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Examen final Idioma 1: Inglés( EFI)

Historical Archeology by Alaisder Brooks.

At (17/11/2020)
The End of the Story
During the early 20th century, Argentinean intellectuals discovered, to their horror, the
5 importance that Britain had had in the development of their country, and instead of
understanding it they politicized it and used it, as history is always a justification for present
actions. In all the exponential growth of the Argentinean state, Britain had played a central,
double role. On the one hand , the British had the knowledge and the industry to
provide railways, electricity, the telegraph, the telephone, gas, and transportation
10 infrastructure; they also had the capital to invest in these products. It was a matter of building
systems of economic relations that would continue to promote this economic involvement,
while also paying very high interest rates. But this was a double role; there were two
sides to it. This was not the military imperialism that had attempted an armed conquest
of the city in 1806 and 1807, but a more-sophisticated system that was fought with
15 economic policies, not weapons. It has been written many times that the British community
in Argentina was the strongest community of all the British Empire outside its own
territories, and although it had neither military nor political dominance, or even an institutional
structure that would bring together its interests, it was the country that absolutely dominated
Argentinean trade for a century (Graham-Yooll 1981:11). Archaeological research on ceramics
20 has shown that this occurred in other regions of the British Empire (Brooks 2005), even
elsewhere in Latin America, but until now this research has been limited to the prominent
families connected to independence and its ideology (Brooks and Rodríguez 2012). The case
of Buenos Aires was quite different.

Since the 1820s loan applications had been made to the major British banks, loans
25 which Argentina took over half a century to pay off, at great social cost, and often involving
agreements that were not entirely transparent. But—to use a particularly Argentinean idiom—
it takes two to tango. Historians are split between those who believe the loans were
not necessary and were taken out only to generate profits for the banks, and those who
consider that the nascent state and its reform of the Spanish colonial ancient régime could not
30 be financed without money. They are irreconcilable positions because of their nationalist
stance. The hypothesis of informal imperialism through trade was raised as an ideological
banner and continues to be politically manipulated to this day, as it provides a simple
explanation for the masses when the “bad guy” is foreign, when the enemy is from abroad.

The flood of British products into Argentina has therefore been understood simplistically, by
35 both left- and right-wing ideologies, as the material correlation of British imperialism. It is
true that there were no saints on either side of the story, that both Britain and Argentina’s

5 Examen final Idioma 1: Inglés( EFI)
ruling classes were complicit in the process, which is why others have seen this as the
material manifestation of an inevitable “corruption” of Argentina; if Britain had not supplied the
goods, then another country would have done so. Rarely was the possibility of independent
40 non-globalized development proposed, though it has been attributed to governments that
never really embraced this position (Chiaramonte 1971). In fact, when a neighboring country,
Paraguay, attempted to cut itself off from the globalized world in the mid-19th century, an
alliance of South American countries with financial and material support from Britain destroyed
Paraguay in the War of the Triple Alliance a conflict which wiped out more than half of
45 Paraguay’s population, and up to 90% of the men. Under the circumstances, it is hardly a
surprise that many felt that options were limited; that engagement with Britain was




Examen final Idioma 1: Inglés( EFI)

Asignatura: Idioma Nivel I

DNI N°: Docente: Lic. Sandra E. Loscocco
Fecha de examen: diciembre 2020 Fecha de corrección:

Sede / NEAV………..

Criterios de evaluación
Durante la elaboración del examen se permitirá el uso de diccionario y fichas de cursada.

Se evaluará la claridad conceptual en las respuestas.

El puntaje mínimo a obtener en cada pregunta deberá ser de un (1) punto.

Comprender significados globales

Elaborar hipótesis de lectura desde el paratexto y los elementos textuales.

Identificar el propósito del texto, probable audiencia y tipo textual

Solucionar dificultades frente a palabras desconocidas, saltear palabras, deducir significados por
contexto y buscar en diccionario.

Identificar categorías gramaticales.

Reconocer elementos cohesivos del texto.

Identificar conceptos.

Sintetizar la información en una idea principal.

Promover una actitud de lectura crítica.

IMPORTANTE: esto significa que si dejan en blanco alguna de las consignas

desaprueban el examen (independientemente del desempeño en las otras respuestas).

Examen final Idioma 1: Inglés( EFI)



Consigna 1 2Puntos Puntaje asignado:


1. Let’s start working on our reading hypotheses.

a. Read the title and the keywords and concentrate on the cognate or transparent expressions.
What is the text about? State a general hypothesis. (1 p)
75 ___________________________________________________________________________

b. Now, read the Introduction carefully and scan the rest of the text. Once you have finished,
write a specific hypothesis integrating the concepts you have detected so far. (1p)
80 ___________________________________________________________________________

Consigna 2 2Puntos Puntaje asignado:

85 2. Now, let’s explain the following specific concepts. Please, conceptualize in your own
a. What is the purpose of this text ? (1 p)
90 ___________________________________________________________________________

b. What does the concept of “ times that the British community in Argentina was the
strongest community of all the British Empire” refer to? (lines 15/6)16) (1 p)

15 4
Examen final Idioma 1: Inglés( EFI)
95 ___________________________________________________________________________

Consigna 3 1Puntos Puntaje asignado:

100 3. Cohesion: connectors

a. Explain the logical meaning and the concepts the following connectors link in your
own words.
I. ‘although´ (line 17) (0,50p)
Logical meaning of the connector: ________________________________________
105 Concept 1:__________________________________________________________
Concept 2: __________________________________________________________

‘ if ” (line 38) (0,50p)

Logical meaning of the connector: : ________________________________________
110 Concept 1: __________________________________________________________
Concept 2: __________________________________________________________

Consigna 4 1 Punto Puntaje asignado:

4) The following phrases refer to concepts previously mentioned so they are called
ANAPHORS. Explain in your own words what concept/s they refer to. Do not translate.

120 a) “they ” (line 6) (0.50p)


Examen final Idioma 1: Inglés( EFI)
125 b) “those” (line 27) (0.50p)

Consigna 5 2Puntos Puntaje asignado:


5- List the 10 most important specific concepts of the text.


Consigna 6 2Puntos Puntaje asignado:

6- Write the main idea of the text in ONLY ONE sentence. This sentence must contain the
most RELEVANT and SPECIFIC concepts. (2p)

25 Examen final Idioma 1: Inglés( EFI)

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