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Disability and Rehabilitation

ISSN: 0963-8288 (Print) 1464-5165 (Online) Journal homepage:

Effects of supervised slackline training on postural

instability, freezing of gait, and falls efficacy in
people with Parkinson’s disease

Luis Santos, Javier Fernandez-Rio, Kristian Winge, Beatriz Barragán-Pérez,

Vicente Rodríguez-Pérez, Vicente González-Díez, Miguel Blanco-Traba, Oscar
E. Suman, Charles Philip Gabel & Javier Rodríguez-Gómez

To cite this article: Luis Santos, Javier Fernandez-Rio, Kristian Winge, Beatriz Barragán-Pérez,
Vicente Rodríguez-Pérez, Vicente González-Díez, Miguel Blanco-Traba, Oscar E. Suman, Charles
Philip Gabel & Javier Rodríguez-Gómez (2016): Effects of supervised slackline training on
postural instability, freezing of gait, and falls efficacy in people with Parkinson’s disease,
Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2016.1207104

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Published online: 14 Jul 2016.

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Effects of supervised slackline training on postural instability, freezing of gait, and

falls efficacy in people with Parkinson’s disease
Luis Santosa,b, Javier Fernandez-Rioa , Kristian Wingec, Beatriz Barragan-Perezd, Vicente Rodrıguez-Perezd,
Vicente Gonzalez-Dıeza, Miguel Blanco-Trabae, Oscar E. Sumanf,g, Charles Philip Gabelh and
Javier Rodrıguez-Gomezi
University School of Sports Medicine, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain; bPerformance and Health Group, Department of Physical Education
and Sport, Faculty of Sports Sciences and Physical Education, University of A Coruna, Spain; cDepartment of Neurology, Bispebjerg Movement
Disorders Biobank, Bispebjerg University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark; dFaculty of Physiotherapy, University of Le on, Leon, Spain; eCatholic
University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; fDepartment of Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA; gShriners Hospitals for
Children, Galveston, TX, USA; hUniversity of the Sunshine Coast, Coolum Beach, Australia; iDepartment of Neurology, Hospital of the Bierzo,
Ponferrada, Spain
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 06:37 18 July 2016


Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess whether supervised slackline training reduces the risk of falls Received 25 January 2016
in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Revised 23 June 2016
Methods: Twenty-two patients with idiopathic PD were randomized into experimental (EG, N ¼ 11) and Accepted 25 June 2016
control (CG, N ¼ 11) groups. Center of Pressure (CoP), Freezing of Gait (FOG), and Falls Efficacy Scale (FES) Published online 8 July 2016
were assessed at pre-test, post-test and re-test. Rate perceived exertion (RPE, Borg’s 6–20 scale) and local KEYWORDS
muscle perceived exertion (LRPE) were also assessed at the end of the training sessions. Motor control; balance;
Results: The EG group showed significant improvements in FOG and FES scores from pre-test to post-test. physical activity; health;
Both decreased at re-test, though they did not return to pre-test levels. No significant differences were rehabilitation; self-
detected in CoP parameters. Analysis of RPE and LRPE scores revealed that slackline was associated with confidence
minimal fatigue and involved the major lower limb and lumbar muscles.
Conclusions: These findings suggest that slacklining is a simple, safe, and challenging training and rehabili-
tation tool for PD patients. It could be introduced into their physical activity routine to reduce the risk of
falls and improve confidence related to fear of falling.


 Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are twice as likely to have falls compared to patients with
other neurological conditions.
 This study support slackline as a simple, safe, and challenging training and rehabilitation tool for peo-
ple with PD, which reduce their risk of falls and improve confidence related to fear of falling.
 Slackline in people with PD yields a low tiredness or fatigue impact and involves the major lower limb
and lumbar muscles.

Introduction integrate vestibular, visual, and propioceptive inputs at the central

