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The Effects of Disturbance

K EVIN S. McKELV EY and Succession on
Wildlife Habitat and
Animal Communities

T his chapter discusses the study of disturbance and

succession as they relate to wildlife. As such, the
discussion is confined to those disturbance processes
al l affect both the postdisturbance wildlife community
and, more importantly, the trajectory of the postdistur-
bance community. Even for well-studied species, co-
that change the physical attributes of habitat, leading herent understandings of their relationships to distur-
to a postdisturbance trajectory. However, even with bance across time and space are therefore often vague.
this narrowing of the scope of disturbances discussed, Commonly, we look at successional changes in habi-
there remain formidable obstacles prior to any co- tat quality by using spatial samples of different ages as if
herent discussion of disturbance. The first, and most they were a temporal series, which implies spatiotem-
fundamental, is definitional: what constitutes distur- poral constancy in successional dynamics. This assump-
bance and succession, and what is habitat? The con- tion has served wildlife research well, but in the face of
cepts of disturbance, habitat, and succession are highly directional climate change and the nearly continuous
scale-dependent; disturbances at one scale become addition of exotic species, this approach is becoming
part of continuous processes at a larger scale, and ideas increasingly untenable. We need to embrace the idea
associated with succession require assumptions of con- that postdisturbance succession is increasingly unlikely
stancy, which become highly problematic as spatiotem- to produce communities similar to those that the dis-
poral scales increase. Literature on the effects of distur- turbance altered: short-term successional patterns are
bance and succession on wildlife, however, focuses on a likely to be influenced by the large and dynamic pool of
narrow range of spatial scales, primarily occurs within exotic plants and animals and longer-term succession
a narrow temporal window immediately following dis- by directional climate change.
turbance, and seldom includes interactions between Together, these observations indicate a need for
areas within the disturbed patch and the landscape studies of disturbance and succession at larger spatia-
that surrounds it. While these largely descriptive stud- temporal scales. It is, however, important to assess
ies undoubtedly have great local value, more general the feasibility of scaling up studies in time and space.
information about the relationships between organ- Clearly, studies that expand both the spatial and tem-
isms and environments shaped by disturbance and poral dimensions of data collection quadratically in-
succession is remarkably limited. Multiple small-scale crease costs; longer time frames do not fit into current
descriptive studies of the immediate postdisturbance competitive funding structures and contain a variety
environment do not appear to coherently aggregate of negatives such as the potential loss of data. Broad-
into larger understandings of the effects of disturbance scale targeted monitoring, however, can provide a
and succession on wildlife. Context is important: the framework allowing acquisition of data at these scales
conditions at the time of the disturbance, in adjacent and can be designed to produce both immediate and
undisturbed patches, and within the broader landscape longer-term results.

