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Group Processes & Intergroup


The Impact of Music on Automatically Activated Attitudes: Flamenco and Gypsy

Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón, Josefa Ruiz and Miguel Moya
Group Processes Intergroup Relations 2009 12: 381
DOI: 10.1177/1368430209102849

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Group Processes &
Intergroup Relations
2009 Vol 12(3) 381–396

The Impact of Music on

Automatically Activated Attitudes:
Flamenco and Gypsy People
Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón, Josefa Ruiz and Miguel Moya
Universidad de Granada

The two studies reported in this article agree in demonstrating that activating a positive side
of the stereotype of a traditionally prejudiced group could be a useful strategy to improve the
implicit attitude toward that group. The goal of the current research was to explore whether
activating the present association between Flamenco music and Gypsy people would decrease
the negative view of this group in Spain, using the IAT measure. In the first study, when a
stereotype-consistent but positive feature of Gypsies (i.e. Flamenco music) was used as a
positively valued attribute in the IAT measure, the IAT effect was lower than when a different
positive stimulus was used (classical music clips). The findings of Study 2 showed that for the
North African community—another highly discriminated group in Spain—the use of Flamenco
or classical music clips did not have any effect on the implicit attitudes of participants toward
them. The implications for attitudes toward discriminated groups and the use of music to
improve intergroup relationships are discussed.

keywords Flamenco, Gypsy people, IAT, implicit attitudes, intergroup relations, stereotypes

Social identity refers to the definition of self with to provide a meaningful organization of social
reference to a social category, that is, a group stimuli, and therefore which identity aspects
or subgroup of society (Tajfel & Turner, 1979). function as guidelines for the perceptions and
According to social identity theory, people tend behaviour of those operating within that context
to assess themselves and their groups positively. (Ellemers et al., 2002).
However, each person has several cross-cutting The various social categories are associated
social identities. Differential perceptions of self with several defining attributes based on his-
and others may emerge, depending on which torical and social contextual evidence (Tajfel,
identity is most salient (Ellemers, Spears & 1981). Few studies have considered music as an
Doojse, 2002; Turner, Hogg, Oakes, Reicher, &
Wetherell, 1987). In the social identity approach,
the broader social context must be taken into Author’s note
account to understand the impact of social Address correspondence to Rosa
groups on the way people see themselves and Rodríguez-Bailón, Department of
others. In the self-categorization tradition, Psychology, Facultad de Psicología,
the relevant social context has been proven to Campus de Cartuja, 18011, Granada, Spain
determine which categorization is most likely [email:]

Copyright © The Author(s), 2009

Reprints and permissions:
12:3; 381–396; DOI: 10.1177/1368430209102849
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Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12(3)

attribute linked to social identities and inter- to separate the ingroup from the outgroup more
group relations. However, music can be strongly in terms of its stated degree of liking for nega-
related to groups and is often associated with tively valued music; that is, they claimed that
expression of social identities (e.g. religious, the outgroup liked that music more and the
national, or ethnic ones). Preference for differ- ingroup liked it less.
ent musical styles can also be associated with Bakagiannis and Tarrant (2006) have also
other personal and social attributes. Indeed, shown that music can be used to improve inter-
Tekman and Hortaçsu (2002a) found that one group relations. Their study was also consistent
of the perceived functions of music was to with the predictions of the common ingroup
strengthen identity and sense of community. In identity model (Gaertner, Dovidio, Anastasio,
another study, Tekman and Hortaçsu (2002b) Bachman, & Rust, 1993). It showed that adole-
explored how college students described fans scents reported more positive intergroup per-
of different musical styles. Factor and scale ceptions when they believed the ingroup and
reliability analyses led to three basic dimensions outgroup had similar musical preferences com-
to describe the listeners of these styles: the sophi- pared to when they were told nothing about the
sticated, the sprightly, and the loser. According groups’ preferences. In the condition in which
to respondents, different features were asso- adolescents believed that the two groups shared
ciated with fans of different styles to different musical preferences, they reported that the out-
extents. The sprightly dimension was best used group perceived the ingroup more positively than
to characterize listeners of pop, rock, and rap in the condition when they were told nothing
music—these are active styles that were appro- about the groups’ preferences.
priate for accompanying dance and movement;
the sophisticated dimension was most closely
Flamenco music and Gypsy culture
associated with listeners of classical music—
deserving appreciation although not strongly Flamenco music, which typically involves singers,
associated with identity—and Turkish folk dancers, guitarists and, most recently, percus-
music—meaning a desired identity with its posi- sionists, originated in the most economically
tive characteristics; the loser dimension was most and socially marginalized Gypsy community in
closely associated with listening to Arabesk—a Southern Spain, Andalusia (Aoyama, 2007). This
specific Turkish style that has typically been asso- kind of music could be considered a blend of
ciated with uneducated, alienated migrants Andalusian, North African, Latin American, and
living in large cities. Indian influences (Leblon, 1995). The origin of
A study by Tarrant, Hargreaves, and North Flamenco has long been attributed to the Gypsies
(2001) asked adolescents to rate the extent to who arrived in the Iberian Peninsula in the 15th
which students at their own school (the ingroup) century, although Flamenco in its current form
and a rival school (an outgroup) enjoyed each emerged only in the late 19th century. Largely
of six styles of music. As expected according to despised by the local population, Gypsies and
social identity theory, participants associated Flamenco were discovered by foreigners who
the ingroup with music that was valued positively visited Spain in the early 19th century and this
by the ingroup (e.g. popular music, dance music) fact contributed to endowing Andalusians with
to a greater extent than they associated the out- a distinct and positive identity.
group with that same music. Moreover, they asso- The huge development of tourism in Spain
ciated the outgroup more than the ingroup with in the 1960s turned Flamenco from a ‘uniquely
music that was negatively valued (e.g. classical Andalusian cultural expression’ to a ‘national
music, country music). Furthermore, stated differ- symbol’ (Malefyt, 1998). By the early 1970s, tour-
ences between the preferences of the two groups ism had become the leading industry in Spain,
were related to adolescents’ levels of self-esteem. with Gypsies as one of its key tourist formulae
At lower levels of self-esteem, adolescents tried (Aoyama, 2007). Today, many Flamenco artists