nervous system level.[11]
Individuals suffering from Parkinsons’ disease (PD) are twice as
FOG is a condition in which an individual is unable to walk.
likely to fall compared to patients with other neurological condi-
That is, an individual’s feet seem to be frozen, while their upper
tions.[1] These falls can have significant and far-reaching conse-
body continues to move. The forward progression of the feet is
quences, not only leading to immediate injuries,[2,3] but also markedly reduced despite the individual’s intention to walk.[12]
having psychological ramifications such as basiphobia or fear of For this reason, it is considered a locomotor disorder. The fact that
falling.[4] This, in turn, can lead to reduced activity levels,[2] poor FOG is also characterized by falls has led to the suggestion that it
quality of life,[2,5] and caregiver stress.[6,7] Several risk factors are is also a postural stability disorder.[12] Nevertheless, more evi-
known to be associated with falls in people with PD. These include dence supports the idea that this phenomenon results from motor,
previous falls, postural instability, freezing of gait (FOG), leg muscle cognitive, and affective deficits, which reinforce one another.[13]
weakness, and cognitive impairment.[8–10] Slacklining is a recreational activity that has gained popularity
Postural stability is a significant contributor to the maintenance in recent years. During slacklining, one walks and/or maintains bal-
of upright posture and balance in daily movements and activities. ance on a polyester band placed between two anchor points. It
Moreover, postural instability can increase the risk of a fall and allows very high movement variability, provides only a small non-
subsequent injury, particularly in the elderly.[11] The postural con- fixed base of support, and produces very fast medio-lateral pertur-
trol system relies upon the unimpaired ability to correctly perceive bations to the body.[14] The highly movable base of support can
the environment through peripheral sensory systems as well as to be considered the main difference between slacklining and

CONTACT Luis Santos University School of Sports Medicine, University of Oviedo, Catedratico Gimenez, 7, 33007, Oviedo, Spain
ß 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

‘‘classical balance training,’’ since the latter uses a more or station- item version,[27]). Tests were conducted by the same researcher at
ary base of support.[15] Previous studies on slacklining have three times: pre-test (before the training program), post-test
shown that it improves postural stability in young healthy adults (6 weeks after pre-tests, at the end of the training period), and 4
[14] and athletes [16,17] and that it benefits rehabilitation of the weeks after the post-test (re-test). Tests and training sessions were
lower limbs and possibly the core.[18] Current therapies for FOG in carried out while the patients were on medication (1–2 h after tak-
individuals with PD, including deep brain stimulation and levo- ing their morning or evening dose) and under the supervision of
dopa, have proven unsuccessful.[19] Given that slacklining has their neurologists. Additionally, rate perceived exertion (RPE, Borg’s
been shown to improve postural stability and that FOG has been >6–20 scale [20]) and LRPE [21] were assessed at the end of each
considered a postural stability disorder, the potential of slacklining training session to plan workouts and to identify the major pos-
to improve FOG in individuals with PD deserves attention. The aim tural muscles that were being used during slacklining.
of the present study was to assess whether supervised slackline
training could reduce the risk of falling in people with PD; improve Slackline training program
their postural instability, FOG, perceptions of balance, and stability
during daily living activities; and diminish the fear of falling. We The training program was designed so that it would be safe, sim-
hypothesize that (1) supervised slackline training would generate ple, useful, and realistic for people with PD (stages 1–3).
benefits in the participants’ postural stability/control system Consequently, the slackline training program focused solely on
parameters and in FOG; (2) the program would produce positive static body posture. While both groups followed their usual weekly
effects on participants’ balance and stability perception; (3) the physical activity routine, the EG also performed 12 balance training
program would be perceived as ‘‘hard’’ by the patients (assessed sessions using a slackline over 6 weeks (two training sessions per
by the Borg’s 6–20 scale [20]); and (4) that patients would rate the week on nonconsecutive days). The same therapist, blinded for the
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 06:37 18 July 2016

