A Survey On Multiplier Hopf Algebras

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oph Atgehan awk G vu bam ey 5, Caameyed , F, Vom Oypkatyuin Dun New Yor? 1992 A survey on multiplier Hopf algebras Alfons Van D: Yinhuo Zhang K.U. Leuver University of Antwerp, UIA Heverlee, Belgiom Antwerp, Belgium Abstract, Forany group G the group slgcbra KC over a ld has a natural Hop a ja statue. Ithe ups nie this Hop algebras nite dimensional tna s the dual is again a (fnite-mensional) Hop alge. This is no longer the ease when G 8 not finite. However, by taking functions with Fntesoppot on Gone has reduced dal which a muller Hop alge ‘br. Thi an alga witht dent togehce wih a generalized cop ‘ve, count and atipode. Muipliee Hopf algebras are therefore the tira objets goneralizing Hep algebras tothe cise where the undeyng alge possibly has no identity “Maltpier Hop algebers wher insodaced in 199, Since then, the teary is being developed very moch along the same ines as usual Hopf algebea theory. The man dfznce, apart rom tcc, lies nthe fact ht, the nara! duality af fitedimensionl Hop algebeis now ie extended to a dalty of mulipiee Hopf alsa with integrals. This allows obtain ‘known results in rete gencraly- Among thse, we have the constriction ofthe quantum dbl, the daly for actions nd cosctions, acer “The am ofthis paper eto describe the preset status of this thea 0 Introduction Let (4,,€8) be a Hopfalgebea. The dual space A’ is made into an asso- ciative algebra by defining the product dual to the coproduct of A. That is, by leuing (fo)(a) = (f © g)(A(a)) whenever ac A and fg A’. If Ais Hnite- dimensional, hen also the product in A canbe dulized i give a coprodueton A’ by A(/)(a@b) = f(ab) where a,b Aand f € A’. Indeed A(f) € A'@.A' asin thiseaxe (A@ AY’ = A’ ina natural way. In act, if A is init-dimensional, then 4” is again a Hopf algebra The antipode in Ais dual to the antipade in A and given by S(f){a) = f(S(a)) and the counit on A's given by evaluation in the identity «(F) = f(0)- IF isnot finite-dimensiona, then A’ i only ana but nota coalgebra because the candidate for A(f) lies in (A @ A’ and now this space is strictly larger than 4° @ A’ So in general, A(f) ¢ A’ @ A" 1 so quowys 309 In some cases, this probless can he overcome by taking the Sweedler dual consisting of funetionals such that A(f) belongs to A" @ A. However, in| general, there may be not enough such functionals. Another soetion i to work With Copological Hopf algebras. One such approach is being developed by J [Noels [15 His theory is inspired by the duality that we have for mulipier Hope algebras with integrals (see Section 2 ofthis paper. In some sense, is sem {opological as the topology on the algebra is given by the space of continuots Funetionals on it. The approach with multiplier Hopf algebras takes an interme ate point of view by allosng the comultplication on to have valies in larger space than A @ A bat which is sil of an algebraic nature. This is what We will motivate in the next paragraphs. ‘Again, think ofthe duality for finite-dimensiona Hopf algebras that we started. with, Its related with the duality for abelian groups. First, let @be any group, Consider the group algebra kG over any fckd Denote by p —> ay the en bedding of G in kG. Then KG is made into a Hopf algebra by keting A(,) — 2p @ Ayn (Ay) = Land S024) = Apes forall» © G. HG is finite, this Hopf algebra is fnite-dimensionc| and the dual Hopf algebra can be considered. It isthe algebra of f-valued fantions on G (with pointwise operations), the co- ‘multiplication is defined by (4,/)(p,4) = F(om) when is such a function and 1g € G. the count is given by (f) = F(e) where es the identity ofthe group, ‘and the antipode is given by S(A}(p) = F(p"!). OF course, the duality is given by (F,44) = (0). IF the goup Cis finite and abelian, the Fourier transform will give an isomorphism ofthe funtion algebra of G with the group algebra af {he dual group C. This isororphism willbe an isomomphism of Hopf algebras. Again, iG is infinite, de fueron algebra can no longer be given a Hopf algebra structure because the eandidte for A) wil not belong to the tensor product of this algebra with tse, Iki the above example that was the motivation for introducing the maltipier Hopf algebras in (26), The main observation isthe following. Let be any _sr0Up and fa valued funtion on G with finite support. Consider the valued function A(/) on G x G defined by ACJ)(p,4) = F(a) whenever pg € G. “Then, for any other k-valued function 4 with finite sipport we will have, by the group property, thatthe Funtions AN): (9) > Sloadata) (DAL): (a) > al) Fond will have frite support. In ther words, if we denote the algebra of f-valued unetions with finite sopportin C by A, then (AeA) A@A Ue@natd)c ae [Now we come tothe definition of a multiplier Hopf algebra, ‘The precise defini- tion will be given in the next section (ee Definition 1.2 below). Laosely speaking 2 however, a multiplier Hopf algebra is an associative algebra A overa field k with ‘Acomulipicaion from A to some algebra (A), the so-called multiplies algebra of 4 @ such tat A(A}(1@ A) and (41. 1)-(4) ane subspaces of| A A, satisfying coussoe tivity and such thatthe linewr maps frm A @ A to ise, defined by T:a@b> Men) Tr:a9b> (aad fre one-to-one and onto, That this lst property is tre in the group example follows from the Fact that the maps (955) —> (pat) and (2,4) + (np) are bijective on Gx G. The bjetvty of these maps is equivalent with the existence ‘ofthe identity andthe invrse iC. Similarly, the bijectivty ofthe maps 7; and T; above, for mukiplie: Hopf algebras, will yeld a counit and an antipod, just like for Hopf algebras. This result implies that a muliplier Hopf alga is sctally a Hopf algebra when the underlying algebra hasan identity. Essential, ‘the multiplier Hopf algebras are the natural generalizations of Hop algebras ‘0 the case of algebras without identity. From the diseussion above, we see thatthe dual ofa group algebra now is ‘multiplier Hopf algebra, also when the group is no longer assumed tobe finite, A similar result i true in a more general situation, IFA isa Hopf algebra with integrals, then the redaced dal 4 tums ou tobe a muliplier Hopf algebra, The secluced dual Ais characterized asthe space of functionals ya} where y isa eft integral and a suns through A. Its not hard t se tha, inthe group case, the (lef integral on the group lgebra i defined by p(y) = 0 fr all » € G, except for g(A,) = 1 where e is te identity ofthe group, and that indeed the reduced linear functionals in this eas are given by Functions with finite support. ‘The duality between a Hopf algebra. A with integrals and its reduced dual A can further be generalized so as to obain a duality within the category of regular ikiplier Hopf algebras wih integrals (See (29) and [30)). A multiplier Hopt slgebra is called regular, esentilly when the anipode is bijective. Integrals on muliplier Hopt algebras aredefinedjustas inthe Hopf algebra case. This duality isof course much more general then te one for fnite-dimensional Hop algebras, ‘Moreover, many of the resus involving this duality for fnite-dimensional Hopf algebras, ike the duality for actions and smash products, have natural general tions to regular moltiplie Hopf algebras with intgras ‘The theory of multiplier Hopf algebra, in particular the duality for regular mule tipler Hopf algebras with integrals, is not only a theory that allows eesults, not possible within the framewcrk of usual Hopf algebras, iis also a model for an analytical teory of locally compact quantum groups (see (9} and [23)). The link between these two theoies are the moliplier Hopf *-algebras with postive integrals. A mutilir Hopfalgebra isa mulkipier Hopf algebra where the un- eslying slgebra i a *-algebra and the comultiplication a “homomorphism. I is automaticaly regular. If he integra is assumed to be positive, it possible to epresent he algebra by tounded operators on a Hilbert space and this is the Starting point to get al the dia, available inthe purely algebraic conten, also in 3 the operator algebra setting sce (7) and [1O), This gives an analytic appearance (@.C*algebraie quantum group) ofthe algebraic objet and is as sch a special case ofa focally compact quantum group. The compet and diserete quantum groups are par of this fram>work “The aim ofthis paper ist give a survey of multiplier Hopf algebras and to de- scribe the different developments inthis fasty recent theory. ‘We stat with the introduction of the notion and give the main hasi resus, Most of these results ‘are foun in the original paper [26]. However, slight modifications have been made in further pupers. This will he done in Section I. In Section 2 we will eserie the theory of ruliplion Hopf algebras with integrals, tn this setion, we aso weat the duality. A special ease ofthis duality isthe one between diverted compact quantum