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Rodríguez-Bailón et al. the impact of flamenco music

are well known both in Spain and abroad (i.e. Madrid, this position has been taken by the
guitar player Paco de Lucía, dancer Joaquín Arab-Muslim group.1
Cortés, etc.), and young people rate Flamenco
music as one of the most positively valued Implicit attitudes: Activation
(Megías & Rodríguez, 2003). and change
As stated above, Flamenco is especially linked
to specific geographical areas (i.e. Andalusia) and Current research on attitudes normally distin-
also to some social groups—Gypsies. The Gypsy guishes between deliberate, ‘explicit’ attitudes
community in Spain is estimated to be about and automatic, ‘implicit’ ones (Gawronski &
500,000 people, which makes them one of the Bodenhausen, 2006). Explicit attitudes are usu-
largest ethnic minorities in Spain. They are called ally considered to be deliberative, self-reported
‘gitanos’ by the rest of Spaniards, and they, in evaluations, whereas implicit ones are typically
turn, refer to non-Gypsy people as ‘payos’. inferred from people’s performance on response
Traditionally, Gypsies have been the target of latency measures, such as the Implicit Association
prejudice and discrimination in Spain (Gómez- Test (IAT; Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz,
Berrocal & Ruiz, 2001). The discrimination they 1998) or sequential priming tasks (Fazio, Jackson,
have suffered may be due to the fact that for cen- Dunton, & Williams, 1995; Wittenbrink, Judd, &
turies they were the largest minority group in Park, 1997). Although more recent models have
Spain. Although Spain has become one of the changed this view which clearly differentiates
countries in Europe that receive the greatest between explicit/implicit, automatic/controlled,
influx of immigrants, the massive arrival of dif- or heuristic/rule-based ways of processing in-
ferent groups of immigrants in Spain has not formation (i.e. Bargh, 1994; Ferreira, Garcìa-
improved the Gypsies’ current situation. In fact, Marques Sherman, & Sherman 2006), most of
recent research still shows that there is a high them acknowledge the existence of some more
controlled and conscious processes, while others
level of prejudice toward Gypsy people among
acknowledge automatic and uncontrolled pro-
Spaniards. In fact, it is higher than the prejudice
cesses, in addition to combinations of both. In
toward other numerous minorities such as
this article we will consider the feasibility of acti-
North African or South American immigrants
vating the positive side of a stereotype toward a
(Rodríguez-Bailón, Barranco, & Casado, 2000;
traditionally discriminated group (Gypsy people)
Rodríguez-Bailón & Puertas, 2000; Rueda &
considering somehow automatic or implicit
Navas, 1996). The relationship between Gypsy
and non-Gypsy people has been one of the most
The Associative-Propositional Evaluation (APE)
studied intergroup dynamics by sociologists,
model proposed by Gawronski and Bodenhausen
anthropologists and social psychologists in (2006) postulates that underlying implicit atti-
Spain. tudes are associative processes. In other words,
Studies by Díez Nicolás (2005) show interest- they are ‘automatic affective reactions resulting
ing data about the assessment of people from from the particular associations that are acti-
different groups (immigrants, Gypsy people, vated automatically when one encounters a
etc.) in several representative Spanish samples. relevant stimulus’ (p. 693). In these activation
He found that Spaniards evaluate foreigners— processes, it is not necessary to have a great cog-
including immigrants—very positively, whatever nitive capacity or an intention to evaluate an
their origin. However, they evaluate people from object (Cunningham, Raye, & Johnson, 2004).
Western Europe and South America more posi- Besides, associative evaluations can be activated
tively than the rest of immigrant groups in Spain. regardless of whether someone considers these
The least liked minority groups are Arab- evaluations to be accurate or not. According to
Muslims and Gypsies. Before 2004, the Gypsy the constructivist approach defended by the APE
community was the least valued group in Spain; model and other researchers (e.g. Schwarz &
after that, however, and probably as a conse- Bohner, 2001; Tesser, 1978; Wilson & Hodges,
quence of the March 11 terrorist attacks in 1992), pattern activation processes depend on:


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Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12(3)

