Year Plans 9 Form 1

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Specific Competence Indicators (SCI) and Sub Competences (SC) Contents Date Notes


Plan de
Introduction to the course 1 01.09
Grammar and vocabulary 1 07.09
Initial test 1 08.09
Lesson 1 1 14.09
Origin of the Universe
Listening 1.1. Predicting the content of a text on the basis of its title / pictures.
1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. 2.5. The Origin of the
Interaction Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views expressed Universe.
in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured The Big Bang.
work tasks.
3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written
Grammar Using of Greek and Latin nouns Latin and Greek nouns 1 15.09
Written 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue Big Bang theory.
Interaction into a scheme.
Lesson 2 1 21.09
The Beginnings of Life
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the
4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue
Spoken and into a scheme. Origin of Life on the
Written 2.5. Expressing personal opinion regarding the views expressed in Earth.
Interaction an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. The Great Cosmic Egg.
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message.
Grammar Simple Nouns, Derived, 1 22.09
Noun Derivation Compound. Studying
different types of Noun

Lesson 3 1 28.09
Wholesale Changes
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured
work tasks 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from
written messages.
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views Human’s influence upon
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. the environment
Written 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar Developing questionaries
Interaction issue into a scheme.
Grammar Compound Nouns Compound Nouns and 1 29.09
their Plurals
Ways of their forming
Lesson 4 1 05.10
Adaptation for Survival
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured
work tasks. 3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words Some characteristics of
from the context. adaptation
Grammar Distinction between the Singular and Plural of Nouns of Greek and The Noun. The Category 1 06.10
Latin origin. of Numbers.
Listening 1.3. Determining the type of a message by identifying the details of
appreciation and selecting the key information from authentic texts A Radio Programme.
presented clearly and at a normal speed.
Written 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations
Interaction depending on the style (formal/informal) used by the interlocutor. Movement System.
Lesson 5 1 12.10
The Bounty of Nature
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written The Value of a Raindrop
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. Descriptions of some
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views world-famous arboreta
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. Creating a poster about
nature in Moldova
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message.
1.4. Selecting relevant information from passages of informative The dialog- The Arbor
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task. Day in the USA
Written 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations
Interaction depending on the style (formal/informal) used by the interlocutor. Writing a publicity piece
Grammar Abstract nouns Abstract nouns used as
class nouns
Lesson 6 1 13.10
Round Up
Practical - Testing the level of written and/or oral knowledge and skills
application of acquired while studying the unit.
Test 1 19.10
Evaluation • Testing the knowledge and skills acquired in the unit Test Paper.
Test analysis 1 20.10
Lesson 1 1 26.10
Awakening the Heart and Soul
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message. A Bad Day.
1.4. Selecting relevant information from passages of informative
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task.
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform Physical Fitness.
structured work tasks.
3.2. Defining the logical organization of a literary text.
Written 4.4. Reducing the text to its essential idea. Statement Commentary.
Lesson 2 1 02.11
Never Doubt Who You Are!
Lesson 3 1 03.11
Health Hazards
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. Health Hazards.
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
Listening 1.4. Selecting relevant information from passages of informative The Century Disease.
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task.
Written - Proper use of Conditionals and Tense Forms. Conditionals. 1 09.11
Interaction and
Lesson 4 1 10.11
Citius, Altius, Fortius
Spoken 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. 2.5. Expressing
Interaction agreement / disagreement regarding the views expressed in an
exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured Descriptions.
work tasks.
Written - Proper use of Simple / Continuous / Perfect Tenses in Passive Paragraphs about Sport.
Interaction and Voice. 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar
Grammar issue into a scheme.
Lesson 5 1 16.11
Human Virtues
Lesson 6 1 17.11
Round Up
Practical - Testing the level of written and/or oral knowledge and skills .
application of acquired while studying the current unit. (Ill)
Test 1 23.11
Evaluation -Testing the knowledge and skills acquired in this unit. Test Paper.
Test analysis The work on mistakes 1 24.11
Lesson 1 Home, Sweet Home 1 30.11
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. Discussion Points
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views p.48 ex.1-3
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured The Home is Everything
work tasks. text p.48 ex.1-5
3.3 Identifying some details/specific information from written
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Listening 1.4. Selecting relevant information from passages of informative Houses in Great Britain
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task. p.49 ex. 1-7
1.5. Defining the logical organization of a text.
Grammar - Comparing and using Proper and Common Nouns. The Classification of 1 01.12
Written 4.4. Reducing the text to its essential idea Scanning housing
Interaction advertisements
p.49-50 ex. 1-6
Lesson 2 Family - God’s Masterpiece 1 07.12
Spoken 2.2. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest Discussion Points
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views p. 50 ex.1-5
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Reading 3.3.Identifying some details / specific information from written Family Values.
messages; p.51-52 ex.
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message Discussion of values
p.53 ex.7
Written 4.1. Filling in forms. Writing Section
Interaction 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue p.52 ex. 1-7
into a scheme.
Grammar Revision of articles and prepositions p. 53 ex. 8
Lesson 3 Running Errands 1 08.12
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. Discussion Points
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. p.54 ex.1-4

Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message. Dialogue: “At the Dry-
Cleaner’s.” p.53 ex.1-6
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured “As Old as History”
work tasks. p.55 ex.1-10
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Written 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue Essay topic:
Interaction into a scheme “The Future of Shoes”
p.53 ex.11
Grammar Revision of prepositions p.56 ex.10
Lesson 4 Hard Work - the Key to Success 1 14.12
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. Discussion Points
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. p.57 ex.1-4
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured Text: “What is Work?”
work tasks. p.57 ex.1-4
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. Lessons at School
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement/disagreement regarding the views Discussion p.58 ex.1-5
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message “Nicholas Nickleby”
1.3. Determining the type of message by identifying the details of p.59 ex. 1-7
appreciation and selecting the key information from authentic texts
presented clearly and at a normal speed
Written 4.1. Filling in forms Project Work: Best
Interaction 4.5 Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue Teacher Qualities
into a scheme
Lesson 5 It’s Time for Celebration! 1 15.12
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. Discussion Points:
Interaction 2.3. Mastering pragmatics of turn-taking, nominating topics, Holidays
changing topics, etc. p.60 ex.1-5
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured The Magic of Christmas
work tasks. p.60
3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message. Christmas Carols p.61
Written 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations Project Work:
Interaction depending on the style (formal / informal) used by the interlocutor. Designing a Christmas
Grammar - Using Wish-Clauses to express regret about a present or past Wish-Clauses.
Lesson 6 Round up 1 21.12
Practical - Testing the level of written and/or oral knowledge and skills .
application of acquired while studying the current unit. (III)
Test 1 22.12
Evaluation -Testing the knowledge and skills Test Paper.
acquired in this unit.
The work on mistakes
Lesson 1 Man – Society Relationship 1 11.01

Relative pronouns 1 12.01

Lesson 2 The Legislative Power 1 18.01

Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written The Leading Role of the
messages; Parliament of the RM.
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the
Grammar -The usage of Adjectives and their correct Order in a sentence. Order of Adjectives and 1 19.01
other Modifiers before the
Written 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations The Parliament Sessions
Interaction depending on the style (formal / informal) used by the interlocutor. Should /Shouldn't Be
Opened to the Public and
Lesson 3 The executive power 1 25.01
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured
work tasks.
3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. The prerogatives of the 1 26.01
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. President of the Republic
2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views of Moldova.
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message. The President of the
1.4. Selecting relevant information from passages of informative Republic of Moldova.
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task.
Written 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations Quotations and Sayings on
Interaction depending on the style (formal / informal) used by the interlocutor. the Topic of the Lesson.
4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue
into a scheme.
Lesson 4 Judicial Authority 1 01.02
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured
work tasks.
3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. Articles from the
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views Constitution of the
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. Republic of Moldova.
Written -Informative essay writing. Statements Related to the
Interaction 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations Topic of the Lesson.
depending on the style (formal/informal) used by the interlocutor.
Written - Informative essay writing. Statements Related to the
Interaction 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations Topic of the Lesson.
depending on the style (formal / informal) used by the interlocutor.

Grammar - Using Wish-Clauses to express regret about a present or past Wish-Clauses. 1 02.02
Lesson 5 After Twenty Years 1 08.02
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Spoken 2.4. Presenting the content of a film/ story on the basis of a plan. The Man from the West,
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views His Egotism Enlarged by
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. Success…
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message. Part II. End of the story. 1 09.02
Written 4.4. Reducing the text to its essential idea. Composition/Newspaper
Interaction Article.
Lesson 6 Round up 1 15.02
Practical - Testing the level of written and/or oral knowledge and skills .
application of acquired while studying the current unit. (V)
Test 1 16.02
Evaluation -Testing the knowledge and skills acquired in this unit. Test Paper.
Test analysis The work on mistakes 1 22.02
Lesson 1 At Leisure 1 23.02
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. Discussion Points
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. p.88 ex.1-5
Mastering pragmatics of turn taking, nominating topics, changing Role Play
topics, etc. p.88 ex.1-7
Listening 1.4 Selecting relevant information from passages of informative “At the Box Office”
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task Dialogue p.88 ex.1-3
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written By Heart. 1 01.03
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Written 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations Creative Writing:
Interaction depending on the style (formal / informal) used by the interlocutor. Describe a play you
enjoyed recently…
Grammar Proper use of the Subjective Participial Construction the Subjective Participial
Lesson 2 To Plug in or Not to Plug in… 1 02.03
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest Discussion Points
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views p.91 ex.1-3
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written Digital Natives 1 09.03
messages; p.91 ex.1
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Written 4.1. Filling in forms. Understanding What
Interaction 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue You’ve Read
into a scheme. p.92 ex.1-3
Listening 1.4. Selecting relevant Information from passages of informative California Internet Use
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task. p.92/138 ex.1-2
Lesson 3 Celebrate Good Times! 1 15.03
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest Family and Community
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. Celebrations
2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views, Discussion Points
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. p.94 ex.1-3
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written “Danny Turns Four” text
messages; p.94 ex.1
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the

Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest Small group presentations
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. on different celebrations.
2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views, p.95 Speaking ex.1-2
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Grammar Adjectives vs. Adverbs Adjectives vs. Adverbs 1 16.03
p.96 ex.1-4
Lesson 4 Dive into a Good Book 1 22.03
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest “Don’t judge a book by its
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. cover”
2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views, Discussion Points
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. p.97 ex.1-3

Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written “The Land of Story-
messages; books”
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the p.97 ex. 1-2
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest “The Hook”: How books
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views, grab people’s attention
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. p.98/99 ex.1-4
Written 4.1. Filling in forms. “Used to” revision 1 23.03
Interaction 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue p.99 ex.1-3
into a scheme.
Lesson 5 Teen Fashion 1 29.03
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest Fashion Quotation
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views, Discussion Points
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. p.100 ex.1-3
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written “Why is Fashion So
messages; Important to Teens?”
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the p.100/101 ex.1-3
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message. Dialogue p.101/138 ex.1-3
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest Types of Modeling
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views, p.103 ex.1-2
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest.
Grammar Verb Conjugation revision Verb Conjugation revision 1 30.03
p.102 ex.1
Written 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations Fashion Icon Quotations
Interaction depending on the style (formal / informal) used by the interlocutor. p.102 ex.2
Lesson 6 Round Up 1 05.04
Practical - Testing the level of written and/or oral knowledge and skills .
application of acquired while studying the current unit. (V)
Test 1 06.04
Evaluation -Testing the knowledge and skills acquired in this unit. (V) Test Paper.
Test analysis Correction 1 12.04
Lesson 1 Moldova- a Stairway to Heaven 1 13.04
Spoken 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views Travel
Interaction expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. Discussion Points
p.108 ex.1-7
Eco-Tourism in Moldova
p.108 ex.1-4
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written “What to see in Moldova”
messages. Text p.109 ex.1-2
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Grammar Forming Nouns that Denote People Performing a Specific Task Forming Nouns from 1 19.04
(to design (v.) designer (n.) Verbs
p.110 ex. 4
Listening 1.4 Selecting relevant information from passages of informative Tourism in Soroca
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task Group Work
p.110 ex.1-2
Written 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue Pen Pal from Great Britain
Interaction into a scheme. p.110 ex.1-2
Lesson 2 Travelling round the world 1 20.04
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest; Experience Exchange
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views Discussion Points
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. p.111 ex.1-4
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written “What to Take with You”
messages. p.111 ex.1
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context
Written 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations Understanding What
Interaction depending on the style (formal / informal) used by the interlocutor. You’ve Read;
Creating a Venn Diagram;
Short Essay: Travel
p.112-113 ex. 1-7
Written Verb forms; to wish + clause p.113 ex.6-7 1 03.05
Interaction and
Lesson 3 Travelling into history 1 04.05
Spoken 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits. Leisure Activities
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views Discussion Points
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. p.114 ex.1-3
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured “The Museum of Natural
work tasks. History”
p.115 ex.1
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest; Dialogue p.116 ex.1-5
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message. “The Village Museum”
Pair work
Written 4.5 Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue Project Work:
Interaction into a scheme Designing a Museum of
Natural History
p.116 ex.1
Lesson 4 Architecture: The House of Culture 1 10.05

Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest. Architecture

Interaction Discussion Points
p.117 ex. 1-2
Reading and 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured Text:
Culture work tasks. “A Symbol of Unity”
3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written
2. Describing some outstanding architectural monuments
Speaking 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views Comparing Architecture
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. p.118 ex.1
Listening 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message. Song: “Cathedrals”
1.4. Selecting relevant information from passages of informative p.119 ex. 1-2
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task.
Grammar and ‘That’ or ‘What’? ‘That’ or ‘What’ revision
Written 4.3. Adapting a message format to communication situations Short essay: “A man’s
Interaction depending on the style (formal / informal) used by the interlocutor. home is his castle.”
Lesson 5 Natural Wonders: the Art of God 1 11.05
Spoken 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits; Brainstorming
Interaction 2.5. Expressing agreement / disagreement regarding the views Discussion Points
expressed in an exchange of ideas on topics of interest. p.120 ex.1-4
Reading 3.1. Selecting information from several texts to perform structured “Natural Attractions”
work tasks. p.120
3.3. Identifying some details / specific information from written
Listening and 1.2. Identifying the general meaning of an oral message. “Niagara Falls” 1 17.05
Written 4.4. Reducing the text to its essential idea. Listening exercise
Interaction p.122
Written 4.5 Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue Creating a Venn Diagram
Interaction into a scheme Small group work
p.122 ex.1-2
Lesson 6 Round up 1 18.05
Practical Testing the level of written and/or oral knowledge and skills
application acquired while studying the current units. (VI and VII)
of knowledge
Final Test 1 24.05
Evaluation Testing the knowledge and skills acquired in the units (VI /VII) Test Paper.

Test analysis The work on mistakes 1 25.05

End of the book 1 31.05


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