SSTH007059 Project 2

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Project 2

Evaluation 32
Psychology (SSTH 007 059)

Be sure to include ALL pages of this project (including the directions and the assignment) when you
send the project to your teacher for grading. Don’t forget to put your name and UNHS I.D. number at
the top of this page!
This project is worth 100 points. It will count for twelve percent of your course grade.

Project Instructions
This project will allow you to apply your knowledge of classical conditioning. Suppose that a young
child is terrified of bugs. Imagine a situation in which classical conditioning caused this fear
(you may be creative). Using your imagined scenario, write a two-to-four page (600–1200 word)
paper in which you answer the following questions. Your paper will be worth 100 points. Papers
should be typed, double-spaced, and free from errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
1. How did the fear develop? (15 points possible)

2. What was the Unconditioned Stimulus? (10 points possible)

3. What was the Conditioned Stimulus? (10 points possible)

4. What was the Unconditioned Response? (10 points possible)

5. What was the Conditioned Response? (15 points possible)

6. Why did the child come to fear all bugs? (15 points possible)

7. How can the child overcome this fear? (15 points possible)

8. Mechanics (free from spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors; correct length and spacing
used). (10 points possible)

Project 2 1
SSTH 007
Project Submission
To submit Project 2, type your project in the space provided at the end of this document (scroll
down). When you are finished, save the document with this name:
Go to your course management system to upload your project file.

Project 2 2
SSTH 007
[Begin typing here.]

Project 2 3
SSTH 007

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