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play the KING INDIAN defence {SD oman Read, Wice Onta MEST, Camas ope 98D. MO 4 hg Rec. of etn maybe ftom on ane mmo sion ora, moan ‘to petn i wl i pth ae on Cig bn Da Theo Openings 1 Te. Sei Guten see | SE ase Contents Ingrodstion Chapter 1. The Four Pawns Atack CChapcer 2. The Classical and Related Variations Chapter 3. The Simisch Variation ‘Chapter 4. The Flandheta Variation ‘Chapier 8. Rate Variations Indes of Players Thee of Variations Introduction In ches, as wll as i ter human activites cach era follows is predilections, etch esiod hae it own perspectives dnd choices. Once everyone Seed to meet 1 dd witht dS Black fought for his vighis in the cette, occupying it with pawns. The division of power was charatezed by "ym metrical pawn. structures. But through the yea atts ‘hanced an fashion changed with thes. Aaron Ninzowitsch And some of his comerporares Conceived 2 new ies. They {inderstood thatthe problem of the cenre sould be tested io & ew, orginal manner instead ‘of occupying the centre with pawns they prefered to con Tei paces “Thin idea was the besinning ‘of along proces of evalution. Years o experiment encouraged the exponents of thissystem and in the Fortis another sep for= ‘ward wae made; a new concept ‘volved. The chase worl! wat not quite aware of i ut he nd of the wat, when the ex change of eas Became easier apd tournament pracsice threw more light on the new strategy of the cea Inthe early phase ofthe game lack simply slopped wostying about the problem. He allowed White co build fal pawn cen tee, hueying at the Same tine withthe development of is owing. Then Black sed to fi fe cents, undermine t and Aestroy the pawn formation of his “opponent. The King's Tian Defence wae born ‘Many of is basie leas we ‘owe to the brillant” Soviet grandmasers, aac Boletavsky and David” Bronstein, the Pioneers ofthe sjtem. Soon i ecame Black's mot popular choice and’ inthe fllowing ‘evades was in he repertoire of ‘many leding grandiasters, Despite its complex appear ance, the King’s Indian in fealty a simple system. AS & rule Whie plays on the Qside Back on the Kise, but the rain theare of action does not aay follow that pater. The 'cbom on the wings depend in a large measure upon the slat of the entre, Here ssn never em: phusize enough two genecal ules: as White keep the tension in the conte as Black ty tof it'as soon as possible! ‘What Ish fo explain fo the reader is my. personal ex- perience. 1 have been playing the King’s tndan fr 28 yeas. 1 belive inthe vale of personal sxperience and wherever ould Tased my asessments on the practical experience and nals, Tass he main eason thy Vhave cluded some of my ova gan. "This book explains the dem sas of the system teoush a Series of annotated games, some ‘of them chosen bosause they are fecllealy played, other ‘because they contain ilsrative crocs. Naturally, special alten: tion has been paid 0 the ape ing phase of the game. I my frm bli that nly by analyz Ing the opening ins context we can earn hos foasess correctly the positions whisk arise. Each opening, the King’s India in Danicular, isa par of a whole, {germ growing im the com plex steuctures of the mile i cannot be separated find out of fs content can ‘ever be properly understood ‘With that in mind T decided ‘o offe the render and student fof the Kine Indian Defence {his collection of games. Thope ‘hat some day the reader ill share my Tove for this system Zagre, January 1983 1 The Four Pawns Attack 14s te teow SNS yo rs si EALee! t 2s EY t jer ead 2.125 5) "Wir these mover the bare poston of the Four Pawns tack ie reached. White’: ‘awn mais inthe centre looks menacing. Iescemsthat White Teady to sel2e ven move space by forcing Black 10 rereat However, 2 somevbat deeper consideration will eis this. iialasessment. White has in Vested four tempi in paws, roves, his pieces do not sop- ort an iamediate action and, ‘that ie more, he will ot Be Feady to cate for 8 couple of ‘moves. On the contrary, Black has developed his Keside and an casle immediately. He is feady for action. His andar ea ist play 8 now or on the next move. I i6 8 loeial continuation opening the Tong oe is aby Fianchettoed bishop, White can continue 6 des, which is met by 6a. Gas and the threat, Nucd allows 7. Qxe8. To Wihite's 6 a Black wil reply 6 ne6 followed by. exdS tnd pressure on the “ef TeWhitealons .. ea, most of the central menace wil ce appear ‘Generally speaking, the mass of pawas in the cenize is une Aoutredly dangerous, but ex posed and subjet 10 counter ‘ows. Tht Is the basi easn Ing Behind the postion shown ithe eiagram, In this chapeer ‘here is analysis of: 2 ‘ay the Kine’ Inion Defence The Four Pawns Attack 5 1 5.656 dies in Theva tage ofthe game NGL, However, in that case KerosPaderer, 9.2: LIA Sa @ has been reached. BY playing Whe ae the song coins Gelles-Giigori, p. 4. at fit at ‘9, Bed Black was counting onion 12 (U2 Nes 13 Bed with & ut Su 0-06 Bed os ait diferent tactical poles Gear adsntae 7p evden mt based om the pins 10. QRS ars Sues 9. 6: z continues the theme At fist Foserer-Glgon® tee Commentators gave 10, (2.030 is our of gusion p. 8 Bx{3 11 Qxf3 Qod as a better besduse of 12 .. Net followed ‘Ublmann-Geller, p. 10, ‘choice, but they must have been D¥ »- Nxe3. u. Sorte asin & a ze) Ssappoimed to dacovee hat aw Nb Marotctgo 12 White can continue 12 0-00-0 Now ii is a0 tate Io Stamivratsp. ia (LEER (outnot 2 Qua becuse ot 2". NAT! Whee neta the Keres Spas. 16 NSE 1000 Na is not SINKS)1D Rabie NGtin— gavanage, by ia Nes Oo Ssobo-Timma. p18: advantaxenus, thistine war nec hpi ether: ‘a ge Kes 43 pea Pomar-Fucher, p20. ns QB es Bis wh adder Gms as 1984 Tolash anaiyis indicted thatthe I played against Radulescu 7 Bd2 Pressure along another diagonal ees # ba, bot inead the Sach moe pom KERES-FUDERER Seok 8. oo? ack could Back came fo the conchson Hastings 1958/5 Foy 8. Qube 9 Nat Oat or that igh mot a hs pot pethaps Qk wih the in wee 10 Qas. intending la Nw texon” of coining 9 NES Too Nar 2 Qa Bald ee Net 10 Qe2 Qube xt Nes ade. Busd at, os, shal ecesary toad 1a bie) NSS ecaie of No Be tha 7 es would be met by I ROI) 18 Ret fol 1S Bol Nee hand 6B then, ate, sus eed 7 ous Teas i ow Diack ual canes and tien ical thi postions conti: payne Saco cn SNR NS thom sume by comparon with The test 4QF1 is met by transpose into other fines, but 9 a eet ‘the intricate tactical play in this 14 ». QeS, while 14 QdI does hata meaning of ows 9. 0-0 wil be anaes ne Ho work beet of Need Cae, the ace game. 9. NETH Bed oes 1S Gat BS 16 Nxs Qos Bxe3+ M1 bre} Qas 12 Reb " 17 Nud4+ BAB 18 NOI Qb6. ee flowin rom) NES BMI Nat 19 Not not Theoretcan Vakovie pro: Ma Ba powdasteter NOT Rove AS KEE Nuh 6 45 0-0 7 BS of § dies feb 9 Nee? (or 9 ad U8) " Tn mind 12 Nas (or 12 83) Ww Kel Qe ‘ Ply the Kina dian Defence Black has payed ingeniously Sill,” an objestive analysis shows that he it in rouble TP Kal Bock 18 bred Qeté 19 5} Qed 20 RAN? Qu quite good for Black, while TT NaS RES 18 Kal e6 i eve, but IT NBs” “avoiding 17. Bxe3) deny in White's favours 17 BOS 18'Kal and sow after 18... Quid 19 p9 Que 20 Rh ‘Qxg3 21 Kez Black has no com- pencation as White's pawn Serocire has not been damaged Ketes now played the losing rove and no further comment Is necessary. This game was thoven for ie intrusive open- ing. Black is often tempted to play for tactical chances as Fuderer did, but the anelsis oes not suppor such strates ‘The text shows tater cons ingly Black should tara ta the resitonalsoluion ith To Qas. “The game continue: 17 Qa Qu3 18 gas NBS 19 Kod Nef2 20 Kad? Bred + 21 Rech e822. REL Red 25 1516 24 Bed Rach 28 b4 BS 26 KOS astS 27 RS Rhgh 28 exbs eS 29 RO RB 30 BAS 48-31 Bt RIO 32 DIS. ed 33 KE RYH Mad Re 3S Ket eb 36 Ka3 «24 37 eed 9.8 BRAT RADE BED ROG 440 Ka Bun3 = 41 Ket Kas «2 hae 4 hed 8-44 a Kes 45 6 aub6 6 anbé 14 47 Had 13 4 os MEY KeS ROE. White ‘signed GELLER-GLICORIC Invertonal 1952 1a NG ra 3X8 by at as sus 6 dues Aller 6-45 0-07 Bas of SNe eds 9 eds Kee anno, Los Angles 1963, con Vinaed'9 Nhs 10 0-0 8 and alihough Black had some prob lems, he prevented Whi’ tion based on £5 Gi as 7 Bas Ques BN Nc 92 00 This Is another approach Black gives up te dea of ply ing Bet. Bes as 10 QBS is als posible, in tending 110-0 Nps. IFT nS then sl 1h Ned 12 Bao Na, Giigore's olution is of a Let t Aiferent kn. Having openes the Hong diagonal, he wants 10 put pressure on the. black Squares 100 Net Cigoré was youn. jn those ays. In later yeuts he would cealaly have preferred Th Bed followed by. NET and», BRO if necessary. Is fot that 11 Ned ie bad ‘move, but Black s heading into {actcal complications when he should be sucking Yo the ear Positional "play begun by 10. Qa, ne On 12 Bel even 12. 