Soleus, Gastrocnemius, and Quadriceps as being the most exerted purposes of the study, conducted all training sessions. Slackline
muscles on a muscular ‘‘local perceived exertion scale’’ (LRPE).[21] sessions lasted approximately 23 min. The sessions were performed
in a gym and conducted on a GibbonTM Slackrack 300 (ID Sports,
Stuttgart, Germany), using a slackrack weight of 29 kg, a line
Methods height of 30 cm, a line length of 3 m, and a line width of 5 cm).
Participants Gymnastic mats were placed under the slackrack to provide a safe
training environment. Each training session was identical. A warm-
A group of 22 patients with idiopathic PD agreed to participate up was first performed on the floor and consisted of walking for-
(Table 1). The study was designed and conducted in accordance ward, backward, and laterally; walking forward and making shoul-
with the guidelines contained within the Declaration of Helsinki, der movements (forward and backward); and passive stretching of
and it was approved by the Regional Clinical Research Ethics the main muscle groups (approximately 10 min). Slackline tasks
Committee of the Principality of Asturias, Spain (No. 38/15). were then performed (approximately 8 min) and followed by a
Informed written consent was obtained from all participants. None cool down (approximately 5 min), which consisted of passive
had previously used a slackline. Participants were recruited through stretching of the main muscle groups. The slackline training pro-
advertisements placed in public places and worksites. Inclusion cri- gram was divided into four blocks, and participants used the fol-
teria were as follows: idiopathic PD diagnosis (Hoehn and Yahr lowing sequence in each session.
Scale 1–3, H&Y [22]); absence of dementia (Mini-Mental State Block 1:
Examination, the mean score of the present study population was  Stand on the band using the right leg as support for 20 s
>27 [23]); ability to stand on two feet for at least 2 min; and ability (with arms and the other leg free). A therapist supplied
to walk at least 10 meters without assistance. Exclusion criteria help (they placed one of their hands over the participants’
included the following: previous history of neurological disease; lumbar area of the back and the other at the elbow).
severe dyskinesias or ‘‘ON OFF’’ phenomenon; and any alteration in  Repeat task 1, but with the right arm held akimbo (left
the Parkinson’s medication regimen. Participants were randomized arm free).
into two groups using a random number generator: experimental  Repeat task 1, but with the left arm held akimbo (right
group (EG, N ¼ 11) and control group (CG, N ¼ 11). Two drop-outs arm free).
occurred during the training period (one from each group) because  Repeat task 1 with both arms held akimbo.
these patients moved to another city. Participants were questioned After this first block, which lasted 80 s, participants took a 40-s
about their activity level: number of days per week that they par- break.
ticipated in more than 30 min of physical activity such as walking, Block 2:
running, biking, stair climbing, sports, rhythmic movement, and  Stand using the left leg as support for 20 s (with arms and
gardening.[24] All participants answered 2–3 days per week. the other leg free). A therapist supplied help as described
for Block 1.
 Repeat task 1, but the right arm was held akimbo (the left
arm was free).
A randomized controlled design was used to investigate the  Repeat task 1, but the left arm was held akimbo (the right
effects of supervised slackline training on postural instability, FOG, arm was free).
and scores from the Tinetti Falls Efficacy Scale (FES, [25]) in individ-  Repeat task 1 with both arms held akimbo.
uals with PD. Participants underwent antrophometrical assess- After the second block, participants took a break (80 s work/40 s
ments and Center of Pressure (CoP) measurements. In addition, rest).
participants were asked to provide ratings for an ad hoc Spanish Block 3:
version of the FES and a Spanish version of the Movement  Tandem stance for 20 s. Participants set the right leg as
Disorders Society-Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS- the rear leg (arms were free). A therapist supplied help as
UPDRS, motor part [26]). They were also asked to complete a already described.
Spanish version of the Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (FOG-Q, 6-  Repeat task 1, but with the right arm held akimbo.
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Table 1. Patients’ profile (EG and CG).

(EG) (CG) Sex Sex duration duration (EG) (CG) H&Y (EG) (CG) (EG) (CG) Medication per day Medication per day
(years) (years) (EG) (CG) (EG) (years) (CG) (years) (kg/m2) (kg/m2) (score) (score) (motor part) (motor part) (EG) (mg) (CG) (mg)
64 67 F F 15 14 23.76 35.84 2 2 7 2 Sinemet Plus 25/100 mg, Sinemet Plus Retard
Sinemet Retard 25/100 mg, Rolpryna
50/200 mg, Azilect 8 mg, Azilect 1 mg,
1 mg, Ropimirol 8 mg Amantadine Level
100 mg, Stalevo 75 mg
54 74 F F 4 15 20.19 33.15 2 1 5 4 Sinemet 25/250 mg, Mirapexin 0.7 mg,
Sinemet Retard 50/ Madopar 50/200 mg
200 mg, Amantadine
100 mg, Ropimirol
Prolif 8 mg, Madopar
50/200 mg
76 75 M M 14 15 33.64 31.77 2 2 7 10 Sinemet Retard Sinemet Plus Retard
50/200 mg, Azilect 25/100 mg, Sinemet
1mg, Pramipexol Retard 50/200 mg,
Normon 0.7 mg Azilect 1 mg, Requip
5 mg
82 78 M M 13 7 29.90 26.21 2 3 12 27 Sinemet 25/250 mg, Sinemet 50/200 mg,
Neupro (patch) 6 mg Azilect 1 mg, Stalevo
200 mg,
80 77 M M 15 9 21 28.57 3 2 8 3 Sinemet 25/250 mg Sinemet Plus 25/100 mg,
Neupro (patch) 8 mg
67 84 M F 9 12 26.66 24.03 3 1 7 6 Azilect 1 mg, Sinemet Plus Sinemet Plus 25/100 mg
25/100 mg
81 77 F F 14 8 27.11 32.88 2 2 13 19 Madopar 50/200 mg Sinemet 25/250 mg
63 79 F F 4 7 21.90 26.44 1 2 4 5 Sinemet Plus Retard 25/ Sinemet 25/250 mg
100 mg
75 79 M F 9 8 26.05 24.91 2 2 8 1 Sinemet Plus Retard Rolpryna 8 mg
25/100 mg, Sinemet
25/250 mg, Rolpryna
8 mg
86 86 M M 13 14 28.02 27.43 2 2 17 12 Sinemet Retard 50/100 mg Sinemet 100/250 mg,
Azilect 1 mg,
76 83 F M 8 11 24.91 26.82 3 2 19 12 Sinemet Retard 50/100 mg Sinemet Retard
50/250 mg, Sinemet
Plus 25/100 mg
73.09 ± 9.81* 78.09 ± 5.24* 10.72 ± 4.14* 10.90 ± 3.23* 25.74 ± 4* 28.91 ± 3.87* 2.18 ± 0.60 1.9 ± 0.53* 9.72 ± 4.88* 9.18 ± 8.01*
EG: experimental group; CG: control group; M: male; F: female; BMI: body mass index; kg/m2: kilograms divided by square meters; H&Y: Hoehn and Yarh; MDS-UPDRS: Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson’s
Disease Rating Scale; mg: milligrams.
*Mean and standard deviation.