(1) external input stimuli; and (2) the pre- were presented in a negative context (e.g. a gang
existing structure of associations in memory. incident). According to Wittenbrink et al.’s
As such, different associative patterns may be results, the associative pattern activated by a given
activated by different sets of input stimuli for individual can vary depending on the context in
a given attitude object, and the same attitude which the individual is found. In this case it could
object may be assessed differently depending on be argued that the associative representation of
the specific context in which it is found (Barden, African Americans is ambivalent, and that African
Maddux, Petty, & Brewer, 2004; Schaller, Park, & Americans are associated with both positive and
Mueller, 2003; Wittenbrink, Judd, & Park, 2001). negative aspects. However, the activation of the
According to the APE model (Gawronski & different aspects depends on the particular con-
Bodenhausen, 2006), changes in associative evalu- text in which African-American individuals are
ations may reflect either (1) a growing change found.
in the associative structure or (2) a temporal Although a large number of association-based
change in the activation of pre-existing patterns measures of implicit social cognition have been
(Smith, 1996). The former involves learning a developed (for a review, see Fazio & Olson, 2003),
new evaluation, whereas the latter reflects the two implicit measurement approaches have
differential activation of old evaluations that are become widespread: (1) the evaluative priming
already stored in associative memory. In the pre- measure (Fazio et al., 1995); and (2) the Impli-
sent studies, we will try to change associative evalu- cit Association Test (IAT; Greenwald et al., 1998).
ations toward gypsies by activating a positive The assumption made by both measures is that
feature (Flamenco music) traditionally associated attitude objects can be linked to evaluative asso-
with this group. The model also specifies that the ciations in memory with varying strength. The
temporal changes in the pre-existing patterns IAT is based on the rationale that judgments
presuppose: (1) that the attitude object is already congruent with participants’ implicit associ-
represented in a multifaceted way; and (2) that ations of a target category—such as Black people
the presence of specific context cues activates and negative adjectives—are easier to respond
different associative patterns that reflect different to, and therefore will elicit faster responses than
subsets of this representation. Earlier studies incongruent ones, such as White people and
have proven, for instance, that attitudes toward negative attributes or Black people and positive
a specific group that are momentarily accessible ones. Stronger implicit associations should lead
depend on group members (e.g. if they are to, faster congruent than incongruent judg-
disliked or admired) (Dasgupta & Greenwald, ments, increasing the difference between con-
2001). They have also shown that exposure to a gruent and incongruent response times. There-
(negative) feature associated with a group (e.g. fore, the strength of implicit associations can
violent rap music with Black people) can lead to be measured by studying the difference in the
more negative associative evaluations of Black time that participants take to make these two
people (Rudman & Lee, 2002). In the present types of judgment. This is called ‘the IAT effect’
research, our starting point was that exposure (Hummert, Garstka, O’Brien, Greenwald, &
to Flamenco music might activate a particular Mellott, 2002).
associative pattern of the representation of We used the IAT in our study to measure im-
Gypsy people for participants, a pattern which plicit attitudes toward Gypsy people, activating
involves a more positive evaluation of this group a different mental representation of the Gypsy
than is typically the case. category in the participants by manipulating
Wittenbrink et al. (2001) produced additional pleasant attributes. Several studies have also
evidence for changes in pattern activation. They proven that differences in the interpretation
found that automatic affective reactions elicited of abstract category labels can lead to different
by African American individuals were less nega- affective responses in the IAT. According to
tive when subjects were presented in a positive Govan and Williams (2004), restricting the selec-
context (e.g. a family barbecue) than when they tion of stimuli to atypical ones may activate a


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Rodríguez-Bailón et al. the impact of flamenco music

different mental representation or a temporary resulting IAT effect shown by Steffens and
re-definition of the category. Thus, Govan and Plewe (2001).
Williams (2004) found that the frequent im- In short, research has shown that IAT effects
plicit preference for flowers over insects could can be changed by properties of stimuli at least
be changed when the stimuli in the IAT were under some conditions, suggesting that IAT
unpleasant flowers (e.g. skunkweed) and effects are not driven solely by the association of
pleasant insects (e.g. butterfly). According to concepts, but also by the stimuli such concepts
Govan and Williams, the particular stimuli in are represented by.
the IAT determine how subjects interpret the
various categories and influence their affective
The present studies
reactions to flowers and insects in general. This
interpretation is also consistent with research Our studies try to investigate how individuals
by Foroni and Mayr (2005), who found that pre- may hold multiple sets of associations about a
ference for flowers over insects could be reduced target social category (Gypsy people) and how
by using fiction (a post-nuclear war scenario in the presence of particular cues is sufficient to
which flowers were generally contaminated and influence which subset of associative knowledge
insects were the only type of safe food avail- is activated. More precisely, we proposed exam-
able), implying a reversal of the typical category ining how manipulating the attribute stimuli
evaluations. (pleasant vs. unpleasant) might influence the
Using the same approach, Steffens and Plewe evaluations of different social groups in implicitly
(2001) used two gender IATs where all the par- measured responses (using the IAT). In order
ticipants were women. They kept constant stimuli to activate a positive stereotype of Gypsy people,
for the target categories (male vs. female first an IAT was run where Gypsy and Non-Gypsy
names), but varied attribute stimuli (pleasant vs. surnames were used as target categories, and
unpleasant adjectives): in one condition, plea- Flamenco (as pleasant) and unpleasant sounds
sant adjectives were associated with the female as attributes. Given that Flamenco music is asso-
stereotype (e.g. BEAUTIFUL), whereas un- ciated with Gypsies, the association between this
pleasant adjectives were linked to the male one specifi c pleasant stimulus (Flamenco music
(e.g. BRUTAL). In the second condition, the and Gypsy people would be stereotypically con-
stereotypical association of the attribute items gruent), but evaluatively incongruent. Similarly
was reversed, and pleasant adjectives bore male to Steffens and Plewe (2001), in the present
associations (e.g. LOGICAL), whereas unpleasant research, the stimuli involved in the evaluative
adjectives carried a female association (e.g. dimension show cross-category associations
HYSTERICAL). When a stimulus representing (Flamenco music—a pleasant stimulus—is in-
a category is related to the other category being congruent in a evaluative basis with the Gypsy
measured, it contains what is called a ‘cross- category—a discriminated group—but at the
category association’. If these cross-category same time Flamenco music is stereotypically
associations did not contribute to the IAT effect, associated with Gypsies, and in this sense would
the IAT effects of both conditions should be the be congruent). We expected that the stereotypic
same. Although the resulting implicit attitudes association of the pleasant attribute with the tar-
were positive toward women in both conditions get group previously associated with it (Flamenco
(given the gender of the participants), the dif- music/Gypsy people) would reduce the IAT
ferent stimuli led to a stronger IAT effect for effect compared to the condition in which the
the evaluatively congruent feminine-positive pre-existing association between the target cat-
and masculine-negative condition than for the egory and the pleasant attribute is lower (i.e.
incongruent feminine-negative and masculine- Gypsy people and classical music). Flamenco
positive condition. More recently, Bluemke and leads us to face an apparently contradictory
Friese (2006) have corroborated the assumptions situation: a group that is certainly a target of
that the cross-category associations affect the prejudice is associated with a kind of music that


