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Quality and Business Excellence in Telecommunication Sector: A

Case Study

Chapter · January 2011

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5 authors, including:

Zora Arsovski Slavko Arsovski

University of Kragujevac University of Kragujevac


Igor Milanovic
University of Kragujevac


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Chapter 5
Quality and Business Excellence
in Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study
Zora Arsovski, Slavko Arsovski
Goran Markoviè, Igor Milanoviè, Maja Dabetiè

1. Introduction
Telecommunication service embraces many areas, including landline and mobile phone serv-
ices, data and multimedia distribution via regular, cable or satellite links. The main characteristic
of telecommunication sector is a relatively small number of big companies. It requires big invest-
ment, particularly for the introduction of new services and technologies.
In telecommunication sector creation and improvement of strategy in following areas is important:
x Strategic goals achieving, with emphasize on:
– consolidation of existing markets for telecommunication services,
– convergence of the landline and mobile phone services,
– introduction of value-enhancing projects,
x Operational excellence, including quality, BE, innovative products, etc.
European telecommunication sector is still growing at the steady rate. Mobile phone services
have become the largest segment in telecommunication services with share of 49%1. In Tab. 1 is
presented selected top telecommunication operators in EU in 2003.

Table 1. Telecommunication operators in EU in 2003.

Range Operator Country Turnover 2003 (mile) Staff
1 Deutsche Telecom Germany 55,838 251,000
2 Vodafone UK 48,597 60,109
3 France Telecom France 46,121 221,657
4 Telecom Italia Italy 30,850 93,187
15 OTE Greece 4,914 17,169
18 Telecom Austria Austria 3,970 13,890
Source: Trends and drivers of change in the EU telecoms sector: Mapping report, Foundation for the im-
provement of living and European Working Condition, Dublin, 2005.

Trends and drivers of change in the EU telecoms sector: Mapping report, Foundation for the improvement of
living and European Working Condition, Dublin 2005.
90 Zora Arsovski, Slavko Arsovski, Goran Markoviü, Igor Milanoviü, Maja Dabetiü

Share of EU telcom sector in world turnover was nearly 25%2. Increasing of business rela-
tionships and falling prices is broad recognized trend that leads to growing of telecommunication
services and integration of telcom providers. Therefore, Deutsche Telecom has share in 15 EU
countries, such as Austria (T-Mobile, T-Online), France (T-Online), Netherlands (T-Mobile), UK
(T-Mobile), etc.
Through analysis, the following drivers of change are recognised:
x regulation,
x impact of the crisis in 2001,
x entry of new operators into the market,
x technology and standardization,
x increase in employment of computer support specialists,
x increase in employment of computer software engineers,
x increase in employment of information systems managers,
x increase in employment of marketing and sales managers,
x increase in employment of computer services employees,
x increase in employment of Þnancial specialist,
x increase in quality managers and quality engineers,
x increase in IMS managers and engineers,
x decline in the number of telecommunication equipment installers and maintenance workers.
Telecom Austria Group offers communication solutions that seamlessly integrate into people
lives, with slogans:
x innovation: innovating with You,
x quality: importing with You,
x diversity: sharing with You,
x responsibility: caring with You3.
Enhanced competitiveness in telecommunication sector needs new approaches involvement, as
quality and business excellence. Quality, as degree of satisfaction of customers, is evolved in satisfac-
tion of all stakeholders. Therefore, Quality Management Systems (QMS) evolved through Integrat-
ed Management Systems (IMS), which consists from different Standardized Management Systems
(SMS) related to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, ISO 26000, ISO 28000, TL 9000, etc. In design
of IMS, some very famous methods are included as well as techniques and tools from Total Quality
Management (TQM) approach. It is link to the new paradigm known as Business Excellence (BE).
Basis for implementation of quality and BE paradigm in telecommunication sector are proc-
esses and integration of all stakeholders needs related to those processes, especially when compa-
nies are challenged with higher competitiveness in global telecommunication market.
Telecommunication companies have to be competitive in both, landline and mobile phone
services with lower prices. Under these circumstances, telecommunication companies need to
improve productivity, quality and operating efÞciency that are essential for business success, in
accordance to BE model presented below.
In this paper, basis of quality and BE paradigm are presented, as well as actual state of Serbian
telecommunication sector with emphasis on new approach to the one Serbian Telecommunication
Company which is aimed to achieve higher level of competitiveness.