 Repeat task 1, but with the left arm held akimbo. falling, as an indicator of fear of falling.[25] The total score
 Repeat task 1, with both arms held akimbo. ranges from 10 (best possible) to 100 (worst possible). Since
After this third block, participants had a break (80/40 s). there is no validated Spanish version, we translated the ori-
Block 4: ginal version according to the recommendations of Hambleton
 Tandem stance for 20 s. Participants set the left leg as the et al. [35] The original questionnaire was translated and back-
rear leg (arms were free). A therapist supplied help as translated by a language specialist. In addition, two experts
before. assessed all items in the Spanish version, and verified that
 Repeat task 1, but the right arm held akimbo. they adequately captured all information on fall efficacy (face
 Repeat task 1, but the left arm held akimbo. validity).
 Repeat task 1, with both arms held akimbo.
The total duration of the slackline workout was approximately Rate perceived exertion
8 min (including break time). Tasks were performed barefooted to The rate of change of RPE during prolonged work is used as a pre-
maximize the effect of the balance workout. dictor of self-imposed exhaustion.[36] The Borg’s 6–20 scale
assumes a linear function between perceptual and physiological
Data collection (oxygen uptake, VO2, and heart rate [HR]) or physical (work–rate)
parameters.[20] The scale was explained to participants prior to
Center of pressure the program, and they rated perceived exertion at the end of each
A footscan baropodometric platform (Medicapteurs, Balma, France) training session.
was used to assess postural instability. Data were registered and
analyzed with T-Plate software (3.0 version, Medicapteurs, Balma, Local muscle rate perceived exertion
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 06:37 18 July 2016