5 ie posible. “Now 12 Nat TS'Nedt Budd 14 Khi Obs 15 iB Nf6 16 QxnS” Nas 17 no gives White a comfort able game, but having played TD Nga Black should have continued 12.864 and ‘Ox with uacler play: eNO This cannot be good simply becaie itfsnot mara, Black's Sights have lee heir natural positions for only temporary Treat Nas gest xt (oe flowin dra) Now it evident that Me Ned 1S Qxat ND TR Qua IT RA Ges loses and Black is forced to accept unattractive solutions. Tis very instructive bow every tempat tactical play sss the point and rebounds on lack. Black cannot grab the pawn: 15. Bub? 16 Rabl Bp7 17 13 NIG if Rl 16 KS paint Gareben in the Amsterdam Olympiad” 1984, Keres punished Black's previous nists by 16 Ral Qb6 17 <5 Rack 18 6 fre 19 deb Rael 20 Becl Hof 21 NM wih a rushing aack 6 Play the Ki’ Ian efece Galles moves are 100 mild He shout have played 18 Be We. Rie 19 Bes Oa ed 21 Naw White is sl planning to get some advantage from the position when the best courses fo malatain the» balance 21 Rbel was necessary, n Rs 2 iba There was sill time for 22 Roel 2 Bat 23a Rees oR Following his atasking in- stinet Geller prepares fore, but the plan is tess Men NAT 2302 Ra White is ford on to the efensve, 26. RED threatened Na med Wining te eschange, as 27 Nxc3 Rene} 28 Qed BOS 1 27 Bol Bud? 28 Budd Bez 29 65 N16 30 fag ago 31 Bed aS 32 Ont BrbL 33 BS 2 BENEE Raa2 35 RADI Od6 36 Ret Qas 37 Kel NAS '38 Ral ved. White resigned. 1 'STAHLBERG-STEIN Frevan 1955, g2 ae 2pitga g os [At his pine thee isan ae native 6. 7 fxes dees BdS cS. Enevelopaedia of Chess “Openings gies the Postion as equal, bat many Players would prefer the White pieces. However, Wile cat Play a diferent order of moves With 514 and 6 ND instead of Be, in which case. a8 i dubious: 7 freS dyes 8 05 oS 9°95 N10 Bhd gS 11 Ba Nhs 12 BIP (but not 12 Byes 13 Byg7 Kxg7) oF 10. Qb6 11 Qa2 Nis 12 BID NAT 13 8} witha clear advantage 7 N68 (se feniog dram “Today hiss a rare move, but In the fits and snes i was much played. In playing. it The Four Poss Aack > FAS | Sane at ‘White express is bli in the strength of his centralized Piews. The drambuck of the move i hat White fas aot yet asled whieh allows Black to use the precious tempo. to achieve strong counteriay a) aN Nae “The knight is heading for oS Wich presire om 9 mes Matanovié. proposed 9 Drs Nes 10 Nbs ‘ay beter, but Bolelasky pointed out thst Black can. continue 9. Bet 10'Bes Qe 11 83 Bats 12 Qua Nb 13 0-0 Ned 9 Ns WHS he In tourvament practice 1 Nfd7 11 Nde? NOB 12 63 was played suscesfally 109, but Stan's move looks more atur 11 NBs Rabar proposed Ne? in order tomes If eS by 12 1, While Boiesavsy analysed MQa2 ef 12 Nded ext 13. Nuf with eaual play. uw s This sharp. move probably ‘ame asa sorrse to Stblbere, 12 Ns 12 Bucs dics 13 Qua Ras 14 fre Nets no at all appl: ing. 2 ext 1 es 14 Bes “The further course of the agame world indicate thal the exchange of queens was. better ‘luton, x) ae 2) ft a} it 2 Fa FA i.) | 2) £ [Sl Biwi Ete) Ply the King's Ian Dafoe Nav A beautfel move, offering te exchange fr stacking pro peas 1S Bats OM 1 Kaz 16 Kt is no boner 16. Butt Oe oe Ka NS 19 Ret Whatever White does, his weakaess on the Black squares ‘vl be exploited by the Blac Squared shop. ». an Nas 21 Oat ag os (0721 Qe2 Necd22 KI BS Man 2 Ko nro ‘na xed as Bes ‘This i bad, bur 24 QA Qu for 24 Oa Qa would Keep up the pressure Pe as No 26 Oe Kat 2a Raz Quet os Net Nb Nea Pinallyeeapng bis coward Nur gas So pct Bed 31 Oued Qua Sroka RNG Ot FUDERER-GLIGORIC Yugoslav Championship 1953 1a re 388 yr tea ae She 0.0 os Tea Gas There are two other pos sities: 7 Qas 80-0 Neg 9 dS Nd 10 Kh forces Back ito dubious aeratives (iy 7 Hee 8 dacs Qa59 NES Bre? 10 Que? he Hh eS dues ID thes nas 13 ext6 Beto 14 BaD Ques 15 Net bs 16 Nal6+ exf6 17 0-0-0 Nos Ig he with advantage, Agechenko-Dvoretky 1956 Nudd Neb ‘The most popular continua- tion snd at the same time the ‘most Ingcal, because i exes, ‘maximum pressure onthe 9 es 9 Net is soo mild, Aner 9... Bob 10 0-0 Ret Ht ES Bd? 12 p4 Nes 15 a5 Neb 14 NaS there Is 14.6 13 16 eds 16 f4g7 Nag? 17 exds TS, ae- cording 10 an old analysis by Bondarevsks- Im the evene of M1 Bet a6 12 Ret Qas 19 Kh} bs or 12 Qot NaS 15 bs Bs Black has an acive game Don NAT Many continuations have been examined at this poi 9 Qb6 TO Ned Qas 11 0-0 Nav 12 Ba2 is in Whites Favour, while9 .. BaT iscearly too, pusive to be taken into Seriows consideration. Much bbecer and more tothe point i= eS forcing simplification: TONac6 Bued I fyes dues 12 Qat for 12-0-0 O47 13.0! e614 Qhd NIT IS 63 Reb 16 Regt BIB, a5 in Kets Marovig, Yugoslav Champion- ship. 1963, or 12 Bes) Res 1 Qui Rags 14 RIT Nes 15 Ret RoT 16 Bad G7 Karablajé-Nemes, Yugosta CChetapionsin. 1962, sith an equal game in both cass). 1D Bp 13 Ral bs 14 ROD Bed 15 Rae2 Qa 16 0-0 Ned Y7-RAl Qe? with an approxi rately equal game, Panno= Giigri, Tos Angeles 1963 “Thetex move it not bad, bat ies certaily not the best that the position offers woo Nas Instead of casting, White could ave continued 10 Qu? [Nes 11 0-0 Qas 12 Rad or RIdi, but then 12. Nid 13 Bude eS simplifies into an ‘equal. pasiion. However, ia fasling immediately White allowed a" diapreible pos: Sibley 10 . Qb6, whisk & based on the tactical contin tion 11 NaS Ex while inthe fase I eS ses 12 NFS Qxb TENat Qa 14 Bet hd 15 Baz Q33 6 RIS OXF Black has enoubh for the queen. Cap turiag ond before wensersing the knlaht (oS and the queen to a5 isan inferior solution, a¢ wl be see, M1 Beds os 11. Bude 12 Quad Qb6 13 Qube Nxb6 14 Real is in White's favour, 12 hes Nes On 12. Byes Faderer had inmind 13 RE Bow So Black is left with an isolated paws, with less space and no alterasve but dite Setence ® Play he Kington Defence Be uh as 18 Rag) er WBN Ra Threatening 18 Bas Bred 19 Bre? winning the "a" pawn. n Ret 18 Nat White decides 1 dlock Black's Qside with Nb6 which fallow the advance of the (side pawn majority m. es 19 Nie Rab 2 or ‘Too passive. Fadere thovsht ft would have been better tot 20. Qh, 21 23 er, dat Ne nas fs Black cannot wait, but as usually Aappens in sich pos tions, active play lps theater ide 28 NaS NadS 24 ord 86725 16 Qc8 26 Rel ROB 27 «5 Qed 2 e6 bxe6 29 dacs Beco 30 Bus Bet 31 BeT a5 32 4S No commen 32 Bue} 33 BeT QeS 3 6 F438 BEL dd 36 ReT Rha 37 Rud Reds 38 QxtE Qa aed sob Black's flag fll seving him hopeless effort On 40. a2 AT B&Q dQ there is 42 Os ULHMANN-GELLER Dresden 1959 1 Ne 2 6 3 6 a Ber sBe 0) rrr) T Ne exas Naa Neo 9 est 9. NBA 10 Bua 8 not recommended because of Trikes dues 12 BS Qudl + 13 Raat Re 1800. or 1k 13 Que Rus 14 Rel and White's postion fs preferable ‘Ae interesting possibilty iy 9. Net 10 Bxgd (but not 10'Bel eS with initiate) Bed (ut noe 10s xg HL Neco). 11 Bnd Bes 12 Quad Gn the cam of 12 Q2 Nudi't) Quis there 613. 5 Hes Qh IS a) dees 16 Ones ONS and 17 NaS refuted by 17 216 18 Nato Reo 19 Qutb” Qa? which means shat White HS See Phe Four Penns Atak ” an equal position with 15 QF) Radi "1 Qat ad 130-0-0e5 “14 mt Qos) No6 140.0 when White hat 4 minimal advantage. Weak is 14". as 18 Kh Qb4 16 Qe2 NaS I7'NES, GelerPomar, Intercoal 1982 but Bick ca iy some sold Tine such as 1a. ReB 15 Rab 16 Rel (as, Tan-Marovie, Hastings 1962 “The fext move is based on the same ides of exerting pressure om the pawn cent WB ‘This i spi. tn suc tense ‘uations there is no tie For (quiet moves. isnot cific to onclide that 10 Bret Need 1 Oxet_ Naot 12 Get Ne 13 Rel Qas 14 a3 leaves Black wich an aetve game. Bier Bras, 1961, sontinued) Ldn f5 15 ex RufS 16 0-0 Rafi 17 Qe? Kas. However, White can conte 10 Ned Bred I Nad Bad 12 Rel (bad is 12 NXT7 RU 3 Rad Nef). Ris 13 Bas oe 13 Ked Rdeb 1a ef, and Black ‘ns not equalized wes (flowin son ‘Sharp and very strong indeed. White needs to mee Bh and NaS. buc capturing on eS 2 @) 2S Stat a t F a £ FE 2 et F] Solie all Black's opening prob lems Ties dues noo Os Qe Reus Preparing... Na 14 Que Vulioid proposed 14 h8 in oeder to) be sable 10. mest, Ta BAES 15 DxI NB th lo NaS, as the pawn on et then defended Man NMS Owing to White's cater stakes this song move gives Black # ful tative isms BAS. 16 BMS Ob6 Atiacking and defending at tne same tie RD Naty Bt Ra wes 119 BM then 19. Bats 20-085 Qa. Wn eb ao et Reb 21 Nbs White is simply let without right and now ite Hato a hopeless postion a Nas 2 Nar Rat ne Rea Bs Ne Qh capitulation. Bhan NudS 28 exdS. Rods 29°Qbi Qxbs 30 Bxbs Rad 3 Das 32 feed Red 13 Kh Bag 34 ROB RES 35 bd BES 36 ROB+ Ky737 8 ReD38 eS 39 oh bxe6 A bxe6 eS, 417 louet tol. Ret 22 Ra8'y KH? 48 RABY BUS 44 08Q "RM followed by ur Zoast 196) 1s Ne a 6 ‘When White decides 10 py the Four Pavns Variation this prevents Ne, and as it finda slar plan — the cena 6 oo Tier 6 A natural and acceary rea tion. "Before White cats file, crewing more. breathing Space and countr-chances, Raves feb Usually White proceed with 8 NPBand9 0-0, bur taking on worth comparing «wo similar Praltions: che postion reached vwher, instead of 7 Be2, Wh fas plaved 7 NB. Thore ate Some ditnet characteris 10 fume. For instance: 9 NI3 Nb TO 0-0 Bpe tt hs Bx?3 12 Bald Ref 13 15 NIUT with correst pwn strfice, Niemela- Ney Rigs 1989. However, with the the" situation changes and Si. Bie is not 30 goad! 5 Bxe6 9 Bad tan important Alference) Nob Oo Bed land. 10 Bxf3 i not to Be recommended ether) 1015 Ba? 1) 0-0 Re8 12 BS he 13 BA and White's position is Somewhat beter, Ree he case of 7 NFB Black should omive 8» eb 9 Ba NS W000. Ndi it Nes Os? 12 Gel 66-13 56 1s NAS forboth sides oF 12 Ba and (13 Qhe then 13. NHS 16 6, a8 proposed by Clocaltea oes A dangerous move, but as Adaneerovs for White 3s for his ‘opponent. Following the nor tual 9 NPS Enesclopaedio of ‘Chess Openings gives! 