Trends and drivers…, op. cit.
Future, Telecom Austria Group, Annual Report, 2010. http: //ar2010.telecomaustria. com
Quality and Business Excellence in Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study 91

2. Design of IMS for telecommunication companies

Because of increased competition, increased technological complexity, shorter innovation cy-
cles and fast changing of customer needs, management of telcom needs to make decisions faster in
order to stay ahead of competitors. Strategic foresight of one telcom has following four elements:
x technology intelligence,
x political and environmental foresight,
x competitive intelligence and
x customer foresight4.
Integrating elements among the Þrst and other three elements are:
x actors,
x methods and
x systems.
Each telcom must Þrst identify the parts of their current systems that need transformations,
x management (organization, processes and systems) and
x services (wireless, wire line, data/IP, TV).
In next step telcom have to develop and deploy own strategy for achieving the goals, with
approving and prioritizing projects for:
x system consolidation,
x operational efÞciency,
x operational readiness (introducing new technologies such as mobile TV, etc.),
x aspects related to risk5.
In this paper emphasize is on the second and third element, i.e. methods and systems related
to quality.
American Society for Quality (ASQ) identiÞed seven key forces that will inßuence the future
of quality:
x globalization,
x social responsibility,
x new dimensions of quality,
x aging population,
x health care,
x environmental concerns,
x twenty Þrst century technology.
All seven key forces are important for very complex and frequently changeable telecommunication
companies. Some key forces have extension of basic quality concept with other dimensions and needs6.

J. Kelada, Integrated Reengineering with total quality, ASQC Quality Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1995.
Transforming Telecom Management – facing the challenge of next generation networks, White paper, Ericsson,
January, 2009.
J. Kelada, op. cit.; N. Slack et al., Operations and Process Management: Principles and practice for strategic
impact, FT-Prentice Hall, London 2009; J. Oakland, Oakland on Quality management, Elsevier, Amsterdam
2004; R. Garvare, P. Johanson, Management for Sustainability: A stakeholder theory, “Total Quality Manage-
ment & Business Excellence” 2010, Vol. 21, No. 7-8, pp. 737-744; S. Karapetroviü, J. Jonker, Integration of
Standardized Management Systems: Searching for a Recipe and Ingredients, “Total Quality Management &
Business Excellence” 2003, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 451-459.
92 Zora Arsovski, Slavko Arsovski, Goran Markoviü, Igor Milanoviü, Maja Dabetiü

Previously, management theory and practice have been changed rapidly, which results in ex-
istence of many management concepts, whose acronyms are unknown to the experts of particular
areas (e.g. TPM, MBO, HRM, etc.).
During growth of quality and environment movement in 90cs, concepts listed in addition have
appeared – environment management system (ISO 14000), occupational safety and health man-
agement (OHSAS-ISO 18001), risk management system and some others management concepts
are still in preparation phase (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Integrated management system resolves problems in telcom sector.

Risk Management

ISO 18001 ISO 14001
Problem in
Telcom sector

QMS management
ISO 9000 systems

Appearance of many dissimilar management systems, with different and sometimes divergent
demands, needs optimal strategies reconsideration in introduction of standards in national quality
policies and emphasize question of their integration through integrated management system.
Quality management system (ISO 9000), environment management system (ISO 14000) and occu-
pational safety and health management (ISO 18000) appeared in the last decade of 20-th century. They
give partial answers on above-mentioned questions and particular quality demands. Therefore, there is
high level of similarity and overlapping between them (e.g., between ISO 9000 and ISO 14000), but
there are also speciÞc demands for every mentioned management system. Actually, there is a possibility
of changing identiÞed relations between them afterwards, which could result in their integration.
The Þrst question is which integration elements are keys for the above-mentioned area. The
answers could be:
x same stakeholders, that is interest groups (employees, management, business associates, pop-
ulation, state, stakeholders) and interested parties,
x same organization and environment processes,
x same methods and techniques, theory and management practice,
x similar resource management,
Quality and Business Excellence in Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study 93