France). A sampling frequency of 100 Hz with a cutoff frequency of A variation of Borg’s scale was used to estimate perceived exertion
10 Hz was used for data collection.[11] A bipedal standing support in specific muscles during the program.[21] At the end of each ses-
test with open eyes on a firm surface was used. Stance was at sion, participants indicated the muscle groups they felt were
17 cm, since different studies have shown that the magnitude of involved via an anatomical diagram.
body sway decreases with increased stance width.[28,29] Tests were
performed barefooted.[11] Regarding CoP data acquisition duration,
a minimum of 90 s is required to reach acceptable reliability for all Data analysis
traditional CoP parameters in healthy subjects.[11] However, the lit-
Descriptive statistics were used summarize all dependent varia-
erature does not provide recommendations for CoP measurements
bles, which are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD)
in individuals with PD. In the present study, CoP data acquisition
unless otherwise noted. A two-way fixed-effects analysis of vari-
time was 30 s. Preliminary practice trials ensured participants were
ance (ANOVA) was performed to assess changes in dependent
comfortable with testing conditions and understood instructions.[30]
variables across time utilizing tests (pre-test, post-test, and re-
Participants were told to rest their gaze on a target (10 cm2 circle)
test) and group (EG and CG) as factors. When interactions were
that was elevated 1.65 m and situated 2.5 m from the platform.
detected, data were analyzed using Bonferroni post-hoc correc-
During testing, hands were held akimbo.[31] Prior to recording, par-
tions (significance, p < 0.05). The Tukey HSD post-hoc test was
ticipants were asked to ‘‘stand as still as possible.’’ This procedure
used to determine differences for all dependent variables.
minimizes the effect of intrinsic physical differences among partici-
Normality and homocedasticity of the data were verified
pants on CoP measurement reliability.[32] Three attempts were
through the Shapiro–Wilk’s test and Levene’s test, respectively
recorded, and data were averaged for statistical analysis.[11]
(p > 0.05 for both tests). Reliability of CoP measurements was
Participants were given a 1-min resting time after each trial. An
calculated using an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient model 3,1
attempt was considered invalid and repeated if participants grasped
(ICC3,1 ¼ MSS-MSE/MSSþ (k-1)MSE [37]), since a two-way fixed-
the tests assistants. Two test assistants were available to prevent
effects ANOVA was performed to assess dependent variables.[37]
falls. Three types of CoP parameters were assessed: (1) positioning,
For the ICC3,1, reliability values were defined as follows:
which expresses postural stability from a global point of view
poor ¼ <0.00, slight ¼ 0.00–0.20, fair ¼ 0.21–0.40, moderate
(Length: CoP displacement; Area: postural stability precision area;
¼ 0.41–0.60, substantial ¼ 0.61–0.80, and almost perfect
Speed: postural reactions to maintain balance); (2) medial position-
¼ 0.81–1.00.[38] The minimal detectable change (MDC ¼ 1.96 
ing, which was determined from the CoP dispersion in the antero-
冑2  SEM; SEM ¼ SD  冑(1  R) [39]) is used to assess the min-
posterior and medio-lateral axis (Xmean: CoP position in the
imal change that falls outside the measurement error in the
medio-lateral direction; Ymean: CoP position in the antero-posterior
score of an instrument used to measure a symptom. It was
direction; Xspeed: postural reactions to maintain balance in the
used here when significant differences were detected in the
medio-lateral direction; Yspeed: postural reactions to maintain bal-
dependent variables. Effect size was also used to determine the
ance in the antero-posterior direction); and (3) dispersion, which
magnitude of change when significant differences were detected
reflects CoP deviation from the positioning parameters (Xdeviation:
(Cohen’s f; f ¼ MEGMCG/SU [40]). Effect size was defined as fol-
CoP deviation from Xmean in the medio-lateral direction; Ydeviation:
lows: small ¼ f > 0.10, medium ¼ f > 0.25, and large ¼ f > 0.40.[40]
CoP deviation from Ymean in the antero-posterior direction).
All data were analyzed using the R statistical computer program
Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (version 3.2.1., 2015.06.18).
The 6-item version of the FOG-Q [27] was used. It is a patient-
reported rating scale [33,34] that consists of 6 items scored from 0 Results
to 4, with a total score ranging from 0 to 24. Higher scores denote
more severe FOG.[33,34] The CoP reliability test showed that, in both groups (EG and CG),
the data were almost perfectly reliable for all CoP parameters in all
Falls Efficacy Scale tests (pre-test, post-test, and re-test), with one exception. For the
This 10-item questionnaire was designed to assess confidence CG, Ymean was considered substantially reliable in the post-test
in the patients’ ability to perform 10 daily tasks without and re-test (Table 2).