9 NS A. drawback of die. is always the quick centralization ofthe quen's knight This as a cical position ang sstheanalyteshows 11 dSis the fateful exo. Early ia the Siderable space on the Kite but eas invested i the under ‘aking several presious tempi Black knows from experene> ‘hat the wing attack most Be Inet by the central councer ftfensive. Here, however, he feacts too quickly. IT BS wat in order, followed by .- AB? 13 ings 4 gas Py a th Kin Ind Defence The consequences are deat: Black's Kesde hae been vretkened and an unplestant Threat Qh3, cannot be averted Mat Nic, but 100 late 1S Nued— bret 6 Obs shed wows KT wats A crushing move ets “The fabs practically ove. WN 2O0KE tags 2 Kg Nel+ 22 KhE Nas 23 Qug6-+ Ke8 24 OWT + KFT 25 Be) Qe 26 RY Ket 27 Qg6+ RIT 28 Qo Qa 29 Res + KIB 30 Byes > NucS 31 Ques 4 Ke 32 Re O07 33 RMIT Kx M xed Keb 35 BAS Qe7 36 Qe6r KH 137 Qua8 Ont 38 Ke? Black resigned, SHAMIS-PELTS USSR 1967 ras Nt rd SNS ye doh a6 a) ones Ta shea es 9 ends ‘Theakernatve9 ext wil be analysed Tater. At fist sight STexdS seems gle, ‘The Impresion is that White has -ncakened his postion by pay ing 9 and opening the "= ile, fd that Black ean gain exe. lent counterpiy "trough INg&Ne3. Tae impression is ‘wrong. I wll bosome evident that Black bas nothing on the ‘open ile and that he as to con Ser defensive- measure In Spite of is harmless Took he postion hae hidden dangers Namely after easing, White Intends to pay Ba3, continue with 15” at. the propiious ramen andthe presse on the ‘fle easly bosomes 3 devasating atack DNS In the 1962 Student Team Caampionsip, Bots Spassky ‘hose is move agaist Liptay fof Hungary. The ideas to make posible. TS and that White's intentions at once ‘These sim ca be achieved by 90 Neb and 3, after whic the King’s knight 2085 0 whence it covers the weakened sguare 6. That is The Pour Pons ack is ‘serainly a good, naturel method of defence. ‘Other moves deserve les con fidence, That Black must not lose any time ean be coacluded from the following satiation 9 Nab 10 0-DNGT 11 a4 Reb 12 a8 Ned 13 B8 Ned 14 Baad Reed 15 Qd2 Re 16 13 and there fe no doubt about wha has the better oft Equally dubious fe 8. BSS 10-0-0 Net Boose oF 11 Nxed Bod 12 NaS BIS (or 12... Reb 1315 Bus 14 43) 13 ph Bod 145 with iigative. Ts line was improved “by 10... Reb 11 BdS QUT 12 3 Nas 13-38 1X7, but i tll appears 10 Be somes ching. More ineresting is 9... Re 10 0-0 Net 11-83 (otherwise Black can” sontinue we 8 oF fier 11 Rel, for example, 1 Nye followed. by NING) NES UL Ni Would be met hy “12 es) 12 Bret Rach 13 Qa? Res 1 Ba NAT, Rael and Black’ ‘ramped position is interior, ‘This analysis of the aller natives indicates that 9. Net (oF 9 Nis Followed by 13 lave co be preterce. woe es As White's queen's bishop is Limited by his own pawas, con ceding the bishop pair has no Seitcance. Thad gs a ‘| t thot a wR | “The eight move & 118 Immaately, Ris amportan 4 keep the bshop on cl ut of atton. For example, 11 Ref 1 8 Bets 13 NS NI 14 94 with attacking prospes. Even Hn the ease of Hw NET 1215 BRIS. 13 Bid followed by Qa and Rac! offers White exelent ‘compensation for just one pwn. These comideratons vst ea to the conctsion that thetext move is dubious a Well, fand forthe sane reason. Alter the macersl If 12 NaS NgT (6 needs protection) 1b Ba NAT 14 Rel (gore Shed 16 Nob Nie6 15 ches NU6-16 BAS Qe7 17 Ret Nes) 1Nf6 15 RDI Ref the game is pprosimatel level le lt Pray tek’ nin Defence ‘Opening the diagonal an she fie, Beats 1B Nes NGI Met bok Oa 16 Net Nek 1Q53 Oe 18 Bas A the cos ofa pawn White has alsposed his lees very Aggresively. ln twa moves he ‘vl bring ito battle al his e taining Fores. The further fourse of the game & most istrative, 18..NG7_ 19 Be RET 20 Rael NeS 21 481822. Naas Nude. 28 Bees ‘Qo 24 RFel BeT 28 QI Ref 26 Rie? a6 27 nd 8 28 HS Nod 29 RSced {nod 0 QueT ends 31 ReeS Bre8 32 QeS. Black resigned, KERES-SPASSKY Match 1965, Heh game ras Nt tela BN BT det at fas. eas Oe TNE mer ends 9 ends ‘aking on 65 with nis “c™ pwn, White enters by trans Peston into sharp and finely Falaaced Benoni positions, The sagmmetieal pawn formation tates forher play. White evidently counting on the een teal thrust. To. counteract, Black has several liner at his Aisposal Spassk, in this coca same of the match, chose the sharpest — 9.88, throwing all caution i the wind 5. ReB is aimed at dasuading White fom 5, bat a5 will be seen 10 e5 i sll posible and dangerous IF lsc is afraid of eS and oes not like the tsmoltuove ‘rents arising 3 consequence, he can choose a quieter: more solid contnuation 9. Bes Now 10'e5 tif3 1 Ball des 12 faeS NFAT 13 6 Nes wold be in Black's favour, ter 10 0-0 NbsT MT NG Bred 12 Que2 Re 13 QU3Qer 1 a8 for 4 Rel BS 18 Nabs NOG, Back has 2 very good game Another ine i also possibe 10. Bat} 1 Bait Nod? 12 Rel, but hee 2... Nebisin order while 12... Reb 13 Red 36 14 Qel QeT 15 5416 16 offers more 10 White, Sarajevo Played_with the conviction that 10 Bxbs) Naot IT Nid Oa5+ 12 KI Qubs 13 Nias (Qb6 offers Bick enoweh forthe ‘ava, an opinion which ean be accepted Wes des thes Net 12 Bie 12 Bubs ues 13 0-0 NogT Js not advantageous. 12 Bas can te met by 1216, recom mended by theory, since Tex BAS 4 Bais Oe 15 BxbS BA? ives Black a dangerous iniative. Alter 12 Ob6, however, things ae ot 5 clean that the il for analysis. The second player should be warned that 18 0-0 SEN 1E KMENED 15 Raf of 13 W614 BeTNeS 15 Ge of 16 KI Res 17 a6 Ne6 18 Bhd Rall 19 Raft leaves Black exposed to attack. Sil in ruimerows, intricate positions arising et, acticin wil el BU home, even though the abe tive assesment favours White 2 Nar Several commentators pro posed 12a. bd as beter IS'NbS a6 1 NdG Naess svantageous 10 Black, while 13 Ned NAT 14 26 40519 dtc Refd 16 Quds Kh 17 Qua Nb 18 Qc6 Ne3 seems to offer cual chances "The wut move leads to sian complex and double-ges 1366 1806 14 dues Rata 15 Gas Winoing the exchange, but the bale goes on. 17 Qe6 would be met bythe unpleasant I?m Ned 1. Bres wie NG wre Keres decides t9 preserve his rater advantage, 19 Rad Nya 20 Real Boe+ 21 Kl bf 22. Nos is. countered by 22... BUS, while 19. Babs Natl 20 Rxfl RIT 21 as Qbs aives, Black active play for the saciiced pawn, re an Nis A dubiows move tis evident that Black's Engh on «3 con trols much space anda effort should be made to dislodge i From its splenil postion. 1 is Knight sranded on bs. ket Precise. After 22... Ned White would answer 29 aon Geandimaster Bondarevsty Parte Rnes I ece mor ain ye i Fi possible that Keres con- templated the eight continua tion 20-Nal but was afaid of 20. Nad 20 RII-Qd6 wth Strong presure. However, Keres after 20 Nal Nes mised the. hidden racial solution DUNES which rsfues 20. Ned. “Aller the text Whie's pisces lose their 60" dination RE ‘An important move, chasing the queen from. ii active position 21 as 121 Qa6 Black an continue 21 Byh222 Rel Ngs28 Rall BS as the knight on b6 isnot pinned. a. ons Another strong move feting the knight on b9 and creating propored 28 Bas as bette. » nwt Dit Not White has kept the exchange bout at too areata con 306 RIG 260M Neb age “This loses easy, but 27 Qas a3 is fit ans, 27. QubS 28 ReT NAB 29 Qe “et 30 Ret RI at + Bul8 32 Ngs mes 33 Kh Q47 34 Q82 QT 35.NEB es and White overstepped the tie i, SZARO-TIMMAN Amsterdam (97S ta 6 2Na iy 3a ae dee Ne sus i tactical threats against the | he Fou Pours Atak 8 ous eb tues TN, Nat fea eds Dexds Res Another alternative worth considering is 9 N&6. Now ‘gukt play does not yield any ‘advantage: 10-0-0 Ne? I NE Ros [at Reb 13 BIS 66 TE Not Ba6 1S Q63 Bact 16 Queda with a good game, “Theretore White mus et immectaely while she Knight is far from the conte. For exam ple, 10 e5 dees Tl tres Nef T2'be "Ret and. now Enclopacdia of Chess Openings fecounmends 16 #396 14 6 with more than enough com: pensation forthe pawn. wes ‘The pawn saciie into: dace by 10-0-0 gives some in Iau, bur Black reas the pwn and mets the Thests by One Nted HL Ned Reed 12 ad Re 13 fSNGT 14 Nes IG TS fex6 6 GS ag then 16 Qed with the idea of On, ‘Another consination which has "been much payed and stalysed starts with 10 Na. White temporarily defends the pawn atthe same time prepa Jing BIS, Nod and eS, Ths wil be discussed inthe next game Dobious is 12 06 06 19 6. Udoveie-Marovie in 1964 com tinued 13. Bd? 13 050 Bos TS NgS Ne! 16 Bed 617 Nest INid7 and. White had no com- pensation for the pawn. After T3040" exds "14 NidS Bee 1S Bod Nes Black isso bene, Milgika-Ta, 1959, n te In catler games Black cxperimented with 12. 