x equal measuring, analysis and improvement concepts,

x same top management responsibilities,
x same vision, mission and business policies in organization.
These common elements are obtained after observing company from different aspects. Besides
common IMS elements, we noticed speciÞc elements for every partial management system too.
Next important question that we try to Þnd an answer is which of mentioned integrated sys-
tems should be “the core” of integration.
Answer on this question depends on:
x type of already implemented management system,
x business area and category of documented business processes,
x predominate stakeholders requests.
However, QMS implementation in accordance to ISO 9000 standard gives us two important
beneÞts – process approach and documented and structured procedures that imply that in a most
cases “core of integration” should be QMS.
Besides that, the other solutions for “core of integration” should be considered in accordance
to speciÞc stakeholder requests related to adequate business process types.
Management integration procedure based on already implemented ISO 9000 is basis for pos-
sible integration of other management systems, starting from identiÞcation and deÞnition of:
x market state and needs,
x policies and goals,
x resources and resource management,
x management systems,
x communication systems,
x process management (including actions and operations too),
x measurement, analysis and improving systems,
x management systems reconsideration.
As a given example in one Serbian telcom company basis for integration is strategy plan and
key business processes. Based on existing state, in next phases will be incorporated strategic and
stakeholder’s needs related to key business processes, and after that, request of 12 chosen stand-
ardized management systems.
Integration of different management systems has strategic and tactical component. Strategic
component refers to decision about management system integration, “core integration” deÞnition,
integration deÞnition and procedures, with obligatory determination of goals and system integra-
tion management strategy.
Tactical component refers to making the plan and program integration, surveying manage-
ment system integration procedure, making decisions in particular control points and reporting
for strategic level.
The concept role, impact end other characteristics of broader quality paradigm are explained
in cited references7. For telecommunication companies, the most of them started with implemen-
tation of QMS according to ISO 9001 standard, and after that with:

D. Sumers, Quality, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, Boston 2010, p. 20; J. Kelada, op. cit.; N. Slack et al., op.
cit.; J. Oakland, op. cit.; R. Garvare, P. Johanson, op. cit.; S. Karapetroviü, J. Jonker, op. cit.; M. McDonald,
T. Mors, A. Phillips, Management System Integration: Can it be done?, “Quality Progress” 2003, 36, pp. 67-74;
A. Zutshi, A. Sohal, Requirements for successful integrated management system: The experiences of Australian
organizations, Faculty of business and economics-Monach University, Australia 2003.
94 Zora Arsovski, Slavko Arsovski, Goran Markoviü, Igor Milanoviü, Maja Dabetiü

x ISO 14001 (Environment Management System),

x TL 9000 (Quality Management in Telecommunication),
x ISO 20000 (Service Management),
x ISO 27000 (Security Management System),
x ISO 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Systems),
x ISO 31000 (Risk Management),
x ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility),
x ISO 28000 (Security Management Systems for Supply Chain),
x ISO 12207 (Software Engineering Life Cycle).
In process of design and introduction of IMS in telecommunication sector with different man-
agement systems basis are processes in each telecommunication company. Each process is re-
viewed from aspects of all stakeholdercs needs and requests. In Fig. 2 is presented process map
for telecommunication companies according eTOM speciÞcation.

Figure 2. eTOM process map.

environment of telcom

Enterprise management

Strategic and Enterprise risk Enterprise Knowledge &

enterprise management effectiveness research
planning management management
Stakeholders &
Financial and internal HRM
assets relationship
management management

Strategy, infrastructure & product Operations

Strategy & commitment

Infrastructure life cycle

Product life cycle

Billing & revenue

Operation support


& readiness


Quality and Business Excellence in Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study 95

Each component process in macro process (strategy, infrastructure and product) is decoupled
from four perspectives:
x marketing and offer management,
x service development and management,
x resource development and management and
x supply chain development and management.
Redesign and introduction of all stakeholders’ needs and their transformation into processes
in Telecommunication Company is complex project. For realization of this project, it was neces-
sary to develop following project infrastructure (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Project infrastructure.

