5.8 vs. female 9.2 ± 5.6, p > 0.05). However, there
Constant 20.534 0.779 – < 0.001 was no further analysis of the significant difference.
AI 0.114 0.024 0.306 < 0.001 In the correlation analysis, we found that sex, habitual
Sex − 0.728 0.917 − 0.193 0.003 smoking, AHI, AI, MAD, and ODI were significantly corre-
lated with ESS, but after stepwise regression, only two sex-
ESS Epworth sleepiness scale, MAD mean apnea duration, AI apnea index
specific variables, habitual smoking and MAD, remained in
the final model. Regression analyses were also applied in pre-
similar BMI levels between males and females in their vious studies to find the link between sleepiness and other
Chinese OSA cohort. The conflicting results may be associat- factors. Similar to our results, Nigro et al. have shown that
ed with ethnic differences among study populations in both different severities of sleepiness between male and female
anatomical and sociocultural aspects. In the comparison of patients with OSA were actually attributed to the difference
neck and waist sizes, NHtR and WHtR were calculated to in demographics or PSG parameters [13], while in other stud-
standardize the body-size differences between sexes. ies [16, 18], male sex contributed to daytime sleepiness inde-
According to our results, only NHtR was still higher in males pendently even when the confounding factors were controlled.
The contradictory results may be due to different study-cohort
than in females with the same age and AHI level. However,
although the association of NHtR and WHtR with OSA se- characteristics, different study designs, and different variables
verity has been reported in previous studies [29, 30], they did included in the analyses.
The interaction of smoking habits with OSA is complicated.
not show a significant correlation with ESS scores or MAD in
our analyses. Although tobacco may contribute to the pathogenesis of OSA
by inducing epithelial inflammation and increasing upper air-
Table 5 The correlation of demographic and PSG factors with MAD way resistance [31, 32], the association between smoking and
AHI remains controversial [33, 34]. Nevertheless, it is relative-
r P value ly clear that smoking could impair oxygen saturation in patients
with OSA [35] and exacerbate the related cardiovascular and
Demographic Parameter
metabolic complications [36, 37]. The contribution of smoking
Sex − 0.273 < 0.001
to daytime sleepiness has also been reported previously in a
Age 0.029 0.682
large population-based study [38], which is in accordance with
BMI 0.027 0.697
our results. This effect may be related to the disturbed sleep
NHtR 0.010 0.882
architecture and the increased nocturnal arousal because of nic-
WHtR − 0.036 0.605
otine’s intervention on the central nervous system [35].
Habitual smoking 0.123 0.077
MAD was another sex-associated variable to predict ESS
Habitual alcohol intake 0.148 0.033
scores in the final model. Zhan et al. [9] reported the correlation
Hypertension 0.136 0.049
of the integrated duration parameter, MAHD, with daytime
Diabetes − 0.008 0.904
sleepiness, but the authors did not evaluate the detailed duration
PSG Parameter parameters, MAD and MHD. However, in our study, where all
TST 0.180 0.009 three variables were examined, MAD, but not MAHD or
REM of TST − 0.009 0.896 MHD, was associated with sleepiness. Interestingly, we noticed
AHI 0.271 < 0.001 that while AHI, AI, and MAD correlated with ESS scores, HI,
AI 0.311 < 0.001 MAHD, and MHD were not related to ESS in the correlation
HI 0.033 0.634 analysis. This suggests that in addition to the duration of respi-
BMI body mass index, NHtR neck/height ratio, WHtR waist/height ratio,
ratory events, the types of respiratory events may also exert
TST total sleep time, REM rapid eye movement, AHI apnea-hypopnea different physiological influences. As shown in some studies
index, AI apnea index, HI hypopnea index [39, 40], the arousal induced by apnea events was longer than
Sleep Breath

that induced by hypopnea events. Nigro et al. [40] further dem- the duration of events of each type and to examine the differ-
onstrated that both the type of apnea (instead of hypopnea) and ences between sexes. Last, information on the menstrual status
the duration of respiratory events > 20 s could predict a higher of female participants was not available. Given that the pha-
probability of arousal > 11 s. Considering that longer arousals are ryngeal dilator muscular tone and the ventilatory response are
potentially more relevant to daytime sleepiness [41], we may affected by sex hormones [47], we may speculate that meno-
ascribe the association between MAD and EDS to the long- pause could influence the duration of respiratory events,
term arousals elicited by long-duration apnea events. In addition which deserves further exploration.
