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Performance task

Instructions: Read any Literary Text/Story of your favorite Filipino

authors/Writers Analyze and understand the story. Encode/Write your answer on
a long bond paper. Use the format below

i. Title: Kapitan Sino

ii. Author/Author’s Biography:
Bob Ong is the pseudonym of a contemporary Filipino author known for using
conversational writing technique to create humorous and reflective
depictions of Philippine life. The author's actual name and identity are

Born: August 1972 (age 50 years), Quezon City

Movies: Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin

Nationality: Philippine
iii. Setting of the Story: The story was set in Pelaez. Somewhere in Manila,
Philippines. The place is a slum area of the modern world which can be found
today in the city. It was described as a typical Filipino community which is
unusual for a super hero story.
iv. Characters:
Rogelio Manglicmot – is a resident of Pelaez. A young adult that took the
role of the breadwinner after his father fell ill. An ordinary electrician , he
was revealed to have an affinity with electricity, He can control a portion of
it. He was then forced to become the super hero known as Kapitan Sino
Bok-Bok – is a childhood friend of rogelio. He is chubby and short of
Tessa – a childhood friend of bok bok and Rogelio Came back from overseas
and made a costume for Rogelio to use.
Michael – is the monster that murders people from pelaez to sustain his
The People of Pelaez – are vital to the story. They include various
characters such as Aling Precious, Rogelio’s noisy neighbor, Aling Chummy, a
Performance task
kind hearted widow who later accuses Rogelio to be the cause of his
husband’s death.
v. Plot/Summary

A. Exposition : The Story starts in a normal day in Pelaez. Rogelio was working
in his shop peacefully until his Childhood friend bokbok enters. There he
discovered the special ability of the friend and convinces him to help those
in need. Though successful, Rogelio only promised to do what he can for the

Then a theft occurs just right on time. In panic Rogelio removed his shirt
and covered his face with it and stops the perpetrator and saves the fruit
that was stolen. There he was recognized as Kapitan Sino by the people and
ninjang hubad (naked Ninja) by bokbok.

B. Rising Action : Tessa, a childhood friend of bok bok and Rogelio Came back
from overseas and made a costume for Rogelio to use. His first exploit was
to stop a robbery that was happening in a nearby bank, Rogelio rushed to the
place and then interferes only to be shouted at by a film director who was
currently taping for a movie. Rogelio walks out in shame.After that
embarrassing debut, he continued to do good which resulted to good word
about him to spread. One good deed after another , now he was famous. The
industry made various Kapitan Sino Merchandise and Children role played to
be him.To Celebrate his accomplishments, The three friends was supposedly
going to hang out together in the rooftop of the church but instead only two
of them came, Rogelio and Tessa. There they spend time together which will
be the last.Rumors spread that the monster that was killing people in Pelaez
took one of their own at the very day. Rogelio, quick to act fights the
monster in an epic battle. There it was revealed that the monster is the son
of the mayor. After the father and son dies, Rogelio remembered the victim
and was horrified after he knew who it was: It was his love , Tessa.

After her death, Rogelio pushed himself too far in saving the weak to the
point that his father who rarely approach him suddenly does. The new mayor
Performance task
held an event to thank kapitan sino and promises to reward him with a lot of
money. The one on stage proved to be a fake and then more fake Kapitan
Sino rushes to the scene, one held a grenade that was misheld thanks to bok
bok, before the explosion occur, one Kapitan Sino jumped to cover the
grenade. Rogelio’s Identity was found and instead of thanking him for saving
their lives, one of the poeple, Aling Chummy accused him of murder because
he did not stop her husband to stop smoking. There Rogelio and bokbok spent
their time in Jail.

C. Climax : The disease from the other country finally reached the Philippines
and at that the whole archipelago is in a state of panic. Various medical
professionals, both foreign and local, went to Pelaez to study the disease.
There they found Rogelio and his miracle blood to cure the disease. The
citizens then told him that he should save them in an ungrateful tone
forgetting what he’s done to them in his time as Kapitan Sino.
D. Falling action : Rogelio got out of the testing center in a weak state because
of anemia. He was deseperately trying to find his parents in the middle of
the commotion but one man carrying a child comes to him and asks if his
blood could really cure, Rogelio who could not say a word just nods his head.
The man stabs him and then he fell to the ground. The man then began
getting some blood and apply it to the wound of an unsuspecting young one.
E. Denouement: After the tragedy, The newly elected mayor gives off an
address for the future of Pelaez and to thank the efforts of Rogelio in
curing the disease. While in the middle of the speech, a man walks up in the
stage and gave the Mayor a furious punch in the face. The security tried to
apprehend him but the mayor recognizes the man as Rogelio’s friend: Bokbok.
After he steps down the stage, a child runs to him and asks if he will be
doing electrician work like rogelio to which he responded to the best of his
vi. Theme: the theme about the story is all about love, heroic, responsibility,
vii. Moral: The moral of the story is that we should have some patient because
not every time another people will help us we should wait. On people that is
willing to help us and not by causing a big pressure to that person.
Performance task
viii. Evaluation/Interpretation : In society in the Philippines this is true case
scenario where people like to gossip around creating fake news accusing
people that is innocent just, Because of gossip it is so sad but it is the
reality that we live in. It really interpret the society of the Philippines.
ix. References:
sino_59d1d50408bbc58a5a68710d_pdf / / Kapitan Sino)

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