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generations of clergymen to the Anglican church.


smaller streams and are thus thoroughly brought into contact

every man has different perceptions, and, further, arranges

a dry climate, are the dead, clad and surrounded with food,

The Produce of British Crops.

running from east to west, the southern from north to south, the

The discovery of the aberration of light in 1725, due to James

vessels. Clerks to pay officers are appointed by the

tar-colours. Most members of this class of colouring matters

Downs. The young classes for bullocks were established in

B.V. Bene vale, Bene vixit, Bonus vir.

number of pamphlets are indispensable for those who intend to

The altar is a board on four wooden pillars having upon

Bunting), took a prominent part in Liberal Nonconformist

Alfred. Later in the reign the North Welsh followed their

Alphonso III., who captured Algarve from the Moors in 1253.

which is gradually enlarging its sphere of influence in the

away, or detain any such woman under the age of twenty-one,

hour, fell in a field near Gonesse, about 15 m. off, and

In 1872 Airy conceived the idea of treating the lunar theory

of dyeing and weaving, breweries, and does a considerable

Artibus Romanorum of Eraclius and the Schedula Diversarum

There are, around the coast, numerous islands or groups of

lieutenant-colonel, went to the Horse Guards, where in 1852

absorption of pleural effusions, heart disease, anaemia and

6. Manufacture of Caustic Soda.--Most of the Leblanc liquor

world. There the Septuagint was produced. The early Ptolemies

a ``catch-crop,'' i.e. rye, vetches, winter-oats or some

The disciplinary jurisdiction at one time exercised by

Among insects the most numerous and useful is the bee, honey

Islamism and the latter refused to pay tribute. He encountered

See Robert Nisbet Bain, The First Romanovs (London, 1905). (R. N. B.)

Sup. (Supra), Above.

wall. A flat surface was formed partly by smoothing off the

brazing and the blowpipe in the Cordilleran provinces are

boarding-school. In 1730 he entered the Mazarin College

Khorasan, and obtained possession of the Persian throne in

is identical with phycophaein: two varieties of it have

he substituted the thin ethereal fluid which he believed to

1903 63 1478 7,933

in 1519, is in the late Gothic style; a delicately carved

critic, and was in the custom of committing to writing

(1888; 2nd ed., 1904), of the Poems (1897) of Thomas Hood,

send letters twice a year to the kings of Abyssinia and Nubia,

strictly, for putting it into such a physical condition that

she is practically identical with Copia, Annona and similar

is now rather to be found in social, political and natural

agricultural produce is held there. Sixty-three miles S.W.

Africa, and the efforts made to supplement the insufficient and

atmosphere. John Welsh (1824-1859) of the Kew Observatory was


insecticides to destroy fruit and vegetable pests,--such are

that the islands were rich in fur-bearing animals. Siberian

are essential to distinguish them, the original causes of

then made his home in England, where he became prominent as a

Crete, the shaft-graves in the Mycenae circle, the Vaphio tomb,

the Greek alphabet must long precede any Phoenician record we

ABOR HILLS, a tract of country on the north-east frontier of

Apostelgesch. im Lichte der neueren Forschungen (Giessen,

as the best possible, Baumgarten concluded that nature is

solution. Abdur Rahman left on those who met him in India

for a normal person, who nevertheless carries the character

a successor of the Bannatyne and Maitland clubs, founded

exporting not only agricultural products but textile fabrics and

necessary. Geological evidence shows that this gap was

AUTHORITIES.--Nicetas Acominatus, George Acropolites, Nicephorus Gregoras;

la frontiere des Alpes (written in 1777, but publ. in 1875

Characeae. Sometimes several pyrenoids occur in each

just so strong a positive aberration (``under-correction,''

16th century the almuce had become definitely established as

of death,'' just as Adam and Eve at first believed that the

States has flucuated greatly. On the whole, however, the

form, but the state altogether, whether it be a monarchy

found a school of natural science for artisans at Bologna.

to the Hellenes, that liberation of the Greek cities of Asia

received the Fatimites, and passed under various Moslem

the statute of Merton and the statute of Westminster the

time to legal studies. He lectured at Kufa upon canon law

rock, the product of weathering agencies in the area which they

name of koro-pok-guru (men with sunken places). These

in most respects that given in France. (The lycees at

the Macta (June 1835). This defeat shook public opinion.

B C. and make it coincident with the incursion of northern

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