96 fur becime amare of the angersand taps. Forexampl, 13040. Nes hut not Bocce dd KM NE 15 Ral? QM? 16 Not Qb6 17 NUS RIS 18 Bet NAT 19 Bod) 18 Need (18 a6 is unpleasant, to). Bues TS Bot Oxh2 (15 Got is recommended) 16 d6 with & Song. lnkitive, Vladimivoy Doda, Leningrad 1967 Rete Bue won BS Peev-Donner, Cienfuegos 1973, went Id NET 1S 0-0 NéeS "16 Bato “Qué 17 Nes (Qb6 18 Nees with advantage 50-0 Bags wows NOT 2 Play he King Seon Defence Black could exchange queens bout then he mst consider 18 Ne. es Ne 18 On Tactics have always been a strong feature of the Hungarian srandmaster’s ply. He has Some fine pots in mind, Natt TNs O67 19... ReT20 J6NE324 due? Qxe7 22 Rel contains other thea. was ges ‘Tima thought his postion seas tesre ithe Ral over: Tooke a point of two, Other wise he ould have. played 20 Qi? 21 Bett Kh 22 NITY KS when White has thing more than a perpewal check. kw Nt mara Res ‘One mistake sual leads «0 nother 22. Rad® was ine Aispensable aa Rae 2 s+ Bes (ore following rom An eegant serfice now cds te ame, But Black had no choice ‘2. ggete RIS Necé 26 Qe Ried 25... ahs 26 Nah + Ke? 27 Nes Nieb 28 Buss also quite easy. nt es Neo ets nate O66 outs Nes POMAR-FISCHER Ne 3 “ eas Phe Four Bowes Atak 2 bse The Bio ar) DNS Reh ‘The postion hasbeen reached by a diferent order of tmoves, This is a pure Benoni, fh at the sie ime it 8 postion arcing tom the Four soe Ate, Ne ‘This is another approach Ponar would lke to cate fist and then to proceed ith rypical manoeuvres, aimed at making posuble Ned and eventual HALWE © t tit At it) 2 SS it Ey ‘One of he wikd variations Fischer introduced ito. the enon, fiahting oe 3 win fom the very beginning. He could have chosen a qucter line, Tor Example, 10. D611 0-0 Bas thous White retains some £ advantage with 12 a8 Byed 13 Oued a6 18 Nes Ra? 1S QF. Aa alterative would be 10 Nab IL O-O NET 2 at 6 followed by. Ba6 as in Spassky-Kavalek,” Amsterdam 1978 ‘Grandmawer — Boleslavaky analysed. another sharp. and most teresting tne — TO Net U1 Bagé GP 11 Net Back does aot have to assert the pawn and can costine TTS) Qh 12 23 iss 1 Gust Baga 14.NbS tor 14 KID a6 18 af NAT 16 [dd +17 Kg2 Bre followed by Bed). Na6- and) now nether IS nd Rset 18 Nrod BF nor 15 Nad NBS 6 NieS NI 1D KIL BBS 18 Red Rack 1 RI B4420 a8 tS suppresses Black's tactical posites. Black "ean prepare... Nat with 10 a6 but shouldbe Warted that after 11 a6 Nee 2 Red he Bas a weak spot on 16 and must proceed 12.8, ince [2 Bett 15 bch Ret 140.015 15 a i not a all peasant THkchers move Is double ued ane sequites precsion. To. begin with, note thal 17 Beds met by 11 Ne 1 ae ln Padeshy-Ciociien, aso Havana Olympiad 1966, White played the much stonger 17 a8 2 Pte Kins nan Defence Nha? 12 0-0 NES 13 BIS. Bhs 14 Qe. and since 1. Ba 15 Niet isweak Bick sacriiced 4 pawn by 1. NESS Naot Nxct" 16 Qxcl where Bole Slevsky proposed 16... Bit wich counter play forthe pawn Tn any case 11 a8 is imperative ove a wl Be sen 0 Noa? nite bs “This is the point. White has fo chances forthe breake fhrough ia che centre, wile Back can mobilize bs pave majority 1 KM 36 Mat Rb 1S axhs anh wes What che? Wn dhes 17 Naot Naot WNtel Ne A very simple and efesive Aetence Was 6 ws et Very” well played indeed Black gives back the material bout in 0 doing reaches a positon where his bishops ae more active and the passed pawn op de is Weak 2 Naek Ned ni Bret Ode ais A sels temps Baws 24 fia I he takes owe om £5 Black ten has Qu a at 25 Ons Ost 26 Out Raed ams This wil make i lihuly easier for Black but the Fiat is slready over 27 abd 28 Rad 4 29 467 Rod8 30 fas bd 3 Rie p72 Beak Wadd 33 Ras BIG 134 Re 845.35 RDEH636 Res Rak 37 BBS Bod 38 bt Bee we cd 40 bys 2a BANG KNB. White Hesigned 2 The Classical and Related Variations rN re 6 Na By? ta de sha to Le 5 og i tt i 20 _Eiwiol is This the base postion of & series of important vavations nd one ofthe oldest methods ‘gains the King’s Indian Defence. "White oecupie the senize wth pawns, bu a con Tras tothe Four Pawns Attack he takes care to develop his Pees, too. Harmonious ‘evelopment enables White to ‘oep the tension fre enaieh 10 use opening problems for is fppanent. Black, having Finihed his Kiide develop: ment, in most cases tikes at the centre with 8, more farely with cS. AKO ‘characterise ite position of his queen's Knight, placed a 67 frm mosdeen Tine, ato ‘thie seston covers he analysis of: 1. 6 Be? Been Anderso-Antunac,p.78 970, U6 e5 7 0 Nba? 8 Sin Keene-Miis, p. 27; Gligorit- Fiche, 1 B08 7 ds Nba 9 is 469 agin Pesrosian-Gligaris, p.3i: O'Kelly Cligeie, 38; Buki-Brinck- Claussen, p. 3 eres Waltnr p. 36 WW, Ged 7 dS Nos in Petosian-Lutikos, BIT Ou oS Tai F g5 h69 tke Nab in v vu vt Ploy te King’s Pci Dfoce Gater-Linbojevit, DBO. eS 7 aS In Giigore-Galler, ban e8 7s bia Doner-Kavalk, p. 4. bund 7 000-0 4 Rb ex in Forman Vasiuhov, p. 26; # Rel 69 ROI as 10 03 end in Rab Pietsch, pi 6.68 7 0d NbdT 1 el 69 ROL as 10 Bs Res 11 BYI Net in NajdorF-Inkox, pase Rel Red D By c6 10 RoI Net fn Reshesky -Najot p58 03 70-0 int? # Bet of 9 Bf Reb 10 dSeS in Reshersky-Glgort, 525 10s Nes in Golombel-vkov, 9. $8: rack, pS sumbach-Shre, p88 $822 0-06 BSS 2 aS a6 Lombard Giigorié, 9. $957 a e6 in Fovintor-Marovi, pists Tas he 8 BIS fn Unimana-Adorian, ol; Lengyel= ‘Rntunae, p66: 3s hs 8 Be in hlmannisrne p88. {5 Bed eS 7 Bes Nhal7 in Reshesky Byrne pOn7a. coin Reshevsky-Najdor? p.TeT ‘Gaeornit-Diee del erin Corral, p74 IX, 5 Bed 087 0-0 Ne 8 dS Ne79 Bad in e769 Na Bh Taiotans-Tata, 9.78: 9'Na? Ni Kerebnai-cligoré, p78 asesin Larsen-Fiches, p85 She Nhs 10 Nae a Petrosan-ciigont, pA 10 2fin Setmide- Haba, p.88:9 New Nd? 10 Bes i Blsases Ghigori,p. 87:10 Nat Sin Laren-Tal, p89: Giigore-Fucber. p91; 10/3 {5 11 guia Larsen Tal . 92 ANDERSSON-ANTUNAC I Bexerwik 1970 ine rel No sat Set oe Ne Phe Clic ond Rete Varian s xa 2) [et tet iz F3 AGE ASS a [a i ey 3) “This move applies indirect pressure othe centre. The baie ‘ea il be ler from the open | ing mover ofa ame played rastings ip the thie (Vidar ‘eas Black) hich wants 7-0-0 Niar 8 Red Noo 9 89D 10 Hat 68 and back hae more [than adequate compensation for the bishop pat eshould be boone in: ming from the ety eglnning that Bad related ‘othe possible weakness std ' 700 1 IE White wants co force the exchange on 13, he nays” Bed | Niarshs" nett 9 Bas Noo 10 dS Nas 11 Bed with he bet (er game. In Taimanoy~ Bick, Havana 1968, White obisined an advantage by7 Bet tuts Rel es 9 dS. Bat TO BMS E511 ba where White's aeivity on the Qing is ‘evidently more valvabl However, if” Black continues 985 10 0-0 Nab 11 ab 5, {hivaring Writes plans on the side, no advantage ‘Semonsrabe 1. ter aia 8... Ne6 9 dS isin White's favours ¥.-€5 looks more natural since i opens the Tong Giagonal, although after 9 a8 ‘Nab 10 h3 BME 11 BATS Nev 12 Be? Black's game is rather ‘ramped, With the text move Flack is seeking counter shaness on the Kite, sass 9.15 is out of question becaise of 10 NpS. The text i not good either. 9s. BSS followed by a8 is beter. Net Asubte move. The kaiht is heuing for 3 whence i sun pots the pawn advance on the ‘O-ming, wile the exchange of the whitesquared bishops weakens Backs Ksie ation, w Bed noe ts neo cic 13. ed alo came into con. sideatton, Be 8 Intending... Bha and the exchange of the bad bishop. 6 Pty te Kingston Defoe M4-NbS Naw 15 Nas Advancing. the preparations ofes Is. RO lai he 17 Bun xh Wot ger W Ria gs son Kas ne og Black has gt gine 1 wate action onthe Sg" he sas, hope Rete — elo 2 Rat Quiet but stags doubling fooks onthe" file 10 threaten Re takes the ting ot Df Blacks aetion on thee” Fie 2 Res ita Me Aer 24... 93 25 gd 23 26.08 Qhi 27 KI, Black's ‘tack, 16 stopped “and if Be eran 28 ROE NOS 30 KHL ‘White osion ts preferable “Antunae wav ofthe opinion a Decrgatd 25 QR NIG. wah ber 25006 Neb wR RIO A aistake follows a mistake pack ould” have played L x Ht a | : f27 A HE {4 Le of 26 wc exf3-27 Rut Reef out ot 27. Ques 28 Nad Reg? 29 KIT RIG 30 Nees ib6 31 Roh axe 32 6 bud 33-4? ete}, which shows that 26 fygh was inorder Both ayers missed the point aint Kine 1027 Rugs then 28 Nee. was ns Qu QT 29...Qh7_ is refued_ by 30 Q\e8 and 29... Qudd 30 Raa net by 37 Ric. 30 OnE RgT_ exis. Ro 32ND Ro 33 Ops" KAT IS + ONES 35 ecl5 Ran 36 Net Ka? 37 Ned6 Nao 38 Regt + Kegh 39 No KIT 0 Nuns NMS ARS NBS 42 Ret Black reigned, The ClnatondReled Vacations n REENE-MINIC: Manheim 1975 & | rt wis As a matter of principle ei Fster to postpone closing the ene because simpli ‘act's further plans, butt wil seen that 8g alse Ht * Ns yor 8 onerwise 10. b6 would 10 Bs. If White chooses 10 Na2 wth the dea OF NBS, 10... a Goes not solve the problem, Tecaute White continues RBI find bs, 10. BAS isn order fand_ 11 Nb} Brel 12 Rac [Nig hoops the knight onc an allows. £3 with 4 good game Dh nies J Clarke-Marovie Hanings 19625. Witte eoatiaued mistakenly 1 Bh and afer Thon gS. 12 Bg} NDS 1S N&D Nii 1 13 as 18 BS 15 Black had avery strong initiaive m. Mar On 11 obs 12 NAD Net 15 Bag Beet) White as the cleat, simple plan of capturing “pact on the Qowing with 8 and bband the absence ofthe wh Squared bishop isnot fel a al, More interesting is Gufea’s Mea Te NBS, when 12 Qaz is met by 12. NEG stung a correct pawn once. Beer is 12 g) pre. Nenung 12.5. becatse” of NBs. © Gute proposed 12.2.6 15 N02 BRS 18 Rel Qa. The text atematve was sey popular and itis loge: i¢ strengthens the knight on e§ and roakes possible. 