Liberalism Is Defined As Being Open To New Opinions and Behaviors Beyond Traditional Beliefs

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Liberalism is defined as being open to new opinions and behaviors beyond traditional beliefs

and values. It is contrasted with conservativism, which espouses more traditional views on
social issues including marriage, abortion, financial and foreign policy, crime, and more. Liberal
countries tend to be more open to change and experimentation in most areas of life, including
(but not limited to) environmental initiatives, matters of gender and/or sexuality, crime reform
(i.e.: education and rehabilitation rather than prison), income inequality, and other societal

To use the subject of gay marriage as an example, a liberal person or country would be more
likely to feel that marriage can be between any two people, regardless of gender. On the other
hand, conservative countries or people would be more likely to feel marriage should be
restricted to heterosexual unions between a man and a woman.


It's an economic model or philosophy that emphasizes that, in a free society, greater economic
and social progress can be made when government regulation is minimized, government
spending and taxes are reduced, and the government doesn't have strict control over the
economy. Neoliberalism does not oppose all government intervention. However, it does wish to
see it limited to only when it's necessary to support free markets and free enterprise.

Some effects might be freer markets, access to more products and services to meet consumer
demand, greater revenue and higher profits. Price reductions due to greater competition can
also be an effect. Savings can result from a more efficient allocation of resources. The better
organization of workforces and ability to hire needed talent for specific jobs can result from
neoliberal policies, as well. Others might point out some of the negative effects believed to be
associated with neoliberalism. These could include economic inequality, the growth of
monopolies, a lack of job security, the loss of jobs due to outsourcing, and an increasing
indifference to the needs and well-being of individuals.

A social liberal government is expected to address economic and social issues such as poverty,
welfare, infrastructure, health care, education, and the climate using government intervention
whilst also emphasizing the rights and autonomy of the individual.
Socialism is, broadly speaking, a political and economic system in which property and the
means of production are owned in common, typically controlled by the state or government.
Socialism is based on the idea that common or public ownership of resources and means of
production leads to a more equal society.

Individualism - the habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant.

A few countries that are considered individualistic cultures include the United States, Germany,
Ireland, South Africa, and Australia.

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