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201O International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010)

Chaos Theory and its Application in Modern Cryptography

Zhang hong Dong Ji-xue

College of Arts and Science, Heilongjiang bayi Agriculture College of Arts and Science, Heilongjiang bayi Agriculture
University, Daqing China University, Daqing China
zhanghong_byndsx@163.com dongjixue_stu@163.com

Abstract-In this paper , the chaos theory and some specific The nonlinear system has many kinds of forms from the
contents of modern cryptography are introduced. By non-chaotic state to the chaotic state evolutionary process.
analyzing the relationship between chaos and cryptography , And most typical has three kinds:
some approaches and their framework for chaotic 1) Time of cyclical furcation process. Supposes some
cryptography system are proposed. Some criteria about how to
nonlinear system to occupy the constant state at first, along
choose chaotic systems and their parameters in digital
encryption are given in detail •
with controlled variable's increase, when achieves some
value, the system mode has the sudden change, has the
Keywords-component; Chaos Theory; Modern Cryptography; stable periodic oscilation condition, along with controlled
The nonlinear system variable's unceasing increase, system's condition will have a
series of sudden changes, vibrates in the frequency spectrum
I. INTRODUCTION to present the frequency division or the cycle doubling
The computer from appears to the present, already from effect. When the system presents non-cyclical the confusion
used in calculating the turning point to mainly to use in oscillatory regime, namely chaotic motion condition. The
theinformation processing. Internet provides the massive frequency division phenomenon only then in controlled
information service for the user every day. Because the variable's some valve value can appear in the nonlinear
Internet basic agreement is not the completely safe system, it is the overture which the chaotic motion produces.
agreement. Not after the information which specially 2) Intermittence the chaos process. Regarding has the
encrypts transmits when the network, will directly expose in time of cyclical furcation evolutionary process nonlinear
the entire network. Modem high performance's computer, system, when after entering the chaotic state, constitutes a
automated analysis and interception procedure each second
chaos area in controlled variable's some scope. In the chaos
may search several million facts, It had has serious pressure
to traditional encryption algorithm constitution. In the past's area, is not each controlled variable correspondence is the
ten years, along with to the chaos theory research thorough, chaotic state. Between controlled variable's many plots, is
chaos theory's application scope also unceasingly expands corresponding the periodic oscilation condition, between
unceasingly. Chaos in cryptology application becomes these plots is called in the chaos area the cyclical window.
popular research area and proposed the massive chaos Nearby the cyclical window, state variable's time behavior
encryption algorithm .The majority simulation chaos's displays the cycle, suddenly to be from time to time chaotic,
password use chaos synchronization technology, through has jumps stochastically between the two.
chirp the channel to realize the secret signaling. Because the 3) Half of periodic movement to chaos. If the system
chaos theory nearly several dozens years obtained the increases along with the controlled variable, presents two in
enormous development, the innumerable chaos systems may
the vibration frequency spectrum not to be possible the joint
apply in the cryptology, therefore the chaos must become in
the cryptology the new rich resources. pledge frequency, this kind of movement is called the
quasiperiodic movement. The quasiperiodic and the
II. C HAOS THEORY frequency-locking appear alternately, enters the chaotic state
CHAOS mathematical MODEL finally.
In recent years, obtained many meaningful results to Judges the chaotic motion three main characteristic
chaos phenomenon's experiment, but more results come from quantities
to the nonlinear system mathematical model theoretical 1) Dimension. Promotes the dimension concept to the
analysis and the computer simulation. There have some phase space studies the chaos question, strange attracts the
equation to describes these the model: non-line iteration actor's opening words the dimension is score Uygur cannot
equation (group), non-line autonomous simultaneous be integer Uygur.
differential equation and difference differential equation 2) Entropy. kolmogorov in the entropy concept
introduction dynamic system, judges with the entropy value
Chaos evolutionary process
dynamic system's order or the chaos degree.

978-1-4244-7237-6/10/$26.00 ©201O IEEE V7-332

2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010)