groups. This is also explained here, infact ina slightly move general form. Inthe next section, we introduce unital ations of multiplier Hopf lgebrs, left module algebras and mash products. Actions are used in Section 4 where we discuss the pairixg between maltpliee Hop algebras. Such pairings are the natural context for sudying the quantunn double, The pairing between ‘a mltiplier Hopf algebra wth integrals and its dual is only a special ease. As ucla pair i already treated in Section 2, we can use it in Section 3 obtain a duality theorem for action inthis special situation. For the more general duality for aetions, we need the more general pairings treated in Section 4, In Section $ we treat a very conerete example. Is based on the Hopf algebra obtained by deforming the slgebea of polynomial functions on the ax + b-group ‘This Hopf algebra can be paired with itself. Modifying this pairing, we get a ‘multiplier Hopf algebra. Ine foot of unity ease, we ean define quotients cary- ing integrals. Ths gives us an example ofthe duality between a discrete and a compact type muliplier Hopf algebya, Finally, in Section 6, the theory of eorep- resentatons is explained. Here, the duality for regulat multiplier Hop algebrss with integrals pays again an important role, In this paper, we will work with algebras ver the fed € of complex numbers 3s post ofthe literature about mulipier Hopf algebras is done inthis ease, How ever, we believe that ll of he theory is valida for algebeas over an arbicary field “The standard references for Hopf algebas ar the books of Abe [1] and Sweedler {20}, The basic reference fr multiplier Hopf algebra is (26] and when they are ssjumed fo have integrals, iis [3] 1 Multiplier Hopf algebras Let A be an algebra over €. It may or may not have an identity We assume that the product is non-degenerate in the sense that a = 0 if ab = 0 for all b and b = O if ab = 0 for alla, This is of course automatic for algebras with an identity. A multiplier ofA isa pair (94,02) of linear maps fom Ato A sach that ‘ap1(8) = pal a)b Fr all a,b € A. Te follows automatically that py(be) = pe 4 and pale) = bya) for allo € A. Therefore when x = (pp) we will write 1b = py(0) ad lr = py). We denae the set of sulin of by AVC). Compton of maps makes 24() into algebra. Let and ight multipin by an elemento of determine an clement in A (A). This aves an embedding from into AFA) because the product in 4 is assumed to be non-degenerate icis no ial wo see tha AA) has a ident, hat is two sie del fn AM} and tht itis a dens esentit) iea inthe sense that Dar = 0 forall «'€ Aundx = Otsu =0 forall ee A (where x € AI(A)). In fet AI(A) ean be chareterizedas he largest algebra with deny in which A isa dons idea The example to have in mind is the algebra (4) of compex valued! fonctions wit ite sport on any 1G. The mip algebra here she agen C(G) ofall complex vated faneions on G. Essel the reason is Ua the product {chats the pointwise produ here of evo functions on wll have finite suppor ian of them has nite suppor. IG site then K(G) already has wn adenty aude multiplier algebra cincdes wih 8G). Thisis a general es. We hive ‘A= M(A) if end only i A hasan dey. Now, let be an algebra over C witha non-degeerte prc, Consider the tensor product A ofA with sel 1 again an algebra ina tral way and the product is non-degeneris. So, we ean also conser the miler algebra M(1@ A) of AG A, Thetensor produc (A) © AIA) is na natural Way a subalgebra of Af(A.@ A) and we have hati facton he embuddng A.@ A => M(4@ 4). Inthe example A = K(@) for ase G we have nara identfcations of A A with (GG), the alba of finitely supported complex fanetions on G x G andof (4 @ A) with alle complex functions C(G x G) oa GG. IF is axoup, the mulipcaion inG yields a homomesphism A: K(G) to C(G x G) Bien by (A(.0) = F). Moov 8 eae eed he ineoductin, we have ANGE) € Ki@)@ KIG) (F214) € KG) KIG) for all f.g © K(G). This observation brings us to the following nation of a ‘complication onan algebra. Definition 1 Let A be an atgedra over C with a non-degenerate product. Let A: A M(A@ A) be a homomorphism. Assume that A(a)(1@ 8) and (a ® DAW) belong 10 A@ A forall a,b © A. We say that dks coassociaive if (a1 @NA@VAIL Gd) =L@A@oYawjieled forall ab,c.€ A. Here «devotes the iemity map from A to A, 1A has an identity, one can take a = c= 1 above and we get the usual notion fof eoassociativity. In the general case, cassocitivity can also e expressed in 5 the form (4 @ 2A = (+@.A)A. In order to-do this, ane frst has to extend the homomorphisms A @ 1 and: A from A Ata Al(4@ al), This cit be done ima unique way provided 2(4)(4 @ A) = A@ Aand (A @ A)A(A) = AB A. Indeed, e.g. (A @ 1)(2) is determined by (A.@ H(2)((A @ fa @ 8) = (XO ‘{2(a@t)) whens: € M(A® A) anda,b € A. Weecall A non-degenerate when A(4)(4@ A) = (A@ A}a(A) = Ae A. So, another possible definition fora comltiplication would be anon-degenerate homomrphism A: + M(A@A) such that (A 22) = (1 A)A. By the extra conditions we will now impose on “4, the two approaches are seen fo be equivalent Definition 1.2 (26) Ler (A.A) bea pair of an algebra anda enmuiplication os in Definition 1.1. Assume thatthe linear maps T, and Ty defined from A@ A to itself by Tload =Alaired) Dlaes) =(a@1)a() «are one-to-one and onto, Then we call (A,A) a multiplier Hopf algebro, It clearly follows fom the fact that these two maps are surjective that A must be non-degenerate. So, coassociaivity of A a defined in 1.1 essentially the same asthe condition (A.@:)A = (1 AA. ‘The fis result ithe following, Proposition 13 If (A,,e.8) is Hopf algebra, then (A, A) i a multiplier Hop algebra Indeed, using the Sweeder notation, we get the fllowing expressions for the inverses ofthe maps 7 and Ts above TOON = Deja © Slagy}b Ty'(0@ 1} = Ly) a5lbqy) 8 bea, We also have tha, if (4, motiptier Hopf algebra and if A hasan itty, then itiva Hop algebra, Tas result follows from the existence ofa eounit and an antpode, also for moltiper Hopf elgebas. ‘This i what we wll discuss now. Details are fond in 25) Proposition 14 Let (A, \) bea multiplier Hopf algebra. There exists a unique Tinear map ¢: A € such hat (@nencayn oy (oq(@enae) Jor all ab € A. This map & «4 homomorphiem. There i «unique tnear map SAP M(A) such thar m(S 9 A(a)(1 0) = eh ral.2S)(@@1)4(0) = ea Jar all ab © A where m denotes mulplicatin, defined aa linear map from M(A)@ A to A and from A® M(A) VA. The map tra antshomemorphiom 6 ‘he proof of he existence af and completly obvious, The ikea ito «0b=DAmiea) and t0 define e(a) by e(a}b = Spuq. This however will define e(a) asa left rmuhipier of A and one has to Show that actualy his left multiplier isa seaar ‘multiple of the identity. Once « is defined, one ean define S(a) by Sab = Selgin. Again, fst Sie) is defined asa lett multiplier. ‘Then it s shown tae iti indeed multipir. The final step inthe proof isto show that isa hhomomorphisi ai that sa an-homomoepism, Remark that the unicity of ¢ and $ follows fom the surectivity of the maps 7 ‘and 7, Its also clear thay, in te ease of a Hopf algebra, these maps are the ‘out and the antipode respectively. Observe thal, for « Hop algebra, has an idemiy so that A((A) = A and S becomes « map from At itself. From the constuction (and also from the properties) ofthe antipode 8 t seers natural to ‘nave the range of itonly in M/() and not necessarily in A. However, there seems {obe no obvious example where $() is not contained in A, In fact, in the more interesting cases, we do have S(A) G A (see below) ‘The combination of 1.3 anc 1.4 gives us the following, ‘Theorem 1.5 Let A be an algebra with identity and a complication on A, Then (A, A} is mulplier Hopf algebra if and onty if i Hopf algebra. A special class of multiplier Hopf algebras are the regular ones, They are defined inthe next definition, Definition 1.6 Let (A, ) ke a muliplier Hopfalgebra, Leto denove theflipmap {from A@ Ato A@A given by o(a@8) = bea and extend it inthe obviows way ‘to homomorphium on M(A @ A). Let A! = a. Then AI isa homomorphism fiom A to M(A@ A), If is a comuliplication and (cl, A!) a multiplier Hopf ‘Algebra, then we say that (A, A) isa regular mutiplier Hopf algebra tis lear that 2 is non-degenerate ad from the cosssociativty of A i follows that (A"@ JA = (1 AV} no that A is also consocatve inthis sese- What is needed for 4’ tobe aconuliteaon tha also A(o)(60 1 and (1.0) (0) auein 4 @ A forall ab € A, Th ea be shown tat for regular mailer Hopt Algebras, the antipoe maps Ato. and is bjctve. ust as for Hop algebras, the inverse S~" of $8 the anipede forthe opposite multiplier Hopt algebra (4.2) Conversely i (4,4) isa malipier Hopf algebra such that Sis bijective fom A to Athen regula This an eaiy be sen from formulas Hike (1@g)AW) = KeSYHEHAWe sq) = bes )T Ge sa) (OS YT 0 S}6@a) 7 ‘This formula will eg. imply that (1 @ «)A(H) © A@ A and that a @ b> (16)A(0 is abjective near map from A.