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Effective July 1, 2022

Grade Range Grade Range Grade Range Grade Range Grade Range
Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Grade Range
(Less than (1 full yr but less (2 full yrs but less (3 full yrs but less (4 full yrs but less Minimum
1 full year of than 2 full yrs of than 3 full yrs of than 4 full yrs of than 5 full yrs of (5 full yrs of related
Job Grade related exp) related exp) related exp) related exp) related exp) exp)*
3 $ 15.00 $ 15.15 $ 15.30 $ 15.45 $ 15.60 $ 15.75

* Newly Hired employees w/related (job family) experience will not be hired above this rate. Board Approved July 26, 2022

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