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Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12(3)

gives Spaniards a very positive social identity IAT procedures, unpleasant sounds were noises
and is highly valued abroad. In this research such as a car crash or a bee buzzing taken from
we expect that activating the already existent a standardized sound database (IADS, Bradley
link between Flamenco music and Gypsies will & Lang, 1999).
result in a decrease of the negative attitude Our main hypothesis was that participants
typically shown by participants toward Gypsies; would show an implicit negative attitude toward
we do not expect these effects to be shown when the Gypsy community in terms of the IAT effect
other kinds of positively evaluated music (e.g. index, with standard measures. However, a low
classical music) are associated with Gypsies or prejudice effect was expected when Flamenco
when Flamenco music is associated with other music clips were used as pleasant stimuli. In other
discriminated groups (e.g. the North African words, we expected participants to show a low
community). Two studies were carried out to test IAT effect with Flamenco music IAT compared
these hypotheses. The first was conducted to to classical music IAT.
show the different effects of exposure to music
(Flamenco and classical) in the implicit activation
of negative attitudes toward Gypsy people.
In the second, Flamenco and classical music Participants
were also used to explore their impact on the Participants were 1022 first-year undergraduate
negative attitudes toward the North African psychology students (78 females). The sex of par-
community, a different minority group in Spain ticipants did not show any effect or interaction
which is also discriminated against. in the results reported below and therefore was
disregarded for further analyses. The average age
of participants was 18 years (M = 18.7; SD = 1.95).
Study 1
None of them reported to be Gypsies.
The goal of the first study was to test the useful-
ness of activating the link between a traditionally Materials
prejudiced group (Gypsies) and a positive aspect For the three IATs run, the six Gypsy surnames
of its stereotype (Flamenco music) in reducing (e.g. Heredia) and six non-Gypsy surnames (e.g.
the negative implicit pattern of association López; for the full list, see Table 1) were selected
toward the group using the IAT measure. In from a pilot study used in a previous experiment
this first study, the results of activating this link (Moya, Ruiz, Rodríguez-Bailón, & Expósito,
(Flamenco music—Gypsy group) were compared 2006). As pleasant words, we used those of the
to the effects of another kind of positive valued standard attitude IAT measure (http://faculty.
music (classical music) to test its consequences fol-
on the measure of implicit attitude. lowing the standards reported by Bellezza,
In order to conduct this study, three different Greenwald, and Banaji (1986, see also Table 1 for
IAT measures were taken from participants. the list of pleasant and unpleasant words used).
In the first one, prejudice toward Gypsy people Two new sets of six stimuli were developed for
was tested using a classical IAT attitude measure this study: 5-second Flamenco and classical music
with Gypsy and non-Gypsy social categories and clips, which were selected on the basis of a pre-
pleasant and unpleasant words as the evaluative test assessment. For this purpose, 22 participants
dimensions. In the two following IAT measures, listened to 5-second clips of different pieces of
the classical attribute categories pleasant/un- Flamenco music (e.g. ‘alegrías’) or classical music
pleasant were replaced by pleasant and unpleasant (e.g. a Beethoven’s sonata). The results of this
sounds. In one of the IAT procedures (hereafter pre-test showed that participants do not perceive
Flamenco music IAT), pleasant sounds consisted differences between Flamenco and classical music
of Flamenco music clips, whereas in the other stimuli regarding its pleasantness (t(1, 10)
IAT measure (classical music IAT) the pleasant = –0.38, p = 0.72, ns, M = 5.63 and M = 5.59,
stimuli involved classical music clips. In both respectively for Flamenco and classical music


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Rodríguez-Bailón et al. the impact of flamenco music

Table 1. Implicit Association Test (IAT) stimuli

Gypsy North African Valence

Gypsy Non-Gypsy North African Spanish Pleasant Unpleasant
Heredia García Mohamed Juan Suerte (Lucky) Diablo (Evil)
Cortés López Rachid Manuel Amor (Love) Dolor (Pain)
Carmona Martínez Hassan Pedro Paz (Peace) Feo (Ugly)
Flores González Soraya Ana Cielo (Heaven) Vómito (Vomit)
Montoya Pérez Yasmina Pilar Aplauso (Cheer) Peste (Stink)
Amaya Sánchez Latifa Carmen Feliz (Happy) Podrido (Rotten)
Note: Items shown represent those used for the Gypsy vs. non-Gypsy and North African vs. Spanish
complementary categories for the baseline measured and experimental conditions in Studies 1 and 2. Valence
stimuli (pleasant vs. unpleasant) represent the words used in Studies 1 and 2 (with their English translation
in brackets) for the baseline measured in Session 1. Note that the valence stimuli for the IATs in Session 2
for both Flamenco and classical music IATs in Studies 1 and 2 were pleasant (5 seconds of music clips) and
unpleasant (annoying noises) sounds.