and other habitat features). Temporal habitat patterns

Disturbance, Succession, and Questions
are as critical for conservation as are spatial patterns,
of Scale
but much harder to study. In many cases, the events
Bormann and Likens (1979) defined disturbance as dis- that structure landscapes and define species ranges are
ruption of the pattern of the ecosystem, principally by rare- often singular. For example, the genetic popula-
external physical forces. This idea, however, assumes tion structures of many species are strongly associated
that ecosystems function as idealized Newtonian sys- with glacial vicariance that occurred during the Pleis-
tems, in stasis until external energy is applied. But few tocene (see Shafer et al. 2010 for a review) . To study
ecosystems exist in equilibrium (Sousa 1984 ). Further, these rare events, we primarily look to the past to gain
Rykiel (1985) noted that whpt±rer disturbance is viewed insight into their frequency, size, and postevent succes-
as changing the state of an ecosystem or being part of sional and evolutionary trajectories. Further, for prac-
that state is entirely a function of scale. At one scale, a tical reasons, we frequently use habitats of different
tree-fall is a state-altering disturbance; at a larger scale, ages as surrogates for the passage of time, making the
it is part of a continuous process that creates and main· tacit assumption that if we were to project one area
tains the state of an old-forest ecosystem. The same forward (or backward), it would be similar enough to a
thing is true for larger disturbances; at one scale, fire in sunogate area that we can infer its future or past state
western US forests represents a significant disturbance by studying that surrogate. I refer to this approach as
to ecological function, radically altering wildlife habi- "trading space for time."
tats. At a larger scale, fire is a part of the ecosystem- The study of temporal patterns of habitat over time,
many ecosystems are dependent on fire to mruntai.n and specifically the validity of using spatial surrogates to
the presence, patterns, and juxtapositions of plant and infer temporal patterns, is tightly linked to the concept
animal species (Habeck and Mutch 1973· Covington of succession. Here I use this term in a neo-Clemensian
and Moore 1994; Nowacki and Abrams 2008). fashion (Clements 1916; Daubenmire 1952): suc-
Similar-scale dependencies are associated with cession assumes a pattern of orderly and predictable
the effects of disturbance on wildlife habitat. Habitat changes in species presence and abundance that occur
is often thought of with a particular scale in mind: over time after disturbance, leading to a fairly stable
perhaps a forest stand or home-range area evaluated terminal state, or climax. As Gleason (1927) noted, the
across a year or the lifespan of an organism. If succes- idea of succession is very appealing: if understood, it
sional thinking is applied, habitat may be defined as allows us to predict the future and to see into the past
existing within a specific sere (e.g., a species may be without needing any data other than what we collect
considered to be associated with early seral or late sue· in the present. However, successional concepts cannot
cessional forests). However, the habitat requirements be accepted naively. The validity of this concept, and its
for population persistence are, like disturbance, com- resulting popularity (or lack thereof), is directly related
plex and span many scales in both space and time. In to the complexity of the system studied and the scale
space, wildlife habitat spans spatial domains measured at which the system is evaluated . Simple systems have
in meters (e.g., specific resources for denning), to ki- fewer succession pathways and fewer species; hence,
lometers (e.g., sufficient resources to support a local the vegetative trajectories are more predictable. For
viable population), to hundreds of kilometers (e.g., a example, in the western forests of the United States,
mosaic of resources and connectivity sufficient to sup- tree communities are often simple and contai n large
port long-term metapopulation [Levins 1969, 1970] areas of intact natural vegetative communities. In
persistence and abundance). Additionally, at all spatial these systems, succession-based classification systems
sca1es, juxtaposition and spatial patterns of habitats (e.g., habitat types; Pfister and Arno 1980) and con-
are important (e.g., Iverson ~tal. 1987). Temporally, cepts (e.g., potential natural vegetation [PNV]; Kuchler
the definition of habitat is even more complex. Again, 1964) are popular. In highly modified landscapes con-
scales vary from almost instantaneous (e.g., the timing cepts, however, concepts like PNV become abstract as
of ice breakup in the Arctic) to millennia! (e.g. , the pro- none of the vegetation within a study area may exist
cesses of erosion and deposition that create soils, caves, in its putative potential condition (Zerbe 1998). For

these reasons, looked at objectively, succession is often process, we discuss and label this process as part of a
a problematic concept, but one that has proved useful separate body of literature. Similarly, we are prone to
in many communities and without which our ability view what we do as being more of a disturbance than
to study systems and build predictive models would be what other organisms do. For example, beavers (Cas-
severely limited. However, regardless of its historical tor canadensis) instigate a variety of disturbances (tree
validity, there is good reason to doubt its relevance as a felling, house and dam construction), oftentimes re-
tool to predict future habitat conditions; the likelihood moving all accessible trees from the area adjacent to
of rapid directional climate change and the increasing their pond (Martell et al. 2006) and thereby creating
presence of exotic species compromise our ability to a shifting pattern of disturbance that can, over many
use past patterns to predict the future. Another con- generations, affect large areas (Naiman et al. 1986).
cept, community assembly theory, which views com- . However, studies of beaver activity are seldom framed
munities as being the result of a continuous process of or titled as being disturbance studies.
species invasion and extinction (Lodge 1993), may be By choosing to concentrate our studies on mid-scale
more germane. disturbances, such as fires, and the subsequent changes
in habitat, we have, unfortunately, also chosen events
that occur at temporal scales that are inconvenient-
Dist urba nce and Its Re lationshi p to
postdisturbance successional trajectories frequently
W ildlife Com mun it ies
require many years to evolve. To study these processes,
Defin ing Disturban ce
it is therefore necessary either to set up very long-term
The spatial scaling of habitat, including the habitat studies or trade space for time, with its associated as-
patch structure generated by disturbance, is ultimately sumptions and weaknesses. As noted earlier, trading
defined by the grain at which specific organisms per- space for time requires the assumption of a high de-
ceive the world (Kotliar and Wiens 1990) and opera- gree of similarity and transferability across disturbance
tionally defined at some arbitrary time scale. Thus, events and subsequent recoveries. Given these con-
disturbances also are subject to these same scalings: straints, there are two types of disturbances that occur
an event that constitutes a significant disturbance for at scales and with frequencies that allow both study
a woodland salamander (e.g. , Ensetina sp.) may be of and reasonable transferability: anthropogenic changes
little importance to a wolverine (Gulo gulo). Thus, such as logging and land conversion, and fires; a great
when we consider disturbance ecology, we should ide- deal of what we identify as the study of disturbance
ally begin with operational environment of the affected therefore concerns these types of distu rbances. Likely
organisms, clearly identify the time frame of interest, for these reasons, and based on practical considerations
and define disturbances accordingly. This, however, is such as the ease of aging trees and hence inferring past
seldom done. When we consider disturbance, we often disturbance events, this body of literature has a strong
have a particular scale in mind, generally an intermedi- bias toward the study of forested systems.
ate scale. When we label events as disturbances, we en- In addition to often being appropriate in scale, an-
vision events such as hurricanes or forest fires and par- thropogenic disturbance is highly researchable because
ticularly anthropogenic activities such as logging, land we seek to control many aspects of our disturbances.
clearing, and infrastructure development: scientific For example, in forestry we apply standardized silvicul-
articles that claim to study disturbance overwhelm- tural treatments: a clear-cut treatment, in addition to
ingly study these types of events. However, this scale is removing all trees, generally will also include removal
not the organism's scale; rather, it is our scale. In part, of residual debris and soil scarification, leaving a fairly
this is simply a matter of semantics: how we define homogenous postdisturbance environment that is
disturbance rather than what we study. For example, replicated across multiple treatment areas. Treatment
we study the effects of tree-fall and subsequent forest blocks also tend to be of similar size-both econom-
gap dynamics on wildlife; Forsman eta!. (2010) found ics and policy dictate this. On Forest Service lands in
eleven studies of gap effects on forest birds. However, the United States, for example, clear-cut treatments
while forest gap' formation is an obvious disturbance have for many years been limited in size and spacing