18, which Is Black's natural choice espe sven the cente is closed Na » Play the Kia's Iain sence White must be prepared for nf 2 's Teas pus na 88 re ry 2) 12a & 2 ft REY BES 2 BR | In Antoshin-Marovg, Zagied 1965, Black chose Idee TS Bald Nes. bat fer 16 NDB or even 16 acl Ss. Antoshia played White ands somewhat better 15 bs “The postion is dstiately telanced an requires precision 15 Riel was correc, wa 16 Ns Nees 17 Rast Gcabbing the pawn by 7 ByesdneS IF Naas i nt to be recommended because of We eats mat won et Minig azo considered 1. KU, Keeping the tension wma Bxat 20 Ows OWT 2 os + Ky? 2K 4s easier to pay Black's side, boause there Is more Scope. One of the themes Is pressure an the "0 fk 2. Ree 23 er isko kre The “s” file can also be expoite. aKa 85 Nd ne DNS Rae 26 Riel ROR Provoking White 19 move his iy" pava,, which he does. Minis "considered 29 Ne2 was 2 bs as Swans Ras uke Commanding the open Ble, Back is clearly beter, and a the moreso becuse White iin ime trouble 32 mb? Rat 33 Not Reh MNS 34 BH was beter ‘eClsie! aa Relted Varaons » eo 35 gad Keene had probably. over looked 35'23 xg} and now hha to cate on 3. His game nov hopeless 3S ae RB 36 NFL RQQ 37 wot Nod 38 ds ead 39 uid Rexh2 40 4 Rk $1 OD Rad 42 Bas RM 43 Ne} Bn2+ 48 Ned Bet, White resigned GLIGORIC-FISCHER ‘olympid 1970 REZEZ25 a ‘A personal preference Favours Keeping the tension in the centre. wherever possible, cae that makes eather dit thealt for Black 0 define his inmediate plan, Usually it is White iho) as mare wet waiting moves at his disposal im bar 460 We ed the obvious 1. NeS is mots good because ice 9 NGQ aS Ha followed yb aks he wil Have to withdraw. The Hgts ceply Bc Net9 Bes 6 10 Hba NG and Black steady for TY 85 12 gS 13 with equal chances, a played in one of the match dames between Donner” and Giigori, 1968 Bas por 8 10 ms 6 1 Bes Ned Here, however, tis move is not So good. Black should stick to Mink's choice inthe previous ame Bees dues In those cases here Black an raster hs Kaigh to do ne foes not mind this exchange, br thas “manoeuire i no} feasible hee sks NG Ta Nues Neds Possible because 15 NUT is met by 15... Nb 1S exd5 Bes ei Baty 17 kb ‘hie is mistake. Agsinst Langeweg in Amsterdam 1970 Giigori’ played the beter 17-Kh2, and the game cos tinued: “17. Qh 18 RE 6 19 dNe6 bKo6 20 Hod with advaneage. » Play the Kine’ Icon Defence WOM Bos 6 Undesmining White's centre ad eying t open the poston. 96 4s ais In preventing the unpleasant 20 Bed White weakens the ‘whole complex of black Squares. Peshaps 20 Kh2 was beter. 2. BT 2 Hes Now 2LKK2 se to 21 BeS+ gh ats n s mist Root Baws Bus ms Res No the best. After 2 Beds 28 Neds Rast ‘White has no compensation for ‘he pawn. The fet gives up the Tion’sshate ofthe avantase. 25 Bucs baes 2% RA Riek 2703 Os 2 Rs 16 DRM 300 Roe 3g Rk RD mea ok 34 Kags KeT Sokolov proposed 34... RbS followed by. RMB as beter. as Rel Kae 36 RM Ret ra RAT Bens Bhs ‘The pase pawns danseros, and, in blockading i, Black Wisely following along ‘tablished principe. Black's postion is preferable BK Kes wNaoow SN Apparently logical. but ie reahty the decisive mistake. As Fscher showed after the game a1 RAD was in order Mot bed Rb ON White obviously did ot see the rely. ‘eC ond Rlted Yt ” Soma = lack ass id of he pases RE LRT Sint form an! was chee pawn, ROR Ak We ea wort a aes afae, | mr 2B cet ae | Fa a pa ee B ‘With his King cu off White is ‘oy beaten, S1 Rad KefS 52. Rho Rel + SO Rez ef 84 RL Ry 55 NEL RyS! 36 RBH 1S 57 RB + is 58 Kel £4 59 Ka Ry? 6o a 13.61 Rh + Wg 62 Rags Nd 63 a4 Rel 68 Kaz TE 65 RIBS Kes. White resigned, un HETROSIAN-GLIGORIC Candas 1989 as ra Nay tea sé 00 ome yas Nba 5 ys ‘flog aera, ‘The key move of the so-called Patrosian variation, When the cenize i slosed Black ture Immediately to his favourite method the preparaion of. (5. By playing 8 Bes White makes i itfeuhs In forder to bresk the pin Black must either move his qusen {Hom the diagonal of continue NcN6 9 Bhd gS when weak squares appear in his postion “The impact of Petosian's {gS inthis tournament was such that Black los all five games delended with this ne 8 6 ed 9 uua8 WONG Nes ig dubious after the strong LL Which makes counter sction fextiomay dicult. For exam: ple th Qa 1213 NW 13 Rel PS is bad, and 11 at 2 Play te Kina neon Dagon 12 B66 13 BAD QoS 14 ROY tives White te better game, Wa Oe noo Fischer analysed 11 g4 NK 12. Qe2 Nes 19 0-0-0 15 wih cual chances, n. Nao nba ‘The drawback of 9a is that White occupies space and feires the iniatve on the (ving. 2 Nes Ina subsequent game in the same tournament Fischer tied 12. Bf against Tal, but ater 13 Baf6 Neate. 14 Not Qe7 1S Q42 Kh 16-Qe} NeS 17 8 White ha the better of i mR MB Oe 35 Ki ‘The pn Is agin a cause of concer for Black. 1s Ne Wwees NaS ne In an caer game Olatison played 17 exd6 exd6 18 Nat, bot after 18). NF¥ both sides had chances, The tat move i deep and postionallycrosing IF Back Feples 17 BG. NS took and bishop wil be out of Play for an indeliie period; on the otter andy alter the fchange of pawns, lasting Weaknesses wil appear in bis position ” % wets gus we Excelent 204 enretened, but the main idea 10 prevent the developmen of the queen's Disopsif 19 £4 then 20 ea Or 19..NI6 201 exte 21 xis” Ngot 22 Bhs (Petrosan. ry Ey 2 2 )f 2 ala) ft 2 WES SEIS) wwe 2068 “This was not necesay. Since Black. "bas no counter-lay White had time for 20 28 We NT 21 Nes The Chesil and Reta Vartons 3B Grandmaster Matanovié Tightly criteized this» move, faving again 21 a4. Now gore gts some play and his ‘ances improve ett ts Very good. Finally there is sone Breathing space. B3NdQ_ Ned 2s oxo RATS 25 a3 Pesrosian later proposed as ‘onreet 25 NDB NAG) 26 RS (QcH" 27 Ret Qos 28 Rel cr) lacks 100k Pally ges into 2603 ash Pact Ras Asacrficein onder 0 free the bishop, 28 Nawed fred 2 het BIS So bas Nas uae 8 pawn down but has red drawing chances 31 gns RIG Somes Kn tout not 32. KAT 33 Reel eT 4 Nes, Skeet Qt Sox RAT 35 Ret Cores was 35 Ral and if 38 0, Ref then 36 Reel 2s. kur de Nas RD BT Nae Nua MR RO DIS Reet wn RR Otherwise 41. £6 threstening sips Rane 4, RafS owes to 42 Be bat the et loses to. Indispensable twas 41 Rack and If a2 RBS ‘only then 42. D2, 26 Ree Or 42... exb6 43 Ret Re? 44 Raed Rcd 4S Rot wining. 43 Rings Ro SeRgTs Kn 45 Rigs ‘Black resigned 145 . KN, then 46 fee O'KELLY-GLIGORIC ade Zonal 1960 1a NG ret 3No iy i ae » Ply te Kies taonDafoce SN 00 one 74s Nbat ams Ne ry ‘Tre pin is so unpleasant that ater a este period of practice ‘and analysis Blick sted for this meakeniag move. Tt teeakens white squares bul ges dof the pin and inwroguces Fich taste! play onthe K-ving 10 Bes NaS 10-0 1 is sharper and wil be sale "wih in the Following sane, " Nu 12 Nez 12 Nel as also hoe tre ‘The eat is more logical in the expectation of 12 15, eafS ‘vacating the central square et Ba NS if | tr t Playing against Smyslov in the Candidates 1989, Bonk Tih 12 5 13 ext Nae? + (ot 13-6 14 Batt exit 18 g4) 14 red NI615 cS dues etl Is 15. BRS) 16 Qet ING? and after 178 618 Nb3 (027 19 NOS ha the worse of it. be White is nervous. He sould have played 13 gt taking advantage of the seak white Squares, although even in that cise tacts lp: 13... Need TE Ndxes f8.In Valo Jenosevie, Yasosisy Chars Pionship 196, there followed 15 Bxf3 Hels 16 13 Qos 17 bs ‘Ox and Black was beter ater practice showed that 15 13 was Inorder when 15. BS 16 Bars fexf4 17 BAS fret 18 fed Qe? fives Black o fine game fora eo We Net Mas 14 Bxfbismet by 14 en Ma Nee 1s Qu Nie wou bs Black nas sized heii. mew Played in order toastatethe queen's bishop. TheCiasclone Role Vartons re We txt Bags 35 RD Reha 199 Bh 36 kD Oho ‘A natural square for the Whe rested. ings bishop, 237 Kel Bed + loses materia was ats ae 6 BUKIC-BRINCK-CLAUSSEN White & ready for 23, NPB so Nha Black warts he plan boy 2 Turter opening of the positon for his pit of bishops. es Bus 23 Nded Ob Forcing the weakeaing e. 243 Ont asta 26 Rare Rare KM Bh 28 kal as 29 Kh Giligort proposed 29 RFS a8 » ker Wk Md 1 is necesary to open the fe srae Bi 3208 Keb 33 Kh 18 RES way indispensable etext loses quickly. s ag gd RAT Student Ofmpiad 1968 A NISNG62 4963 Ne3BgT 4 e465 d40-06 Nbg7 8 Bes 6 9 3 NAS AT ‘This war introdosed by Keres, White came tothe con- tld and that more energetic measures needed to be Tak " Nts Experience has shown that 11 weg is necessary. That Is the leton 10 Be earned fom this game 1 hes tags noe x 18) Pa ‘Ploy th Kin’ Inn Defence Bukié discovered his move naling an ealer game be tween Nel and Stein, where 1S BIL repeesonted an evident, Jos of time and 13 #5 eave ‘qual ply. 13 00s out ofthe fection because Black's iuee's Knit enters the Ksie fasion via 18 and e6. Ba Nate The stemative 13... 