Central team:
- Project manager
- Team managers from side of
Project consulting and telcom
Council - Project principal

Team 2
Team 3

Team 4

Team 1

Team 5

Team 8

Team 6

Team 7

Team manager - Subproject manager
Leading consultant
Team manager from telcom
Team members from telcom
project principal
96 Zora Arsovski, Slavko Arsovski, Goran Markoviü, Igor Milanoviü, Maja Dabetiü

Methodology of project management is developed in accordance to ISO 10006 and PMBOK

Guide, from following aspects:
1. Project integration management is realized through consequent applying of process approach
and project organization. On central team meetings are resolved all non-conformance inter-
faces among subprojects (P1 – P8),
2. Project scope management is necessary for achieving the following project goals:
x enhancing the level of business processes standardization,
x designing of business processes from aspects of Balance Score Cards,
x monitoring of process effectiveness using appropriate Key Performance Indicators
x business performance improvement for strategic decisions,
x improvement of strategic decisions,
x enhancing the corporate culture,
x enhancing of employees know-how,
x improvement of corporation values.
3. Managing the project time,
4. Managing the project costs,
5. Managing the project quality,
6. Managing the human resources,
7. Managing the communication,
8. Managing the project risks,
9. Managing the purchasing.
DeÞned outputs and outcomes for this project are:
x project results book,
x integration of the processes model in corporative process model,
x effective strategy deployment,
x deÞnition of the strategy, policy and quality goals,
x business improvement,
x increasing the telecommunication company value,
x developing the prerequisites for implementation of integrated management systems (IMS).
For each observed telecommunication process, it is necessary to realize the following:
x analysis of existing state,
x analysis of strategic needs related to processes,
x identiÞcation and decomposition of processes,
x analysis of stakeholdercs needs,
x analysis of interfaces,
x processes modelling and mapping,
x conceptualisation of desired processes,
x deÞning of process metrics and
x creation of procedures for process management.
Outcomes for each process are:
x procedure(s),
x process model,
x decomposed process model as a system for supporting the Information Communication
Technology (ICT),
Quality and Business Excellence in Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study 97

x higher process transparency and

x process goals enhancement.
As a result, quality and performance are linked, which lead as to the concept known as Busi-
ness Excellence (BE).

3. Business excellence in telecommunication sector

Business excellence in telecommunication sector depends on business excellence perform-
ance of each telcom (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. Relationships among telcoms and telcom sector in Serbia.

world wide

Telcoms in

Leadership Organizational and service Competitiveness
benefit quality

Level of
Customer each telcom

Three telcoms operate in Serbia:

x Telekom Srbija,
x Telenor and
x VIP mobile.
Currently, dominant position has Telekom Serbia, with more than 10.000 employees.
Quality has high impact on business performance. Fig. 5 shows closed loop between quality
and business performances.
98 Zora Arsovski, Slavko Arsovski, Goran Markoviü, Igor Milanoviü, Maja Dabetiü

Figure 5. Closed loop between quality and business performances.

Overal satisfaction
On-time delivery
Product Customer loyalty
and service Errors or defects Customer
quality satisfaction Complaints
Factor feedback
Product recall

Leadership Competi- Market

for continous tiveness share
improvement Profit


Cycle time
Quality system
and employee Organization Employ ee turnover
involvement benefits
Employ ee
Safety and health

Quality impact to corporate performance is achieved in four different areas8:

x employee relations,
x operation procedures,
x customer satisfaction and
x Þnancial performance.
Sources of competitive advantage can be reduced to:
x low cost and
x differentiation.

Y. Chung et al., A study of business value of Total Quality Management, “Total Quality Management & Business
Excellence” 2008, Vol. 19, No. 3-4, pp. 367-379; G. Kanji, Architecture of business excellence in the public and
service sectors, “Total Quality Management & Business Excellence” 2008, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 399-416.
Quality and Business Excellence in Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study 99

Quality has high inßuence on both sources9 through:

x superior products and services design,
x outstanding services,
x high agility,
x continuous innovation,
x rapid response and
x higher resilience.
Like the Malcolm Baldridge, the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)
model recognized processes as kern for achieving business excellence. The EFQM model con-
sists of enablers and results (Fig. 6). In this EFQM model, major role has leadership.

Figure 6. The EFQM Excellence Model.

Enablers Results


Key performance
People results


Policy & Customer
Strategy results

Partnerships Society
& resources results

Innovation & learning

Source: D. Sumers, op.cit.