to ten to twenty ha blocks interspersed with uncut ar- disinterest-is the norm not just for studies of topical
eas (Franklin and Forman 1987). They also occur at natural disasters but is pervasive across disturbance
relatively fixed rates across time and space because types. As noted by Fontaine and Kennedy (2012), in a
we desire fairly constant flows of products supplied recent meta-analysis of fire effects on small mammals
to a fixed array of mills. Thus, a system of clear-cuts and birds, the meta-analysis was limited to short-term
is a much more regularized disturbance pattern than (four years or less) responses because data "at longer
would occur naturally, and for scientific study, these time scales were too sparse to permit quantitative as-
regularizing factors allow us to achieve a level of rep- sessment" (Fontaine and Kennedy 2012, abstract).
lication that is generally absent in natural events. Of
natural disturbances, fires are probably the most ideal ANTHROPOGENIC DISTURBANCE

for study. In fire-prone areas, fires occur frequently Within the constraints noted by Fontaine and Kennedy
enough to be grouped based on covariates such as in- (2012; taxa limited to small mammals and birds and ef-
tensity, aspect, and pre-fire vegetation. Thus, fires form fects to the period immediately following disturbance),
another major class of disturbance studies. In addition there are still hundreds ofpublished papers document-
to these two heavily studied classes of disturbance, a ing the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on wildlife.
third major group of published studies concerns distur- Luckily, there has been a series of recent meta-analyses
bance events that we perceive as being "natural disas- that provide both syntheses of these papers' findings
ters": hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, and so forth. and extensive bibliographic references. Kalies et a!.
(2010) performed a meta-analysis of twenty-two papers
on the effects of thinning, prescribed burns, and some
Wildlife Studies Associated
wildfire on birds and rodents in the American South-
with Disturbance
west. Not all species or taxa were equally represented;
Formal studies of the effects of disturbances on wild- birds were most commonly studied. Spatial scalJs were
life are almost exclusively limited to the immediate small (less than four hundred ha) and temporally close
aftermath of the event. This phenomenon is perhaps to the treatment (twenty years or less posttreatment).
most apparent in the study of natural disasters. For ex- Ground-foraging birds and rodents showed neutral
ample, a Coogle Scholar search on "Hurricane Hugo" density responses to the treatments, whereas aerial,
revealed a total of thirteen journal publications on tree, and bole-foraging birds had positive or neutral
the hurricane's effects on animals, of which ten (77%) responses to both small-diameter removal and burn-
were published within the first five years. However, few ing treatments but negative responses to overstory re-
studies are currently underway; I was not able to locate moval and wildfire. Hartway and Mills (2012) looked at
a single journal article with animal responses to Hurri- a variety of anthropogenic treatments to increase nest
cane Hugo as the primary subject published after 2002. success, including prescribed burns (nineteen stud-
This pattern is not limited to the study of wildlife: of ies, fifty-two species). They also evaluated the effects
seventy-two identi£ed journal publications on all sub- of livestock exclusion, prescribed burning, removal of
jects concerning the effects of Hurricane Hugo, sixty- predators, and removal of cowbirds (Molothrus ater).
seven (83%) were published in the first five years, and Of the four treatments, prescribed burning was not the
none were published after 2008. Given that changes most effective but did significantly increase nest suc-
in vegetation wrought by Hugo will affect habitat in cess for most species, though there was a large amount
various ways for hundreds of years, there is no biologi- of variation between species groups. Specifically, preco-
cal rationale for this spate of studies of the exceedingly cial bird species were negatively affected by prescribed
ephemeral habitat conditions associated with its imme- burning. Vanderwel et a!. (2007) performed a meta-
diate aftermath coupled with low levels of interest asso- analysis of the effects of partial cutting on forest birds.
ciated with the still rapidly evolving habitat conditions All forty-two studies examined the effects of cutting
that currently exist. Further, this pattern - frequent ten years or less after harvest. Of the thirty-four bird
studies immediately after the disturbance followed by species studied, fourteen declined with increasing bar-

