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Name and Last name: ………………………………….………….……………………………………………………….……………….
Grade: Circulo mayor Date: ……. /10/2022
Teacher: Reymi Quispe

1. FREQUENCY ADVERBS are used to show: (1p)

a. The frequency of an activity c. The abilities that we have
b. The past of an activity d. The habits of a person
2. Complete the gaps with the correct ADVERB OF FREQUENCY (3p = 1 c/u)
a. Mr. Phillip always get to the class on time. He is ……… late for a lesson. (0%)
a) Never
b) Sometimes c) Rarely
b. My family ………. Go to restaurant. We go there once a month. (10%)
a) Often c) Rarely
b) Seldom

c. My brother is never sad. He’s …….... happy. (100%)

a) Usually
b) Sometimes
3. We use POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES to show: (1p)
a. Abilities c. Possession
b. Possibilities d. Advices
4. Complete the sentences with the correct POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES (2p = 1p c/u)
a. I don’t know the time because I can’t find _____ watch.
a) My b) His c) Her
b. Aunt Mary is sitting at the table. Peter fills ____ glass with juice.
a) Her b) Their c) Our
5. The OBJECT PRONOUN is affected by: (1p)
a. The action of the noun c. The quantity of the noun
b. The quality of the noun d. The position of the noun
6. Complete the sentences with the correct OBJECT PRONOUN (2p = 1p c/u)
a) It’s a great song. I love ……
a. It c. Me
b. Them d. her
b) We can’t speak Italian very well. Can you help …………?
a. Us c. Him
b. Me d. You
7. What do we add to SUPERLATIVES? (1p)
a. -d / -ed / -ied c. -r / -er / -ier
b. -ing d. -st / -est / -iest

8. What do we add to COMPARATIVES? (1p)

a. -d / -ed / -ied c. -r / -er / -ier
b. -ing d. -st / -est / -iest
9. Which is the COMPARATIVE of GOOD? (1p)
a. Better b. The best
10. Which is the SUPERLATIVE of BAD (1p)
a. Worse b. The worst
11. Can we COMPARE more than 2 things? (1p)
a. True
b. False
12. In the PASSIVE VOICE, do we know who is the person that performs the action? (1p)
a. True b. False
13. Turn the following sentences into PASSIVE VOICE: (2 p = 0.5 c/u)

a. I clean my room every day: …………………………………………………….……….

b. Tom bought a nice present yesterday. ………………………………………...
c. Ann will sing a beautiful song. ………………………………………………………..
d. Ben repaired my computer yesterday. …………………………………………..…………

14. Turn the following sentences into the PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE. (2p = 0.5 c/u)
a) My father _________________________________ newspaper for one hour. (read)

b) She ____________________________________________ to Rome. (not travel)

c) ______________ the child __________________________ this poem? (learn)

d) ________________ it _____________________________ for one hour? (hail)

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