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Advanced Safety, Risk and Reliability Engineering

ENGI: 9121
Assignment 4 (Winter 2019)
Instructor: Dr. Zaman Sajid
Important points:
 You can make appropriate assumptions for the data you believe missing.
However, state your assumptions clearly.
 Due Date: March 20, 2019 11:59 PM (NST). Assignment should be
uploaded to Dropbox by the deadline.
 Provide your solution as ONE PDF/Word file.

1. Workers are a key resource for any workplace and all workplaces take every possible step
to ensure health and safety of their employees. A constant decline in the accident frequency
rate indicates that companies are addressing this issue seriously though many industries
still face safety challenges. Mining industry is a foundational industry in many countries.
However, workers in mining industry face health and safety risks from hazards found in
mines and in mining operations. Such hazards can result in occupational diseases or fatal
injuries. Monongah mining disaster of Monongah, West Virginia, occurred on December
6, 1907 has been described as "the worst mining disaster in American History". More than
362 workers were dead. The Florida Mine Safety Program (FMSP) educates mining
workers to identify hazards at their workplace. Watch their educational video on hazard
recognition at
1) Identify five hazards from the video.
2) Download risk assessment tool from D2L and considering the hazards in part (1),
perform a qualitative risk assessment. (No need to submit Excel sheet – you can add
screenshot of your risk assessment tool).

2. Not only in workplace or industry, hazards are also present in our houses. Using risk
assessment tool available on D2L;
1) Perform a qualitative risk assessment of kitchen in your house. (you will need to visit
your kitchen and identify at least five hazards and perform a qualitative risk assessment
– Excel sheet is not needed; you can provide screenshot of your risk assessment tool).
2) Propose risk remedies which could be used to mitigate the risk for each hazard.
3) How much is residual (qualitative) risk after implementing such risk remedies?

3. Risk analysis is being used to study the potential failure of managing an organization. The
failure of organization can lead to adverse consequences. Every industry has their
hierarchical structures where information is transmitted among executives and managers.
The links in an organizational structure and their communication could be series or parallel
or combination of both. Such links represent the flow of information (instructions) among
various departments of an organization and indicate command and control system. The
failure of such links could result in failure of an organization. A typical series-parallel
structure of an organization is shown in Figure 1. Perform a qualitative failure analysis to
identify possible failure scenarios for the organizational structure shown in Figure 1. (Hint:
there are eight failure scenarios!)

Figure 1: Series-parallel Hierarchy of an organization

4. Brick manufacturing is the fastest-growing industrial sector worldwide. Nevertheless, it is
also among the major contributor to air pollution due to the release of Carbon dioxide (CO2)
gas, which has adverse effect on human health. A brickworks unit releases 0.240 g of CO2,
the 85% of which is released to the atmosphere while 15% of inhaled CO2 is absorbed in
the lungs of the workers. It is believed that workers, working 1950 hours per year, may
exposed to diseases (due to CO2 inhaling) such as insomnia. Assume that probability of
consequence (insomnia) is 3% of accumulated grams of CO2 in workers’ lung. Exposure-
consequence relationship is liner. Determine the individual risk of CO2 exposure. Using a
computer tool (such as MS Excel) plot the individual risk due to CO2 exposure as function
of time for first five years.

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