vest intensity and six increased. Not surprisingly, deep erality of the pattern observed by Hossack et al. (2013)
forest birds such as ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla) and is unknown.
brown creepers (Certhia americana) were the species
most sensitive to harvesting.
General Strengths and Weaknesses of
Disturbance-Related Meta-analyses
Similar to anthropogenic disturbances, a number of Throughout these meta-analyses, a general pattern
recent meta-analyses document the effects of fire on emerges: bird response to disturbance is much more
wildlife. Not all of these meta-analyses separate natural heavily studied than is mammal response-confin-
fire from anthropogenic treatments such as thinning ing their scope to the effects of fire alone, Leidolf and
or prescribed burns. For example, Zwolak (2009) per- Bissonette (2009) identify 512 studies on birds-and
formed a meta-analysis of fire clear-cutting and partial mammal study is almost exclusively limited to small
cutting on small mammal populations. Of the fifty-six mammals. The general paucity of habitat disturbance
studies used in the meta-analysis, most (fifty-four) doc- studies for mammals other than small mammals is
umented short-term changes. Only eleven documented likely due to several factors . Perhaps the most critical
longer-term (ten to twenty years after the disturbance) factor is that for larger mammals, home range sizes
effects (Zwolak 2009, supplemental , appendix A). and/or densities are not compatible with abundance
Zwolak found that deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) estimation within disturbance classes. Another is that
increased and red-backed voles (Myodes gapperi) de- they are far more difficult to locate and count than are
creased after disturbance, with the effect size increas- small mammals and particularly birds. Even for small
ing with rising disturbance intensity. These patterns re- mammals, there is no approach that provides as effi-
laxed as time since disturbance increased. Fontaine and cient an estimate of occurrence and relative abundance
Kennedy (2012) performed a meta-analysis of forty- as a bird point-count. Thus, specific disturbance studies
one papers, documenting the short-term effects of fire of many mammalian species of interest such as large
and fire surrogates on small mammals and birds. They, carnivores are impeded both by the utilization of large
like Zwolak (2009), found that postdisturbance effects areas that likely exceed areas of disturbance and diffi-
on the abundance of species increased with increasing culties in obtaining sufficient sample sizes. The effects
fire severity. A total of 119 bird species and 17 small of disturbance on other groups such as herptofauna are
mammal species were analyzed by Fontaine and Ken- far less studied.
nedy (2012). While generalizations across this broad of In addition to being limited in types of species ana-
a group are difficult, in many ways their results mirror lyzed, meta-analyses are weakened by the need to re-
those of Vanderwel et al. (2007) and Zwolak (2009) : duce studies to groups that can be evaluated based on
the largest positive effect was on deer mice in severe a common metric (effect size) and common covariates
burns whereas forest birds such as ovenbirds and her- such as time since disturbance. While such grouping
mit thrush ( Catharus guttatus) were negatively affected. is necessary, all disturbances are not created equal ;
Interestingly, brown creepers were positively affected postdisturbance abundances may be correlated with
by moderate intensity disturbances. While the period abundances within the general landscape (e.g., Bretons
immediately following disturbance may exhibit the et al. 2005), a covariate that is generally missing from
most profound shifts in structure and composition with disturbance studies. Similarly, the effects of past distur-
a relaxation toward the predisturbance state over time bances may have altered systems leading to different re-
(e.g., Zwolak 2009), this is not always the case. Hos- sponses to the studied disturbance when viewed across
sack et al. (2013), studying salamander response to fire many systems. Fox (2011), for example, notes that dry,
in Montana, found little change in abundance during disturbance-prone grasslands generically have fewer
the period immediately after wildfire but significant granivores than other grasslands; these systems would
declines seven to twenty-one years after disturbance. therefore be expected to have different responses to any
Because we lack very many long-term studies, the gen- specific fire because they are already adapted to the oc-

currence of frequent fires. Assuming that a species can the first five years after the burn. However, unlike other
persist through a disturbance and within the immedi- taxa, some bird species are specifically adapted to these
ate postdisturbance landscape, likely the postdistur- immediate postfire cond itions, making their study in
bance vegetative trajectory is more important than the these environments especially useful. Notable among
time since disturbance. Monamy and Fox (2000), for the bark insectivores is the black-backed woodpecker
example, found that recolonization trajectories for an (Picoides arcticus). This species colonizes burned areas
old forest specialist differed between two fires based within one year after a fire, occupies burned areas for
on time since disturbance but that the two h·ajectories three to five years, and peaks in density around three
were concordant when vegetative trajectory rather years after fire (Caton 1996; Saab et al. 2007). Outside
than time was evaluated. This pattern appears logical of this window, when postfire environments are opti-
and is likely general. If this is the case, then standard mal, black-backed woodpeckers are difficult to locate
approaches to successional studies where time since and are distributed diffusely feeding, opportunistically,
disturbance is used to characterize organism response on recently killed trees (Tremblay et al. 2010, Dudley
are likely produce weaker results than studies that mea- et al. 2012).
sure vegetative conditions directly.