to the disturbance of sleep microstructures such as arousal, longer In conclusion, the sex difference in daytime sleepiness still
respiratory events may also affect the proportion of slow wave exists in patients with OSA with the same AHI and age level,
sleep more than shorter events and further influence sleep mac- and such difference is mediated by sex differences in smoking
rostructure [8, 9], which could be another mechanism through habits and apnea duration. This increases the awareness that
which MAD is associated with daytime sleepiness. the different lifestyle habits of patients with OSA will affect
As MAD was a variable related to ESS scores in the regres- their clinical manifestations and contribute to the sex differ-
sion model, we further explored the potential factors affecting ences in the disease. More importantly, our study also sug-
this parameter, and AI as well as sex were finally involved in the gested that the duration parameters of respiratory events de-
regression model. Similar to our finding that AI was related to serve more attention since they may better reflect sex-specific
MAD, the correlation of MAHD with AHI was reported in Zhan OSA characteristics and be more valuable in predicting some
et al.’s study [9] and was attributed to the duration requirement in OSA-related disorders [7]. Future studies are required to re-
the diagnostic standard of respiratory events [42]. In addition to veal the underlying mechanisms by which longer respiratory
the inclusion of sex in the regression model, the difference in events induce more detrimental clinical consequences and to
MAD, as well as MAHD, between sexes was also observed in apply the duration parameters in the specific evaluation and
our comparison of PSG measurements. This result was consistent individualized treatment of OSA.
with a previous large-sample (1090 participants) study in which
the apnea events of males were 25.9%, 16.9%, and 19.6% longer Acknowledgments W-XJ: study design, data collection, statistical anal-
ysis, and initial manuscript drafting. L-WY, Z-JW, and ZF: study design,
than those of females in mild, moderate, and severe OSA groups,
data analysis, and critical revision of the manuscript. W-ZJ, L-XM, and
respectively [14]. Both the distinct mechanical properties of the X-JH: participant selection and data collection. WW: study design, result
upper airway and the different compensatory effectiveness may interpretation, critical revision, and final approval of the manuscript.
account for the sex differences in respiratory events. In Kirkness
et al.’s study [43], the passive pharyngeal critical pressure (Pcrit), Funding information This study was funded by the National Key
Research and Development Program of China (No. 2018YFC1313600),
a major indicator of upper airway collapsibility, was significantly
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81670085), and the
higher in male patients with OSA than in females. Chin et al. [44] Construction Project of Translational Medicine Research Center of
further demonstrated that even under the same passive Pcrit, Respiratory Disease of Liaoning Province of China (No. 2014225006).
female patients with OSA had more effective compensatory re-
actions. This was thought to be mediated by the sex-dependent Compliance with ethical standards
genioglossal muscular tone and the different ventilatory re-
sponses to hypoxia or airway obstruction [45, 46] because of Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
the influence of sex hormones [47]. We speculate that these interest.
mechanisms not only make respiratory events more easily initi-
Ethical approval All procedures performed in studies involving human
ated in males, increasing event frequency, but also make the participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institu-
events more difficult to stop, elongating the duration. tional and/or national research committee and with the Declaration of
Our study had some limitations. First, the participants with Helsinki (1964) and its later amendments or comparable ethical
diabetes mellitus were not excluded. Although diabetes is not standards.
considered a common cause of daytime sleepiness [22], its
Informed consent Informed consent was obtained from all individual
potential influence on the symptom has ever been mentioned participants included in the study.
in one study [38]. However, sex differences in its morbidity
rate or contribution to daytime sleepiness or MAD were not
shown in our analyses, which suggested that the inclusion of
these participants did not interfere with the results obtained. References
Second, the data of NREM sleep stages in the database were
not integrated and therefore were not included in our analysis. 1. Banno K, Kryger MH (2007) Sleep apnea: clinical investigations in
humans. Sleep Med 8(4):400–426
Since the proportion of slow wave sleep may be related to 2. Engleman HM, Douglas NJ (2004) Sleep. 4: sleepiness, cognitive
daytime sleepiness and disturbed by respiratory events [9, function, and quality of life in obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea
48], future studies are required to reveal its relationship with syndrome. Thorax 59(7):618–622
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