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Student booklet course 4 - Chapter 11 - Sections 1, 2 and Page 2

Goal: Talk about past events.................................................3
Vocabulary. Describing times before today..............................3
Vocabulary. How to read years, decades, and centuries ...............5
Grammar. The past tense of be: statements and questions ...............5
Grammar. Affirmative and Negative Statements WERE / WEREN’T. . .6
Grammar. Yes / No Questions SINGULAR..........................6
Grammar. Yes / No Questions PLURAL.............................6
Grammar. Information Questions.......................................6
Grammar. Affirmative and Negative Statements WAS / WASN’T.......6
Goal: Describe past activities.................................................9
Grammar. The simple past tense: affirmative statements ........9
Grammar. The simple past tense: negative and interrogative statements . . .14
Goal: Describe your weekend activities....................................17
Vocabulary. Outdoor activities................................................17
Chapter 11, Section 1

Goal:Talk about past events. Talk about your weekend.

Vocabulary. Describing times before today.

1. the day before yesterday 2. yesterday 3. today

Student booklet course 4 - Chapter 11 - Sections 1, 2 and Page 4

last week
last month

last year 4 last

two days ago two weeks ago

two months ago 5 two years ago

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Vocabulary. How to read years, decades, and centuries.

1900 nineteen hundred

1901 nineteen oh one
2000 two thousand
2001 two thousand and one
2010 twenty ten / two thousand
1990 to 1999 the (nineteen) nineties
1901 to 2000 the twentieth century
2001 to 2100 the twenty-first century

Practice. Say the years aloud.

2007 1800 2017

1922 1815 1915

1615 1955 2013

Grammar. Th e pas t tens e o f be : s t a teme n t s an d ques tions : ther e w a s / ther e were .

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Grammar. Affirmative and Negative Statements WAS / WASN’T.

Subject Verb Be Complement

I was / wasn’t at home two days ago.
He was / wasn’t at his office yesterday.
She was / wasn’t at the party last Friday.
It was / wasn’t hot yesterday.
There was / wasn’t a movie last night.

Grammar. Affirmative and Negative Statements WERE / WEREN’T.

Subject Verb Be Complement

You were / weren’t at home two days ago.
They were / weren’t at the office yesterday.
We were / weren’t at the party last Friday.
There were / weren’t students at school.

Grammar. Yes / No Questions SINGULAR.

To BE Subject Complement Short Anwer

Was he in his office yesterday? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.
Was she at the party last Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.
Was it a hot day? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.
Was there a movie last night. Yes, there was. / No, there

Grammar. Yes / No Questions PLURAL.

To Be Subject Complement Short Anwer

Were you at home two days ago? Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t.
Were they at the office Yes, they were. / No, they
yesterday? weren’t.
Were we at the party last Yes, you were. / No, you weren’t.
Were there students at school? Yes, there were. / No, there

Grammar. In f orm a tio n Ques tions .

Question Word To Be Subject Complement

Where was the party?
When was she in France?
Where were you last night?
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Practice. Write the correct form of be “was” or “were”

1. How many people at your house last weekend?

2.The book wasn´t difficult. It easy.

3.Those my best jeans.

4.Dinosaurs prehistoric animals.

5. your friends at school yesterday?

6. Sandra not at school yesterday.

7.You at the party last Friday.

8. your grandparents designers?

9.John and I in the garden.

10. your parents in the restaurant? Yes, they .

11. My grandmother a nurse. She wasn´t a doctor.

12. I thin when I was 6 years old.

13. When I younger, I played with teddy bears.

14. We on vacation last month.

15. you at the cinema last night?

16. Ten years ago, I a baby.

17. the exam difficult?

18. The film (not) exciting. It was boring.

19. there many people at the party?

20. the girls in the park? No, they .

21. Her name wasn´t Kate. It Isabel.

22.Paco wasn´t happy. He sad.

23. the boys at the football game? Yes, they .

24.The books (not) on the shelf. They in the bookcase.

25. Tom at a concert? Yes, he .

Student booklet course 4 - Chapter 11 - Sections 1, 2 and 3 Page 8

Practice. Answer the questions.

1. What day was yesterday?

It was Friday
2.What day was five days ago?
It was Monday
3.What day was one month ago?
it was august
4.What day was the day before yesterday?
it was thursday
5.What date was last Saturday?
august 28th

Conversation. Tell someone about an event.