Bird Studies Where Eva lu ation Close to the Defin ing Succession
Disturbance Event is Essential
Succession is an idea that emerged in the late 1800s
Clearly, more common and replicable sorts of dis- and was championed by Clements (1916). He en-
turbance, like fire, will be more likely to engender visioned the process as an orderly series of plant as-
meaningful adaptations. However, even for common semblages from the point of initiation through to the
disturbance types, such as fire in dry environments, im- "climax," a stable state. Just as we define distJrbance
mediate postfire conditions will be relatively rare on as events that we find disturbing given our viewpoint,
the landscape. To take advantage of these conditions, similarly, we tend to consider succession in terms of
population responses must be quick and the organisms processes that scale reasonably to our lifetimes. For
need either to be common enough to be on or adjacent these reasons, the genesis of succession as a concept
to the fire when it occurs or to be mobile enough to began with the observations of the dynamics of forests
find these disturbances quickly so as to take advantage (Clements 1916) and is most commonly still evoked in
of the ephemeral postdisturbance environment. It is this context. A great deal of thinking about this con-
not surprising that, for example, deer mice show large cept has occurred since Clements wrote "Plant Succes-
increases in postfire environments. They are general- sion: An Analysis of the Development of Vegetation"
ists and therefore present in the area, can reproduce in 1916, but the underlying ideas have remained re-
rapidly, and normally favor bare areas over dense grass markably stable. Primarily, the concept has been em-
(Pearson et al. 2001) and should therefore prosper in bellished, incorporating ideas such as "secondary" suc-
postfire environments. Similarly, avian species, being cession, in which initiation contains elements of the
highly mobile, can locate desired environments includ- predisturbance ecosystem, and various "disclimaxes,"
ing recent disturbances and can evolve to take advan- where an area is prevented from evolving into its pre-
tage of these conditions. For these reasons, the study sumed true climax by processes such as freque nt dis-
of avifauna in postfire environments is both active turbance or grazing (see Meeker and Merkel1984 for
and biologically appropriate. Saab and Powell (2005), a discussion). As mentioned previously, succession has
in a review of literature on over two hundred species retained popularity in many fields, particularly where
of birds and their associations with fire, showed that ecosystems are simple and primarily composed of na-
aerial, ground, and bark insectivores clearly favored tive species. Even in these simple systems, however,
recently burned habitats whereas foliage gleaners pre- there is a great deal of variability in these trajectories
ferred unburned habitats. As with other studies, virtu- due to the effects of pathogens and increasingly due to
ally all of the 'associated papers evaluated effects within novel weather patterns owing to climate change. For