@ Ato itself (see (30). Regularity is automatic iF A is abelian or coabelian. In both cases, S? = « Revulaity is also automatic for multiplier Hopf "algebras (see Definition 1.9 below), For regular multiplier Hop" algebra, we have the existence of local unis, inthe Following sense ropasiion LT Let ay.dy-.otly © A. Them there exists o,f in seh that ey = = Aef foal This result was fst proved in [2]. Is slteady tue whon the antipode maps ing sel (se Proposition 2 n 38) We do not know iis tee for general riper Hopt algebras Recall hat we even da nt have examples of multiplier op algebras here 51) snot nA In any cae, isnot so hat prove that, in general, A = A. oreventhat foralla-€ A there exiss elements ef Asich ten = = af (again see (35), For mor speci cases, ike fr muipier Hop algebras with integral (se next Section, the esl ean be aashed further and ica be shown that one can tke 1. But the result inte proposition for reguler miplier Hopf algebras is sed very useful n mostsituations ‘The use of the Sweedier notation foc regular mpi Hopf algebras can, in a way, be justified by this esi. Indeed, ake eg, 0'€ A and consider A(a)(1@ £8). We would like to writ this as Ny ay ® aa HE We choose e such that eb = by then we ean tink f F,) daa standing for A(a)(1@ e). The fact tata single canbe ese for any ite nub of element is mpotat ‘When using expressions like eg Law oa 6.4 ‘a fone always has to make sue that at least tw ofthe thee factors ay are covered by an element of A (ether to the left o to the ight). Doing s, we always get well-defined expressions inthe tensor product. ‘The use ofthe Seeder notation for malplies Hopf algebra has been explained in [51 ad further justified i (2). Ieusnally makes arguments shorter and easier, although less rigorous. So some cae is always necessary Using the Sweedler notation, one can show many of the standaré propestiesin- volving the antipode. Essentially, formulas that are correct for Hopt algebras and make sense for multiplier Hopf algebras, wil be correct. typical formula would be the following. Proposition 18 Let (A, A) bea regular muliplier Hopfalgebra, Ifa,b © A and Faw bis written as > A(p)(1@ ). Then (S(a) @ 1)A() = HO @r)A(a9. First observe that i is always possible to write « & bin such a way by the sa jetivity of the map 7; we want to use the Sweedler notation to prove this Forniula, we need to multiply wth an ext element e, Te argument then goes ay Follows. On the one hand, have 4296 = You 9 (ayo) = Lalani @ Slaq)0) co and Le Sa pASlaele} = TY Stay hy © eq Sloenlhne oo GWenamied and if we cancel © we get the desired Formula, Remark tht the element « is, needed to have the right covering in the second expression ofthe last formula. We have heen using here ko the Formula A(S(a)) = ofS © S)A(a) (where 1 isthe ip. In fact, formuas like this ae als proved by using formulas like above (see eg. Section 5 ir (26), The above argument gives & good idea ofthe possibilities of the use of th Sweedler notation, Let us also remark here that iis presicely this formula that isthe key for proving the existence ofthe antipode for Hopf C*-algebras in (231 Before finishing this Section, we would lke 1 say two more things. The fist is about the dual space 4. Unlike the ease of a Hopt algebra his dual space is ho longer an algebra, The aroduct, obtained by dualizing the coproduct, is nt welldefined. One has to pas to reduced funetionals. reg, oy = wa) and 1 =sn(b-), we-can define oye by wupate) = (or @uy)((a@ H)(o)) and writing « @ b = Sfp: @ 1}A(q) we se that gy also has the form w(e-) (see [26p. The other remark i about the “algebra cae, Let A be a “algebra with a non- degenerate product. Then 13 (A) ean be made into a algebra by defining 2 (e°x)* and ax* = (4a")* fora € A and x © M(A), OF eourse, also A @ A and M(A@ A) ave “-lgebray ina natural way. Then we have te following, Definition 19 Let(A,A) bea multiplier Hopf algebra If A is a"-algebre and .a*-homomonphisn, then e call (A,) a multiplier Hopf algebra IF (4, ) isa multiplier Hogt "algebra, then it is regular and it follows from the uniqueness ofthe antipode that S(a") = Sa)" forall a € A, Remark that in the group example, described before, with A = K(G) fora group G. we do have malplier Hop! “algebra. The “operation is given by {*(p) Fp) for pe Gand fF K(G). 2. Multiplier Hopf algebras with integrals In his Section, (A, willbe a regular muliplier Hopf algebra. Then, for any we Andis € A, wean define an element (9 @ «)AC«) in AI(A) by ((wonaQa= (we gar@tres) (oO 9Ala)) = (won 1)ACa)} forall b © A. Similarly (.814)(a) is defined in (A). ‘This suse to define integra Definition 2.1 4 fineafetional pon A sealed left invariant f 1p) ACa) = eo) forall « & A. A nonzero fet invariant linear functional is called a left fitegra. Sinitary tinea fnctonal yb on A is called right imvarians if (© Ala) = Wall forall ae A. itis non-zero, iis called aright integral tn he group example, the Hina functional pon (@), defined by (1) = Lyeer Flv) is both left and right invariant. The defining refations are precisely Lafond Ey fea) ust as for Hopf algebras, etegras do not always exist. We will give examples ofthis station in Setion 5 where we treat examples. Remark that the antipode ‘ill lays convert aff integal toa right one and aight ta left one. So if one exists, also the oer exists, Further i this Setion we wil sssome tat there is et integral, denoted by inl ight integral, denoted by». We will now formulate the efferent results on egzals and obtain several objects, satisfying various relations with each other (see [309, vila) forallpe G, S10) forallg eG. Proposition 2.2 Any oer ft invariant feional ia scalar mate of. Sin itary ny right invarient fnetional i salar multiple of. Consequenty there exits. number © Csuch hat p28? = ry. One also has 0? — ry. ‘This isthe uniqueness property for integrals. The scalar + isthe first object we obtain. In the sroup ease we have = 1 as S® = 1. In general this need not be the case (ef. the examples in Section 5). Als, and are different (no a salar rultipl af eachother) in general Inthe following Propositio, we use (a) and p(a-) for the funetionals on A defined by 0 pda} and b+ y( ob) Proposition 2.3 pis fitful the sense thar e(-a) = Dor pla implies a ~ 0. Sinilarly is fit form tnfuness means that (4,8) —+ glad) is non-degenerate as abil When tis a algebra and «a postive linear funetions, then w is faithfal iF sand only ifes(a"a) = @ implies = 0, This follows from the Cauchy Schwarz ‘inequality. ‘We have mentioned already that left and right invaiantfanctionals need not be the same. That i, the left invariant functional nee! not be right invariant. Bt ‘sing the uniqueness property, we find the following relation, Proposition 24 There ivan invertbled € MA) sack thet (@u)Ma) = pla)é forall © Aand (6 ¥}2(«) = Ha} forall m Moreover S{a)) = ola8) Jaraita€ A “The Fist relation is used to define 8, The uniqueness of is essential to obtain this clement, Irismot hard o get AG) (8) =5 eF «(a Remark that these formulas can be given 8 meaning when first A, ¢ and ae extended to the multiplier cgebra. The other two relations in the proposition are ‘aso easy to obtain, Remark that the property 2(S(a)) = gad Fr al is simile ‘ote result in the theory of locally compact groups where the right and lft Haar ures are related by means ofthe modular Fnetion. This Why We call 8 the modular element ‘There are also some relations with the number r obtained in Proposition 22. Indeed P(S*(a)) = o(S(0)6) » ol SIS a) = 5-"05) and we see that (9a) = r9(a) forall a € A. Next, we obtain another real and with it, two automorphisms of A that again se vial in the group example, but not in genera Proposition 2 There is a automorphic from A to A such that ab) = ‘plbola)} for a,b © A. Wehave shar is iwariant under a. Sinitarly there is «an automorphism o from A to A such that ab) = s{bo!(a)) forall a, © A Also his a-invariant. These tivo automorphisms are related by the formula f= S108, We say that p and satisfy a weak K.M.S.