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Thea Bepinosa



Stress affects people from all walks of life regardless of age, gender, civil status, political affiliation,
religious belief, economic status, and profession. It affects decision-makers such as the politician, the
manager, the priest or pastor, the employee, the housewife, the student, the out-of-school-youths, the
driver, and even the jobless.Stress is found everywhere, that is, at home, with friends, in the office, in
school, in the classroom. It is just around the corner. It simply cannot be avoided because it is part
of being human. In fact, a lot of people experience stress every day. It could be brought about by
many factors. The causes and levels of stress vary fromone person to the other. No person is free from
stress, regardless of how privileged, reasonable, clever, and intelligent he may be. Every person will be
challenged at times by frustrations, losses, changes, and conflicts.To understand one’s stress, Blona
(2005) pointed out that one needs to know what it is and its causes, to cope with it well. He defined
stress as any event or circumstance that strains or exceeds an individual ability to cope. Ellison (1990)
considered stress as a biochemical response by the body to a threatening situation. The most frequently
occurring stress responses were affective stress responses followed by cognitive responses. For both
male and female respondents, the top stressors were academics, workload due to subjects, and time
management concerns. Overall, the males reacted to stress through affective responses and females
through cognitive responses. Students enrolled in the hard and soft sciences both considered academics,
workload due to subjects, and time management concerns as their top stressors.

1. How does stress affect one's physical, cognitive, and emotional aspect?
 Stress affects one’s physical, cognitive, and emotional aspect by evidence that
psychological stress is an important risk factor for age-related cognitive loss, little
research has directly evaluated psychological and physiological mediators of the
relationship between stressful experiences and cognitive function.

2. How can one maintain a positive disposition in life despite challenges?

 They can maintain a positive disposition in life by being conscious of out thoughts, being
gratitude, and surround us with people that support positive attitude.

3. What could be your best coping advice to a teenager who is under stress?
 My best coping advice to teenager who is under stress is to take a break from stressful
situations. Activities like listening to music, talking to a friend, drawing, writing, or
spending time with a pet can reduce stress.

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