clips, on a scale of seven points). The six unpleas- ethnic bias standard IAT measure that used
ant sounds (e.g. a car crash, a bee buzzing, etc.) the seven-block procedure proposed by Nosek,
were selected from the IADS (Bradley & Lang, Greenwald, and Banaji (2007, see Table 1). This
1999), using the normative scores adapted to procedure was used to assess implicit attitudes
the Spanish population by Fernández-Abascal toward Gypsy vs. non-Gypsy people. In this stand-
et al. (2008). ard IAT measure, participants responded to
All pretest participants were able to categorize a series of items that were classified into four
the audio stimuli within 5 seconds, and most of categories—concept discrimination (Gypsy and
them did it much faster. However, as in the IAT non-Gypsy) and two attributes: pleasant vs. un-
typical procedure, the IATs used in the present pleasant valence words (e.g. peace and vomit
research included stimuli long enough for par- respectively). Participants were asked to respond
ticipants to give an answer before the stimulus rapidly to items representing one concept and
was over. one attribute by pressing a key (e.g. Gypsy people
and pleasant), and by pressing a different key to
Procedure and measures items from the remaining category and attribute
Upon their arrival in the laboratory, participants (e.g. non-Gypsy and unpleasant). Participants
were informed that they would take part in two then performed a second task in which the key
studies that included tasks often used in social assignments for one of the pairs were switched
psychological research on cognitive processes (such that non-Gypsy people and pleasant shared a
involved in social perception. In both sessions, response, as well as Gypsy people and unpleasant).
participants were placed in individual cubicles (a The IAT produces measures derived from lat-
maximum of eight) in the laboratory and seated encies of responses to these two tasks. In the
in front of a computer using Windows XP with current study, the so-called compatible block of
an IAT procedure built using E-prime software trials was the one that mapped the same answer
(Schneider, Eschman, & Zuccolotto, 2002). Par- to non-Gypsy pleasant, or Gypsy unpleasant ; on the
ticipants were encouraged to respond as quickly contrary, the incompatible block was the one
as possible without making errors. in which participants were asked to associate
Gypsy pleasant, or non-Gypsy unpleasant. Each
Session 1 The first study was completed by critical block of compatible and incompatible
all participants early in the academic year. In associations consisted of 72 trials, and the order
Session 1, we tested the baseline prejudice of compatible and incompatible critical trials was
of participants toward Gypsy people with an counterbalanced across participants. The most


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Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12(3)

important measure in the IAT task is the differ- In one set of critical trials—the incompatible
ence between reaction times for incompatible and block—participants were asked to use the same
compatible blocks of trials. Response latency key for Gypsy surnames and pleasant sounds
differences provided the measure of implicit (Flamenco music clips for the Flamenco music
group evaluation. The IAT effect was computed IAT or classical music clips for the classical
so that high scores showed more implicit pre- music IAT), and the other key for non-Gypsy
judice toward Gypsies. For each of the 144 test surnames and unpleasant sounds as soon as
trials, participants’ responses were followed by possible without making errors. In the other
a 250 ms delay before the next stimulus was set of critical trials—the compatible block—
presented. Errant trials were not corrected by participants were asked to use the same key for
participants. This method uses an error penalty non-Gypsy surnames and unpleasant sounds,
recommended by Greenwald, Nosek, & Banaji and the other key for non-Gypsy surnames and
(2003), where errant responses were replaced positive sounds (Flamenco or classical music
with their respective block mean for correct clips, depending on the IAT measure) as soon
answers + a 600 millisecond error penalty. as possible without making errors.
The IAT has been shown to display good re- Response latencies in the trials where music
liability and good convergent and discriminant or sounds were involved were recorded from
validity (Greenwald et al., 1998, 2003) as well as the onset of the audio stimuli. Audio stimuli
some predictive validity. This first IAT standard were displayed until participants responded
procedure using Gypsy and non-Gypsy surnames (up the maximum of 5 seconds). As in the
in association with pleasant and unpleasant previous IAT measure, for each of the 144 test
words was taken as a baseline in order to measure trials, participants’ responses were followed by
the initial prejudice of participants toward Gypsy a 250 ms delay before the next stimulus was
people. Four weeks after completing this base- presented.
line measure, participants were asked to complete As in Session 1, Session 2 included 72 trials
two IATs (the Flamenco and classical music IATs). for each critical block of compatible and incom-
patible associations in both IAT measures, and
Session 2 Upon their arrival in the same labor- the order of the compatible and incompatible
atory used in Session 1, participants completed critical blocks was counterbalanced across
tasks for two IAT measures in succession. These participants.
two IAT measures were similar to the one in Upon completion of the study, participants
Session 1, with the only difference that music were asked in a debriefing session about their
clips or sounds were used instead of words as perceptions related to the purpose of the study
pleasant and unpleasant stimuli respectively. and the hypotheses of the experimenter. Their
For the Flamenco music IAT, the pleasant stimuli answers confirmed our expectation that none
were Flamenco music clips; for the classical of the participants were aware of the predicted
music IAT, the positively evaluated stimuli were effects of the two IATs conducted in Session 2
classical music clips (classical music IAT). In both on implicit attitudes toward Gypsies. At the end
cases, the unpleasant stimuli included the same of this session, participants were finally informed
six annoying noises selected from the IADS about the actual goals, hypotheses, and main
(Bradley & Lang, 1999). results of the study.
Participants performed this series of two IATs
(counterbalanced across participants); as in
Session 1, participants were instructed to categor-
ize surnames of Gypsy and non-Gypsy people, The two IAT critical measures obtained for
and pleasant (Flamenco or classical music clips each participant were analysed in a single
depending on the IAT) and unpleasant sounds factor design. Therefore, the main independent
(annoying sounds). variable was IAT Type, that is, the type of music


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Rodríguez-Bailón et al. the impact of flamenco music