-condition. The name cont from the use of operator algebras in mathematical physics and KMS. stands for Kubo, Manin, Schwinger. In C*-algebra theory or von Neumann algebra theory, the ‘condition is formulated in terms of analytic fonctions on stip involving a one= parameter family of *-autortorphisms, The property in the proposition is an al- ebraic form ofthis. Inthe first paper (29), where these resulls were announced this property was assumed but shortly after, could be proved ([30). For Hopr algebras, itean be found already (under some form) in the book of Sweede. Ip iva tace, in panicuarit is abelian, then and af are tival, This isthe ‘ease in the group example, Again, in Section 5, we will have examples where these ae not vi ‘The existence of these autovorphisms tums ou 10 be enacil forthe further de- ‘velopment, in particular to construct the dual (see 2,7 and 2.8 below). Here are some formulas, relating and a? with the comtiliation, Proposition 26 Forel a we have Afeta)) = ($'@0)Aa) Ala) = (o'@S)a(n) We also have AiS*(a)) = (© @0")A(a) forallae A ‘The fst two of these relatinns can be found already in [30]. The third one is proven ia Lemma 3.10 of [1]. The proof wes, among other things, the fst two ‘elatons andthe fet that S* commutes with ¢ and oI also uses the modular ‘element 6 and various other relations among these objects. Such relations are 3) = 06) = 7-5 ad ie) = Sola} [As we have mentioned already, mast of these data are trivial in the group case. ‘Then we have + = 1, §= Land = o! = «In general this will not be the case and we will give an example in Section § where all these objects ate non-trivial {and where alsop # vi) We will then also ilustrate some ofthe relations among them. Because of the uniqueness of integrals, the rations gab) = sp(bo(a)) and sH{ab) = sllo"(a)) and g(Sta)} = plas), we also have the Following, Proposition 2.7 All of ne four following subspaces of linear fanctionals ov A coincide and are independest ofthe choice of and % fol) ae A) fea lac A) {wla-) |e A) {¥-a) [ae A} “Te various proper Tate them here. Let us say 8 sed Start eg. with the equation (¢6 1)A(0) = U1 @ pa) ematiply with (2) fromthe right and apply wy. This will ive Wa)etlx) = 32 (az). Iwe take a suc that (a) Loto we gel ll) = lex) for iboveare not proven inthe same order as we have formu le more about this and the techniques that are alla € A. This implies that any Fonetiona of the form y(D-) i also ofthe form ‘#(e-). A similar argument will give the converse so thatthe fist and the thitd space in Proposition 2.7 are seen to be the sare. As this i now true for any fe integral i ana any sight integral, its an immediate consequence tat these two spaces are indepenient ofthe choice of a. Thisis the starting point to prove “uniqueness ofthe integrals. Smita formulas (eg the one in Proposition 1.8) and similar techniques are used to prove the equality ofthe four spaces, This results inthe existence of the automorphism o and o! Now we are ready o discuss day Definition 28 We denote by the space of linear functionals defined in Propo sition 2.7 [Remark that every clement w « -{ has a unique representation in any ofthe four forms in Proposition 27, by the fidfulness of and . Using the diferent Posse representations o elements in and the invariance properties of y and ‘Yi isnot so hard to prov the following Proposition 29 For any wy in € A we ca define ween A by (own)(e) = (21 04)Ao) forall a'€ A. This produc ie non-degenerate and males 4 nto am associative algebra Remark e.g. that wy = (6) for some bso that (oea}(a) = (or @ PNA(a)(1 0 0)) showing why «en is welldeine, Also a coprdet is well-defined. Proposition 2.10 A coproduct A om a caw he defined bythe following formulas (wi @AlA)(0@I) = (er Oui(Ala(L@H)) (Bx) e292) = (2 eu)(@o Naw) for anun,0y € A and a,3 € A. This coproduct makes (A, A) into a regular ‘multiplier Hopf algebra Us clear hat the right han! side expressions ae wel-etned. To prove that we really get an clement A(u) in M(A@ A) fora © A the essential stp is to show that (1 @ (Ales) (1. @4y)) = ((er @ 1)A(w2)){1 @ 4) wiere A(o2)(1 @as) and (a @ 1)A (on) are a defined inthe proposition [Next itis shown that (A, A eares integrals Proposition 2.11 Define gand bon & by we) (a) Then $ isa left integral ana ia right integral on A Wis not so hand to show that eg, ¥(wya) = wy(S-"(a)) when w = yf -a). This essentially implies that the dual of 4 is again A. AI his leads to the following, ality Theorem. “Theorem 2.12 Le (4) bea vegular muller Hopf algebra wih integra ‘Then the dal (4.3) is agin regular multiplier Hon elebra wih negra. Tue dal of (4 A i canonically isomorphic with (Ay) A regular multi Hop ager with integral has been elle an algebraic {quan group. ‘The name is ot very well chosen and inthis ne, we wl ot {he i Thee isn obvi raion wth the notion ofan algebraic group. On theater hand inthe “algebra ese that we will dacus below he name C™ algebraic quantum group hs been se, This makes more ene bocase they ae uaa group sted in he algedrai ramework With the rcent develop tent of locally compact gant gop, tis ones ow stands for something ive genera Let nov discuss the “igsba ce. ‘This at some nce features. (4,8) ina miter Hopt "alge, itis natu to eqie posit ofthe inca ‘This snot atomatic a we can sex rom the examples in Section 5. And even wen the lt integral nase ob posite, iis ot snmeditely clear that so th right imegrl can be chssn tobe poe. IS" ~ eso that Sfsa*map- then Staal) = Sea") > 0. 1 Sno a -ant-hemomonpism thi srzumen sno loner vai ut reverie, itis pose to show that ao postive ight invariant nana exis. The proot site vee and can be feanin 10) : Inthe algebra cas, the dtl is agai “algebra we eta sual (0) = (SC) Tes also not hard to show tha o"u) — plata) wen (a). This is essetlly Pansera’s fom, So, the post of follows from the potty of. Inte eae of moles Hop aigtra with postive integral, tis possi to represent the alba fait aasaof bounded operators on Hilbert Space: Doing soi tras ato be possible ta develop an arya tory within the famework of C-algtan. Tis x done (7}and [0]. We get «special ne of what ecenly hasten noice oclly compact quantum group inIB| Remarkable in some sense Is aso tht te aalal objet ike the one pataeter groups of aorophisms lve the algebra A invariant. This te Sealed analyte suc the underlying letra objet se (8. 4 ‘Theve is much more to say about these analytical aspects. But i€ would take us {00 far o do this. Here, weare mainly interested 0 ive a survey ofthe algebraic Alevelopments ofthe theory, Let us now consider some special eases. We Finit-timensional ease So first lt (4, A) be a finite-dimensional multiplier Hopf algebra. Then itis ‘auomtially a Hopf algebra. The point is that it mast have an identity (which ‘en be sen in different ways). [tisknown that a inite-dimensional Hopf algebra aways as integrals and that the antpode is bijective. So the previous results apply. In Section 5, we will refer (oa fnite-imensional Hopf alge and it is ‘ts dificult 10 calculate the different data, a obtained in this section, ‘The next case to consider s that of 2 Hopf algebrs with integrals, Fist of al, remark that these are automatically regula (ie. the antipode is bijective), see [19}, We eal these multipler Hop algebras of compact type. There are various reasons for the use ofthis name. The more natural ane comes from the theory of locally compact quantum groups where the undeying structure isa C*-algebra ‘and hasan identity. In this paper, where we stick tothe purely algebraic context it is more appropriate to call a Hopf algebra with integrals of compact type because it dual (0 a mukiplier Hop algebra of discrete type (see below). This point of view igin in the Pontryagin duality between discrete abelian and. ‘compact abelian groups. What we obiain here is an extension of this duality to multiplier Hopf algebras. ‘We will ow lok at mulipir Hopf algebras oF discrete type. We begin with the introduetion ofthe notion ofa eointegn ar with Few remarks onthe Detinition 2.13 Let (A,) be « multiplier Hopf algebra, A non-zero element © Ais euled a left cointegral if ah = e(a)h for all w € A. Similarly a ‘non-zero element k & A i called aright coiategral if ka = e(a)k for alla € A 1 (4,.A) is « Hope algebra with integrals, then the left integral and the right integra on A are elements ofA (as 1 € A) and area left cointeral and aright coimtegral in A. Justa for Integrals, a let eointegral exists if and only i aright one exists, Left snd right cointegrals ae unique (up toa scalar of couse) and might be ifferent, Left and right cointegrals we feilful. This means that («@ w)A(h) = 0 or (02).A(A) — dimples o ~ O when hig tft oointegral nd w € A, Sinialy For a ight coinegrl, See (33) ‘We also have the following. ‘Theorem 2.14 If (4,.A) isa regular multiplier Hopf algebra with coinegrals, them it algo has integrals ‘The proot of this results not so hard. Essentay it is fist shown tha the map, 8» (p.