Table 2. CoP parameters (mean ± standard deviation) and intra correlation coefficient (ICC3,1) at the different testing times.
ICC3,1 CoP parameters ICC3,1 CoP parameters
CoP parameters (EG) CoP parameters (CG) (EG) (CG)
Pre-test Post-test Re-test Pre-test Post-test Re-test Pre-test Post-test Re-test Pre-test Post-test Re-test
Length (mm) 155.75 ± 53.13 148.59 ± 61.36 173.15 ± 62.97 133.75 ± 55.79 135.84 ± 74.52 214.31 ± 192.99 0.956 0.977 0.941 0.980 0.966 0.992
Area (mm2) 445.99 ± 293.53 520.99 ± 390.88 882.57 ± 728.52 295.37 ± 211.62 301.71 ± 187.03 460.44 ± 232.20 0.962 0.982 0.972 0.989 0.966 0.970
Speed (mm/s) 4.75 ± 1.65 4.69 ± 1.69 5.11 ± 1.55 4.16 ± 1.92 4.18 ± 2.36 4,17 ± 1.20 0.945 0.970 0.917 0.958 0.967 0.975
Xmean (mm) 16.23 ± 20.63 7.46 ± 27.58 8.96 ± 14.59 19 ± 16.64 10.11 ± 13.81 11.33 ± 9.93 0.914 0.986 0.917 0.927 0.936 0.897
Ymean (mm) 51.57 ± 21.94 44.68 ± 19.73 44.49 ± 24.56 63.62 ± 18.25 65.56 ± 8.12 63.95 ± 17 0.929 0.949 0.943 0.865 0.784 0.707
Xspeed (mm/s) 3.19 ± 1.56 3.16 ± 1.55 3.75 ± 2.02 3.05 ± 1.64 3.72 ± 1.53 3.85 ± 4.36 0.924 0.956 0.842 0.975 0.970 0.937
Yspeed (mm/s) 3.47 ± 0.87 3.37 ± 1.37 4.13 ± 1.47 2.93 ± 1.22 3.11 ± 1.74 3.62 ± 1.72 0.810 0.957 0.893 0.877 0.930 0.972
Xdeviation (mm) 3.43 ± 2.57 1.56 ± 7.44 5.01 ± 5.11 .17 ± 8.34 1.96 ± 1.03 2.64 ± 2.49 0.824 0.987 0.951 0.979 0.831 0.976
Ydeviation (mm) 4.79 ± 2.03 4.36 ± 1.61 5.50 ± 2.63 4.25 ± 23.53 3.10 ± 1.27 3.39 ± 1.75 0.856 0.928 0.929 0.999 0.826 0.825
EG: experimental group; CG: control group; mm: millimeters; mm2: square millimeters; mm/s: millimeters divided by seconds.

Table 3. The FOG-Q (6-item version) and the FES at the different testing times (mean ± standard deviation).
Pre-test Post-test Re-test Pre-test Post-test Re-test MDC (EG) f (EG)
FOG-Q 3.90 ± 3.60 2.90$± 3.66 3.60 ± 5.03 4.40 ± 6.19 4.80 ± 6.53 4.20 ± 5.67 0.298 0.36
15.00$± 13.71
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FES 19.90 ± 17.84 15.60 ± 12.38 16.30 ± 12.10 15.90 ± 11.70 18.50 ± 14.26 4.93 0.07
FOG-Q (6-item version): Freezing of Gait Questionnaire; FES: Falls Efficacy Scale; EG: experimental group; CG: control group; MDC: minimal detectable change; f: Cohen’s
effect size.
$Indicates p < 0.05.
MDC ¼1.96  冑2  SEM; SEM ¼ SD  冑(1  R).
f ¼ MEG  MCG/SU.

Table 4. RPE and LRPE (%) in slackline training sessions.

Session No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 Average
RPE 8.90 ± 2.7 8.72 ± 2.41 8.63 ± 2.24 8.54 ± 2.8 8.27 ± 2.68 8.27 ± 2.76 8.18 ± 2.82 8.18 ± 2.31 8.27 ± 2.24 8 ± 1.89 8 ± 1.89 8 ± 1.89 8.33 ± 0.36
Sternocleidomastoid 1.81 0.15
Trapezius 1.81 0.15
Deltoid 1.36 0.11
Latissimus Dorsi 0.9 0.075
Obliques 4.54 2.27 2.27 1.81 1.81 1.81 1.81 2.27 2.27 2.27 5.9 2.41
Brachioradialis 2.72 2.27 0.37
Lumbars 19 4.54 9.09 15.45 14.09 14.09 14.09 13.18 6.81 6.81 10 10 11.42
Gluteus 1.81 2.27 4.09 4.09 4.09 2.27 2.27 2.27 1.93
Quadriceps 6.81 6.8 19.09 9.54 5.9 11.81 0.9 9.09 25 22.72 9.09 13.18 11.63
Hamstrings 3.18 15 28 20 21.36 19.09 19.09 11.81 13.63 11.36 16.81 18.18 16.45
Adductor Longus 0.9 6.81 6.81 4.54 5.45 2.27 6.81 5.45 4.54 3.64
Gastrocnemius 35 34.54 17.72 20.9 24.09 26.36 25.45 26.36 15.90 15.9 24.09 18.63 26.17
Soleus 24.54 20 9.09 9.09 15.45 11.36 11.36 19.09 6.81 9.09 11.81 13.63 13.44
Tibialis Anterior 8.63 1.81 15.90 4.54 8.18 15 7.72 11.36 6.81 7.72 2.27 7.49
Peroneus Longus 4.54 0.90 3.18 5 8.18 3.18 9.09 4.54 3.18 4.09 3.82