clip used as pleasant stimulus in each IAT meas- procedural variable; this was done so that par-
ure (Flamenco vs. classical music). ticipants in the two counterbalanced orders
The new scoring algorithm proposed by did not differ in the implicit prejudice measure
Greenwald et al. (2003) was used to compute toward Gypsy people (D = 0.37 and D = 0.36
the three IAT scores. Standard deviations within respectively for Flamenco–classical music and
conditions were applied to calculate the D scores classical–Flamenco music; t < 1).
for each of the three IAT measures that were We explored the effect of using Flamenco vs.
administered (one in Session 1—the standard classical music clips as pleasant stimuli in the
IAT attitude measure with Gypsy/non-Gypsy IAT procedure, as an index of the association of
and pleasant/unpleasant words—and two in the Gypsy and non-Gypsy surnames with pleasant and
second one—the Flamenco and classical music unpleasant stimuli. To do so, a repeated measure
IAT measures). Higher D scores reflect more ANOVA was performed on the IAT D scores with
implicit negative attitude by showing faster IAT Type (Flamenco vs. classical music IAT) as
responses when associating Gypsy surnames the only within-participant factor. Although in
with unpleasant stimuli (words or sounds) both conditions participants seemed to be able
and non-Gypsy surnames with pleasant stimuli to categorize the audio stimuli promptly (see
(words or sounds). Table 2), as depicted in Figure 1 a significant
As expected, the results of Session 1 showed effect of IAT Type was found, F(1, 94) = 18.98;
that, at the beginning of the study, most partici-
pants had an implicit prejudice toward Gypsy Table 2. Mean response latencies for the critical
people, as indexed by the D IAT algorithm dif- blocks for the Flamenco and classical music IATs
fering significantly from 0 (Mean of D = 0.365; where implicit ethnic attitudes toward Gypsy people
were measured
t(91) = 11.76; p < .001).
Based on the results of Session 1, participants Blocks
were assigned to one of the two orders of IAT
Congruent Incongruent
measures (Flamenco IAT first—classical music
IAT afterwards vs. classical music IAT first— Flamenco music IAT 863.11 856.72
Classical music IAT 846.49 889.15
Flamenco music IAT afterwards) to control this

Figure 1. Implicit ethnic attitudes towards Gypsy people as a function of positive stimuli used (classical music
clips–classical music IAT and Flamenco music clips–Flamenco music IAT).


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Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12(3)

p = .0001; µ2 = 0.16). As we predicted, participants shows that Flamenco and classical music were
showed lower implicit prejudice toward Gypsies positively evaluated in a similar way. However, we
when the pleasant stimuli were Flamenco music would like to ascertain that it is the Flamenco–
clips (D = – 0.01) than when they were classical Gypsies association that is the one responsible
music clips (D = 0.13). In other words, when we for the effect found, and not some factor just
used classical music clips as positively evaluated related to this kind of music.
stimuli, participants still showed an implicit
negative attitude toward Gypsies (in this case
Study 2
the mean D IAT algorithm differed significantly
from 0, t(99) = 4.08; p < .001). This was not the case Consequently, and in order to rule out the ex-
when Flamenco music clips were used (t < 1). planation mentioned above, a second study
was conducted. In Study 2, Flamenco music
and classical music were used to measure the
implicit prejudice toward a different minority
The results of Study 1 show that music clips may group in Spain, the North African community.
play an important role in implicit attitudes This community is a highly discriminated
toward Gypsy people. Specifically, when a group of Spanish society as shown by different
stereotype-consistent but positive feature of sociological studies (e.g. Díez Nicolás, 2005),
Gypsies (such as Flamenco music) is used as a which have sometimes reported that this group
positively valued attribute in an implicit attitude is as discriminated against as Gypsy people. The
measure, the typical effect showed by implicit prediction for this second study was that both
prejudice measures toward Gypsies is lower. Flamenco and classical music IATs will show
These findings are noteworthy for several participants’ negative implicit attitudes toward
reasons. Previous research on prejudice reduc- the North African group. This result should be
tion has mainly focused on showing the effects shown by an IAT effect higher than 0, both for
of associated discriminated groups with counter- Flamenco and classical music IATs when the
stereotypical positive traits (e.g. Blair, Ma, & social categories considered are North African
Lenton, 2001).However, the present study showed versus Spanish.
that it may be more useful to activate stereotypic
positive traits to change the pattern of implicit
negative attitude toward a prejudiced group.
Given the theoretical importance of implicit Participants
attitudes (Bargh, 1997; Greenwald et al., 2002) Seventy-four different undergraduate students
and their ability to predict subtle forms of from the University of Granada participated in
intergroup behaviour (Kawakami, Dovidio, & the study for course credits; 64 of them were
Van Kamp, 2005), the implications of these women. As in Study 1, the sex of participants did
findings for ethnic intergroup relations are both not show any effect or interaction in the results
practically and theoretically significant. reported below. Therefore, this factor was dis-
Nevertheless, although we propose that the regarded for further analyses. Participant mean
beneficial effects of Flamenco music are due to age was 19.1 years (SD = 1.76).
its pre-existing association with Gypsy people,
because it allows changing the pattern of activ- Procedure
ation of this association, an alternative explan- The procedure was identical to the one used
ation of these results could be put forward. The in Study 1, with the only difference that the
positive effect of Flamenco music might be due Gypsy/non-Gypsy discrimination categories
to Flamenco music per se (different and perhaps were replaced by the North African/Spanish
more positive than other kinds of music such ones. For Study 2, two sets of six names were
as classical music). This alternative explanation used as exemplars of the social categories North
is not supported by our previous finding, which African and Spanish (see Table 1) generated


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Rodríguez-Bailón et al. the impact of flamenco music

by the authors and judged by them to be both Participants in the two orders did not differ
familiar and unambiguously classifiable as in the implicit prejudice measure toward North
Spanish or North African by members of the Africans (D = 0.44 and D = 0.34 respectively for
participants’ population. Flamenco–classical and classical–Flamenco
Study 2 also involved two sessions: the first one orders; t (66) = 1.71; ns). As was the case in the pre-
was aimed at obtaining a baseline of the implicit vious study, in this one, participants were able to
prejudice toward North Africans. In Session 2, categorize the audio stimulus quickly, as shown
two IAT measures were also compared; one used by the mean response times in the critical blocks
Flamenco music clips as pleasant stimuli along of the three IATs involved in the present Study
with the same unpleasant sounds used in Study (as depicted in Table 3).
1 (Flamenco music IAT), whereas the other one As in Study 1, an IAT Type (Flamenco vs. clas-
used classical music clips as pleasant stimuli sical) repeated measures ANOVA was performed
(classical music IAT). on the IAT D scores in order to study the effect of
using Flamenco vs. classical music clips as plea-
sant stimuli in the ordinary attitude IAT, as an
index of the association between North African
As in Study 1, data from Session 1 were taken in and Spanish names with pleasant and unpleasant
order to test the assumption that participants stimuli. As depicted in Figure 2, no effect was
showed prejudice toward North Africans and found to be significant in this analysis (D = 0.23
also to control the baseline prejudice toward
North Africans for the two groups of particip- Table 3. Mean response latencies for the critical
ants who received the two orders of IAT Type blocks for the Flamenco and classical music IATs
used in Session 2 (Flamenco IAT first vs. classical where implicit ethnic attitudes toward North African
music IAT first). As happened with the Gypsy people were measured
group in Study 1, participants in Study 2 showed Blocks
prejudice toward the North African community, Congruent Incongruent
as indexed by the D IAT algorithm differing
Flamenco music IAT 823.79 909.93
significantly from 0 (Mean of D = 0.39; t(67) =
Classical music IAT 803.58 893.21
13.24; p < .001).