@ .)A(h) is bijective from the space H of linear functionals ofthe form {o(-0) |e Aw € A'} 0A. Then aft integral gis defined on A by letting Is ‘o) = pl) when = (s}S(4). Rerak that (1) kas meaning for elements 17 © H. To rove invariance: of mots ie. On ot has 0 are tale ‘swoldefned. Ress ofthis ype were obtained ate (6 eg [6] ad (27). But he ses obisine in [3] tongerand the pro ies By Theorems 2.14, alte prevons els this section ar alo applicable to regular tir Hop ras with oie In this casey elongs oA and ‘sod has an identity and is 1 Hopf algebra. The integrals on A are the cointegrals ina We cll (4,8) of dlsrete pe when 4 us coinerats. We se that the dual ofa discrete ype is of comet ype and vise versa ‘Asin he terminology ree othe pla of these objet inthe theory of lcaly compact. quntumgroups. Here, we jst obsceve that he alta of function with nite suport ona grap is multiplier Hop agsbr of dsrete ype. Dis- Ercan refers to theft tha the prop ere lolly compact gop with discrete topology. In [3], we hve obtained the lowing haaterizton of mulpir Hopf alge- bras of dnrete type The intresting observation is hatte characterization i solely in terms ofthe trite ofthe algebra A. We have the following es. ‘Theorem 215 Let (4, ) be o regular multiplier Hopf algebra. Then the fo owing are equivalent (AA) isaf discrete ype, {i}. amy proper lft ideal hasa non-zero vight annihilation Il) every proper two-sided weal has @ non-zero right anniilaton, {v) for any left deat I and ay right ideal J we have &(U) = F and v€(J} tier (J) i the left anntiatorof ond r(1) the right anniianor of I ‘An algebra satisfying i is called a Kasch algebra (21] and an algebra satisfying iv) is called quasi-Fvobenis. Is more general than being Frobenius, [A special ease of these algearas are the direct sums of fll matrix algebras. They Clearly satisfy all the above properties. In tis context, these were the fist cases that were considered. They were called discrete quantum groups (provided the ‘complication i a *shomomoxphism forthe natura involution on matrix alge- bra, ase [6] and [27]. Originally, they wore studied the dual of « compost ‘quantum group in the sense of Woronowiex (38) and (39D, [Let us finish this section wit remark about local units. We have seen in Propo- sition 17 that given a finite subset «;,a2,..., of elements in A these exists elements e and f in A such hat ea, = ag = ag forall k. If we have multiplier Hopf algebra with integrals then one can take e = J And in iso discrete type, one ean moreover assume that i an idempotent. 3. Actions and smash products In this Section we will consider A-module algebras fora regular mukiplier Hopf algebra (A, A). Some of the results we get here may aso be shown fora general ‘multptier Hopf algebra by being a Title more careful, The notion is very much the same as for usual Hopf algebra (ef. [13)). But some care is needed athe algebra has no identity and because (A) doesnot iin ASA but in M(A@ A) We fst take care ofthe problem that need not to have an identity. Definition 31 Let R be a vetor space over € and assume that Bis left A merdde, We call Runital f AR Re In this section we will use (a,2) + az forthe module map, where a € A and € R. By AR = R we mean that every element x € Ris ofthe form 52 asts With a, € A and.x; € R, Because there isan element e € A sueh that eu = oy For all, we have in fact ex = 2, More generally, piven 2. in 8 unital ‘module, there isan elemente € A such tat ex = x fr al Fora unital modale we also have that az = 0 for all implies x = 0. This follows from the existence ofan element ¢ so that ex = x. It is also possible to ‘extend the action 19 H(A) using the forma mr = (me}x when ex = x. To show tha this is well-defined one uses a(x) = a{me)x = (amer = (own) whenever a € A, Clealy Ls = x forall x € Rwhere 1 isthe identity in M(A), All these observations indicate that we have the right condition for a module to be called unital in the ease of 2 multiplier Hopf algebra where the nlgebra need not have an identity. Now, we are ready for the following definition (ef 2D, Definition 22 Let 8 be an algebra and a unital left A-module. Then Reis called left A-module algebra if asa") = YKaqyaba2’) ow forall a€ Aand 2! € R. Remark that the use ofthe Sweater notation is justified here sine a” = ex for some € A and ai eoveed bye, In fc the ight hand side can chen be n(a(a)d @ay(e@2/) where now m denotes the ralipliaton from R® vo R. Examples of Asmodulealras can be obtained from pairings as we will see Ine inthis section (For mu pir Hop algebras with integrals) and inthe next section. A simple cat isthe adjoint ation Proposition 3.3 The map (52) + Fap)25|ay) defines a action of Aono ‘nel? mating Aint left Amodaleagebr ” Remark that now ag is covered by 2. Also observe that the module involved is unital. This follows fro the fat that © @ 2 —> A(a}(2.@ 1) is surjective on 1.@ A, that Sis surjective and A? — A (se Section 1). Suppose thet isa left 4-rodulealgebrain the above sense. We now define the smash product. Proposition 34 The space A jx ment a ssciaine algebra bythe prac Oe ea) =F xlqne)@ aa a The prot is non degenrte ‘We wil write RB for RA with this product and elements ra willbe writen as.rffa when considered as elements in this algebra. The algebra RjfA is called the smash product. ‘When @ isa group acting by means of automorphisms on an algebra 2, then R is ina natal way an A-medute algebra for the group algebra. In this ease, the smash product i the crossed product of Fe by the action of Gas considered in varios other places in literature, The erossed progvet ofan algebra by an ation of a group is also sti intensively inthe theory of operator algebras (with Ca bilinear form such that (at) = (A(a),b08) ue0) = (a@ a, SCH) (a1) = ea) (9) = eb) Gad) = (0,5 where aa! € A and b, € B, then we have a dual pair of Hopf algebras. Iisa Hopt algebra and. x defined as these of elements f € A such that, LA@ate for some figh € 4's then 4° is a Hopf algebra forthe product and coproduct dual tothe coproduet and pode in A. Is called the Sweedie dil, ee (20). ‘The bilinear fom (a, f) ~> f(a) makes (A, A®) a dual pai of Hopf algebras. In ‘general this pairing will be Jegenerate or the simple reason that ° may be too Mea’ i A is Hopf algebra with an integral, we ean construct the dual and we get pairing of A wih a mukiplier Hopf algebra. So considering pairings between multiplier Hopf alzbras, we have more possibilities. This is important for various easons. One of tiem isthe constuction ofthe quantum double where the starting poin is such a piring. But pairings are also important for studying the relation betweea actions and cozctions. ‘We will come back to these applications Iaer inthis section, Let ws now develop the nation of a pairing benwsen multiplier Hopf algebras. This needs some care 454 does not map A Into A® A and formulas like the ones fr pairings between Hopf algebras do not make sense. 20 ‘Thestartng point however the same. Take 1wo egalor multiplier Hopf algebras And B and let (2) : A» B+ € bea bilinear form. Denote by ws the linear Functional on defined by (0) = (8) when a € A. ‘Then, as we have seen inthe beginning of Section 2, we can define elements {:@ wy) (b) and (v4 @ C(O) inthe mukiplir algebra A1(B) forall aa’ € A and # € B. This takes us the following Definition Definition 4.2 Assume that (uy © AC) € B and (+ @ u1y)A(8) € B for all ul € Aandb € Band teat ex{(e@ay)A(H) walle 8)(0)) (oe) (aa) for all a,a! € A and b € B. Similarly, consider the functionals yy and ‘assume that (0 @ sJA(a) € A and (0 @ wy)A(e) €A for all a € A and 1,W © B. Again also assure that walle @uy)Ala)) = (00) wpilr® Ala) = (6,50 Then we call.) 1A B > ©. pre-pairing We will use the notations web = (@urjAQ) baa = (4 )A0) vba = (6@uy)Ala) ead = (w@)A(a) ‘Then we can rewrite the Formulas in this definition as (adi) (2,08) = (aod) =(@,a0) = Wea,b) = (aad) 1s rather easy to show that (0H) 4d'eb and (0) +090 ate a Jet and a right action ef A on B. Similarly Ws ¥ea and (8) >0ad are @ left and aright action of B on A. "Now, itcan be shown that al these four actions are unital ifone of them is unital (see [5 This i the extra cendtion we impose to have a pairing 2 Definition 4.3 Ifthe four actions above ave unital, then the pre-pairing benveen A and B is called a pairing “There area few easy consequences. Firs ofall itis possieto show that (Sa,B) = (51). Nest, one ean extend the paring toa ibnear map from AM(A) x B 16 Cor from A AU(B) to € inthe obvious way. Take eg. (x8) = (ze, when © M(A),b € Bande € Ais chosen such that wb = b. This ean be done because We have a unital ation. Then one ean show that also (1,8) — (9) ane (51) = e(a) forall a © Aand be B. Wand B are multiplies Hopf algebras, tis natural to equiv that (a", 6) = sry ‘The typical example of « paring isthe one berween a regular mulkiplier Hopf algebra with integrals an its dua A, Lets verity e.g. that one ofthe modules is unital. Take a left imegral g and elements a,b € A. Let w = ofa) and consider (2y)A0 = H2EAMEM), First remark that these elements lie in A, 138 also clear thatthe span ofthese clements will give all of because the span of the elements A(0)(1 © a) gives alora@a ‘Most of the other conditions, also the extra condition in the essentially tee by constuetion, In Section 5, we will give an example ofa pair of mukipier Hopf algebras, not ofthe shove form. Inthe previous Section, we tave seen how the duality ween a regular multiplier Hopf algebra A and its del lis used to absain a doaliy theorem for actions (Theorem 3.7). We now wil discuss the generalization of his result for general pais of multiplies Hop algebras, We wil need some exta conditions but these ill be sutomatic For the pai (A, A) Let (4, B) he a pair of two egular multiplier Hopf algebra as defined in 43. We will work with an ation of on an algebra but it willbe required that it comes froma coaction of B. We sive the definition here, bra ease, are Detinition 44 4 coaction of B on the algebra isan injective homomorphism P:R M(R@ B) such tat i) (R)(L © B) and (1 @ BYE CR) are subspaces of R® B, fy POMr= (Nr. ‘The second condition can easily be given a meaning by using the fist one and the fact that is non-degenerate, ICT is a coaction of B on Re we call Fea E-comodale algebra FP isa conction of B on R, then it induces an ation of 4 on Fe by the formal ‘a2 = (1@44)P(2) whore = (a) asbefore. For multiplier Hopf algebra with integrals this is one-t0-o4e correspondence when B= A (sce Theorem 6.11). For general pairings, this eed nt e the case inthe sense that no every action ‘comes from coaetion. We will have (o requir this in our Theorem. 