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A. Research Design

This research will be conducted by using qualitative research. As

Khotari (2004:3) states “Qualitative research is specially important in the

behavioural sciences where the aim is to discover the underlying motives of

human behaviour.”

Qualitative research is practiced in many disciplines, so a rangeof data

collection methods has been devised to cater for the variedrequirements of the

different subjects, such as: qualitative interviewing,focus groups, participant,

discourse and conversation analysisand analysis of texts and documents

(Waliman, 2011:131).

Based on the theory of qualitative research mentioned above, it can be

concluded that qualitative research is concerned with the practice and

understanding of the types, processes and reasons of occurred phenomena. This

research tried to find out types of deixis and meaning of deixis that found in

Flying Without Wings Album by West Life.

B. Data and Source of Data

The data in this research is types of Deixis and meaning deixis while

sources of the data from Flying Without Wings Album by West Life.

C. Technique of data collection

In collecting the data in this research the researcher will conduct some

steps they are:

1. First, researcher search the album westlife on youtube.


2. Second, researcher will downlod the album song from the youtube

3. Third, will search the lyrics album from google



4. Fourth, researcher will watch the sound of the song with the song lyrics

5. Finally, researcher will make list each types of deixis and meaning deixis

D. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next step is analyzing the data. The

next step to analyze the data in this research is found by Cresswell

(2009:172-176) state there are some steps to analyzing data as follows:

1. Organize and prepare the data for analysis. This is the first step which

researcher conduct to carry out to analyzing the data from the source of

the data. In this section, researcher selecting the data needed and the next

focus on data which will analyzing that is diexis that exist in Flying

Without Wings Album by West Life.

2. Read through all the data. The next step, researcher will make checking

all the data that found in lyrics Album Flying Without Wings Album by

West Life.

3. Begin detailed analysis with a coding process. After select and checking

the data found, researcher make classifying each types of deixis based on

the theory.

4. Use the coding process to generate description of the setting or people as

well as categories or themes for analysis. Researchers can generate codes

for this description. This analysis is useful in designing detailed

descriptions for case studies.

5. Advance how the description and themes will be represented in the

qualitative narrative. Then, researcher make the data display in the table.

6. A final step in data analysis involves making an interpretation or

meaning of the data. The last activities are researcher make

interpretation each types of deixis based on the theory then take a

conclusion and numbering how many the deixis found in the album.

E. Trustworthiness of the Data

Trustworthiness is established to make sure whether the data

ofresearch is valid or reliable. According to Lincoln and Guba (2013:104-

105) trustworthiness in a qualitative study is determined by four indicators –

credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmabilityand it is these four

indicators that reflect validity and reliability in qualitative research.

1. Credibility

Credibility corresponds to the internal validity criterion of

positivism and refers to establishing confidence in the findings and

interpretations of a research study. Therefore, this research use methods,

theories, and triangulation of sources is comparing data with the external

sources. Triangulation throughout the process of the research conduction is

test through comparing the finding with external sources, like some books,

theories and from journal.


2. Transferability.

This refers to the degree to which the results of qualitative

research can be generalized or transferred to other contexts or settings’.

The aim of transferability is to test whether the research has to provide

clear and understandable explanation or not. This will do through

comparing the findings with related theories and previous research


3. Dependability

Dependability refers to the finding consistency. It decided

whether theresearcher consistently gather the data, form and employ

concept tointerpret and to draw conclusion. Throughout the research

conduction process, the activity flow is focus on the predetermine research

questions which is make clear base on the technique of the data, and

concept, involvement of researcher‘s role as the key instrument during

data collection and analysis, and the appropriate research design

(descriptive qualitative research design) which is orient.

4. Confirmability

Confirmability refers to how the findings and interpretations are a

result of a dependable process of inquiry as well as data collection. The

technique for assessing confirmability are a triangulation and reflexive

journal. Thus, the result of this study should be similar to the theories or

result of other studies which have the same objectives with this research.

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