Marlins 1 - English For Seafarers Study Pack 1

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Erglish for Seafarers speaking

Study Pack 1

Allister Nisbet
Anna V/hitcher Kutz
Catherine Logie



Publisherd by Marlins
1st tloor, Thc S§park. 8 Elliot Place, (ilasgor,r', G3 8Ell UK
O Copyriglt 7997 writing
First published 1997
Reprinted 2000, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2010 ,2014

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Authors' acknowledgements
alc gratcfr-rl to r.naltr. pcoplc and r¡rgaltisatiolrs tbl'
their inr-:rlrral¡lc essistance in producine this stuclr.pack.

Our thanks tt¡:

. Vidcotcl Marine Iltternation:rl Ltd.. Lc¡ndon. UK. 1i¡r pror.iding visLrals

. Ke r' i,r r r gh c s.
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. John P Y4ritchcr ¿ncl nLrnreror¡s nraline superintcndents
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. Fotoi'lite. Ashfbrd. UK fbl'pclurissiorr to use photoqraphs of vesscls

. CleofTIIoldcr. Speakeasr.. Pcrth, UI{. tbr sound advicc

. Cornpenies u,hosc producrs appe:rr in thcsc p:rges

. David McFarlane: Ran¿ld Macinnes:Joe M:rcla1,; Crlig Noblel

C:rptain S. Messerlcl C:rptein A. Panc'rv: Capt:rin H. Eusebio:
Captain W Kenda: Scrgcv Zakharor.: N¡t¡sh¡ ()\1u.rko\-.r:
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