Air France Virtual Pilot Training Syllabus (DRAFT 1)

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Air France Virtual

Pilot Training Syllabus

Michael Male Air France Virtual 7/21/2011

Introduction/Foreword................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 3 SO00 The Second Officer Course ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 4 SO01 Connecting to V TSIM/IV O ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 5 SO02 Using the frequency................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 6 SO03 Your First F ight................................ ................................ ................................ ...................... 7

Note: Cover image was taken by Fe ix Nicol, here on 28th May 2011. Image of Rebecca Black was on a BuddyTV article here, dated 21st June 2011. 2005-2011 BuddyTV. All Rights Reserved.


Welcome to the Pilot Training Syllabus This syllabus is designed to help you choose hich course to take, and help the mentor give you the course you needed. In the ords of Rebecca Black:

Which course ill I take?

Joking aside, the ay the course numbers ill be set out is that, in the title, the first part of it shall be the course number, ith the second being the title. The course number is the one that you d ant to e-mail, using the temporary training centre contact form. I ill then sort out a pilot mentor for you. Finally, please note that to use the pilot mentoring scheme you ill have to use TeamSpeak 3 and to read documents you ill need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on any PC you ould ant to read it on. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the course! Michael Male - Training Manager

SO00 The Second Officer Course

The Second Officer course comprises of the initial training. Once completed, you can either take the optional but more sophisticated P1 course, or go straight onto the First Officer Training. The P1 rating course will give you a VATSIM pilot rating of P1. We will not immediately have the ability to issue P1 ratings, as the regulations state we need to have a stable pilot mentoring system. This is still under development so we will not apply for ATO (Authorised Training Organisation) status. Anyone who has completed the P1 course will be recommended for the rating as soon as it is an ATO.

SO01 Connecting to VATS M/IVAO

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
y y y

Understand the Air France Virtual course structure Install SquawkBox, FSINN, XSquawkBox, or IvAp; depending on your flight simulator, the network you are using and personal preferences Successfully connect to VATSIM or IVAO, and connect to a frequency. You needn t know how to speak on the frequency yet.

y y y y

SquawkBox 4 FSINN/FSCopilot XSquawkBox IvAp

SO02 Using the frequency

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

y y y y y y y

Set a PTT (Push-to-talk) key Tune into a frequency. The frequency can be at any airport where there is traffic and an active Air Traffic Controller. Understand what a radio or comms short for communications, check is. Be able to ask for a radio or comms check. Understand the RST (Readability, Strength, Tone) Signal Reporting System Respond to the Air Traffic Controller correctly to an instruction Understand basic phraseology, on both an aerodrome and control level. You can use another airport which has an FIR controller if needs be.

y y y

The "RST" Signal Reporting System please note that this is for Ham Radio Operators; the announcement of Tone is not used in aviation. CAP413 - CAA (UK) Radiotelephony Manual European Phraseology Manual - Unofficial (VATSIM Europe)

y y y y y

Understand the basic flight dynamics (pitch, roll and ya ) and hat part of the aircraft makes this. Understand the vital flight instruments on a Cessna 172 and hy these are here. Be able to start the engine ithout auto start, and use the checklist. Be able to taxi and take-off, using flaps. Be able to communicate correctly ith an Air Traffic Control station.

Resou es:

A diagram of flight dynamics y Cessna 172 checklist

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3 Your First Flight, Part One

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SO04 Your First Flight, P rt Two

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

y y y y

Fly one traffic pattern around the airfield Be able to make a smooth` landing, using flaps. Be able to safely shut down the aircraft on the stand. Be able to communicate correctly with an Air Traffic Control station.



SO05 Learning VFR procedures

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
y y y

Read a VFR diagram correctly Read essential charts for VFR correctly Understand the procedures for a VFR entry, exit, transit, etc. in the country where the exam will take place.

y y

VATSIM Chart Links Jeppesen VFR charts please note that these could cost a substantial amount of money. Your mentor should be able to provide an image of a small part of the VFR diagram, to explain it.

SO06 Flight Planning

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
y y y

Understand the flight plan rules Be able to file a VFR flight plan using either ICAO or CAA standards, depending on what country you re exam is in Be able to find where you can retrieve AIRACs (and know what one is) and routes for use on VATSIM.

y y y y

CAP694 - CAA (UK) Flight Planning Guide FAA form 7233-1 (FAA Flight Plan Form) FAA form 7233-4 (ICAO Flight Plan form) NOTE: For most pilot clients the flight plan filing would be in FAA format. None differentiate that much from each other online.

SO07 Loose Ends

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
y y y

Ask for anything you are not sure of Be able to have the mentor know whether you are ready for a practical examination Do anything which the mentor thinks will be beneficial


Decided by mentor

SO08 Second Officer Practical Examination

The practical examination for the Second Officer rating will be your first. The mentor will e-mail you with a time and date for the exam, and what airport this will be at. Most likely, this airport will either be in the United Kingdom or France, but definitely in Europe. ATC will be requested. On the day of the exam, it will be conducted in the Pilot Exam Room. The student will log on to the exam airfield and be instructed to do the following:
y y y y y y y y y

Download FS Recorder here. Log in at the airfield online and file a valid flight plan, then begin recording Request a radio check from the controller, then request a clearance for circuits Correctly fly three circuits Request to leave the airfield via any VRP Request to either re-enter the airfield or land at a near airfield, at examiner s discretion Save the video Answer a series of theory questions E-mail the FS Recorder file and any other documents to the mentor

The mentor shall then complete a results form. This will be e-mailed to the Training Manager for him to oversee, then checked and sent back to the student in PDF format, either congratulating them or telling them what they need to improve on.

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