Practical Research Reviewer

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Characteristics of Research *Categorical Variables and Numerical Variables

1. Scientific-every research should be conducted in an empirical manner

*Variables can be categorical or numerical.
2. Valid and Reliable-basic aim of every research is to do the research in a valid and reliable
manner CATEGORICAL – also called qualitative-variables consists of names and levels that divides
date into specific categories.
3. Controllable-a well-executed research must have extreme control or rigor on the research
process NUMERICAL – also called as quantitative- variables have values that can either be counted or
4. Generalizable-implies that the research conducted on the basis of a sample is representative
of the whole population to which it reflects
Discrete variables – countable values (years of schooling) [finite numbers]
5. Systematic-research process should have a systematic, structured and organized plan

Continuous variables – take on any value within a range (body temperature) [infinite
Strengths and Weakness of Research numbers]

The strengths achieved by the researcher in this research are ease of collecting data and
availability of people in chosen places. Moreover the researcher was able to collect the
data through primary data collection method by distributing questionnaire to respondents. INTERVAL VARIABLES- have all the characteristics of nominal and ordinal variables but
The respondents responded well by taking time and reached more than the author also have equal intervals
expectations. They responded without saying no because they are interested to know
about their behaviour of consuming products and services in tourism and also with great -don’t have a true zero
interest and affect their life on a daily basis. Researcher further avoids flaws in
questionnaire by managing again and again and by keeping more effort on designing the Example; test sores (30, 60, 90)
RATIO VARIABLES – represent the highest level of measurement;t has true zero point
Data gathering through secondary research is not that much easier because there is lack of
Example; height (175cm)
data in books and journals on consumer behaviour in tourism. It is really challenging for
the researcher to gather data for the same specific purpose of the study. Finally and more
importantly, the validity and reliability of the source of information, especially the NOMINAL VARIABLES – classify persons or objects into two more categories
secondary data, can undermine the success of this study.As said by Kumar that the
validity and reliability of data varies from source to source. He said that data gathering Example; gender (female, male)
through a particular book is better than data gathering from most personal diaries.  In this
study sampling is also one major limitation that researcher has taken only few
questionnaires which is usually prone to bias and the size selected, if the researcher ORDINAL VARIABLES – puts person or object into rank from highest to lowest
chosen bigger, would have brought more significant results. Because of time and
financial constraints, the researcher could not have done better. Example; academic qualification


gender satisfaction IQ height
religion exam temperature weight
1. Continuous and Discrete Variable
past grade score time
region position in class CGPA age
a. Interval b. Ratio c. Nominal d. Ordinal code grant
2. Dependent and Independent Variables INDEPENDENT VARIABLES - An independent variable is the variable you manipulate or
vary in an experimental study to explore its effects. It’s called “independent” because it’s not
influenced by any other variables in the study.
Types of independent variables Why Research Is Necessary and Valuable in Our Daily Lives
There are two main types of independent variables.
1. It's a tool for building knowledge and facilitating learning.
2. It's a means to understand issues and increase public awareness.
 Experimental independent variables can be directly manipulated by researchers. 3. It helps us succeed in business.
 Subject variables cannot be manipulated by researchers, but they can be used to 4. It allows us to disprove lies and support truths.
group research subjects categorically. 5. It is a means to find, gauge, and seize opportunities.
6. It promotes a love of and confidence in reading, writing, analyzing, and sharing valuable
DEPENDENT VARIABLES - A dependent variable is the variable that changes as a result information.
of the independent variable manipulation. It’s the outcome you’re interested in measuring, and 7. It provides nourishment and exercise for the mind.
it “depends” on your independent variable.

Recognizing independent variables

Use this list of questions to check whether you’re dealing with an independent variable:

 Is the variable manipulated, controlled, or used as a subject grouping method by the

 Does this variable come before the other variable in time?
 Is the researcher trying to understand whether or how this variable affects another

Recognizing dependent variables

Check whether you’re dealing with a dependent variable:

 Is this variable measured as an outcome of the study?

 Is this variable dependent on another variable in the study?
 Does this variable get measured only after other variables are altered?

Kinds of Quantitative Research

Descriptive Research – describe a particular phenomenon

Correlational Research – identify the relationship between two or more variable

Ex post Facto Research–investigate a possible relationship between previous and present event

Quasi Experimental Research – establish cause and effect between variables

Evaluation Research –

Survey Research - used to gather information from people

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