No significant within-group or between-group differences were Analysis of LRPE ratings revealed that the Gastrocnemius (26.17%),
detected in any of the CoP parameters (Table 2). Hamstrings (16.45%), Soleus (13.44%), Quadriceps (11.63%),
In the EG, the FOG-Q score decreased from pre-test to post-test Lumbar Extensors (11.42%), and Tibialis Anterior (7.49%) received
(3.90 ± 3.60 to 2.90 ± 3.66) and increased at re-test (3.60 ± 5.03). In the highest ratings (Table 4). The Peroneus Longus (3.82%),
the CG, the FOF-Q score increased from pre-test to post-test Adductor Longus (3.64%), Obliques (2.41%), and Gluteus (1.93%)
(4.40 ± 6.19 to 4.80 ± 6.53) and decreased at re-test (4.20 ± 5.67). were also mentioned. The Brachioradialis (0.37%),
The subsequent ANOVA showed statistically significant differences Sternocleidomastoid (0.15%), Trapezius (0.15%), Deltoid (0.11%),
only in the EG from pre-test to post-test (p ¼ 0.032). The MDC was and Latissimus Dorsi (0.075%) were rarely mentioned.
(0).298, and the effect size was (0).36 (‘‘medium’’ effect) (Table 3).
FES scores decrease in the EG from pre-test to post-test
(19.90 ± 17.84 to 15.00 ± 13.71), and a small increase was seen at
re-test (15.60 ± 12.38). In the CG, the FES score decreased pre-test The main goal of this study was to assess whether supervised
to post-test (16.30 ± 12.10 to 15.90 ± 11.70) and then increased at slackline training could reduce the risk of falls in patients with PD
re-test (18.50 ± 14.26). The subsequent ANOVA showed statistically and improve postural stability, FOG, PD patients’ perception of bal-
significant differences only in the EG from pre-test to post-test ance and stability during daily living activities, and fear of falling.
(p ¼ 0.010). The MDC was 4.93, and the effect size was (0).07 The results showed the CoP parameters did not change after 6
(‘‘small’’ effect) (Table 3). weeks of supervised slackline training. Nevertheless, the FOG-Q
The EG reported a mean RPE of 8.33 ± (0).36 for the whole and FES scores did significantly change post-intervention.
training program (‘‘very light’’ on the Borg’s 6–20 scale, Table 4). Participants rated the training program as ‘‘very light,’’ and analysis

of LRPE revealed that the Gastrocnemius, Hamstrings, Soleus, that require attention and have medium- or high-level intensity
Quadriceps, Lumbars, and Tibialis Anterior were the most fre- stimuli.
quently used muscles. With regard to our second hypothesis, FES scores significantly
Regarding our first hypothesis, no CoP parameters significantly improved after slackline training, but the effect size was small. The
changed after the slackline training. However, trends toward FES MDC score also showed that the pre-post FES score difference
improvement were seen in all parameters except Area. Previous was a real; this is meaningful from the rehabilitation point of view,
studies on postural instability and PD have had different objectives since the FES MDC was 4.93 points and the pre-post FES difference
and have relied on different protocols and assessments. Hirsch was 4.90 points. These results also agree with results of other stud-
et al. [41] investigated the effect of balance training and high- ies of PD showing acceptable MDCs in patient abilities.[45–47] The
intensity resistance training on balance in PD patients. Smania low training stimulus and participants’ initial FES scores could have
et al. [42] assessed the effects of balance training on postural accounted for the small effect size seen after training. Slacklining
instability in PD patients. Chang-Yi et al. [43] studied the effects of has been described as a challenging physical activity.[52]
virtual reality-augmented balance training on the sensory integra- Outcomes of the current study show that it poses a special chal-
tion of postural control under varying attentional demands, com- lenge for PD patients, which benefit in terms of their fear of fall-
paring the results with a conventional balance training group and ing. Nevertheless, the reason that this occurs is unknown. We
an untrained CG. Esculier et al. [44] used a Nintendo Wii Fit game hypothesize that, for individuals with PD, being on the slackline is
with balance board to test whether a home-based balance training stressful because of the unusual environment it creates (men-
program with visual feedback affected balance and functional abil- tioned earlier). However, after several drills, feelings change and
ities in subjects with moderate PD, comparing the effects with a individuals begin to perceive that it is possible to regain control of
group of healthy controls. These studies all demonstrated that their body movements. Hence, PD patients may have felt that they
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 06:37 18 July 2016