2 ‘The next condition only involves the pairing. As we have seen, the pairing be- ‘oweon and 2 gives (among others let action of J? on Asch that (a!) — oat), This action makes A into allt B-module algebra and we ean consider the smash product A#4B. We will also need a condition on this algebra. Let iB act on A by (af }o! = afb a). Consider also the right action of B on A coming from the paring. We wil require that the right ation ofan element in B isa mukiplier of AB. Now let? be aleft -modtl algebra and consider the smash product 248A. The left ation of 5 on A also ives a eft action of B on iA and RAL becomes aaleft B-modale algebra. The duality theorem belo gives information about the bismash product algebra (20¥.4)422. The theorem was annovinced in (2) and the root is Found in [36 Theorem 4 Let (A, B) be a pair of regular multiplier Hopf algebras, Assume that is a left A-module algebra and thas the action of A on Reis coming from «a coacton of B on R. Assume tha the right action of B on A is a multiplier Of AWB, considered as acting om A. Then (RRA) ts isomorphic with 2 (4#B) “The extra condition on the pris something like the RL-condiion in Definition 9.45 of [13]. So, the abore Theorem generalizes Theorem 9.49 of [13]. As all the extra conditions in Theorem 4:5 are automatically fulfil for a regular ‘multiplier Hopf algebra A vith integrals and is dsl algebra A, Theorem 45 is indeed a generalization alsoo our result in 37 So far about the relation of «pairing with actions and smash products. A par of| multiplier Hopf algebras is also the natural setting for contracting the quanton double, This is what we will dscass nest. I tums out that itis precisely the condition in Definition 4.3 that we need to construct the quantum double. In ‘order to explain this, let ws fst Fook again atthe ease of a Hopf algebra pairing Then we can consider the naps R from A® B to A® B and Ptrom B® A to BOA givendy R091) = Dleehuloey a, FOB) = Dae), bay), © a, “These two maps are used to construct the quantum double fo adual pair of Hop algebras. Indeed the underlying algebra ofthe quantum double can be character- ‘ed asthe algebra gencratec by A and B withthe commutation rules Liew. berbhonaay = Dla bundoonbey, tobe satisfied forall a € A snd B (seve. (25D. Nov, if A and # ate regular mulipier Hopf algebras and if.) : A x B+ Cis bilinear form on A x B, then the above maps Fand Ft ae sill well defined on a A@B and BOA but now have rangesin M(A@ B) and M(B@A) respectively Itisthe fliowing rest rom (5] that makes it posible to conse he quanta double for multiplier Hop algebras in a way similar a8 for usual Hopf algebra pairings Proposition 4.6 Ler (.) he pairing of two regular multiplier Hopf algebras A ‘na B. Then Pas defined above, maps AC B ito itself ani bijective Simlarly Risa bijective map from BOA int self. ‘To really construct the quantum double in a vigorous way tums out fo be quite involved. Thisis done in [3]. But essentially, the main point are these properties of the maps Rand fe The comuliplication on the quantum double is 35 usual: its given by the €o- rmulipication on 4 and the opposite comultplication on B. 1 curs out thatthe «quantum double then becomes a regular multiplier Hopf algebra. If Aand B cary Inegrals, then the double isa multiplier Hopf algebra with imegeals. IFA and B tae "algebras und the pain is compatible with the *-operation, then also the {quantum double is a mules Hopf ‘algebra. Finally, if A and B are multiplier Hopf *algebvas with postive itegeals, then the double has a postive integral “The proof ofthis last resis stil onpublished and relies on [8]. I isnot so ab vious. As the comultplication on the quantum double is essentially given by the ays) where 4 isa left integra on A and «isa right integral on B, Also real hati was easy 0 show that > on A i positive when ip on A is postive, Nevertheless, the positivity ofthe integrals 1 the quantum double isnot so easy to prove because ofthe complexity ofthe praduct [Let us finish this section with a remark on the Yang-Baatey and the Pentagon ‘equations. Again look fst atthe case af a non-degenerate paring of two dimensional Hopf algebras A and B. ‘The bilinear form defines an element Hin the tensor product B @ A by (Wa 1} = (a). This element is invertible andthe inverse is given by (W-!,40b) {S(a),0). le we have a pating between “-algebrs, then W~! = W". Moreover (@ AH = WIV, Weuse the head-numbering notation here: 17"? sands for H¥ @ 1 in B@.A@ A vhile W" stand for Was siting athe fst and thi factor in B @ A@ A. Remark tat the lep-numbering notation is more common, ‘bt sines we also ee thi ia Sostion 6 for maticen where eave eabocripte already, we will use also here te head-aumbering notation. Now, H satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation W2W'SW/2 = W2S1VI9W/"? in Be D.@A where D is the algehea generated by A and B subject to the commutation relations above Dec tesdberae = Shee, bundenby Infact, these commutation ules and the Yang,-Baxter equation are just two forms ofthe same thing. The commutation rues follow fom the Yang-Baxte equation 24 by pairing ic with an element & © A in the first factor and with an element b © B in the third factor. The Yang-Baxter equation and the commutation rules re also equivalent with the forms W~'A(@)W? = A'(a) forall @ © A where AV isthe ‘opposite complication sbtained fom A. by composing t withthe Bip Similarly. 17 satistes the Pentagon equation W?2WVW2 = WW in Bp Co -L where now C isthe agora generated by and [subject to the comme tation etations t= Sf) Dea aera ‘Also here. the Pentagon equation is essentially anether form ofthese commta= tion afes und in taen means that We @ 1)H?! = (a) fora. Remark that ‘he commutation rules neeled forthe Pentagon equation are essentially the ones i gve the smash produc: AB. Bort equations are important. They are stil valid for general pairs of Hopf alge= bras but then they must be considered in arger algebras. Up toa eertin extent, this ean be found in (31). And although these results have not been checked in ‘deal for multiplier Hopf algebra pairings, its expected that they are comple ‘correct, provided they are considered in the eight algebras. 5 Examples We will now develop an expe. The stating points asimple, wel known Hopt algebra, The algebra isthe algebra A over € with 1 generated by two elements ‘and b witha invertible and satistying ab = Abe fr a given non-zero complex ‘number 3. There fs a natural comuliplication A on A given by A) =aea Ab) =aeb+be1 Its Hopf algebra, ‘The count is given by (a) = L and ¢(3) = 0 and the mtipode $ is given by S(al = a and 5) =a". IF = 1 this isthe Hope algebra of polynomial func ions on the group of matices (G4) So, this Hopf algebra can be considered asa quantum deformation ofthis groan {the az + group). There isa natural two-dimensional representation © ofthe algebra A given by w=( 4) «0-6 8) ‘The matrix elements define Finear functionals on A and yield elements in the Sweeter dual A® of A. Ife denote by ethe upper left corer and by d the wpper Fight comer, then it turns ou that these elements again sais od = Ado, that e Page Randy > o} 25 {is invertible (in) and tha the const sven by sation Aon these elements is again Ate ev4den. We get a Hopf algebra B, which is isomorphic determined by cee ad Aa) ith A. The paving is completely (agar fad) =0 thd =0 bt) IF [a] = 1. thea a earries an involution determined by 4° =o and b= b. The induced involution on B isgiven by = cand d” = —d. If we replace «by i we again got sll ping “This Hopf “algebra is being investigated in the C*-algeba framework (see {40}. And while itis very simple on the Hopf "algebra level, pushing i othe ‘C*-algebra level and thus wsing this Hopf *-algebra to construct non-trivial, non-compact and non-diserete locally compact quantum group inthe sense of 19) is very dificult (bat involves very nice analysis) ‘We wil say alittle more aout the *-structe Inter inthis section, ut we will mainly be concerned wih the non--case. So, we will work futher with the elements and the paring as given above (without replacing d by i), {cis a simple exercise to caleuate te fll pairing fortis example, 11s given in ‘the following formula, Proposition 51 Ler and B be the Hopf algebras defined above. For all p.q & Nand n,m € te) Wa", ae") = dp, apa" where fl! = [ojt2.