A: Where were you last Saturday? B: What time?
A: At about 9:00.
B: I was at my mom’s house. Why?
A: Because there was a great concert at the stadium.
B: There was? Too bad I wasn’t

Practice. Complete the conversation. Tell someone about an event.

A: Where were you ?

B: What time?

A: At about .

B: I was . Why?

A: Because there was at .

B: There was? Too bad I !

Chapter 11, Section 2

Goal:Describe past activities

Grammar. Th e simpl e pas t tense : a ffirm a tiv e s t a teme n ts .

Use the past tense form of a verb for affirmative statements.


PAST FORM Regular verbs:

OF THE VERB play - played call – called
I played soccer last Sunday.
Irregular verbs:
You studied English last month. drink – drank think - thought
She danced at Jessie’s party.
He cleaned his bedroom
They went to the mall last night.
We liked the movie.
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Regular Verbs Spelling Rules

Spelling rules Examples

base form + ed walk walked
play played
verbs ending in -e + d like liked
move moved
verbs ending in a consonant + y
carry carried
study studied
change y i + ed
One syllable verbs which finish in a combination
plan planned
of consonant + vowel + consonant. Double the last stop stopped
consonant and add -ed.
submit - submitted
Two-syllable verbs with stress on the second syllable permit – permitted
and ending in consonant + vowel + consonant. Double prefer – preferred
the last consonant and add -ed. commit - committed

Regular Verbs Past Tense “Pronunciation”

If the base
Example example pronounce
verb ends in
(base verb): with -ed: the -ed:
one of these
/t/ want wanted
/d/ end ended /Id/
/p/ hope hoped
/f/ laugh laughed
/s/ fax faxed
/∫/ wash washed
/t∫/ watch watched
/k/ like liked
play played
all other sounds
allow allowed /d/
beg begged
Student booklet course 4 - Chapter 11 - Sections 1, 2 and Page 11

Regular Verbs

/t/ /d/ /Id/

asked agreed accepted
cashed answered added
checked applied benefited
cooked arranged completed
coughed believed created
danced borrowed decided
dressed burned elected
discussed called ended
finished carried expected
fished changed graduated
fixed cleaned invented
guessed climbed landed
helped closed lasted
hoped copied needed
jumped delivered painted
laughed described participated
liked enjoyed planted
looked loved presented
parked moved provided
passed opened pointed
photographed planned recommended
pronounced played rented
pushed prepared repeated
reached rained rested
shopped realized started
talked remembered visited
typed repaired wanted
walked returned waited
watched saved
wished seemed
worked traveled
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Practice. Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs in parenthesis.

1. The kids (play) in the garden last Saturday.

2. She (visit) her friends last weekend.

3. Yesterday, I (show) my little brother the new computer game.

4. Last Friday, we (decide) to visit Cairo.

5. The shop assistant (open) the door to customers.

6. The students (work) on the project together yesterday.

7. They (want) to watch TV last night.

8. We (walk) home last night.

9. Mr. Yu (paint) his house last summer.

10. The school bus (stop) in front of my house this morning.

11. It (rain) last night.

12. My family and I (travel) to Italy 2 years ago.

13. I (like) cartoons when I was a kid.

14. My friend (plan) a vacation trip last week.

15. We (study) English last month.

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Irregular Verbs List

base form - past base form - past base form - past base form - past form
form form form
cut- cut bring – begin – be – was,
fit – fit brought buy – began drink were blow –
hurt-hurt bought teach – drank ring blew do – did
put- put – taught think – rang sing – draw –
read – read – thought sang sink – drew drive
set – set build – built sank swim – – drove eat
shut - keep – kept swam – ate give –
shut wet – leave – left gave go –
wet lose – lost went grow –
meet – met grew hide –
become –
send – sent hid know –
became come –
sleep – slept knew ride –
spend – spent rode see –
run – ran
feed – fed saw take –
find – found took write –
have – had wrote
hear – break – broke
heard make choose –
– made pay chose forget
– paid say – – forgot
said sell – speak – spoke
sold stand – steal – stole
stood tell – tear – tore
told wear – wore
sit – sat fly – flew
Student booklet course 4 - Chapter 11 - Sections 1, 2 and Page 14
win – won
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Practice. Complete the sentences with the simple past tense form of the verbs in parenthesis.