example, Rehfeldt et al. (2009) showed that histori- phenomena across broad scales of space and time are
cally novel weather patterns, but patterns that are pre- necessarily Gleasonian, whereas fields that study small,
dicted to become increasingly common in the future, local phenomena tend to be Clemensian (Horta! et al.
immediately preceded major aspen (Po pulus tremuloi- 2012). The effects of rapid directional climate change
des) die-offs in Colorado. on this debate are to shrink the spatiotemporal domain
One critical aspect of successional thinking is that, across which constancy is a reasonable conceit. We are
although the initiation conditions might vary as would, relatively sure that climates will change significantly
to a certain extent, the trajectory toward climax con- over the next several centuries and that climate change
ditions, the climax conditions are invariant. As Horn is already affecting ecosystems, but our understandings
(1975) noted, an invariant steady state is a property of both the detail s of local climate change and, even
of stochastic systems with constant transition proba- more critically, the eHects of these changes on habitat
bilities (Markov chains). Usher (1979) observed that and the wildlife that these habitats support are vague
if succession is described as a Markov process, then (Walther et al. 2002). This uncertainty is obviously in-
transition probabilities are likely not constant and will creased by the continuous entry of additional exotic
be affected by many fac tors such as population pro- species whose interactions with current ecosystems
cesses. Cadenasso et al. (2002), for example, showed are largely unknown. There is a school of thought that
that levels of mammal herbivory play a key role in believes that these specifics, when taken together, are
early successional trajectories of old fields. With many important enough to render the entire concept of suc-
exotic species entering ecosystems, the probability of cession suspect (Ricklefs 2008).
unforeseen biological feedback obviously increases.
For example, the successional trajectories of western
Wildlife Research on the Effects
North American grasslands to disturbance have been
of Succession
radically altered by the introduction of a plethora of ex-
otic plant species. In western Montana, spotted knap- The overwhelming number of disturbance papers that
weed (Centaurea maculosa) has occupied vast areas to measure immediate postdisturbance responses and
the detrimen t of both native bunch grasses and native the associated lack of longer-term studies dictates that
forbs (Callaway et al. 1999). In an effort to control the direct study of the site-level effects of succession
knapweed, exotic gall flies were introduced. They failed are sparse to nonexistent. One of the few cases where
to control the knapweed but instead became super- long-term studies on primary successional dynamics
abundant, leading to a variety of secondary trajectories are ongoing is within the area affected by the pyroclas-
involving increased densities of deer mice and associ- tic explosion of Mount Saint Helens (e.g., Spear eta!.
ated hantavirus (Pearson and Callaway 2006). These 2012). Because large-scale population-level studies of
grass systems continue to be inundated by new exotics the effects of succession on wildlife are difficult and
(e.g., leafy spurge [Euphorbia esula]) and with climate seldom done, most of our understandings of forest
change, other species, such as yellow star-thistle (Cen- succession on wildlife are associated with habitat use
taurea solstitialis ), common in adjacent states, may gain data. For example, we know that some species have
foothold. strong associations with certain habitats and that these
For a system to move in an orderly manner from dis- habitats are related to disturbance. The Florida sand
turbance toward a steady-state climax, both the species skink (Plestiodon reynoldsi), for example, is obligately
involved and the climatic background need to remain associated with Florida scrub habitat (Schrey et al.
constant. This strong requirement for constancy was 2011), a cover type that requires high-intensity fire on
first challenged by Gleason (1927), who argued that a a five-to-eighty-year time scale (Laessle 1958). Know-
plethora of factors lead to unique postdisturbance tra- ing this habitat association, we can infer the relation-
jectories. In the eighty-three years that have elapsed ship between this species and succession. Given this
since Gleason's paper was published, the use and accep- constraint - that we understand habitat relationships
tance of successional concepts has split along disciplin- and know the disturbance regime associated with a
ary lines: disciplines like phytogeography that evaluate particular vegetative community-there is a vast lit-

erature on the effects of succession on wildlife (see reasonable to ask whether it is a necessary approach.
Hunter and Schmiegelow 2011 for a recent review) . We could, rather than seek to quantify the specific
Interestingly, a great deal of this work focuses on the effects of specific disturbances, endeavor to design
two ends of the successional spectrum: early succes- studies that would allow comparison and generality
sional conditions associated with the immediate af- between disturbances. In the case of hurricanes on the
termath of disturbances and the study of a variety of eastern coast of the United States, for example, rather
organisms that are dependent on old forests. This may than studying the effects of Hugo, one could ask how
be because organisms of interest are associated with much the immediate postdisturbance conditions re -
these two seres. For ungulates, likely the most heavily lated to Hugo resemble those of other recent strong
studied mammal group, the general understanding is "Cape Verde-type" hurricanes that made landfall on
that early sera! environments are preferred due to both the southeastern coast of the United States (e.g., Fran
the encouragement of forage and increased forage nu- (1996]; Floyd (1998]; Isabel (2003]). One paper, Rit-
tritional content (e.g., Hobbs and Spowart 1984), and tenhouse et al. (2010), attempted to place the effects
a great deal of focus is therefore on the generation and of hurricanes in a broader context, including both
maintenance of these conditions. Similarly, because immediate poststorm effects and overall changes in
very old forests are in decline worldwide, dependent species composition for birds. Rittenhouse used the
species often follow this trend and may become endan- North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS; Link and
gered. Species such as the spotted owl (Strix occiden- Sauer 1998) to infer species abundance patterns for
talis) and red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) the period 1967-2005. This period included a number
have become iconic in this regard (Bart and Forsman of hurricane landfalls, notably Hurricane Hugo (Sep-
1992; Ligon et al. 1986). These older forests are not tember 1989). Study areas were chosen based on the
only in decline but often are associated with higher intersection of hurricane tracks and a time series of
levels of biological diversity when compared to earlier annual or biennial satellite imagery. The main effect of
seres (e.g., Diaz et al . 2005). The emphasis on early hurricanes was seen in the year immediately following
sera! and old growth forests is also due to a perceived the hurricane, where modest decreases in abundance
overabundance of mid-aged forests owing to a variety of and increases in species richness were similar across
human activities. Under natural disturbance regimes, focal areas. Interestingly, although hurricanes caused
forest age structures frequently follow negative expo- a threefold increase in the extent of disturbed forest
nential or Weibull distributions (Van Wagner 1978), within the focal areas, this factor was associated with
or distributions containing significant areas of both changes in community similarity for only three of the
old forest and areas that have recently been disturbed. thirteen avian groups examined and was not associated
Conversely, human-caused disturbance generally leads with patterns of avian abundance or species richness.
to truncated age distributions and can simultaneously Rittenhouse et al. (2010) attribute the lack of rela-
decrease early sera! conditions through activities such tionships between disturbance levels and population
as fire suppression (e.g., Betts et al. 2010). responses to landscape scale heterogeneity; refuges
were present in areas where intact forests were the pre-
disturbance land cover. This understanding is similar
Disturbance Viewed in a Landscape
to that of Brotons et al. (2005), who found that local
Context: Stud ies of Both Disturbance
abundances in areas exterior to disturbances affected
and Succession
postdisturbance abundances within the disturbed
In the case of black-backed woodpeckers, postfire con- area. Thus, to understand postdisturbance trajectories,
ditions are clearly essential habitat, but for many other evaluating the larger landscape may be essential. While
species these environments are rare and noncritical. Rittenhouse et al. (2010) were able to analyze data at
However that may be, based orr this review, it is clear spatial and temporal scales sufficient to infer general-
that targeted studies of disturbance occur almost ex- ized relationships, studying disturbances at this scale
clusively during the immediate aftermath of the event. is difficult and was only possible in this case because
While it is clear that this has been our approach, it is of the presence of the BBS, which is relatively unique