classic balance training can improve PD patients’ postural instabil- needed less help from therapists drill by drill (e.g., they were able
ity. The absence of significant improvements in the present study to stay upon the line longer, and they felt the therapists used less
might be due to the training protocol (a low-impact stimulus was strength to support them on the line). At the same time, patients
applied). A stimulus of higher intensity might yield significant received positive comments from therapists on their performance.
enhancements. Thus, they could have received positive internal and external feed-
Significant improvements were seen in FOG-Q scores after back and perceived slacklining as a surmountable challenge,
training, with a medium effect size being seen. The FOG-Q MDC improving their confidence. To our knowledge, there are no stud-
ies on PD, slackline, and FES. Goodwin et al. [53] compared the
score showed that there was a true difference between pre-test
effectiveness of a classical balance exercise program with standard
and post-test, which is significant in terms of rehabilitation, since
care in individuals with PD who had a history of falls. They saw
the FOG-Q MDC was 0.298 points and the pre-post FOG-Q differ-
significant improvements in FES scores after training. Conradsson
ence was 1 point. These results are in accordance with results of
et al. [54] evaluated the short-term effects of the HiBalance pro-
other PD studies showing satisfactory MDCs in patient out-
gram, a highly challenging balance-training regimen that incorpo-
comes.[45–47] As in the case of the CoP parameters, the medium
rates both dual-tasking and PD-specific balance components. They
effect size obtained after training might be attributed to the low
compared this approach with standard care in elderly individuals
stimulus intensity and the participants’ low initial FOG-Q score. The
with mild-to-moderate PD. Post-test results did not show FES score
mechanism underlying this enhancement is unknown. The unusual
improvements. The HiBalance program could be too demanding
environment that the slackline creates (e.g., very small base of sup-
for patients. It would be useful to know what training protocol
port, compliant surface, a wafting feeling) may force the patients
(slackline protocol or that of Goodwin et al.) yields stronger and
to focus their attention to prevent a fall, which could produce a more lasting benefits on FES scores. The combined effects of the
reset of their motor system to avoid or alleviate FOG. This mechan- both trainings should be assessed as well. Moreover, novel motor
ism (resetting of the motor system) is one goal of current PD gait therapies for PD aimed at reducing fear of falling should include
rehabilitation strategies, which aim to preserve or improve per- challenging but reachable training tasks in non-conventional
formance and to stimulate walking through the use of alternative rehabilitation environments.
neural circuits.[48] To the best of our knowledge, there are no Our third hypothesis was not confirmed. Nevertheless, the
studies on balance training, FOG-Q, PD, and postural instability. results were promising since patients perceived slackline workouts
Mhatre et al. [49] assessed the effects of three Nintendo Wii bal- as ‘‘very light’’. This suggests that slackline training (static body
ance board games (marble tracking, skiing, and bubble rafting) on positions) can be matched with other physical activity in the same
balance and gait in individuals with PD. They assessed dynamic training session without an increased risk of fatigue. This further
gait index (DGI) and postural sway (among other parameters). suggests that slackline intensity can be increased. This is relevant
Although DGI is not an indicator of FOG, it is a performance-based since therapists can use slacklining as the main focus of a session
tool that allows the study of dynamic balance abilities [50] and the and/or as a complementary one. Again, no studies on PD, slackline,
individual’s ability to modify gait in response to changing and RPE have been published.
demands.[51] Results showed that DGI and postural sway Our fourth hypothesis was partially verified, as patients indi-
improved after Wii training. These results and those of the current cated that the Gastrocnemius, Hamstrings, Soleus, Quadriceps,
study suggest that balance training enhances individuals’ dynamic Lumbars, and Tibialis Anterior were the most used muscles (LRPE
balance abilities, the ability to modify gait in response to changing assessment). This is a notable finding since two of the three major
gait task demands, and the FOG in individuals with PD. postural leg muscles are included in this group.[55] Soleus, Tibialis
Consequently, it would be valuable to know whether a classical or Anterior, and Peroneus Longus were extensively used during slack-
slackline balance training protocol yields stronger and more lasting line training. This is the first study on PD, slacklining, and LRPE,
improvements. The combined effects of both balance trainings and more research is necessary. However, this finding suggests
should also be assessed. In addition, motor novel therapies for that slackline training is a useful rehabilitation tool for patients
individuals with PD that aim to improve postural stability and FOG who have deficits in these muscles. Therefore, this information
should focus on balance training using demanding training tasks should be considered when designing slackline training tasks and

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