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Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dengan

guru, teman sebaya dan orang lain dalam berbagai macam situasi dan tujuan. Mereka
menggunakan dan merespon pertanyaan dan menggunakan strategi untuk memulai dan
mempertahankan percakapan dan diskusi. Mereka memahami dan mengidentifikasi ide utama
dan detail relevan dari diskusi atau presentasi mengenai topik yang dekat dengan kehidupan
pemuda. Mereka menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyampaikan opini terhadap isu yang
dekat dengan kehidupan pemuda dan untuk membahas minat. Mereka memberikan pendapat
dan membuat perbandingan. Mereka menggunakan elemen non-verbal seperti Bahasa tubuh,
kecepatan bicara, dan nada suara untuk dapat dipahami dalam sebagian konteks.

Example expressions how to asking for someone’s opinion

Formal :
• Have you got any comments on …..
• What do you think of…….?
• Do you have any idea?
• What do you think about………?
• Do you have any opinion on ……
• What is your opinion?
• Would you give me your opinion
• Why do they behave like that?
• Do you think it’s going?
• What is your reaction to ……
• How do you like?
• What is your opinion about……….?
• How was the trip?
• What are you feeling about………….?
• How do you think of Rina’s idea ?
• What are your views on……….?
• How do you feel about this dicition?
• Please give me your frank opinion?

Example expressions how to response someone’s opinion


• I think I like it.

• I don’t think I care for it.
Formal : • I think it’s good/nice/terrific……..
• I think that awful/ not nice/
• I personally believe ….. terrible…………
• I personally consider …. • I don’t think much of it.
• I personally think /feel …. • I think that……..
• I hold the opinion …. • In my opinion, I would rather……….
• My own view of the matter is …… • In my case …..
• Well, personally ……. • What I’m more concerned with ….
• If I had my view, I would ….. • What I have in my mind is………
• The way I see is that…………
• No everyone will agree with me, but ….
• To my mind …..
• From my point of view ….
Read the examples dialogue and then answer the following questions !

Dialogue 1

Mr. Zoe : What do you think of my new house?

Shane : It is beautiful. I think. Oh you have many novels in your new house.

Mr. Zoe : Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata’s novels.

Shane : How do you feel about Andrea Hirata’s novels ?

Mr. Zoe : I feel they are great novels.

Shane : Yes, you are right. I think it is going to rain.

Mr. Zoe : I don’t think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there.

Shane : But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is going
to rain. OK Mr. Zoe see you.

Answer the questions !

1. Who are they talk about?

2. Mention the expression asking for opinion are the in the dialogue above!
3. Mention the expression of giving opinion are the in the dialogue above!

Dialogue 2

The Teacher gives another dialogs to the students.

Bakti : Where have you been ?

Nuri : I visited Anis.
Bakti : Is she alright ?
Nuri : No, she’s not. She is low in spirits.
Bakti : I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the matter with her ?
Nuri : Well, she failed her TOEFL test and therefore, she failed to get a scholarship to study abroad.
Do you have any idea about how to help her ?
Bakti : OK, please tell Anis that she still has a chance to study abroad. There will be a student expo in
the city hall next week. Some reputable universitas from Singapore, Australia, England, and
the United States will open their stands there. These universitas usually offer scholarships to
foreign students. She can get some information about them.
Nuri : That’s good idea. Thank you for the information. I hope they will be of help to her
Answer the questions below based on the dialog above !

1. Where does Nuri come from ?

2. Why did Nuri visit Anis ?
3. What happened to anis ?
4. What is bakti’s idea for Anis ?
5. What will be held in the city hall ?

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