both in its longevity and in its spatially comprehensive- clear. In some cases, low-severity fire appears to have
ness. However, even though Rittenhouse eta!. (2010) little effect (Roberts et al. 2011). Clark eta!. (2013)
were able to apply forty years of BBS data, because hur- associated negative effects with fire, but sites they
ricanes occurred sequentially within the time period, studied had been burned and salvage logged, and pre-
statistical statements were limited to a period within fire timber harvest had occurred. Due to sample size
ten years after disturbance. constraints, Clark et al . (2013) could not separate an-
A rare example of a meta-analysis of both distur- thropogenic and natural disturbance factors. Further,
bance and succession is found in Schieck and Song while Franklin et al. (2000) found short-term negative
(2006). They performed a meta-analysis of studies on effects, the heterogeneous fire-generated landscape
boreal forest birds for a period of 0 - 125 years after of northwestern California featured high reproduc-
disturbance. Interestingly, they found that while bird tive and survival rates (Franklin eta!. 2000)-the fire
communities changed after a disturbance, composition mosaic in general appeared to produce excellent owl
changes were largely associated with numbers of oc- habitat. In short, the relationship between spotted owls
currences rather than actual changes in species com- and disturbance is complex and our understandings
position. All species with measurable counts (greater are still very nebulous. Using derived information to
than five) were present in all forest types. The ability of conserve spotted owls into the future is also compli-
organisms to persist in all forest types and conditions cated by the twin factors of climate change and exotic
obviates the need to colonize areas except for after the species introduction. Owl demographics are sensitive
most extreme events. It also suggests that immediate both to regional climate and local weather (Glenn et al .
postfire abundance studies may not provide informa- 2010). Further, fire frequency is anticipated to increase
tive data on the landscape- level responses of popula- in the Pacific Northwest with climate change (Mc-
tions to disturbance and succession. Kenzie et al. 2004 ). Lastly, the invasion of the :barred
owl (Strix varia) is having a profound negative effect
on spotted owl demographics across its range (Dug-
Species Relationships to Disturbance and
ger et al. 2011), fundamentally changing the expected
Succession: The Case of the Spotted Owl
population responses to specific vegetative patterns. In
Given the current approach of conducting largely inde- short, the spotted owl provides a case study in all of
pendent and descriptive studies of postdisturbance or- the complexities highlighted in this paper. The effects
ganism response, it is reasonable to ask how well these of disturbance are complex, depending both on time
studies composite into generalized understandings fo r since disturbance and the scale at which the question
any organism. The spotted owl, being one of the most is asked. Effects of any specific type of disturbance are
heavily studied species, provides a good example of the difficult to quantify because, at the scale of spotted owl
difficulties associated with determining the relation- home ranges, a variety of disturbance types have often
ships between an organism and disturbance while ap- occurred: fire, logging, and postfire salvage. Lastly, our
plying this methodology. As mentioned previously, the understandings concerning the effects of postdistur-
spotted owl has become an iconic organism represent- bance succession on the quality of spotted owl habitat
ing an old forest obligate (Bart and Forsman 1992), and have been fundamentally altered by the invasion of an
for this reason, the long-term viability of owls in fi re- exotic competitor.
prone forests has been questioned (Spies et al. 2006).
However, spotted owls exist in a wide variety of for-
Approaches to the Problem
ests, including some that are highly modified (Thome
eta!. 1999). Short-term relationships to anthropogenic It is clear that our traditional approaches, involving
disturbance have been highly studied, with uniformly primarily small-scale, short-duration descriptive stud-
negative relationships (e.g., Fors~an et al. 1984; Frank- ies within disturbed areas (and sometimes including
lin eta!. 2000), except where the dominant prey are undisturbed control areas), while producing much
woodrats (Neotoma fusc ipes; Thome et a!. 1999). Fire knowledge of local importance, do not provide a co-
is much less heavily studied, and the effects are less herent approach to increasing our knowledge of the

