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Atomic Habits 
Book Study Questions 

We hope you find these questions to be helpful for your friends, family, and coworkers. 

Book Study Questions 

1. What are some bad habits that need to be uprooted in your life?  

2. What are some good habits that need to be planted and nurtured?  

3. What is the true desire at the root of my goals? 

4. What type of person do you want to embody? 


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5. Who are the specific people you want to emulate in key areas of your life? 
(Fitness, Business, Faith, etc.) 

6. In what areas of your life are you trying to be perfect? 

7. If your actions are a vote, what identity would prevail?


8. What reoccurring problems do you have in your life? Could these problems be solved with 

9. What times of day can you dedicate to habit stacking?


10. Do you have bad habits in your habit stacks?


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11. What system do you use to keep track of your habits?


12. If you continued your current lifestyle for 30 years, where would you be?

13. What instant gratification habits are keeping you from thriving in the long-term?

14. How can you create consistency in your life for good habits to thrive?

15. How can you pair your favorite short term gratifications with long term desires? (i.e. 
Temptation Bundling)

16. How can you shape your home to create good habits? 

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17. Would your ideal self thrive in your home?


18. Do the people around you reinforce your desired self identity?

19. What in-person or online groups can you join to help encourage your ideal lifestyle?

20. In what areas of your life are you focusing too heavily on quality, instead of quantity?

21. How can you create or do something poorly today, with the hope of getting better in the 

22. What 'productive' thing in your life is actually a source of procrastination?


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23. How has your fear of failure kept you from starting a good habit?

24. What unhelpful measurements of success should you rethink?


25. What is the real motivation behind your number-based goals?


26. What seemingly boring thing do you actually love?


27. What do you enjoy doing that others complain about?


28. What are two skills that you can combine to create a superpower?

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29. How often do you remove distractions and work in a ‘flow’ state?

30. What skill have you mastered that needs a refresh?


31. What new technologies could destroy your current industry?


32. How will you regularly review your habits? 

Want More Productivity Inspiration? 

If you’re looking for more productivity inspiration, we highly recommend checking out the blog 
over on Curious Refuge. We are dedicated to helping you succeed through videos, podcasts, 
downloadable PDFs, and more. 

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