65 1s exf5 NeSissomenhat biter, bur stil inadequate aft IS Duis ButS 16 Buss. The same. goes for 13... Nez 1 Que IS 1S eS NS 16 Ne, KA 4 KB was played su cessfully in later yeas im Nee 1S Bt gat 16 Kez ‘The sacrificial iden is dear nos White ros wil dominate both open files and Black wil ‘be unable to party the sts. on s 1616 is insuticient because of 17 Nhs 17 Rael Nes WAKA Ned [Ate the game Bukié stowed 1 fret 19 Be Na6 20 Net abd 21. NI6+ Qut622 Qh7+ KIT 25 Reg7 + Qa? 24 NaS 19 Need fred 20 Nes 8.21 Buf3 RES 22 Neb Bxe623 Brod gS 24 dve6 66 25 BAT KIB 26 Od3 of 27 Ove BS 28 14 45 29 exaS eds 30 Qh Black resignes KPRES-WALTHER Olyapad 1968 148 NIG 2 of 6 3 Ne3 BAT 46646 SNES O60 6 He? 5 7145 NbaT 8 BgS bo 9 Bhs gS BS NBS 11 he pe By the middle sites it became apparent that Black ‘ould not avoid this move, Ne 12 Nazis perhaps more rational, but both moves have advantages and drawbacks. KerewMatanovs, Moscow 1963, was one of the fist cxample of 12 NB2 and con- inves 12. Nxgh 13. Tagd bs 11 '0-OBK6 is BAI NIG 16 Qe2 eB 17 RANG? 18 Ratt with pressure on the "fie and a favoutabie ‘postion. The impression crated by this game forced “Black to look’ for smething ele anda strp line ‘var found 12s. 15 13 exfS NIG. 16 Brad Nags 15 fse3 Nag 16 Que BS 17 Qed ef where Black's pat af bishops Compensales for the mater ‘ef 2 Ness Bigs as 0D kG 15 as Ke ig not dear whether 15 Bagé is wont considering. Bob 15..NeS would appear ‘nore natural 16K NG “Transfering the knight to the Uefensie postion 7 WRa eds Wwexds Nob wor Ng mea (hig is bad, 20... Ba is seasonable, Black” over ‘Ssimated is chances, els NMS Riis Mts 23 Ratt yo (oe fotowing rom) ie postion is now resolved boy sarc, 2 Newt intly he knight breaks us so ie prison, t ft t Ea ft ve 3 2 otngt 25 ups Kh? 26 nS BAS 27 Rh BAR 2 RES Bed 29 Ned KAR 30 RET (Qe8 31 Nnd6 nd 32 O95 Qa 33 OxeS + Kak 4 RIG OD 35 Kh? Qh7 36 Qe6-+. Black resigned, Vv PETROSIAN-LUTIKO [USSR Championship 1958 IND Nt re SNe it ar) Sad 6 oie 74s Nas sefollowin down) ‘This is one ofthe preven measures at Black's disposi 8 Pla the Ki’ Ii ase ey t Ea {_paaia [et 2 ip i) si | BYOES ey B) onder to binder White's activi ‘onthe Qe, lack sense fon the “square eS and in Pevosia’s variation there a many different ideas aimed at sopping White's ater advance fon the Quving. Tis move was Very popular when the sistem Wass sted ncensivey Bs Mo hes 9-88 is aetin possible, For example: 10 By Nhs 11 Nd2 Nt# 12 0.0 £5 (necessary, since 12. NeS13 Bgtas 14 Basin Patrosian-Yhirman inthe same Championship, i clearly fn Whites favour) alebough 1B exfS Bxf5 14 Dg followed ‘by BulS and occupation of the central postion ef yields some advantage. By blocking. the Dosiion wih eS Black prepares for an etenual pawn advance and at the same time ‘makes posible. NET Nena Thie is a mistake, Black Should stick othe nar plan (of 10 ». Net although 110-0, 247 1233 followed by b gives, White some spatial advantage 11 Nes Catching Back at a disadvan- tageous moment and Torcing i to tose tem u.. bes ne OW 1 12, eT IB Ned White is ‘again quicker and b4 Talons. Bee Petosian has won the strategic dul. He can combine ave play om Both wing, while his opponent is United 10 pase defence. Ba NT WN ab Now she queens fee to leave the square dT and the knight ‘wil be able to reac 2 beter postion on eh. Very methodically played WR Qe Bar The Clas and Related Vaviaons ” ipso dN WN ts 3S buss dus lack willbe allowed to have 25, GXDS_— NDS Black wil be allowed to a the "bY file as there 18 80 counter play there as knw RBs Net RNa NO Bane Preventing 23.18, Ben Oe he srl moment and the fal mistake, Later analysis Showed thatthe Bes tne ws BUNS and i 24 0-0 then 340 fs. The tex is passive and ‘utermore ovelogks tactical ow iw ao Possible bosstse dis weak 24 eXb4 would be punished wis cs, Taking withthe bishop, now ‘oc on the previous move, 3s Somewhat beter, #00 Foally! 28. 6 vis The tocked_ postion suits White's Kags, but ceraialy sot Black's batons wv. RE 29 HS was indispensable 30 Nas 31 bel 3 pe “Too late 33 gals gals 34 xls 0 35 hz exf3 36° RAPS BA 37 O63 16 38 Rg KAT 29 BMG Rete Woes “OR 41 RS RO {2 RS. Back resigned. for example, 42... Qh6 then 43 Rae OMB 44 Ne ec. GELLER-LiuROMEVIC Patapolis Interzonal 1973 ras Ne reas 36 « Play the Kia nan Defoe ANS BT Bocharest_ 1966, Black wae ar punsbedater9 Nes 10 Qet oN 00 KAT IL he 18 12 hs. wa Ba Nab ‘f Encscopoedio of | Chess A slighuy diferent order of moves, But «3 could have heen the Last move. As poited ‘out inthe previous pame, Black Isof theopinion that by holding firm the pint eS he ean make it ‘ery til for Write to size the initive and break ehrough fon the Quide 3 ms 8 0-0 would be superficial here, Black would’ react, Immediately with 8 NeB and gents Ba 9 nt 9 a2 has boon tied, t00. Ia hat event. Black shouldbe saeful an continue 9 Nab for 9... KNT, In Sooe-Mich 6 ‘Openings recommends 9... 35 1O'Bg) NAS IE NG2 Nis 12 0-0 Need followed by a Jong manoeuvre — NET-NIS- Ne6. However, the_ sharper IDB preserves some eda sage, ‘Oiner possiblies, such as 9 QeT or Dou a6 with 10". Qes, ae dubious. White sohieves spa advantage with 3-04 and his chances on the (Qside are more realist. 10 Naz ‘Tne hoigh s well placed on a2, After later a and BS it ‘may support the Q-wing acon bby NBG ori may he tanserred fo e At the same time the Aiagoual d1-B8 is controle, 0 os As inthe previous ame, 0. NoT war the natura noo Nw 12 Nes Ljubojevit commits he same sort of ezor as Lutioy and ‘ow wil hate resave serious “ifcaies, “The Casal and Rel Vrain 4“ 2 a 17 Bg Bxb2 18 ROL Bg? 19 5 1 tien Teads Black to serious i —— fei Fry von fw) as Ku ae AEs 18 Ns then 20 ft 20 we Blok has seve some dice . problems bute rms weak & eau onthe"? He Bk re) vugocay Rata In Gtigor- Min, Yop aa Championship 1960, | White achieved advantage by 13.13 NeS 14 03 Qe7 15 BIZ 16 ba 617 ROE 1418 Qet followed boy NbB and byes. The text Isa evr, deep iden, While Black's nights fe far from the centre, Wie prepaes for HA the same time he avoids 13. BUG, Tae B. Nis “Tere i m0 need to tthe on AP Black exchanges knlghs, White's ther one sill ossupy a Nev Ma ext 1s Bae Net NB Oe 16. Bxb2 i mat by 17 Bxh6, while 16 88 Giigoré proposed 22... Bot 4s covet. is 100 easly to withdraw the kaight to 8. mes KM 24 Be ‘The pressure on ef mounts esi, Ma OT 2 NeS wat _ beter alshough the single 28 Nl fetiowed by Ne¥ isin White's favour 25 nd Ljubojevit probably did not expect this strong move. 2s a 26 hs Exchanges dearly favour White 2 2 ings a6 ames ‘This break i decisive 28... BIS 29 RAG anes M0 BAS RAIS SL RAIS gus 32 Bucs Qb6 33.46 Kh 134 NaS QaFS 47 Qht36-QI2 Oxi 37 Kut Bees 38 Rees 1Nd6 39 eS Rack 40 NO6s Black resines.| GLIGORIC-GELLER Yoposana v. USSR 1968 Ne Py By Yee another attempt 19 tit Whites seiy onthe Onin and perhaps the most natura and fetal of all. 400 {By transposes into he text hike: § Bed" Nad 9 Bas 16 TO Bh Nas snot dangerous * Nae 9 tas ‘With other moves Whi has to consider 9 NW. ». 86 wise Oe 10. 2511 Be} Nhs 12 Nd2 INGO 17 Bd NeS 142 favours White Na NOT nat White mos seck chances on tbe Qe 2. Bar be A efensive measure aginst Blacks activity on the Kewing land at the same time making Possible BI2 whence sopporss Sater B bs 13 1. 48 would be 100 slow, 0 Galler decides to activate is bishop via. ‘The Class an Rett Vantions * 14 Rot In Peteosian-Siein 1967 White prefered 14 B12 bat ‘Black defended well: 14. Qe 1S) Qed ha 16 RIGH S17 Rabi (Qp5 18 bs abt 19 anbt NIG bith couater pay. Min at ack cannot allow 15 96 Ader BS 1S bi Be Y 16 KL 15 iP ex extS 18 Qet fol- Towed by BID is advantageous Tor Whit 15 Nos he st Very well played White wilds pressure on the "and "eles, while the weakness of he pawn om a I inleifea. Wow at v7 Nes “Too slow for such dynamic poston, Porth improved the Tine against Bukie that same year By 17 18 18 es Bus 19 BdB 8s, wot 19 Ket ‘An unnatural move. 19 BP speedily followed by c8 would tive White the advantage » 6 » Powible since 20. dxeS fais 21 de we. aS 21 Bet [Now the bishop wil goto 6. a x6 ares ANS 2s Ret Rath Players are often in wo rinde sehether to bring into faction al the pieces oF 10 act Immediately and. often the wrong move is chosen, Here 2B rgd was stronger BBs at 25 els 1 White considered 25 t,he changed is mind because of 25, Bot thretening 26 But ge 26 Buss Ne DONNER-KAVALEK, aZEazge ei) Kavalek evidendy does not wah to mest Peteosia’s vara sion and the ast move avoids By concoling the square £5 Black can eemove the krigh 15, For exam Pray he kia’ Inn afore ple, § 0-0. NA7-9 Net NA? {0'Na3 15, However, ts los of time at an eary, sensive sage of the game Naa White wished to reat ois ‘opponent's intended. NNT fan. 5, he could play 8 3 Nb?" 9 gt 1S" 10 gxfs_ pxfs 1D exfS BulS 12 Bed with the beter chances. Donne's move, however, seems even elle bessuse, in some exes White can now continue bf when the Sight will be nosed on 88 10 Support er eS Additonal, B NG2 allows energetic action fn the Kid * as A natural answer in view of ne penile pawn advance om the Q win, ‘The Saleh is wransferred 10 3 of 8} — another plus for Naa, oN ws Black bas stopped Whie’s acti om one side, bat he have to cope with an initaive ‘om the othe win, Wa NM um 8 The Close ond Related Varios “ ‘Tie move hasbeen sriiced, bot it iffcut to sce how Black ean ai evs gus Bes bus WN QdT Is tes Nb Black evidently counted on the threat Nes to. keen White's hing in the ere Werte 1 Rt 17 Noxed would be met by iris. Nea. The open “gfe “avis the ext mae v Nase An error 17. RBS was enti Pe) WNW RT 20 Ki Very simple and vey strona The king ssa inthe mide of ‘he board, and the Fooks wil ‘som be united 0 Ret Dt Nag? RT 2 ons ‘This Is the sort of postion shore the defender safer rom the absence of the black squared bishop. 