more general effects of disturbance and succession on collect appropriate data to assess biological processes
wildlife. It is equally clear that the traditional approach across broader spatiotemporal domains. Because of the
of trading space for time to study succession is becom- high level of scientific design associated with targeted
ing less and less tenable due to the increasing pool of monitoring, intermediate short-term products can
exotic organisms and the directional nature of climate both increase the immediate utility of the monitoring
change. What is less clear is how to move forward in and provide feedback on its overall efficacy. Secondly,
a manner that leads to more rapid increases in our monitoring efforts should take advantage of new tech-
knowledge of these processes while existing in a world nologies and, specifically, genetic sampling (Schwartz
that is in a rapid state of biological flux. The simple et al. 2007). Not only do these methods often provide
answer is to expand our studies in both space and time. the least expensive approach to sampling species (e.g.,
This would allow the formalization of the context in Kendall and McKelvey 2008), but genetic data are
which disturbance occurs, including the effects of nearly unique in that, if the samples are retained, these
landscape pattern and habitat juxtaposition, and would samples can be reanalyzed at a later date. Even without
avoid invoking constancy assumptions to infer future the formal retention of genetic data, the past collection
states. There are, however, major problems associated of materials that contain genetic data has allowed ret-
with this approach. The first is cost. Increasing the rospective studies of populations. For example, Miller
size and duration of a study quadratically increases the and Waits (2003) were able to retrospectively calculate
costs. Further, funding large, long-term projects is diffi- the effective population size of grizzly bears in Yellow-
cult given the competitive grant paradigm under which stone National Park by analyzing 110 museum speci-
a large proportion of science is funded. Competitive mens collected between 1912 and 1981. Because of this
grants generally have both spending and time limits ability to retrospectively analyze data collected in the
that preclude their direct utility for long-term fund- past, genetically based monitoring is less depe!"ldent on
ing; long-term studies are often patched together by current technologies than are most other m6nitoring
acquiring multiple grants, often from different sources. approaches. With genetic data, new technologies can
Additionally, there are many ways that these programs be applied to extant samples, allowing a fully modern
can fail and many examples of historical fai lures due analysis of all data regardless of collection time. This
to funding drying up, data loss due to inadequate ar- ability also provides a safeguard against data loss and
chiving, failures to maintain quality control across time allows post-hoc testing quality controls: assays can be
and space, and poor initial designs leading to the collec- repeated both to recover data and to ensure that the
tion of large quantities of relatively useless data. Lastly, original analyses were correct.
there is the strong, but often unacknowledged , power
of serendipity associated with many independent stud-
ies. The ability to capture serendipity is decreased if
scientific resources divert from a large number of There has been little to no attempt in the literature to
small, highly independent studies and commit to a view disturbance in terms of the operational environ-
small number of highly directed, long-term projects. ment of the studied species; we define disturbances
There are, however, approaches that merge the at anthropocentric scales. While this is biologically
fields of science and monitoring and which may prove problematic, it is so ubiquitous that it is impossible to
useful in documenting landscape-level changes asso- write a review article without also adopting this con-
ciated with disturbance and subsequent succession. ceit. However, given this constraint, there is a vast body
Targeted monitoring (Yoccoz et a!. 2001; Nichols and of literature associated with both the effects of distur-
Williams 2006) combines principles of scientific de- bance and succession on wildlife. However, due both
sign including clearly articulated goals and specified er- to practicalities and interest levels, the vast majority
ror levels with the large-scale; long-term requirements of specific studies on the effects of disturbance focus
for biological monitoring. Increasing the proportion of on the period immediately postdisturbance; few stud-
monitoring that is specifically targeted could allow a ies extend beyond five years postdisturbance. Further,
reallocation of extant long-term funding into efforts to most studies are small in scope and are not designed to

test concepts; most generalizations are based on com- sociated wildlife communities were following expecta-
positing these small-scale primary studies through lit- tions as well as when and where systems were changing
erature reviews and meta-analyses, of which there are in unexpected ways.
many. However, as the case of the spotted owl demon-
strates, it is difficult, even with many largely unrelated
small-scale studies of specific areas, to generate coher-
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