-f] and [0] =f] = 1 nd Then we have a Hopf algebra paring. TAB Pp > 2 Here & means the Kronecker dela, ean be shown with the help ofthis Formula that he pairing is non-degenerate it 2 is ota ro0t of 1 [Now, tet be a root of Ian assume that p isthe smallest natural number such that AP = 1, We will assume A 7 1 so that p > 2. In this ease the paring is sdegensrate, The left andthe right kemels are the same (by symumety). Because {p] = 0, follows that beongs tothe Kemel And because 3” = I forall, ‘we leo sce that a? — 1 longs to the kernel If we divide by this Kernel, we get finite-dimensional Hopf algebra (oe e [28). 18s not so dificult calculate the integrals for this ite-dimensional ‘example, And iti also easy to construct the associated objects. Here however we are not really interested in inite-dimensional examples. On the other hand, the above degeneracy sugges to consider the following quotient. Proposition 5.2 Let A be a 00! of 1 but not 1. Let p be the smallest natural ‘umber such that 3° = 1. Consider the algebra A generated by elements a, 6 26 sich that ais invertible, 8 = 0 and ab = Ab, Then A isa Hopf algebra forthe counutptication & defined by A(a)=n@0 Aly 0@b4be “To prove this eset one has to show that aso (a 4+ 69 1)" =, Now, there ithe flowing (weltknovn} fom, For any sich tha <9 < p we have @obsott= Coweta ot here Gf = Of = Landif < 1) hat doe") ad because C3) ‘when 1 > 1 and otherwise (a) = 0, Iti eaily verified that this scton respects the defining relations inthe algebra C. Moreover its easy to check that itis unica setion, Let us finish this Section by refering o the observations athe end ofthe previ- te Section, concerning the Pentagon and Yang Baxter equations. If we look a the pairing in Proposition 58, we sce that, up (oa salar, we have a dual basis "Therefore, we can easly express the element H, defined by (W,2°@ y) = (cya) fora € Aland y € C. tis gven Tormally) by W = WW where Veow. 20 Ws ‘Observe that the last sum makes sense inthe multiplier algebra AI(C & A) of (C@ A. Thisis noc ue far the fst expression, This one should he considered as either a formal power series or, more of less equivalent, a8 an element in the dual of A'@ C- This problem does not occur forthe paixing that we have given in Proposition 5.5. In that ease the component H will be fine sum ind the element 1 will ean clement ofthe multiplier algebra M(A & A). For- ‘nl expression like the ones above are important for understanding the analytical expression of the maltphisative unitary forthe quantum a + b-group es being developed atthe moment by Woroaowicr (10), 6 Corepresentations of multiplier Hopf algebras In his section we give an induction othe corepresetation theory of mulipler op sigebras, Details car be found in (35) and (11) Bor the sake of simplicity, welet (4) bea regularmuliplier Hop algebra. Denote by Wand 1, the two pentagon invetble operas Fy and 7) in Dentin 12 from A A to AG ened by Wdaed) = (201) Vileos) ~ Aft od) Inthe sequel, we will frequently use the head-nambering notation as we into ‘duced already in Section 4, Recall fr example that W2* means the operator IV, acting on the 2nd an 3rd components an leaving the frst one fixed in the space AGA A. We shal use, sty, 1, ® to indicate the inverse operator of W5, For vector space V, we use (1) forthe liner endomorphism fing (or algebra), Definition 6.1 A right A-comadule V is a vector space M together with tw injective linear maps u,v ia £(M @ A) subjecto the relations ally SW = Wu! or MOAB A. ij vite WP = WPol on M@ AG A iil) (1 @ @)u(m 8) = v(22@4){1 @L) for any mE M and abe A We denote by (Mu, ») this right A-comodale In general, a Tinea injctive morphism satisfying the condition) above i called sight A-corepresentarion of A on MI. Remy that if w is bijeetiv, then v is tniquely determined by u. The relation is given by » = (r@ Sut @ 5}, [Note thatthe regularity of 4 isnot necessarily required inthe definition. Iis not ifcult to see that wis aight A-linear map and yis left A-lnear. We have that (@du=Weev ee fon Ae A. Therefore, we say that and v are counitay a A right A-comodule give left module ver the reduced dual algebra A. This ceanssts of elements of form Sur(ay =) where yh € A and ay a". TE ofa ) © AY and ya € (Bi,x,2), then ale teem = (e@ula-}utmes) = @u(-djolm ea) odie comes from aright A-comodule in the above way. tis ritual to ask which modules arse from right A-comodules, Let AY be a left 1 -mostle. Coasier the ear injective map pM > Hom, AD) aiven by p(m)(u) = ws mwhenever m € Al ands € Al, Let and a? be the Tet and sight multiplication maps by namely, mA cla), x(ay(ot-a)) A eA a(a}(a(0-e)) (b> ae) ‘w(ba 0) Since A, is dense in a, we have the canonical inclusion mp ni: A@ A Hom(a, M) sending the element mathe linear map —+ la}. Proposition 6.2 Let he a left Si-module, M is derived from a right A ‘comodue ifand only if p(M)x(A) and p{0)x"(A) ave comained in (4 & A). isis he case, Mis called a rational A-module [Note that every eft A-mostule contains a maximal rational submodule, So we ‘can identify the category of right A-comodules with the eategory of ratio= nal left A!-modules. On the other hand, the existence of «non-trivial rational submodule of the left regular A-module A! turns oat to be equivalent withthe existence ofa Fett (ora right integra on A. Infact, we have the following, ‘Theorem 6.3 The following are equivalent {A has a non-trivial left (or right) integral (i) A, has @ now-trivia rational A,-submodate, li) There isl (or eight) A-module monomorphism from A to A Denote by AP the imal ‘ational submodule ofthe regular A-module A. It toms out that AP is equal 9 (-A) and g(A-) it A" is non-trivial, where is a felt integral on A. Tn ft A® is a subalgebra of A, and is indeed the dual following esl, 2 ‘Theorem 64 Ler (A) be a regular multiplier Hopf algebra with left integral A Left A-module M i rational if and only Ais unital left A-madae, 4) There isa one-to-one correspondence between unital left A-modules und right A-comodules ‘The foregoing theorem gives the duality between the unital modules of A and te right comodules of A, This fect eam serve as a motivation to introduce cone: ‘ions for maliplier Hop algebras. in particula, for multiplier Hop algebras with integrals Detinition 6.5 Ler 5 be an alzebra. Sppose thas isa right A-comodue struc leon B. Define P: B+ M(B A) by Pau 9a) = ee @ «}(y@1) and G90 a) = (9 @ 1)8(2@ 4) Jor any a © And x,y € B. Then B is called a right A-comodule algebra if (ONT = (COAT from B into M(B A® A) eis eayy to see that Fis an injective homomorphism, It is alle a eoacton of A ‘mB (see definition 5.4). Te couction Tis sad to be reduced if (H.@ I)T(B) © BOA, Note that? and @ determine eachother. Appying the duality Theorem 64, ‘we obtain the duality between the ations of A and the cosctons of A when A has an integral ‘Theorem 66 Let (4, A) be a regular multiplier Hopf algebra with a integral and tet B be an algebra. Then B isan A-module algebra if ad only if B isan A-comadule algebra ‘We have mentioned this esl already in Section 4, Later, we wil give an explicit formu for this one-to-one correspondence. Here we give the precise formula for the case of Hopf algebra HT witha left integral y which is then an element of FFL yr be left integral fH suc hat (9) =I If Bisa left H-module algebra, then B is right Ji-comodule algebra with the conction P given by Tie) = L8(-7@)-26 Sey) wire Sn) @ pay = Ale) anx € B. Comersly, iB is te Fmmdule alge ten Bina rg Bcomodul algebra withthe conction given by Ma) = OS om) 2 @H-ve) for any 2 € B. 3 For a coaction ['of a makipliee Hopf algebra A on an algebra Ban element © © M(B) is a cotmaviant if P(x) = ¥ © 1 in AI(B ® A). The st ofall, Ccoinvarians of Af(B) isa subalgebra of M(B) with unit, We denote it by 1B". IFA isa multiplier Hopf algebra with an integra reduced cosction I ‘of Aon an idempotent algebra B (i.e. B® = B) gives rie ta Morita content ‘concerning the smash product algebra 144 andthe coinvarant subalgebra 8: ‘Theorem 6.7 Let (4, A) bea multiplier Hopf algebra with a left integral. Let Ps B+ M(B@ A) bea raduced coaction of Aon an algebra B. Then (BHA, BO, BB, bh 69) fs @ Morita coment, where [| and (:) are defined by al = Dano #etue) (eu) Weeltey), where we write) = Tm © inthe Seoder notion and E24 @y9) makes see eae te non edued. or the del of Ue Woule Sevres of gD 8p Pps efecto (4) This Moria comes is parca ata wen we cdo he Gals concn Proposition 638 Let (A, A) and P be the same asin Theorem 6:7. The fllowing ‘are equivalent: {The canonical map [inthe Morita conten is surjective 4) The linear map 9: B@g B+ BOA sending 