1. My dog (sleep) on my bed last night.

2. Our English course (begin) two weeks ago.
3. Mark (pay) for the meal at the restaurant.
4. The students (take) an exam yesterday.
5. You (break) your cellphone.
6. We (go) to Brazil last year.
7. Mary (wear) her new dress at the party.
8. I (read) an interesting book last weekend.
9. My wife (make) breakfast yesterday morning.
10. The kid (do) his homework last night.
11. My sister (write) a poem last month.
12. Mrs. Jones (drive) his car all morning.
13. The children (drink) their milk this morning.
14. She (come) home late last night.
15. I (get) up late last Sunday.

Grammar. Th e simpl e pas t tense : neg a tiv e an d i n ter rog a tiv e s t a teme n ts .

Use did not + base form of the verb for negative statements.
Use Did + subject + base form verb for questions
Negative statements did not :didn’t

Subject did not + base form verb Complement

I didn’t play soccer last Sunday.
You didn’t study English last month.
She didn’t dance at Jessie’s party.
He didn’t clean his bedroom yesterday.
They didn’t go to the mall last night.
We didn’t like the movie.
Student booklet course 4 - Chapter 11 - Sections 1, 2 and Page 15
Yes / No questions
Auxiliary Subject Base form verb Complement + ? Short Answer
Yes, I did.
Did you play soccer last Sunday?
No, I didn’t.
Yes, we did.
Did you study English last month?
No, we didn’t.
Yes, she did.
Did she dance at Jessie’s party?
No, she didn’t
Yes, he did.
Did he clean his bedroom yesterday?
No, he didn’t.
Yes, they did.
Did they go to the mall last night?
No, they didn’t.
Yes, it did.
Did it rain yesterday?
No, it

Information questions

Question word Auxiliary Subject Base form verb Complement + ?

Where did you play soccer?
When did you study English?
Where did she dance last Friday?
What did he do yesterday?
What did they read last month?
What time did it rain yesterday?

Be careful!
Remember: Word order changes when “Who” is the subject of the sentence.
In questions with “Who” we don’t
have a subject, so we don’t use auxiliary:

Who went to the movies last month?

Who came yesterday?
Who danced at Jessie’s party?
Student booklet course 4 - Chapter 11 - Sections 1, 2 and Page 16

Practice. Complete the conversations, using the simple past tense of the verbs in parenthesis.

1. A: What you last Sunday? (do)

B: I to the movies with my friends. (go)

2.A: your mom yesterday? (work)

B: Yes. She until 6:00 p.m.

3.A: What you for breakfast? (eat)

B: We eggs and bread.

4. A: Where they last vacation? (go)

B: They to Europe. (travel)

5. A: Who a new car? (buy)

B: Antonio a BMW.

Conversation. Describe your past activities.

A: So, what did you do last night?
B: Well, I went to a party, I danced with my friends, and then I came home
A: What about this morning?
Did you do anything special?
B: Not really. I just cleaned my bedroom.

Complete the conversation. Describe your past activities.

A: So, what did you do?

B: Well,,.
A: What about? Did you do anything special?
Chapter 11, Section 3

Goal:Describe your weekend activities.

Vocabulary. Outdoor activities.

1. go to the beach 2. go running 3. go bike riding

4. go for a walk 5. go swimming 6. go for a drive

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Practice. Answer the questions.

1.Did you go for a walk?

2.Did you go bike riding?
3.Did you go running?
4.Did you go to the beach?
5.Did you go swimming?
6.What did you do last weekend?

Conversation. Talk about your weekend.

A: Did you have a nice weekend?
B: Oh, yeah. I had a great
weekend. A: What did you do?
B: Well, on Saturday, my sister
and I went swimming in the
morning. At noon we ate in
restaurant. Then, on Sunday,
we went for a drive and visited
our parents. What about you?
A: Well, on Saturday, the weather
was nice, so I went for a walk.
And on Sunday, my
family and I went to the beach.

Complete the conversation. Describe your past activities.

A: Did you have a nice weekend?

B: Oh, yeah. .

A: What did you do?

B: . What about you?

A: Well, on Saturday, .

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