25 Bt threatened 2 Bet 23 ane Os se ¢! A rice point 24 x6 28 Rel QUE 26 Be Tose as ‘does Kavaleh’s ee Min MO Bs Rent Os wines Ny Now?+ Ont 27 a Kaa? 28 Rags KBP 29° REV loves the queen coo, 28 Rug Quad 29 Ret Quad 30 Baugh RIV SE Bes RE 2 ed ROS 33 NBS ROD M AS Read 38 RED c6 36 dac6 bros 37 Nude RaQ 38 RAL RAIS 139 Beas. lack reine “ Plath Kies aan fence Phe Csel an Reaed Veratons « vl moment in ase White loses the In rewospet, ti ear that entre, when it will be needed Awe Black's 18th move was not the FURMAN-VASIUKOV fn tha square theat| USSR Championship 1989 9 Nwtd Ret 27 Nas i 2 Dunder After he ; es [A under. After the con ise s Sinton 27 hes Qu2 28 8x2 2 Now we see ater point of Khe" 29 Bbs White’, poston 3ko 8 nits eighth mover ‘rou il be preferable ang Nba Qb6 would be met by 12 Be. sas or a. Bab he By 4 2s Nets Seo a non on vm 1B KM Nb6 “This does win the ques, but 4 eat Now 20...dteS would be at. prohiitve rie | uished by 31 Ni, A mS When Black saddles himself zy a (WBS) with che backward pawn a 6, a Nba 2 Hine gut presure on the die 21 Nu 30 tees Be PBA SEE Giics Shum sue! of a8 ke | ae] Ss An unnecesary sacrifice. = QU Neb 2 e6 NIB 2 Oad6 loses wear io SR ay Ch'wace Rect, Toi demonstra a ASE WE Riel Nes 23 aot Not 24 Neve wing, 32> BOT was cote, snc | afer the text 33.088 "Ks Baw bach BaBeS ROS 3S Got an ‘& Blac's pow is suiienty i ReNew 36 Qrad‘BBT 37 Bat But defend a5 Tone ay is bishop Brus 6 3 Be onl esp White ave Esa) ccoloes yTaetore Indispensable in order to 3 MaghRago Ia ear tiay yo- aetievecounte-say 36 985+ KE texting the point ef. es One of the waiting moves at x Whiesdipodt. nen os ae is ‘Ra RE won ‘lack is making the most of «STAB 4 eas ic chance offered by White's 38RD NED isto eary and dangerous THS 0S a serious mistake Diss move, 2 fxeS loves 1039 Qh NB son aioe cay and dangsrous — svronking the tates! test SS BNY626 15 Nes 27 Qs) Kal tocede he cente Black should yy the ach squares. (QafS28 RII QUS 29 Be2 ale White resined have wailed. 8 we as-rasageod Ty Nba? was comet Pointed out by Trfenov a Space bs 9 bi. Abo, wh bees 19 BAB 2s Rde hs src and ypc” King’s to leave the rook at 6 for the 20.65 Ye ot Ba? Indian ra Sa “hiss beter than 9. ext 0 Nad NS SNBST2 Bed Nes 13 Bil “ Phy te K's Defence RABAR-PIETZSCH Olympiad 1952 1a Nt law SNe Nw axe sas ome BT Ten 00 Rel 6 8. exds 9 Nua NeS 10.18 5 i bad because of 11 NAbS When Black's Topical develop: rent i vated. The order of roves is important, and also Spparent in another line. — Bes Re8 9'dS NeS 10 BIL as RBI when te ook 6 out oF place on <8 RDI Push S51 is move presse and wil the amaleed In subsoquent ames wes eat Ti Nutt Ret ne NS Bes NT Mon Nw 1S Rot BA ‘The backward “dpa maker the defence of the Postion a difficult sk: one fake step and the situation becomes ireparably ba. Wi Islas wo moves, Pitch bas fost the logkal thread 1 Qer, Mn Qe oF 14 ss i normal eon 8 ‘This tactical attempt wil be refuted. although not without Aificaiy. 16 Neb was in order ies gus W Ndr ge Wo. BeS ie beter, ‘The bishop on d7 needs! protsion bc Black is folowing his racial path (se followin asram 19 owas ‘Wall caletaed The Cosa ond Roaed Variations “ a) @) Raed Reed 21 Nc} fas 2 Re Bhd BE Gat GIS 24 5 Bes 2 Obs mikh Be 00 22, R228 QuaT Raa 20 Ne. Ax Bes Mes Ob ds ts BT 25. Kh 63 Simple bu prety! The queen sg defected feom the provection of he bishop at » ows ikns KAT 28 Q6+ a Rav 26. Kl loses the bishoo. 30 08+ Black resign. NAJDORF-IVKOV Mar de Plata 1985 1-68 NF62 of 363 Ne8 BeT 4 ed de SNF O60 6 Bed 5 J O-0NDIT# Ret c69 ROIS TO BS Reb 11 BAL Ngt Pian af t Sala Zo FY LE } ‘Comparing he opening moves of this game with bers ‘abi the same variation was Spplied kad tothe conclusion that Najdoe's order of moves it not the most precise. 1skov feacte well Hey inreases the pressare om tying 0 Tc the ‘central pawn formation. 12 Os In Bokie-Marovié, Yugosty ‘Championship 1963, Black had 0 oy the Ki’ Ian fence to overcome more serous ait fice after 12 a8 Nes 1 8 However, 13... NNé (but not Hye NG 14 a3 end 5 ends BAT 16 NGD RIG IT Neb Oc? TW af h6 19 Nad Nef 20 BS with advantage 10 Whie, {Gigoré-Minic, Yugoslav Chae Piotship 1990) 14 BBs IS BxeS dsss "16 dues. base 17 Quis Rye 18 Rb] Rat 19 Rudd N77 gave Black good shanees to equal. n.. 6 Bil eat Nae Making dhe most of his active night and bishop, Bek threatens. Qb6 and Oh sas Que 1 Neer ae t rath a Ran i Bs 2 yi & Fest 5 A rr MP A necessary sartice. Theres no time for withdraw: active ly is imperative 17K Reet 18 mor Bot not 18 Bed 1s Ns 19 Kat isnot easy 1 break the pi, Vakovie pointed out 19 KP Neb. 20 Nel NaS 21 Ke ‘Babe 22 RAB? GES yields Black ‘8 dangerous intiaive, Najdor, "erefore, desdes to escape 1 Nes 20 Kin Naas DI Nass Rede 2 oo Reel 22 Quel Bae loses to 23'Qe6+ Kay 24 Qe) 6525 QeT+ Keb 26 Bd cast 2 cSand 8 Bot 22 But Qua 22. Bad would be ss. 230.08 Bad de Roa 25 Ret 125 Ret then 25. BIG as. KE 2b Raed Res 27 kas 86 as has AS 2nd ket yo RM KIT BRU ket MRM KM Dawn. RESHEVSKY-NAJDORF Match 1983, [5h game ra Nt red SNe he a) SNS 46 ona S. S00 Now Bel Reb Black should defer this move in favour of the ssf wating moves. e630 = a8. oan 10 Rot Now that Blick has already ‘commited his took toe, clos: ing the cenge fs advantnecous to White and 10 a5" wae 9 srong choice 0 Nas Fare Naidorf missed the ight moment 10. simplify amd faualize “with 10 ned TINK d8 12 eds ox 13 exd5 Rael 14 Quel NOG. MDs 6 Rea os Played inorder to. init White's action on the Qs, but the hole created.on 6 Isa Tasting Weakness. "Do not aagvance pawns on the wing ‘where the opponent i ping 10 ply” (s-a principle appeable here. The manoeuvte s. Ni [NOT was tobe petete Rt NN Wes NT 1802 Qe 6 Rot Bho Due :o dhe weakness at b6 Black has (@ avoid 16. NB 17'Nad, His dession (0 exchange bishops is acural 35 bis kines bishop snot as stone as usa in similar postions 17 Bans Nas TNs xa Najdorf probably decided to ‘ashanee on ld 10. prevent ‘White playing c¥ bur ths only enhances White's advantage fd emphasizes Blacks pas 2 Pye Ki aon Defoe 19 Nxt NET axe be Played ip order to protect a8, and develop the unfortunate bishop, but the pawn formation is turtber wetkened. 2100 Ros 2 Note? Bos On an tee So t With a clear spatiat advange" Reshevsky has various. ways of sexing prob: lems for his opponent. The last ‘rove has in ming the posits fof developing the Bishop 1 WS a. Ras 250% OW 26 Oxi Nano ne White sets about proving that ‘the ening aso i his favour Bhs is as unpleasant asi looks fad the that of forces Black ito ao unfavourable ie. n s 28 Nos Read 2 Reet hes so Rus NO Sima Nas Sz Rasy Na Son 235 NED must be parsed Bo age MM ky NAT BSNaG Neb wR ‘Well calulate. The endings 6. Nb sa NG. BB Kes Naas wa KM Wks ts GNSS Babs ko ‘Back resigned. 43... KE falls to a4 Ket tS 45 96 0646 BT ate RESHEVSKY-GLIGORIC Match 1982, It same dase 2a 3Ns The Ctscal and Rebel Veron: = Pa z SEteg? a Kes For reasons already cxpained, 9 a8 would te beter. wos Ek ele t (0 1. Qe7 Whit can seize more Space by Hb Additionally 10. xs Tex a5 12. Bas N6 13.4 p14 BES NAS. 1S NEE or 16 12 BBS 13 BH NBO 1 Bb in is favour 3 With the centre blocked white twins 10" the wine Perhaps 23 smediatly is even more precise, For example Ted NIB 1D ad Nef 13 Nhe BfG 14 NY nhs 1S exh NI 6 HS or 13. {5 14 ext eS 15 Bh (Bross. 11. RI 1H. NAS also. comes into consideration es Ne Bh la Pachman-Uhimann, 195, there was 12 RBI ES. 14 Nes Nato 15 exf5 px 16 Neo Bob 17 dxch 'NcT" 18 Bh and White had ehe beter of i If lack controls the square gS swith 13. 6 White would play Ta Nhs. Be Ot Bolesavsky prefered 13 he, keeping the queen om wre Since White's invention is 10 pea the "bf, the Fok is beter laced a BI. However, in 1952 precision inthe opening was net perfect. Besies, 09 a2 Fea is poles Wa NT Liking nether 14... £6 nor 1a M6, Black as ao other choice to wai. Ih the King Indian Defence iis desison not to be recommended s Phe ie King's can xtc 1s Res Aer 16... £5 White would roe have 17 ext gx 18. In 4 passive poston Black Finds nothing beter todo than vrai — an unusual sation for ‘Guo. ms BIG 19 Bho aT 20 ks Ret 21 By? Kut non xa tok Reet dimes bed 25 nin time 0 think of the open Nar Re Not 26... ND6 27 Rete. 27 Rest — Oa 2K he 29 Qs Nts [A dubious desist, Correct, wah 29 RABE 50 RBE ROS W NaN abs 310s Kee This provens 32.4. The pawn on! B6 is protected. dewely — after the exchanges fom D6 there Ni, 2 on ‘The sition moment. After sen KgT JT Rabe Rab heavy arillry. dominates ‘open file and penetrates Black's position, Some commentators proposed 32 QS. The fact 5 That his soce aluablet 2 Rat 33 Ome Neb eter was 33 .. Rab in order to free the queen, |_ wal le it t So thar 38... 