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Conservative, Liberal, and Personhood

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Conservative, Liberal, and Personhood

The conservative argument against abortion rests on believing that life initiates at

conception and that abortion takes a human life. Notably, this view is grounded on the principle

that all individuals have a right to lifespan and should be endangered from conception. There are

several ways in which this argument can be elaborated. One is to appeal to the holiness of human

life and to argue that abortion is a violation of this sanctity. Another is to say that abortion is a

method of murder and is, therefore, morally wrong. A third way of approaching the issue is to

argue that abortion is detrimental to society and should be discouraged.

The liberal argument for allowing access to abortion is that it is a female's choice to adopt

what to do with their body. In addition, this right is enshrined in the UN Universal Declaration of

Human Rights, which states, "everybody is viable to liberty, person's security and life. According

to liberals, a lady's ability to decide what to do with her body includes the right to have an

abortion (Dubriwny & Siegfried, 2021). Personhood is a legal term that denotes the status of a

human being. In the abortion debate, the concept of Personhood is essential because it

determines when a fetus is considered to be a human being with legal rights. The question of

when Personhood begins is a complex one, and there is no single answer that is universally


In conclusion, the conservative argument against abortion is that it is the taking of human

life. Notably, the profuse idea for allowing admittance to abortion is that a lady has a right to

control her body. Similarly, Personhood is essential in the abortion argument since it is the legal

status of the fetus. Consequently, the conservative view is that the fetus is an individual and must

be protected by the law. Also, the liberal view is that the fetus is not an individual and does not

have equal rights as a person. I consider the profuse idea more credible since a lady must have

the right to control her body.



Dubriwny, T. N., & Siegfried, K. (2021). Justifying abortion: The limits of maternal idealist

rhetoric. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 107(2), 185-208.

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