In telecommunication sector in EU many companies have already achieved high level of BE.
As example, Deutsche Telecom achieved responsible corporate governance in 200910 with incor-
porating all stakeholders:
x staff,
x supranational organizations,
x media,
x science, research and education,
x NGOs and residents,

N. Slack et al., op. cit.; Evans J., Quality Management Organisation and Strategy, South Western, Cengage
Learning, 2008; H. Khanna, S. Laroyia, D. Sharma, A Survey on Indian experience on Integrated Management
Systems (IMS), “International Journal for Quality Research” 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3; S. Arsovski, Z. Punoševac,
D. Rajkoviü, Integration of Management System QMS/EMS/OHSAS/FMS/LMS in Water Supply Organization,
“International Journal for Quality Research” 2009, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 313-322.
M. McDonald, T. Mors, A. Phillips, op. cit.
100 Zora Arsovski, Slavko Arsovski, Goran Markoviü, Igor Milanoviü, Maja Dabetiü

x customers,
x analysts and investors,
x suppliers and
x business.
Besides corporate responsibility, other aspects of telecommunication business have high im-
pact as input from different management system. Fig. 7 shows inßuence of respected manage-
ment systems.

Figure 7. Translating of KPI into eTQM-processes and responsible management standard in

area of CR in Deutsche Telecom Group.


1 QMS 9001

Purchasing TL 9000

Resource mgt EMS 14001
& operations

SC development 18001

& management

Operation SMS 27001


7 Enterprise risk 26000


development SM 20000
and retirement
Quality and Business Excellence in Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study 101

For other business areas, analogy could be created. Consequently, in each telecommunication
company business is managed through more than four different management systems. Some of
them are standardized and realized through certiÞcation process, and the others are non-stand-
ardized, but well structured, developed and managed, as it is in the case of CRM in Deutsche
Telecom Group.

4. Case study
According to previously done analysis, one of Serbian telcom starts with design and introduc-
tion of quality and business intelligence, based on complementary projects of strategy develop-
ment, project management, reengineering of existing ICT, Balance Score Card and Reengineer-
ing of Business infrastructure (Fig. 8).

Figure 8. Actual and planed state in one Serbian telcom.

Level of competences

ess excellence
quality and busin rds
balanced score ca
nt and deploym ent
strategy deve lopme nt
project manage me

Reengineering of business infrastructure including ICT year

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

In 2011 project named “Establishment of ISO Quality Management Standards” started with
dynamics presented in Fig. 9. This project in Þrst phase covers eight key processes and training
teams with following topics – leadership, process modelling and process mapping.
102 Zora Arsovski, Slavko Arsovski, Goran Markoviü, Igor Milanoviü, Maja Dabetiü

Figure 9. Key processes in Þrst phase of project in one Serbian telcom.


RM 1. Selling QMS
(ISO 31000) (ISO 9001)
2. Design and improvement
CM services EMS
(BS 25999) (ISO 14001)
3. Management of conflicts in CRM
SR Hrouble ticketing, etc. OHSAS
(ISO 22000) (ISO 18001)
4. Management of compliants
TL 9000
(ISO 28000) 5. Assets management
(ISO 10006) 6. Human resource management CRM
Other mgt SM
standards 7. Purchasing management (ISO 22000)
Other telecom ISMS
standards 8. Strategy design and deployment (ISO 27001)

After completition of this phase, next four are planned for complete project realization (Fig. 10).

Figure 10. Project plan.

Level of competences

Establishment of new
strategy supported
with IMS
Preparing for
EFQM award
of nextt 8 key
Serbian quality
and BE award
of first 8 key
processes year.
2011 2012 2013
Quality and Business Excellence in Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study 103

End of the project is establishment and certiÞcation of IMS with 12 component management
standards. After this, Serbian telcom will be competitive on global market.
Accordingly, this project has high inßuence on business performance. Fig. 11 shows strategic
map11 with target values.
After realization of this project, telcom could expect respectable competitiveness improve-
ment in amount of cca 25%.

Figure 11. Strategic map in one Serbian telcom.