3 is retest by 36 Nas. 3 et Be Que Rat ar Rb BHT 8 Nneé Another prety point Mn Rab 9 Qn Oued rn) ai kae Oct 2 Kn. Black resigned GOLOMBEK-1VKOV pata 983 1 d8 NIG 2 cf 63 Ned By? Weds SNES OO0 6 Bed > 3 0-0 Nia? # Rel 66-9 BH eb 10 HOI aS 118 NES Sets a em EE EA J ae Very strong. White immediatly opens the “Ffile find stats «dies attack on it ‘opponents kin, u exté sR 1a) ft wi ae | HEU a c5 12 a8 Nef, hen 1 BgS 16 14 Bi slows down lacks counteraction on the Keving, retaining the beter chances as 12 at mests a stone reply wth ew ents lx Glgoré-Sten,toterzonal 1967, there wast) 2... BET LD Naz Nhs 1 NS” wih Somewhat better prospect Weds maT rs Iskov proposed 14 N&2 as better 4 ns Ponsible because the pave on is not sufficient protect. 1s bs The only move 1s anos 16 Rebs as The game is eau. Was Rect ae Black theeatened 18 .. Nab ie 18 Nets wonld have been net by 18 ~. Noses. So White ‘ecied to clear the sisation on the Qside Keeping his bishop aie 6 Play the Ki’ Ian fone us Bas fa 9 Bhs exdS 10 cads transpose into 4 Benoni var ion where the simple 10. #5 11 gs Ns equalize, ° exds D exes Nae 10... BIS, intending 11 0-0 Nef, “or winning. tine after UPNns) Bd7 TE O-0 Na neo No DR Re nat Black could have freed his ame by 12. should have been” played a move cathe B ra Mids a8 1 Res RBM 1S wil_undermine. the poi dS and Forntos took $5 minutes for his lat move. He ound a dangerous plan, Qa Ka 1 Rept bs whe foe flowing dao) Black felt uneasy 36 he could rot take on bf because the hight on 3 would eater the fight via da with decisive eer. a. nos 19 bcs RAB 20 abl dues Fhe Clas nd Related Varatons a (ea we ike 2) if t | a is 2 fs a 2 t isi sie | ne NG mes Nae Played with knowledge that only energetic moves could help Back to excape from is predicament 2A Ons ‘The iden of playing 23. QUT 24 Nah QUAD or firs. BANG an ten = QoS vas eamined but dss as iunreaisic in view of Bxg6-+ ‘The txt move threatened Os 24 Kit Na 26... Nb} was also posible bout the tee was prefered aR After the game Browne showed 25 .- NIS which Black had considered bat, in. time twovble, ad been unable 10 decide how to continue after 26 Nes Ned4 27 kal Bees 28 fyeS Natl 29 Kafl BT Nu bis 2 Nec Ot 28 Q67 was the iehe wns Rat ag 29... NET was ine ispesabie. WBS as Si mbt Gas 32 Re Nie BD Net 1 wae White's turn te, Now ini rouble, oo, he did not sce that 33. Qa Ned could be refuted by 34 Naot Qel + BE KMD NDH 36 gx add Nie BouN OM px Raa 38 Nias Ral 36-BeS Rac} 37 ‘Bas Re1+ 38 Kn2 Nas 39° Nb3 ez+ 40 Kel Ke 41 Rb NT 42 BeS Byes 42 foeS NU at Not More moves than necessary to satisty te tine control were rade. Now Black chose the ook-ending 10 draw, “ New 45 Neco Ree? HR Kee om 48 Ress WK 50K St Rus Su RagS $2 RAbOH Kes 53 Rh followod by Ral was otto Black's king, ao 53 Wb 54 Rb 58 Kf 56 Rata 57 Rh Drawn UHLMANN-ADORJAN ‘Amsterdatn 1971 (se folowing daca) Pay he King’s non Desence « Ks: aa &! Re t xn Kes Ra ‘| Rant 5 Keb Kes ‘ “ co This is more exat than foneS whew White docs not have accept the paw Serie and can comtinve 5b wi ne enon of tating wh gt nd Te fe pawn sectifice ingoduee by Ci Binceahhmve bon 5 oust Sapna and a “, Post oo Pas ts ve a) Black bas quite enough for he pawn his bishop om £7 ie ‘ery strong, hs queen's kaght 1h 8 BM lack reacts eaers via 66, ad ow Qa wil Immediately wth 8.» 69 NIB ictease the pressure. 11 cS Ue or 9 at aS 10 Qa? Nbg7 does ot work because of TNS bs 12 cabs aabS 11 QaS 12 4 a6. 13 NBS 15 BxbS Need 4 NecdOnbs ay NRGd LNG? "Quo. 1S Nees in Kriianson-Olafuon, B+ ete. Il e3 is met by Reykjavik 1966, where Black 11. NET 12 14 gS 13 NB had the beter of ic wd OR NG 15 ON The Cis ond Roles Veratons Nise5 16 DoS NaeS 17 Nas (Q44 18 BAS Bret ec, NB NG 200 Nad 5, i peat monn Popov-Ceti, Zagreb 1973, continued 12. Gas 13 NET Ta NSS Byes 18 Quads Rac with equal pla. Io this vara Nom 13°48 falls 10 13. Rea Le bt exh 15 axbt Qual 16 Qual Need. However, IND Reds M4 BEE NGS 18 Nas kept advantage in Uimann-Senapit, Beri 179. ‘The text move is asd apo 1 Bes Niet +14 Que? Qc. 118 Be, then 13 NUE Is goed enough. 13 Nudd xd 14 Quid is met by 14. Niet 15 Qned Qui 16 Qub7 Rebs followed by. RAb2 es NT 14 Ret 14 Nudd exdt IS: Qué Nucs 16 Baes Quod 17 Budd Bud i Slightly advantageous to Whit. We Ract koeps a mil advantage but thas about a Ma Neb BIS 1S Net Polugayevky-Blek, Busum 196, sere there was 8 it ferent order of moves and 6 seas mot played, continued TS NaS. Res 16 QhI Ndses 1D Bes 6-18 Bed, but after Ho ONaS White had 0 avantape. s 6 Wan Res so good 16 Noses is refed by ATMS Nios 18 NMS, but 6.2 Bas was son, 17905 at 18 Raat Preparing for. 18 .. Nat 19 Nad Bd 20 Redl cud 21 Ra, 1 aes 8 Oxs Nai BQH Nees So Black tas won back his pawn cenualizing his pikes 2b « Plo the King’s Ian Dfonce White fs eearer 10 & draw ior Bros and Ne3 5 Rus et Black pays more atteaton 19 the postion of his pieces tha 10 ‘the gui of materia 2 Res Os sous tas 26 NaS Hb ‘Commanding the open fis, Black is early superioe. 708 RD Bvcallen. If 28 QxeS chen simpy 28. Read Qu? Oot 29 Ont To prevent. Qe, Dae Ont The players are in time trouble tnd mistakes cree i. Thi more should have been prepared by . KAT O84 KM 3108 IM NeT loses (041 NB Baw Rea Rk ts ue ‘This is an ror. 38 ROP was necessary 3 et 34 Out Again, ROT was beer aM. et Ske 38 Bed loses 1035 NO BN Another mistake. 38... NES 36 Neb Bd 37 RBS "Ks, ‘reateing . Nd2, desis. ‘After the text White can hold ‘with Ret - Re2. Unfortunately For him his lag el and he tos. LENGYEL-ANTUNAC Zageed 973 ta 2Xs Se 6 aa Be 5 on om ‘An interesting alternative is 6 ss NbdT7 Qd2 (on fe there Fs Tou e8 8 faeS ches 9 tes Nees" 10 Qud8 Rad 11 NES Nuds 12 Bd Not and, cording 10 Geller, Black has food: compensation in active piece play) wo cS 8 NB eS 30-0 ends” 10 Nila” Nes Hgts but ot Nike Qe? IZ Rad OS, N. Garcis-Chiburdanidz, ‘Trees! ad Related Varios « 2 t Olympiad 1980, Here 7 65 B dS Nes is aa so precise ts tre,9 bl ses by 9 Netet 1 'Nrot Nac IT sd. Nxd2 12 Bye? ef 13 Rel wih ‘unclear consequences and 9 73 finds an anwer in 9 BS 10.Bes" Kh followed. by. Nef, but the quier 9 BS 3S Wi favours White 76st rd 9 dxc6 Be 10 Bad6 Res NB) Net 200 Nat Bes NG M4 Nwds a 15 Nas Ublmann played this move sgainst” Damjanovie afew ‘months earlier in Cenfuegos 15 Nees wa 8 1 Bx (os otowine doom) Tan Re Damjarovié continued 1 NedS 18 Qa RS 19 Radi QaS-_ overlooking Be, Antunac.” improves blacks play. The difterene s sear. 118 Nxa7, then 18 Neds 19 Quad" Res 1 NaS Nab? 20 NeT= QxeT 8 ne x x a + fs 2 Zt tl Wi 8} 18 Bes Byes 19 NGO offered more chances of saving his skin, We. Not 1 at (On 19 Nxa7 Black intended 19, Nxb2 and on 19 63 again NOD, 20 Q2 Rees. The Wa Nabe 20 Oba 20 Qua loves 1020... Ba. 2. 2s now ne ow BS “Threatening —. Re2. Black's play is very active and is sdvantage decisive. 23 Réel (07 25 Rfet Recs. a Ree Moe Be 6 Play he King’s aan Desence 2508 Bus 26Q07 Na 37 QxDS Nat 2B Reel Quo. White cesine UHLMANN-BYRNE Hastings 1970/1 ras Nt re Na fy? er) sha 00 OBS os Most players prefer to play eS belore 6 and {here i a sonerete reason, After Gach6 neither “7 Bhd nor 17 BEd are worth much as hae ‘bean seen, bt White can con tinue 7 Bed when To-c3 ie ubjous “due 1863. axes S'dees Qual +10 Raat Nat MI Byes Nach 12 NES NEG 13 Neb 14 3 NIG 15 BD wih pressure. After 7 Bed Black has to turn to 7. 8 85. NodT with more” a> Fiates ro solve, Tas sh fi otowin dro ’ rs This i logical 8... bs 9 exbS a6 10 34 as 11 Bae Hae © t t : at shia £ 0.8 | wid JBIR axbS 12 bs may aso arast fenton bat not eecont ‘mendation 9 seb Preparing for Qa? and casing loth presse on 4. The quiet 9 Od? is also posible when Black's best line twas played in Uniana~ Foe, Siege 1970; 9 ends 10 eS KR? TT 3 Na 12.N ais ° 6 Wo az kn ‘The pawn must be defended because 10 Qas 11 Bxh6 Buhé 12 Qxio Net 13 Rel Nob 14 ht leads to toute 110-00 Noo 2 Os 2 Kbl_Qas 1313. Rabe M4'NHD BS 15 cxbS a6 hats dangers, too. The Coat ond Reed Va ows ee 5 Bel a a = a se el Nas White as won the pan but proves expensive. "Black Ahreatens NeB whe kd Bx fad 15 Rid Net also ove 446i often weak in the King’s Indian, but i's only on rare ‘ecanons that White can rab ‘without consequences, evpcily when he neglects his develop ment ai this ase, SNe IS Rus cut We Bust Nae Very nice. This manoouvee wine pawn. The game som TTR ONES Bes Rt 19 Ned BxeS 20 NEST 20 8 (66 2 Bad NAM 23 Nudd Budd 26 BES RN825 Ral e526 Ret Radf 27 Ke? Rho 28 A 1S ion 6 29 Neb Bas 30 Re fagt 31 Insgt BET 32 Bet 26 33.13 KT Hct 45 35 BAD Byb 36 NAS 5 537 Kod BS 38 BS KIT 539 Mac Ras 40 a3 Red AT Kd Beal 2 Bibs BLY ROD Roe 44 BR Reb 4S Ke2 BH SOK Beek 7 KAS RDN RBE Ros 49 Md Raed 50 fred Raed ST RID® RIS SE Keb RY? 58 UND Bot 54 Mb6 BIS SS Ned BDL ‘White resigned. Vu RESHEYSKY-BYRNE Invereonal 1967 1a NG ra 3A Ber fa as sho 00 ona 6 7 hed

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