Figure 2. Implicit ethnic attitudes toward North African people as a function of positive stimuli used (classical
music clips–classical music IAT, and Flamenco music clips–Flamenco music IAT).


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Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12(3)

and D = 0.26 respectively for Flamenco and clas- significant, F(1,157) = 6.22; p = .014; µ2 = .38;
sical music IAT measures, t < 1). According to that is, for North Africans using either Flamenco
our hypothesis, and in contrast with Study 1, the or classical music clips as positively evaluated
effect was significantly different from zero in attributes did not make any difference (in both
both cases, t(68) = 6.51; p < .001, and t(65) = 6.83; cases an IAT effect appeared); however, for the
p < .001, respectively for Flamenco and classical Gypsy group, implicit prejudice was reduced
music IAT. Consequently, and in line with our when using Flamenco music clips as positively
predictions, when the categories to be discrim- evaluated stimuli and was not with classical
inated were North African vs. Spanish names, the music clips.
effects of using Flamenco vs. classical music clips The results shown in the first study revealed the
as pleasant stimuli seemed to be irrelevant, and usefulness of manipulations leading to activating
participants keep their negative implicit attitudes the automatic positive side of the stereotypes of
toward North African, both for Flamenco and prejudiced groups. In this specific case, it is the
classical IATs. use of a type of music that is highly associated with
a group and positively evaluated that may lead
participants to change the negative evaluation of
a previously negatively evaluated group. There-
An important goal of this work was to explore fore, these results suggest the beneficial effects of
how individuals may have several sets of asso- music in the intergroup arena.
ciations with a target (Gypsy people, in these An explanation of our results may account for
studies) and how the presence of particular the suggestion that individuals are able to avoid
cues is sufficient to influence which subset of the negative evaluation of Gypsies as a result of
associative knowledge is activated. We found an alteration of the context within which the tar-
support for the idea that the implicit attitude get category is embedded. As has been shown in
toward Gypsy people varied depending on the literature (Macrae, Bodenhausen, & Milne, 1995;
frame on which they were built. We used the Wittenbrink et al., 2001), participants may have
IAT paradigm in the two studies presented in evaluated Gypsy people in a certain way in one
this article (Greenwald et al., 1998). context (e.g. negatively when they are displayed
Summarizing our results, in Study 1, par- with classical music), and in a different way in
ticipants showed lower negative evaluation another context (e.g. more positively when they
of Gypsies when they were asked to associate are presented with Flamenco music). In the pre-
pleasant attributes such as Flamenco music sent case, the context could be defined mainly
clips with the social category of Gypsy people; by the music and sounds displayed (Flamenco
this was compared to the task in which they and classical music or unpleasant sounds) which
had to associate another pleasant attribute are contingent to the social category (Gypsy and
(classical music clips) with Gypsies. However, North African people). If the display of Flamenco
these differences between ease of association music in our study played the same role as the
depending on the music used (Flamenco vs. physical context in the studies of Wittenbrink
classical music) disappeared in Study 2, which et al. (2001) (e.g. the church), it would be inter-
involved North Africans. esting to test this proposition in greater detail.
Next, a mixed ANOVA was run with Study Future research should analyse whether simple
(1 vs. 2) as the between-participant factor, exposure to Flamenco music leads people to
and IAT Type (Flamenco vs. Classical music) as assess the Gypsy group less negatively than
the within-participant factor on the D scores. usually.
We are aware of the problems of this analysis Thus, our work can be interpreted in terms of
because participants were not randomly assigned differences in pattern activation, an important
to the two studies, but we ran it just as an explor- aspect of associative processes in the APE model
atory one in order to delve more into the data. (Gawronski and Bodenhausen, 2006). From this
The predicted interaction was found to be constructivist perspective, different contexts


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Rodríguez-Bailón et al. the impact of flamenco music