k>0 correspond to the chaos characteristic; k=O IV. CHAOS PASSWORD

correspond to the cyclical characteristic; k<O correspond to The chaos system has the good pseudo-random
the stochastic characteristic. characteristic, track's unpredictability, to the original state
3) Lyapunov index. In the dynamic system, the and the controlled variable sensitive and so on a series of
Lyapunov index is uses for to examine the dynamic system characteristics, these characteristics and cryptology many
is the order or the chaotic state important criterion. requests are tally, because just between the chaos and the
Lyapunov index definition expression for A> 0 distances cryptology has the close relation, therefore the chaos
between two track's proliferate unceasingly, walks own password could learn the massive research.
orbital path respectively, between does not relate mutually, Chaos cryptology research direction
corresponds on the phase space the chaos solution; When 1) Take chaos synchronized technology as core chaos
A=O, two tracks contract mutually in together, corresponds privacy communication system, mainly based on simulation
on the phase space a fixed point, namely time-independent chaos circuitry;
solution; When A< 0, corresponds on the phase space the 2) Uses the chaos system to construct the new stream
bifurcation, namely cyclical solution or quasi solution. cipher and the block cipher, mainly digitized chaos system
which realizes based on the computer limited precision
Cryptology contains the branch which two oppose Design digit chaos password main way
mutually,they are Cryptography and Cryptanalytics. 1) Produces the pseudo-random key sequence
The former seeks the guarantee news secrecy or the encryption definite orders with the chaos system.
authentic method, but the latter, then the research encryption 2) The definite orders amI/either the key takes the initial
news breaks or news fabrication. A privacy system is
condition and/or the controlled variable, the iterative/inverse
composed of the following several parts: definite orders
iteration chaos system has the scrambled text. The first way
message space M, secret text message space C, key space Kl
corresponds to the sequential cipher, but the second kind
and K2 , Under single key system Kl = K2 = K, this time
corresponds to the block cipher.
key K must by send the side after the safe key channel to
pass to the debit; The encryption transforms EKI E E, M V. IN THE DIG ITAL ENCRYPTION CHOOSES THE CHAOS

--+C, kl E K1 , it is completed by the encryption, the SYSTEM'S PRINCIPLE

decipher transforms DK2 E D, C --+M, k2 E K2 ,realizes by The chaos mapping should have the following attribute:
the decipher. Said that the overall (M, C, K1, K2 , EK 1, Blending attribute, robust chaos and big parameter collection.
Needs to point out that has above attribute chaos system
DK2) is a privacy system. Regarding assigns definite orders uncertain security, but does not have the chaos cryptographic
news m E M, key kl E Kl ,encryption transformation the system which the above attribute obtains is inevitably weak.
definite orders m transformation for scrambled text c, 1) Mixing attribute. Will regard as the initial condition
namely c = f (m, K1) = EKI (m). The receiving end use k territory in black and white, then mixes the attribute is refers
which passes on through the safe key channel (under single to the single definite orders mark influence proliferates to
key system) or decipher key K2 which produces with the many scrambled text marks. Obviously, in this attribute
local key generator E K2 (under double key system) correspondence cryptology proliferation attribute. Has the
controls the decipher to operate D, receives the scrambled blending attribute system to have the good statistical
text carries on definite orders news m which the property:
transformation obtains restores, namely m = g (c, K2 ) = When iterative number of times, the scrambled text
statistical nature does not rely on the definite orders
DK2 (c) (2). But the password assayer, uses its designation
statistical nature. Thus, cannot obtain the definite orders
to break transition function h, carries on the transformation structure by the scrambled text statistical structure.
to interception scrambled text c, obtains definite orders space 2) Robust chaos. The robust chaos is refers to under the
some element m " namely m ' = h (c) (3).
' small parameter perturbation, the series still maintained the
Generally, m tm. if m = m, then the password breaks
chaotic state. But, generally speaking the majority chaoses

successfully. If user A must transmit secret news m to user B,

attract the actor's opening words are not the structure are
then A must this on look up user B to the public key public
stable, but the non-robust chaos's system has the weak key.
key kBl makes the transformation with it to m, results in c =
3) Parameter collection. A cryptographic system secure
EkBI (m). After user B receives c, uses own Peru key KB2
important weight target is the Shannon entropy, namely the
to decipher to c. Namely m = DkB2 (C) = DkB2 (EkBI (m)). key space's measure, commonly used log2 K is approximate
Because k B2 only then user B knew, but the password in the discrete system, K is key's number. Therefore,
assayer can only by k ' to c the decipher. Therefore the dynamic system's parameter space is bigger, in the discrete
privacy communication obtains realizes. system responded K is bigger.

2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010)


In the article discussed the chaos and the cryptology, has

made the analysis to between the chaos and the cryptology
relations. Although the digital chaos cryptology obtained the
massive research in recent years, has obtained some research
results. But studies indicated that the chaos system realizes
when the computer, because the limited precision and the
limited condition question, the digitized chaos system and
the ideal real value chaos system in dynamics characteristic
have the quite big difference (characteristic degeneration). In
structure true security chaos password question, but also
lacks the enough theory support to guarantee its true security.


Heilongjiang Province education department science and

technology financing projects,Project number: 11531259

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