2 © y t0 (2 @ 1)C (yf surjective fi) 8 is an isomorphism, ‘When one ofthe above three conditions holds, we call '& Galois eoaction. In the general case, namely when (A, A) not necesarly has an integral, x eoae- ‘ion Fis sid tobe Galois ifthe foregoing condition ii holds. Proposition 6.8 and Theorem 6.7 provide a way to study the Galois theory for actions of infinite ttimensional Hopt algebras wah an integral in particular, for astions of infinite r0ups, Corollary 6.9 Let G be a goup. Let B be an algebra on which GF acts by automorphisms. The group setion of G conesponds to a coaetion TB —> M(@ @ K(G)), where KG) = CG. Ikis not dificult to check that Ps a re- duced coaction if and onl iffor any twe elements x,y € B we have zay) except for finitely many o & G. By Proposition 638, che coaction Fis Galois if u | and only if orany clement € B, there exist finite elements f2,4}7 in B seb that Y saat) = a for © G. In particular if is finite and B has an identity, the above formula becomes the clasie charaterizaton of a Galois ation ofa finite group (se 4D. However, even though G is finite, is nt necessary to have an idemity in our Now we tum to consider the corepresentations ofa multiplier Hopf algebra in analgebra B. Definition 6.10 An invertible clement U & M(B @ A) ix called a unitary corey resentation of Ain B ifU satisfies in M(B @ A&A) (ay) = ut" Remark that [asa left moliplie of B® A is aight A-corepresentation of A on 1B (see [35] for the details) and gives aright A-comodule structure on B together with (:@ $-)U-"(@ S). On the other hand, gives rise to a homomorphism + from the reduced dual algebra to the multiplier algebra A/(B) which reads solos: qlole-te = Lew(a)(U(ees)) erle'a- A) = OC) (0 a)0). ‘This 7 is called a representation of in # with respect tothe corepesentation U. Since U gives aright A-comodte srvcture on £5, 7 gives a rational felt A-module seuetue on B.. We say that a non-degenerate homomorphism «| AL > AI(B) is rational if B a left A-module via eis ational. We obtain the following ‘Theorem 6.11 Ler (4, A) bea regular matiplier Hopfalgebra, B anon-degenerate ‘algebra, Then the unitary corepresentations of Ain B one-to-one correspond 10 ‘the rational representations of A, in B. [As a consequence, when A has an integral then unitary corepresentaions of A ‘one-to-one correspond to ron-degenerate representations of Ain The core= spondence is given by the universal corepresentation of A in A, denoted by Ux Ualila-}OO) = YL lany-)@S-aey)b (0-904 = Lelaa) 65a), wibere and are eft anda sghtintgral on A respectively. If: A.» 84(B) isa non-degenerate representation of Ain an alge then (7 )(Ua) ~ Uy 35 unitary corepresenaton of A in B (se [35)). The most interesting appli- «ation of unitary corepese tations isc construct & new multiplier Hopf algebra provided two regular mukiplier Hop algebras with a two-sided unitary corepre- sentation are given, Let A and £ be two regular multiplier Hopf algebras, Suppose that Vis an invertible element in A/(3 © subject a (OAM RAVE, (noir) = VaV". Let # : A @ B + B@ Abe an algebra isomosphism induced by V given by Be@b) = (be w)W" Let D(AB) bethe tensor product algebra A@ B. We define 3 map 3 0n D(A.) by An = (8 801\(D, Ad) ‘Then we have the following. ‘Theorem 6.12 (D(A, B),p) isa regular multiplier Hopf algebra. In addi- ton, A and B have integrals then D has an integral Applying Theorem 6.12 we 2et tie quantum double of « multiplier Hopf algebra with integrals. Let A be such a multiplier Hopf algebra with let integral ip and right integral. Then the universal unitay eorepresemtation U, yields a unitary orepresemation {in A.B A) where A°* isthe opposite algebra of A with he same complication A, The eorepesentation is given by Gila) oH) V(ela-}e0) Lola) @ Son)" Leta) 5%aqy))" where € A and iP A'®, Denote by D(A) the double multiplier Hop algebra D(A, AM) of A and A°* wit respect othe unitary corepesetation V. Then ‘D(A) is called the guanton double of A. This quantum double tms out to be the dual mole Hop algebra of the quantum double costace nthe way mentioned in Section 4. When A isa fnite-dimensional Hopf algebra, D(A) is the du! Hop algebra of thewsal Dif double. When is a Hp algebra ‘ith an ing then DA) the del miles Hopf algebra ofthe Dente double constricted (4). ‘One ofthe important properties of D(A) i that D(A) his two sided integral (ee 1D Now we look atthe comodoks of D(A, B). Here agsin, D(A, B) isthe double snulilier Hop algebra of 4 and B with respect tanita corepresentation Ve M(B @ A), Let® be he atemephism fiom A B tof @ A indoced by V. We ae now able to relate the comes structures of D(A, B) with the comodulestvties of snd B 36 orem 6.13 Suppose hat (Mang, 04) and (Af inn are right A ond righ Becomodulesrspctvels Ifa, anv, sti the following conitons wifusar wpusa™ wat Wolpe shen (Anu oo) 8 aright D(A, comodal, Comerey any ight D(A B-cmot come hs wo, When D(A, Bis the quantum double D(A) of some mukiplier Hopf algebra with un integral, the above become the compatibility eanition defining the so- called crossed -modules Definition 6.14 A right A-comodule (M, 0,0) is called a crossed A-module if M isalso@ lft anita! A-odue such that awit) = Dulac me ayyP) a-(n0) = Sola bay) fora © A andr © M. Once again the Sweeter notation makes the formulas ‘neh transparent Proposition 6.18 Let (44) he a regular multiplier Hopf algebra, Then the category of enssed A-module ia braided monoidal category. ‘When (4, A) has an integra, a right comodule over the quantum double D(A) may be treated asa crossed A-module. We have the following. ‘Theorem 6.16 ff(4, A) isa regular mutpler Hopf algebra with integrals, then the category of crossed A-nodales i equivalent with th category of right DLA). comdales A unitary corepresentation ¥ of Ain A induces a Functor from the category of left unital A-midites tothe eategory of right A-modales as follows. Fora left Armodule M, we endow M with aright A-comodale structure un@a) = (mea) ume) — Fane 1), Here wand are well-defined because (eAW(sel)=404 (A@V(LeA) ee (11,279, (GF course, we expoct thatthe induced right A-comodule structure is compatible ‘with the orginal left A-module structure inthe sense that they give a crossed A-module structure. This is possible when the unitary corepresentation Vis a two-sided one and satisfies an ani-commatativity condition 37 Proposition 6.17 Ler V bea unitary covepresenation of A tv A 1). Any tft unital A-module M furnished withthe right \-comodale structure in the above way is crossed semodide f and only if AC@v = Vara) o in M(A@ A) for anya € A, where A’ isthe opposite comatiplication, YF) bold, then the category ofa lft unital A-medues is braided subcate- gory of the category oferosied A-modules if and any if (sen) sve" @ Proposition 6.17 motivates ust intoduee the notion of a quasitrangular mul plier Hopf algebra to generdize the nocon of a quasitriangular Hop algebra. A iniary corepresentation V saisying (1) and (2) above scaled a quasitrieng lr structure ofA. tn this case, (A, V) isealled » quasiriangular muliplier Hopf Algebra. Also compare wit the remark on the Yang-Baxter equation at the end of Section 4 Finally le s nish this Seeson with two examples Examples 618 1, Let A beth repulse lpr Hopf algebra fomulate in Proposition 87, spanned bythe elements ey where pi Nand ¢ 2, Recall that Se) =e d-+d@ t vhene= Joe. Takings nonzero clement ¢ ele = 356%, Then the clement v@=DeereMaed is a unitary corepresenation of in A. One may easily check thai isa quasi gular structure on AE A= 1 2. Let Sly(2) be the quantized function algebra on sl(2) with ¢ nota oct of ‘nity, $2) is generated by a,b, cand d which are subject to the relations ca = ac, ad= 14 9", iliction and the antipode are given by a(t =(e eG 2): 80 )-(4 5") Teco on by el =e) = Lad eb) =e = 0.5140) eset yale eth ou vain) = { 1, ae o, ‘on the canonical basis (02) U (Fee). Tis wellknown that Sg(2) i ‘oquastriangulue Hopf algebra withthe coqvasitiangularstcture R given by 494 bol ooh bea a00 0 {ce ded cod der|)_,(0 70 0 Rl nee ted aed bec) ™*{0 0 1 q—9? ton deb ob den) (O00 dt wie A =P, tet = SIGE The mae atgtea (A @ A) en 101822) 9 St_()) fos hat Fis inverbe element of A/C “Now is some check hat Fa sian strc on ad tha (4 7(R} fe qnsrigelar per ot le Tali op atebats ed in Sen 7 Acknowledgements, First fall, we lke to thank our coworkers in this fel B, Drabant, L, Delvaux, J. Kustermans and H. Kurose. We also are grateful. ‘ur colleagues at vious institutions where this work wes done. In particular, ‘we appreciate the colleagues and frends oF the setion analysis ofthe University fof Leuven for the nice working atmosphere. Finally, we thank the organisers of the meeting in Brussels for aiving us the opportunity to ive a survey tlk at this meeting. References [1] Abe, Hopf Algebras, Cambridge University ress, Cambridge, 1977 [2] B. Drabant, A. 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