make different emotions or knowledge acces- visual—IAT has been developed), there are
sible, resulting in changes in people’s evaluations. some caveats and limitations. The first one con-
In the present case, one could argue that the asso- cerns the use of the IAT as the only measure
ciative representation of Gypsy people is ambi- of implicit attitudes. Further research should
valent, such that Gypsy people are associated with show whether the association between Flamenco
both positive and negative features (e.g. lazy and music and Gypsies also influences less prejudiced
music talented). This ambivalent view of groups responses more implicitly (e.g. using priming
is not new in psychological literature; social psy- procedures) or explicitly (e.g. with behavioural,
chologists have long identified attitudes entailing social distance measures, etc., as dependent mea-
simultaneous positive and negative evaluations sures). Another important question is related to
of an object (Fabrigar, MacDonald, & Wegener, the psychological process underlying the results
2005). In line with that, and according to the Iter- obtained. The explanation given in this article is
ative Reprocessing Model (Cunningham, Zelazo, that the association between Gypsies and positive
Packer, & Van Bavel, 2007), a connectionist frame- attributes—traditionally associated with them
work is ‘a pattern of weights that contains both and included in their stereotype—reduces the
positive and negative information which allows negative implicit attitude toward this group. How-
for the possibility of ambivalence and can be ever, there is an alternative explanation that is
considered an ambivalent attitude’ (p. 754). not considered in these studies. It has to do with
To sum up, as has already been said, the two the fact that exposing participants to Flamenco
crucial features which could make music and music also activates a supra-ordinate identity in
other kinds of features useful to improve out- them as Spaniards and gives salience to a positive
group attitudes are the following: (1) they should attribute associated with their own identity: cul-
be positive; and (2) they should be highly pre- ture related to Flamenco music. If the effect we
associated with the outgroup evaluated. Different found was explained by the activation of the
future avenues could also explore to what extent perceivers’ social identity, our findings should
it is possible to generalize the beneficial effects only appear in individuals for whom Flamenco
of music with different groups and music (e.g. is an important part of their identity. On the
Black people and gospel or jazz music). contrary, if the main process underlying our
Using a very similar argument as the ones cited results was the activation of the positive side of
above, we consider that the beneficial effects the Gypsies’ stereotype, the results would be
of Flamenco music cannot be explained by the found with similar intensity for people for whom
repeated exposure of participants to Flamenco Flamenco is important to define themselves and
music (i.e. mere exposure effect; Zajonc, 1968). for people for whom it is not.
According to the mere exposure effect, repeated It is worth noting two major implications of
exposure to positive stimuli produces an in- the results shown in this article. The first is the
creased positive response to these stimuli. This use of beneficial effects of activating the positive
explanation was not supported by the data side of stereotypes to reduce negative attitudes
obtained with the present studies. Our results toward discriminated groups. The second implies
showed higher implicit negative attitudes to- the consideration of music as a useful tool to
ward Gypsies when participants were asked improve intergroup relations. Music defines soci-
to complete the classical music IAT compared to eties and groups and is often associated with an
the Flamenco music IAT, even though pre-test expression of religious and national feelings.
participants evaluated both kinds of music In some societies you can find out a lot about
(classical and Flamenco) as equally positive. people if you listen to what they sing or know what
kind of music they like. Tekman and Hortaçsu
Limitations and future research (2002b), for instance, found that strengthening
Despite the interest of this research and the identity and sense of community was one of the
new procedure employed (as far as we know, perceived functions of music. Tarrant et al. (2001)
it is the first time a cross-modal—auditory and adopted the social identity theory approach and


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Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 12(3)

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Notes Bellezza, F. S., Greenwald, A. G., & Banaji, M. R.
1. In March 2004, several bombs placed in trains (1986). Words high and low in pleasantness
that connected Madrid to its surroundings as rated by male and female college students.
exploded in one hour, killing almost two Behavior Research Methods, Instrument, &
hundred people and injuring thousands. The Computers, 18, 299–303.
terrorist attacks, first of all attributed by the Blair, I. V., Ma, J. E., & Lenton, A. P. (2001).
Spanish government to ETA (a Spanish terrorist Imagining stereotypes away: The moderation
group), were finally attributed to Arab-Muslim of implicit stereotypes through mental imagery.
extremists. Some of the perpetrators were tried Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81,
and sentenced. 828–841.
2. The number of data on participants used Bluemke, M., & Friese, M. (2006). Do features
in the analyses slightly varied because some of stimuli influence IAT effects? Journal of
participants missed Session 2 of the study, and Experimental Social Psychology, 42, 163–176.
also because there were technical problems with Bradley, M. M., & Lang, P. J. (1999). International
the computers used to run the study. affective digitized sounds (IADS): Stimuli, instruction
manual and affective ratings (Tech. Rep. No. B-2).
Gainesville: The Center for Research in
Acknowledgements Psychophysiology, University of Florida.
Cunningham, W. A., Raye, C. I., & Johnson, M. K.
This research was supported by Grants Ref. (2004). Implicit and explicit evaluation: fMRI
Nos SEJ-2007–34362/PSIC and SEJ2007–65816/ correlates of valence, emotional intensity, and
PSIC from the Spanish Ministry of Education and control in the processing of attitudes. Journal of
Science (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia). We Cognitive Neuroscience, 16, 1717–1729.
are grateful to Juan Lupiáñez who discussed this Cunningham, W. A., Zelazo, P. D., Packer, D. J., &
research with us and helped us both to generate Van Bavel, J. J. (2007). The Iterative Reprocessing
some of the ideas included in the present article Model: A multilevel framework for attitudes and
and to improve the text. We are also grateful to evaluation. Social Cognition, 25, 736–760.
two anonymous reviewers and the guest editors for Dasgupta, N., & Greenwald, A. G. (2001). On the
their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this malleability of automatic attitudes: Combating
article. automatic prejudice with images of admired and
disliked individuals. Journal of Personality and
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Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 893–912. Biographical notes
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für experimentelle Psychologie, 48, 123–134. social inequality, the effects of social power on
Tajfel, H. (1981). Human groups and social categories. cognitive, behavioural processes, prejudice, and
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. stereotyping, with a particular focus on Gipsy
Tajfel, H., & Turner J. C. (1979). An integrative and non-Gipsy intergroup relationships.
theory of intergroup conflict. In W. G. Austin
& S. Worchel (Eds.), The social psychology of josefa ruiz is assistant professor of applied social
intergroup relations (pp. 33–48). Monterey, psychology at the University of Granada, Spain.
CA: Brooks-Cole. Her research analyzes stigma, prejudice, and
Tarrant, M., Hargreaves, D. J., & North, A. C. discrimination toward Gypsy and disabled
(2001). Social categorization, self-esteem, and people.
the estimated musical preferences of male
adolescents. Journal of Social Psychology, 141, miguel moya is professor of social psychology
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Tekman, H. G., & Hortaçsu, N. (2002a). Aspects of research interests are gender and prejudice.
stylistic knowledge: What are different styles like
and why do we listen to them? Psychology of Music,
30, 28–47.


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