Financial Perspective

Long - Term

Productivity Revenue

Customer Perspective

Product / Service Relationships

Atributes Image

Internal Process Perspective

Manage Manage Manage Manage Regulatory

Operations Customers Inovations and Social Processes

Learning and Growth Perspective

Human Information Operation

Capital Capital Capital

R. Rohrbeck, H. Arnold, J. Heuer, Strategic Foresight in multinational enterprises: A case study on the Deut-
sche telecom laboratories, ISPIM-Asia conference, New Delhi 2007, p. 4; D. Sumers, op. cit.; J. Kelada,
op. cit.
104 Zora Arsovski, Slavko Arsovski, Goran Markoviü, Igor Milanoviü, Maja Dabetiü

5. Conclusion
The following conclusions can be drawn:
x processes in telecommunication companies are unique and they represent support to the de-
velopment of corporate strategy,
x developed strategy have to be reviewed and improved,
x IMS is high inßuential factor on business performance of each telcom,
x there are relation among each telcom and telecommunication sector related to competitive-
ness and business excellence,
x business excellence is long-term goal for each telcom.
After applying the proposed concept, achieving of following short-term indicators and long-
term goals for analysed telcom in Serbia is expected:
x improving the business performance: 1-5%/year,
x increasing the company value: 1%/year,
x increasing the level of customer satisfaction: 5% year,
x increasing the loyalty: 8%/year,
x increasing the value for customers: 5%/year,
x improving the level of business processes standardization: 25%/year,
x the design of business processes from the aspect of applying BSC – increasing the scope of
application of the BSC (5%/year),
x increasing the effectiveness of applying the appropriate KPI process: 10%/year,
x increasing the effectiveness of strategic decision-making: 15%/year,
x promoting the corporate culture: 15%/year,
x improving the know-how: 8%/year,
x improving the organization: 5%/year.
With achieving those goals, the company will be much more competitive in the market of
telecommunication services.

1. Arsovski S., Punoševac Z., Rajkoviü D., Integration of Management System QMS/EMS/OH-
SAS/FMS/LMS in Water Supply Organization, “International Journal for Quality Research”
2009, Vol. 1, No. 4.
2. Chung Y. et al., A study of business value of Total Quality Management, “Total Quality Man-
agement & Business Excellence” 2008, Vol. 19, No. 3-4.
3. Evans J., Quality Management Organisation and Strategy, South Western, Cengage Learning,
4. Future, Telecom Austria Group, Annual Report, 2010. http: //ar2010.telecomaustria. com
5. Garvare R., Johanson P., Management for Sustainability: A stakeholder theory, “Total Quality
Management & Business Excellence” 2010, Vol. 21, No 7-8.
6. Kanji G., Architecture of business excellence in the public and service sectors, “Total Quality
Management & Business Excellence” 2008, Vol. 19, No. 4.
Quality and Business Excellence in Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study 105

7. Karapetroviü S., Jonker J., Integration of Standardized Management Systems: Searching for
a Recipe and Ingredients, “Total Quality Management & Business Excellence” 2003, Vol. 14,
No. 4.
8. Kelada J., Integrated Reengineering with total quality, ASQC Quality Press, Milwaukee, Wis-
consin, 1995.
9. Khanna H., Laroyia S., Sharma D., A Survey on Indian experience on Integrated Management
Systems (IMS), “International Journal for Quality Research” 2009, Vol. 3, No. 3.
10. McDonald M., Mors T., Phillips A., Management System Integration: Can it be done?, “Qual-
ity Prepress” 2003, 36.
11. Oakland J., Oakland on Quality management, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2004.
12. Rohrbeck R., Arnold H., Heuer J., Strategic Foresight in multinational enterprises: A case
study on the Deutsche telecom laboratories, ISPIM-Asia conference, New Delhi 2007.
13. Slack N. et al., Operations and Process Management: Principles and practice for strategic
impact, FT-Prentice Hall, London 2009.
14. Sumers D., Quality, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall, Boston 2010.
15. The 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report, Deutsche Telecom Group, 2009. www.telecom.
16. Transforming Telecom Management – facing the challenge of next generation networks,
White paper, Ericsson, January, 2009.
17. Trends and drivers of change in the EU telecoms sector: Mapping report, Foundation for
the improvement of living and European Working Condition, Dublin 2005. www.eurofound.
18. Zutshi A., Sohal A., Requirements for successful integrated management system: The experi-
ences of Australian organizations, Faculty of business and economics-Monach University,
Australia 2003.

Acknowledgment: Research presented in this paper was supported by Ministry of Science

and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, Grant III-44010, Title: Intelligent Sys-
tems for Software Product Development and Business Support based on Models.

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